-THE- UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. "Overland Route." TICKETS To all Prinoipal Points in the United States, Canada and Europe. JjlieumatisHl PROMPTLY CURED BY Cures Also: Neuralgia s ELEGANT NEW DINING CARSs Pullman Palace Sleepers. FREE COLONIST SLEEPING CARS Kun rbough on nil Express Trains to OMAHA, Counell Xiluffs AM liCaLUNTS-A-S CITY Without Change. Lumbago, Sciatica, Sprains, Bruises; Burns, Wounds, Swellings, Soreness, Frost-bites, Stiffness, Ail Achec. Chas. A. YogelerCo., Baltimore, Md. BWMWRIT rf J Jil1.: U.CIlliilSiP I I!!!!! "111 if; t - ' , ' .IHUIUIlllU'UM' II Mil !,i:i:nm,Mrtl':!.:.i!ii P 1! Y JitiHimri!ttft-rT'l uuiltaiiiiiii il.uiw.il LOCALETTES. Naked Truths About and Inter esting to Our Home In habitants. DUG IT HERE, THERE VXD OTHER PLACES The Troubles and .Tovs?. Successes and Adver sities of Our Dear People. KURI0SITIE3. r.ti,t...l i, the Eilitnr or me the Eilitnr of Haitian,. r-lnao Connection at Portland for f an Francisco and Paget Sound Points. ALL IRON STEAMERS Leave Portland for San Francisco every four (4) days, making the trip iu CO hours. Cabin $16. Steerage. 98.00 Round Trip Unlimited, :IO,00. For further particulars inquire of any agent of the company. T. W. LEE, 8. C. WF.L1.1N, G. P & T. A. General Traffic Manauer tf. Forest Grore Toultry Yards, ESTABLISHED IN 1877. Wyandottes, Plymouth K'iclis. Jjtgtn Braniiilis, Kose and Single Comb Brown Leghorns, XJt- tri.lyt) Cochins, Honda ns mid Hil verHingled Uiitulm (is. 1.000 TiiSl FOWLS Eendy for Delivery. BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR CHOICE SELECTIONS. ARTHUR SMITH, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ! Opposite Gazette Office, HEPPNER, Watches, Clocks, WatcheB Clouued, Mainsprings Fitted A. 13 OREGON. Optical Goods . . $1.60. . . 11.50. Cm In America, and are the best on this coast by a great difference. I GOARANT E SATISFACTION TO EVEUY CUSlOMWlt. Send for Catalogue. Address J. M. GAURIHON, Box 55. c.om.3ft(i. Forest Uruve, Or L. SHEPHARD, All work guaranteed for one year, tf 8. V. FLORENCE h n r ..ww" va m STOCKRAISER! HUPl'NEU OltHdON. Cat tin liramli'ilmiil ear marked im shown nbtivo. Hoi-huh l1' mi rilit ulimiUlnr, Our cattle miiK" in Morrow, nnil Umatilla eunntiea. 1 will pay SI 00.00 niwiiil for Uu? errirnl and oonviotiiui of uny ncrwiii stalling my etouk. FOX, OREGON. All orders promptly attended to. Prices to suit the Times. THIS PIOXBER jewelii EstaMisism SL-.023os"CSr Still Continues to Hell WATCHES, ES- MnnlliAPn !iii i in i ii HUH) : CIjOCKS 3 CTOEIiIlY, ETC.. At the Lowest Possible Prices. A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Go.d and Silver Watches Always Tt trie" to "winter," but oan't. ,Tn T Fnmdton is having his resi dence renvdeled. Sc'i-v wan up from his lone po.sepsion" Fi'idav Inst. Sheep sheerer" are beginning to come in H'rni". rendv f'T nrina wrV. Mr. Hugh M. Bux'er. of Wnnoo Co., died very suddenly on the 3rd itmt. Mr. .T"'m Mad Ipn. of Lnn RoeV. wns in town Inst week, visiting friends hpre Porfeetlv pnp, nprfeetlv pil rp, r.pr'oet I v harmless is Himmnns Livr rWnlntnr. .Take Johnaon, the vertnblo M'vnr nf Onnseberry, wns seen in Heppner Fri- dnv. nrn On Hinton erk. nr t'e 20th inst , to the wife of D. Cox, a pound bnv. T) Cox bus ted hut litt'e this winter. having n seolion of good grass lnnd for his stock Pimplps, blotches and siren and ennsp is removed by Simmons Liver Reeulntor, Rnrnpv P. rnn"hertv is iiow pnsmppd in pi'olinR a hand of sheep in the Alpine section. ,T. F. Wi'li". enmmnnder of Rawlins Poot, O, A. R , Lexington, was ,n town nrdnv. The Itnv City Tribune, nf Rnv Citv. Or . ia fi e latest venture in the journal istic field. When in 'own. enme around to the Gazhttk office and see on- steam mschinerv. Mr. FTnafe, nf Rnv.1, Waon Co.. m hurn"d to dpnth in his house a week ago last Thursday. Chas. Ren"" accompanied Cha". Tn ernlmm to Waihington, D. C, via Port land, last wepk. 'So'iiro 'crivner cam0 do-.-n from Hnrdman. Friday last, and remained w ith us n few days. Mr. Hendpror, n yonnff rp"ident nf Lone Crepk, ealtpd on the office while in town last week, Chas. Javne snvs his fatlipr. Mr. T), R. .Tnvne, is imnrnvin? snmp, being able to sit up part nf the time. Mrs. F. .T. Hallock and litt'e snn left on Snhirdm's trni" for a few months visit, to relatives at, Fnirhnvpn, Wash. ,Trt". Hurt reports the rnee stock in fine enndi'ion, un at the MnUoek stnhlps, on Hinton erppk, seven milps from town. Frank H. 8now. of TiPrincton. Or . is authorized to rpcpive fpes for publication of final proof notices in the (Iazettr. Mina Lillian Rhea arrivpd from Fossil. Frid'iv lat. t" visit hpr manv friei.ds and relatives in Heppner and vicinitv, The hill providing for the publinnti'in of conntv expenditures, is now in the hands of the legislature, and should he passed. ,Ths. MnHnlev and wife got, in Thnrs dnv from J. hn )av. Mrs. McHalev will remain in Heppner the remainder of the winter. The Portland Evening Teleqram hns been sold to Onpt. (teorge M. Molleft, The paper will hereafter be democratic in polities. The allinnne and republicans, or Illi nois, will unite on some man for United States senator who is not averse to alli ance priuoiiles. An Ottawa. (Kaus.,) man has a rooster so 1 ,rge that t Ii is M be helped on to ita roost every night. A woniKD, 70 years old, who livee on the island ot M.iuhegan, Maine, bus never seen a h- rise. A clergyman who was evidently in " hurry in writing advnrti,ed for, g t it a9 follow.-: "A young m in to tiike care ol a Ktnin i.f uirses ol tt rell-'loitH linn ui mind." j Turtles are nil nerous on Ihs west oonsi of St. Helen , au 1 8 -me of ihem attain to 1j0 pounds weight. An English steamer once to k on board several dozn of these sill nioiistet', intruding lo de liver them al.ve to it uroviiim delei in Liverpo.il. But befoie tiny reached Euiilii-h wntrrs one of the turtles was taken sick at.d wax flung overboard, efit r being brandrd ith the ship's name. The next year the same steamer oanie across the same tunle on the ont of St. Helena, more th in 4.000 milis from the point where the bom -sick creature was fiuiii! overboard the Jear previous. A two-year-old baby iu Somerville, N J., the son of Wiu. Porter, was lately seen on the kitchen fl or utnusinu itself with a flat beaded adder, about three fret long. The mother fainted as she saw he serpen! ooiling itself around the olnld'a neck and arms. The little one continued to stroke the snake's bodyi and the l itter seemed to enjoy the sen sation. A neighbor, nlnrmed by the mother's screams, entered the kitobeu and enticed the suake away with a bowl of warm milk. For a cut, bruise, burn or scald, there is nothing eqind to Cbamberbiin's Pain Unlm. It heals the p rts more quickly than any other application, and unless the injury is very severe, no scar is left. Dor sale by blocum-.ioiinstou ung w. H. B. LeFevie edits an attractive weekly, the Pnyitllup Citizen He runs a small daily in connection, whioh Is also away above par, even when oompared with larger publications of the kind. on Hand from Terminal or interior Points the ( RAILROAD! Is the l'ne to take n t n 'anno net i (111 1 uimo uiwin It is the DINING CAR ROUTE. It run Through VESTIBULE D TRAINS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR TO -lAMIl- (No Change of Cars Composed of DINING CARS unsnr PULLMAN DRAWING Of Latest Kquipiurut TouristSleepingCars Beat that oan be constructed and in which accommodations are both FREE and furnished tor holders of First or Hecoud-Class Tickets, mid Elegant Day Coachs. A Continuous Line oonneatiii",itb all Lines, affording Direct nud Uninter rupted Service. Pufman Steeper Reservations can be Secured in (i(ft'ii)tce thruityh any ajent of the road. TIlROUail TICKETS Ton ml from all points in America, Eng laud nnd Europe can be purchased at any Ticket Otlice of this Company, Full iiiformatioti"em'p,,linK rates, time of trains, routcsjand other details furnished ou application to uy agent, or A. P. CHARLTON, Assistant Cenend Pusseni'er Agent. Vn is Vimt St.. Cor: II rtniinfirmi. R POitlAXD OliEGOX A Full Line of rvc cjssxovij irasTnu- Una been added to his large and woll selected stook. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Worli Gunrantood. !)Tl)HK oiU'iiBilo Minor, Doilson 4 Co'b May St. lleiMitier, - -tf- Oregon (tJUICK TI1ME ro San Francisco and i ll points in Cali fomia via the Mount Shasta Route of the The Great Highway Through California To All Points Last and South, The Scenic Route of the Pncitlc Coast PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEl'EBS. A WORD FROM WAGNER. Editor Gazette: I send you a synopsis of the proceed ings of the last meeting of the Wagner directors of the Dayville nnd Haystack road. The nice. ing was called to order, with B. A. Hiinsaker in the chair. W. Carsner rexigning as eeoretary nnd treas urer, E. O'Flyng was elected to fill the vacancy. The proposed House Bill, No. 37, of the Oregon legislature, entitled "A hill for tin act to provide for the com pletion of the oonuty road from the town of Dayville, in Grant oonnty, Oregon, to Haistack valley, in Grant county, Oe i.Mi, and to appropriate money therefor," was rem), and as the provisions of th.V nil would empower the Grant county o oiimiMsioneia to re-h cate a part of the hole of the road, it was resolved work should not o.iiniiience until the fate of this bill wns ascertained. It is to be hoped the legislature will aid this road. A good part of it is in a sparsely settleil region, but runs through lo' passes, connecting large n limbers i f stockitien and raiiohes. Ihe mad lias been talked of for twenty-one years as being a good winter route for the great .lolie. Day valley people to pass out to The Dalles, Arlington and Heppner vicinities. A thoroughfare through all time would be in the right place. If this House hill allows the money only to be applied from Diyville to H ay. stuck, as the reading seems to imply, the Wsgner and Heppner fund will bo sorely needed uu their connecting route. E. O'Flyno, Wagner, Or., Jan. 311, ",)!. Seo'y. A prominent, physician, an old army surgeon in pastern Iowa, wascalled away from home for a few oavs; during his absence one of the children contraotpil a severe cold and bis wife bought a a bottle of Chamherlaiu's Cough Remedy fur it. Thev were so much pleased with the remedy that they afterwards used several bottles at various times. He said, from Ins experience "ith it, he regarded it. ns the most reliable prepara tion in ne for colds and that it came the nearest being a specific of any medicine he had ever seen, for sale oy oiocniu Johnston Drug Co. DO NOT SUFFER ANY LONGER. Knowing that a c ugh oan be checked in a day, anil the first stages of con sumption bmken in a week, we h'Tebv guarantee Dr Acker's English Cough Remedy, and will refund the money lo all who bnv. take it, as per directions, and do not find our statement correct. Sold by Slocum-.Iohnston IVm; Co. Pap Simons has a mod I nf a weight power machine which i" attracting con siderable attention. The enriosity is housed -i)-,Rjl) Herivner's wagon shop, where it is deily viewed hy many, MERIT WINS. We desire to sav to our citizen", that for years e have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr, King's New Life Tills, Bncklin's Arnica Salve and Electrio Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that hav given snob universal satis faction. We do not hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and we stand rendg to refund the purchase price, if satisfac tory results do not follow their use. riiese remedies have won tueir great popularity purely on their merits. 1. VV. Ayers, Druggist. Mnrried--At the Moiin'iiin House, sn Heppner. on Friday evening, the bth inst., nt 7 o'clock, Mr, Alva Mikesell and Miss Rosa Pybum, Heoonler Mon-ris tying Hie knot. The young couple have the shop's best wishes. TARIFF MATTERS. fcoNTDiOED FROM WBST PAGE The provisions, for the retnru free of duty of articles of Ame-ican ttoiinifaiiture once sent out of the ouuutiy is extended to make its term mire explicit md to prevent fraud. Bolting cloths to come in free urn-' not be suitable for mauui'icture int. wearing apparel. Straw braids, etc, for making ornament ing bats and bonnets dutiable at 20 per oeut. are added. Cotton wastes, or fl a ks, are mailt free. Precious stones other til in diam nnls, rough or uncut, glaziers' an I eitgr iVers duiiii u la not sst, uud W.HUU jewel an included. Fresh eggs are limited to Iboae ol bl'ds, tisb ami insect. Fashion plates engr .ved o.i 0 ittim ai Uiadtf free. . i'Ue provision about fish which stauor in the old law. '-F.esti, for nuiuedi.it. on Binupiion," leads, "Fish, the pio dnot of American fisiieries, and fresh or froze i Halt (exjeptiug hiiIiu mi) 0 .uglit n, tresti waters by American vesselsnr nub nets or other ueviues owned by cuzjua oi the United Stales.'' Tite following are to the free list: Currants, dates, jute., jute hints, Msal grass, snun. other lexiilegrasBes, uumau iifaotured grease, sour orange juice, pa per stock and other waste, pnospuale lor other tlian ferilizing purposes, potash; seeds and bulbous roots, not eitibl-; sugars under No. 10 Dutch standard, and all forms of sugar uud iu lasses below that grade, tar nud pilch, tubacoo stems, turpeutine; nickel aLd nickel matter, with thi proviso: That ores of nickel and containing more I nan 10 per cent of copper shall pay a duty of oeut a pouuu ou tt.e. ntinuer mmtainru t.tereiu. Tbt following proMnus are iuserted respecting the subjeota named: The terms "periodioal" shall be understood to embrace only unbound or paper cover ed publications, containing ourreut lit erature of the day and issued regularly at stated periods, us weekly monthly or quai terly. The term "regalia" shall be held to embrace only such insignia of rank, or office, or emblems as many be worn upon the person or borne iu the baud dunug public exercises of the society or institu tion, and shall not include articles of furniture or tixtuies.or of regular wear ing apparel not personal property of individuals. There are numerous restric tions made iu the list coutiiiiiig the ar ticles uatued to their unmanufactured state in order to enable tljeui to couie within Hie law. All raw or uniiianubio tnrrd attic es not, named iu the act shall pay a duty i.f 10 per cent. All manufac tured articles, 20 per oeut. In nearly all I he cases of change from ad Valorem to specfio dunes the change is an increase as the ancle has declined iu price siuce the first duty was piuced on it. Many ingenious calculations have been made us to the tolal imports inch oome in free under the McKiuley bill, some placiug the amount as high as one half und other at lers than. a ihitd; but it is ituporsible to estimate it with any exactness, as nothing bill experience will show bow union I lie import ol any article will increase . rdeorease by reason of loit ering or decreasing duty. Tue new law con tains many miuu'e provisions us to the method of its administration too n inei oiis to cite here and not. interesting to the general leader. SCOTPS EMULSION CUBE COMSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUCHS COLDS Wasting Diseases Wonderful Fiesh Producer, Many have gained one pound per day "by its use. Scott'a 'Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of the Hypophos phites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, the potency of both beins largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the "world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT A 30WNE3 Chemists. N.Y, STOCK HiiANDS, White ymi k'-rp jmr snbsRf iption piiul up yet ohii k-'rtu yoiirliranJ in freeof i.'tiHrtH. Alliwrn, U. P. CiittU' bnmd. 0 D on loft hip nncl hnrtws name hrunil on rijfht diotudtiT, Him no Eitfht Mil?. i v Adkuis, i ifiyviiip, ur- Mmifj.n mrtnc across Mike Kenny, hnrfw brand -tl KNY on left hip: cattle Hme and crop oil left car: under nlope on tlif rilt . , Kflier. Kiharci--K K in square, cuttle on If t bin; borne wttue on left B!ioulilr. Uuhbb liear til I. 'V. F. (. utid ffH. Uliuito! . (ini t etui' ty. Or. I W G Kimbppltiml. Mount V-n.,.11. Or-1 Lu can Ii u njrhi mid iffi t-vvuhw Fork in i ft ar H: d lltM.'r Cl"p ill t nU PHI'. hiilH H HftllU' -atuj u .eft .tint lilt . It; nw in fir.i;i e n't. K HDcy I'll, Htppni'i'. nr.- nif" 1 I. ;tii J .vv nt rillb- nit ill.-. iii -At'' .'.(!.:;. ii il IN ' irt- uiiunti' h M L n't-y. "ttfitiunii'iif. Or tiitiiiiiJi' Ejl Mtli I nil lii'Hf ixtH dii'i- pH l bftij "f Iii-iiri'ci 1 .or ! k-ho'i It'll Mli..uidT. oil n-itlf ilium, nd a n-tt shmi'-rr. idl i riwlii ii-'d nmb-r bt .ul.'fl.iir Kit J i tir-iitt con uyaikl to pirtsol' Jnliu Day. It Ii lmrci ct. Pntii je t iiy, 'r t milf, Z on nlif itip: Ir-rsfri, wmie u rifcbt nlioidcr. Kai.ge ii lirtu t cum iy. 1 i 1 1' i Si iti ' It on lefi h't f,i CHt'le, rti. hi it riplti on riln i-ir. lb.rr h nanic hrand nn i n t-it;t ri-r. liiU H"- t-mni ctiuj.iy. P. (;. ad- ,: . i'os. Uii'Won. ..it-iiHiicn, .'ohii VV, Horser-brindoil hnlf-oir .H. roiii;tMM-d mi li t houldcr. 'ale. Hume ti. K'il iiip. iinimr-. near l.xiiwton. lii nrtrc Lord, hoim tinit d-sl itonblp It coi. . i-cicd. S.iiu. linn s cuJifd a bwm.k W, on left tiUk-r. l. W. i.calit; . li-iir-r's branded I- N oi. llifl Iff! i i.id' i' r.'Uli' t'lui did il.o rhmc nn 1-ti tii ;' i ii ovi rhflit t'ji, t lu tv hli'M tn t iiil cmt. .i 'inn', (f.-t ar. ( anii, Al D on n.;in t:y,; tiiirno? ufi left oin'liliiiT. loi,iut, Ci .N HorHHs. .1 ) on Iff; uhoidil"" , . cud It', KilllUOtl ll'l'l. lilp. J ,r tiinlier, Jas A. At woihI I lorncM, M wit bur oviT mi riylit rflmulikT. J(. ti. At-iUi.. Lei u; lioim ii old mnirfl Z7. on riui. mi'; yoiinu ai-rcic, -s;n til zunt ivCl nliiiunir I iVloi'uiifi. 1'Iiuh liuit-fh. ciriTlt 1' uli Ititl nimui . 1 d. - ' it li'Fi tlnuti: Hill Ic L on null, ttiiuh. Muriiky. J. J , lA x. Or. noises A Ii on ilia left aiitHildttr. L'atik-, wtme on riiilit hip; ear mark, cr-ip nnd tp.it in J -ft ear and tuuii-rbiL in riuiil. 1 L'l 8 h a 4 on leli bl;fl.. fcjiieep, Ji K. Uu. (re in (jruii comty. Murlieii. i'cir. 1'eLijnviIle MorBeB, il on rihi hit-; in- 7 1 on riglii Hidf . AluLiaren. 1) ii Iloihor-. FiKixre 5 on ouch nhoul dt-r. callli. ;W'j oti inn. M .h-Kerii. Mount Viriioii. Or-X I on cHttle nil rij-'hllnp. 'i'"P iJtit i'nr. hiilT orop in left the ibiirli ami two ci ops and a wlil in the ritfhl ear; witm- biundou Imrsi 6 un Jufi hi , Itaugo iu Grunt t . ,l..,u.. .... I.A .I.,.,,!.!, 1 nniilltv. 1 So fasy in its action, hnrmjess and rffectual iu relieving is Simmons Liver Regulator. Pullman TontisT Slewing Caiis at tached to express trains, affording superior nci'oninioihitions (or becoud class passengers. fare triira r'nrtliuat to Sacmmonto and Sim Fmn cireo: I'lillmlt.-il, ; l.illiili-il Klrst-rlnss KO " " M'relilt-l'luss I Union Ticliet Olllce No. 1!U. First St., Corner Alder, Portland, Oregon. It. KOHIII.iat. tf MHtlttpir. K. T. HOfiKllB, A. sst O. V. nnl Pass. V Pepot, Fifth and I Streets. MRS. J. N. HUOWN, TsmcJior Cf lUSIC & A11T IiiitrMctS-wo la Piano. Orpin nd lhirmm-jr. I'aiiKh.i: Hmrcon and t riijun. SH i,il n tu.n bihiu to Pnrirsit Work. Car. Qtma ud Caiur bt., llapituw Oragoa, A MODEST SENATOR. From tlio Oi-Cfioitian. Senator lilaokmati is perhaps fie most unassuming member of the senate, but his work is verv manifest. He modestly aajs: We democrats are not in it Then, too, I niu a new senator, and will keep my mouth shut this session; hut, my dear bov. two vears henoe we democrats will not he so few, and then you'll see the moss tit . Senator Hliiekman is alive to the inter ests of bis seoiion, and his constituents can rest assured that he w ill look after his district, eveu though it is larger thau the state of M issach metis. INSTRUCTIONS MAILED. Knttifs en Forfeited Lamls rannnt be Maile 1'iitll After Thirty Day's Published Notice. Washington, D. C, Feb. 4. The fol lowiug telegram, whiou is self explana tory, has been sent to the registers and reoeivers of laud offices in whose districts the foifeited lands of the Northern Pa cific railroad are located: ' To the Register and Receiver:"' "Instructions for restoration of lands under the forfeiture act was mailed to-1 back. dv. F.utrits cannot be made until after tbiity days published notices under these iustruclious. Lknvis A. Okoff," "Commiuumer." BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Rest Salve in the world for Cuts bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Cbil Bl.iins. Corns, and all Skiu Eruptions. n .d nositivelv cures Piles, or no pay re nnired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents tier box. For sale oy '. v ' xt , ., ,n Ayers, Jr. Rawlins Post. O. A B.. of Lexington, is preparing to give B supper for mem bers of the Post, aud army comrades, on Eight Mile, on the 28tli inst. Further information regarding this event will be given in tue near future. TWENTY DOLLAR GOLD PIECES. Mrs. John Curtis, of PeoriB, III., writes: "Used one box of Osage Pills previous to my second confinement; they worked like a oharm. Would pay $20 for a box rather thau do without them, as ihey mve proved a Godsend to me. Write'Osage Medicine company, Wichita, Kas , for particulars, aud their book to wives, mailed Tree, notu oy urugiiimn. , Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Heppner Oie gon, 398-lyr. Mr. Kleokner began Monday the work of reamidg out the artesian well down to the lost bit. 630 feet below the surface. He hopes M get it out by having more room in which to use bis tools. He will then prooeed to complete bis contract. TO CONSUMPTIVES, The undersigned having been restored oloullh by simple means, atter suffer i.. f,,r vral eais with severe lung nir. ction, and that dread disease con sumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of onre. To those who drsire it, he will oheer. fully send (free of charge) a oopy o' th . prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for consumption, asthma, oatarrb, bronchitis and all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferer, will trv bis remedy, as it is invaluable. 'i'i,u',lsirimr the preemption, winch will cost litem nothing, and msv prove a blessing. iH I'lxase address Ito. to a Wii.siin. Williamsburg. Kings Comity," New Vork. 400 362. SETTLERS Iiiiihbw. .1. nn-tde down on the liidtt (should LmiRu in tirant cuuniy ami Hear valiuv. POj ttdtlress alwo ut ILinlm.in. I (! It Adkiiirt. 'iortn'M. i,n ritrlit slmnldpr: cm - I tli-, (' It oil . rilit hip llanae in (iranl und Mot row conulies. Adkmn, J .1 Hordes, JA connected on left flai.k: cattle, Mameon leFl hip. 1 Merman Alp. Puiirie City, Or. On cattle. O LP eminHtrtijii ou left hip; liorneH on left utiilu and w ar le on none, hanue in (iraid euuhty. Johnny flyorw, Iioiuch hianum tnuntrie on let! hip; cattle name un rihl hip, ainocropotf rihl eurnud upper bit on name. Hleakiiaiii. (ieo., llurdiiian rlorm-B, a flair oi left rihoiilder: en t tie, 'Hine on ritild shoulder. t nnnittir,.I. W., Ili.rilmnn, Ot. (.'attic biand ed H on left hip und thigh; split in each ear. Bnrke, M 8t (', Lwipr t'reeK, Or On cattle. MAY coimauied on left hip, ciop off left iflr. un der half orop otf rit-'lit. ilorses. waine hrand on letfi shoulder. Hange iu Grunt and Morrow county. A liowt-man, Mount Vernol' and BtirnB-t'uttle, A B on riatil hip, two crops in each enr; same on horses, on rifzhl shoulder, ttangu in Grant and Uan ey couniies. Jerry HroBinan, horfiCB brai'ded7 on ri(jhi shoulder; cattle B on the left wide. Left eur half crop and right ear upper tdopM, Barton. Wr -iiorsen, J ti on ritfht thilli cattle Barue on rin-ht hip;splil in each ear. Hennett. t!y llorses. B on left fhonhler. "MrB. t". A, Bene. hornes bramleu XB on left shoulder or stitle; cattle same on left side and split in left ear, upper half crop in rk'ht. Brown, J. I h-ji'HO- and cattle branded 8 wit'1 ox-yoke above on left shoulder, Brown, J C- Horses, circle C with dot in oe teron left hip; caitle, nduie. Boyer, VV (J. Lena HorKeB, bix brand o ":t hip cattle, same. Willi split in each ear. Bon. P. O. lUnses, lr' Bon left shoulder; cat tie. waino iu left hin, V .) Brownlee, Fox, Or fettle, J 13 connected on left side; crop on left enr and two spiiisand midole p.ece cut out on rijrhl enr; on horses-twine brai d on the lefL thih; iatn'e iu B'ox pulley. Grant cnurty, E Cnin. Osdcb. Or Y P on horses on left stifle; U with qiinrler circle over it, on left shoulder, and on leit stifle on all colli under 5yeais;on left shoulder only on all liorbt-s over 5 years. All range i. Orant county. 'J1 BCaiiiion. Loi k Creek. Or--T on cnttle on ripht side, crop oft riyht ear and slit in h ft ear. Our horses same brand ou left shoulder, iiaiifie ic Grant com ty. Til Curl Double oros-j on ench hip on ciut'e, swallow fork and under hit in uyht ear. split iu left ear. Bat ye in Gnu t couniy, tin sheep, ii -vert' d A "l'tl wpei.r i ut nn -.litiiilder. Ear mark o.l ewes, crcp ou leEi. ear. piiuehed upper bit in right. Withers, cnp Hi rinht and uu.ier half crop in lefi ear. All ran- - iu Grant connty. A. A. (. rosily, naille tiauileil l- (or 11 Ji coi nt'Cted) on the riff! it shouldt-r. Wa.t i" ' arsner. Abnitii Vei nop V on cattle on left hip c op and split in left enr; 7W cmni cied on lioi'S' S on lelt sliiKilde . Uai e in Grai t Co. I! Ch ttet dn. Pia'rie City, Uri j ink. handle down on cuttle ri' lit hip uud split in riht ea ; horses, same hrui.d. on i ilu shuiUdvr. Jiai go in Gruiil coui.ly. t'ook, A. J., Lei a Horses, !H)oti rightfili:ul let Cattle, sanieon r gin hip: ear mark 9;j iara ciop olT left and split in right. Cnrrin. II Y- Horses, on left tiHe. Cocliran. II Monument. Or Horses branded '" I tV A on h fi eh mliler. Cattle, siune on riaht hip. swallow furk in right ear and crop off left. Cox A. English, llardmaii Oa.tli), G with in center: horses. OE on left 'iiu. Cupper, ii A Horses H 0 on h ft Hltonhler cattle I! C on left side, shallow fork on right ear. it. E. Cochran. Monti men t. Grant Co" Gr. Uorses btai dt d circle with bin beneath, on left shoulder cattle same brand on Utah hips, mark under slope both men and dewlap. Chapin IL Horses branded on right hip. Cattle branded the same. W L CmH. Payville. Or Catilo branded two crops and a snht in left "ar; on hornes reversed z on lett stine. Also have the loijownig nranus on ratne: Zon Kdtlip, on nglit hip, 1 T on left shoulder, two par.illel bars on left thoulder. Ear marks, two crops. Wm. Dooean. horn- hnii ded 00 with bar iiver them, ou left shoulder; caitle same ua left hip. OonglHPs, W M Cat tie, K 1 on right side, bwu-low-fork in each ear: horses. It Don left hin. Duncan. W. P., Jolui Dny Quarter circle A on right shoulder, boih on horses and cattle, Kunge Grant cou ty. Driskell. W. E. Horses branded K inside of O on lefi shoulder. Cattle same on left side of neck. I'ainim, H K. Mount Vernon--7U coniipctcd on entile on right liip. umler slo-.e in right ear, order bit. in left ear; same brand on huisegun right hip. rliingn in tirant. county. J. B. Ely it iSons. liorses branded ELY on left shoulder, cuttle same on left hip. hole ir right ear. Ralph Fisk. Prairie City. Or Tloiein It F on right shnu dor; cattle, on right hip. liiinge in Grant county. fr'lcek. Jackson. Horses. 7F connected or right shoulder; cuttle same on right hip Ear mark, hole in right and crop off left. Florence, L A Caitle, LF on right hip; horses Fwith bur under on right shoulder. Florence, 8 P Horses, 1?' on right Bho, Ide. ; caitle. F on right hip or thigh. Armstrong, .J . . Acton i with nar under it on left shoulder of liorses; cattle same on left hip. Gay, Henry OA Y on left shoulder. Goble, Frank HorseB, 7 F on left stifle; oattb , sairip on riflht hip. . Oilman-French, Land nnd Liv Stock Co.. Fos sil. Or. Horses, anchor H on left shoulder: vent. same on left st'fle. Cuttle, same on both hips; county. lUtGiir. Barney Horses 7B con-ectfd on left shoulder; cailie same. Kuiige Gr..iit cuuniy. P. O iddress. Lux. Oregon. G V. Mi-llidley, Hamilton, Or.-On Horses, S with lnvll circle under on left shoulder; on (.'utile, four bars connected on top uu Un right side. Bunge in Grant County. Meal. Andrew. Lnui Hock Horses AN cor necied ou left shoulder; cattle same on both hip-. Newman. W. It. Horses N with half cireift over ii on hifi shoulder. Nordyke, K Horses, circie 7 on left thigl ; cat tle, mine on left hit., O'Flyng, E. VVngner, Or. Brands horses L' I on leftshoulder:cattle on both hips, Cliuuio 1V w bran on anv part of ody. Biand rm-orded. it u it,A firar nf Anril Portland ft pecta to I.hw new daily. It will be tb Tribune, demoorHho !ti poll- i,n itli Frank S. Gray hn mHnaiter. pi..- Q..tlpni.in wtm fur pr8 roHiifter ..f tiie New York Mail and Express, and t well fitted for the ptuii. ILw en lerprl IB 8nid to bV 8000 Ht its AT LEXINGTON, BEFORE FRANK H. SNOW, United States Commissioner. He is also prepared to attend to all other business relating to public lands In Morrow County. 4!0-tf. ear marks, crop off right enr and nnderhit in left. Itange in (tiIIis counties. , Grant, Crook at.d Morrow Trial unWiptiims to the Gazettb one month, 25 oeuta; tlire mouliis,75 cnu. Tikit. " Elmer Gentry. Echo, Or Horses branded H 8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle Ksnirein Morrow and Umatilla counties. Fraik McGiir, Fox Valley Mule shoe wUh top- cork on cattle on rihs und ucder m each enr; ho scs same brand on left stifle, J . O. Gilt water. Prairie Cry, Or.-On horses. O () on left should r ami stifle; cuttle, on right side. Kunire iu Giant county. 0 E Glaze aid A P Snyder. Pavrille.Or Horses branded A on ricrht shoulder: on cattle. strtne di.wn the left shoulder. Also P H m ! horses on left shoulder, a-id same on right hip on cnttle. Hanire in tirant cm ty. j Hinton .V Jenks, Himilton. Or Cnttle, two bars on either hip; crop in right ear at d spht in left. Horses, J on riuht thi'r!i. Itange in Grant county. ilnghes, Samuel, Wagner, Or-T FIio;i right shoulder on horse; on (u tile, on riuht I'ipat d on left side, swallow fork in rUht par and slit in left KmuTe in Hiiystaek dist'ic. Morr w county. hdwin Hall, John Pay Cattle E H on right hip; horses same on fight shoulder, rang; in Grain conn'r. Hiel A H.de, Prairie City. Or. -AH cmhined on horse on r'ghl slnudder; cnttle oil right hip Uai go in tJriuit county. Mat Huirh-8, horses branded shoulder, henrt on eft shn;d'T. ril Hvlh way, Sndd'e. Or., hordes ni'd cattle branded K H connected, wiHi bar m drr it. Hnnsaker, B Horses, V on left shoulder; ca tie, flon left In. Hardistv, Albert Nye. OrpL-nn, Horpes, ATI ronn ctid on left should'T; Cuttle on the li ft l ip, PT'in off left ear. j F Hudson. Vimnt Y.-M-on .TF eonnec'eH on hnrt-i'S ou tight thich; on cttt1 N B on ngtii hip Ua; gein Grant anil 'arney. Humphreys, l. Uardman-Horses, ti on left rlui.k Hiatt, Wm. R. norsi-s branded bar cross or left shoulder: cattle same on ef: hip. Hayes. J M Horses, wineglass oti left shoulder CH'tle, sntue on right hin. Ivy. Alfred, f'iig Creek, Or Oatt'e Don riuht hip. cmp off left ear and bit right. H'ir-s same b.and ou left shou.der. Range in Grunt count;. D W J'-nkii's. Mount "Vernon J h'-rw on loft shoulder; o ca tle. J on left hipndtwo smoo:h rroixi on both ears. Bangeiu Fox and Bear vail -j s. Jon- s, John M, Pilot R ick. Or. CatHe trinn gle with half o;rcle on right h p. nrder slope nn right ear, and upper slope ou left ear, Bange in U mai ilia county. Jtmkin. S. M, Horses, horw"hoo .1 m left shonlder. Cattle, the snm3, Hange on Eight : Mile. Johnsuu. Felix TTotws. eirrle T o?i left sti-V cattle, same on Hirht hip. under halT crop in right ami split in left ear. Kirk. J T Horses 68 on left shou'der: eattlr, y on left hii). Kirk. J C-Uurwe. 17 on either fiankCcatC IT oo right aids. Joseph Oliver. Ciuiion 'il v. Or A 2 on adtle on left nip: on horses, same ou left thigh, Uuuge in Grant county, tiller. Perry. Lone Itock P O left shou.dei Putnuin Joseph, Monument, Or,, brands horn es J P Connected, ou right shoulder; cattle the same uu the right hip und undersiope in right ear. Pearson, Olave. Horses, quarter circle chie'd on left shoulder and 24 on It 1 1 hip. Catlln, fork in let: t)itT, rightoropped. iilon left hip. Bunge on Kitrlii Mile. William Pop, Mount V- rnon 1 T on entile on lefi hip, two sliv in left em; s.mo brand oo. horses ou .ell stitiu. Haiuxe in Grant county. Fe.rker & Ijltauoon. iiuidmau iloises iP on H shoulder, 1 jeer. J. IL. Acton HnrKPH. AK ('niiilMClMrl n left shouhlur; cuttle, same on left hip. under bit in each ear. Henry I'atberg. horses branded with a Hum at, cros on left shoulder; caitle branded with Uu limn cross. Par at bottom, on leltuip. A. C. I'cttys, Peliysville HorseH, diamie d P on left shoulder, ('utile, J H J connected und in . verted on left hip; crop off left ear and split in right wattle or inside, of right fore leg ahovt) the knee. John T Powell, Dayville. Or Horses, JH con nec ed o left ah-iuhler. Cattle Oli. coiniect,eil ou left hip, two under half props, ou on each ear, wattle under throa , liunge iu lirautcouaiy, liickurd, (i. D., Ca: yuu lily-t1 t! ou left shoulder, on hor.-es .only. K nge Canyon cretk and Hear valley Grunt, county. Hood. Andrew, iiarduiau liorses, simare cruris with (UUirier-cncle over it on lett stitle. Beiiii.jer, Chris Horses. I Bon lett shoilldej. Wm. Builio, Monument. Brands horses It ov right shoulder. Uuuge Grant uud Morrow coun ties. Boyse. Aaron. Ileunner. Or Hrrsns. nliiin V on ft shouiller: cattle, saino brtnid levei-sed im right hip ni, d crop off right ear. liunge iu .dor row county. Kiifh Bros,, Heppner. Or.---Horses branded X ontherigh shotili er; cattle, IX oti the p-l't hip, crop i ff lelt ear and dewlap ou j.euk. Itaugo iu ftb Trow anil adjoining uotintius Bust Willia.n, Pen .Lt-.n, Or liorses K on li f i sinaUoei; cattle, U on left hip. crop off right eai, unde-bit on left ear. hlieep, H t-u weaihers. inund croji off righ eir. llaugw Umu tillnai ii Moirowc mi, ties. Keaney, rtmdiew i x'rpbP, Or. Hois I'ircle over brai d; cattle sumo ou right hip. H.i i ge Mt.rrnw cou. ty. Boyse, Win. II, Daiiyviile, OrBK connected with qui.ro r oirelc- over lop on cuUloim lijri't Uip and cnp off rigiit ear and spl T in left. Ho'ses same brai d on jeft atiouider. Hunge m Sloirow, Grant ai.ii (i.iliant coui.nes. Itiner. J F, Biiur, Or Three parallel burs with bar overon horses on loll hip; ou uullle, Jeft sidi. two smooth crops, two splits iu each ear. Baiige in Middle Fork of John Day. Uwclt.r. J WHorses. JO on lull shoulder. Cat tle, o on right hii-. Hpniy, J. F. Morwes branded SF connected or. rinhl r-houlder: cattle same on both hii.s. Bailing, t; C Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A on left shoulder; eat lie sanii on Jeft. hip. Suuner. G L, t titter. Or Horses. lwi-bar S op J tl siifle. P inn 8 iwo inns on left Bide, u ?np and tti.ee splits in right ear, swallow fui-J and ui.d-rbit in left, cattle. 8 on canto laig'irtlliiU on hore.es. Kai gt in Gian coumy. . A L. Hwauuar). r:ia. tmrses tirttiKf I onlelt shoulder; col tie same on lel Imp- Ciop un tnr eat, wattle on left niiid h-. htraight W. E. Ui.rea shaded J 8 on left stitic; cattle J 8 on lft hip, swallow fork in right ear, undnrhit in left. eayer, Kotit-tiorses, a on right sitoiuuer; cuttio squaruon right hip and a on right stioulder. Hwaggun, L, Alpine- UcrsuB, 88 on right shoulder. tnpp. Jlhos. Horses, S A P ou left hip; cattle same on left hip. tsears, w tt Horses oar over CS. iiangeinrox vu'l.y. P O-addietw, Fox, Or. bhobe. Ur A J iiorsus. JJ on on left hio: cat tie. same on leftside, wattle on lull bide of neck ears cut sharp at point. hmiih, E. E, Pilot Bock, Or. Catile, horse shoe on left sid: crop close in left eur. Horses, 4 on lefi thigh iiai.gtj in Umutilluand Grant counties. John 8hner. Fox valley NG connected on horses on right hip; ca.lle, same on right hip, crui ..ft" right ear and under bit in left ear. Hang m Gni'.t county. 8mith Bros, John Day, Or H Z on cuttle on le t shoulder. 8ievenson. MrB A J Cuttle, ti on right hip swallow-fork in left ear. 8perry. b! G Cattle, W C on leff hip. crop ofl right am) underbiUin left eur, dulap; horses, VY I1 on left shoulder. Bwaggart. G W Horses, ii on left ehouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip. 8tewurt, Geo,, Hurdman Horses circle oon left shoulder. bmith, E. E. Lone Rock, Or. Horses branded -a crowed seven on left shoulder; cuttle same on leftside. Kanue. Gilliam conntv. Smith Geo.. horses branded G S on left fianir? Thompson, J A Horae. Z on left slioulu. r; catlle, 2 on left shoulder. Tippets. 8 X Horses. 0 on left shoulder. TurniT B. W., smidl capital T le t shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip with split in both ears. Ih rnton, H. M lone, Or.-Horses branded 11 1 eouueuted ou left stitle; she- p same brand. P Thomas. Mount Vernon -TF connected on cuttle on right hip, swallow fork in right ear and underhit in same eur; horses, same brand on right stifle. Hunge hi John Day valley. 8 A Tucker. Prairie City F on cattle aud horses on lefi Hhunliler. John Turemau, Prairie City, Or. On horsed. 10 on left stifle; ou canle, O wiltl bar under on left hip. liunge in Grant coumy. W B Warrt'U.Catob. Or Cattle. W with quarter cirele over it. ou left side, split iu rigid ear. Horses same bra d on left Shoulder. Kanueia Grant county F L Wood, Dayville, Or HeHrton horsps on leftstifie; on cattle. 'i on left side and uudr bit in lefi ear. Kange iu Grant county, Wright, Silas A llepp ier. Or. Cattle branded S W on the right hip. tquare crop oti right, ear and split in leit. Francis Wallace, Mount Vernon Square on cattle on the left hip. upper slop1 in he left earanduider slop. iu right ear. 8 me hrand on horM's on ritdu shou.der, Hauge in Harney and Grant coiii tv Webber, J. 1.. Hepnner. Or. Horses branded,- on riglrt hip. cmp off left ear and split in eucl bailee, Murrow county. Wude, Henry. Horses branded ace of spa les on le t shoulder aud left hiu. Caitle branded same on left side u d left hip. Wells, A 8 Horses, owo on left shoulder, catt same. John Woificger, John Oay Citv On horses. thr--e p- ral el pars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in both eats. Hai.ge in Grunt and Malhuer con dies. Wyim.d. J H, llardman Circle C on tefMhigh, Woodward. John Hon, oP connected on left shoulder. Wntkiiis, Lishe. horses branded TJE connected On left r-tifle Wu la-e, Charles Cattle, W on nght thigh, hole in left eur; hort-ei. W uu right shoulder, sotnr saineou left shoulder. Wten, A A Cattle, running AA with bar ao M on right hut, J. 8. Young. Gooeet'erry, Or. Horses branded T !i on the rigid shoulder. W. H. Crowley, Iifg creek Horses branded circle 5 on left shoulder. Whittier Bros.. Drewy, Harney county. Or -Hiips bmndeil W B. iinn-cteil on left fi ouhler Williams, Yhsc' quarter circle over three hri oe leit hio. both i-atrb a'd h;:ne. Rails? 1 Gram county; P. O. address. Hamilton, Or. I Williams. J O. Ixma Creek. Or-Koms, quar ' ter circle over three burs un left hip; cuttle stata, j and slit in each mut. Bang ia Qiaat aooDtt