HEfTNER GAZETTE. HEWNER, OREGON. JAY GOULD SNUBBED. A Governor Would Not Meet Him AS HE IS A MONOPOLIST, John F. Swift jray Take Wlndom'i Va cant Seat In the Cabiut Import ant Mortgagee Ieclnlon. New York, Feb. 9 The World's At lanta, Ga., special Bays: While Jay Gould was being wined and dined in this city Saturday the noticeablo absence of Governor Northen from attention in the programme was several times c mment ed upon. The receptions were munici pal, commercial and social in character, yet neither at the City Council recep tion nor at the Capital City club lunch, nor at the evening reception tendered by Hugh T. Inman, did the governor or any member of his family appear, owing to Governor Northen's little personal acquaintance in this city. His name had probably been overlooked. This was agreed to on all sides that the mis take must have been made somewhere. Some Alliance men were disposed to think that the slight was intended, as Northen was elected by them. The facts leaked out today. It seems that Northen did not meet Gould beciniKe he did not wish to. Ho wuh duly invited to join citizens of Atlanta in doing honor to the great magnate. It was represented to him that Gould's visit to Atlanta meant much in a business sense, that Georgia would gain by his proposed transconti nental alliance with the Kichmond Ter minal system more than any other State, since it meant the pouring of grain chipments of the west into Savannah and Brunswick. "I do not want to meet Gould," was the Governor's reply. "His visit here has no ollieial character. While 1 would like to meet the other gentlemen of the party, I cannot do ho because of the presence of Gould. I object to him per sonally, because I disapprove of his Jmlicy of monopoly. 1 regret to be urceu to this conclusion, but the com mon people owe Gould nothing, anil as chief executive of Georgia I cannot do him reverence." This is why Governor Northen's name appears nowhere on the list. There is a great diversity of opinion in regard to his course. BWII'T MAY OUT IN Till! CADINKT. Nkw York, Feb. 11 The Herald's Washington special says : There is good ground for the belief that President Harrison is considering John F. Swift, of California, in connection with the treasury portfolio. Swift is ono of the president's intimate friends. It was his intention to give him a place in the cabinet long before his induction into ollice, and lie would hnvo done so had nut California politicians urged the appoint ment of anothergentleinan, M. M. Kstee, president of the last Chicago convention. The president did not want Kstee and so bluntly informed Californians, hut under the circumstances ho felt that he could consistently appointSwil'tand thereupon lei t the coast out ol tlie cabinet consider ation altogether. Hut ho took the carlie.it opportunity of testifying his regard for Swift by nominating him as Minister to Japan within 4H hours alter his inauguration One of the reasons given for Swift's so- taction to the cabinet place is that while he would represent the very hotbed of eilvonlom, lie is personally in sympathy with the east, although not on the money question. In choosing Mr. Swill as a member of bis political household, the President would enjoy the advant ages of associating with a lite-long per sonal friend and at the same time give tho 1'acitic coast a representative to his cabinet, embodying sound ideas of finance. Californians believe that Swift has been already communicated with by cable on tho subject, and that it ho will accept the cabinet portfolio it will be given him, IMPORTANT MOIlTUAOlt DECISION. New Yohk, Feb. 9--The Times' Wake ney, Kas., special says : Judge Osborne, of tho Twenty-third district, has ren dered a decision which will ell'ect nearly every mortgage claim in western Kan sas and if sustained by the supreme court will mnke thousands of dollars for eastorn investors. Ho has decided that a mortgage given by a settler on a United States claim before tiling liiml papers is valid. Heretofore it has been thought that such mortgage was not valid and when settlers mortgaged their claims to got money they thought they could not be held for a mortgage so given. Judge Osborne decides that the mort gage is a lien on the place, if given by one who is about to become and does be come the umiualilled owner. Thousands of loans have been negotiated through the east on this basis and great was the cry raised some mouthsago by the noted Sam Wood that no farmer need pay bis mortgage thus given nud he propocsd to destroy $2,000,l,10 indebtedness. This decision thus given corrects and settles that idea and eastern investors feel safer. Tho rate at which western uiort li'ages are being foreclosed is causing much anxiety. Loan agents are not placing a dollar, but taking it in as fast as possible and tho result is an over whelming business in the courts. They have more foreclosure cases than ever before and tho dockets are crowded with scores more. Soon the cast will own nearly all the western par! of Kansas in fee simple. Him a Sw Kttfraueineut. Hkiimn, Feb. 9 Assad Furran, the in terpreter, who first cs posed the horrible cannibal scene in which Jameson had a part and who afterwards in London re tracted tho obliges to a certain extent, has since succeeded in obtaining an ap pointment us interpreter for Wissuian, the German commander in Fast Africa, and is now envragod in that capacity. Assad's trouble in tho Jameson allair appears to have been an ..pen sesame to an engagement with the Uerinans. Itml Cu of l.t'itruty. San Fhancisco, Feb. 9 Sammy Mike, a native of tho Fast Indies, Tti years of age was sent to the pest house this morning as a leper patient. Ihs hands and feet are one mass of sores. He has been working in this city as a laundry man and house servant lor the past i:.' years. WOOIIKN NAVAL Mill's. Whether They Are Worth llelnii lte. paired I'nder C'ontil ieriltion. Wasiunoton, P. C, Feb. 9 Secretary Tracy is seriously considering tho pro blem of whether or not it is worth bile to repair the old wooden ships of the navy. Many of them are quite rotten and the expense of repairing them will be considerable. At the same time old wooden ships have many points in their favor which new ships do not possess. Nearlv all of them are full fizzed and the expenses incident to voyages are much less than those of new ship?. Swatara, full rigged, made the trip from China by sail and did not have to use coal on her wav over. The Pensacola, which has just left South Atlantic waters for Chili, is proceeding by sail and when last heard of was makinz as good time as if she were propelled by steam. Both classes of vesels have their advo cates among naval officers and the pres sure brotmht to bear on Secretiry Tracy to abandon all wooden vessels for new ships propelled by steam is great. He is still undecided as to a general policy, but it is probable that the Swatara, alxnit which the present hitch has arisen, will be repaired, although to do so will cost about $75,000. This will not be done, however, until next June or July. She is now at Mare island, Ual., navy yard. On the Guilty One's Track. Parih, Feb. 9 The French police have traced the individual who sent false tel egrams about affairs in Rio Janiero for the purpose of creating a panic in Brazil ian bonds, and they hope Boon to have the guilty person arrested. Will C natruct I'.lillwnys. 1Sf.ki.in, Feb. 9 Russia will use the labor of exiles whose sentence includes hard labor in construction of the Siberian railway. DOYLE CAMMED While Attempting to Make His Escape in Seattle. Lieutenant Sullivan of the Police Wat fit the Fight and U to be IuYegtiirated. Seattle, Feb. 9 Billy Doyle, the vic tor in tho prize fight which resulted in the death of Geoage Shafer on Friday night, was arrested by Lieutenant Sul livan and Detective Rogers about 10 o'clock last night. The ollicers received information yesterday morning that Dovle could be found near Lake Union, and they shadowed two men who were taking care of him and finally found that ho was in a house on Olive street in their company. .They walked right up to Doyle as he left the house in order to make his escape, and they immediately placed him under arrest, lie was locked up in the city jail and will have acharge probably of manslaughter entered against In in this morning. Chief of Police Monroe yesterday af ternoon suspended Lieutenant Phil Sul livan pending investigation for his fail ure to stop the light to the finish at the People's theater which resulted in the death of Shafer Saturday morning. Lieutenant Sullivan returned about noon from Tacoina, whither he went Satur day morning in search of Doyle. Soon after his arrival at headquarters he re ceived notice of his suspension from the chief. The investigation will occur to day at one o'clock p. m. before the board of police commissioners in the board of aldermen hall. Lieutenant Sullivan was present dur ing tho fight, and, it is charged, failed to stop it or to place the participants um'lei arrest. Ho was in charge of the nighl patrol which was on duty when tho light occurred. ll.VrTI.KU IN A COFFIN. Weinl ami furious Experience of Mm, tieorge Tyrce. Si'iiiNoi-iui.o, Ohio, Feo. 7 A queer event is exciting people here. Mrs. George Tyrce of West Pleasant street for some time has been a chronic invalid from consumption, tho illness being augmented by a severe fall which affected her spine. Sho has been gradually growing weak er, and Monday afternoon her breath came in gasps, and at 2 o'clock to all ap pearances, lite felt the body, ana the woman was pronounced dead. Soon after she began to show slight signs of life, but by 5 o'clock the body was again seemingly lileless. All hopes were given up and arrangements made for proper care of the body, an under taker being summoned. lieforo ho could arrive, however, the woman twain revived, and, sitting up in bed, startled tho attendant by saying, "i have come back to be baptized." So positive was Mrs. lyrce that she uiiiHt be at once paptized that Uev. W. A. Gross was summoned and requested to take her to the church and adiiiinistei the rite of baptism. He reiused, saying it would kill her. Hut the woman's appeals were so piti ful that he determined to baptize her ni the house. Accordingly he took the metallic coflin and filling it with water, with the aid o. her hushund, immersed the woman. The ahiKist lifeless body seemed to be revived, and shouting ''Glory, Glory !' the invalid was laid upon the bed. No had ell'ect was produced by the plunge. Today she was greatly improved and declared sho woul.i recover. I. A tlltll'lK! I. A OICII'I'K! AkiiIii ou a YUlt to Sau FruiicUcu Though t'huUKcu In Symptom. San Fhancisi'o, Feb. (I La grippe is with us. The disease that swept over F.urope and America hint winter is onco mote visiting San Francisco. "Give mo something quick ; 1 am in such pain," is tho cry the drug clerks told a reporter they hear every day as some unfortunate is seized with sudden cramps in the back and stomach. These are the svniptoms of the present visita tion, willi a severe cold and general lassitude of the system. Dr. De ecehi thinks that tho disease has assumed a more alarming form than when here before, while others who had noticed an increasing number of cases in .their practice thought the sviiiptoins I ,..i.i..- ii i.. h 1 1 1" iiiii.iii iiuiii iiMim-in, Dr. Kesenstirn bad hud a number ol cases in bis practice, and ill many w here the patients teemed apparently to be troubled with a severe cold the general giving inutv of the system indicated very surely that an epidemic of la grippe was onco more here. The prevailing opinion among the doctors was tho disease is ill a milder form than the last visitation. Many say it is the old plague that de viated F.urope centuries ago. The symp toms are almost identical, commencing wuh the pain at the back of the head. with great lassitude, and perhaps ihe reason that the lands visited by la grippe are not stricken as in the centuries past is owing to the improved sanitary con ditions of the present dsv. New. lo .tuff. LosnoN, Feb. 6 United States Con sul New, replying to a question as to the rumors which connect his name with tho portfolio of the treasury, said today : "I have not received any message from President Harrison, and ! know nothing about any proposition to oner me the treasury postfolio." CIIRISSY AND LARSE. A Scandinavian Maiden is Played False. A BREACH OF PROMISE SUIT. The Poellc Story of Chrl.llne El linen and Lame liauge She Loyed Too Truly. San Fiiancisco, Feb. 7 Christine Er iksen's heart is broken and her days are full of tears. Youthiul to a fault and confiding by nature, she m courted by the wrong man. He wooed her so t Scandinavian heart ai.d won it ; he brought her from her happy home in -Norway and with soft words beguiled her, and then, forsaking her for a giddy widow, left her to a life of woe. Christine is blue eyed and buxom, fair faced and flaxen curled. Her smile is as sweet as old fashioned molasses candy; her laughter like the mountain orooklets by her native town of Stav anger. Time was when Christine tripped the meadows gaily and knew no grief oi .tare; but that was oh, that was aues igone; at least Christine thinks so. Truth to tell, it was only in 18bJ; but the days of sorrow drag slow ly and the weeks seem longer than years. In the me.ry springtime of 1889 the heart of the gentle Christine was yet in tact and uncaptured. She was just ris ing eighteen then, and in all Stavanger there was no more Jbeauteous maiden, ihe town and rural swains adored lo r and used to whisper soft nothingnesses in her ear. Ihe sturdy mountaineers irom the Dovrel'eld hills sang songs to uer, the boatmen of the liukke i-jurd, by whose shores Stavanger lies, were ,-easeless in the praise of her beauty. In line she was the belle of all Stavanger, and, in the conscioiisne s of that happy circumstance, blithe as a lark was she. T1IK DI.ITIIKSO.MK l.OVKll. One day in the early May, however, she strayed out from the town, and, whether it was l,y accident or design 'twere hard to tell she met a hand ioine stranger. He was a dashing, manly-looking fel low, with a iqorry tn inkliiigeye. Chris tine thought she knew all the Stravan ;er boys, but this stranger was a new one to her. She just peeped at him dantwise under her eyelashes and he iviuked at her. Ho winked, and as he lid so the rosy blushes blossomed in Christine's .fair ..heeks and her.liltle heart Julteied like a captive butterily. She looked behind when she had passed him by and saw that he was looking buck too. Then she blushed nore th in ever as she hurried along her way. For she did not dare to stop and talk to a strange man on the Stavanger road no matter how h indsome he was. Jli dear, no I Christine was tar too good i tittle girl to do anything of the kind. Well, then the subsequent ha'f of the courtship was as simple as drinking. In i little place like Stavanger everybody ,uiows everybody el-e, and meeting the ibject of one's aHections is as easy as rolling ofl'a log. in this ense the object of Christine's new-born love wa one J. arse liauge. Jo had tr ivoled far and met strangers in n. any muds, and he had a free and asy sort ol a way with him and a soft qio'ken manner that took like wildfire inning tho unsophisticated maidens of .Stavanger. Before he knew Christine ad.ivhe was calling her Chrissy and she was calling nim Larse. lie was that easy to get ilong willi, you know. Then, later on, oe used to throw his strong arms around uis sweetheart's waist and Christine's Aiiist is pretty nearly forty inches and niss her for hours at a time. At first Christine was too flustered for anything when he kissed her; but later on she ,'rew quite accustomed to the business, and along in June she u-ed to sit on his unee for hours at a time, and often pil low her head on his manly bosom and listen to his impassioned heart-beats commingling with the loud and pleasant ticking ot his imported Waterbury watch. TO Til It UOLDKN GATE. Before August came the couple were enmtged. She had given him a gold ring with her name upon it, he had sworn to make her Ins bride. "We will cross the ocean to America," aid Larse. "We will go to California. There, in a land that is teeming with nilk and honey, and gleaming with yel iowgold,! shall quickly accumulate a pile. Then we will get married. Won't ac, oh, my blue-eyed pigeon?" Then the loving' Christine buried her head ag.iin in Ins bosom and listened to ihe iui)orted Waterbury licking as per usual, and softly murmured, "Ves." How was Ch inline to know that Larse wa-iatritler among hearts? llow was die then to tell that a widow would sup plant her in his tickle all'ections? Karly in September they left the shores of Norway. S.tdly, but with an indescribable feelingof joy fulness, Chris tine bade her relatives good-bve, and caving behind her all the comforts of tier early home, started w ith Larse for San Francisco. Time went by and Larse raised the competence wherewith to build a happy home for his sweetheart; but somehow when it came down to matrimony the girl could never induce h.in to toe the scratch line. Oltcn and often did Chris tine make the suggestion. Often and often did she paint in glowing terin-i the joy that would be begotten of their quick and speedy mari'iiiire. But Larse well Larse was always for delay. lie recom mended Christine to remain at service, ami meanwhile devoted a larje percent age of his own leisuie lo spooning other o'l'ls. Now when a fel'ow goes spooning girls proinisculoiislv the odds are 10 to one ih.it he will have to marry them some time or another : and this is especially the case if he goes fool ug around among widows, oblivion tu this la -t, and con fident ol the imp. 'cgiitt iiiiy oi hi. own heart, Larse licgan paying court to one of the latter. She won him. He promised to marry her, anyhow, and Christine got wind of the ntl'.ur. NOI' SO VKKY SIMI'I.K. Phew ! but there was a circus the next time they met. Weep ng and wailing and vnashing of teeth, and all sorts of upbraiding. Larse was between the devil and the deep sea and could notes cape from either. Dreading, however, the vengeance of a widow betrayed, he decided lo call things otf with Christine, and so informed her that she would have to find another feilow. She begged and I praved and entreated, but it was all of uo avail. Visions ol an angry widow haunted the guilty Larse. Moreover, he was still spooning about the widow and had tired of his specially imported sweetheart long ago. He would not even give her back the ting ihe had pre- Highest ot aH in Leavening Power, ABSOLUTELY PURE sented him with. He would not even offer tn apml tiai hrtm un I .. give her the coldest sort of a good-by; umy mat and noilung more. rora wnne she brooded in silence; then she decided to he revenged. She earned of that strange American insti tution CAlItl n tir(,n..h nl nt-nmi-A a..! ami decided to set even with Larse through that medium. Hence it has come about that papers in such a an t were filed yesterdav, papers in which Clirstine seeks da nages to the tnnp nf i9( (VIA, ... a l...bun ku..v and consequently blighted career. "iiriuer sue win win or not, wnether Larse wtio is a ntrtt uf ..mlii,,..,. w II raise the $23,00) if she does, what .mi oecoine 01 the widow, ami will the play be worth the candle are all ques tions entirelv alien to and niitaidt. the storv at issue. Tackled the Wrong Company. MARVrtVn.l.R. Ifll.. Koh 0 Tilt linlruf rtftii'A ni Iha SmrKuhn !.... ,'H I..-.. ....... entered by burglars yesterday. Only a man sum 01 money was taKen. It May Come True. San Francisco, Feb I) For Orenon and Washington: Light rain or snow; winds geneially southerlv: brisk tohiirh on Washington const; warmer. Jay Is All Klght. New Yohk, Feb. 9 The statement in a Savannah dispatch to the World that Jay Gould is ill is denied today by Mr. ueorge uouiu. Among ! lie Shipping. San Francisco, Feb. 9 Arrived Uorlinnlina IVtuml,;., Ua.I UUI...U., Sailed Steamer Umatilla, Victoria. A pamphlet of information andab- i8traci 01 me jaws, owing ttow ioa , ,utitiiin ritrenu, caveaig, TnaeJ Harks. Coprnnnts, tent Jret. j. Addrw MUNN A UU.i . 3G1 Broadwnjr.7 ECAUSt TMEY ARE THE BEST. V. Al. r BftftY & CO s Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced SEED ANNUALi (or 1891 will be mailed FREE J Ito ah applicants, and to last season's! 1 customers, it is oetter man ever. Every person using Garden, Flower or Field Sads. should send far it, Addresa O. M. FERRY 4 CO. DETROIT. MICH. I Largest Seedsmen in the world I 'J I Jha Great French Speeifiofor Debility. BE A MAN AGAIN! Y0UCAN. Are you troubled with any form of nervous disease or any disorder of the (generative organs, rising from youth ful indiscretions or over indulg such as AfsrtJ 1 Prat 'ri. Hon, Loss of Brain Po wtr, Wakeful. n'M. Sem inal Weakness. Nocturnal Bmietiom, Weak I Ulemory, Lose of Power or tmpotency ? i Ws Guarantee Sil Boxes to Cure Any Cast A WRITTEN CUARANTEE is given for every 15.09 order received, to refund the money if a permanent cure is not affected. SEQUARD'S INVICCRATOR Is used and recommended bv the leading physicians of this country snd Europe, and there is no question us to its value. It will give vou Manhood. 1'rlco, $1.00 a box, G boxes for $5.00. Sent by mail on receiptor price, securely wrapped and protected f.-om observation. Address, STEWART a HOLMES DRUG CO, WHO LI SAL AGli-.rf, SEATTLE. WASH For Bale by T. W. Ayers, Jr. druggist, Hepnur, Oregon. rlNSISTl Y0UP 5T0REKEEPE jetting Them I FOR YOU.':? yY WHEEL IT WILL PAY FOR ITSELF N A SHORT TIME By Giving MORE POWER and USING LESS WATER than any othsr W!i::' Writ for snr Now Ulnotratert fatalotm of IS01. THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL & ENGINE CO. S PRINGFIELD. 0..U.S.A. TJ. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. taking bwder Captain. Must Have Been Drunk. I.ONDON, Feb. 9. Last night several collis ions occurred between steamship" at uravesena. ine steamer Carolina, bound for London, from Grangmouth, wa in collision with the steamer Lam beth. The former vessel sank. Subse quently the Lambeth collided with the steamship Alnlvine and the latter was beached to save her from sinking. The st amer Schwab Bremen, for London, ran into the steamship Jjelambre, sink ing l.er. Rmm Blockade In Nelira.k. Omaha, Feb. 9 The storm that began Saturday nhlit west of the Black Hills and swept southeast, raged for i4 hours and did not cease in southern Nebraska until this morning. The overland trains that are held netween Sidney and Chey enne win De released tins aiternoon. Some of the Black Hill trains and the trains of branch roads in Mehraska are still snow-bound and will not be able to turn a wheel until tomorrow. 8ettle Citizen In Trouble. Fan Fkancibco, Feb. 9 The footpad who has been operating so extensively throughout this city, holding up people in saloons and groceries, and who was severe V beaten Saturday niuht. i-lain-s to have come from Seattle, where he his been working al his trade, boiler mak ing. A receipt (or a watch and chain Deionging to one J. tr.seill was lound on him. Fined For Admitting Women. T.nnllW. Feh. (I Knwmhen, li'mioain. nig has been heavily fined for admitting wuiueu iu uis oieeuriKR. . First Snow In l ortliinil. Portland, Or.. Feb. 9 The first snow 01 this winter fell here this inornine. Printers' Ink. A JOURNAL FOR ADVERTISERS. !i lined 01 tin list iai f f.iratk di-i tf tie mocth, aid li til refiuKtatht jooraal the tnit onnul if Aatrltan STtrtl:en. It lidiutti te tht Iaipneaced ilwtisu kcT, Then, ui vhin bi ilsuld Jtcrt!:i ; hCT to write 11 tlTsrtlieant ; bra le dUpla; oce ; vhat ssp apen to su ; bo mu: amor to tzpar.1 la fact, dlicounci oa eror polat tut admlti of frcJtillt dlieraloa. AdTerttila; ti ta art praetlcod by maa; out aadontood ij tn. Tat aoaduoton of FSINTZSS' IKI sadontaad It, am" their adrlet it taitl oa aa tipttleaco of moro thai tnaty-lTt ;eatt la placlig advortlilat; coatiaoti (ot auar of thi largest and tagit luceeoifal ilTO'.lien. A yaar'i intictiftloa eoiti but On) Dollar : lampli eoploi froa. Addresa B Alii BT t I A. AM- JjS Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce St., New York. The greatest improvement in 'Corsets during the past twenty years is the use of Coraltne in the place of horn or whalebone. It is used in all of Dr. Warner's Corsets and ir. no others. The advantages of Coraline over horn or whalebone are that it does not become set like whalebone, and it is more flexi ble and more durable. Dr. Warner's Coraline Coraets are made in twenty-four differ ent styles, fitting every variety of figures thin, medium, stout, long waists and short waists, Sold everywhere. "TJJJSSlt BROS., MTrs., New York at.d Chicago. I", n iin ;.H'J )El' H0LY0KE,Mass To cure Biliousness, Sick Ilcaiiariie, Consti pation, Malaria, Liver Complaint, tata the eate ami rertnln remedy. SMITH'S Tse the AU Si"- (40littlp Benn tn tho buttle). They are tub most convkkibist. Suitable tor 11 Price of either size, 2fic. per Bottle. KISSING 'PHgTDORVUnt Ditiri BI7K. r r.,.mi,i J.F.$lllTH&Cfl.iiftkt!rior"BiiJiBEA.N'a,-' ST. LOUIS MO. Trie k ebrated French Cure, B.rr.MediAPUFtnn T NE ton in a Is Sold om a 1 POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any fon?i of nervous, disease, or any ,r,,.i.. nf tiiA BEFOR rfiiipmtlvA or AFTER faua ol tilher aex whether arising from the irinini dn ol atlmulauta. Tobauco or Opium, r through youthful Indiscretion, over linlulg- tn, 4c, audi as lwa ot Brain Power, waneiiu- neea, Bearing down Pains iu the nam, seminai 1 Wuk,.m HvitoHa Keri'nlll ProHtratlou Nocturil' i al Emission , Uucorrhoea, Diazlnets, Weak Mem. J ory, Ixnaot Power and Impotency, which II ne-1 Elected oltcn lead to premature omaireami insan ity. Price 11.00 a box, tboxea lor 5.M Bant by mall ou receipt of price. i a avlilTTltsorAnANTKBtoreeryf5 00 ! order, to refund the money If a rrina.ien cure Is not effected. Thousands of testimonials trora old and young, of both seres, permanently 11 ired by APHEOOITINX. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WISTIBH BRANCH, BOX 27 PORTLAND, OB For sale by T. V. Ayers. Jr.. di uir.-i-t. Hi'ppuer, Oregon. $3000 V F. A R ! I tinrlr-rlnkp to hrUIW t enchant (airly ttiti-llijtrui i rai init'i'iili. r ten, vilio mi rend anil wrHr, anj vlio, after iiiitiui lion, m ill work jiulufltriouftly, tiowto earn H h fcamul DnlUn a Kearlnthelrown l..i Hiiie,wln n-vfrtliey llve.l ivlll alio furnish the a(tuatlinoreinil..yiiii iit,iil hi. h vim run . nni thai aniinini, No niouev for nieimli-a Mirci'SMiil 11 iibnvt. Kttil anil riii k! learned, j d-aire Imt una worker from each tliatrii t urrntiniy. 1 iia already tauffhl nml provided with vmiilot mriit inrir' number, who are timkitifr over fMUW a ei cm li. !i l-,V and MOnU. Full particular" FK Aildrcn al ..in-e, fniif Jlttle fortnnpaliM" hffn mnflr v...k fr 11.. In Anna I'iiK'', Alilin, IVxns, ami .1in). Itnnii, Toledn, t'ln. nt. Utlifi'Marfihiitiftas well. W hy m,t vim? Some -ni .w 5J-i'' .mil It. y..u rmidu ihe wmkaiid lvo dinner n re i-nsiiv t-Hniiiie fi'ura E to HlHriv. All niri-Pi. U lm VOU hiW and start yi'ii. 1 wi.rk in liine or all tin' lime. l"(r m-'in'v mr km ere. t'ollnre iinUnmvii iini"ti(r thi m. ll.UulleUaV i;o.,os8lOI'rtIaHiiMttin MONEY! irSKtt lineofwfrk, )ldlltii,V III lu Ih- n vtr Iht y live. Any 1,1 k. i:i. u lin We tumuli every ihinar. We aiitrt you. N rik. V jrimr mru iinniiitiiis, or nil your tiiin- to the nrk. llim i" nn aiillii ly ni'W lviid,:ini litiiiRS oilti:i ful Mtitct-nn ii.cvi'iy Hi.iki r. Bv (tin ner arc euruiiin; frutu lo ul inrvi'k ami m'iiitJs, and tinilu i(trv a Htllu exiieilence. Wn ran fninii-ii you tli fiti nUiviiii'iit and tcacli ymi i- M.V.. Ho ipwuui exiltiin here, l ull inforiiiiiiiou k-itHii. TIE U 13 at CO., AtiJLt.'lA, JlAl.Mi. ffiniO.no n vcarU hi'injr mn1o by John H. C.oiuluin,lriW,N.V.,nl ork t..r lift. ln utltT, yull limy imt iiuikr an nil. rh. Imt cun ti'iirh ynit (jtiii Uly Inv ti'i iiin innii t-.'i to ttj tiny lit the mh it, and Hum- iim yi'ii p) mi. 11 Dili urnm, all Hi'i. In any I'lii't of America, you ran coniiin-nco ill liunn', izl v iiig ull vour tltni'.nr t ijari- miiiiientn on I v to Hie work. All is nw. (ireat i.ay SI IIKfur everv worker. We sinil you, fiirninhinir sviuyilihip. KASll.y, Si-LMII.Y In.nuil. ON SALE TO -A-XJli PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH AT HEPPXER, OREGON. J. C. HA.RT, Agent. FRAZER GREASE BEST IJf THE WORLD. 'ta WMring Qualities are unsurpaased, actual!? r'tlaattoff two boxes of any other brard. Not iSecudbrliMt. irtlET THE GEN L INE. FOB SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY, lyr EASY LABOR BILE BEANS or money j rufuuiiud. I ntiius HEW REPEATING RIFLE MAR LIN frfODEL 1889. an.... . uevolvera, etc., to the WABL1N FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CT., U. S. A. LYMAN'S PAT. RIFLE SIGHTS Am !IiuimIUJ lM. aa..at .a n wawnri uun iur nunuiJPJ Wtt Taroet Shoot Lna. ' sVli.a.lA ft -1 . ... Rifle ol laU6t deaign. Address! WW, LTMAH, Minefield, CI. WOVEN WIRE BEST FENCING STEEL WIRE irirr, tut DCCT' . . " n.-j C.wmn Omnhae QnH Hqi rAari Inr LawllS. uaillc 13, rdl Ilia, naiiviiue mm muiii vuu. Rlli'l -H 111 I'l c" 1' S..I.I hy iil.T. FKKIOUT PAID Vc UlilKivS on.TlHr:TTl!G, New Thin! The 'ifoAiiu'M Woven Wir. hao. 0... cWo,fil. So said Bui-1 wer, that 1 0-rpatcst of ' Novelists, and he never spoke more inilv a,ul tip Tnit'ht have added with equal force, that muHt is the essence of success. Wisdom't Roberline is the synonym of merit, and its history is success. The magical ef fects of this preparation have been attest ed by thousands of the leading ladies ot aociety and the stage. It is the only arti cle ever discovered which gives a Natur al and Beautiful tint to the complexion, at the same time removing all roughness) of the face and arms and leaving ttw skin soft, smooth and velvety. It ha long been the study of chemists to pro duce an article that while it would iemm tify the complexion would also have) tho merit of being harmless, but these) two important qualities were never brought together until combined in wisdoivts 50c. OnftPDTTHJll ' v - - , ItEATTf S TOCB OP THE WOULD. ix-Mayor Daniel F. Beatty, of Beany' Celbraitd Organs and Pianos, Washington. New Jersey, has returned home from an ex tended lour of the world. Read his adver tisement in this paper and send for catalogue. Daar 81 ri Wt niturneil bums lrll t, IIM, (torn lour around tut wort i, vlaltlng fcuropa, Alia, (Holy I .and), In dia, Cevloii, Af-rii-nlKicyt.tl, (tee anlcs, i island of the Soaa, f and Weatcrn Atneri- Vat in all our feat out ne of !i.97 nitlea. we do not raniem- liertrtnn ir an orgnm tweoter In tons ST .i''.1' than Uttty'a " For wa bulluve HX-MAYOR PAK.ELF. HEATTY. wa hiVO tlia , , , , , . . , fluuetoiit toned From a rhd'ofni'i tulcn In l.ondcin, jt, Btrumnta l.jii.;lu.,J, laav. md nt any lirW. Now to prnvn ti yon tlidt thll Hl'itement tt ai'HDliit'1! triif, vu wtmhl hkfl inr any rmider of thla r it hit to or I r ono nf our limN'hli'ii .TKHim or pluuof, bihl w w II ullbr ymi n ui oitt ImrKiiln. I'ut lliriilara Kra. .-utlir"tliin lilJ.vli AM KKi ur iin.noy ptotnp tly re run, led al any tl no lvilliln tliret til p jt-ftri, with Inter At at (1 i-Tenl. n elilmr I'lmio or Orin, Inlly warrHliteit ten yeu . WiO wo l''ft lium? a itouiiUoHi. plow hoy; tn -lny wa h-ivo nmii'ly ono luuuiri'd tliouanil of lttvttiy'j onf,iii3 unil piiitioi In tin-) all over tho world. If tin y wcro not tftuid, wo cuuld not have sold ho in:i y. Coultl w I No, eertninly not. Ktich and cvci y in.-itnimfliit i fully wnri itnted for trn yirtis, tu bu niaimfttctun'd from the best nrntcrUl market affurUtt, or ready money can buy. OBOANSI Church, chapel, and Par. ti a r.iri ht :;tutlfnl Wi-ilrilniT Birth. day or llnljilny p-snts. Hon. Daniel F. Bcatly.Washi. uton, New Jerity. STEEL PENS 4 97 SomplB Pens, dlfTerent patterna, In I aSn Nickel Plate 1 Ittnli li Hnx, ieut i.o,-)uid, oa retoipt of 10 IHM'S, FERRY & CO., London. itM.m. U. S. Office. 810 Broadway, t.'cw York. FOR MEN ONLY! tfFSrlll:.F!FFor LOSTorFAIUiro MANHOODi OiSUWrtl011"1 andWEKVOUS DSBILITY) tYpTHlMWeakneuof BodyaodHiod, Effect! llatllU J Hil of Errors or Exoeuaa in Old or Touns. ..bunt, Auhle D1AMIOOD fnlly Iteitored. lion to ealarve art) 4tr .igthen WKAK. tM)KTELUPKIOK(lAK8JbPlR1,80F 60 DT. baolutelr onfall lo HOMK THKATHKNT-Beoeitt ta ft da. In teatlrj from 60 Stales and Farelfa toulrlea. Write Ihaa. Deacrlptlta Dock, einlanatlon ftud proof nailed (tealtdlfrtft. &urM ERIE Medical go., buffalo, n. y. r, PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH rwsaa wipe RnDC uanc KfflTV Vm fl! Tll!iMll - OSAGE PILLS. PURELY VEGETABLE AND PERFECTLY HARMLESS, Being compounded from numerous herbs and roots, which have been in use among the Osage Indians for years. It is the use of these roots and herbs which renders that gener ally dreaded event so remarkable safe and easy with them. The use of flsnnA Pills ch,),! ht; th..L. ...i expected confinement. Thousands of Testimonies ooen for inspection at our offices. Send lor Circular. Price, per box, $2. For bale by ' 'V'!:-. i - , 2.r.?n,Jj? l,,B, wrnppir. pjat-paid. nn twrt-lpt of'4.00, THE OSACE MtDICINE CO., WICHITA, KANsi V 4 SOLID M TOP. EJECTING, frzf Wulght,8lbs. -20, 38-40 and 44-40 Cartridge. free descriptive price-list of Kepcntlna' BlOea. "IDEAL" RELOADING TOOLS For Rifles, Pistols Shot Guns. KtiUAD T0U8 SHEUS ND SAVE MONEY, FREE, iiLuamaTcs CATALOGUE CONTA.I1INO VLU.Lt IN(THUCTieN ON nvw to pnepanc YOUB OWN aMMUNITieaj. IDEAL BFB. CO., Bot B. New Haven, CL