THE GAZETTE. THURSDAY. February 19,1891. Where in the jiirlsrpuliip bill for the relief of tbis district? It's not been beard of lately. Within tbe past week the (Trim reaper bag oalled two berries "f the bite wht, Qen. W. T. Sherman and Commodore D. D. Porter. BrjACKMAN'snppn.priiifloti bill nf $5,000 for the MoDiimeiit-Jiibn Day City road only rt-qntres I he tKiititure of the (fiver nor to make it a law, having passed both bouses. Senatob Ralev's bill appropriutiriK 8400 (HX) to build portage railways at The Dulles and Celilu, pacaed the senate lust week. Every rexident of Eaatern Oregfiu will tbauk Senator Haley for bis good work. The R iley bill nnlit lo pass the bouse almost miHoimoiiHly. faxes will be some higher, but a fair asseasm ent, as it it hoped to have under the new law, will make it so (freater burdeD for the tax payer of modern le means, the jrreat ma jority. The benefits tr iined by this ap propriation of 840tJ,(MK) for a portage rail way will, in the end, indemnify ever tax payer nf the state of Oregon fur all ex cess of tax uhicb will be demanded above present rate. The Gazettk hopes that there are not enoutrh mimsbaeks in the bouse to defeat the measure. Wonder why it wag that Senator Blackman was absent when Kuley's port age railway bill passed the senate? Wax he sick? Perhaps so. but if the bill in its iuoeptiou makes him sick its practical workings will waft liiiu across that othei river, which is only navigated orosswuys Arlington Advocate. This left-handed compliment to our senator is wholly undeserved. He is uu tiring in bis efforts to secure legislation for Eastern Oregon, and shirks no bing to that end. W hy suonld be? His in terests are entirely iu tbis section. " The effeota of ex-president Cleveland's opposition to free silver ooieage, as to bis chances for the presidential uomi nation, is variously estimated, B.nut think it will be the means of Beoiiring bis uomiuatiou and election, while others olaim it will retire bun and place Bonn other man in the field for the presidency. It has certainly not injured the ehauce of the republican puny to elect tuen nominee two years hence, but rathei strengthens their posmon, providing they nominate the right man, and thai mau is James O. lilmue. It is plain tba the silver question will not become u puny matter, as betweeu the denvoints and republicans, but tbe thud party will make "Kume bowl" on this subject. NOT ONE IN TEN Of the people you meet from day lo day has perleolly pure, healthy blood The hereditary scioluhms taint ullliuts the large majority of people, whilo man) others acquire diseases from impure air, improper lood and nroug indulgence. Ilence tbe imperative necessity tor a re liable blood punlier like Hood's Sar sapanlla, which eradicates every impuri ty, and gives to the blood vitality iiuil health. It cures scrolulu salt rheum, huiimm, boils, pimples, and all othei aHectioiiB caused by impurities or uoisrni oi.h gei ins in the blood. All that is abked for Hood's tiaisaparilla is thai it be given a fair tilal. JOHN HARVEY IN LIMUO. Be is Arretted In Malheur County and Takeu to Spragile for Mealing CitUlu. From the Fossil Journal- Johu Harvey, who was wanted in Spriuriie, Wash., for stealing 13 head ol cuttle and selling them to the butcher there last Aiiirnst, and who was arrested at Heppner on a tclevriim from the marshal of Sprngue, without a wurrnnt, aud"hnbeanoorpiised" out by some limbol the law at Heppner last September, has been arrested again. He was herding sheep near Vale, Malheur county, nun was caught ou the range last week lit a deputy sheriff unarmed, though be anid it wits the first day he remem bered tu have left his Wiuoheatei iu camp. A requisition was had from (inventor l'eunoyer, and he has been taken back to Sprague. Harvej used to live ueai Fossil. He is a brother of lleuty llaivev. who killed Roderick Grant near Ante lope while be was tiding to rescue bis stolen horse, and who was himself killed by a posse of men from Antelope in tiy iugto arrest bun. Harvey left Eossil last summer lifter taking a shot at Mablou Hull in tbe Fossil Hotel. A warrant was issued for his arrest at Hint time, but be was uot arrested, and the next we beard of biin was by a printed offer of reward for bis oapture, by the city marshal ol Bprague for the same offense that be is now charged with. John Harvey has a big streak of reckless diuedevilisin in bin), and it will be well if he be convicted of the cajtle stealiug, if guilty, before he ciimunts some graver crime. GOOSEBERRY I TEMS. Everything is lively around Gooseberry. Our literary is still running in full blast, with W. 8. Purman iu the chair. Singing school every Wednesday night ut Stony Point school bouse, Willi W. b. Parman aa instructor. A patent right cyclone see in to have wept over our part of the oountry, and bus deeply stirred up the minds of tbe UBually sturdy buuehgrassers. In a recent issue of the Gazette we see a complaint from the Wagner country that it takes them four days to get mail from Heppner, a distance of 43 Mies. I will say that I think our part of tbe country has a bi ger kick onming than they have. Gooseberry is about 22 miles from lleppuer, and we dou't get our Ga CBite until Monday, and half the time not until Wednesday. It is outrageous to think 'hat it takes from four days to a week to get mail from the railroad to this place, a distanoe of 22 miles. Eight Mile is in tbe same boat as we are. It is hitb time we were getting up some petitions and have some changes made. The Oiegoninn is published on Friday, and we get it the nut day. the Ga Ekttb is published on Thursday, and we get it on Monday. See the differeuoei Bro. farmers. We must do something, and that soon. Yours truly, Feb. 11, 1801. M. T. J. PERSONAL LIBERTY vs. PHYSICAL SLAVERY. We are all free American citizens cnjoyiug our personal liberty; but mot of us are in physical slavery, suffering from soaolula, salt rheum or some otuer form ol impure blood. Hood's Sarshpa rilla is tbe great blood purifier which dissolves the bouda of disease, gives ; health and perfeo physical liberty. i Giiovna Ci.kvel'amp's reposition to free silver coinage, as given in an open letter, will drfmii that measure in con gress, but will hardly nominate him to the presidency, or ever elect biin if be secures tbe nomination. To jjay the south will vote for a democrat in ariy and all events, is putting it a little strung. The south is rapidly changing and wbat was true of it ten years ago, cannot be safely counted on to-day. The West is for the "silver" side of the case. The majority of our people want free silver coinage, though this paper cannot see bow it will reap the harvest. Clevehin l is right, but if he is going to be the drum maj' r of the democratic band, what a ft p it will require on the part of our demo cratio friends, who are "in" for silver coin age. Even the E. O. has bad to fall clear over tbe bench to get into tbe procession And now while the Gazette is oonfideut that Grover is right in th s mutter, it would like to see free coinage of silver throughly tested. That is . the only means of satisfying popular clamor for it. PRONOUNCED PEUFEC? BY A PRACTICAL ENGINEER. I have pei n a great ruffcrer from rheu matism for seven years, and bearing of tlie suooess of Uibhard's Rheumatic Syrup, conclude to give it a trial. 1 have tested the curative properties of the mineral Bpriug without finding relief from that or any other souice until I tried Hibbard'sltheumatio Syrup, which has do p wonders for me. I can now walk with entire freedom from puiu and my general health is very much improved. U is a splendid remedy for tbe blood and the debilitated system. Fbkd H human, Engineer Water Works, Big Uapids, Mich. Sold b) all druggists. Prepared only by Tbe Charles Wright Aledioiue Ojuipauy, Detroit, Mlcb. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. Conneil called to order, acting-Mayor Mailury presiding. All were present except mayor tiluckman. Minutes ot the previous ineetiui read and tionroved Lmtler from Farsou, Leach & Co., of New York, Htutiug that six mouths interest on (he bonds ol $6,UoO will be due March 1, as read, and on moliou the letter was placed ou b!e. Il:e recorder was ordered oi request the tieasurer, under seal ol the town, to pay interest due. On motion reoorder was ordered to ask Faraon, Leach & Co. for a rebate of interest, 'he town desiring to pay for only htt. time money lias oeeu used. Bills allowed: Gilliam & Bisbee, 822 40: J. P. Williams, dot. Warre,.. .las Depuy, judges or election, 83 raob; W. Li. Saliug, Wult Richardson, clerks ol eleo ion, fed eaob: J. H Kieckner. 1832.52 Bill of Siocuin Johnston Drug Co. fur 1(2, mm over, vounon sojourned. TAKE IT BEFOHE BREAKFAST. The great appetizer, touio ami liver leuuiaior. in use lur mnrHlliiiii hlvutipu ill Jlugland. t'osilive sntciho for livei complaint. Bad taste iu the month on arising in the morning, dull paius in the Head and back of the eyes, tired feeling, dizziness, iiinguor-svmutoius of livei complaint Remedy Dr. Henley's Eug isb Dandelion Tonic. Relieves coi.slipa- Mon, sharpens Hie ulioeiite ami tones in the enure system. (Jet the genuine from your tirugiriMi ror J. uud take aocurd n (o directions. LINGEKING EPISTLES. List of letters remaining unoalled -tot in the postolhoe at Heppner. i Clark. E. EL Mlvin Mn I C mard, W. H. Miller, Mrs. N. A. Frances. Fr-.nlc. Reed, Lew W. Wilkinson, Maelimin Lyiglur, Thus, lloskius. Rev. F. L Green, Richaid B. Hill, Mr. Hand. Holmes, Mis. M. rieuse say "advertised" wheu calling lor these letters. A. Mallokt, P. M. HOW'H THIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cime of Catarrh that can not be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. f. J. CHENEY & CO. Props , Toledo, O. We, tile undersigned, have know u F.J. Cbeuey for the last 15 years, and believi him perfeotly honorable iu all business transactions, and Uiiiiuoiiilly able tocarry out any obligations made by their firm Went & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, Ohio. Hall's Catanh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood anil m noons surfaces i f the sys.ein. Price. 75o. per, botMe. Sold by all Druggists I will sell for tie next thirty davs lUen'H and Boys' (jlotning twenty per cent, below regular price. All good marked iu plain figures. 412tf. C. S. Van Duyn. John nnd Will Tucker, of Ellensburgh- relaliwsor Mrs. John It ismus, visited the folks Inst week, and are now soj turning at ilardman among other kindred. WHY SUFFER WITH THE REMEDY AT HAND. Gentlemen: I have been a great sufferer from Sciatio Rheumatism lor five years. A portion nf that time I have been confined to my bed. Havs been treated by the best physicians without relief. I am now taking the fourth bottle of Hibhard's Rheumatic Syrup uud firmly believe it will work a permanent cure. It acted upon the liver and regulated my kidneys and digestive organs immediately, and has done me more good already than all the other medecines I have ever taken. cheerfully recommend this medeoine Mm. Ai.Ttu HttatiiNaro. For sale by T. W. Ay era, Jr., Heppner, Or. Ladies! I will sell for thirty days all my stock of Ladies' Underwear and Wooleu Uusiery at tweuly per ocnt. dia oonut. 412tt C. S. Van Duyn. A GREAT SEED FARM. Sin I'miibiP, the great English bortirnltm i t, writing in 1740 says: "The best method to have cabbages good is to procure freeb seed from abroad every year, for it is apt to degeuerate in Eng land in a few years." The above is a simple illustration of the fact that the best seeds will rapidly degeiiorato under unfavorable conditions. The wise will take need, therefore, and buy their seeds rf D. M. Ferry 4 Co., Detroit, Michigan, whose world wide reputation ast he bkst and most bkliablr, as well as the most extensive seed grow ers and dealers, is due to the fact tbat they tttke advantage of evtry circum stance of olimate, soil, methods of ottl ture, selection of seed-plants, etc, to pro aure the best possib e seeds and keep them up to Hint high standard. Send your name to the firm's address, and joti will receive a copy of thiir Seed Annual for lS'jl, free. Are you mnrridf If uot, nonel your mMrent with uttiiup, to tt American Cori8pOiidiutf Club, i O. li"T W3, CUrksburff, W. V. 87441 The eleotrio apparatus of the Palace Hotel has been planed in position, con necting the oflioe with every room iu the aouse. DON'T FEECi WELL, And yet are not sick enough to oon'ult a doo'or, or you refrain from so d dug for fear you will hihtiii yourself and fiicnda we will tell yon just what yon need. , It is Hood's Sarsap irilla, which will lift you out of that uncertain, uncomfortable, dang rous condition, into a state of good health, omflleuoe and cheerfulness, you've no idea bow potent this peculiar medioiue is in cases like yours. O. W. Parish, a member of the law firm ' of Parish & Cozid, of Canyon City, ac-1 oom-'Hnied by bis wife, arrived from bd j Irw 1 ilesrlay evening, and lelt ror their home yesterday. CUKKENT (O.stilP. Hatt & Itomig, City Barber Shop and Bath Rooms. a. Pickled Pios Feot and fine Marinlrte Herring at Dan Osmer's. a. A tine linf of gold pens, pencils, etc., st Slucum Johnston Drug Cu.'s. a. For Whit fish, Ijake tnint and Salmon in balk also Mackerel and Halmon bellies in kits, go to beezer & Ttiouipso , the leading gruuera of tieppner. a. H. Blackman A Co. have an exclusive General Merchandise stere. Stockmen cannot do better ttmn patronize ti. Blackman & Cu., of lleppner's Pnmeer Bri -k. a The Morrow County Land A Trust Co. handles Armour Packing t'u.'e goods, saving merchants the fr ight from Port'.and to lleppuer, sad tin many things much more. a. Perseverance, plticlfrand enterprise will make money in this wild, wild West, but it is of no avail unices you get big bargains, in foot-gear, especially, tin to Mat J.ichlentlial's for your bargains in boots and shoes. a. Customer "Be sure and make those clothes large. 1 expect to put on Urn or fifteen pounds shortly." Tailor "Yes, sir. 'taking a course of treatment?" t'ustomer-"No. I'm just back from my vacation." If he bought his clothes at K. Kiackmau & Co.'s elegant Hore he wuuld have do trouble in gctiing a tieu fit. a. Wheu vou want your nurses shod or wagon repaired, ye Urant county people, don't forget that L. titiee hard has a shop ut Kux. a The Heppner Furniture Co. are expect ing a ear-load of Furniture from the East. Buy them for big bargains, a. STAR RETT'S G HRD EH SEEDS! The Best Because Always Reliable. ESTABLISHED 1874. SPECIAL PRICES TO MARKET GAHDEXERS. tF"Send for Catalogue for 1801. JJ Address, . GEO. STAR RETT, 411-423. Walla Wtilln, Wnsh. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at Ia Grande, Or., Feb. 11, 1891. Notice In hereby Riven that the following iiHined settler has liled notice of his intention to make linul proof in Biipport of bin claim, and that Haiti proof will he made before W. K. Ellin, t'ommiHstoiier U. S. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 2H, lwl, viz: UOHKltT JOIIN80N, Ds. No. lOiiJO, for the Sec. 2, Tp. 2 S, R 27 IS. V. M. He name the followina: witneBnes to Drove hiB continuous residence upon and cultivation ot, ttaid laud, viz: i'earance McEntlre. J. T. Pottn and A. Tlllard. Lena, Oregon; J. J. 1'oita, Heppner, Oregon. a. uj.havkk, Kegmter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Olllce at La Grande, Or., Feb. 11, 1801. Notice 1b hereby given that the following named settler has (iled notice of his intention to make rinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Countv Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, ou March 30, viz: JOKLOUOOM, Da. 0910, for the HH HWW Sec. 1, NW NWW Sen. i2, Tp. 4 8, K 27 E, W, W. Ai. He names the following wltnesscB to prove hlfl continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, amid laud, vU: August Hale, ThoinaB li. Miller, William Dun can and James H. l'eiiland, all of Heppner, Or. A. ULrt.lVEB, 4W-I18. Itegiater. NOTICE OF INTENTION. U. S. Land OfTlce, The Dalles, Or., Feb. 11, '91. Notice Is herebv irlven that the followine- tmiuei settler has liled uolice of his intention to mike nual nroot iu Binmort ol hlne aim. and tlu.t mid proof ill be made before Frank H.riuow, u. . (joinmiHsiouer at liexingion, uregon, on March ;in, ltisil, viz; john t. McMillan, Db. 7222, for the N Wli .Sec 8, Tp. 1 S, R 25 E, W. M. He names the following witnesBes to nrove his iWiuiuuouB residence upoa and cultivation of ut iami, viz: William F. Barrett, W. B. McAUstcr. Cvrua C. lioun and RauBom Lieuallen, all ol Lexington, Oregon. JOHN H . J,RW(fl, 4ia-lia. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Jan. 22. 1891. Notice is herehv iriveu that the followinc- naiued aettler has nled notice of his intention to nake liuat proof lu support of hiB claim, nnd that said proof will be made before ihv Hon. County Judge of Morrow County, at lleppuer, uiugou, ou inureu u, in-.n, viz; DAVID WILLIAMSON, for the NW Sec. 31, Tp. 1 N, R 2S E, W. M. ne names inciouowing wunesscB ro prove his outiuuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: Ike Howard, Dora Parkins, Harvey ParkliiB and .Mont I'arkius, all of Lexington, Or. JOHN W. I.KWIR, 410-415. RegiBter. NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. U. 8. Land Office at LnUrande. Or., Jan 2f, '91. Complaint havluu been entered at tliis otlleu by Edward L. Matlock against William ssIosb, for latlure to comply w itli law as to Timber Culture Entry No. 1171, dated tcpt. 21, lss;t. upon the secuon ti, iowusnip i u -it ft, . si., lu .Morrow county, uregon, wun a view to the can cellatiou of said entry; contestant alleging tliat vVilliam HlosB tins left the state and abandoned said land, and that he ban never plowed or iihuu'u io uuioer or in any ay liuproveu satfi and, and that there la now no improvements on be laud, the said parties are herebv summoned to appear at the omce ot J. W. Morrow. Countv Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, lu Heppner, on the tith day of March, IMH, at 10 o'clock A. M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning Baid alleged failure, bald testimony to be used at dual hearing, lu this office, March 2ti, lJl. It is further ordered that this notice be served by publication for tour consecutive weeks lu the lleppuer Gazuitk, and by posting as iu U. &. land chkcs. A. C. Mi.CLKI.LAN, 410-414. Receiver HtlEUIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECl'TION DULY Issued by the County Clerk of the Countv ot Morrow, Mate of Oregon, dated the 11th day ot February lMd, a certain action in the circuit lor sant l ouuty ana Mate, wneretn the National Hank of Heppner, Or., has recovered Judgment against E. k. tvv luburne for the sum of Three Thousand one tiuiutrea thirty-three and Tweu- ty-four One hnndredths dollars (.t,lii.24), and osts ana aiBitursemeuts taxed atuue and ftv- six One hundredths dollars (1. 06), on the 10th day of February, lMd. aoiicu is nereoy given xnai i win on rannroav. the Hth day oi Jiarch, IM'l, at the Front Uotr of the Court House lu Heppner, lu said Countv, at one o'clock lu the afternoon of said dav sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, ne tot owiu aeseruiea nrooertv. ui-wit: of ot Utt No. 4, Block No. I of original tow n of lleppuer, viregiMi; aisu ijois iu, m ana un liiooic No. 1, In Loouey's addition to the town ot Hepp ner, Oregon, except Lot commencing at point ou North line lot 12, Block 1, Loonev's ad dition to the town of Heppner, Oregon., Ks) feet West from East line of eetion !7, Township 2 Km th ot Hauue 2ti Kant. W. M. ou Miction line, thence South 42 feet, thence West loo feet, thence North 42 feet to North liup of Lot 11, same addition, thence East to place of beginning. Also a Lot too by 100 feet out of the southeast corner of said bit No. 12, Block No. 1, Looney a addition heretofore sold. Also I commencing at a point on Section line i2 feet North of the Northwest comer of Lot 1. Block IA, Stansberry's addition to tbe town of lleppuer. Oregon: thence West Lr0 feet, thence onn teei. wience tssi leet, tneuce Kmtu feet to the place of bettlnniuB. Tttken id Ittvtml uiioii us the nronertv af Nrtt1 V. t hwiubume and tosatisiy the said evecutlou In favor of The National Bank of Heppner against taiil E. R. Wwlnburne tor ;t.l;W.24. together with alt cost nd disbursements that haxeaudmay accrue. Dated at ueppner, ur D. n, ivji ' uk6." NOBLE". fcharlff. tta-ui SHsrf-B. :; ssi m.sxia ' ' . WHY Do tou thing? Bronclntis. tea you mat Can you wim bu DR. ACKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY for Coughs, Colds and Consumption 13 beyond question tho greatest of all i Modern ltemedies? It will Btop a Cough in one night. It will check a Cold in 1 a day. It will prevent Croup, relieve Asthma anu cure Consumption if taken J in time, " You can't afford to be without iu" A 23 cent bottle mar savo you 1 $100 in Doctor's bills may save your life I Ask your druggist for it, or write to W. II. Hooker & Co., 40 West Broadway, New York, for book. m mmm mm ' "iw i:f .::i.iuB:iii t2rFor'8Hle by BLOCUM-JOhNSTuN Drun Co., Uupimer, Oreguo. SPECIAL SALE! . rPttjJLm MARCH 1, '91. MRS. A. M. SLOCUM Will Sell FOR CASH Her Stock Of DRESS GOODS, GINGHAMS, LADIES' UNDERWEAR, LADIES' & CHILDREN'S SHOES AND ARTICS OF ALL KINDS This ia the time of year when this lino of Ladies' nnd Children's U V JiUStiUUS and KU13HEK8 for .Actual Cost. If you need anything in this line, why pay full price? aTso a small line of Children's Cloaks AT THE COST PRICE ! Other lines, including hats of all styles, Fancy Goods, etc., at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! M11S. A. M. SLOCUM'S Sale of goods at their Cost Price includes many aticlesnot mentioned gfS-CALL ! CALL ! ! Next door to T. W. Ayers' Drug Store Garrigues Building, Heppner, Oregon. HEY! HEY ! ! Let ns go to Exclusive Boot and Shoe Store, for our winter footwear. He keeps the bpst Bnckinvhnm & Heoht boots nnd shoesf tiro FarKo $2 50 Shoe and other iioods of standard mabes. A o:g biock Jfi'Cutuoar must be DougM obeap, quality considered, to get suiiMuje you find at W LICHTJiNTHAL'S, fJlEET, -f G. B. HATT. MAIN St 9 -PltOPRIETORS OF THE CITY BxVllBER SHOP, In E. Minor's Building. These Gentlemen are well known as having Mastered the Tonsoriul Art in nil of its Important Features. Call on thorn for a Good Shuve or Hair Cut. Splendid Bath Rooms in Connection. 1 1 Estt & IE&oxx3.:i.gr9 MAN STREET, - - E. Minor's Building, - - HEPPNER. E. 0. SLOCUM. HEPPNER FURNITURE Co., Dealers in and Manufacturers of 111 Mi of bM and Us More, Mattresses, Tjounges, Wall Paper and Carpets. A FULL LINE OF CASKETS AND BTJKIAL EOBES. UNDERTAK ING A SPECIALTY. C3TSPECIAL RATES ON PICTURE FRAMES. Columbia Brewery Depot, -A.TJGTJST UTJCHLiCE, Proprietor, Of the Columbia Hrwpry, at Tho Dull1, wnuld inform the citizpni nf Morrow and unrrnnndirg oouutieH that lu has Ipawl from John H. Nntter the -ity Hwwery id Keppnr, and has establitthoil dpot at the well kiiuwo titand, fur the sale uf the best Lager Beer and Porter, either in the kog or bottlsd, which ha will be pleased to supply customersin any quantity wholesale and retail. The ritblic are in vited to call and examine his stock with the assurance that theij ivill find it first-class. . l8T" Tho Heppner Depot will be in charge of Mr. Dan Osmers, who will cheer fully supply all orders. tf Payette Nursery, OF PAYETTE, IDAHO. The Largest General Nursery stock in the Mountains. 125 ACRES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Send for Catalogue and Price List. Address, PAYETTE NURSERY, 93.8m. Paiette, Idaho. ,svr i. 'sri' mim DO YOU C0UGH? know that a litlla couch u a daneerous A:o joa aware that it often fastens on the lungs and far too often runs into Consumption and ends in Death? l'eople suffering from Asthma. I'ncumozua and Consumption will all ."IT STARTED WITH MSLO." afford to neglect it? Can tou trifle benuus a iuaiu.T r ato you uwurj ipjxi BARGAIN class of goods is needed. A. Bmall COME ON ! Mat Liclilenthnl's HKPPNER, OEEGON. J. H. ROMIG. E. H. SLOCUM. HUR COPPIN, Arlington. ARRIVING 1- A Big Line direct from the Enst. Fine stylish lintn, iieT shapes, ami pattPins. Gent's line shots, lilies and child ren's, all style SA.V JOSE, CAUFORXIA SAD DLES at Factory Prices. A cur-load of Fernoline Sheep Dip to arrive boo,,. WARRANTED TO CURE THE SCAB! Books and Silverware 1,'iven awny to nur cash customers. Agents for OLIVER OH ILLED I'LCTYS. Groceries, Hardware, Etc. Largest Stock and Bijifrest Assortment to be found in Oregon. Mail Orders Solicited. COFFIN & McFARLAND Always "take the cake" wheu it conips to having a complete stock of General Merchandise, suited to the wants of this country. See the latest patterns of Woolen Dress Goods in stripes, plains and solid colors all sold at prices to please. Fiuest line of LADIES' HP CIILOP'5 3 H U E 3 11 SLIPPERS! Our slice department cannof le excelled in style, quality and low prices. Hand and Sewed shoes in Button, Con gress and Lace. Heavy Brogans and Doots of all kinds. Hats and Caps, Woolen Underwear and HOSIERY. Blankets, Robes, Gloves, Mittens, Trunks, Valises, Sew ing Machines, Guns, Pistols, Wallpaper, Doors, Windows Rnd Glass, Paints and Oils, Harness and Saddles. Our San Jose, Cal., Saddles are giving the best of satisfaction. We have a tine assortment of side saddles and others. Stoves and Tinware, 'If yon need a cook btove, range or parlor beating stove, don't fail to see our stock in these goods. Common heating stoves in all Bizes. Mi Wspo. Kscks aig MMi mows And Harrows, Clocks and Watches. Chop Feed, Seed Rye, Alfalfa and Timothy, AVheat, Barley and Oats. Blacksmith's coal, Sulphur, Lime and Salt, Cedar Shin gles, Groceries and Hardware. Fernoline Sheep Dip, BomethiDg new. Guaranteed to cure the scab in sheep or no pay. A call at our Establishment will prove Our claim of having the Largest stock, Greatest Variety, of goods, the best equipped store, combined with low prices, that can be found in any other town in Oregon. To every purchaser of $25 worth of goods, we will give a fine $4 book. Orders from the country carefully and promptly filled. Country produce bought and sold. Agents for Christy & Wise. COEFIN & McFARLAND, The National Bank Building, Heppner, Oregon. FOR SALE CHEAP ! Twenly-on hi WILL SELL REASONALE FOR CAS, t, OR WILL TRADE FOR G OU, MERCHANTABLE HORsY;S. THEY CAN BE SnTM MAS' H" EIGHT MILES SOIU'H WWroP HARD.UAN, ON THE MIDDLE FORK O' ROCK CREEK. GEORGE W. STEWART, HAKDMAN, - - OREGON. illSi'PXBIl, T. W. AYERS, (Snccossor to A. Keeps a Full Line of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent .Medicines, Toilet Articles, Albums, Etc., Etc. Fine Domestic and Imported Cigars Al ways in Stock. PRESCRIPTIONS CARKFULLY COMPOUNDED lAy OR NIGF1T. School Books ! W. A. KIRK. KIRK DEALERS IN Saddl es, Ha-iness, Whips, Spuro, and every Conceivable Article kept in a First Class Harness Shop. Repairing tv Specialty ! Kept Constantly on liaml the Celebrate d Heppner Saddle get cash MAIN STREET, KKAN'K MoPAHLAND, '' :?-'"V,4.?i Full Id Mik OliEUON, Jr., Proprietor, D. Johnson.) tf. School Books ! J. 0. KATES HAYES i exnmiue their maobinea and prices. - HEPPSEK.OKEGON.