THE GAZETTE", TlIUUSDAY.F.brua.v 12, 1891. THOSE LASDS. A speeijl trldirniii to 'lie Orcynuiun furuisljui the (i.liiwioti li 1 . 1 1 ! i. tin I IQHtioti coiiferninti tiifc forfeited land ur tbe Nonlieru Piicifie: The ounimiHsioni r of Ibp irenr'ral land office Iihk ispiikI In rt listers and mviv PH cr Jmid i tfifHH Hi Vhinf,:tiill nnil OfPtfi'li. h-Hcrn nf iristrnotinri ririitVr Tin lurid Inrfi-inire m l nf rV.l. nilier '). 1H!HI. hy wliiclr it p-'itinii if (lie main in e nl tlie Northern Piicifit! R ittro'ul C"Iimi"iiyV prant. I.Hllif liWwivu Wiihllh-f V;lih . Hint IVirtliipH. ()' I'trDii, is tleiilii; pil fm feiled. 1j cI illieirn hip n h'-r ihm i I in give juibht-lieil im.Iiii' Hint l lie J ii n 1 1 biive ltwi rcritored mid will In open In eutry npon a dny lo be tixt-d by tlicio, liot lees tban iliuty djiyn from the date of Ibenoiiw, ilh pieinvnpe rijjlit nf en trv, mirier IIih limm-stead lawn fur period vl Fix monihti from llipdituof the pus iteni the f'irfi'iliiie no, In nil per one who, lit 1 1 1 . , t date, ueie Killers in (io"d fmth upon Hie Jniid re stored. Noire of tliene lamia are Hiihj-ot to tbe O emtiou of the pre-emption lawn. It 18 further iliiecteil in Ihe nutiue of le toriilion that there be u notioe inserted to prior iiiil emits tlmt mieh pnor np phoatione oimfer uo liuljts to lamia, niiil npuu tbe da) net by the local otliceru nil them binds will be opened to entry ille out regard to latt-lr applications, uhirh application)) shall be In Id to be n j-eteil b Bnid notice. All such applicants, bowever, are lo receive noliue of the te jcotion of their applioaiioiis, Hud hIho h tioiioe of ri Htoriit'oti 'ihisrij etion will Dot include applications pending foi luiidx cxoi ph il fioiii v 1 1 liil t ii u nl and l lit grunt for said CutDpiiuy. Tim decrease of the National debt for tbe uiunth past was !S1,83 j,4UG. Senator l'KFFmt, of K insn, is looming tip n 8 a third parly candidate for presi dent. Senator Blackman's bill to regulate tbe siiluries of the county judge, lira passed the ecu t e. Unless Oregon can appropriate a rn, H..n,,iii sum for its W- rio's i'nir i x li bit, it bad In Her hivh lulhiu at all. but iiepeiul on nva:e eute.i pus., lo iiiim the necessary auiount. With appropriations for the main tborouuhraieH lending into lli'pi uer fioiu the J 1 1 1 1 D.ii, our liille city ca it lirl but reap a laie rewind oi i.urd wmk oi tbe past to ibvi-Jop toe connir buck ol us, and to increase the business of liepp nor. , Hkpbeskntative I homnon's bill for m. nipropri,.iioii of 1(4, no. to Oh expi mien on tbe U:i.Ht.ick-lAiH'.lc rmul, h.m iu. ed the bouse and t-eiiate, and is ready loi the uoveinoi's sinaiiHe. lie wid inn veto Ine iio-asiue, so n juice, Hay stackers. Tub legislature of Oregon is geltiun one step nearer justice, in ntluupiiiiK . puss an in-sessiueiit law couninirrit will, tbe d tanuds of the times. Uoue el, ii is not Cfiiaiu Unit it mil go tbioegh, itu clause iill-nniii no il ,l iu-1 1 hih . r i;. deotedueMS being the great buKuhoo. The Wadii Walla Waterway onnven lion, in re, e a I hi-mom, decided that i would u-quiie $2U(I,UUJ lo give imip... rnry rehel from a ch-si d liver, jll)0,U)ii from each stale uf Washington and Uie gou. I. el the bill lor a one-horse ii( pro iinaliou Tor O-euoii's Worlu's l''ii,tr i j hitm go to - (hi) ,,hIi! buKk-1, lint ilou'i overlook .any Vinj.ol, lowaidB "uii opin river to u)e sei." It is said that Cnnaila buys more goods of tbe Uniti d tjiates Hum Mexico, Cen tral America and all the ftoutii Amei.caii slates put together. 'J his being Hie oust-, a iccipmoily treaty wnh Canada Would seem ih-sirahle, if the plan is u good one lit all. 1, is more than likely that lllainc has our northern neighbor imdudt-d in bis reoiproony t-cluine, allboiigh rt i Dot positively known that such is tin oase. The granger portion of our legislature have knocked out all ell'oris to rei eal I In usury law. If this opposition coiiuk from tbe best inolives, I hey lire blind ir lnoles. licjivt vir. it is more than likely that a large mi j inly of them tind a to loan their Mirpliin vusb al a heavy bonus it wouldn't do to call it interest, you know, 'Ihrs opposition comes, puci pulh. Iiom the Wil.ameiie valley, - here weal b grew lnlo their bands through ihe ouiii-rsbip of Hie lust lands, i. h ell eot theiii not a red cent. I'lie repeal of I he miiiy law means competition of capital, mid straight inleirnt al a low rale. Oui nii snbiick Irieinls lire always seeing a scarecrow aomeuhcic, but nine ulianois out ol leu, its their ow n liluurl liU'h is being clogged. WILL DEMONS TUATii THE IIENE FIT. From The DallwtTlnii'ii-Mimiituiaecr. The railroad portage b:ll, uhicli i nssed the senate yesterday afternoon, is a mat ter of Ihe i rentes! linpoi tanee to I bo pro duueis ol Eastern Oregon and E sti rn Washinglon, and the people will anxious ly await its passage or defeat in the house. Willi portage rail l at the Onsiiades Hud between The Dalles and Cilllo e o oi prove lo the world that we can sli p grain and other produce to seab uoo ohenperlhan hv Ihe Unioii I'ai ilio. Thi will puieho-illy .Ii m-MiHt'iiiii the beuelit of an open river, and will lend coiigiess to see t ,e imporianee ol eonipl-tiug Ihe looks at the UaBcaih-s and the coiuenee menl of a ship railway above this p lini. Theie are few, if uiiv, of our ieops who nre in favor of adopting I be pordwe rail way as a permanent means of oveieoming tlie obsluelions Hi navigation in the Col nmbui river; tint simply as liinpornry relief by the stale until Ihe general "ov ermen! oan tiinsli the great piojecls already begun or in p. inlcinpl.itiou. AN -LXt'LANTlON. From the E. 0,'i Corrcdiiomience. Sonxt'ir llhu-kiiiiin IIuhKh lie wan done hm mjn.Miifw in my r-nmrks eintn rnii'K ti e bi'tioti nf ihf juiitt vvnpui rum) cnin nnntc, He mivh ilmt it w (is tlirouuli ni ftmlt ur fitvuriii'in uf that tl.H Joliii Diip-Lony Cm k niHtl whh iuuured; tlmt no ne npifiiifil in tlie oummutto (u cluiinpiuti it, iititl it ukp nimply nrum't fd (ur ltok uf ninmnMil fuemli-; nml thill Mr. Dublin, Hit iueinher hum 'irtmt oiim tv, linn nttitl thtit lHOOU winilJ be tt buMI Clt'Ut ii(ipiopitHtiur. SUIU'IUSKUTUEM. From SBlcm StatMiiittii, Feb. 5. The lliMt roml bill to pass tb Sfiuite WRNtheone ufStixtor Henry lllm-ktmtn, of Humpy, Oiiut,niu Morrow, It oune up for third lomhnu ywirilay nffernuun. He HNkp for Bit npprtp'ititHMi of $5000 f rllH iniprovenuMit of Hip roml fr m Mniiii!iien to John lny (ily in (Imt.t C Httity Upon tin- incHHine Air, It. w nm Ifiven the hiii0H uf mtikiim hia iii-iilen ,veit (itil iu doiiitf mi he Kiirpiieed lilt) pother toofttors m hi bblo ttfjrt, OVEKT'IE HILL. Krorii lite Lagle. 'I i,e deep Mtotp in th. bieh uiountaini' in f. reii-ir ihe deer r ml elk to seek Ihe foot lolls. The himti-is are enj Alng i. pii nil-. h.e I niolred frauihilent names are re. pMr t d to h- mi lo reni'Mistranee Hrniost Hi loibl.rig net. Tint sieaks very nigh y for ihe motives of tbe leaders who oppose this act. L. W. Lewis nf Ilnrdman, guvp our busy ony a li'sianl c ill last H diirday. returning aLoiiu l ist Satorday. Mr. Lews 'e a stun ncli su p io iter of Alliance prinei oh s and reponi a ll-iuiibhieg organ iz ill i i ill 'it 11 anhtoin. Mel Dusiin. T. .1. Conger and .Toe Loflen have he.-ri looudlug li;i the Join I 'arrv '-t'-ck. They report; hetween 70 and 9tl head of horses and mules hlivi lieen gaHiereil fri-nr the range of FnX and r'Uirolliiditig valleys Morrow County and other oonrrties of the 7ih judicial district pi minus the legislature lo providrt for an additional jinlue in the district. The i.iahilriy of Juile 13im to pe form the duties ol his olli -e b is made the iIi'iiihuiI fi.r an ad- ditiounl JuiU'e an urgent one. AKLINUTON. Fro:n the Advocate. 0. A Minn's lilt e boy bns had nn attack of broriiihutl pneuiiloiiiii. )t. A. L. Fox, of lleppner, was ill attend. nice, and Hie little fellow i-iou the road to re covery. We wish to call intention again lo I be low Urge wh eh Hie waicr often reaches in I lie city reservoir. Eor the lust few weeks very liille water has laeu on hand to ne in cuFe i f fire. The 4ily pays some thing like $80 per nn-nth lo the water ci-mpaiiy fire or no Ore and it is only nghl Hint the town should haven good supply on baud. It is theduty of our city council to look into the matter. Come luethren, wake up, before the biidegroora couietb clothed with lire! O i last Tue day ' Fred, the Taylor." as e.xpaii tug ton budge orew of a i.!onstructioii Irnin upon Ins wouderlu! -ichievcmerrl in the tailoiing art. Think ing he had fur oaue found a willing audi euce, he improved the rppurtiinity and 'oiloti ed his newly made friends into the iiahoose, when the engineer, innocent i f -us super cargo, moved m est waul despite he v.iuiierous pinti-sH of the aforesiiitj iiolor Mtiange as ii may seem lo ihose 'nniiliai wi h bis i hc Ijoiisry poner, L'ied tuilett to make his protest audible io any but- his lauiihiug oointinions, un il Siifely llllldeil i t HI duck, m. In miles from borne nr. il w t mill a 0 -nl. Bui h s uMiciiing capnciiy hiouglit- him b ick, arriving at 1) p. m , tired and cold, but -itill in the ring. THE TREAT H fa chronic catarrh pi. in nl is olli a to i ileiisive I hat be be e ones su nlijtcl o- Oisgusl. Alter a tune ulceration seis m, Ihe spongy bones ate (tracked and frequent y entirely destroy--at. A CMiiKtaiit- stinree of diNcoiul'oii is ilio ill ipplng of I lo purulent sicre'ions into the Ibroai, souiei mics producing nr veleraie broucliiiis, wbiutr in i'u turn lias oeen the exciting cause of p,duiouary liseiiBe. Tlie lill.llaiit result which have -tltended its use for years past properly designate Ely's Cream liuhu us by far -he best ami only cure. Tub Dalles is as titifotiinato as llep'pue'. She is involved iu local strile 'Inch vdl never help Hie town one lota, .nit rather tend the oilier way. lint llepp or ii leuvt ig tlu old m'.irei hehind, to a c-rlnin exiinl. and well she may. We cannot progress and pull iu opposite lircctious. NOT ONE IN TEN Of the people you meet from day to lay has periiollv pure, healthy! blood. 1 he hi reililaiy sciolulous ti.lnt nfll els ihe large in .j inly of people, while 111 my otheis acqiiiiM dineribcs fr -in impure air, uupiopei loud aid i rung intliilgeuee. Hence tbe iinicialive necessily lorn re liable lilood piirdier like hood's Har-s-ipai il In, which eradicates every iiuptiri iy, and gives lo Ihe blood viialuy nud uealtli. it curts t-cinluht sail rheum, huinois, boils, pimples and all othei n tit otio'is eaiisi d tiy impurities or poison, or.s gei ms In the blood. Allibal is asked lor llonu's Haisaparilla is tbal it be given a Ian ti ml. I will sell for I e next thirty days Men's and llnys' Clothing twenty pi r oi nl. In low tegular price. All gomls ninrki d iu plain figures, 412if. C. S. Van Duyn. CONSUMPTIUN CUHED. An old phyHioiiin, retired from prim lie', huviny tuid pliuied in hii hanilH h hi Karir ludtit 111 iKii inn ry Ihn lorninlu of a Himplu vruelnbln remedy f r Ihe h eed mitt p inninent ome uf C'Hiniiiiiptinii, I tin, lii'm, 0 -iimrli, Ast Innu .nd nil thro ii li' TjHIIL' AU O'iuIIH. tilHO II poHlllVl Hlld ruluiiil vwti fur Nhtvuih JVhihty nnd nil Nei voiw UcmplnintH, Miler 1) ivii'if icMii'd itH won It rnl curniivH powhih in til : 1 MHflM-1 S of llllHt'H, llJtH f(t it luH (llUV 1(1 make it knouu to Iiih ulTt'iintf MIowh. Aotiiitt'd hy I h i m mtive nnd dento to rt'licv hntnan hiiIIhi inu, 1 will seiid hee -d (ilmi'tf-, hi nil w Im di'sirt it, iliiw rn tiipe, in GtTniiit), Frem h ur Etmlinh, with full tliu'CMur.H tor prepnriiK nti l umiii . Sent hy ninil by u.ldrt hhiu w ltd utanip, namiiitf Him paiier. V . A Nykh, H20 P.. wen' B'ork. 412 41U lyr. Horht-htt r, N Y. A GliKAT hEEU FAHM. Hut 1 niTdiTP Mii.i.kk, lhf irwit Eiiidis'i hortu iittn i t, vvntiii j in 1740s. yt: "tie (lent iiu'Hio.l lo hnVH caliliitfcfCN moo I in to piocnro frt'sli H-td from nhronil every year, for it is apt to degenerate iu Euu i.iinl in a few years," Ihe above is n .simple illiiRtratioii of the fm t Unit t!tc Itrst HeedM will .IcyeiiODite under Uufavorxble oonditioiin. The wine uill take hed, I bereft "re, and Imv tin i r Het ilH i f U. M. Ferry & Co., Detroit, Miohitfan, whoso wurl I wide n piitidioii un i he n.:sr and M.tsr itici.iAHt-K, m v II iih the Mosr kxikssiVk neei uro eiH and tie. tiers i" due to the fact that they take advantage of ev ry oirtmuv Htance of ulimate, Hoil, mel hodH of cul ture, Helec'ioii oT Hred'plaiitN, eto., to pro iotv the ln'Ht poHn.ti o heeiU and keep tbem up to that Inuh nta'idard. Mjml tour name to the Uim'n mldresH, 'nd oii will ircrivp n copy ut tluir 8eed Anuiial for ISwl, fne. Ltnlien! I will sell thirty dnyn nil my Htufk t.f Lni1i' Umiei wear nml Wiiulcii Hosiery t tweuly per cent. di. Ooiiiit. 4lMr. C. S. Van Duvn. LISGElilNU KPISTLKS. ,nt of let lorn rcmniuiii-; uuoullcd fur hi tlie poHtollioe lit lleppner. UiMitfo, Utilph L, Orawfnnl A. A. I'l'tim-lly, J. i Ih1v, J. W. J ilmsoit, U A, Knmnliirtf, Diui'l O'Klynif, E. U Holli-r, Onore. WVitdnuT, A. 1 1 k 1 iiHin, Mitdtitnn Will inns, John. WilkHon, Mm. iiln. Tiylar, llmm . riniHr say "Hdvcrlist'it" when oullinu ior thca Utters. A. MivUki, P. M. tfie fataTj cigars rm From the Oiiirthn Bee. Willi, un H id, m bid d eijbtcen, ion undrr leami,f jn th flniivri f ur bus lllltll, N--W V O k, f r tl b:l0l!O p 'IrtiHllIi- ditetneitf rf't.H hh) k uu. iujiv nit re v Mr, a iid 18 liklev lo Iih meni i M y w -k ff Ibe rMt of hi- life, if he dues hv He hetfjtn lo sini'kH utmut fdiir ytnrM ttw. mid in the course of timejf -t to Rmukh y as nmny tbrp or hair p .eka'en uf ci -reltrM n tiny. T -e attempt tif los parent! to put it stup to th hahit, "llicli boti Htft showed itself to l p or jn1Oial to bm health wph' npiativHil bvhnnwilha cuu u'mti HHiiidly t baiiieteiistji' uf tnaniacH. AMer iioijuif qaeerly for so'U' ton, be hecitme viulenl m I hnroday iiiL'ht, nioi when hf was taken to the hospital Friday tijfbt it wan tircepxary to Kt-ai bun to hit ct to prpvent loin from it.jin inir loin- pptf. Kis paptxynniM have now Hiihsided. hut he lift on Lis Cut pale uhd tbin, a pitiful object. The above fdionld be warning enough for our boys, who are cotitrnc inif this h rrible habit tbinkini; ihsre ifl no here after. This in not an unusual result from fimoking ciuareltes. ci'itnEsr (fO-ai p. Halt & Uomiff, City Utirbor Shop nnd Rath Hooiiis. a. Pick tod Pitrs Foot and fine MarialrLe Ilirrhig at Dim Onmer'rt. a. A finn line of g'tld pena, pencils, etc., at Slocuui JulujHtun Drux u. For White fisli, Uiko tnmt and Salmon in bulk 1 bo Mac kern I and Siilino'i tmllifH in kiln, p io L?cz(r & Tlioaipwi , tlm leading grocern of Heppier. o. II. Mtiirkmnn & Co. liavo an exel siv1 Ciein-nd MiTt'liiindniM htrn-. HltM-kni'ii fiiniiut du hi-tier than pttt KiiiizM 11. Cluck man it Co.. uf littppnr'a PinneiT Bri k. a Ta.- Mcrrtw County lml & Trust Co handles AniHUir Pafkii'H 'o.'h n nlf, naviner meiiilinuth Hie fr nrht (ruin Purblind to Hej pier. ittid im mni.y ihinKK much iihuu. PrHfVcniiict. plm:k ui d pntprpriwe will make moiH'y in Him wild, wild Wi-st. but it ia of mi avail unless yu K't bit; bnrif tiiiH. in fnt-Kt'Hr, o-tpwialiy. (lo to hit lacJiiiMiUmi'H for your bai'KiiiiiB in hoots and slioen. a. Curttumw "Ho Burn and inilko thf-"0 cl Hick larae. 1 expect "o put on Ion or lifieHM pouiida Mdortly." Tail tr "Yen, nlr. 'I akin tf a coarwo of treiitniHntr'" CuHtturn'r - "Nn- J'ni juM bark from my vaciition." Jfhobtamhi ln t'lotliisut II. H.ui-kmiiii A I'ti.'s tb yni t uu hu would have no trouble in a t ine a iit'ii' til. a. When vou want your horriuM hod or waon reuttirt-d, B (jrant ctuniy peopb', don't foiet Unit L. bbu, Ii irl haH a thop at 1'ox. a Tbi tlfppiifr Furniture Co ar- expect iuf a ear load of Furniture1 from the blunt. Buy them for biy bio'ams. a. STAUUKTT'S BIBBEH SEEPS! The Best Because Always Reliable. ESTABLISHED 1874. SI'E IAL PRICES TO MARKET G.i;DENEI!S. S'"Sfiid for Cilnl "Ktio for 1801. g3 Adilrei.9, 0K0. STAl'.RKTT, 411-123. Wnllu Wiilln, WiifIi. HELP WHTED! An induntrinnw, intfllkwit nnd onTCRtin n an or woman willing to work nu-i pccu-h j rofitnhlo pitiil"ynipnt by HpplyinK ' nw for Die local noi cy for I Ida county fur tluit vuiulnrful new book Literary Industries HY H. H. BANCROFT Tine 1'am c AunroH. Wlmt is it? Hftid ttio ffront daily papers ovpr whuro for un miawer. Ii nA V r.K I I A fu-lrr It ISI'i to the bn.tjk worM A tiwunrp-lioiiBc of hrillant iiiRi-iiry jh)wr h. a r niriiiiixy at wh and win dow, A Krupbio rnoonl TKXVKl,, 1( II1KNT AND AnVKNTHRF. Tho liff-ftory of 11 mii who, iii n in u i tl bnttoni rcruml of llm luilroi tio i .untied iiiiliiHtry, ovorconiH ovoiy onsiuclt and rt-ucln'ij tlm lop. AN IMMKNSK BA1.K nft-nrcd for all elrisn.'H nro ilccply intfrcpffd in thiH powt'rfol work; ai il th prict Ilio woill ovur Intu beou tixctl at u plienoincnally low liiuc. llNli MASH1VIG VUl.UMK (Ivor HflO patron, bound in Crimson Silk Cloth irilt -dir-s. wi ill costly v.uvot J'ikii. livery fopy iiupoinpanird Willi a Iimm full niiiio htncl plnie portrait of lli' tlirtt i iitrnishiHi nu li-ir and II cx qnittite liulf-tono itluKlrutioutt, 6x0 mcln-n iu H1ZU. VR WANT AtJKTS In nvory coun'ry, and in evrry town, ronnly and Hian in tlm Union. Tins ill i' urnm C Ntuuv. AdilrenH t ill-: HISTORY COMPANY. 7112 Miirkrt Sr., n Fniin-iM-o, rl. 41 tl l! NOTICI5 OF INTKS'L'tON. Land Oillrc at The Dull, Or., Jan. 'il, 1WU. NoUcu Is hiTi'by niicu tlinL tlu1 follow iiik nti' ucit ftotilor lias nli'il notlt't1 oi his i i it m t u .1 10 nniku lioal proof In r.ipport of 1 1 In cbif n, and time Naid proof will be niaiU1 bt'lmv th Hon. Comity Juilj.'e of Morrow County, nl ncpp.ier, Ort'KO'i. 0.1 Alart'h ii, IMl, vU: DAVID WILLIAMSON, for the NW'i sec. :tl, Tp. 1 N, li 15, V. M. He ini iu'8 the lollownii; wltuesseH to prove his eo'itl'iuo .8 rettideneu upon and etthi 1 atlo.i 01, Haid hind, U: Ike Howard, Dorn rnrkins, Ilnrvry Tarklns and .M0.1t 1'iu'kl.m, all of l.exi 11:011, or. Jons W. h '.wis, 410-115. Komster. NOTICE-TIM BKR CULTURE. V. S. Land Olllco at LiUirande, Or., Jan -26. 'HI runipliiiiit lm 1 1 w lieen eiiteiel at thin olliec hv Kdvuird L. MtUlnek aiisdtiHt U llliain .-Iohh, inr fiiilure to eo uply w 1th Imv uh to I Lnbcr Cult. ire Kutrv No. 1171, dated Sept. -M, InI, upon the iSW .'SeetloLi H, Township i S, H M K, V. M.. in Morrow county, ureuou. itli a view to the can cellation of Haiti entry: eontefitaiit alleLiK that illla u j1ob hap left the ttlaic and aliuudoneil mU hind, and that he ha never plowed or planted to tLuher or iu any way i nprox cd miid and, and (hat there is now no i uproveiucutK on the land, the naid puriieu are herehy h unuioued to annear at the uniee 01 J. W, Morrow, t'onntv tierk of Morrow Co.mtv, Oregon, 1 1 lleppner, 0.1 tlie tith day of March, 10 o'clock A. M., to respond furnlali tesil uo.iy co.ieer.diiK Hahl alii'ticd failure. .-altl y lo he used at iiinil heariun, in thlho.llcc, March '-'ii. it in further ordered that thiH .noitce ta' nerved by nuliliealion lor lour coihcciiiIm weekw iu the lleppner li vZ.-1 1 T, iml by; as l i I1. Si. laud eiotcB. A. C. M Ci-11.1- vn, 410-111. SUEUU',K.S SALE. Y VIKTl'E OF AN EXKCl'TIoN Dt'LY D 1 18 ted by the (,'o.inty Llerk of the Cotiniy 01 Morroiv, Mate ol urenoii, dated the llth day of Fcbr. wry W'l, a cer.aiu acdou Li the clreni't tor Hahl County a id ?ia ', wlierei 1 the Na hi ml llttiikof llepp. . er, vr., lum reei).ered'uidii iiKtit rut K. i. ow l.ibt.r..e lor ihe r 1111 of three Tho Bund ut.e Htindred ihlrty-ihrecand Tueu-ty-io .r Oi e hundredihH dollars (.i.l.u. 11), and ( ai d dishiirhe.i.eiiiH laved ut (.nic ami .-i tv Bix inie hundredths doliai (i,w), ou the loih day ot Kebn.ary, t:H. Noiice 1h hereby nle-i that I will o-t aturdav, tho luh day ot j.areli, l.N'l, at ihe K10.1t Door of thet'o u Ho.tBe i 1 licppuer, In ouid (.'onniv, at one o'clock tu the ain-ritooii of haid day nA at piddle ai,cion lo vhehiludt hhMer lor cash, the following dene rt bed pioierty, low it: a of S-v of Lot o. -I, lllock No. ol original tow n 01 Ili ppiier, tirego.i; hIho Loig in, 11 Hud l'ln Block No. 1, Li Loouey addition to the low n oi llepp ner, iirecou, e cepi Lo eo iuneucitiK at on North H..e lot U, Block 1, Looncy'g ad di.ion to ihe town 01 Hepp ier, uVc,j;o i., l i feet est iro n Kust h .e of lection J7, Township J couth oi Uange Jti Kant. W. M. ou .vtlo t H ie, the ice South feet, thence VeM 1U0 feet, Nor.h feet lo Nonh line of Lot 11, addition, thence Fast to place of bcgl ml i. Alfitt u Lot liM by leu feet o K of the ."o.ilheiitii comer w Htiid Lot No. 1J, Block No. 1, Loo icy s addLlon here.ofore nold, AIho Lot coiiuneucl m ai a point on Section H. it' '.L' feet Norrh of the NordiucKi corner ol Lot I, BliH'k 1, MaiiBbcrry'B add! ion to ihe town of Hepp ier. Oregon; thence vteHt LXMeet, thence . onhofeet, ihence E.ti INi leet, ihe. ice ?o uh 5S feet to the place of bent ining. laken and ItMted upon at the proper;-of ;it I E. l. .w t ibur ip and to a'i;y the miM ectMiioiti fa or of T lit Na.lo ial lU'ik of Ilepp ier luat uf t K. K. sw i lor ;.l ii.:i. ouetiit-r v l;h alt eo 8 and disburse. uen. Unit have a. id may acer.u . Dated at lleppner, Or,, Feb. 11. N.'L OJiO. .NoHI.F. 4U-U. bhviiiX, -s r vT DR. ACKER'S for Coughs, C:ld3 and Consumption n il idern Itemodies? It will sto: a CoosU a ilay. Tt will prevent Croup, relieve in time, " i ou can t atiora to uj wit:io.;c it. a'.j cent uott.e may rare you SlOO i:i Doctor's bills may save your life ! Ask your druggist for it, tr write P to W. n. Hooker & Co., -15 West Broadway, Hew York, tor lxxk. f'i a s a ttmmn b a i ni i g t ii Cjr't'ur Mie by MLUCOM-JOUNSlO.-j Drug Co., llc.nitr, llitK.n). SPECIAL HAlUiAIN -3 SALE! - KKjtK 7MKEZJK 9 '01. SJ11S. A. M. SLOCUM . Will Sell FOR CASH Hit Stoi k Of DRESS GOODS, GINGHAMS, LADIES' UN DERWEAR, LADIES' & CHILDREN'S SHOES AND ARTICS OE ALL KINDS. o This is the time of year when this chtsi of jjootls is needed. A. small line of lilies' nml Children's OVEUSHOliS.ind RUBBERS for j'.ctual Cost. If you need ituy hiujj; in this line, why pay full price? Also a small line of Children's CJoitks "AT THE C()ST PRICE !! O'her lines, including hats of all styles, Fancy Goods, etc., at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES!! MHS. A. M. SLOCUM'S Pale of goods at their Cost Price includes many aticlesnct mentioned. &2T0AI.L! CALL!! Next door to T. YV. Ayers' Ding Store, Garrigues ISuilding, Heppner, Oregon. HEY! HEY ! ! Let us j,'o to Mat Li'clilcntbnl's Exclusive Boot and Shoe Store, f..r imr winti-r f.mtwcar. ITc kppps tlie bnt Biickinulnim & lleoliHiiints mill bIioch, tlm Firrizn S2 5.1 Slme nml other lmihiIh nf Htnnilaril iiialirR. A. bilfBtuck, Funtv'ear niimt be bougbt olieup, qtiulity oouaidered, to get stu b tjiK'aii'8 us yon Ami at LIT LICHTENTHALS, MKT, - . G. B. f f A TT. J. H. ROMIG. PUOPUIETOltS OF- THE CITY BAHBEIl SHOr, In E. Minor' Biiililiiiir.'l Tbene flentlpirfn irrn well kti.nvrr a birving Masterpil the Tnnxnriitl Art in nil nf its Iinpnrtant Features. Cull un (beiii for 11 Good Slmve or tlair Cut. Splendid Bath Rooms in Connection. MAN STliEET, E. Minor'H 13 n i ! 1 1 i 1 1 jLr e. n. si.oruiti. HEPPNEll FUIINITU11E Co., Dealers in and Manufacturers of iii $ Household Mat tresses, Liounge?, Wall Paper and Carpets. A FULL LINE OF OASICECS AND BURIAL HOBKS. UNDERTAK ING A SPECIALTY. SPECIAL RATES ON PICTURE FRAMES. Columbia Brewery Depot, AUGUST BUCI-IJL,'KI?., Proprietor, Of the Cohimliia Prowery, at Tho Did!, would iunuiin'rt nun ne na iou-"'u iixitn .luori u, n.ii'fr um ri.v if fwurj 111 iiiMMnr, uuu uua cniubliKhed de-pot at the well known stand, for the Bait uf the beat Lager Beer and Porter, either in the kog or b ttttml. wtveh h will hft plmiwt to supply custnuerain any quantity wlioUHate and retail. The Piihlic are inrifrd lonilland twaiuine his stocktvith tho (issiiriiiicf tlmt tlit'ij ivill pud. it first-class. gT Tin- lleppner Oepiit n ill be iu charge of Mr. Dan Omnem, who will clieer fullv Kirpply all nnlera. tf Payette IVkirsery, OF PAYETTE, IDAHO. Tho Largest General Nursery stock in the Mountains. ' h ACRES TO II Send for Catalogue and Price List. Address. PAYETTE NURSERY, 93.Sui. Payette, IJulio. l)o you knoT t'.iat a lit'.lo couh fa a dangerous J thing if Aioyoa aware that it of ten fastens on thej lun'-ja and too often nui9 into Consumption and a endj ia Daat'i I 1 coplo Bufrnpriug from Asthma. Bronc'.iitis. l'uuumoma ad Consumption will all j tell you that jj Can you afforj to ECloct it? Can you trifle with bo serious a natter I Aro you Lv. au ihat M REMZOVl b?-ond qusstion tl:3 rrcatcst cf nil I i:t ona nkht 1; will chock a Cold inf A. - itiim.'i and euro Consuniption if tajen COME ON - HKPrNKR. OKEGOX. HErPNER. E. II. SLOCUM. ad 01c inform the citizn of Morrow and mirf-onndir 9 n ixii )7 1 3 Furniture, WHOLESALE AND 11ETA L iVHTHUR CO ft'IX, A n i t to ii ARKIVIXG Jzf A r.i' Li iih tliivt-t from the- East. sl.vli.-h lint, iipw sli'ine, iitnl i!itti'ni-. G mi.'.'h fniH hIihi s, I plii's' nml rliiliL rn's hIi im, nil HtyU. 8.VNT .0S!C, UA JL-'OIINIA SAD DLES ut I'nutoij' Prices. A cut- loiul nf FernoSine Sheep Dip to nnive so,n. WARRANTED TO GTIIE THE SO A 13! Bunks Mini Silvrniif (jiv. ti nwiiy to om- c.tbh customers. Agents for OLIVKK CHILLED i'l.O'VS. Groceries, Hardware, Etc. Lnrgpst Stork n ixl Tliyfrpst Assortinent to be fouml in Oregon. Mail Orders Solicit hI. COFFIN & McFARLAND Ahvnys "hike tlie cake" wlien it frniPs to linving n coniilete stock of Ghertil Mercliiiiitlisp, united lo the ivniitri of lliiH foiititiy. See'llm Intent piilti'i'im of Woolen Dress Goods in stripes, lni 8 mid solid colors nil sold lit prices to please. J.' inest line of LPDIES'IH Ein SHOES ID SMS! Our shoe department ciinnof liu excelled in style, quality mid low prices. Hand mid Sewed sIioph in Button, Con gtesa and Luce. Heavy Brogans and Boots of till kinds. Hats and Caps, Woolen Underwear and HOSIERY. Blankets, Robes, Gloveri, Mitlens, Trunks, Vnlisps, Sew ing Machines, Guns, I'i-tols, Vllppr, Doors, Windows mi I Glass, Paints and Oils, Harness ami Saddles. Our Sun Jose, Cal , Saddles are giving tlie'fiest of sa'isfaction. We have a fine assortment of side saddles and others. Stoves uud Tinware. If yon need a cook ntove, rnnge or pallor heating stove, don't fail to tee our sti ck in these goods. Common healing stoves iti all sizes. mitGBll Wegone, HaoRs lAimt plows And Harrows, Clocks anil Watches. Chop Feed, Seed Rye, Alfalfa and Timothy, Wheat, Barley and Oats. Blacksmith's coal, Sulphur, Lime and sialt, Cellar Shin gles, Groceries and Hardware. Pemoline Sheep Dip, .something new. Guaranteed to cure the scab iu Bheep or no pay. A call at our Establishment will prove Onv claim of having the Largest stock, Greatest Variety, of goods, the, best equipped store, combined with low prices, that can be found in any other town iu Oregon. To every purchaser of $2j worth of goods, will give n line $4 book. Orders fiom the coimliy carefully and promptly filled. Country produce bought and sold. Agents for Christy & IKise. COFFIN & McFARLAND, The National Bank Building, lleppner, Oregon. Just Iia Vncl . FOR SALE CHEAP Twenty-one hi M M Islsteia MM WILL SF.LL 1? R SON ALE FOR CAS ',OR WILL TRADE FOR (1 Ol), MKKCHAN I' A HLK HOUSES. 'I HEY CAN UK SEKN' AT il Y RA'v H. 1' It 111 I' iM I LES SOU TH-Wli.ST OF 11ARU.MAN, ON 'HIE MIDDLE FORK OF ROCK CREEK. GEORG E W. ST JC WABT, HAKDMAN, - - OREGON. 03C37"Sr DE,"0"C- STORE llEt PNKt;, OKEUON, T. W. AYERS, Jr., Proprietor, (Succossor to A. D. Julinsnn.) Keeps a Full Line of Drugs, Chemicals, latent .Medicines, Toilet Articles, Albums, Etc., Etc. Fine Domestic and Impoited Cigars Al ways in Stock. o 1'ltESCHIPTIOVS CAItKFULLY COMPOUNDED DAY OR NIGHT. School Books ! W. A. KIRK. KIRK DKAI.EItS IN Saddles, lTa-lness, Whips, Spurs, and rvpry Conceivable Article kept in a First Class Harness Shop. I lii f!l llilltll T II Hllll,! UII lldllU IllUUlfllldll'll II" IU r i Go (o their store for the Improve.! WHITE SF.WIXO lAORFSE. Warranted for ue Tt-ara. iAin t uuy eisewnore nil yn ex .muie their nmcliinfn and gel cash pries. MAIN STREET, . UETPXER.OREGON, PRANK MePAHliAND, If. School Books ! J. ri. HAYES HAYES nil i i it o A I A A tllfw.'Hl nrninnr V'.