I TRASf ' Pit. AUGUST KSNIOH HAMBURG BREAST TEA (iomturflet Bruftt,) FOR COUGHS AND COLDS AND THE Relief of Consumptive Patients. Kg- Till GgNCINK 13 NEVER SOLD BT WEIGHT. At Drundsta and Dealers, or (tent by mall on receipt 01 'ii cts. (6 packages il.OUi In stamps. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimore. Hd. BUT MARK Forest Grove Poultry Yards, ESTABLISHED IN 1877. Wyandotteq, Plymouth Rooks, Light Brnmasy Rose and Smile Comb Brown Leghorns, Paitridge Cochins, Hourlitns and Sil ver iSpangled Uumbuigs. 1.000 TW fowls Ready for Delivery. BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR CHOICE SELECTIONS. In Amerion, and are tlie best on tbis coast by n great difference. I GUARANTEE SATISFACTION TO EVERY CUSTOMER. Send for Catalogue. Address J. M. GARRISON, Box 65. com.3116. Forest Grove, Or L. SHEPHARD, FOX, OREGON. All orders promptly attended to. Prices to suit the Times. 8. P. FLORENCE STOCKRAISER! HEPPNER OKKQON. (battle branded and earmarked us shown above. HorseB F on right shoulder. Our cuttle range in Morrow, and Umatilla counties. 1 will pay ft 110.00 reward for the Hrrest and conviction of any person stealing my took. lIONlSlU Jewelry EsiaDiisnmeni l-or- l.O.ISorGr Still Continues to Sell WATCHES, r CLOCKS, JBWEIjIIY, ETC.. At tbe Lowest Possible l'rioes. A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always H --on Hand r.--- A Full Line of MnsiOAriiKTSTnu- MENTS Una been added to his largo and well selected stunk.- REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Worlt Griinraiitoocl. 8TUHK opposite Minor, Dralann & Co's May HI. Keppner. tf Orenon ARTHUR SMITH, PIIAOTIOATj WATCHMAKER ! Opposite Gazette Ofllce, HEPPNER, OREGON. Watches, A, Optical Clocks, J3 Goods . Watches Cleaned, i - 11.80. Mainsprings Fitted - . tl.50. All work guaranteed for out year, tf TRADE Yyf:-:if 1 A HARD FALL. Prof. Hagal met with quite a serious accident at Arlington last Thursday. In attempting to make an ascension and parachute jump, the parachute rigging be came detached from the baloon at a height of several feet, and as tbe parachute could not spread to any extent in falling that distance, the Prof, eame down on solid dirt a little too bard for comfort. At last aocount be was nursing a bad wound in his soalp and had both ankles in slings. OCR VERY BEST PEOPLE. Confirm our statement when we say that Dr. Acker's English Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other prepa rations for the throat and lungs, la w hooping oough and orotip, it is magio and relieves at onoe. We offer a sample bottle free. Remember, this remedy is sold on a positive guarantee by the Slo cum johuston Drug Co. It's the quiet time of year for business, but tbe clerks of our big stores make things lively, anyhow. DR. ACKER'jJ ENGLISH PILLS Are active, effective and pure. For sick headache, disordered stomach, loss of appetite, bad complexion and billious nes, they have never been equaled, either in Americaa or abroad. Sold by Slocum johuston Drug Co. Work is progressing on the artesian veil. For a cut, bruise, burn or soald, there is nothing equal to Chamberlain's Pain Halm. It heals the parts more quickly than any other application, and unless the injury is very severe, no scar is left. For sale by Slocum-Johnston Drug Co. A. M. Slocum is now enjoying the so ciety of old friends at Steveus Puiint, Pa. A prominent physician, an old army surgeon in eastern Iowa, was called away from home for a few aays; during bis absence one of the ohildren ooutnioted a severe cold and bis wife bought a a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for it. They were so much pleased with the remedy that they afterwards used several bottles at various times. He said, from his experience with it, he regarded it as the nioBt reliable prepara tion in use fur colds and that it came the nearest being a specific of any medicine be had ever seen. For sale by Slocum Johnston Drug Co. J. 8. Ingrahnm, ol Eight Mile, is sick with rheumatism. BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, bruises, Sores, Uloers, SaltRheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil Blnius, Corns, and nil Skin Eruptions, a'ld positively oures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Nov.14,'0. The Heppner cornet band received a "vnlentiut' from LongCreek which waB admirably executed, uud, as the saying goes, ''struck the boys where they lived." TWENTY DOLLAR GOLD PIECES. Mrs. John Curtis, of Peoria, III., writes: "Used one box of Osage Pill previous to my second confinement; they worked like a charm. Would pay $20 for a box rather thnn do without them, as they have proved a Godsend to me." Write Osage Medioine company, Wichita, Kas., for particulars, nud their book to wives, mailed free. Hold by druggists. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Heppner Ore gon. 3(J8-lyr. Our Representative Thompson voted against the repeal of the usury law, ac cording to tbe Oregonian. We expeoted tu Hud lulu on the utber side. TO CONSUMPTIVES, The undersigned having been restored o health by simple means, after suffer ing for several years with severe lung Hil'eotion, and that dread disease con sumption, in anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, be will oheer f ally send (free of charge) a copy of th. presoription used, which they will find a sure cure for consumption, asthma, oaturrb, bronchitis and all throat and Inug maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, ns it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, whiob will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will plenHe nddress Rkv. Ed wakd A. Wilson, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. 4IR)-3u2. C. W. Rychnrd has purchased the in terest of G. li. Tedrowe in the Murphy Spring's Soda Works, nnd will hereafter conduct the business alone, HAPPY HOOSIER3. Wra. Timmons, Postmaster of Idavil e Ind., writes: "Eleotrio Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for that bad fooling arising from Kidney nnd Liver trouble." John LeHlie, farmer and stockninu, of same Cluoe, aays: "Find Electric Bitters to e the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel jke a new man." J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same town, Bays: Eleotrio Bitters is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had u new lease on life. Only 10o. fl bottle at T. W. Ayers' Drug Store. Geo. Gray, who Uvea south of town reported snow melting Itttle last Satur: day. In fact all that bad fallen was still uu the ground. THE NEW DISCOVERY. Yon have heard your friends and neighbors talking about it. Yon may yourself be one of the many who know fiom personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it you are one of its staunch friends, be cause the wonderful thing about it is, that when onoe given a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever holds a place iu the bouse. If you have never used it Bud .should be iilHioted with a oough, cold vr any Throat Lung, or Chest trouble, se oure a bottle ut onoe and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial Bottles Free at T. W. Ayers' ,Jr Drugstore. E. Staling was in town Saturday, and snvs the snow at that time bud al most disappeared iu Sand Hollow. UIBBARD'S RHEUMATIC AND LIVER PILLS. These Pills are scientitleaily compoun ded, and uniform in action. No griping paiu so ivmimonly following tbe use of Pills. They are adapted to both adults and children with perfeot safety. We guarantee they have no equal in the cure of Sick Hkaiuouk, Constipation, Dyspep sia nud Biliousuess; and, its an appetizer, they excel any other preparation. Phil Colin, of H. Blackmail's store, is matched against all ootuer in the prize ring, tin less they com too big. PENDLETON NEWS. Editor Gazette : Tbe promised Chinese firing match did not come off. Tbe workingmen's meet ings rrystalized into a thrifty association, based upon tbe principle of a lawful competitive "freeze-out." The first move in tbe game is tbe starting of a white laundry, which is now under full way, and is said to be doing good work, and a good deal of it. There is something worthy of encouragement iu this way of solving the race problem and labor ques tion, which commends itself to all fair minded men ; and if every one who is of the opinion that tbe Chinese should go, lives up to bis oonvictions to the extent of sending his soiled linen to the white instead of the Chinese laundry, there is no reason why tbe venture should not prove a success, or that tbe Chinese "washeo-meu" should not soon find Pen dleton very poor picking for their indus trious fingers. But right here is where a great many reforms of all sorts get their death blow. Men are loud enough and verbose enough in their theorizing, but that is as far as they go. When it comes down to a little personal, praolioal appli cation of their theories in every day life they don't care so much about the mille nium. So, a great many who talked tbe loudest anti-Chinese doctrines will doubt less keep on patronizing Chinese labor, even when white labor oan begotten just as cheap. Tbe last consideration should not count, I know, with patriots, who should be willing to sacrifice a point or two for the sake of principle; but it does, all tbe same. Circuit court adjourned after a some what lengthy and busy, not to say co8tlyt session. Tbe grand jury caused consid erable commotion among the saloon ele ment, by indicting all but four of tbe saloon men in the city, for allowing minors to frequent their establishments The indioted men are swenring vengeauce upon the community, tbe grand jury, the lawyers who refused to defend them, and particularly upon the East Oregonian, whose editor they consider as the chief author of their woes. The universal sentiment of the community, or at least the better nnd larger portion of it, is that it "served 'em right," so their howling and vengeful boycott is doing tbem more barm than good. Their boyoott of the East Oregonian is working muoh like a boomeroug. It is advertising that paper, drawing tbe "law and order" portion of the community to it, and in the end will do it good instead of barm. Boycotts may work in Ireland, but it's a dangerous thing to play with in America, and even at best, it is a shortsighted policy. The general health of the community is good dow ; the diphtheria and measles epidemiaB have abated, and tbe cold, clear weather makes every one feel like a brand new individual. Ten divoroes wereranted at tbis term of the district court, and many cases were continued, hiob would seem to prove that marriage is not a howling suc cess in Umatilla county. Of the ten granted, tbe plaiutill's in seven of the cases were women. Most of the pleas for separation were based on trivial grounds, and, it is whispered, a number of the ap plicants already have new matrimonial partners picked out, following out the old injunction: "If at first you don't suc oeed, try, try again." What fools these mortuls bel GEOR.au Washington, Jb. Pendleton, Or., Feb. 11. '91. FROM EASTERN WASHINGTON. Editor Gazette: After a long delay, I will write a few lines from these purts for your paper, presuming that news from this Palouse country will be of interest to your read ers. The wenther for a week past has been stormy rain and snow, alternate. At present there is pretty good sleighing, and the people of Palouse nud surround ing country Bre making good use of it, as tbe present temperature iudicates that its stay may be short Last Sunday, Feb. 1, tbe meroury registered i below zero, the coldest wenther here this sea son. People complain of a soaroity of money. How strange, here iu this fa mous Palouse oouutrj', where grain and all kinds of vegetables grow in abund ance, especially tbe past season. The wheat blockade has at lust been broken, and farmers are selling grain at 51 cents per bushel, clear of sacks. Earlier in the season, wheat sold for 38 nud 40 oeuts, whiob hardly paid the farmer for grow ing it. Palouse City is situated on the Palouse river, only 1 miles from the Idaho line, and with its narrow river bottom, she has but little chance to spread herself. It has extremely rough upland, aud as a cousequer.ee, it is a very unpleasant place to move about, as one is constantly climbiuf hills or Ruing down one. The dwellings are mostly ou tbe hills. The streets are very muddy most of the time, and is very unpleasant. The hills about town and around the country nre oovered with pine trees, which gives it a very picturesque appearance. There are four saw-mills in the pluoe, Wood, delivered, $2.25 a cord. The greatest excitement at present is the divison of tbe county Whitman and Puljuse fighting for the county sent. Considerable sickness here, in tbe way of fevers of a typhos form. E. L. Meeks, formerly of the Willow Creek saw-mill, near Heppner, lives here aud is employed iu one of tbe mills. At present I am enjoying the hos pitality of their comfortable home. Truly yours, Maa Kate Pabskll. Palouse City, Wash., Feb. 9, '91. L. L. Oriushy, the well-known sheep buyer, is in from Central, City, Neb. No one ever tried Simmons Liver Reg ulator without beiug satisfied with its effect. Joseph Pntunm, of Monnment, Or., contributed an excellent artiule on breed ing, for the farmers' aud stockmen's col umn, in lust issue. If you feel all broke up aud out of sorts agitate your liver with Simmons Liver Regulator. A THRILLING EXPERIENCE. RemarkiOtle Statement of Feraonal Dan ffor and l'rovidentiul Kscape. The following story which is attract ing wide att ntion from the press is bo remarkable that we cannot excuse our selves if we do not lay it before our read ers, entire. Tu the Editor Rochester (-V. Y.) Democrat: Sih. On the lirst day of June, 1881, 1 lay at my residence in this city sur rounded hy my friends and waiting for death. Heaven only knows the agony I then endured, for words can never de scribe it. And yet, if a few years pre vious any one had told me that 1 was to be brought so low, and by so terrible a disease, I should have scoffed at the idea. I had always been uncommonly strong and healthy, and weighed over 200 pounds and hardly knew, in my own expeiience, what pain or sickness were. Very many people w ho will read this statement realize at times that they are unusually tired and cannot account for it. They feel dull paiiiB in various parts of the body and do not understand why. Or they are exceedingly hungry one day and entirely without appetite the next. This was just the way I felt when the relent less malady which had fastened itself upon me first began. Still I thought nothing of it ; that probably I had taken a cold which would soon pass away. Shortly afler this f not'.ced a heavy, and at times neuralgic, pain in one side of my head, but as it would come one day and be gone the next, I paid little attention to it. Then my stomach would get out of order and my food oflen fail to digest, causing at times great inconvenience. Yet, even as a physi cian, I did not think that these things meantanvthing serious. I fancied I was suffering from malaria and doctored my self accordingly. But I got no better. I next noticed a peculiar color and odor about the fluids I was pa-Bing. also that there wero large quantities one day and very little the next, and thata peisistent froth and scum appeared on the surface, aud a sediment settled. And yet I did not realize my danger, for. indeed, seeing these symptoms continually, I finally be came accustomed to them, and my sus picion was wholly disarmed by the fact that I had no pain in the effected organs or in their vicinity. Why 1 should have been so blind I cannot understand. I consulted the best niedicul skill in the land. I visited all the famed min eral springs in America and traveled from Maine to California. Still I grew worse. No two physicians agreed as to my malady. One said I was troubled with spinnl irritation; another, dyspep sia; another, heart disease; another, general debility; another, congestion of the base of the brain ; and so on through a long list of common diseases, the symp toms of many of which I really had. In tbis way several years passed, during which time I was steadily growing worse. My condition had really become pitiable. The slight symptoms I had at first expe rienced were developed into terrible and con-twit disorders. My weight had been reduced from 2 17 to 1110 pounds. My life was a burden to myself and friends. I could retain no food on my stomach, and lived wholly by injections. I was a living mass of pain. My pulse was un controllable. In my agony I frequently fell to the floor and clutched the carpet, and prayed for death. Morphine had little or no effect in deadening pain. For six days and nights t had the death premonitcy hiccoughs constantly. My water was filled with tube-casts and albumen. I was struggling with Bright's Dincfa of the kidneys in its last stages! While sufforiiig thus, I received a call from my pastor, the Rev. Dr. Foote, at that time rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church of this city. I felt that it was our last interview;, but in the course of conversation 1r. Foote detailed to me the many remarkable cures of cases like my own which had come under his ob servation. As a practicing phyaician ami a graduate of the schools, J derided the idea of any medicine outside the regular channels being in the least ben eficial. So solicitous, however, was Dr. Foote, that l finally promised I would waive my prejudice. I began its use on the first day of June, 1881. and took it according to directions. At lirst it sick ened me ; but this I thought was a good sign for one in my debilitated condition. I continued to take it; the sickening sensation departed and 1 was finally able to retain food upon my stomach. In a few days I noticed a decided change for the better,- as also did my wife and friends. My hiccounhs ceased and I ex perienced less pain than formerly. I was go rejoiced at this improved condition that, upon what I had believed but a few days before wob my dying bed, I vowed, in the presence of my family and friends, should I recover, I would botk publicly and privately make known this remedy for the good of humanity, wherever ami whenever I had an oppor tunity, nnd this letter is in fulfillment of that vow. Mv improvement was con stant from that time, and in less than three months I bad gained twenty-six fiounda in flesh, became entirely free rom pain, and I believe I owe my life and present condition wholly to Warner's Bute Cure, the remedy which I used. Since my recovery I have thoroughly re-investigated tbe subject of kidney difficulties and Bright's disease, ind the truths developed are astounding. I therefore state, deliberately, and as a physician, that ( helieve mure than one half the death which occur in America are caused by Height' sdiseane o f the kidneys. This may Bound like a rash statement, but I am prepared to fully verily it. Blight's disease has no distinctive fea tures of its own, (indeed, it often de velopcs without any pain whatever in the k dneys or their vicinity) but has the symptoms of nearlyevery otherroinmon complaint. Uundre lsof people die daily, whose burials are authorized by a phy sician's certhlcate as occurring froni "Heart Disease," "Apoplexy," "Para lysis," "Spinal Complaint," "Rheuma tism," "Pneumonia," ami other common complaints, when in reality it is from Bright's disease of the kidneys. Few physicians, and fewer people, realize the extent of this disease or ita dangerous and insidious nature. It steals into the svstemlikeathief.manifests its presence if at all by the commonest symptoms and fastens itself in the constitution be foro the victim is aware of it. It is nearly as hereditary as consumption, quite as common and fully as fatal. Entire families, Inheriting it fioin their ancestors, have died, and yet none of the number knew or realized tbe mysterious power which was removing them. Instead of common symptoms it often shows none whatever, but brings death suddenly, from convulsions, apoplexy, or heart disease. As one who has suffered, and knows by bitter ex perience what he says, 1 implore every one who reads these words not to neglect the slightest symptoms of kidney diffi culty. No one can afford to hazard such chances. I make the foregoing statements based upon facts which I can substantiate to the letter. The welfare of those who may possibly be sufferers such as I was, is an ample inducement for me to take tbe step I have, and if I can successfully warn others from the dangerous path in which I once walked, I am willing to endure all professional and personal consequences. J. R.H union, M.D. Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 3J. Will Kirk bas been quite ill fc r over i wk, but is growing batter rtpidiry. A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. Wm. McDonald, who left for Wyoming last Saturday, related an interesting story to one of our patrons. He was in Johnstown, Pa , at tbe time of the great flood there, and was engaged in driving astreef car. Hemuuaged to cut his horse loose and esoapo to high gronnd, aud afterwards saved many lives. If is father, mother, brothers and sisters were all drowned; except of one brother who was residing nt that time in northern Wyoming, aud whom he w ill visit while on tbis trip. Mr. McDonald relates his story with mnch earnestness and feeling, and when he speaks of the loss of his family and best friends, be chokes down with emotion. Tbis is but one little chapter attending that horrible deluge. WAGNER NEWS. There will be a school exhibition ou Friday, and the children are anticipating a grand time. There wts a literary entertainment at the Four H Hall Monday night, whiob was a great success. Snow has come at last, and the gronnd is white for the first time this season, but it is melting, and will all be gone by night. There will be a dance on February 23, at the Four H Hall; also horse-rnoing two miles from tbo Hall, on February 23, first race, between Allen nnd Parmer. Stakes. S150 dollars a side; also several other races. Bring on your race-stock. Mr. Oilman was over from Corn Cob, last Sunday. He brought over a foui borse load of sohool mu'nis, Mr. Drem, father of Mrs. D. E. Oilman, accompany ing him. Mr. Drem is lately from Can ada, and repor's a very severe winter there. The old gentleman seems to be well pleased with our climate here. Well, Mr. Editor, as there are no more fights nud denlbs to report, I can only add that this country is as prosperous ns oould be expeoted of a place, shut up in the mountain basin, where we rend the news from the outside world after it is about a month old. If we get this Hay stack and Dayville road through this spring, there will be lively times in Hay staok valley. We will commence work about March 1st, and hope by May 1st to have the road completed. Completing this road means a direot mail route from Heppner to Dayville and Cnnyon City. . Yours truly, Slick Eab. Wagner, Or., Feb. 5, '91. Trial subscriptions' to the Gazette one month, 25 oents; three months, 75 cents. Take it. MRS. J. N. BROWN, Toacis-or Of MUSIC & ART Iaa.str-u.ctlon.s In Piano, Orptan and Harmony, Paintinjr Charcoa aud Crayon, Special attention given to Portrait Work. Cor. Green and Center St 8., Heppner Oregon, For Oouufj-fcis e.nc9. Croui.p,,we "beat tiiera. all. S. C. C. Ssld. Isy- liJ PACKAGE PROFHARRIS' FOR THE CURE OF (VITALLY WEAK). Murle ooby too einso rii'ilrcnlinn to business or stmlvj severe niMilnl Htm In or pi-U-f ; KKXl'Ah RXt'l SKS in Hiiildlt!lifi-.orici,n- lii.l.itifHimnetrM iiivitun. Alt,: Mniusio m iivoi uMnimnr nfln Vr.Lti i;iiumi ,vi&i;M;NMk.u:ss. in- ViH.t Vi lli V J.U-iSKK -,vlHi hM U' In VUt (inn.1 S1U- 1)1 K .MiK I); Ind; f vim, vim . n!i1 simif ili,ti!i tf vital ornm lrniMi'C'.l nii'l wi'.tUftifl iu-in-itui'Hv In tipiii-oiichitiK phi nee. ism WE SAY CURE I'HISIANKVf ItKsri.TS iif.iiy tfiiiii-tiiui cum'.i treated miafu ,icd tttui f urril ii. t,ii .t twelve year. fcV i SiSSQLVBIE MEDICATEDtf&SmLKS. t ypi a i vreiifFcrpiglit il'iyMiul AiMt,tlr.I.Y l UV.li M ill i.i. . youu or olil, suifciltiB trom tbis Mfiiwof nsir r(ih (n Prof. Hnrria' pre v I, -;i i fhcnhl KPii't tlielr: i we i-t.n f urnish liiPHtiiiiis to nc nis wrrcn, inni we inn y Biirnv thi irur pouiuiiou rfenchcasg x ti .t iTep:iFC iiiertlHi't? to til. el u piw-K cure. Lixntfl In Npt York littler 1'J vwtii'hM fi. l.nuiBi, we offer ill a elmncf li Ik fu'vl I'V tlt ein-titei1 i'maWe Treu'meut, THE HARRIS REMEDY CO.. Wife. Chemists, 90 PEEKMAN STSEET, VFW YOH (C. win r-tr tu modi reroute th LWr sad Ildnr and Knioro th Hrllfcu'ltfrrYoulh. bjmpapu, nunc oi Apiwtite, inoigOBtiwa, Lick oi Btriita aa iirna TefllinsabiolutBlrottrad.Bonei, muBele and tiervt reo'lva n-'wiorca. f.nltTftaath miDit Ehbanri fttuiiitiea Brain Powvr, I AH I ETQ pwulmrtothfiirSflKwUlfind L-LP I &W in DR. BARTER'S lBOSf TONIC a taf and itedr emu, Give a clear, haU thy complexion. Frequent attempt! at countertaitV It1 onlj ndd to too popularity of ttie orlifinnl ot exi'pnmeni get mo uhii.-.al ana bki RTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLSW tlpuiiOD. LWar Complaint and Sick! Sample I)mi and Dream Book! iiit of tworenta tn poatam. W BEDICWK CO., 6t.Uula.Ka FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the wholes teiu, and produces Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There t. no better remedy for the, eonimou diseases tlinn Tutt's Liver FUU.M. a trial nlll prove. Price, XM. Sold Everywhere. rP-vl vli fi Pr 1 a H 0 u, flRON W TONIC SCOTT'S CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUCHS COLDS Wasting Diseases mm Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Seott's. Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains tbe stimulat ing properties of the Hypophos phites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggists. 8COTT &3QWNE, Chemists, N.Y. STUCK nitANDS. While you kpi'p yonr subscription paid up yen can kveu your brand in froeof oliarwe. Allison, l. D. Cattle brand. U D on left hip and horses name brand on right shoulder, liango, Eilit Mile. T V Adkins, Dayville, Or- f trnight mark nerons the thigh ami two crops and a nlii in the right ear; horses, J, npide down on tiie right shoulder, hmige in Grant county and Hear valley. PO address also at ilanluion. C H AdkinH. Worses. j((,n right shoulder: oa -tie, C K on right hip ltuuge in (irant and Mor row counties. Adkins, J J-Horf.es, J A connectod on left flank; cattle, same on left hip. Herman Alp, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O LP connected on left, hip; horses on loft stille and wiirile on nose. Range in irant county. Johnny Ayers. horses branded triangle on lett hip; cattle same tin right hip. also crop off right ear and upper bit on name. Uleakmnn, Geo., Hardman Horses, n flag on left shoulder: cattle, name on right shoulder. bannister, J. V Hardinan, Or. Cattle brand ed U on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. Burke. M St 0, Long Creek, Or On cattle, MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, un der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder. Hange in Grant and Morrow county. A lioweman. Mount Vernon arid Rums Cattle, A 13 on right hip, two crops in each ear; same on horses, on right shoulder, liange in Grant and Harney counties. Jerry lirosman, horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle H on the left aide. Loft ear half crop and right ear upper slopq. Barton, Wr1 -Horses, J li on right thigh; cattle Bameon right hip;Hplitin each ear. Hennett, Cy Horses. i on loft shoulder. Mrs. C. A. Henge. horses branded XB on left shoulder or stitie; cattle same on left, side and split in left ear, upper half crop in right. lirown.J.P horse and cattle branded S with ox-yoke above on left shoulder. Hrown, J C Horses, circle 0 with dot, in nei teron left hy; cattle, same. Boyer, W it, Lena Homes, box brand orr?'1 hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Borg, P. O. Horses, P 11 on left shoulder; cat tie. same on left hin. W J Broirvnlee, Fox, Or-Cattle. JB connected on left side; crop on left, ear and two splits and middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Kange iu Pox valley, Grant county, E Cain. Caleb, Or YD on horses on left stifle; U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder, and on left stifle on all colts under 5 years; on left shoulder only on all horseB over 5 years. All range in Grant county. T B Cannon, Long Creek, Or T on cattle on right side, crop off right oar and slit m left ear. Our horses same brand on left shoulder, liange m Grant county, T H Curl Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear. split in left ear. Range in Grant couniy. On sheep, in verted A and spear point on shoulder. Kar mark o.i ewes, crop on left ear, pnuched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half crop in left ear. All range in (irant county. A. A. Crosby, caitle branded (r H L con necteel) on the right shoulder. Walter Carsner, Mount Vernon W on cattle on left hip, crop and split in left ear; 7V connected on horses on left shonlde . Range in (irant Co. R Chittenden, Prairie City, Orl'ick. handle down on cattle right hip nnd split in right eat; horses, same brand on right shoulder, hange in Grant county. Cook, A. 0., Lena Horses, W)on right ehrnlier Cattle, same on r'ght hip: ear mark square crop otT left and split in right. Currin. K Y- Horses, cp on left stifle. Cochran, 3 II Monument, Or Horses branded Tl A A on left shoulder. Cattle, same on right Dip. swallow fork in right ear and crop off left. Cox & English, Hardman Caitle, C with i in center: horses. CE on left hiu. (upper, H A Horses HO on left shoulder, cattlo H V on left Bide, swallow fork on right ear. U. E. Cochran, Monnment, Grant Co, Or. Horses branded circle with bat beneath, on left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin H.Horsea branded - on right hip. Cattle brauded the same. tt L Cross, Dayville, Or Cattle branded two crops and a Bplit in left ear; on horses a reversed Z on left stifle. Also hnvo the following brands on cattle: 72 on ltd t hip, 7 on right hip 72 on left, shoulder, two parnllel bars on lft shoulder. Ear marks, two crops. Win. Doonan, htnes hranded 00 with bar over them, on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. , Douglass, W M Cattle, R D on right side, swai low-fork in each ear: horses. It D on left hin Duncan. W. P., John Dny Qnayter eircle on right shoulder, both mi horses and cattle. Range Grant county. Driskell. W. K, Horses branded K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on left side of neck. Damon, H E. Mount Vernon 7U connected on cattle on right hip, under slope in right ear, under bit m left ear; same brand on horses on right hip. liange in (irant county. J.B.Ely Jk Sons. HorseB branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on left hip. hole ir right oar. Ralph Fink. Prairie City, OrHorses, H F on right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. Kange in Grant county. Fleck. Jaekson Horses. 7F connected on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip Ear mark, hole in right nnd crop off left. Florence, L A Cattle. LK on right hip; horaos r with bar under on right shoulder. Florence, 8 P Horses, F ou right shoulder; cattle, J on right hip or thigh. Armstrong, J. CM Acton T with bar nnder it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Gay, Henry GAV on left shoulder. Goble, Frank Horses, 7 Fon left stifle; cattlp same on rinht hip. Oilman-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fos sil, Or. Horses, anchor 8 on jVft shoulder; vent, same on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips; ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in left. Range in Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow counties. Elmer Gentry, Echo, Or. -Horses branded H. 8. with a quarter circle over it, on lef stifle Range in Morrow and Umntillacunntiee. If rank MeGirr, Fox Valley-Mule shoe with toe cork on cattle on rib and under in each ear horses NHine brand on left stifle. J. C. Gilt water. Prairie City, Or.-On horses, O-OonleftshoitldiT and stifle; cattle, ou right side. Range in Grant county. 0 E Glaze nnd A P Snjder. Dayville Or HorseB branded d on right shoulder; on cattle, Btnpe down the left shoulder. Also. P 8 on hordes on left shoulder, and same on right hip on cattle. Range in (irant county. Hinton A Jenks, Hamilton, Or Cattle, two bars on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horses, J on right th-uh. ilangfin (irant county. Hughes, Samuel, Wagner, Or T F 1, on right shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in rigid ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack district, Monvw county. Edwin Hall. John Day Cattlo E H tin right hip: horses witne ou right shoulder, rangdin Grant county, Hiel A. Hyde, PrnirtoOity, Or.--AH combined on horses on right shoulder; cattle on right hip Range iu Grant county. Hugh"8. Mat, Heppner. Or. Horses, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co. Ed HpUoway, Caddie, Or., horses and cattle branded E H connected, with bar under it Hunsaker, B L -Horses, yon left shoulder; cat tie. 9 on left hip Hardlsty, Albert Nye. Oregon, Horses, AH connected, on left shoulder; Caitle on the hit hip, crop off left ear, J V Hudson, Mount Vernon JF connected on non.es on right thigh; on cattle. N fi on right hip. Range in Grant and Harney, Humphreys, 41. Hardman-Homea, H on left nark Hiatt, Wm. E. Horses branded bar croB ou left shoulder: cattle same on left hip. Hayes, J M Horses, wineglass on left shoulder cattle, same on right hip. Ivy, Alfred. Long Creek. Or Cattle 1 Don right hip. crop off left ear and bit in right. Horse same brand on left shoulder, Range iu Grant county. D V Jenkins, Monnt Vernon J on horses on left shoulder; on caitle, J on left hip and two smooth crops on both ears. liimgein Fox and Bear vail .'.vs. Jones, John M. Pilot Rock. Or. Cattle trian gle with half o'rele on right hip, under alopeon right ear and npper slope on left ear. Range in Umatilla county. Jnnkiu, 8. M. Horse, horseahoo J on left shoulder. Cattle, the aauia. Range on Eight Mile. Johnson, Felix -Horses, circle T on left stifle cattle, same on right hip, nuder half crop in right and split in left ear. . Kirk. J T-Uortea 89 on left ahoulderf cattle, 69 on left hip. Kirk. J C Horaee. 17 on either flank Jeattla IT ob aat tide. Mike Kenny, horses hranded KNY on left hip; cattle same and crop off left oar; under slope oa the right Keller, Richard E K in sqnnre, cattlo on left hip; horses same on left shoulder, liange Hear valley. P. O. address, Blanton, Grant county. Or. W O Kimherhuid, Mount Vernon, Or I L on cattle on right and Mi sides, swallow fork iu left ear ami under ciop in right ear. Horses sarno brand ou left sho ilder-. Range in Grunt county. Keency. Mi, Htppner. Or. Hoiaos, J Land ace of club on Wit stifle. Rai:ge in Umatilla and S orrow counties, M C Lesley. Mouument, Or A triangle Btwith all hues extending pa t budy of rigure outiJhor sesoii left shoulder, oil cMtle. diata..ud oil left shoulder, split in right and under bit iu left ear Range i Grant coniityaud to parts of John Day. RL Laurence, Prairie City, Or Cattle, Z on right lop; horses, same cn right shoulder. Range in (irant county. Loften Htephen S L on left hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses same brand on left Hhoulder. Range Grant county. P. O. ad dress, his, Oregou. ljieuallen, John VV. Horses branded half-cir cle J L connected on left shoulder, Caitle. same on left hip. Rang-, near Lexington. nected Hometimes culled a swing 11, on left shmi J. W. Leahey. horses branded r. w a. shou watt lie over right eye, three slits in right ear M M i , T V" M uguL nip; nurses on ley shoulder. Mortmn. H N Horn Ml i- i u.. catt :ie, same on left hip. f It-Cumber, Jus A, At wood -Horses, M with over ou right shoulder. tmr 11. B. Mum.. Lemi: Iioi-hpo.!.! ,.. 177 riifl it hip; young Ht,ck. sniidl si tin ifr "M dor .MuniLv. .1. .1.. K.. tli-ll..- left alimildM. I'HItlo, ai'une on riirlit hin' ear min k, vnm unci split in left pur and umlHrliit in riKlit. llnrBTO nl 4 on loft stifle. Mhueu E K lin. Win Urant county. Mimholl. Oscar, l'MlyTille-Hor8e8,77 ou riirlit hip; came. 77 on nuM nidi). M c( Unroii. 1j -Uon,e, Figure 5 on each ahoiij. dt-r. calllo. M2 on hip. W J MeKc.ru, Monut Wriion, Or-X I on cattle on nK it Iiiii, crop ui nKht ear. half crop in left co"'utj Bts " i,!ti KUKu in G raut Mi'tjirr, Harney Horace 7B connected on left shoulder; cattle same. Itanwi Grant county. P. 0. address, l.ox. OreKon. (i. V. Mcllalley, Hamilton, Or.-On HorWB, 8 Willi hall circle under on loft Bhouliler;oii Cuttle, four liars connected ou top on llio riirlit aide. Knniio in Grant County. tVeal. Andrew. Lone Hock-Horse AN con nected on let shoulder; cuttlo same on both hips. Newman W. H.-Horsea H with half circl. over i( on loft shouldor. Nordyko, IS -I lorsus, circle 7 on left thigh; cut, tie. snnio on left Inn. " r'HT'-V'f'r. 'I'- .'"S"". Or.-Brnnda horse. V () on h.rt shoulder; cuttlo on both InpB. Clminu " bran, on any part nf i.ody. llrand recorded, Joseph Olm.- ( nuMin ( 'ity, Or.-A a on cattlo in (i ran t eimut I!"me on lett "''' Haute Oiler, Perry, Lone Rnck-P O or left ahouMer Pueiiiim. Joseph, Monument, dr., brands horn, es J P Connected on riKlit shoulder; cattle th same on the right hip uud uuderslopo in riKht on left shoulder nnd U on loft hip. Cattle, fork on Kiiht'wVle. rU,'P - 240,1 hip' 1aa" William Pope Monnt Vernon-1 T on cntllo on eft hip, two Ills in left ear; same brand oa horses on lelt stillo. llnuire in Grant county. i !.'"' , i (jk'"i. fiurdiuan-ilorsca IP on 1' It Htioultler. Piper, J. II., Acton -Horses, JE oonnecled on left sliouldor; cattle, eume ou left hip. under bit in each oar. Houry Patbortr, horses branded with a Koninn cross on lef shoulder; cuttle branded with Ito? man cross, bar at bottom, on left uip. .' v p?J'ville-Uores, diamond V on eft shoulder, t attle, JIM connected and in. veiled on eft hip; crop off left ear and Bplit in knee W1 ''UB1 right fore lex abovo the John T Powell, Dayville, Or-IInrBos, JP con. iiec ed on left shoulder. Cattle OK couuectwl on left hip, two under half crops, one on each ear. wattle unclerthroa . liuune in Grant county. Illckurd, (, I)., Canyon City-F V oa left shoulder, on horses only. Kange Canyon creek and Hear valley, Grant county. Kooil. Andrew, Hurdnian HoaieB, square orow Wil li quarter-circle over it on loft Btillo. lli'mewr, Chris-HorseB. C li on loft shoulder. wm. Ituiho, Monnment.-Brands horses H on ti.fs oulder' lfango. Grant and Morrow ooun- lioyse, Aaron, Heppner, Or-Hcrses, plain V on lelt shoulder; cattle, samo brand reversed on right hip and crop oil right ear. Kange in Mor row county. Hush liros., Heppner, Or. HorseB branded X on Iho nghi shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip. crop olT left car ami dewlap on neck, liange w Morrow and mljoiiiingcounties. i ! Wl,"""n, Pouuletou, Or.-IIorsoa It on left shoulder; cattle, K on left hip, crop off right car, underbit on left ear. Sheep. It on weathers round crop off righ ear. Kange Uma tilla and Morrow c million. Keaney, Amdrew Lexington, Or.-Horao Branded A II on right Bhoulder, vent quarter circle over brand; cuttle same ou right hip. liange Mocrow county. lioyse, Wm. 11, Uniryville, Or-IIli connected Willi quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip and crop off right ear and split in left. Horses Kline brand on left shoulder. Hange in Morrow. Grant and Gilliiimcounties. Kilter, J F, Hitler, Or-Thrne pnrallel bars witn bur over on horses on left hip; on callie, left side, two smooth crops, two splits in each our. liange m .Middle Fork of John Day Hector. J VV Horses. JO ou left shoulder. Cat tle, o on right hip. .Spray, J ?, Horsos branded 8F connoo'ted on richt shoulder: cull le same ou both hips. bailing, CO Heppner, Or-Horses branded S A on eft shoulder; caitle same on left h'p. i ?. !!"r',,i L' "'"r. Or-Horses, two-bar Son leltstillo. Piatn S. two burs on left side, u crop ami tliree splits m right ear, swallow fork and underbit in lelt, cattlo. Son entile linger than on horses, liange in (irniil counly. A. li . Bwnggurt. Etl, horses brande-1 i on left shoulder; collie same on loft hip. Ctop on ear ear, wattle on left hind leg. Blraight W K-Horses shaded J 8 on loft Btillo; cattle J S on left hip, swallow fork in right eur, underbit in left. . Mayor, liobt -Horses, 8 on right shoulder; cattl square on right hip and 8 on right shoulder. 8liouliior'r'' Alpine HLrsos, 8 H on right hnpp, Thos -Horses, 8 A P on left kip; catU same on left hip. ISeurs, W 11-llorses bar over 8. Range in Fox valley. P 0 address, Fox, Or. Shone, Dr A J Horses, OS on on left hip; cat tie. same on left side, wattle on left Bide of neclt enrs cut sharp at point. Smith K. F, Pilot liock. Or. Cattle, horao Bhoo on left side, crop close in left ear. HorseB, 4 on left thigh Huugo in Umatilla and Grant counties. John Shrier, Fox valley NO connected on horses on right, hip; cattle, Bamc on right hip, crop oil right ear and under bit in left ear. liango in Grant county. Smith Uroe,, John Day, Or-H Z on cattle oa le t shoulder. Stevenson, Mrs A J-Cattle, 8 on right hip Bwullow-fork in left ear. Sperry, li G-Cattle, W C on left hip, crop ofi right and underbit in lef t oar, dulap; horses. WO on loft shoulder. Swaggart. G W-Horsos, 44 on left shouldei; cattle, 44 on left hip. Stewart, Geo., Hardman Horses circle o on left shoulder. Smith, F F. Lone Hock, Or, Horses branded (l crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same on left sido. Hange, Gilliam county. - Smith Geo..horses branded G 8 on left flank lliompsoii, J A-ilorsej, 5 on left shouldtrj catUo.il on left shoulder. i'lppeta . 8 ''-Horses. C on loft shoulder. lurner H. W., small capital T lelt shoulder, horses; caitle same on left hip with split in both The rnton, II. M lone, Or.-Hnrsos branded li I connected on left stifle; sheep same brand. P Thomas, Mount Vernon -TF connected on cattle on right hip, swallow fork in right ear and underlut in same enr; horses, same braudon right Btifle. liange in John Day valley. S A Tucker. Prairio City-F on cattle and horses on left shoulder. John Turemnii, Prairie City, Or.- On horses. 10 on leit stifle; on catile. o witn bar under on "ange in Grant county. .W 11 Warrou, Caleb, Or Cattle, W with quarter circle over it. on left side, split iu right ear. Horses same braJd ou left Bhoulder. Kange in Grant cnuuty. i . L Wood, Dayville, Or-Hearton horses on lefUlitte;on cuttle. 'Jon left side and under bit in lef i enr. Kange in Urant county. "right, Silas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded a on the right hip. square crop ott right ear and split in lelt. Francis Wallace, Mount Vernon-Sqnare on cattle on the left hip, upper slope in ihe left ear and under elope iu right ear. Same brand ou horses on right shoulder. Kauge in ilaruer and Grant countv. Webster, J. I, Heppner, Or. -Horses branded wth bar over J ou right shoulder; caitle same on right up, crop off left ear aud split iu each. Kange, Alorrow counly. unnn, u i i-j . urmj, imram iimiiutni ace oi spiwies on leit shoulder and left hiD. Cattle brauded same on lert sine and left hip. V ells, A S-Horses, on left shoulder; oatt.' same. John Wolflnger, John Dny City On horses, three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ears. Hange in Grant and Malhuer Counties. Wylaud. J H. Hardman Circle C on lef thigh. Woodward, Jotut Horse., UP connected on left shoulder. Watkins. Lishe. horses branded TJE connected, on left stifle Wallace, Charles Cattle, W on right thigh, hot. in left ear; horses. W on right shoulder, torn, same on left shoulder. Wten, A A Cattle, running AA with bar u w on right hip. J. 8. Yonng. Gooseberry, Or. Hones branded T 8 on the right shoulder. w it rK,,ia i ...... n . k i-j circle fi on left shoulder. Whittier Bros., Prewy. Harney county. Or. -Horses branded W B. connected on left Dhoulder. Williams. Vascoquarter circle over three bars on left hip. both cat lie and Ic-rses. Range Grant county; P. O. address. UumUton.Or. iioRms, 4 .j uouk - ree. j norses, qnar- uivic uiei um. uni. 101 uip; CBlue Ml ead slit m each ew. jtaa. as ttnmt sasMy.