sea: THE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, February 19, 1891 Union Pacific Railway-Local Card. No. SI, mixed, leave Hepnner :I5 a. m. No. 3, " arrive. t" 5:30 p. m., daily except fcJunduy. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Ktiigp leaves for Ottnyoa City daily fiet'i I Miuony, in 0:00 a. u. A rrives - daily, except Monday, at fi ik: p. m. There ip : wiving of 16 boors in time and Sid t' ciisl- by taking this route to Canyon. fVHIrt PAPKKwki'pt on file at E. C. Pake's 1 Advurlisi-iE Agency. 111 and 65 Merchant! FxelmnK1. Wan Fraiu-ieo. ('alifornia, whore con tracts for advertising ran be made for it. O. W. LOMLKR & CO.. Ffth street. Port land, Oregon, are HUlhorizod to make advertiaing contracts for tlie lleuuner Oazitte. THE GAZEITE'S AGENTS. Lexington, W. IS. McAllister. Wnguer, J. F. Sprny. Arlington, Mr. Beunett, Moody's ware house. bona Creek. Eagle. Galloway, Boh Shaw. Gooeebe'rrv. (Jr.. W. S. Parmnn. Ciimns Prairie, Oenr DeVnul. Miitleeon, Allen MoFerriu. Nye. Or., H C. Wright. Hnrdmiin. Or.,C. M.Spenoer. Hamilton, Grunt Co., Or., Mattie A, Rudio. lone.T. .T. Carl. Prairie Citv, Or., K. R. McHnley. Canyon Citv. Or., S. I.. Parrisu. Pilot R.ick.G. P. Skelton. Dnyville, Or., Mr. Adams, P. M. John -'ay, Or.. l'iilmaster. Athena, Or., Jolm Edington. An niient, wanted in every preeinot. tf SIGNAL SF.ttVlCK UKCOItU. For Week Ending Wednesday. Feb. 18. 1891. Feb. 121 37.(0 lil( 34 iio 111 SillKI 15 2.V.I5 111 22.5(1 17 23 10 in a:i uu I 4;', no I 23.(11 4SUi 8UK 4(11 1 IIIU 84 1) 1 20.(i(l noun I 12(11 3(1.(10 I 11.00 43.(10 A. Smith. Observer. Here and There. Prof. Hudson is on the sick list. Chris Borohers is haviug tbe "grip." Wanner, Photographer. 96-tf. Bob Wills, the lone merchant, is dangerously ill. Au agent for the Rook Springs ooal was here last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Curtis are in from Idaho to visit the home folks. Mrs Wm Taylor has been on the siok list for the past week. 1). W. Kinnin-d will be in Heppner .gain about March 1st. Will Cowens has lost bis fine bird dog which he valued highly. Geo. Fell went down to The Dalles Monday on n business trip. Messrs. Sargent & Keffer have leased the City Hotel from E. Minor. 0- Laduer, special sgeat of the MIdh Life Iusiiiauoe Co., is iu town. Bills are out for a "Potato Race," at the Opera House, Saturday night. A young "son of Japan" contributes an interesting letter for this issue. W. M. Davis, propiietor of the Matlock baiber shop, is quite ill with ''grip." Ttieo. Danner is tbe photographer at Heppner. Dou't. forget it. 96tf Billy Ruark's "grip" l,nH settled in his nose, and ''von beautiful nose it vas". Sav, what's tbe matter with Bob Ford and "Geo. Swau'gart in the pugilistio arena? ' Geo. Hwaggart got back Saturday from a few day's sojourn on his ranch below here. Rev. Potwine will hold services in Heppner, Monday eve, the 23d inBt Everybudy ueloome. Wonder what right Reaorder Roberts has to lease the coiinoil chambers? This is on the q. t., you know. You don't have to continue dosing with Simmons IVver Regulator. Often a little cures iffeotually. Mr. T. J Allyn, of lone, was np this week on business. Mr. Allyn is feeding 6 head of nice beef eatlle. Sheep and entile are being fed in most localities, though down on "tbe sand" the grass remains uncovered. Ben. Swaggrt comtem plates putting out onetlioiiMiud prune trees ni xt spring. They will do well iu this conn try, and area valuable crop. Gov. Rea got back from Long Creek last night, without covicting any of the perpetrators of the recent outrages in Kitier precinct. Geo. Lutrell reports snow drifted over at the Jones rai.oh on Big Butter oreek. Sheep are in good condition, however, tor u little cold snab. A family mens raised the neighbor hood iu the lower part of town last Saturday n ght. Sinoe that time tbey have kissed and made np. W. H. Ricks, of Hardman, hns returned from a visit to northern Idaho. He re ports snow three feet dep up there, and is oontCLt to stay with Morrow. T. A. Moore, of Wichita, Kansas. brother of Mrs J. R. Simons, iB in Heppner visit ing the relatives here. He is looking for a looatiou in Ihis Western oountry. r'rank McFarland's letter to the Ore gonian on the necessity for appropria tions on our Grant coiinty roads, is right to the point, and properly appreciated. When our Butler oreek ooal mines are thoroughly (bveloped. there will be no room forRck Springs. Seatile or Roslyn coal. May tbe day be not far distant, J. W. Radford, who lives near the old orossing of Willow creek, below here, was iu town Monday last, and reports no mow (rora his place to the river. Curi ous country, this. The tunnel on the "Little Lanra" is In about sixty feet. They are working in softer rock than was found nearer the surface. The prospect grows brigbtei for a rich Btrike. Fred. Allison, Hagal's partner in tbe balloon business, teturued to Heppner Saturday last, where be will remain till the Prof, recovers from injuries received at Arlinglou recently. W. Gerbricb. a stockman of Ruthbnrg. Idaho. iB stopuiug in Heppner. He is a volunteer veteran f the Nez Peice war of '78, and curries substantial evidence that an Iudiau can shoot. A. G. Bitter is back to Heppner, after makiug a tour of Montana in his busi ness of shearing. He is directly from i.'acoma, which place be is not in love with at this time of tbe year. G' rg Starred, tbe well known seed man of Walla Walla, Wash., baa made a specialty for years of growing garden and tiower seeds, and linos that they are more likely to grow and give satisfaction han Eastern goods. Don't you forget tbe Sturrett seeds when your garden and flow beds are ready. PMcim I I. Mean I Pre- I Char. Date Tom p. Max. Min. liar, oip. acler. 4.1 ID I 33.(11 I 29.54s j trace j cloudy m 40 ClUUU) 2n5;a 0.02 I cloudy SB.5B I (1.(17 I cloudy j 2(108 I 0.00 fair I 2V Ol U.IU luir I Pr- f. L. D. Keen, and C. W. Culp, representing the famons breeding stable" t W. L. Ellwnnd, (.f DeKalb. Ill nois, passed tlirntiuh Heppner iHst week eu rnute from l,oiig Creek to FkrhH, where they have n unmber of Percheron and coach horses. They will return to Hepp ner iu a few weeks. Mr. C. F. Fell has appealed to the com missioner U S laud office at Washingtoa D. 0.t in the lunlterof Jas. Jones' timber culture. Mr. Jones made proof but the same was njVcled by The Ddieslann ottice. If the deei-Mon is adverse to claimant, it will be appealed to the See')' of the Interior. Celsns K-ithly, Oscar Hurt and 'Gene Noble, while coneiing on the graveyard hill, last '1 iiesd iy, ran off the irrade tiea' the Catholio chttioh. Mr. Kei'hly re ceived injuries that will keep him in the house for several days. The otbel boys cairn, off comparatively unhurt. Last Monday's session of our town council is the hist tor the old regime Mayor Blackmail, who has served the town well four terms, will s'ep down, as will Messrs. li. L Matlock, J. W. Morrow and Nels Jones all of whom have done their whole duty to Heppner. D ed la Black Horse, on Feb. 16 '91. infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo Shipley, lined 2 years The iutermeul took place in the Heppner oemetryTues day afternoon at 1 o'clock. In the honi, of trouble, they have the sympathy ol man friends The owner of the Heprn"r-Canynn stage line expeols an immense travel over the route next spring. Men will push into the rich Greenhorn section by the thousands, and iu that event, hrn ooaches will be put ou to accommodate irnllic. Messrs. Turtle & Bates, of The Dalles, formerly from Michigan, are prepariug t" upeu a saloon iu the Aiialnmsick build ing. The.ii fixtuiesand stock have arrived, and they mil have their place open to public pntiounge in a few days. Hank Shirzinger is back trom Lone; Creek, looking 1 ke be bad received fair treatment at the hauds of the Republic. Dave Pressley, of Butter cretk, was in last night for Jus. Pearson, who is seri ously ill with rheumatism. An additional fall of about three inches f suow, last night, renders it possible for more coasting. Thb Snow Stokx. George Vinson's young son reported snow badly drifted Inst Sunday ou the riiUe between Hinton and Little Butter oreeks, iu some places to a depth of four feet. The eauie day, paities reported no snow on the ridge between Willow aud Rhea creeks, and also none from a point 10 or 18 miles south of here to the river, bouluern Morrow, or the mountain region bus plenty of the "beautiful." Il is wonder ml how conditions vary in a little couuty iike Morrow. THE MASQUERADE. The fallowing masquers, who partici pated iu the fentivilles last Fiiday even ing, have handed iu their respective names and characters assumed: Miss Slay Mailock and Mrs. Geo. Couser, Snake Channels, (very original charac ters); Mis. M J. B.issetl, Phautom; Joste Rhea, A poor Buucbgrass Woman; Mis Kosa Jones, Jocky Girl; Chris. Letellier, the Country School Unl; Miss Ranuey, Nun; Mips Ava Smith, Nun; Mr . Smn inaiis, Prinoess; Geo. Noble, Coon ; Frauk Whetstone, Coon; Belle Sritlin, Foituue Teller; Daisy Clark, Elower Girl; Ellor RUea, Mother Hubbard;; Mrs. Davis, Widow; Lealba Matlock, Bootblack; Lillian Rhea, Douiino; lhV Matlock, Popcorn; Otis Patterson, Brake beam Tourist; Mrs. Joe Hayes. Night; The prizes were awarded as follows: Beat, sustained ouaracters, May Mat luck aud Mrs. Geo. Couser; Eiueat ooalume, Mrs. Joe Hayes; most comical oliaraoter, Leatba Matlock. In the lutier case, Miss Matlock not only got away with this puze, but earned some Hi bU in play ing the role of bootblack. Quice a number did not report name ami character assumed, aud consequent ly their names do not appear. They must not blame the printer tor this. For a lame buck, a pain iu the side or chest, ur for tootu-nohe or ear-ache, pr .nipt relief may be bud by using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It is relialle. For stile by tdocum-JoLiiston Drutj Co. THE PROPRIETORS of Ely's Cream Balm do not claim it to lie a cure-all, but a sure remedy for catarrh, oolds in the head aud hay fever. It is not a liquid or snuff, hut .is easly applied iuto the nos trils. It gives relief at once. Hon. C A. Rhea rerorts his numer ous flocks iu good condition never belter any previous winter. 'Ihere was not enough of suow at his lower rauch lust Suturday to prevent ebeepfrom graz ing. WHY CONTINUE the usenf irritating powdeis, ji) Nil's or liquids. Ely's Cream Balm, pleasant of application and a cure for cutarrh and cold in the bead, can he had for 50V. It is easily applied iuto the nostrils, is safe and pleasant, aud is cur ing tbe most obstinate oases. It gives relief at once. The mnny friends of Chas. Younggren will be pleased to bear that he is in Portland working at bis trade, and evidently d'dng very well. Charley in tends to" go over uu the Souud in the Spring. "THE JERSEY LILLY." Anolesea Cotiaoe, L. B., July 2. Gentlemen: Although it is verv usual for me to use any bilious or washes, still, in answer to your reqnset, I have tried Wisdom's Violet Cream and Robertine. The former I consider es pecially efficacious iu cases of roughness of the skin, and I have been using ;t every day for the last fortnight. I have found the Robertine an excellent prepar ation in oases of tan. sunburn, etc.. caused by exposure to March wiuds aud a July suu. Yours faithfully, Lii.lie LanqtbT. To Messrs. Wisdom & Co. Saturday next the jolly people of Chirks Canyon will have a competitive rabbit bunt, the side securing the least numbers to pay for the oyster supper in tue evening, A dauce wi 1 folio. Because Bert Simons carries a black eye, don't accuse him of being No. 2 in a "scrap." The boys have been practicing np in Ibe "mnidv art," and even soft gloves bnrt wbeu scientifically bandied by sluggers. PRONOUNCED HOPELESS, YET SAVED. From a letter oritten by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd.of Groton, S. D , wh quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, cough set in and finally ter minated iu Consumption. Four doctors gave me up by saying I could live but a ahort timp. I gave myself np to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with mv friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was ailvised to get Dr King's New Discovery Tor Copsuinition. Loiiihs ami uokis I gave it a tiial, took in all tight bottles; it has cured me and thank God I a'n now a well ami hearty woman." Trial free at T. W. Ajer's, Jr., CityDrug Store, regular size, 50c and $1.00. Severely EnunED On last Tuesday morn ng, li'lle Guy Buyer was severely bruiS'd about the face and lim'os in co'isti' g on the Cemeterv bill, near the Catholic church. Pr. Swinburne was called to attend tbe little sefferer, who is rapidly recovering. There s fun in coast ing, but all care should be taken to avoid aooidents. The Worm Dnricued. The facilities of the present day for tbe production of everything that will con duce to the material w elfare and comfort of mankind ore almost unlimited and when Syrup of Fijs mas first produced Lhe world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and re freshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently iu the Spring time or, in fact, at any time and the better it is known the more pop ular it becomes. The ooiinty jail at Condon caught fire onthellth iust. The prisoner was no consumptive, and vigorous yelling brought the town out in time to save this and other onunty buildings. ecu b aar Many peculiar points make flood's Sar saparilla superior to all other medicines. Peculiar in combination, proportion, and preparation of ingredients, Hood's S:irsanarllla possesses tuo full curativo value of the V best known remedies -!ur S of tbe vegetable klng-.VV .uom. Peculiar in Us Cj'v strength and economy f -jXrllood's Sar taparllla Is :lie only medi cine ofjl walch can truly be saidjA ) "OnellundredDoses One Qk S Dollar." Medicines tn larger and smaller bottles require larger doses, and do not produce as good results as flood's. Peculiar in its medicinal merits. Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hith- erto unknown, and lias won for Itself the title of "The greatest blood purifier ever discovered. Fcculiarln its "good name uuuic, mere is now more of Ilood's Sarsaparilla old In Lowell, wlicieyT JtOit is made, than of ally rotlier blood purifiers. V--ZKrcculiar hi Its plienomc- rWVnal record of sales abroad, Vno other nronaratlon --- r 1.U1LV 111 OW DUMlll and retained .s popularity and confidence r.mong all classes people so steadfastly. Do not be induced to buy ether preparations, but be sure to got the recullar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. Sl;slxfor$5. Prepared only by 0. 1. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass, 100 Doses -One Dollar Geo. Noble. Jr., had one of his fingers disli.ented while coasting on Toboggan mil JUomtay mgi.t. isert. aimons re ceived a sprained nnkle at the same time. Too many sleds got together at once. DE, A.B01HST. AT PORTLAND UNTIL JULY 5th DR. ABORN, Fourth and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon, the most suc cessful physician on the American conti nent for the speedy, positive, absolute and permanent cure for Catarrh of the Head, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonin and consumption. Twenty-five years' successful practice. Insfaiitmcous relief and permanent cures often fleeted upon first consultation. Dr. Aborn, by his original, modern, scientific method, effects Speedy and radical cures of tlio no;t obstinate Ion? slanduij' cases of Nasal Catarrh, Ozenn, Deafness, Dis charges from the Ears, Asthma, Bron chitis and Consumption. Also Stomach Disorders, Bilious Colio, Gall Stones and Jaundioe, Heart, Liver, Kidnev, Bladder and Nervous Affections; Diseases of Men. Also all ailments pe culiar 1 j women. Dr. Aborn can be consulted from now until July 5th, when he leaves for Europe. Note. Home treatment, securely pnek- .ed, sent by express to any part of the Pacific Coast and Territories for those who cannot possibly call iu person. 411-jnne 1. ca-o to S. C. SMITIi'S -FOK ALL- JobWork& Repairing CUPBOARDS, T.1BLE? STANDS, ETC., ETC. -ALSO A FINE LINE OF MOULDINGS,MIHHOHS ANO CUHTAIN POLES, 1)1 KUCI' FIIOM THE EAST CHEAP FOIl CASH, PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY. -Nextdoorto V. O. MINOH'S, May Street. THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. MY BKCKI STOP IT NOW, SOON IT VDIILBl TOO CATI. I have bten troubled many yesrs with disease of the kidneys and have tried many different lemedies and have sought aid from different physicians without relief. About (he 15th ol April 1 was sufrerinif from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me IB ....... a niannn t .ut 1 WSS b"llt OVCr. When I sat down it was almost impossible for me to get up alone, or lo put on my clothes, when kiml Providence sent Dr. Henley, with the OKliOON KIUNKV TEA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aston ishment of all the guests at the hotel, in a few days.l am happy to state, that 1 was a new man. 1 will' recommend the tea to all afflicted! as 1 have been. O. A. TUPPER, Proprietor Occidental Hotel. sama a ,n NO MORE BACKACHE! faber's Gslden Female Pills., FnrFemnle Irreenlar 1 tlc; not n hi? lute them on the market. AVivrr ni;. S'i ceesnilly used by p ominptit la lies monthly. Guaranteed to relieve s lppiVBsed mentrua;ioa. tUrElSAFC! CE3TAIM! Dnn't hi rnmbieeod. Hftvo lime. Health, an... rao'jey ;Uke uo oili er. flpnt ti anv address. '"CTi. ftfM-iirp YiV ma t nil re- ee? pt of pric, 2.0j. THE A7XB0 SiEu!C!NE C3fl?Ariy, Western Branch, Jox27, rOKTLANU, oil Sold by T, W. Ayerfl. Jr. Sole Agent or Heppor. - tf. -- NOTICE I Believing that tbe party who arranged my ticket at the late city election, made an unintentional mistake, I feel that 1 owe said party au apology for a former notice iu the Gazette. 413 It. J- F. Kekney. . FOR SALE !.k.,.ii' A flood sheep rancb and range on S i 'ke river, iu Idaho. For fuith, r par t.culars, i quire at tbe Gazklte uiliee. 413-tf. Will sell at cost during sale, all my stoo ol Men's and Bojs' Uvncoats and Leather Co.its. I. C. S. Van Duyn. Special forms in legal blanks printed to order at the Gazettb ollioe. Non but the best legal blank paper used. A fuli liue of blanks for jnMices, etc., it kept iu siuck, at prices us low as Salem. Portland or Pendleton. Send in your orders. FOR RENT OR SALE. One hundred and sixty acres of bunch grass, nicely situated. Call at Oazktte office. 405-tf. FOR SETTLERS. Settlers who have paid $100 for their pre-emptions or commuted homesteads i linn Id apply for a rebate through Frank H Suow, at Lexington. He makes no charges unless successful. 410 tf. FOR SAL i. The Byrne and MoCiillongh plaoe, on Willow creek, 10 miles above Heppner. For terms, apply in person or by letter, to Frank Byrne, Fossil, Gihiain county, Oregon. 410 tf. 1 All.tUtlMi' I have opened awell appointed tailor ing establishment in my new build ing on May street, and am now regularly receiving new goods and will make ous tom made pants rom $7 to $15 btst goods in the market. A. Abphamhiok. LOST ON McKAY CREEK. One sorrel gelding, saddle horse, on o; about August 1, 1890. He is about 7 years old; weight, about 1,000 pounds, has n white strip down the face, and left eye affeoted. Has brand F. on the right shoulder. I will give $20 reward to any one that, delivers the above horse t Joe Keenej's stable, at P. ndleton, Or., or $10 for any information that will lead to bis recovery. II. C. Vacghan. 410 413. THEY STILL LIVE I Although the Banchgrass Blade died about two years ago, many of its de linquent subscribers are living, as are also the books und accounts of said paper, which are iu possession of the un dersigned, who desires all persons know iug themselves iudebted to the Blade for subscriptions to settle with him on or before March 20, 1891, after hiobdate all unpaid bills will be placed with au attorney for collection. 'R. H. WlIITSON, 412-413. Lexington, Or. Soon to arrivel A iine line of White Dress Goods, children's and ladies'; also full line of ladies' spring uuderwear, whiob I will sell at 50c, 75c. and 1 per suit. Ladies' Vests, a-ii ciik 2 per suit; also a fine liue of Beaded Necklaoes, and tbe latest patterns of Embroidery, Im ported Black Sateen Henrietta finish. Prices to suit all. - 412i(. C. S. Van Duyn. CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old pbynioian, retired from prno tice. hfivin had pluced in li is bunds by an Eiint India imsHionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy tir tbe upeedy and p rmaiient cure of Consumption. Bnvhiiie. Catarrh, Asthma ;md all throat and Lnuir AftVotiuns, also a positive aud radioal cure fur Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, alter having tested its wonderful curative powers iu thnuRHiids of oases, has felt it his duty to make it. knmwi to bis Buffering fellows. otunted by this motive and desire to relievi humnii.auireriii(?, 1 will send free of olmrgH. to all ho desirn it, this re cipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and naiuk. Sent by mail by addressing nitb stamp, naming tins paper. W. A. No yes, 820 Powers' Block, 432 463 lyr. Rochester, N. Y. The Oreaonian has the largest oircu latioii of any daily, Sunday or weekly paper west of the Kooky Mountains, and in order to further increase its c iron I a tion they have eeleoted with great care, a large list of valuable books and other useful articles, and are o (Turing them as premiums to each new subscriber, to any of its several issues for yearly subscrip tions. The OrejyoMianshouH be in every household. Bud for premium list to the Oregonian Publishing Co., 1 ortlntid, Oregon. 409-410. Mr, Mattos has taken the wagoni off (he HeppnerCanyou stage line, and put on Kieiuhs in their stead. There is splen did slfigliing between Heppner and Hardnuiu, but this eud of the road is get ting bare. ME PIT WINS. We desire to say to our citizens, that for yeiirs we have been selling Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption. I)r, Kind's New Life TilU, Bnckliu'a Arnica Salve ami Electric Bitters. nd have never handled remedied that sell as well, or that hfive given such universal satis faction. We do not hesitate to guttriin tee them every time, and wh eland reudg to refund the purchase price, if sntiHfac tiry remilts do not follow their nsp. These remedies have won their Kreat popularity purely on their merits. T. W. Ayets, Drnjjtfist. Our tolx't'tiimiHiH liHiileil now b"lh Mninlay and TuHHilny to rppitir the rav Hgns nf "OIH Hnl " Our h'wa will tiHve a tuboga-i slid ,eveu if they are Com pelled to import Biinw, Now the timn of yettr appronohelb when it'a uo world of tun for the festive vaquero and rm ut ; i ni moonrcb. Wreot Iiiik villi Htuclt in tle Klin", morning air is no piinio, frm extensive experience had by youra truly. OLD WAVES Are predicted with reliable aoenracy, and people liable to painn and aohea of rheumatism dread every ol.iinue to dump r .turmy weather. Alih'uub Hood's Hiirniipniilla i not claimed to be a pos itive hpeeitie for ihenmaliHm, the re markable cures it lias efleoted nhow that it may he tnkeo for this Oouipluiut with reasonable Certainty of benefit. Its action in neutralising the acidity of the blood, which is the oaime of rheumatism, coimlitnteg the secret of siifoeBS of Hood's H mapnnlla. If yon sutler from rheumatism, give Huud'g Sarsaparilla a fair trial ; il will do yon good. NOTICE or INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 9, 1891. Koiice la hereby jfiven that the followlne- named settler ha tiled notice of bis Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that to id proof Mill be made before Frank H. 8now, V. 8. 'ommisioner at LuxliiKton, Or., ou March 21, lwU, viz: PAUL TROEDSON, Hd. 2Sfl. for the Wi;8V. NEHW'i.PEU 9WU SM' IS, Tp 1 N, K i fi, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous reaidence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Charlea W. Reed, Sylvester White. Joseph Fli tting and Charles Filkins. all of caddie, Morrow county. Or. JOHN W. IjKWIP, 412-417. . Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The PulleR, Or., Feb. 9, 1S91. Notice is hereby triren that the followinir- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Frank II. now. u. a. (join mi en loner at .Loxincton. ur.. ou March 20, 18-J1, viz: CHARLES W. REED, Hd. .IMl.for the8E': Sec 2, Tp 1 N, R23E, V. M. lie names me following wuncBHes to prove his continuous residence uoon. and cultivation of, said laud, viz: &vivester vuine. ram lrcenson. Josenn li king and Charles Filkins, all of Saddle. Morrow couuty, Or. JOHN VY. LEWIS, 412-417. Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. J. T. Thompson, Flaintiff. vs. Rachel S. Thompson, Defendant. To Rachel 9. Thompson, Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: YOU ARE HEREBY REQUIRED TO APPEAR aud answer the complaint tiled against you iu the above entitled suit within ten da'B from the date ot the service of this summons upon you, if served within this county; or, if served within any other county of this State, then with in twenty days from the date of the Bervlce of this summons upon you; or, if Rervcd by publi cation, then on or before the first day of the Cir cuit Court of said County aud state, to-w it, Monday, March 2:1, IHUl, and If you fall so to answer or appear for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment against you, dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between yon and plaintiff, on the grounds of desertion, and for such relief as is prayed for iu his complaint filed herein, 'ihis summons Is nerved on you by publica tion, by virtue of an order made by Hon. L. R. Webster, Judge of the 1st Judicial District of Oregon, which said order Is dated at The Dalles, Oregon, February 12, lsiti. W. R. ELLI3, 412-417. Att'y for Haintlff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the Couuty of Morrow. The National Bank ol Heppner, riaiutiff. VB. R. W. Bcardon and I. M. Piper, et al Defendants. To R. W. Ileardon and I. M. Piper, Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: YOU ARE HEREBY REQUIRED TO APPEAR and answer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled action within ten dayi ironitneuate oi me service oi uus tjummo'is upon von, if served within this County; or, If served iu any other County oi this state, then w ltiuii twenty days lro.n tne ctate ot the service of this Summons upon you; or, if served by puuucauon, men ou or oeiore me ursi nay oi the next ter.u of the Circuit Court of Baid Coun ty and State, to-wit, March 2J, Mil, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will inke tudiruient against von for the sum ol One Hundred and Mnety-niue dollars (19!t), balance due on promissory note, aud ten lu) per cent, interest from September :), 1WI0, and for attorney's lees, and costs and disbursements. 'Ihis summons is served on you by publication, by virtue of au order made at The Dalles, Or., by Hon. L. R. WeliBier, Judge of the FirBt Ju dicial District of Oregon, baid order is dated reuruary iu, xvji. W. R. ELLIS. 412-417. Att'y for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for uie uoumy oi sorrow. Foster Adams, Plaintiff, Ellar Adams, Defendant. To Ellar Adams, Defendant. IN THE NAMKUPTHK STATE OF OREGON: OU ARE HEREBY REQUIRED TO APPEAR anil answer the complaint Died againBt you in the above entitled suit within ten days from the date of the service of this buui- moiiB upon yon. if served within this couuty; or. if served within any other county of this state, then within twenty days troin tue uaie oi me service oi mis summons upon you; or, if served by publication, then on or before March 2-f, lS'.U, the first day of the next term of the Circuit Court of said county and state, aud if you fuil so to answer or appear, for want tbereol, the plaiutitf will take judgment against you, dissolving the bonds of matrimony now e.vimlug between you aud plaintiff, as pray ed for in his complaint. This summons is served on you by publication, by virtue of au order of Hon. L. It. Webster, Judge of the First;JudiclalDist. of Or, which said order was made at The Dalles, Oregon, February in, IH'jl. V. R. ELLIfl, 412-117. Att'y for Hoi Miff SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for the County of Morrow, State of Oregon. The American Mortgage Co,' of Scotland, Limited, l'luintltTs, vs. Mvlan E. Handy and Phosbe Handy, Defendants. To Mylan E. Handy and Phcebe Handy, Defen dants. IN THK NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, YOU ARE HEREBY REQUIRED TO APPEAR Hint answer the coniiilaiut filed agHinst vou in the above entitled cause, by the first day of the next regular term oi tne above entitled court, to-wit: March 2:(d, A. u, and if yon fail so to answer, lor want inereoi me piaiimus will take judgment against you for the sum of eight hundred and twelve dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from Feby. 4, 1'.1 until paid; for the sum of tiftv-stx dollars with ihterest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from Dec. 1. In1.) until paid; for the Btiin of one hundred anil fifty dollars attorneys fees and for costs and disburse mpntH nf tliiii suit: and for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage executed by you iu favor of niaiiit and conveying xne loiniwiug uescrioeu premises, to-wit: the hE'4 Hec. 2. Tp. 2 N It, '6 E., W. M.,ln Morrow County, Oregon, and for such other relief as Is demanded tu the com plaiht. 'Ihis summons is published by order of lion. James A. Fee, Judge of the sixth Judicial district of the State of Oregon. J, N. BROWN. 411-417. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of thd Btate (if Orngon, fur Morrow County. Margaret Dunton, Platnttlf, vs. I John A. Hendrix and Iathy f J. Hcndrix, Defendant!. J To John A. Hendrlx and Uthy J. Hendrlx, Defeli'luntH: In t)ie name of the State of Or.'fon. You are hereby required to appear and aimw er the rom plaint tiled aioilnut you iu tiie above entitled cHime hy the Unit day ol the next regular term of thl court, that being the (d day of March, A. I). lM'.'l. and if yon fall BO to answer, for want thereof the plaiutitf will take judgment against you for the sum of Two Hundred aud .Sixty Dol lars (2l), with interest at the rate of id per cent, per annum from Nov. 21, lKW,, and tlie fore closure of a mortgage, given to secure the same, on the Northwest quarter of Hectlon Twenty-six Oil'.), Township Three (.1) Houth, Range Tw enty six (-21'.) E.W. M-, and for such further relief aa Is demanded in the complaint. This summons Is published by order of Judge James A. Fee, Judge ol the 8lxth Judicial dis trict of this Htate. Heppner, Jan. '23, 1'Ji. " J. n. nnovvN, 4)0-416. Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at U Grande, Or., Feb. II, Notice is hereby given that the followlug naiued settler has filed notice of his intention to make tlnal proof In support of hisclalm, anil that said proof will be made liefore County Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Or., on March SI), , MM, viz: JAMES II. PENLAN'D. Ds So. VK, for the WVj HK'4and NB'YSW!4 and tiV.'i N W!4 bee. i, Tp. 3 a, K U E, W. M. Frederick H. Ktaddon, take special notice. He names tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vtx: August Hale, Thomas R. Miller, William Dun can aud Joel Uroom, all of Heppner, (li-egon, A. Cl.KAVKa, 413.41X. Register. Frank H. Know, of Islington is an thorizsd to receive land publication feel for tbe Gazette. WHAT ! Don't Know Thafc H. Blackman & Co. Can famish you $ oat fitting Suits for both men and boys, Ladle Dress Goods of elegant patterns, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats, Blankets, Groceries, Heirs' Suwfa, Stockmens' Outfits, for Trail Use, Guns, Ammunition, Glassware and Queensware. Agents for the Celebrated Bain Wagons and Hacks? WELL ! WELL ! WELL ! TTTTTT Now you have that Information. Yea, and Many other things kept in a large, well-appointed store like II. Blackman & Co.'s. Every, thing is sold at the lowest possible prices. When you get your Fall Outfit, Don't Forget H. Blackman & Co., MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. tNJSW NEW GOODS! ISuWeor to HEPPNER, TO ARRIVE The Largest Stock of Clothing ever brought to Heppner, bonght FOR CASH in the Eliot, Rnd will be sold nt nriceg never hnnl of before. BOfS' .UITa at 1 2o and upwards MEN'S and YOUl'HS' SUITS, Owing to the mild winter, will offer for the next THIRTY DAYS lOO OVURCOATS1 Ten to Fifteen Per Cent. Below Former Prices. MINOR BROTHERS, MAY ST. - HEPPNER, OR. For FirBt Quality Goods at Lowest Prices, GO TO LEEZER & THOMPSON DEALERS IN Hardware, Tinware, Groceties, Confectionery, Wood and Willow Ware. Agents for New Home and favorite Mewing Machiues. Lnmbersssa's Tools a bpeoialty. Highest market prioe paid for farm produce. tf. Comer Main aud Willow Streets, Heppner Or. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Office at The Dalles, Or. Jan. 19, '01. Notice Is hereby given that tlie followlng--named settler has tiled notice of tils intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Judge of Morrow County, at Heppner Oregon, on Febru ary 21, ll'Jl, vU: , FRANK L, TROUTMAN, Hd. No. 2.176, for the NEJ Sec. 4, Tp. 1 8, R 26 E, ile names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz; . Metier, Thomas Boothby, Dan Potter and J. C. Thomson, ail of U-xinglon, Or. John W. I.hwis, 400-114. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION, land Office at U Orande, Or., Jan. 19. 1891. Nollee Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention 10 make final proof lu support of his claim, and that said proof will i made hefore the County Clerk of Morrow Countv, at Heppner, Oregon, on Tuesday, Maroh 3, 1W1, viz: JOSEPH DUBOIS. No. 10014, for the f Ki Hec. a, Tp. H, R27 K. W. M. Ile names the following witnesses to prove his continues residence, upon and cultivation of, said land, vi.: IjiuIs Oroshens, Victor Oroshens, Robert llaK and Dan B. atalter, all of iieppuer, Or. A. CLIAVIR, iff) 414. Register. WHAT ! ! FIEM II NEW PRICES! VV. O. MINOR,) OREGON. THIS WEEK!; NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at U Grande, Or., Jan. 19, 1891. Nutlce Is hereby riven that the folinwin.. named settler has Hied notice of Ills Intention ta make final proof lu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County. Or., on Tuesday. March li, IH'Jl, viz: LOUIS OROSHENS, Ds. No. mi0. for Lot 4. and SWli NWW. WU 8W14 Hec 1, Tp. 6 H, R 2 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, said laud, viz: W. o. Minor. Wesley Marlatt, Robert Hart and Joe Dubois, all ot Heppner, Or. A. UU1VIS, 400-414. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. land Office at The Dalles, Or., Feb. s, Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tlual proof In support of hla eloim. and that said proof will be made before w. It Ellis, U. S. Commissioner at Ueppiisr, Morrow county, Or., on March U, lnul, viz: SAMUEL W. CREESON. Hd. 3M1, for the BW See 12,TpJ8, R26K, W.M. He names th. following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. suid laud, viz: John It. Gentry, W. f!. Lacy, W. W. Kirk and Wui. Barton, all of Ueppuer, Or. Joaa W. Lswis, 4J2-4IT. Register. i.