The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, February 12, 1891, Image 4

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Sudden Death of the Daughter and Son-ln-Law
of Prlnceae Metternich.
Viknsa, Feb. 3 No such sensation has
occurred in court circleB here since the
mysterious death of Crown Prince
EudolDh. as that caused by the circum
stances surrounding the decease of the
daughter and son-in-law of the famous
Trincess Pauline Metternich. A very
sad story has lately leaked out about it.
When, a few months ago, the Countess
Antoinette Pacaline Waldstein, nee
Metternich, was found dead in front of
her toilet table, where she had fallen
while dressing lor dinner, it was said
that she had succumbed to aneurism of
the heart.
The young countess, who was a great
favorite in Viennese society, had just
celebrated her 2(ith birthday. Her mar
riage to the young Count Waldstein of
Wartenberg, six years ago, at the fam
ous Metternich castle of Johannisterg,
had been the result of a love match and
they lived very happily together. Her
sad fate brought sorrow to all who had
known her, and when her husband died
suddenly at Vienna the other day his
death was attributed to his despair at
losing his charming and beloved wife.
Great waB the astonishment, however,
when it was found that he had be
queathed all his money and unentailed
estates to the charitable institutions of
the city of Vienna, instead of leaving his
possessions to his relatives.
Another peculiar circumstance waB
that his land steward, an ex-hussar
officer, who had been his most intimate
friend, and who had lourul remge in ins
house when the loss of his fortune left
him almost penniless, died about 10
days before Count Waldstein.
A few days ago it became known
through the indiscretion of the count's
valet, that the Countess Waldstein had
carried on an intrigue with a young
baron, who was exceedingly handsome,
and that upon this being discovered,
she had committed suicide with poison
to avoid the exposure with which she
was threatened.
The young count, it appears, fought a
duel with his wife's lover in the park of
his castle of Dux-in-Hohemia, which
ended fatally for both, the baron dying
within VA hours, while the uetrayen
huBband, who had also been severely
wounded, managed to reach Vienna,
where he breathed his last a week later,
refusinii absolutely to see any of his
wife's family or his own people. In
deed, he Boueht bv every means in his
power to conceal the cause of his death,
and to throw duBt in the eyes of the
scandul mongers. In consequence of his
death the moat bnltiant salon here
be closed. He was connected with most
of the great houses of the Austrian aris
She Wan a
Chicago, 1'eb. o-jtlrs. Catharine Mc
Knight hangJ herself at 103 South
Kangoman-ireet yesterday morning, but
not unwl "''B morning was it discovered
she waB the famous Union Bpy dur
ing the war. She waa married live
times and led a most exciting life.
When but 18 years old she eloped with
her first husband, and when ho joined
the army at the opening of the rebellion
she was adopted as the daughter of his
regiment, lie was captured while on a
secret mission and confined in Libhy
prison. Hhe thereupon became a spy
and spent much of her time in tho Con
federate lines. Bho gained admission to
him and changed clothes with him to
aid his escape, lie was captured, how
ever, nnd Bhe was sentenced to be shot.
. She escaped before tho time set for her
execution, but in tho meantime her hus
band died. After the war the woman
married four husbands, three of whom
wore notorious criminals. Kho was di
vorced from all four.
Advocates aCutlinllc Parly.
Paris, Feb. 3 Cardinal Lavigerio,
archbishop of Algiers, has addressed a
romiirkablo circular letter to the clergy
of his diocese. While advocating adher
ence to the 1' rench republic, he pleads
for the formation of a purely Catholic
party, distinct from tho nionurchial and
imperial clomenta. French priests
Bhould adopt a programme, approved by
the Vatican, in recognition of the estab
lished form of government, in order to
be in better condition to defend religion
openly. They should forget internal di
visions so as to present a united front
againBt sectarian opposition.
It la ltatlu-r Ohaalljr.
London, Feb. 3 From Pans comes the
ghastly story that when Murderer
Eyraud learned thore waa no chance for
reprieve or commutation he fell into a
lit of rage and declared with awful iin-
irecations that he would come back and
munt Uabriollo liompard to the day of
her death. He also expressed disap-
lointmeiit at not being able to wreak
lia vengeance on (iaranger, whom ho
considered responsible with liompard
for his death. Ho afterward got into a
calmer mood.
That'! a tliioil Konsim.
London, Feb. 3 The Pall Mall Ga
rette expresses the opinion that im
proved commercial relations botween
Franco and Italy may follow tho down
fall of Higner Crispi, who has been
looked upon in Franco as the Italian
champion of tho Tripple Alliance. .The
utterance of tho Giuetto derive some
significance from the fact that the news
paper often voices Russian ollicial senti
ment for English consumption,
111! Own I.lttle It 11 1.
London, Feb, 3 Tho religious disa
bilities bill ia expected to come up in
tho House of Commons on Wednesday,
with Gladstone as ita personal cham
pion. The bill, which proposes to per
mit Koman Catholics to bo Lord I'lian
collur of Kngland and Viceroy of Ire
land, is not a nieasuro of the Liberal
party, but Gladstone's personal bill, for
which he alone is responsible.
Won't llpeominemt It.
London, Feb. 3 Mr. Goschen, Chan
cellor of the Exchequer, refuses to re
commend tho decimal system of currency
for Kngland, while at tlie same time he
admits its merits.
A I.lvttty Ktre.
Ciiablottk, N. C, Feb. 2 One of the
most disastrous firea that ever visited
here occurred this morning. Tho wind
was vory high, and at one time the
entire business portion of the city was
in danger. The lire started in the base
ment of the Wilson Prug Company
building, on Trade street, which was
tilled with oils and whisky ami other
combustible material, and explosion
after explosion occurred which threw
pieces of timber and balls of lire for
squares around. Over the drug Btore
was the Helmont hotel, an annex of the
Central hotel, connected bv a frame
bridge which also took fire. Tho Central
hotel was crowded with guests, and
when the angry flames leaped over the
building there waa almost a panic, as
men, women and children rushed forth
collecting whatever valuables they could.
It ia not known at present what the loss
Will be, The Wilson Drug Company
waa insured for $30,000, which fully
covers the loss on stock. The Central
hotel was insured for $40,000, but only a
portion of that was injureJ. The press
ure of water was insuiflcient to throw a
stream on the room. At one time it
looked as if the supply of water had
given out, but by means of a hand en
gine the pressure was strengthened.
History of the Fight Against Bradaliaw
and Naclis.
Port Townsend, Feb. 2 The difficulty
here is nothing more or less than a row
in the ranks of the Republican parly,
and the triumphant wing is now simply
crushing its opponent with evidence and
circumstances furnished by itself. The
story of the difficulty dates back several
years. In the first place, the appoint
ment of C. M. Kradshaw to the office of
Collector waa made against the wishes
of a strong contingent of the faithful at
Townsend. Next, Maurice Sachs se
cured the nomination of Superior J udge
against the wishes of a strong element.
His opponents were church people, how
ever, who, it is claimed, urged his man
ner of living against him. I'hey said he
was fast and not fit for the position.
1 lis nomination waa a political accident.
No one wanted the place. The older
lawyers saw more in their practice than
the office paid and refused it, and it was
given to Sachs more because somebody
had to be the party standard-Dearer
than anything else. The large number
of votes that he ran behind his ticket
shows the strength of tho opposition to
.Now for the crisis. The Bradshaw,
Sachs, etc., clique came forward at the
last election, and at the primaries pro
posed Landis, who was in the last senate,
lor the senate again, liradshaw had ail
along been accused of being domineering
in the altairs ol the nartv, and the rann
and file resolved to crush him. On a
test vote in the convention Landis de
veloped a strength ot five votes out ol
Mi. The defeat had been overwhelming.
The Democrats named Hill, a law part
ner of Sachs, lor the senate against
Hastings, who got the plum which
Landis sought. Sachs came out openly
and avowed lor him, and it iB charged
that liradshaw and Landis and their
followers did likewise.
This treachery, it is claimed, added
fire to the already strong feeling, arJ
the sequel is now being told in se"ia'sj
People from the Key City not interested
either way say that the ch"'t? made
against Judge Sachs are true, and claim
that every man ah"' '"" ii is tanuliar
with the fact. , , .
Another i'iece of unwritten history in
connect10" w'l' t'ie Sachs case is the
that the liar Association secretly
gave Judge Sachs the alternative of re
signing hel'oro the charges were pre
ferred against him. That he refused is
shown by the fact that the Bar Associa
tion went ahead and made their charges
in Olympia.
A lllr.ll SHAKU.
Tivo Wlinlrrjm Men Easily Sottlo a Land
Whatcom, Jan. 30 J. R. Tait and Joe
Nelson, both of whom are pretty well
known on the Hay, are the ow ners, hall
and half, of a pieco of properly on Whiii
by Island, which each Baid waa worth
about JlTiOO. Each wanted to buy the
other out, anil neither waa willing or
would sell. They have been trying to
arrange the matter amicably for some
tiuio, but could not until yesterday.
They happened to meet in Chris Semen's
saloon, and, after some talk over the
matter, Tint proposed that they shake
the dice, first throw, and the lowest man
sign a deed for his half to the winner.
This was agreeable to Nelson, and the
dice were produced. Tait won, and
son, without a quiver, walked into Bar
ney & Miller's office and executed the
deed. This is the heaviest dice throwing
ever known in these parts.
Labor In Europe.
London, Feb. 2 All indications point
to a more pronounced socialistic agita
tion throughout Europe this spring than
in tho early part of last year. In Aus
tria, Belgim, and Spain, workmen's
clubs have already declared in favor oi
great labor demonstrations on May 1st.
One that will take place in every capilol
of Europe. The socialistic propaganda
is no longer confined to the actual work
ing classes. The leaders of the agitation
are devoting attention to the army and
in Belgium yesterday their success wa
shown by a demonstration of the part of
some recent levies that for a timecreated
a genuine alarm. In I'urtiial, too, the
authorities are convinced that the
Oporto insurrection was the work of so
cialists. Notwithstanding the vigilance of the
Kaiser and the heavy pemtlties imposed
on the soldiers detected in reading the
prohibited literature of socialism,
pamphlets and newspapers teaching so
cialistic doctrines are circulated in every
barrack and can hardly fail lo have some
effect on the German army, highly dis
ciplined though it is. The Socialists are
also giving much time ami effort to pros
elytisni among the agricultural clus
who have been heruioore neglected.
The proposed meeting of conference rep
resenting European sovereigns lo deter
mine on measures of mutual protection
against the agitation of Socialists and
Anarchists, has not yet been held, al
though Austria and Germany have had
some discussion on the subject. France
has taken no notice of tho suggestion,
and the British government, however
willing, dare not join in a measure that
might seem to infringe personal liberty
and private asylum.
Il Allow" the Old Tory Canard to
Worry film.
London, Feb. 2 Gladstone has no in
tention of retiring from public life for
the present. He has taken a house for
the season on Park I.nne, overlooking
Hjdo Park. It is known that the ru
mors of his intended withdrawal from
public life, have hurt Gladstone's feel
ings, so much so that he refuses to reply
to any question of tho subject. Mr.
Morley is reported as saying that Mr.
Gladstone ia in a vigorous condition
both in mind nnd body, and persistent
in the advocacy of the great re orms
which he is certain w iil eventually tri
umph, and that Hie lilieral party is as
united as ever in support of tlieir leader.
McCarthy Tired.
London, Feb. 8 Justin McCarthy's
Liverpool speech is accepted by the
English government press as a premoni
tion of surrender to l'arnell and as show
ing that McCarthy himself is tired of
the struggle between the Irish tut ions
and determined to take himself out of it.
Want the Oil Themselves.
London, Feb. 3 Russian refineries
have signed an agreement to produce
only sufficient output of oil for needs of
Russian community, and to cease ex-
Bow the Government Carried the Span
ah Elections.
London, Feb. 3 A dispatch from Se
ville says the clergy took an active share
in the election, urging voters to the pollB
and to bring out to them how they should
vote. In numerous instances the lower
classes who could not read had recourse
to the priests for directions as to what
they should do. The clergy are without
exception on the Conservative side and
strongly opposed to the Liberals, whom
many of the'peasantry regard as Atheists
and enemies of the church. It is stated
that in Valenc a the local authorities
locked up on frivolous charges persons
who were supposed to be hostile to the
government candidates. Another way
of getting the government majorities
was to send policemen to accompany a
batch of voters and see that they voted
right. The court is said to be highly
gratified with the result of the election.
One effect of the Spanish election will
be to silence the free trade party, which
has been protesting against t he tariff
enacted by the existing ministry, whose
course ia now endorsed by a large ma
jority of electors.
Pawned Ilia Crown.
Paris, Feb. 2 The adventures of Tar
tarin de Tarascon, which have been so
amusingly descr.bed by Alphonse Dan
det, are a striking counterpart of the
romantic existence of M. de M.iyren i.
otherwise Marie I., king of the Sedangs,
who has just di. d in his palace on the
island of Tio-Man. This outlandish
majesty, by birth a Frenchman, was cer
tainly a man very much out of tne com
mon and resembled this great Tartarian
in more ways than one.
M. de Mayrena was once a well-known
I'aris club man, but, having got rapidly
through his fortune, he retired to a little
house which he possessed near Honilies,
in the department of Feine et Oise, a
,ew inileB from I'aris, and was soon for
gotten. Bored to death bv the monot
ony of country life, he was suddpl
seized with a spirit of n.Ucuture, and
packing his trunk, started for the far
East without nr-e ado. There he visi
ed severo1 semi-savage tribes, and, after
roumi"' around lor a space ot eight
ii.uiulis, finally settled down in Indo
china, among the Sedangs who con
sented to proclaim him king.
The new king called himself Marie L,
and made up his court in a manner in
striking contrast with those of all his
brother sovereigns, in so far that posts
of honor granted by Mane I. had to be
paid or by the recipients thereof, in
dead of receiving a salary from the
crown. Ministers, chainbei lams, equer
ries and the other dignitaries had to pay
iheir monarch a sni.sidy, and a pretty
heavy one at that, for the privilege ol
serving him. The officials soon tired of
this, however, and gave the king the
cold shoulder. Thoroughly disgusted
Marie 1. shook the dust of his adopted
land from his sandnla and departed in
solemn grandeur for Ostrand, leaving
behind him his once brilliant court.
There ho met with well deserved sue
cess, and his adventures in Belg urn
completely threw into the shade the
most fantastic of Lecocq's or Suppe's
comic operas. His dupe's were innum
erable, lor Marie I., so Inr from being an
ordinary adventurer, was a man of
.'rent taient nnd prepossessing appear
ance, and could, when he chose, be ex
ceedingly winning and persuasive.
In a week he had run up, a tremen
Ions bill at the best hotel lot Ostein).
Uniible to setile it, he leit in the hands
of the unstisi e. tins bon face his royal
itowii, carefully sealed up in a silver
asket, engraved with the arms oi
Sedang. It was not until several weeks
liter the king's departure that the
worthy lie iiian was surprised and made
curious, and not hearing from Idb high
and mighty patron, ventured to open the
valuable parcel. His horror may be im
agined when be found it contained a
tinsel diadem, set with glass, worth a
tew irancs.
In the meanwhile the enterprising
monarch had been in Brunei', win re he
had succeeded in so conip t ly ennvin
cing a wealthy n a lulacuuvr named
Somze of the existence of his superb
kingdom beyond the sea, that this simple-minded
individual nctmilly advanced
uim the sum of 40,000 francs lor the
purpose of helping him to create a new
field of commerce, in whiih he was to
have the important share. Several Bel
sriiin officers, won over by M. Somjie to
ihe came of Mar e I., constituted them
selves a commission of explorers ami
started at once w ith the sovereign of the
Sedans.' for Indo-Cbina. On the way fo
Singapore the kiru conducted himself
in so iinhecomin ' a fashion that the
lielniiui officers who hail so joyously
embarked on the expedition lost all their
illusion anil went so far as to openly
piarrel with iheir hero nnd finally left.
Mario I. lived hit;)) in Singapore a few
weeks, and deceived two Frenchmen in
to accompanying him home. On landing
there M. Vdleroy and M. Scott imme
diately saw how far they had lieen
deceived, and a tremendous quarrel to 'k
place between them and the king. The
next morning M. Villernv was found
lead in his tent, and M. Scott, who
barely escaped with his life, returned to
Singapore, where he charged his ma
jesty, King Mario I., with poisoning M.
Villerny. He declared that this impu
dent monarch always carried deadly
po son on his person, and waB in the
habit of exacting obedience by threaten
ing to use it on them should they prove
obdnrnle to his commands. Steps were
about to be taken lor the arrest of the
alleged criminal, when news waa re
ceived that he also had been found dead
in his palatial hut.
Minify Asked fur to Itulld a Dry Dock
nt Tnrt Oicliiiril.
Washington, P. C, Feb. 2 Senator
Allen bus submitted amendments which
bo intends to propo-e to the naval ap
propriations bill to appropriate $703,000
fnr a dry dock at Port Orchard, Ya-h.
This amendment iB intended to curry
in effect the recommend. itions of the
naval commission, recently reported to
Congress, that Port Orchard was the
best site for a dry dock on the North Pa
cific coa-d.
Members of 1 he committee on naval
atT.iirs are very lavornhly dispoi-ed to
ward the nd ipli.m and so tar no opposi
tion bus been shown. Amemlieroi the
committee, in speak i m; of the matter,
said there was no reason why opposi
tion should be otfered, as two naval
commissioners bail reported in favor of
Port Orchard, and he lielievod tint this
w" uld etlectually settle any controversy
that 111 irlit arise as to the practicability
of the place selecte . The committee
may, however, reduce the amount of the
prOosed appropriation, but it i9 be
lieved the recommendations of the com
mission w ill in the main lie carried out.
A 8uct, ui t !.
riTrmi oit bVih. tt nf trio mfv
.... .... .1 1.1.1. .....i...i i ....
trail, er of the Pittsburg A Western Kail -
road to the Baltimore A Ohio came out
today, rrejideot II. W. Oiiy, Andrew
Highest of all fa Learening Power.
I 1 v&
Carnegie, B. F. Jones of Pittsburg, John
Terry and S. H. Humphrey of New
York, make a good thing out of it and
are happy. They turned over to the
Baltimore & oiiio Railroad H2.I.O0
shares of Pittsbur & Western stock.
The holders of the of the stock.
109,000 sliares are not so happy. Mr.
Oliver and his colleagues bandit their
stock at from 10 to 18 and got it off their
nanus ai par giving mem Baltimore ot
Ohio stock in exchange. The minority
stockholders get nothing but will have
to submit to tne planing n the 12.000,00
second mortice on the Pittsburg &
Western. The proceeds of the sale ol
bonds to be s-cued by this mortgage
will be app.ied lo the pavment of the
i-ittshurg & Wesle n fioatiiW dent of
2)0,000 and to the betterment of the
property. An effort may be made 10
stop the transfer but this is not likely to
be successful.
Twenty Per Cent Dltletence.
PrrThBURG, Feb. 3 A strike of coke
workers, to begin next week, seems cer
ain to occur. Operators an I represent
atives ol the workmen met today and in
stead of proposing a compromise, as was
expecied, thj operators insisted that the
workmen should accept a ten percent
reduction all around. The workmen de
mand twelve and a half per cent advance.
Will Give an Andleue.
London, Feb. 3 A Shanghai dispatch
iv o that notwithstanding me tact that
the imperial court is in mourning for
I'rinceCun, the emoeror's faiher, the
emperor will carry out his intention of
giving an audience to the foreign minis
try this month and preparations are be
ing made accordingly.
V'vlVIk 7 kl -
' ouif A1 AGENtYJiw
A pamphlet of Information and at)-;
.atrsctol tne laws, mowing uow loz
ObtttiD jearems, (Jareats, Trade
ttaras, ixiprnania, sent
;. AddreM IWUNN ol CO. ,
,3U1 Hroadwar,
New York. .
Illustrated, Descriptive afi"- P;ed
tor 1891 will be mailed FREE 1
Ito alt applicants, and to laAtteason'tl
1 customers, it is Deticr snan svsr. i
Every person using Garatn,
Fiowtr tr Fitld SftJt,
should send for it. Address
Largest Seedsmen in the world I
The Great French Specif c for Debility.
Are you troubled
with any lorm of
nervoun disease or
any disorder of the
Oenerative organs,
rising from youth
ful indiscretions or
over indulgence,
inch as
Nirui it
Prot'r i
i Hon, Lou
l of Brain
Power, vf-
n as. Sem
inal Weakness, Nocturnal Eminloni, Weak
Memory, Lose of Power or Impotency 1
Wi Guarantee Six Boxes to Cure Any Cut.
A WRITTEN GUARANTEE is given for every
lfl.00 order received, to refund the money
if a parmanent cure is not affected.
Is used and recommended br the leadin
nhvsieians of this country ana Europe, am
there is no Question as to its value. It will
oivM vnu Manhood.
Price, $ 1 .00 a box, 6 boxes for $5.00. Sent
by mail on receipt of price, securely wrapped
and protected t.-om oDservation. Auureaa,
t'orsulo yy i. W. Ayera, jr. tmirglst.
He, ner. Oregon.
, ty Giving MORE POWER aPtl IESS WATER tliail 0tu5' WlS
Write for onr New ii... m., Cnii.c-" f is
.TJ. S. GoVt Report, Aag. 17, 1885,
For the Beat Hade Vacant by Brad-latis-h'a
London, Feb. 2 Sir Charles Dilke is
spoken of as possible successor to Chaa.
Bradlaugh's seat. Dilke has of late
been coming back into public life and
his rei-eption has indicated that his par
tisans are willing lo forget the folly that
brought him down, now that he has paid
to decency the tribute of temporary re
tirement. It is not likely that lJilke
w II come forward for the seat before the
next election. Ladv Dilke is winning
good opinions everywhere by her devo
tion to the cause of working women.
Gladntnne'a Idea of Home Rule.
London, Feb. 2 Gladstone is said to
have given the assurances asked for by
l'arnell as to the kind of home rule he
desires for Ireland. These as-urancei
are, as stated in Saturday's dispatches, a
settlement of the land quest on tiy tie.'
Irish parliament and the conversion el
the royal Irish constabulary into plain,
harmless bobbies.
Stole a ewpaper.
Sioux Falls, S. D., Feb. 3 Six team
arrived here yesterday morning from
Brookings. 80 miles north ot here, with
the outilt ut the Ekka, a Norwegian
paper of great influence in the state.
The teams made the journey since Sun
day morning with the temperature be
low lero. The majority of the directors
are violently opposed to Senator Petti
grew and proposed to remove to his
enemy's stronghold at Watertown. Pet
tigrew's friends seized the office at night,
put the plant on a truck and brought it
here. Pettigrew holds control.
Printers' Ink.
tl Untd n Int sal Iftsnti Itri f mci
suits, aid U til n;rntttln jounul ts trslt
rami if Antrim siTirtlttn.
It bdlutHtitaa
titipsrinoii adrirtiin low, van, ul whin as
lanll lawtlM ; aow tl vrlti u tavuUuant ; lu
k iiij's; obi ; trait un;tpi to sii j ao suck
auu; to iijuaj-li bet, liitonrui n mrf poiat
that slalti of proSUMl dlnuisloa, AiTirtUhf ll
a art irsetiiil 07 Bur but ulniiool tr fiw. Til
mlocton of HIHTEEa' UTX udintui it, uf
tatti adrlci tl tuta oa ta iijtrliati of mori thai
ioat;-lro jun U plulii slTirtiitii eot'.mti for
uj of til Urctit ul But mectiilul sltirttieri.
A ym'i taticrlptloa coiti tat Ooi lolUt : umpli
ooplii froo. Aidriu :
Newspaper Advertising Bureaa,
10 Spruce St., New York.
The greatest improvement in
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It is used in all of Dr. Warner's
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The advantages of Coraline
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Dr. Warner's Coraline Corsets
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BEFORE iterative or- AFTER
fain of either sex whether arising from the
eareasive use ol Stiiniilami, Tobacco or CM'ium,
r through youth I11I Indiscretion, over tmlulr
aiiic. Ac., such as Uss of Drain Power. Wakeful
Deaa, Bearing dowu I'ama lu tlia Back, Seminal
Weakness, Hysteria. Nervous Prostration Nocturn
al Emission , Uucorrhoea, lilaiiuesa. Weak Mem.
ary, Iwsof Power and ImiMKeucy, which If De
flected often lead to nrematiiraoUl aveand Insan
ity. Price tl.00 a box. e boxes for Sent by
mall ou receipt of price.
order, to refund the money If a 1'ermaueut
sure is not effected. Thousands of testimonial!
from old and yonnj, of both sexes, permanently
,.in h i.-mil c.icuiar free. adJr-n
warraan bbamck
For sale by T. W. Ayen, Jr. d nirrf-l.
Htppner, Oregon.
A TGARI lunri.rtak.tohri.flv
toRdi miy Uirly tntHlieene ip-w.ii of .llli.r
.1, H no ,'all rcao wnir, aim nnu.
Iter iiitnictlot,,wlll work iiiduatriouily,
' aarinrhHr own loralltiai.wh.rvv.rtheyllve.l will alao furnltb
to Mm tr r mmaaoa uaiian a
tha altnatlonorrmiiloynicnt.Ht M lilrh you can .am that amount.
No money for meunl.aa anrr.aaliil aa abe. Ka.lly and quickly
learned. I dealra but on worker from oaeb dl.trict oreounty. 1
hn.a already taught and provided with employment a litre.
number, who are makias over rSIIOfl m yeereot-h. It'ero' hi
and HOLIH. Full particular. FR ICE. Addreea at once,
aa. aj, ALLt-.t, ISO 43SU, iaiiatisca, Jtaine.
work for Hi, h Anna rff, Auifln,
Im, m1 .Inn. Hnnn, loieno, Jn".
set-rut. Oihfrr-d..inCMWll. rtf
not v..u? Roma "-rn ovtr 6O.IMl a
.iiotilh. Tnu ran io ihf work and Ha
t liorae, whi-rPYfr yu am. Ren be-
Slnnpm am Mill nrnliit from 9b t
lllarliv All mrrt. show yon !nW
and start you. (in work In iir lima
or all th- lime. HI montiv for work
art. Failure unknown among thrm.
IS'KW amlwiiiiilerfiil. Pari l-ti Ian fre.
,110s SO rrtlund,MUi
can liafnnird al onr WW lln of work.
ittlly and iKitioralily, by tlmae ot
1 it m-i. i ouiiK or (.lit. ntm in Ihflr
own 1ii' Blitii-a,M lierrver ilo'r Ii, Anjr
one mn do ibt wotk. Ksy hi leant.
We furnish ererTlliltiR. Wo mart you. No rink. You can rievoia
four spurn inoineiiiN, or all your time to lit work. 'Mils is an
nt) rely new leu J, n ml brings wonderful autrea m very wntker.
B-friiuienar? Miming front S6 to & fwrttFi-k end u-niii,
and m urn after a Ditto aiiierienca. Wa can funilsli you the em
pltivmeiit and tfacb you r'ltKK. No aptwieto exololn her. Full
fnfwiuaUuu t'itKit. XKIE A. CO., AlULb'iA( fcAlMf
uik lot
1, but
Ii you cmlrltly Imw In t urn from l 5 to
IU a Ihv at the sum, nnd luoin as ynu fo
nn. Holli m xt-s, all ntti'S. I" hdv .int or
Amerii ii. vim t an ootiiiui nrp nt Imnic, tlv
intr all vour thne.or sum n tiii.menti uulv lo
thft work. All la new. livfiit ay StLl. fi t
rverv Morkrr. Vo start you, furn Ulilng
vprytliiiiR. FASil.Y, Mt'EKI'II.Y Iihiiip.I.
rAi:i'U:i'.AK8 h'illiK. Addrutti at otiea,
h'inSUN CO. 1 lOflTLAMJ, BALSu,
J. C. HART, Agent.
'ta wsAriaa dualltlea are onaurpaaaod, aotnatly
ntlaatlna two boaea of any othor brand. Not
iSaoUd br BMt. taT-CET TIIE OE9I CIN.
Wli' TO XjXi
MODEL 1889.
.k. e. mum
Using 32-20, 38-40
It - ' SIDE
oena ror rree oesenrrtive price-list or icepeatlne; IUfles.
Xlouble Action ltavolvers, eto., to the
Art Unequalled bc'h far Huatiag tut
Target Stiiwuna.
(fend br Oataloa-na A, sbnsrlns; Slzfata and
Eiflua of latest design. Address i
WM. LYMAN, MidJIefieid, Ct.
sruunufi enrtrn
for Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and 1 Railroads.
BcMULl.EN S l'OI'Irltir UETTING, Sew Thlagl
No sairirinirl No bairainal Kxlra lleaTT .fclv.jr
The McMuilen Woven Wire Tense Co., CtMfM
So said Bul-
w e r , that
irreatcst of '
Notelifts, and he
never spoke more
trulv. and he miuht
have added with equal force, that mtrit
is the essence of success. Wisdom'f
Robertine is the synonym of merit, and
its history is success. The magical ef
fects of this preparation have been attest
ed by thousands of the leading ladies of
society and the stage. It is the only arti
cle ever discovered which gives Natur
al and Beautiful tint to the complexion,
at the same time removing all roughness,
of the face and arms and leaving tha
skin soft, smooth and velvety. It ha
long been the study of chemists to pro
duce an article that while it would beau
tify the complexion would also bays tha
merit of being harmtess, but these two
important qualities were never brought
together until combined in
..x-Mayor Daniel F. Beatty, of B-any s
Celebrated Organs 'nd Pianos, Waih ngton.
New Jersey, has returned homt from an ex
tended tour of th world. Read his adver
tisement in this paper and i-fld for catalogue.
Daw ilr-Wa
rat urn ad horaa
April , 1190,
from a tour
irond tha
worll, vlaltlnc
Eumpa. Aala,
(Holy Und), In
dia, Cayhm, Af
rira(rHypt), Oca
aaloa, (lalHnrlof
tha imi, ) and
Waataro Ameri
ca. Yat In all
our freatlournej'
nf Sa,974 mtlM,
wadonot ramera
bar of hearing a
plain or aa org aa
awaetar In ton a
I ta a Banttr'i.
For wa fattllava
wa h a t a tlia
1 a Photwrmph taken la London, , V7 Vn
Und, !... iVdVaT an?
prlf. Kow to proTH to yort that thia autaaient !
atwnlutaly trna, wa would Ilka for any reader or this
paper to onlT ena of our match leaa orxaiia or ptaaoa.
and wo will uflkr you a fcrant harnaln. Partloulara Vrae.
SatUfauiltm OUAUAM'l'KBD or money promptly ra
ftinile.l at any tltno within tliraod) yean, with IntarAt
at 6 prrenl. nn aliher I'lano or Ornn, fully warranted
ten yeara. 1H70 we left home apennllem plow boy:
to-lay we have neatlj one hundred thousand ot
Btmtty'a onrans and pianos In use all ovnr tha
world. If tuey waro not pood, e could not hare
sold bo 11m 7. Could wo I No, oertnlnlf not.
Each nnd la fully warranted or
ten yeai'S, to te manufactured from tha best
material market affords, or ready money can buy.
Church, chapel, and Par,
Grand.'a,ia-re. 1
and I i.H tit 1
Boitutlfiil WiuldiniT Rirth.
idny or Hi'ltiluy P eHBnn.
I (IntBldfJiio Fro a AililaaaiiB
Hon. Daniel F. Beatty, Wasliii rioii, Newjt;rt.y
IO Sample Pens, different patterns, in
ma Nickel IMnte 1 nmt.h liox,
sent pout-paid, on receipt of 10 I liNTS,
PERRY & CO., London. Estib. 1824.
U. S. Offlct. 8t0 Broadway, lie York.
General and NEKV0U8 DiiBIUl Y)
ncauissBOi ooay ana aina, rriectl
of ErTOraorEi!maMainn.rlnp Tnnna.
.:ubual, Nobla MANI.OODfr.Hy Rntored. Horn tocnlam iri
ibtwlnlaly aafkillaa HOME T R E ATM BK T Baaaltt In a day.
e Utlry froat to BtalMaxI Farif Covatrtaia. WriUtkea.
Paaeriptlva Book, riplanatlon and proofa nailed (acakd) IVa
Being compounded from numerous herbs and roots, which
have been in use among the Osage Indians for years. It
is the use of these roots and herbs which renders that gener
ally dreaded event o remarkable safe and easy with them.
The use of Osaae Pills should begin threi weeks before
expected confinement. Thousands of Testimonies open for
inspection at our Ofllces. no lor Circular. Price, per box, $2,
For bale by I. '. VKK. .Ir.. Iimeifi .
or aaiil In plalm wrapfier, poat-pald, on iwrlpt of a9.00.
W It
EJECTING. fpqf Weight, 6 lbs.
and 44-40 Cartridges.
For Rifles, Pistols 0 Shot Goas.
IDEAL HFQ. CO., Bex G, hn Haven, CL