1 HE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, February 12, 1891 Union Paciho Hailway-Local Card. No. SI. mixed. .wirea Hepnner 9:1.1 a. m. Nm. 3v arrivua 5:30 p. m,, daily XHpt Sunday. (MVKUV AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. KtHtro Ipiivt-s fur Chiiykii Cil)' dliilj, eli'f) t Siimliiv, III (i;3l) ," m. Arrives .tuily, exut'pt Monday, Ht 5: I. P. M. I W . HHvitiu of lti hinirn in time iin.l $111 1' chhI by tiikirit; this mute to Canyon. 'plllt) PAPKU in kepi on tile lit E. (". Duke's 1 Ailvertiei ur Aiti-nuy. IH nrtl liri Merchant Kxi'liiinH', San KmiM-inuo. California, where uo... trade for ailvi'iaiHitK mi lie iiuule tor it. !. W. L'I.MLKK&('(..4-H Fftli striwt Port lam!, Ori'ifnu, lire mil horizt'il ) illllke advertising Ouillricl tor the Ili'Donor IrAZh'rrB. Tllli UAZIilTli'd AOENTS. Lexine'nn. W. Ii. McAllister. W HKher. J. I''. Snray. Arlington, Mr. Bennett, Moody's ware house. Limn Creek. Ragle. Galloway, linll blmw. OooFcliei ry. Or.. V. S. Pnnmin. CaimiH Praine, 0i'nr DeVaul. Multepoii, Allen Mul'Vrrin. Nye, Or.. II C. Wriulit. Hiirdiiinii. Or., C. M. Spenoer. Hi'tnilton, Oratit Co., Or, Mattie A. Radio. lone.T .T. Carl. Prairie City. Or., R. R. MeFIaley. fleh) on Citv. Or., S I,. Parrisb. Pilol Roek.'O. P. Skellon. )yville. Or., Mr. Adnnis, P. M. John ny. Or. I'o'UniiHter. Atbeua, Or , John Eilinu'on. An niient wanted in every preeinot. tf. MKi.NAIj MKKV1CK ICKt'Oltl). Far Week Kmliiu: Wrihiesihiy. Fob. II, IMi'iui Tump. I.Mimi liar, i 71 ! .111 l:l a i ins I ID . Or. Pre uip. trnne U.llt U 01 II ill) II US n r i 0.12 I t'hur. acter. Date Feb? Km. Mill, 3 UK) HI (II ii ll Hum l ui HI l:il .11 34.110 41 III 6 3.: ul i 311 OH 7 88 IV .Hi till I 8 SKir) 411111 I V s.vnn :m ii I in Hl.io ; 4I.W ! 11 an oo i4.uo i ulondy cloudy fair clear cloudy cloudy fair A. 8l.:tTH. UliBorver. Here and There. Danner, Photographer. 96 tf. Jiff and John Hayes, took in Pi rtlnud the past week. Hood Hiver bus a company of Oregon National Onurda. John Kern is cooking down at tbe JJelvedeie chop house. Mis. V. l' ltiiHrk relumed lustTbors diiy 1 1 out h visit to Boise M. C McD'inunll returned to Fair Imvi li Ihe tirst of llii.4 week. Boh Sltaw and W ,M B irker were over from Butter creek Saturday. Z. Ms'liews, f Portland, visited bis brother. Towns Muihews, last week. Mrs V. R Newman is rffloveriim froma evere attnek of lhe"nr p" epidemio. Simmons Livjr Ileunlntnr has never been kno" ii to fail to cure Dyspepsia. Theo. Oanner is the photographer at Qeppner. Don't lomi t it. 96tf S'uim ma li;vr R 'u'Uhitor lias never fnilfil to relieve Ooustipiition of the Bowels. Senator Blneknuin has introduced a bill for I lie relief of J. J. McOee, our worthy KBHevsnr. ", "Julius Friedliinder. repreppnlir-e; the A. P. HotnlwK Co., of Portland, was iu town over Sunday. Jas. Poyae, of Idea, was in town the first of this week, and reports a light nil ter in his part of (illlinm. Towns Mathe s reported fuir inches of snow on the Wade hill Tuesday, but eaid it was no It iil' rapidly. Barney, the little son of Tims. ,7. Owene, has been quite sick with the so Called la grippe, hut is rcoveiin. W.H. Newniiiu nporls Ihe weather jiiet ootit. eiioiiiih up Willow creek to give stock an appetite f T t!iir feed. Wes Marlatt. ant Oscar Minor are off in the Blues for a two weeks hunt. Tbey will try tin ir new hunteis ibis lime. Hon. J B Sperry left Mnnriny for Brownsville, ()r., to attend Ihe srver .wedtlinu of Mr. nod Mrs Carp Sperry. Our vomiff men dedienh d ihe tebogsron .1iie yeMerdny moin tie. but. there whs Dot enough snow to make it interesting. Mr. B. H. Whitfinn, of Lrxinglnn, one Jif Orion's best printers, made himself known t tbe ranch's headquarters yester day. Homer McFarland will shnrilv m ike a four of Grunt eonnly in the intrreot of the firm of Coffin & Mefarluiid, or Hepp tier. China New Year, Snndav Inst. Fire criij!(ers, smoke, noise, winding up with the "welly nood bamboo," Was tbe pro tgi am. Ham Kinsman and wife returned from iPortlaiul last Friday. Sain takes a few oarlonds rf sheep hplnw in the near fu ture, piobably this week. Although the members of Hip old C company, O. N. O.. of Hepnner, have been out of the service since Aurust last, Do discharges have been received. Pied-Near Hnrdinan, yesterday morn ing, of consninpiioi'. Pennis Ward, e-d 81 years. Tbe literment wi! take plaoe fci morrnw in t1 e Hiirdman oeinelery. Died-In H' Ppi'Pr on the 70th int, of rnusnmption. Crate .Smith, aged alvuit 45 years. The remains were interred in the iJeppntr cemetery yes erday afternoon. Ch"s. IoVse went down to Arlington Tueed v, returning Wednesday. It is said that. Charley has a wonderful appreci slion of our neighboring ton, and par licnlarly of one of its residents. Parties at Arlington an I vii inity have banded togetl er for the purpose of rid ding Morrow, Gilliam and Ihe m'j cent far of Waslnnglon of slock thieves. De tectives will lie employed to ferret out the guilty ones. J. G. B 'gnrd. of Butter creek, was ar retted by nc'ing coiistah'eBobShsw, last iTuesdny. charged with ntempt'ng to tinrn he district school lionie. Ha whs put nnder 8-illO h .ii l-i f .r hi nnn aranee befoie tbe grand jury at the next term of court. Tw o of 77eppni's young ladies, desir ing a oalHlogne, sent over to Minor Br s ' sto'e for the desire I article. Thev got it. A dead pursy of p cent dste and B billet of wood was what those mi"chipv ns boys spnt buck. It wasa"'cnt B og," mure f-nnngli. . Siifcinl hums in legal I lurks printed to order at Ihe fiAZETTB nflioe. None lint tlw best bgal blank puper used A fill- line blanks for justice, etc. is kept in s'ock. at prices as low rs Salem. Portland or I'eunlelon. fiend in yonr or ers. Fred Sfmard and .7. C. Bngnrd were over from P'tieCity Mondav Mr. Rogar.l is lb genlb-n ill arrested recentlv and 4i. n.iil over for alieoioli ig ! hum a ,. I lioii-ei n lowei Bnilerceek. He 4aillis -Hplte work he cne of lbe Ction However, the IMZKITB SbSUCB IIS . jsaod 0f neigbborliood row. ' Akjibstrd Fon Hoims Stb.iuno It will be ntineiiilipreii Hint only sliort. time iisro, bill lleinlnx recovered tli value i f h Ii use, liaHilinr 'itli 1 irone. from J. A. W Kilery. S.ijil llOm bull tieeu iiirpinseil fr.nn one Wen Kay, nnd Ihe result of Him Woolery Hint niaile Mr. Kiiy tlie defeiiilant in a niiininal Hctimi. H w f ntid ut DnlliiB, Or., by Sheriff Noble, who iiriirpd with the iiiHoner last Fiiilny, nail on Snttiriliiy Htiicil i Xiitninalioti. ifnuliin in Un he. inn Ii mini over i i the Mini of 8, II I K,il iliu' lo 1,'ive line uni'illn'. l-e W"N pi .u- il In nilstml.v of the Hlii'lilF till tin- Mmul. tell., of c 'lilt, or lielil tlie nrOfS'OtrY nnre'ii-K nr furnished. 1 iy wn nit crutches Ht Ihe lime of hi" intent, hnvini! met ui'b an i j ir.v in the timber, when tie tiini tnvn "omni.', his woo was in lied mill tvphniil fewr, and only n shoit I timo Iti'ii he lunie.l one nf loa .,!.; I.I.-.,,. Ii'h rather ii Imtd deal mi him. (jnilly 01 nllieraiHe. However, he ulaiiua iliat ln oan i n ilnee et idence to show that In wan Ihe Miihlfnl mini r of Ihe horse when he sold it to Mr. W.e.ler'v. Look Oit pin Tuna -Tne public n warned lo iierep' willi great caii'ion il verdollnis of ihe mintage of 1890, say Ihe Soii'iii StaU'tmun. A great many spurious coiiiK of una dnlc are in circu lation on the norl hwest a 'list Thecoim pass very readily unless examined oare fully. They are o ciear ring, wt neurit full weight. They are very accurately i x-ented, showing the iiiimlerhaud of tin experienced minler. T'hx luilliiigou I In edge H goo I, and the lettering is nliuosi without, error. Their baseness, is ino-u rendi i tliscovered bv rubbing the coin he tween ihe ti igeis It is smooth of tonnh. being apparently greasy, as are most bogus silver coins A Little Al-oidknt l)r, L. F. Ship ley met with a little accident while re turning finm a professi mil visit lusi Siiiulay. As he was coining up tin Heppner Bhea cietk road. Ilns side id Cri cket Kiik's, one of Ihe Singh treei ticoiuie detached fmm the doubletiee and fulling on Ihe heels of lbe horse. Caused it to sui'ing lorward. ilnuuunL the tongue to the groiiti I, The team ran for a hundred y ards in this urinuer be fore the tongue broke, mid proceeded twi hundred and iit'iy yards further before the doctor coiil.l bring Ilium to a fill Htop. Fortitnat'dy, no sen uis injury re suited to eitner mun or team. Mabhiaoieofa W kll KxownCitizkn. Wetliiesdny. at. the r siileuue of Air. ti. R Taylor, in Walht Wada, J. B. Keeney oi ibis citv, and Mrs. El Ziheih J. lioiiine, of Walla Widla, were milled in mariiajre. Rev. H. W. Koi;iin ierforming the cere money. Mr. nu l Mrs. Kemey airiveil in IVndlelon on Wednesday night's train and have taken Ihe lesidence on John son stieet, foiinerly nccupied by Mr. and Mis Ji W. Fair iw, Mr. Keeney's mar riage was a surprise to his many friends here. He Ii m been busy leueiving con griitulatious since his reuiru. TAKE IT BKfOhli LKEAKFAST. Tbe great appetizer, touio anil hvei regiilalor. u use for morel him 50vears in Kngland. Posinve specirlj for liver couiplaint. Bad taste in tbe mouth on arising in the morning, dull pains in thi hend and back of the eyes, tired feeling, dizziness, biugii r-syiuptoius of liVei complaint Remedi llr. Henley's Eng lish Oamtelion Toiiio Relieves col slips 'ion, slon pens ihe nppeiite and loins up the eiilire sisleiu. tiel the genuine from your driiggi t for jjd, and take aocurdiug in Uiructi jud. Harney Ne its, btimior Blackmail introdnctd our eoipoiation bill one d y , imdtliiti ivdiiiig he hid ruueeeded iu geltu g it through Ihe seiialH. It is nol expeohd that it will meet with any op ptsiiionin tbe buiifu Stmutor Blaokman is a lustier. PRONOUNCED PERFEC ' BY A PRACTICAL ENGINEER. I have pei n u treat rufferer from rbeu mill iMii for seven veins, and bearing of i ne success of llibbinl's Rliemnalio riyrup, Couulllde lo give jl a trial. 1 In.ve tested llic iiiiiuive properliiS o the mineral spring without finding relief fi urn that, or any other souice uulil I tried liilibiird's Kheiiiualio Sy i up, w hu h hits l e e wonders tor me. I oau now walk wil.n entire freedom from pain anil my general healih isveiy much unproved. It is a splendid uiueiiy for the blood and the dehiliiated system. FniiD IlKIiMAN. Engineer Waterworks, Big hapids, Miuh Sold b all druggists. Prep red only by Tne Charles Wright MeJioiuc Ouupiiuv, Detioii, Mich. A Btrangcr, who eaine in on tbe train, S iturd.iy rvening, was noticed lo liu kie Ihe Palace Hotel, hut bare rooms and empty larder were !wt si.ggestive of a good lace to camp. It. will be opened in Ihe early springtime, with a host in cbnrge who knows bow to run a Grul class boiibe, as thii will be. HOWS THIS! We i ffer One Hundred Dollars Reward for tin v case of Caturi h that can not. be cured bv taking Hub's Calarrh Cure." I''. J. CHENEY A CO. Props , lobdo.O. Wc, tne undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney for the lasi 15 years, and believe him perfectly honoianle iu all business transactions, and tbinncinily able incur)' out any oh igatioiis made ly their firm Wesi A Tritnx, Wholesale DruggistR, To ledo, Ohio. H nil's C it inb Cure is taken internally, nrling ilirrctly upon the blood ami mucous surfaces if Ihe ays em Price, 75o. per. bol'le. Sold by all Druggists Soon to anive! A due line of While Dress Goods, children's and ladies'; albii full line of ladies' spring iitulei wear, which I will sell hi 50c , 75e. and ll per suit. Ladies' Vests, all silk, i$J per anil; also a fine tine of Beaded Necklaces, and the latest patterns of Iviibroide-y, lm isirted Black KntuiU Henrietta finish. Prices to suit all. 41'2if. C. S. Van Duyn, "THE JERSEY LILLY." Anoi.esha Cottagk, L. B., Inly 2. Gentlemen : Although it is vcrv ilsmtl for me to use any otiouA or washes, still, in answer lo your reqnset, I have tried Wisdom's Violet Cream and Rdiertine. The former I consider es pecially eflicaciou-i in cases of roughness of the skin, ami I have been using ;t every day for the last fortnight. I have found Ihe Roherline an exeelleiit prepar ation iu cases of Ian, sunburn, etc.. caused hy exposure lo March winds and a July sun. Yours faithfully, Lillib Laxotry. Tti Messrs. Wisdom & Co. Will sell at cost during sale, all my stock of Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Letdl.ef Co.its 412ir. C. S. Van Duyn. East Oregnnian : Reports from the Built r cr ek eoal recioiis say that oper ations with the diamond drill lire p-ie giesing Hne , niiit that the f rmatiou. so fur II dicati-S Ihe presence of Coal in i a large quantity. A drir inde 1(SKI feet j ue p will ii' Bona iu i n (udu UIU II not fouud at lesser daptb. SOCIETY AND SPORTING NOTES. What our Reporter found Monday. Ja. C ovins gave its a very pleegaut call this nfteinoo!. Come again, Jim. Bud, the "Josber," dropped in on ns this aflernonn, as nsual. It was tbe sam old thine-Ku! Hal Ho! Ho! He! He!!! !? ??ftt I never Imd the gloves on but onoe or twin and I hen I nad Ibi m on with Sam, n I I knew he would not hurt in-. bud THK OI, VS 0 iNTBSI. How long is one of them things good for? Bit I. Are you getting so yon can't Bee good, Jiin?BuJ. Yon are getting along pretty fast.- Jim Ha! H! Hal- Jim. You can have ail the inn out of bim that you want lo. Bud. I weigh a hundred and five, just as I mil. I usn.illv weigh oue hundred and forty-live.--Howard, Y ul want to wait. Bud. He won't b. d inn to-day. Jim. Yes he will. Bud. He! ! Ho! Ho!-Bud. Scientific p lints, uone; blaokcyes, one. Misses Etta Minor and Helty Bryant gave a dinner-party to six of their ni"St intimate guiilleinen friends, at their country bouse Monday noon, the table -.'mailing miner hard-boiled old hens and incieiit vinegar pies. A'ter dinner, they seived their guests with I X. L. and China Jack's beat cigars. Clnis Lewis inirlook ton freely of Ihe I. X L,nud 'Mil to be put to bAl under the table. Unfortunate for him an I his fneuda. Wes Marl ilt and W. O. Minor received two hunting dogs from "Welifoot" last Thursday They are Black an I Tan and Qnglish Fox. a goodly combination that night in make them famous deer dogs. Thev have proven thmspves excellent i ut! 'rs, he'ore they b -cam i the property f Meg-is. Maihitt and Minor. The piimiiry eleot on hill has passed the lioii-e find will bee a law, as tbe goverunr is in full acuord with its pro vis ons. 'This, with the Australian bal lot law. insures better government and oiirer and fairer elections. It is a decid d victory for the pen le, and the legis lature deseives congratulation for its good work. Surely the power and itifln--ncc of Ihe people are increasing to such in extent Unit ibis will be once more a iovcrnm 'tit of the people, for the people, oy Ihe people, if the improvement in public affairs continues. E. O. Ths YVori.l i7uricacd. The facilities of the present day for lii reduction of c-. crytl;i:ij that wl'.l con .ice to I'.ii' material welfare a:id eotnfor f i::a:i'.:!nd ere a'.moct unlimited an hen Syrup of I'is v.-as firt t.roducei he world was enriched with the or.h jerfect laxative knov.n, ns it is tlie only re:::cdy which is truly pleasing and re "resiling to the taste and prpmpt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in -he Spring? 'tluie or, in fact, at any time and the beHer it is known the more pop ular it becomes. DR. ABUHN. AT PORTLAND UNTIL JULY 5th DR. A BORN, Fourth and Morrison Slreels, Portland, Oregon, the most suc cessful physician on the American conti. 11 en t for the speedy, positive, absolute and permanent cure for Catarrh of Ihe Head, Asthma. Bronoliitis, Pneumonia and consumption. Tweuty-five years' successful practice. . Iiislaiilincous relief and permanent cures oftca cfeled upon first consultation. I. Aborn, by bis original, modern. soieuliua method, tffecta Spccdj and radical cures of the most distillate anil L ng s'anding eases of Nasal Catarrh, Ozena, Deafness, Dis. charges from the Ears. Asthma, Bron chitis and Consumption. Al i Stomach Disorders, Billons Colic Gall Sinnes and Jaundioe, Heart, Liver, Kidnei, Bladder and Nervous Affections; Diseases of Men. Alsu all ailments pe- oniior t . women. Dr. Ahnm can be consulted from now until July 5tb, when he leaves for Europe. Note. Home treatment, securely nnok- .ed, sent by ex pre s to any pa't of the facihe U iust and leinlones for those who cannot possibly call iu person. 411 jnne 1. G-O TO S. C. SMITH'S FOR ALI Job Work & Repairing lTB0iRDSt TAIiLKT STANDS, ETC., ETC. -ALSO A FIXE LINE OF- AND OUHTATW POIjES, DIkKCT FKOM THE EAST OHEAfFOnOASII. liCTUliE FKAMINO A SPKCIALTY. fSt Njxtdoorto W. 0. MiNOIt';, May Street. THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. MY BKCKl STOP IT NOW, OON IT WIIL Bt TOO LATt. I have been troubled msny veaT with disease of the kidney and nave tried many different lemedies and haw nought lid fruni different phyiiciani without relief. About the 15th of April I wa aafferine from vrrv iolet attack that almost proa' rated me fa aurii a manner 1 .ut 1 waa beut uvcr. Wlien I sat tluwn it wai almu impossible for me u pel tip aluiie, or to put on my clothes, when kin I Providence sent Dr. Henley, with lac vjkKOON KIUNKV TEA, to my iotel. 1 immediately cummenced fins the tea. It had an almost niinciili'UK ettcCt, and to the aston shtiient of all the Ruests at the hotel, ti a tew days.l am sappy to state, .list I was a new mau. I will eCwiutiK-nd the tea t i iutve been. to all afllictejj UPPF.R, I v-idnl.t O..I.I 1 O. A. TUPPF.R, Proprietor Occidental Hotel. NO MORE BACKACHE! faber's GclJen Fsnjalo Pills.. FnrFfmnla Trrwrilar ft ice; i.oihin.'hieihem (in t.ie market. AVrer fail. 'i-reMi nlly usel iiv p nmiDfiit la lfn monnly. ti'iaranieed to relieve .pprvised menbtn.a.ion. tUrClSA?:! CERTAIN! Font himbi(prM. Bvt Tine, Health, an-, mouvi Uke 110 oili er. rVnt to anr address, swure hv mi I nu re ceipt M irire.2.0J. Adirt-.s, THE iOBO ED:C!IE C3WPANY, Western branch. iJoxi7,i-OUTLAlNI, OR S.kll.y T. W. A;rs, Jr. bole Agenl orUoppoer. tf. Thnngb Het pner is inolined to look npon Arlington hsh "dead dog," their live journal, the Uuocofe, is receiving, pro isirtionately, a more liberal palronags than Heppner'a efforts in tbe jonrnaliatio line. If business men wuut trade, tbey must rnstle to get it HIBBARD'S RHKUMATIC AND UVER PILLS. These Pills Hre scieniifically oninoonn' ded, and uniform in action. No griping pain so commonly following Ihe use ut Pills. Tbey Hie adapted to both adults and children with perfect safety. We guarantee they Imve no equal iu the cure of Sick Hbadaoiib. Constipation, Dyspep sia mid Biliousness; and. as an appetizer, tbey exoel auv other preparation. Mrs. Grav, mother of Mrs. Geo. Noble, and Oid Gray, returned to The Dalles Monday, after a pleasant visit wilb her children. IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? Not if you go through life a dyspeptic. Dr. Acker's Dyspepsi I Tablets are po.itive cure for the worst forma of Dyspepda, Indigestion, Flatulency and 0 instip ition On irunieed and Bold by the Slooum-Jobnjton Drug Cd. The old shearers say that John and William Hughes used to knnok out all the "srikers." sheaiiiig in the neighbor hood ot 200 each per day. However, there's a California shearer in the com munity wb i, it is said.oleaus up 250 as a day's work. THAT TKKlUUtil!! COUGH In the morning, hurried or difficult hreatbiuk', raising phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at night, all or or any of these things are the first stages of consumption. Or. Acker's English Cough Kerned V wt'ff cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under n positive guarantee by the Slocum JobuBtnu Drug Co. PEUSONAL LIBEBTY v. PHISfOAL SLAVERY. We are all free Amerionn citizens, enjoying our personal libeity; but inoii ol us are in physical slavery, siifleriug from scaolula, salt rheum or some otuer form 01 impure blood. Hood's Sarsapa rilla is tbe great blood purifier which dissolves the bonds of disease, gives lieu I lb aud perfeo physical liberty. A WONDEU WORKEK. Mr. Frank Hnffmiin, a young man of Princeton, Ohio, slates that be bad been nuder the care of prominent physicians, aud used their treatment uulil he was not able lo get around. Tney prouonuc ed bis case to be consumption an I in nr- able. He was punuided to try Dr. Kiug's Now Discovery for consumption. coughs and colds aud at that lime was not able to walk across lbe stree with out resting. H-) found, before he bad used half of a dollar bottle, that be was much better; he continued to use it aud is to day enjoying gou t health. If yon have any thio.it., chest or lung trouble try it. We guarantee sntisfaotiou. Trial botlle free at. T. W. Ayer's Drug Store. For a lame buck, a pniu in the side nr chest, or for tooth-nobe or ear-ache. pranpt relief may lie had by nsiuu Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It is relial.le. ror sale by Mocum-Jol nston Drug Co. Tbe Oregoniav has lbe largest circu lation of any daily, Sunday or weekly paper west of the Rooky Mountains, and in order to finther increase its oiroulu tiliu they have selected with great care, a large list of valuable boTdftTand other useful articles, and are offering them as premiums to enoh new suhsoriber, to any of its several issues for jearly subscrip tions. The Oregiontunsiioiil ) be iu every household. Mend for premium list to tbe Oregonian Publishing Co., on land, Oregon, 409-416. Are yon married? If not, send vonr address with stamp, to the American Corresponding Club, 1'. 0. Hot 643, Chiiksbnrg, W. Va. V7U-442. FOR RENT OR SALE. One hundred nnd sixty acres of bnnch- grnss. uioely siluuted. Cull at Gazette- otlice. 405-tr. FOR SETTLERS. Settlers who bnve pnid $100 for their pre emptions or commuted h .mesteads hnnld apply for a rebate through Frank U Snow, at Lexington, lie makes no charge unless successful, 410 tf. FOR SAL i The Byrne and MoCnllnngh plnoe, on Willow creek, 10 miles above Heppner. For terms, apply in parson or bv letter. to Frank Byrue, Fossil. Gil. inm countv. Oregon. 410 tf. 1AM.0HI.Vn I have opened awell appointed tailor ing establishment in my new build ing on May street, and am now regularly receiving new goods and will make cus tom made pants mm 87 to 815 beat goods in the market, A- Abrhaiiriok. TAKE. NOTICE. Geo. W. Coeart is no longer solicitor for the Ga.kttk, nr is be employed in my capacity ou this paper. Oils 1 attkrhon, 409 415. Pub. Gaiette. LOST ON McKAY CREEK. One sorrel gelding, saddle horse, on or shout Anilinh 1. 1R90 Hn is nhnnt 7 i years old; weight, about l.GJK) pounds, ! hHS a white striti dnivn the face, and left ! eye nff cted. Has brand F. on the right sliouhliir. I will give 820 reward to any one that delivers tne shove horse t Joe Keeney's stable. a P ndlelon. Or., or $10 for any ibformatiun that will lend to bis recovery. H. C. Vacouan. 410 413. THEY STILL LIVE I AHhontfh th Runchgratn Bfade died hIxhiI two e)irfl him, many of its dt. linqtiPiit "iibHrnlrerri are livtnif, ah Hre nUit thft buukM itnd iioornntH f HHid pn)T, which ht iu p'taaBxiiia uf the un (iprHttfiicd, who dfPirt-fl (til personii know iiitf lliPD3felvr!N imlt'btfd tn the Blade fur Htihr-onpii'MiH tn ptt'e with him on nr lfforp iMnroh 20, 1801, Hfter whiohdHte nil tin pail biltR will he placed wilb an attorney for collection. B. H. WinTsoy, 412-413. Iiiniton, Or. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Office at The Dalles, Or., Feb. fi, Notice la hereby given that the following- nan ltd settler hn tiled notice of hi intention to make final proof i i support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before w, K. Ellis, I . ri. ComnilHsioiicr at Heppner, Morrow county, or., on March ii, ld, vU: KAMI EI W. CKEESON. Hd. :t5ll, for the Kec 12, Tp2H, li 2fi E, W, M. He uaiiifs tbe folio w lug VfitiifSs to prove his coniifiuous rcsiiieuce upijii and cuUlvatlou of, Hiild IhikI, Jr.h i II. Gentry, W. C. Ucy, W. W. Kirk and Win, barton, all of Heppuvr, Or. Jouti W. Lewis, 41-447. Hlrter, NOTICE OP INTENTION. Und Office t The Dalles, Or., Feb. B, 18!U. Notice la hereby given that the follow ina named settler has tiled nollre of his Inteiilton to niakennal proof In support ol his claim, and that said proof w ill he made before Frank H. Snow, l', s. Comiiiiiisioner at Lexington, or., on March 21, lsui, viz: PAUL TROED30N, Hit.jsfil, fnrthe wusww, XE'iSWV.SE'-.SWi Her is, Tpl S, R '.M fi, w, M. He names the following witnesses to prove his vimiuiiuoiib resiueuce upon aim cniioa.ion ot, win iHuu. iz; ' Charles W. Reert. Svlveser Whlre. Joienh Fll kins and Charles Filkias, all of saddle, -Vorrorf eouaiy, ur. Jons V. I.SWI9, 412-417. Hegla'er. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I-and Ofllee at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 9, 1891. Notice Is hereby idven that the following named settler has tiled notice of Ills Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof will be made belore Frank H. Snow, I', S. commissioner at Lexington, or., ou CHARLES W. REED, Hd. 3511. for the SE' See 2, Tn 1 S, R2"E. W. t He names the following witnesses to prove iiiHeoaiinion8 resilience upon, ami cultivation ui, said land, viz : Sylvester White. Pnul Trordson, Joseph Fll kins and Charles Fllklus, all of twiddle, Morrow county, Or. John V. Lwis. 412-417. Kegister. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for inn uoumy oi jiormw, J. T. Thompson. riuia.ilT. vs. Rachel S. Th nm pson , Dfendftiit. To Rachel S. Thompson, Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATK F ORE00X: YOU AKE HEREBY KE'jrililCO TO API'KAR and ang.vor (lie comultilut riltd niriil ib( vn.i In the above entitled suit w ftliln ten lava from the date ot the service of this summons upon yon, If Berved within this countv: or, If served within any other county of this ritate, then w 1th ln twenty dnyg from the date of tlie service of mis summons upou yon; or, il served y pnhti cation, then on or before the tirat dav of'the Cir cuit Court of said Countv and fttiite, to-u it, Monday, March lSitl, and if you fail so to answer or appear for want thereof, the plaiutill' will take Judgment against you, dissolving the bondB of matrimony now existing between you and plaint! it; on the grounds of desertion, aud for such relief as Ib prayed for lu his couiplaint filed herein. This summon is Berved on you bv publica tion, by virtue of an order made by Hon. L. it. Webster, Judge or the 1st Judicial District of Oregon, n hich said order Is dated at The DalleB, Oregon, February 12, Mill. W. tt. EIJ.I3, 412-417. Att'y for lTuiutitf. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the Co.mty of Morrow. The National Bank of Hepp ier, I'lalutiir. R. W. Beardou and I. M. riper, et al i defendants. J To R. V. Board o.i and I. M. Piper, Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE .STATE Ob OltliOON; YOU AltE HKItEUV ItE ll'IUEI) TO API'EAU and a.is.ver ihe Co.npl.iiiit filed against yon in the above entitled ac.io i withlute.i davs iron the date of ihe sen ice of this Sumnioiis upon yo.i, if served wi.hiu this Countv; or, if serpen in any o her Countv of this state, (hen wiihi t tweiuv davs fro n the date nf tlm strvicp of this riummOiiB upo;i yon; or, if Rerved by puuiication, inen ou or hetoro the nrsc day of the ue.u ter.n of the Circuit Court of said Coun ty and dtate, to-wii, March il, lHil, and if yon fail so to anB.ver, for want thereof, tlie i'lalutiir will take judg.nent ugaiust yo i for the Bum of Oue Hundred and Niuety-idne dollars ($1!);)), balance due o.i uro uisHorv note, and tun Mo) nor cent. i.itereBr fro.n aepte nber :i0, Lsinj, and lor auoruey g tees, aim cos s auu uiso trHeuieuts. This s.niiuio.is is ser.edo.iyou by p ibllcation, by virtue of an order made at The Dalles, Or., by Ho.i. t. K. Webscer, Jjdge of the First Ju dicial District of Oregon, baid order is dated February lu, 1811. W. R. EIXH, 412417. Att'y for ITalnlim SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. Foster AdaniB, I'lalutiir, Ellar Adams, Defendant, To Ellar Adams, Defendant, IN THE NAME OF I'lIE riTATE OF OREfiON : YOU ARE HEREBY REijl IliKDTO APPEAR and answer the co iiilalutiiled against vou In the aboe emitled suit vv iihin ten davs fro.n the date of the service of thiH sum mons upon you, if setved within thiB cot.uy; or. if Btirel wltlil.i any other county of this state, then within twenty davs fro. u the date of the service of this Buiunioiis upon you; or, if served by publication, then on or before March il, ism, the ilrat day of the next ter.u of tbe Circuit Co.irtof said county and state, and if yon fail so to ans wer or appear, for want thereol, the plaintM- will take judgment against ynii,disHol.i.ig the bonds ot matrl.iiouy no.veis 1 ig be twee i yo.i and pluiuti.l', us pray ed for 1 1 his co npliii it. ThiB B.iinuio.ifl is served on you by publlcallon, by virtue of an order of Hon. 1,, H. Wclmler, Judge of the Firsts ttdicinl Dist.of or , which said order was made at Tlie Dalles, Oregon, l-Vbiuury lu, im. W. R. ELLH, 412-117. Att'y for rluUlLT SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for the County of Morrow, Utate of Oregon. The American Mortgage Co, of Scotland, Limited, 1'lalutllls, VS Mylan E. Handy and I'luebe Handy, Defendants. To Mylan E. Handy aud Phoebe Handy, Defen dants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OltE'.CN, YOU ARE HEREBY ItlCQl'IRKl) TO API'KAR and answer the complaint tiled ag-dnst vou in the above entitled cause, by the lirst day of the next regular term of tbe above entlllcd court, to-wit: March 2;id, A. It, IK'.il; and it vou fail so to answer, for want thereof the plainiiils willtake judgment against you fur the sum of eight hundred and twelve dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from Feby, 4, lmM until paid; for the sum of flfty-six dollars with ijitereht thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from Dec, 1, WK) until paid ; for the sum of one hundred ami llftv dollars attorneys fees and for costs and disburse ments of this suit; aud for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage executed by ynu in favor of plaiutifl'aud conveying the iolfoiv ing described premises, to-wit: the Kl4 See. -2, Tp. I N., It. -lh E., VV. M., in Morrow County, Oregon, ami for such other relief as fs demanded in the com- flat tit. This summons is published bv order of Ion. James A. Kee, Judge of the sixth judicial district of the State of Oregon. J. N. BROWN, 411-417. Attorney for I'laintill'. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon County of Morrow, Liifi reine, I'lalutiir. George Petrle Defendant. To the above named Defendant. Ooree Petrie In the name nf the Htate of Oregon, vou are hereby required to appear and i nswer the com plaint tiled ag-iiust yo i 1 i the a hove entitled suit on or before the tirst dav of Ihe next regu lar term of said court, to wit; Mondav, the it day of March, iHiil, and if vo i fall so to answer for want thereof, the pliilotiil' wi( take Judge ment against you for the dissolution of tlie mar riage bonda now existing between you and plaint!!!'; also oue thin) intercut i't all real estate owned tiy you and to allow plaintiff to resume her maiden name aud for plalullil 's costs and disbursements ot this suit. 'I'll! BBiimmoiis is publtHhed hv order of Judge Loyal B. Steams, judge of the 4th judical dis trict, dated Decemlier l. lh'.K). i. V. Hk, 40tl-ll2. Att'y for Plui itlir. SUMMONS. In the Clrenit Court of tli SUile of Oregon, for Slorrow County. Margaret Dunton, Plaintiff, 1 vs. I John A. Hendrixand Iathy f J. Hendrlx, Defendants. j To John A. Hendrlx and l.p.'ithv J. Hcndrfr pefendants: In the name of tbe ftate of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear ami ans. ver the eom plaint filed against you in the above entitled cause by the first day of the nevt regular term of this court, that being the Z Id dav of March, A. D. l!d, and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof the platntilt'will take Judg-neut agaifist you for the sum of Two Hundred and riitv D1 lars with Interest Ht the rate of iu per cent, per annum from Nov. 2, island the fore closure of a mortgage, given to secure the same, on the Northwest quarter of HectJon Tv;ntv-si t (26), Township Three (.t) South. Mange Twentv six (2ii) K.W. SI., and br u-U ftirther r.-lief as is demanded In the complaint. This awn moris ts pi I l lulled bv ordfr of Judge James A. Fee, Judge of the Hith Judicial din trict of thin -tte. Heppner, Jan. 2J, WJi. J. N. BROW.V, 410-411 AtioToev for I'UlnUft, I WHAT ! Don't Know That H. Blackman & Co. Can fnrnish you neat fitting Suits for both men and bors, Ladies Drees Goods of elegant patterns, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats, Blankets, Groceries, Herders' Supplies, Stockmens' Outfits, for Trail Use, Guns, Ammunition, GlaRswrtre rtnd Queensware. Agents for tlie Celebrated Bain Wagons and Hacks? WELL! WELL! WELL! Now you have that Information. Yes, and Many other things kept in n large, well-appointed store like EJ. Blackmnn A Co.'s. Every, thing is sold at the lowest , possible prices. When you get our Fall Outfit, Don't Forget H. Blackman & Co., MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. NEW NEW GOODS! ISucoee.aor to HEPPNER, rro arrive Tim L iri?eHt Stock uf Clnlhini? ewr bmnlit to Heppnor, bnnBlit FOR ,1,V2, V!,i,r.aE""L"l"1 wi" l,e "olJ nt "ri''e" n"1- h"r'l "t hi.fnrp. iiOXh bUlIS ut 81 lii iiud npwar.li,. MEN'S aud YOU I'US SUITS Owing to the mild wiuter, will nfler fur the next THIRTY DAYS lOO OVERCOATS! Ten to Fifteen Per Cent. Below Former Prices. MINOli BROTHERS, MAY ST. - HEPPNER, OR. For First Quulity Goods at Lowest Prices, -0 0 'JD O LEEZEK & THOMPSON DEALERS IN Hiirdwnrp. Tinwnrp. Gr'TPiieii, t'nnfectinncry, ' nod nnd Willow Wnrp Audita fur New Hume iiml Favorite 8wjnK Mnohiuea. Luiiibermau'i lunlH il Spicinlty. Ili(jLi)8t uiiirkei prioe (jiiid for furm projuoe. tf. Corner Main and Willow Streets, Ilppjmer Or. NOTluJi OF INTENTION. Iinrt Olllre nt The llnllps, Or. Jnn. 1, 'HI. Notli-e Is hiTtliy glvvn that the follnwlug nanicd si'ttlrr has illi-il iiolli-e nt hU iiiluMiluu co iiiHkc II nut iirnol Insiipimrtol his I'laiin, anil that said prnot mil he mailr In-fore County Jti'liieiif Morrow County, at lU-piier Oregon, ou Febru ary 7, ltil, FHANK L. TROUTMAS, Md.No. I'm, for the NKJi Sec. 4, Tp. 1 8, It 25 E, Hi names the following witnesses to prove hit contiguous ri-shleiice upon and cultivation ol, Sillil luiirl, H. Metier, 'Ihomns Moottihy, Dan Potter aud J. C. Thii.nsou, all ot Luxiiiifto.i, or. John V. I.kwis, -tl4. Keglster. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijind omceat Ijifirande, Or., Jan. 19, Notic in lifrwhy Riven timt tlie followiiiK named nuttier Iihh nit-d notice of hit Intention to make final proof In support of hit cImI-ii, and that aid proof w ill be imuie before the County Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on Tuesday, March iml, xU; JO. EPII DtBOIS, No. WOM, for tho SK' tc. vrp.SH,R27B. W. M. lie naiiM-ii th follo.vl it; h ltuftiien to prove IiIh cuiiii'iuiiiis rcHltie.ico upou and culti.atiou ol, ati id Irt'Kl, vi'.: inilmirrmiiPMB. Victor fironheni, Robert I.'art and Dan It. cUilkr, all g, iivpouer, Or. A. ilLKAVf.H, WHAT ! ! FIRM II NEW PllICES! 9 W, O. MINOR,) OREGON. this week.; NOTICE OF INTENTION. I-and Offleo at Ia Oraiule, Or., Jan. W, l:i. Nollci! Is hereby Riven that the follnwlnf nuniuil .uiiu, hu. in ,i . . . 7 t. ,. ,,- ,nll cu, in. inu'iiiiuu io linnke ill. ul proof In support of his chiliu. and ' tliul mi it i.rii.r in HI v.n I.. ...r it. . j . ............ , nm tjv iiiiitic ijirni't; uitj i,uillllV tlerkof Morrow County Ur., ou Tut-Bilay, March 3, IhuI, vU: LOtI3 OltoyilKNS, Da. No. 1(10, for Lot 4, nnd 8V'4 S ,V. WU oV' Hec 1, Tp. 6 H, K 2M K, VV M. 4 1 He nam- the following wltiit-nsi-ii to prove his coiuliiuoii reiltleuce upon and culll, ation of, ill IhikI, viz: VV. o. Minor. UValpy Mnrlatt, Ilohort Hurt and Joe Dubois, alt of Heppner, Ur. A. Cl.K iVRR, KuKiitcr. NOTICK OF INTENTION. Iind Onire nt U Orandc, Or., Dee. !I0, Notice in he rutty given that the following named nettler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In mpport of him-liilm, and that ttaid proof will be made before Countv Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Or., oil February U, lld, viz: FKANK VEARIE PETRO, D. No. WIS, for the WW NE1, NttV Sec. 34, l p. I N, HW E, W. M. He nainen the followinii witneRsei o prove hln eofttiniioui retldeiice upon and cul.ivatlou of, aid land, vi;: ThoniHn Heir, Jonpph fjueeiier, Antone Veg aud VV illiam bctiapert, all ol Echo, Oregon. A. CtKAVEB,