1$ Then Subscribe tor the I - GAZETTE." j t Eree Brand Column. ; DO YOU WANT THE WORTH OF EIGHTH YEAH. IIE1TNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 5. 181)1. NO. 4lf. o o THE GAZETTE. OTIS P.VTI r.USON Proprietor V.VWriSI! CUAWFOItD Itus. Maimiiei A fS.ttl per year, fur six months, tO.I l.ttt rue mnntns; in advance. If naiil for at tht end of nil mouths, j'lfxJ a year will be churned. ADVEllTlBiyO BATES. 1 inch, single ooluinu, per mnuth f LSI 2 " " " " f. " lift R.M ....15.01! DOUBLE COLUMS. inches J I " : J-1" 4 column K " 15(" Loral advert isinK loc per line. Kuch iubse quell'. ::i-erli..ii ul lniir rates. S Pfliinnv l-tt.v rnor Boc of StiiLe Tronwirer Pm.t. lnHlrnrtiiTi.. JiuIk) ttavniiUi District.. 0 W. Mcllride. ...E. 3. McKlrop. . . ..J. H. Mini. .. ,.V. U. Wilson ....... sun niTTMTV. JointSenator H"" A-juj. Reprew.iib.tive Svi. Wcheli. I'sunmissinners J inorapaou, , ,., U- VuU""- .J. W. Morrow. i,"l',.!,T '. H. Noble. wVr :::::::: j. tSureor... .v. I,.rji. ii.g. ,&.AV:.v:::.vji uhu. II Bl'PNElt TOWN OFFIOUKS. .., Henry lilaokrnar. i oon llMiV. Nels.il. J .. J- Murr' V.: L Mullock, O. li. I'aru.worth. ( . M M Uory and W.J. Mc-At. e. llecorilr. w. J. I,rezer USST. IIEPPIIEK SOCIETIES Don. L.slw No. 211 K. of P. meet, ei AV--A e.yTuesdavevei.iiiKal i.sl) clous in l. fff9f& o.tl. h. Hull. SiijomninB brothers our. VS,TSH diullv iuviteil to a lee... 1 i'. w. ItvonAun. C. (' W . L.. Baling, R. of U. 4 si. t' HA.WL.iNS I'OSl'.N ).!. O. A. K. MeetsatI,o.inBtoi.,Or.,the last Hatnrday of act. month. All veterans are inviud to join. C.C.limin, F. Willis. Adjutant, If Commander. CITIZEN'S ALLIANCE. State OrganUcr, J. P. Hiulley.of Hardman, Or. Address him at this place. A. A. KOBERTSl Heal Estate, Insurance and Collection Office in COUNCIL. CHAMBERS, Heppner, - tt - Oregon jr.N.BKOWN, Attorney at Lav, JAS. D. HAMILTON, Brown & Hamilton Practice in all courts of the state. Insurance real estate, c mum. in a ..i " " " Prompt utlontiou Biven to all badness entmst- Otolll wt Opposite Gazette Qlce, Heppner. tf WHEN YOU WANT EPIrst-Clas) DON'T FORGE 1 Tbnt tbe brat ulnoe to et i i nt tbf &A.ETTE c HOP. Heppner, : tf : Oregon First National Bank OF HErPNEK, . ....... 17IUNK KKI.LOGO. I'r.'..i'd..nt. Vice-President George H7. Conner, Cashier. Triiusncts a Geueml Banking BtiiD8i On all parts of the world Boueht and Sold, Collections made at all points on Rea xonuble Terms. Burrltis nn1 t'i elided 1 1. fils,J19.CC5.C0 .NATIONAL BANK of HE1TXER D. P. TllOSirsON. ED. tt BISHOP. Prrslilcnt. Caviller. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. COLLIiCTIONS Made ou Fiivorable Terms. l-XCHANGU BOUGHT & SOLD HF.PPNER. tf OREGON. L. D. BOYED, CONTIUCTOR AND BUILDER. Special Attention Given to est:maies on an kinds of work. fliOlTlIEM CF 1IEITNER BRICK YARD Office Lower Main Street nt A. M Gunu's n-aiileitPi". ooj-ii. IIEfPXEB, OUEGON. YOU CAS SUBSCRIBE FOR AIMV NEWSPAPER! Hlil IML-VYVJI - Or VouWBiit AT THE GAZETTE SHOP.tf- W. II. UTTER, T A I LOR. OPPOSITE MINOR'S HOTEL, HKPPNER, OB Wort done In the best ir.snner, nd prices to suit the timw. GRANT COUNTY TRADE SOLICITED. UTTGR, 'JCtxo Tailor. The Morrow Co. Land & Trust Co. At nil Stations on the Heppuer Brnncb. Auvl after Sept. loth will ARMOUR'S PA'KIG Which they ship direct in car tu r csr cit I I I U r WIS i ELY BKO'tuana. M rsi piSO'8 ilJiM-EDy FOR CATARRH. Best. Easiest 10 use. Ciheapest KelieJ is iiniuediate. A cure is fe' !j3 certain. For Cold in the Head it lias uo equal. Kg It is an Ointment, of which to tho nostrils. Price, f;0c. t.y man. Auuress, i. THE OREGON LAND CO. with its Homo Office nt Salpm. Or., (in the D.n.,..l nil'inua it. P.trtlti t XJl tl.IV IJ UU.LV.. IJ..'av,. .......... J 1 " large lot of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms, also City and Suburbau Property. aAIIJS OREGON ii . i i. ii WHS spPCiany orgnnizeti ioi me purp.iar; ii uujiutj uuu duuui viding Inrye tracts of land, nnd has, during the past two years, bought m.rt Hiihriivitlpri over 3200 acres of lan.l into rive to twenty ucro tracts. The success of this undertaking is shown ill the fact that out of 280 tracts of land plac ed iu the market, 225 have been sum. We olsim that ten nores "f obn'ce bind in fruit will yibbi n larger income than ltid acres in wheat in the iMihsihhippi valley. We also mnko valuable improvements in the iy of roiidn, fences, etc. We onn ..f I I r.. II, u en.., a i.rirn iwr aura na vt.il CTi.ul.l I.UVA t. .... t.tw. i, tor.ra f.irm Send for pninphlet. miips and pr'ce list. from Terminal or interior Points the 'Mm Pacific RAILEOAD! Is tbe l'ne to take t is tbe DINING CAR HOUl'E. It run Through VESTIBULED TRAINS EVERY PAY IN THE YEAR TO -:AN1): (No Cbaugo of Cars; Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed, ITLLMAN DIIAW1XC ROOM SLEEPERS Of Lalesl Eijuipmcul TouristSleepingCars Best that oan be oonstrncted nnd in which accommodations nre both FREE mid furnished for holders of First' or Second-Class Tickets, and Elegant Day Coachs A Continuous Line oonneotinu'with all Lines, affording Direct aud Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be Secured in advance tlunvyli any uyent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS To and from all points iu America. Eng. . , Eliro(ie ,. ,e purchased at any Ticket Office of this Uonipnuy. Fall information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CFJARLTO:;, Afwiotnnt fienernl Pn.senper Ailenl. Ko. til First St.. for. U ashiiiaton. U. POKTLA.D UMZUVX fo al! Points Eastand South supply the trade only with HOUSE SUPPLIES lots, at lowest wholesale prices, tf ' j i 1 ic - mior I VI. W D I hmm 8U Kew Yorfc. Wco 60 eta. a small particle is applied Fold by drupcists or rent i. Li.vt.Liiii, w urreii, i u. -Stnte Insurance Building), ; ntwl Alln.nv. Imtt fitlHfllH R LAND CO. ci i i,j; QUICK TIME To Sun Frnnciseo and 1 11 points in Cali fornin via I Lie Mount Shasta Route of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. The Great Highway Through California To All Poiifts Hast and South, The Scenio r.oute of Hie Pacific Const PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPEBa. Pullman Toujust Sleeping Caiis nt fuelled to express trniiiR HiTcinlit'p . . . e . . 1 Buperinr nocomm'jui. nous iur beuoou dluas paeaouyers. Fare from Portland toSttcramonlo and San Fran (Inllmltpd, flfP t.iiiiiteil Kirtriw 21 " ' StflMMIfl't'lliNH !o Duion Ticket Offioe No. 134. First St., n. At..,,. 13..-t1.ii.l Am.rrn II. KOEIlLKlt. E. !' KOOEHt), tf fHnaw. Kt f4. ff. n P-i4.,s Depot, Fifth nnd I Streets. For ana. Crr.uip, -arm l:t tiieiii aii. S. O. C i Up. Bloc-wira. Tcla.53.oxa. 33na.gr Co, GrO TO S. C. SMITH'S VOR ALL JobWork&Repairing CLTCO iRDS, TAIJLKsT STANDS, ETC., ETC. - m A FINE LINE Or MOUI.DIM'.S), MIKHOHS AfiO CTJHTAIW POL.ES, lJIKC.-l ri:.. i..r. r.Ai I'll Tri.K FltAMIST. A ril'ECl ALTV. Next dour to W. 0. Ul.N'OU'S, My StrMt. iisr to t hi q-5 Q!!!Tmg0P' SICK JP HEADACHE ,. Tarpld UvijgYCarallpatlon ' -..oV COU'7 For these complalnta take Simmons Liver Reiru later. It keeps tho fetomach clcaranJ prevt uts atiyot t'icatuve iKiisous from gcJtiriff in tho syetctn, or. If there alrciit'y it will drive them out, no matter liowstrougly raited or long-stand in, and you will agaiu have good, health and, be happy. Have you a pain in the Bide, back or under the shoulder-blade ? It in not 1 heu m at ism but dyspepsia Xako Simmons tJvcr ICogulutor. Does your heart throb violontly after unusual exertion or excitement ? It is not heart aiscuso, but indigestion. Tako Simmons Liver Regulator. 'As a master of conceived duty to humanity I trlsh to bear my testimony to the uii.ailuiff virtues of Simmons Liver Regulator. If people could Only know what a splendid medicine it is, there would be many a physician without a patient and many an interminable doctor's bill saved. I con sider it infallible in malarial infection. 1 had. Cop many years, been a perfect physical wreck from a combination of complaints, all the outgrowth of malaria in my system, and, even under the skillful hands of Dr. J. P. Jones, of this city, I had despaired of ever being a well woman again. Simmons Liver Regulator was recommended to Me, I tried it; it helped me, aid it is the only liing that ever did me any good. 1 persevered in ks use and 1 am now in perfect health. 1 know ymir medirine cured me and I alwnvs keep it as a ttlial-le 'standby' in my family." Mas, Mary Kay Camdto, Ala. tTItl Tv"tj ! Rtoo!t rwimla'stho .hr Rttd Ki'lnrt nnd llfUor tb llraltit mil Ipuruf Vtiulh. I t)rtiMjmin, L'ck oi MraiiKth and I ird FeolinRiihfldlutel jo'ireJ.rtimM, musciffl ami iiHrve rrc wa w lurce. r.niivfnatn mioil nd mioi'lies Brnin Powsr. I A 1 8 BuTn pec'ilifirtotliuirsei w.ll HnJ m fa VJf 1 In DR. HARTER'S IPON lJNlUI)llinu mHHl" ro. uivtiK ii cionr, o"H thy 0(tmpliion, Fraiiuent nttmptB nt con titer foitV li - only 'ld to the itorttili'rltr of the orfsfnnl otxierlmBnt-vuttho OHtOP'.AL inrt IIKST. RTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLSX tlputloti. Liver Com i-ul nt and H'th 1 8. 'tuple Uopfl nnd L renin finok i iit of t-nmnt tn postnf, W MD.CU CO.. tt-Loui. Xa SETTLERS s May now File or Hate Final Proof AT LEXINGTON, II KKOHr, rltA.M 11. n.un , l-nlted States Co:nini8ioncr. He Is also prepared to attend to all ntluT biiBincsi relatii.s; to public lands In Morrow County. 410-tf. 'J r... W TQMIC the mum mi Votes Gathered Dy Those Win Are rroyressive. VTPLICABLE TO OUR SECTION. Vml With a View or Riir aitiii tile Stockman Farmer, Iloitlrnl tiit-int. Dairyman, Etc. W0KT1I KNOWING. Rj e and barley sown together m:ike an excellent green fund for cattle. A hole in the olifltpr of stock wastes fced just as trnly as does a hole in the rannry. Alniivs avoid unnecessary expenditure of strength. You will wear out soon enough. Do not borrow money nr.leps yon oin malt it liriag yon a larger per oent. than yo.t piiy. Stock shelte-s should not be crowded. hut one giving room to scrubs is by thi.t much too lame. It is generally best to keep one team well shod dining the winter to useou the rond when slippery. Clinnge tlie feed often enough to keep ill stock with good appetites, They wil' ihiive better on less feed. Show your selfishness to your hired mull nnd lie will show his seltishuess to von. ' Like begets like." "While agriculture is the first nnd noblest of the sciences," stock raising is the right arm of agriculture. m Cits will make a better growth and development if they are given n light fred of ground oats every day. Cold draughts are often productive of coughs or rheumatism. Shut oil draught iy slopping tip the cracks. If yon have the right kind of horses, iho barer will cntne after them; if tin wrong kind, you will have to hunt a buyer. Hatching hens' eggs take twenty-one dnyp; ducks nnd turkeys, twenty eighl days; geese, thirty days. Infertile eggs o.nii never be hutched. and never become rotten. A rotteu egg is a sign that there has beeu a genu ..f life. Soapsuds and kerosene oil are among i he best exteiminators of verniiu, whether iu the vegetable or animal king Join. Contrary to common belief, Jerseys make excellent light beeves. The rueal is tender, juicy and well fl .v .red, and the Jersey steers tu ike good light work nig i xen. It wood nshes are given all Hie hogs regularly the feeder will find that no phioe iu the field aside from the regiilai feeding ppot, lias a greater altracliou for them than the box of ashes. Ii is often the ease that a female of all kinds of stuck is kept for breeding aflei she is too old, beonuse she has lii eo n good breeder. It is not wimloin to breed an animal when beyond the natural i.gi for breeding, as a rule. When feeding for a test, the footi should be iucrci.se. I verv gradually. A mouth is not too long to wait f"r results. If too rapid increase is made it is almiml ceiti.in to cause indigesii.in, of wh'ol l he leiiBt bad tffeot is wiude of food. The broad-tired wagons of forty years aio are coming into fashion i.gnin. They save roads greatly, and iu some ph. ret ihere is n rebate on the toll a very proper thing where they are used About the only drawback to I hem ih thai on Blixpery mud ruids, b tic Ii as ocom alter a light shower, they slide around too much heu the service is not li ve'. On fields nnd meadows they a:e much t. be pieferred to the common narrow tires, which cut up the soil. The report of the Main experiment nt. lion contains some useful cautious p. those who ban. lie iusectioi.le poisons Here they are: (1) They oliould nlwaji- be carefully and distinctly labeled poison, and kept out of the rei.cli of children. (Z) They should never be bundled with bare hiinile, aud u itbout oiling the bands or covering any sores with ooiirt plasier, or still better, usiug gloves. (3) While applying, keep to the windward of the tree; wash thoroughly aftxiwards, and keep children out of the orchard, (4) exclude animals till a heavy ram falls (5) Avoid P.raing on the windward side ol a dwelling or any yard for nni muls. When a hen is given a sitting of eggs they should be tested on the teuth day. aud those not containing chicks maybe removed. The advantage of so doing is that it leaves only those rggs iu Iho nest tbnt are fertile, aud whioh, of course, leaves fewer eggs to be covered. When two or more hens are silting at the same time, nnd the rgus are tested, it may be that all tbe fertile egts will be so reduced as to perm.t of giving them to one heu, thus releasing the other, or ullowiug her to begin with a new clutch. To test the eggs, hold them to a strong light, in a dark loom, shading tbeui wilh Hie hands so ns to look through ihe eggs at tie light Tu dark euiH contain Chicks, but the clear eggs will nut butch. news Foil run fauiiku. 'dilor Gazette; I would like to answer some of A. F 's inestious, if it is not taking too muoh pace. If you see fit. to publish this, or . part of it, all rigbi ; if not, set d to the vimte basket. Before I proceed, I will ell you how tbe weather is here. Suow is 18 inches deep, and still fulling. As to those answers: 1st Corn does pretty well with me. I raise tbe yell. w, as it does best. Onions hav. been a failure- tl. y will not ripen. Ituspberrys, cnrrnnls and gooseberries ..es ell. Blackberries are "no good." Plume, pears aud apples, I thiuk, will well. 1 believe plums does the best ( do not think biinchurnss, us a general lliini!, is good for orchards. My orchuid is on the north slope, with i eep soil. For potatoes, I raise as fine as I ever saw, and of good quality. I refer you to the editor of Ibis pper. I raise I hem u north slope; also, 1 plow them in, bopping iu every third furrow aud then harrow aud roll the ground, nnd do not ulikala them nt nil. I raise from 150 lo 2jU biiBbels to the acre. 1 have written enough for this time. Will Iry again. Tni'y yours, V. 0. L. Health brings happiness. Health nau be secured by taking Simmons Live. ftug.i!ntor. PENDLETON NEWS. Editor Gazette : It's in thenii an eager, quivering ex citement. Yon enn see signs of it iu tbe faces of I hose you pans ou the Blreets, in the quick, energet'o air of tbe peopb yon meet iu the business houses, on III. treet corners every where. Pendleton, the slow, easy gouit', uon 'looming old g, is going to have her "day" at last, is even now on the eve of it. She has looked for it, and longed for it, and hoped f..r it until her patieui heart turned sill, wilh hope deferred, and the most inde fatigable oi izen had almost given ber Up is a hopeless cise. But now: Well, the 'steeulh thousandth yard of red tape iu n li lull the sale of the surplus binds ol llit. Umatilla reservation litis hem sw.ith d by Uncle Sam's "hired meu" at Wash ingtoii, is unwound, and the sale oom ineiics on April 1; the railroad lauds ii ibe county can be taken up as govern ment land under the homeBiead act nii.i title acquired after March 20, The irri gi.liou scheme, projeoted by n party ol Pendleton aud Easier!! oii ilalists, which iv rli bring a vast tract of now praotioall.. useless I.. ad under cultivation, and iu oreiiso the productiveness of that already fanned, is a sure "go" Al.l excuse me t. inomeul; I want to take off my hat anil tliug it high, high into the azure sky, and j .iu with i he teal estate mm iu a bind i.iizzah not because this bootu whiob li- coining will help me a bit's worth, bl.-s.- you, but because the air is so charged with enthusiasm that no otie can esjap. the o intagiou. The city is tilling with strangers, already, and hotel keepers. lestiiiiautuers, lodging house keepers. sidooti keepers, etc, are m king preparn lions, along with the real estate ageuts, to allow no sucker tu escape. The lovers of the "manly nrt" have been enjoying I he treat of a series of free exhibitions iu that line this week, a feniher-weight named Casey, li welter weight named Shelby and Ueorga ttiggi-, rendered fauious by Umatilla county V uraii.l jar), and others, being the actors, there was some pretty ecieutifio sparring done by the combination, whose obiel ambitiou lies iu turning "an honest pen ny" by means of "passing die bat" nt tin close of the peiforipauoe. It looks queei (to a winking man) that these fellovs should prefer the precarious picking oh t .iiie.l by standing up and blacking an. I bruising each othei's faces, to Ibe sub sliiutiid, independent, "while mini's" liv ing they oonld earu if they would pal half the skill, patience, strength and ei - durauoe r. quired ill following the ling, uto some honorable line of work, Bui us "anything but work, oh, Lord!" with some folks. The .'Hijcrs have so far failed to oatcl. .feleis, the U. P. brnkemiin who killed I he Chinese se ction hand in the Pendle ton yards last week, and the prospects .ire they never will. He got too muoh ol a start, aud received ton milch effective assistance, from fellow railionders. Aud then, too, l.is victim w a ouly a China man, mid some people class them 'way b-low cayiiHcs. Liphiheria bag broken out nvniu, in a mil. I form. There are three oases, chisel, quarantined aud doing well. The pa tients are ill tbe family ..f n well-known physio an, who keeps I lie fact of the (lis ease quiet ns long as possible to avoid quarantine. To day he tried to "run the bl'.i k ..lo' nnd come down town, pistol in - 1 h md. but was pniaunued to desist by the eloquence ot M irsluil Morgan. All In now quiet along tbe Potomac, nt.d ill my n. xt letter I expect to be able lo Bay that the quarantine, has been rais'-t. The uuuiber of lady cyolists nre in creasing iu tli3 oity. Four uow ride the machines iu the most approved fashion, and a nu nber are contemplating getting wheels. It is said there will be a ladies' Wheel Club organized in the spring. George Washington, Jb. I used Simmons Liver Hegnlator tor indigestion witti immediate relief. O. (i. S.miUb, Ex-Mayor, Macon. On. Gen. Lovelet was over dom bis Little Wall creek homo, Friday, He reports Mis I .i.velet ns being slightly indisposed, ' but nothing serious. NO I US r'liOH THIS 1AGISLA1 UBE. By T. E. F. Although Senator Blaokman did effici ent work and secured the passage of two bills for wagon road appropriations, whioh wonld give 84,000 to the Hnystaok section nnd $5,000 for the Jobu Day road, the executive veto will deprive us of all benefits in this line. A seoond bill which would cause the appropriation of this wagon road money out of a fund received by tbe state from the general govern men i for this 'peciflo pnrpose, was pass ed, but the governor's exoenlrioities will pr..b dily render it void. This bill wonld have been of great benefit to Morrow and Onint counties, but the representa tive from Morrow voted no on i --probably from force of habit, as he oerlaiuly would uot oppose the iateres sof hisowu county, had be knowu npjn what he was Voting. Morrow county got nothing dur ing this tesaion, with one individual ex ception the county judge s salary was raised. Had this officer been n republi om, the governor would, iu nil proba oility, have vetoed it on the ground that it "increased luxation," his usual argu incut, The Grant county enabling not passed through the house, as there was I o op position, but died on the table iu tbe sen ate for the reason that the representative failed to follow it beyoud the door of the house. It is to be regretted tbnt Senator Ha ley's portage railroad bill failed in the House, after having passed the senate, ns it wonld have been the means of opening the river to Eastern Oregon wheat ship pers. Toe bill was defeated by demo cratic votes iu the house, ns direoted by tbe governor, ot as the Salem Statesman prints it: 'It wnsu't the "senate subsli tnte' that killed the 430 00d portage r.dlway bill. It whb the house that put in a substitute and it was the Eastern Oregon demoorats who killed the sub stitute. There you are in a nutshell. Tbe liaslern On gou fellows out off their noses to spite tluir faoes, in obedience to i he dictates of a bigger boss than Jo,eph Siniou ever aspired to be." The only democrat io seu.itor who did not on all ucoasions vote as the governor liotated, and corporations desired in matters relating tu railroad legislation, was Senator Blackmail ; who, although a little weak at times under the party lash, came nut independently whe.i tha vote waa taken to reoonsider a bill whioli failed to pass, increasing the power of ailioad commissioners. As usual, the assessment nnd taxation oill fin ed to pass. It was evident that it would uot early in the session, as few uembers nre willing to conoede thai the .K. mantle which drew up the bill during .veeks of careful work prior to the ses sion, were as competent to frame a law, is each member seemed to feel he was ifter a few moments rellecliou ou the Hour, Senator Tongue's amendment in rela tion to exempli.. u of indebtedness, while well intended, was like sums of liisj other works ably conceived, but injudiciously lirecled, and resulted iu the defeat of the most important measure ot tbe ses sion. All hough, to him is due the credit of the passage ot a bill creating a state board of equalization, which iu a measure compensates tbe state tor bis sh ire ot its losses iu other ways. Eirly in ths ses sion he wns looked upon as the probable leader hi the senate, but Senator Fulton took the mist prominent place as a logical speaker on the tl tor, while Moore, of St, Hcleus, was the recognized states unn. Speaker Qeer proved to be one of the best presiding officers tbe bouse bus ever Had, but surprised mid disappointed bis ( ieuds by developing a degree of nepot ism uot equaled by Hayes, ot whom it vas said "had uo distant relatives, they were all iu Washington " The speaker's official influence came near placing an exceedingly objectionable democrat in oHic" in E .stern Oregon an I occasioned considerable debtee in the republican caucus. IS preventative ljittig appealed io the members "For Q id's sake, do not crush out what republicanism there is o ft tu my section." After a stormy bait hour, (Jeer's dniuooratio relative w is de feated, bii.l a satisfactory republican was selected instead. Many expressed an idea tint the speaker's chair during the session will always stand between him and any higher oflloe. Why snfTer with dyspepsia, biliousness or any disease of Ihe hv.r nuen v.ui can be o u red Ly simiu .us Liver regulator. IONE NEWS. About five inches of the "beautiful" Olivers tbe ground this m iming. It is reported here that II. O. Wills has sold his stock of merchandise to E. G. Sperry, of this city. Lite arrivals at this place are Mr. Peterson at'd daughter, of Taeoinn Wash They are on a visit to friends in the Gooseberry neighborhood. Mr. E. Wills, of Nevada, arrived here ou Friday evening's train to see his brother, li. C. Wills, wbo has been very sick, but is uow convalescent. Chas. MoFarlauJ cams d iwu ou the train this moruiug, presumably to run the store. 0. J. T. lone, Or., Feb. 23, HI. Farming is oonsidered the most inde pendent vocation Hint is followed by in in. Jet these trusty moruiiik'S, instill. g aiuniig stock, talie must ot tbe poetry out ot tbe business. -j ! it