The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, February 05, 1891, Image 8

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vt.HI. Ill
"Overland Route."
To all Principal Points in the Uniled
States, Canada and Europe.
Pullman Palace Sleeper?,
Run Though on all Express Trams to
Council Bluffs
Without Change.
Close Connection at Portland for tan
Francisco and Pnnct Sound Points.
Leave Portland for Snn Francisco every
four (4) days, making the trip iu 60
Cabin $16. Steerage, $8.00
Round Trip Unlimited, $30,00. ,
For further particulars inquire of any
agent of the company.
8. C. MELLIN, O. I' & T. A.
General TraJJle Manager, tf.
Opposite Gazette Office,
Watches, A,- Optical
Clocks, Goods .
Watches Cleaned,
MainBprings Kitted
All work guaranteed for one year, tf
Cuttle branded and ear marked as shown nbovo.
Horeos V on right shoulder.
Onr cattle rangi in Morrow, nnd Umatilla
counties. 1 will pay 9100.00 rowan, for the
arrest and conviction of any person stealing my
toe It.
From Termiuul or interior Points the
Mcrri Pacific
Is the l'ne to take
It Is the DINING CAR ROUTE. It run
(No Cbango of Cars;
Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed,
Of Latest Eijiiipincnl
litwt that onn be constructed and in
which nooommodations are both
FREE and furnished for holders
of First nr Hecoud-Class
Tickets, Bud
Elegant Day Coachs.
A Continuous Line oonneoiiug with nil
Lines, sffordiug Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman SOticr Reservation ean bt
oecurea in oortittic wirinii.
any agent of the road.
To nnd from all points iu America, Eng
land nnd Europe can be purchased
at any Ticket Office of this
Full information concerning rates, time
of trains, routes and other details
furnished on application to any
agent, or
Assistant General Passenger Agent.
JVo. 131 Firtt St., Cor. tftuhfnpfoii,
Torpid Uvsr-5
For these complaints take 8'mmorui
Liver Regulator. It keeps the ttomach
clear and prevt-iita anyof the above poison
from getting in the system, or, if there
already it will drive them out, no matter
how strongly rooted or long-stand in, and
you will again have good health and be
Have you a pain In the side, back or
under tho shoulder-blade ? It is not rheu
matism but dyspepsia. TaJka Blwmona
Liver Regulator
Doca your heart throb violently after
unuBual exertion or excitement r It la not
heart uiacuae, but Indigestion.
Take Simmons Lifer Regulator.
"As a matter of conceived duty to tnimanity I
Wish to bear my testimony to the unuiline virtues
of Simmons Liver Regulator. f people could
only know what a splendid medicine it is, there
would be many a physician without a patient and
many an interminable doctor's bill saved. 1 con
sider it infallible in malarial infection. I had, for
many years, been a perfect physical wreck from a
combination of complaints, all the outgrowth of
malaria in my system, and, even under the skillful
hands of L)r. J. P. Jones, of this city, I had
despaired of ever being a well woman again.
Simmons Liver Regulator was recommended to
tie. I tried it; it helped me, ar.d it is the only
liing that ever did me any good. I persevered In
tts use and I am now in perfect health. 1 know
your medicine cured me and I always keep it as a
viiauie 'stand by to my lamiiy. mas. aiaky
aVa Camden. Ala.
Wynndottea, Plymouth Rooks, Light
Unininhs, Rose and SiiikIh Comb
Brown Leghorns, P.-t'tridire
Cochins, ifoudaus and Sil
ver Spangled Huinbu. gs.
Ready for Deliverv.
In Amerioa, nnd are the best on
this cunt by a great difference.
Send for Catalogue.
Box 55. com.3'JG. Forest Grove, Or
All orders promptly attended to.
Prices to suit the Times.
11113 1MOKJ1SKI
Jewel fij Esi iisi
Still Continues to Sell
At the Lowest Possible Prioes.
A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame
thyst and Cameo Gold Rings,
Go'.d and Silver Watches Always
L'r r-rzrrton Handirr :z1
A Full Line of
Has been added to his large and well
selected stook.
Worlt Ouarantood.
STOHK niipointo Minor. Doilncm i Co'a May Bt.
Ilepitie r, tf Oregon
ro San Francisco nnd i ll points in Cali
foruitt via the Mount Shasta
Route of the
The Great Highway
Through California
To All Toints
liast and South,
The Scenic Route of the raoiflo Coast
PiLLM.tN Toi'RisT Si.KKPiNa Cabs at
tached to express trains, affording
superior accommodations for kocond
class passengers.
Kr from Port land to SsHttramento and Ban rran-
Llinlli d Klrt-t'lH
" bet-ouil-Cliitui,....
.. is
Union Tioket Office No. VM. First St.,
Comer Altler, Portlaiid, Oregcn.
It. KOK II IXIX. E. T. RiXi EI18
tt Matiuar. 0. C od Vtit.k
Depot, Fifth and I BtrseuT
11 tfu
1 M k ""lev,,
3 x tV
1 Fowls ria'c no Superior
H C. Condon muds a visit to Fossil,
on business, this week.
E. R. Hickson hns given up the ware
house business; L. G. Hawson suoceedina
Among our Condon visitors we noticed
Filo Summers, ,Tny Lncus and Johu W.
The Hcppner train bo osts a new crnicli,
which outruns flanking room and bag
gage compartments.
An Eastern gentleman, Mr. Carpenter
arrived here lest week, aud has gone to
Fossil, where he intends to locate.
We shall shortly have a reading room
and public library. I banks In the efforts
of several enterprising citizens.
Win. Bennett is the proud papa of a
10 pound boy, who made his nppoiiranoe
Wednesday lust. Mother and son are
doing well.
Two tramps were oharged here with
breakim? into a sheep camp near lone,
last week, but were discharged on itc
euuut of Inok of evidence.
Owinu to the inild winter, the proprie
tor of the ferry boat lias decided to keep
it running ruU ulnnand intends puttiug
I in n new one in the spring.
Died Jan. 21, '!)!, Nellie, the only
child of Mrs. E. A. Hettderon, aged 5
years. The grief stricken mother has the
sympathy of all who kuow her.
The members of the Episcopal Guild
gave a s'tcial on the 21st inst., in Ih" rooms
of Mesdames, Hawson, Snow & Weuner
Whist nnd charades were indulged in,
and everybody thoroughly enjoyed them
selves. .
Jan. 27, '91. V
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped tiauils, Chil
Blains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
B id positively cures Piles, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by T. W.
Ayers, Jr. Nov. 14, '0.
R. H. Whitson still snjourns nbrond.
Anoiier nice, growiDg shower makes
the farmers smile.
Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Hale, at
Pendleton, Jan. 18, 'ill, twiu boys.
H. McAlister is home from the State
Ariculutuial College at Corvallis.
Mrs. A. C. Pettys is very sick, but at
last nciounts was some better. Dr. E. T
Geoghegan is iu attendance.
W. F. Potter enme over from his mines
on the John Day He thinks there is
plenty of gold over there.
Jan. 27, '91. Rkadeh.
Mrs. John Curtis, of Peorin, III.,
writes: "Used one box of Osage Pill
previous to my second confinement; tltey
worked like a charm. Would pay $20
for a box rather than do without them,
as they have proved a Godsend to me.''
Write Osage Medicine oompttny, Wichita,
Kris., for particulars, and their book to
wives, mailed free. Sold by druggists.
Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Heppner Oie
gon. 3!W-lyr.
The following lire the names of pupils
in the Heppuer school, who, by their
good deportment, have their names
placed upon the mil of honor:
Pearl Basey, Ida llo'turd, Ivy Sargent,
Willetta Leezer, Greta ribralmmslck,
Ralph Bishop. Ralph Thomon, Tummy
Dotvuiug, Abo Wells, Allon Basey.
Annie Sniiih, Mary Depny, Emma
Fninsworth, Alma Thompson, Mary
Padgett, L;zzie Howard, Erbie Hayes,
Willie Hughes, Percy Hughes.
Mary Howard. Lulu D uiahoo, Flossie
FxrUHWorth, Mertie Humor, Lavma
Hope, Ada Minor, Jenuie Noble, Corn
Hart, John SievetiBou.
Martha Neville, Carrie Krish, Anna An
derson, Lee Cant tell, W. J. Uautwell.
rerhnps you are run down, can't eat
cn'i't sleep, can't think, can't do any
thing to your satisfaction, and you won
der what ails yon. You should heed the
warning, you are taking the first step in
to Nervous Prostration. You need a
Nerve Tjmio nnd in Eleotrio Bitters you
will find the exact remedy for restoring
your system to its normal healthy con
dition. Surprising results follow the
uso of this great Nerve Tonic and Altera
tive. Your appetite returns, good diges
tion is restored, ami tile Liirer ana Kio-
neys resume healthy acliuii. Try u
t ie. Pi ice 50o. at T. W. Ayers',
Tho average per ocnt. made by
pupils of St. Josepb'B Aomlemy, Peudle
ton, who are i istinguished in deportment
aud studies during the second scholastic
term is us follows:
Mnrv McLeod, 8S 1 i!3; Ellen Grant,
87 IS 23; I.' nie Tlnbuii, M3 8 '-'!!; Mary
Young, 83 1-3; Katie Downey, S3 iu the
2d divis on nouleinie.
Edith Reun k, 87 8 21; Nellie Cochran,
871-21; Mamie Smith, 84 1 21: Region
Betteubruder, 82 10- 1 iu the first divis
ion academic
Katie Quaid, 80; Maggie Peters, RO;
Lizzi. Muatkey, 82; Elhel Gartield, 80,
in the preparatory department.
The following young ladies have ac
quitted themselves so creditably during
the past teim that they obtained medals:
Mary McLeod, for liiidiest average in
2d division, academic; Edith Reitick, for
bights' average in 1st division, c .ilem'c;
Ktii Quint!, for liii-heKt nveritte ii 3.1
division, pripnrutnr ; Lizzie Alilaikey,
fur liiKhwt Hvt ri!t in -t iiiv hiom, pre
pamlor; Katin IXjwupv, for omi iou
tlnot; Leouie Tliil'Hii, for neatneH mul
ptlite deportm1!!!. aud Ketfitia Bt'tteu
bi'inler. tor iipulioutiiin in miwia.
Tlmt the pupils enter iuto the spirit of
their work is evidenced hy their aeul and
the ietmlt of the examiuation, which
proved very sutisfaotory tu teac-uera and
Knowing Ihnt ft c-nub can be checked I the remedy that they Htrerwann useu
Vtiiiday.aml the tirt atajjen of Con- j several buttles at van ms tinvs. H
sumption br-ken in n week, we hereby iimI, faim hi experience ith tt. be
Buaratitee Vr Acker'a Khylish Onuub j reHM.ed it as the most relntl.le prep-ira-Remedy,
and will refund the money to all j tin in use for cold and that it pain the
who buv, take it r per diiectiuns, and m arest heiniT spet'itle of any medicine
do not tiuil our statetneut correct, bold ever seen. For sale by bloouiu-
jy glooum-Johnston Drug Oo. 'Johnston Drug Co.
Grant County Mine PronijSon,p.',!n2 Wun-d?rful.---Potnta
From Morrow's t'laltu.
Fred Ives is developing a rich mine
at the mouth of Bear creek, the qtiarlz
nil. iwing 125 to the ton by the uraslra
process, which dues not save all the gold-
The Portland company, consisting of
dpt. Cort.eliiis. Scott, Smith & Steven
sou, are tunneling in on their Q uirts
Gulch ledge, located in the Greenhnrn
country, it is a flue prospect, showing
high grade ore.
Omuaway, Fell, Ili'schberg & Hughes
are developing their claim in the Green
horn, two men being at work. It is
known as the Johnny Hughes claim,
ami shows up a ledge three or four feet
thick, nesiijiiig S3J to S40 to the Ion.
They are highly pleased with the show
ing. Hurry O'Brien has struck a bonanza
on the .Middle Fork, having developed a
ledge of almost pure galena, with a small
shotting of silver and gold, four feet
thick. He litis live men at work and is
making a good shoeing, the w, alher be
in propitious tor uniting. No assay has
been made, of the lediie, but the crop-
piugs neut. from $30 to SO per ton, and
its richness cannot be questioned. Dan
Slaveu located this claim several years
ago, and subst queatly iraded it for a span
of horses.
About two years ago a man nnnied
Riley discovered a valuable lend in
the Giecohoin.fbnt subsequently neg
lected to ttoik out assessments. His
time expired Jan. 1, '91, aud Horace
Sloan ana Fred Ives were on the jump!
to relocate it. They started after dark
on the eve of the 31st ulr., to be "ou
hands," aud on the way, met two other
parties who afterwards proved to be on
(l.e same errand. Arriving at the rich
crnppiugs, perched ou the ledge, was a
man who hail anticipated the whole
outfit, and waved aloft a notice of re.
Incatioii. Possesion is nine-tenths bet
ter than any oilier right, and the boys
wended their way homewnrd.
Messrs. Soott, Girrigues and Mo"ul
lough, lire alii! progressing with the work
of development of the Little Lnura, ou
Willow creek. Without tloubt this is a
valnab'e mining district, and will awaken
the denizens as to its worth eext season.
If the Butter creek anal .mines prove
valuable. Morrow will be benefitted there
by much mure than any residout can
Iu o very few months, the question
will be forever settled as to the extent of
the coal fields, which are known to exist
in the Blues.
It tloi s, iu every line of business, and
especially in compounding and prepar
ing medicines. This is illustrated ill the
great sni eriorily of Hood's Saraapanlla
over other preparations, lis shown by
the remarkable cures it las accom
plished. The head of the firm of C. I. Hood
& Co., is a JhfjajyJjly competent aud
e:perienced pharmacist, having devoted
his whole life to the study and prepara
tion of medicines. He is also a membei
of the Massachusetts and American
Pharmaceutical Associations and con
tinues actively devoted to supervising
the preparation of and managing the
business couueoted with Hood's Sarsa
parilla. ,
Hence the superiority nnd peculiar
merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is built
upon a substantial foundation. In its
prepnrtinn there is represented all the
knowledge which m tdern research in
in-dical science has developed, combined
with lung experience, braiiitvork, and
experiment. It is only necessary to give
this medicine af tir trial to realize its
great curative power.
List of letters remaining unonlled for
in the postollioe at Heppuer.
Alherton, L. (r. Despnin, Benj.
Davis, James D. Gtilltforil, J. L.
Gardner, II. 8. McE dire, l'ei rence.
Muraells. Renn. Nelson, Frei.
Williams, John.
riease say "ailvertised" wheu calling
fur these letters,
A. MatjTjORY, P. M.
ev. F. .I. Shrout, Tastor Uniled
Brethren Church, Blue Mound, Kim.,
says: "1 feel it my duty to tell what
wonders Dr. King's New Disonvery has
done for me. My lungs were badly dis
eased, and my parisboners thought I
could live only a few weeks. I took five
bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery nnd
am sound and well, gaining 26 pounds
in weight."
Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny
Folks Combination, t rites: "Arter a
thorough trial ami convincing evidence,
I am oontident Dr. Kings New Discovery
for consumption, beats 'era nil. nnd cures
tvhen everything else fails. The great
est kindness I can do my miinv thou
sand friends is to urge them to try it."
Free trial bottles at T. W. Avers'. Jr.
D tig Store. Regular sizes 50 ceuts and
Jfl.uO. 3
Baird is reported stendily
The undersigned having been restored
c health by simple menus, after suffer
ing for several years with severe lung
nffeotioii, and that dread disease con
sumption, is nnxious tu Ulnke known to
his fellow sufferers the means of oure.
To those who desire it, he will oheer
fully send (free of oharge) a oopy of tb
prescription used, which they will fiud
a sure cure for consumption, asthma,
Catarrh, bronchitis and all throat ami
lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers
will try his remedy, na it is invaluable.
Those desiring the preseriptinn, which
will cost tin m nothing, untl may prove
; ft Measini:. w ill pleas ntl.ireM Rky. Ed
WARD A. WlT.aoN, VllhlilU8UUriT. KMIUB
Couuty, New York. 400 3U2.
Andrew Nnd, of Lone Kock.ia reported
I A prominent phyBicmn, nn old nrijiy
! surgeon in enaternfown, wiw called away
fruu home fur a few durinu liis
Hlweiue one of the children contracted
a severe cold nnd hi wife lumtrht n
a bottle of Chnn.berlaiu' Gmilli Remedy
fur it. Thev were no mm h pleased will
Naked Truths About and Inter
esting to Our Home In
The Troubles and Jovs,
Successes and Adver
sities of Our Dear
P e o p 1 e.
Clins. Ingrahnm left for Washington,
D. C, Tuesday last.
City politics are no more for one year.
Its almost like a family row.
Born In Heppner on the2il th inst ,
to the wife of Miit. Brown, a daughter.
Dan Pot er is milling Hie la grippe,
with no special satisfaction to himself.
The revival m"etiugc..sed lat Sunday
evening with quite a numiier of converts.
The bile is removed, the head cleared
nnd digestion restored by Simmons Liver
Snntor Walking' move for nn "open
rive-to the sen" is duly appreciated by
Eastern Oreion.
Mrs. Abe Wells is convalescent, but
two of the little Tolks have been very
sick for a week or two.
Fred Hallock had trouble with his
"game" knee within the past week,
which was very painful aud a serious
Mrs. -illie Hayes, mother of the Hayes
Bros , of Hcppner. returned from a visit
to her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Neul of
Lone Rock, last Thursday.
Luther Hamilton tvns down from the
Willow oreek sawmill Thursday last.
He hopes to have it Intle snow soon to
get down timber for next years work.
Andy Lichtenthal returned from Chey
enne last week, and is now attending
Hepp. er school. He has gr.iwn to be
quite a young man since he left Morrow
Mrs A. M. Gtinn nnd children are en
joving themselves back at. Detroit, Mich.
The tvi'der is slmost as mild thero as in
Eastern Oregon. They will return to
their Heppner home in AprilorMav next.
Miss Carrie Wilcox, nii oe of Mr. W.
G. Buyer, left Monday f,.r her home in
the Willamette valley. Miss Wilcox has
many friends iu Heppner who will miss
her, and regret that she cannot continue
tu make her home here.
For a cut. bruise, burn nr scnld, there
is nothing equal to Chamberlain's Pain
lialin. Jt heals Ihe p its more quickly
than any other application, and unless
the injury is very severe, no scar is left.
For sale by Slocnm-Johnstoii Drug Co.
A few weeks ago. Miss Millie Nenl
reoeived a fall at the skating rink
severely bruising her right knee and
elbow, but nothing was thought of it till
Inst week, tt hen the ipjniies developed
into painfull and serious eulargmeut of
the injured parts.
J. N. Brown reoently reoeived from his
brother, J. T. Brown, who is now looattd
near Ihe scene of reoent Iudian troubles,
the pipe of the Sioux warrior, Rain-in.
tile face. It is a curious affair n large,
heavy stone bowl, with hickory stem
some thirty inches long. He also receiv
ed at the same time, a very fine pair of
polished buHn.'n horns.
or Make Final Prooi
United States Commissioner. lie la nlso
prepared to attend to all other business relating
to public lands in Morrow County. 410-tf.
-rut: CDFAT
Hamburg Breast Tea
(Sain burger Sin.ftt.jtc)
At TlriH'.'I.W nnd TViilPfs. fir
" i8? aentbv niait en receipt of 20 cts.
(o pack?. cos 8I.OO1 in ttainis.
Ai rnitrisla and Dcnlers. or
fnll'vininl) iiri'iMtt fLatvs.
('." i oj:c 1 coi li Mi'm.tM. fr'.iii.
pic sent froco'i r'-fdnf r " n' rit;.inp.
THE CHARLES A VOTeTeTcO.. Baltimore, Md.
Trinl Kiibfciiitiona tfi Ihe Oazettb
one month, 25 ceute; .three muutha, 75
ceuts. Take it.
While yon keep .tntir subtil ipt inn puid tin yrt
in k"n your linin.l in finpnf elinrue.
Allium.. O. r.-Ciitllelinunl.lH) nn loft liip
nnd Imrsfs wuno hrand nn rilit tdioitlilur. ltiuiut'
Eitriit hle.
'I' (' Ailk ira, Pnyville. Or- Striiiclit m.nrk ncrops
ill'1 iIurIi nmi twit em-s mid a slit in the rifiht enr;
liorscs. , . nn-niii down on uu riinii nhould'
ittmcR in (. runt cnimtv uml licitr vitlliv. 1' ()
ndilresH alnn at H
( H Atlkilis. InniH. I en riirht lntiil(Iirr ph -
tlo, ' II on riKl't lup llant'e in f. rant and Mor
row conimi'H.
AilkiiiH, J J HnrftPR, JA conneeted on left
flat k: ciitlti'. naninnn if f i hip.
Herman Alp. Pniiiie f'iiy. Or, On nil tie, O
LP c'nneetefl nn left bin: luirooR on "li-ft nti(ln
and varle nn nose. Hatiirc in (irart cin.rty.
Jnlinny Ayon. horcfH hrardt-d tnaiiKipon lptt
hip; c.tttlf s.-ime on ritfht hip. aUo crop off rihl
ear nnd upper bit on Rtiny.
Ulciiknifin, Geo.. Hitrdninn florws, n tlnenn
left tihmildiM" ciilth1. i ti tt i.n riulit sliouttliT.
t nmUtiM.T. W . lli.rilinfin. Or. t'atllo biand.
eil i on It f r hip nr:d (high; split in eaeh ear.
Tl'.irko. M Ht T, JiiitJii Croeit, Or On cattle,
MA Y coiititiuted oil It'ft hi t. ett nit off If Fr -iir nn.
d;r lialF crop off rinht. JIoini, eamo brnnd on
Iftti riiiouitlt-T. iiauK iu lu-ant nmj Morrow
A Uowmnn, Alonnt Vernor ard Tlurns Cattle,
A B on right hip, two eropn in iich fur; mtineon
horst'B. oti iijhi Bhoulder. l.autjo in Uiait and
Han ey eounties.
Jerry Uninmai1, Horses bnirded 7 on nht :
slumkii r; catth- H n tho lel't wide. Left ear !
half crop hi d riRht ear upper nlnp.
Barton. Wr -ilorspH. J lion riht thj.i; cattle
mnne on riht hip;Kplit in each ear.
Bennett, v Hoi-hps. Bon left slioubler.
"Mih. ('. A. Bpiikc, hors-en hraudeu XU on left
shoulder or t-tifle; rattle pame on left Bide am1
aplit in left ear, upper half crop in rirlit. I
lli'nwn, J. 1 h irso-ami cattle branded IS wit'
ox-ynk above on left shoulder,
Brown, J 0llorneM. circle C with dot. in oa: i
teron left hip: callle, Maine.
HoyiT, W (i, Lena liorspf. box brand or r:.-S i
bin cattle, same, with uplit in ench ear.
Borjr. P, O. HorneH,.P B on left nhoulder; eat I
tie. nam" on left bin. I
V .1 13n.nfep. Fox, Or f'nlllp. JB connected
nn left side; .-nip on Jeff par and two splits and I,
inidtile p.eeo cut nut on rif,'lil ear; on homes simic
brai d on the left thiyh; Uaiifeto in Fox valley,
Grant county,
K Cain. Caleb. Or YD on horses on left Ptifln;
U with qunrter nirclo over it, on left, shoulder,'
and mi h(t stifle on fill colts under 5 ypaib; on
left should.--!- only nn all UoiMsoverOyuiirs. All
ran ire i" Grant cnunty.
TBi'annnn. Loi r Creek. Or T on cuttle on
ri'ht Hide, crop off rif-'ht ein and Blit in left ear.
Onr hoisesHame brand ou left shoulder. itaiiKe
in Grantcmi ty.
T H Curl Double crns on each hiponcnltle,
swallow fork nnd nndur bit in ritrht car. split in
!efl ear. Hai jre in (irnet coutdy. Oa sheep, ii'
verti d A ntl stoar point oti -hoiilder. Kar mark
n-i ewes, crop ou Jpfi, car. punched upper bit in
riht. Wt thers, crop in riht and un.ler half
oropinlefi ear. All ranp in Grant coumy.
A. A. Crosby, caitlu tnuided or 11 L con
nrcted) on tho rifiht shoulder.
Watti i-1 'arsner. Mount Vernon W on rattle on
left hip. Ciop anil split in left ear; 7V connected
oa liors-'s nn left f-hnulde . Itane in (irant Co.
It Chdtei.den. Piairie City, Orlick, handle
down on cidtle rithl hii and split in ritiht en ;
horses, miotic brand on riylit shoulder, l.aiifje iu
Gram cotinly.
Cook, A. J.. Lenn Ilorsps, iKion riKlitshjalinr
('(ittie, sauieon r hip: ear mark square crop
tiff left and split iu riyht.
Cnrrin. H V- Horses. r-D tin left stiflo.
Cochnin. h H Monument, Or Horses branded
I'l -As A on .-ft sh tul.ler. Cittlle. same on riulit
hip. swallow fork in nht ear and crop off left.
Cox & F.njilish. Har.iiiiau Ctutla, J wilh in
center: horses. Oft on left 'lin.
Cupper, II A Horses 11 C on lift shoulder
cattle II C tin b-ft side. svllow'fork fin riirht ear.
H. ft. Cochtan. Monumeiil, (irant Co Or.
Horses braitdi-d circle with Inn beneath, on left
-boulder caitle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Clm pin N. Horses branded "" on riflit hip.
Callle branded the same.
M L Cross. Dayville. Or Cattle branded two
crop' and a solit iu lift var; tm horses a
rev. rseci 7 011 b-ft stUie. Also have Hie fodowinj;
hr.tndsoi, entile: 71 on lett h p. 7 on riKhthip,
I on left slionldi-r, Iwo imndlet bars on left
r-honlder. Ear maiUs, two crups.
Win. Donnan. burses braided OO with, bar
over theui, 011 left thoulUer; wiltle, same 011 lufl
Doiiclnss, W M Cattle, Don rihi side.swa-low-fork
iu each ear: horses. It Don left bin.
Dune in. W. P., John D iy-Quarter circle ft on
rmhi shoulder, both on horses ai.d cattle. lUme
Grain con ty.
Driskell. V. K.-ITorBesbrnrded K inside of it
on left shoulder. Cattle same on left side of
Ininnn. KB. Mount Vernon--7U eon no? ted on
cattle on ribt hip. under sb,o in rittht ear,
nrder bil in left our; same hiandon hoist-Bon
rudil hip. bailee in (irant eonidy,
J.B.l'JyA Hons. Iioispb branded FLY on
left shoulder, cuttle sumo 011 left hip. hole ir
nwlit ear.
Halph Fisk. Prnino City. Or ITnisen. It F on
ridif shond 'r; cattle, oa right hip. liunge in
(irant county.
Meek. JaeKson. Horses. 7F connected on
riylit shoulder: cattle same on riwht hip
Kar mark, hole in riylit and crop off left.
Florence, L A Cat tie. LF on naiit hip; horsf
I with bar under on nidit sboiddbr.
Floreneu, W P Horse. F 011 right shot Ide. j
tittle, F on riht hip or thitrli.
Annstrong, .1. ('.. Acton T with har under o
on left shoulder of hordes: callle same on lofi
(fay, Henry GAV on left shoulder.
(ioble, Frank Horses, 7 Fun left stifle; cattb,
same on nahl hip.
J.liuer Geniij. ftcho. Or --florpes branded 11
". with a quarter circle over it, on lett stiHe
ibi"ein Morrow and Umatillaeoutities.
Fra k Mrtinr, Ftix Valley-Mule sl.o.-with toe.
oork on cut tie on ribs and under ia each ear;
ho ses some brand 011 left stttie,
J -C. Gilt water. Prairie ( by. Or.-On horses,
0-0 011 left should r and stifle; cattle, ou right
side. Itimge in Giant cnuuly.
C E Glaze n; d A P Snyder. Dftyville.Or
Horses brai.drd dl "n r:ffbt ehouldtr;oii cattle,
stripe down th Mt stiotibier. Also. P 8 on
horses op luft t-huiddi-p. ami same on ritrht hip on
cattle. Itunye m iiruut cuuiy.
llliitnn tV Jenks, Ham t If on. Or Cattle, two hars
on either hip; cmp in right ear ai tt spbt in left.
Horses, J ou right thigh. Hange in Grant county.
Hitches, Siimnel, Wagner, Or T F L o i right
diouhler on horses; mi c; tile, on right hip r.i d on
U-ft side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left.
Itange in Haystack disu ici, ..lorr w county.
Fdwin Hall. John Day Cattle ft II on right
hip; horses same, on right shoulder. 1 angj in
Grain count!'.
Hiel A. Hyde. Prnirie City. Or. -AH enmbined
nn horses on right shoulder; cattie on right hip
Barge in ('rant county.
Mat Hughus, horses branded shoulder, heart on
ef t nhouider.
Fd Hollowny. Saddle, Or., horFPs nnd callle
branded K H connected, with bar under it.
llunsaker, 11 -llttrbes, t on left shoulder; cat
tie, Bon left hi:.
enninetid on left shoulder; CulUe on the left
inp.crop olt lett ear,
J F llodsnn. Mount Vernon JF connected on
horses on right thigh; on cstlie X B on
r.gtii hip. Haige in Grunt and Harney,
lluitiphrejs, U. Uantiuuu-lloi-ses, U oo left
flat k
Hialt, Win, R. Horses branded bar cross ou
left shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
Hayes, J M Horses, wineglass on left shoulder
oaitle. same on right hip.
Ivy. Alfred. Long Creek. Or Cattle I D on
riidil hip- crop off left ear and bit in right. IIor-es
same brand on left shouider. llunge in Grunt
D W Jenkirs, Monnt Vernon .1 on horsea on
left shouldei; o ca tie, J on b-ft hin und two
Hmn:h cinps on both ears. Kiuigt? iu Flx at.d
near van .
J-.n. s. ,T -In M. Pilot ft ck. Or. Cattle trinn
irb with half c r-.-le on righ' h p. ni d' r sh e on
rah' ear. Ht il opiier slope ou left ear. Uange
111 UitHt:illa county.
Jnnkin,S. M -Horses, horsehoo J oa left
slioulder. CatUe, tbe tarn. Kange on tight
Johnson. Felix Horses, circle T on left sti
rattle, same on right hip, under half crop iu riuht
land split in left ear.
Kirk. J T Horses fit on left shonlder: oat tie,
w on left hiii. " "
Kirk. J 0 -Homes. 17 on either flank ; cattle IT
on right side.
Mike Konny, horses branded KSY on left hip;
cattle same and crop off left ear: under slope ou
the richt
Keller, Hichard K K in square, cattle on left
hip: horses same oo left shoulder, liunge heur
l vaiipy. r. kk aiuntss. niauion, urai.l county. Or.
. W G KimheHnnd. M on tit Vernon, Or 1 Lo
cattle ou right and left sides, ewallow fork in left
I ear and under ciop iu right ear. HorseBsnine
I brand on left shn .Me , Ka ige in Grant county.
la'eney. pn, nippner, ur. Ij nttil
nee of cbib-i on lett stifle, liaise in Umatilla
and ormw cnuntii-s.
M C L-sley. Monument, Or A triangle pVlvilh
all I j nee 1 Heading pa t body of ngure outzi hor
sesotilefi Bhoultler, on pxltle. diamond ou left
shoulder, solit in right and under bit in left ear.
It a ign Hi Grant comity and to parts of John Day.
it L Laurence, Prairie Ciiy. Oi Callle, Z on
right hip;liorses, sjtme cn right shoulder, itange
in ('rant county.
Loften Stephen H L on left hip on cnttlo.
crop and split on right ear. Horses same brand on
bfi shi.iilder. Itange Grunt county. P. o. ad
dress, rnx. Oregon.
liipi.allea. .luhn W Horses branded half-cir
cle JL ctinneeietl on left shoulder. CaOie. same
on tell hip. Itange. near Lexington.
Georgp Lord, hoi ses branded double II cot.
necied,onn times called u swing H, n left
J. W. (jptthey, horses branded L N on the left
shoulder, cattle branded the same on lett hip;
wiii lie over right eye, throe slits in right ear
Minor, Oscar.-Catile, U Don right hip; horses
Mon lell shoulder.
Morgan, H .N-Horses. M) on left shoulder,
cat lie, same on left In p,
Air( uinber. Jits A. A (wood Horses, M with
bar over on right shoulder.
B. 11. IMhui.. Lena: horseB old mares ZZ on
right Inn; young sUck, sandl z Un left sh.mlder.
Morgan. 1 hos horhns. circle T on lofl lioal
der ami left thiifh: cattle, L on right thigh.
Mitchell. (Keiir. Pi i.uvilla l.t.... :i ....
hit; cattle. 77 on right 8ide. '
iMi:( 'iareit. LiG Horses. Figure A on each shoal
der. cat 1 1 p. l on In p.
W .J MeKeru. Mount Vermm. Or-X I on cattle
on right hip, crop in right ear.halfcrop m left
sam bruiutouhuratBou Jefihi . Itaiige in Graut
M. i.irr. Barney-Horses 711 con- ected on loft
fh..ulder; caitie same. Uange Gr.u.t county.
P. O ) ddress, I'ox. Oregon,
i. V. Mcllalley, Hamilton, Or. On Horspn, 8
with hu t eirelp ihhimi' ot. l..r ......
i I four baiB ctmnected on top 011 the right side!
; liange in Granl Couuiy.
Neat. Andrew. Lone Bock Horses AN con
neeled 011 left shouitler; cattle same on both hips.
ISewman, W. It.-lbu-BOB N with half circle
Noitlke, ft-Horses, circle 7 on left thigfc; cat
tle, same on left tut..
Jos.-ph Oliver, Canyon City, Or -A 2 on cattle
on h fi nip; ou horses, same 011 leL thigh, ltuuge
in Grant county.
Oiler. Perry. Lone Rock P O o left Bhou,Her
Futi um Joseph, Moiiumeiit, Or., brands hors
esj 1M oj.necied. on right shoulder; cattle the
same on tho right hip und underslope iu right
en r.
Pearson, Olavp.-HorsoB, quarter circle ehield .
011 ieft shoulder and l on left hip. Cattle, fork
in lei; ear, right cropped. 24 on left hip. Kange
0:1 right Mile.
William I'opp. Mount V. mon I T on cattle on
eft hip, two sins in left eai; s .nie brand oil
horses 011 id l slitiu. llaine in Grant county.
Fnrker At, (ileubou, 11 aid umu Horses iP on
It shoulder.
1 r "Tr' Acton -Horses. JE connected ou
left shoulder; callle, euuie ou left hip. under bit
111 each ear.
Henry Patberg, horses branded with a Komao
crosn on left shoulder; cattle branded with lto
man cross, bar at bottom, on left hip.
A. C. Pettys, PettysviUe Horses, diamond P
on left shun hler. Cattle.JBJ connecttd nnd in.
verted on left, hip; ernp off left ear and split in
right wattle or lusideof right fore leg above the
John T Powell, Dayville, Or Horses, .IP con.
nec edotiiofi shoulder. Cattle OK oouuected ou
lett hip, two under half crops, urn on each ear,
wattle under throii . Uug iu Grant oouiuy.
Itickard. ii. D., Canyon City-F O ou left
shou id. r, on horses only. )( .ago Cunyon creek
and Bear valley. Grant county.
Hood. Andrew. 11 ard 111 au Horses, Bquare cross
wit h quarter-circle over it on lett stifle.
liemi'ger. Chris-Horses. C U on loft shoulder.
Win. liudio, Monument.-Brands horses It ou
right shoulder. Kange Grant and Morrow coun
ties, . Jtoyse, Aaron. Heppner. Or Hctbos, plain V on
ieft shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on
right hip and crop oft right ear. itange in Mor
row couuiy.
Kush Bros.. Heppner, Or. Horses branded X
on the riglr shoul.'er; cattle, JX ou tho left hip,
crop oft lelt ear aud dewlap ou neck. Itange iu
Morrow and adjoining eouutiet.
Bust William, Peiiuleton, Or -Horses It on
lefL shouluer; cattle, It on left hip, crop off
right ear, undei-bit on left ear. bhoep. H on
weal hers, round crop off righ ear. ituuge Uma
tilla and Moirowo muiies.
lieauey , Mmdrew I exlnpton, Or. Iloise
branded A K on right shoulder, veut quarter
circle over briu.d; cattle sumu uu right hip.
It'iiige Morrow county,
Boyse, Win. H, Dairy ville. Or lift connected
wit h quarter circle over lop on cattle on right hip
and crop off, right ear mid spbr in left. Horses
same brai don left shoulder. Kange iu Slorrow,
Grant and Gdiiam counties.
Killer. J F, Killer, Or-Three parallel .bars
wiin bar over on horses on left hip; on callle, left
side, two smooth crops, two splits in each ear.
Kange in Alid.lle Fork of John Day.
iUutor. J W Horses. JO uu leit shoulder. Cat
lie, o on right hip.
.Spray, .T, F, Horses branded 8F connected or
right shoulder: cuttle same on both hiis.
Bailing, C O Heppner, Or-Horees branded 8 A
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
Hiinner. G Lr, lititer. Or Horses. twu-burKon
btt sidle. P ivtn B l wo inns ou left side, a crop
and splils in right ear, swullow fork aud
under bit in left, entile. Bou catu laiger tiiiui un
horses. Km ge in Gran couuiy.
A L. Bwaggurl, EIU. horses brande 1 I on loft
shouider; cottle same 011 left hip. Crop on car
ear, wattle on ieft hind leg.
Straight W. K.-lorses shaded J 8 on left
stitlo; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow fork ia right
ear, undei bit 111 left.
Bayer, Kibt--Hoiws, S on right shonlder; cattle
square on right hip and 8 on right shoulder.
bwaggiin, L, Alpine Hurses, B B on right
Bapp. Thos.-Horses, B A P on left hip; cattle
same on ieft hip.
Bears, W 11-Horses bar over B. llangeinFox
valley. POaddiess, Fox. Or.
bhobe, Dr A J-Hoibb, 08 n on left hip; cat
lie, same on left side, wattle on left side of neck
ears cut sharp at point.
Biniih, ft. F, Pilot Kock, Or. Catile, horse
shoe on left sud', crop close in left ear. Horses,
4 on lefi thigh liuiige iu Umatilla and Gruut
count ies.
o.ui 11 ou iuii unuiiKlor.
John Bhrier. Fox
rllouvri ..i
horses on nght hip; cailie, same on right hip,
crop 1 iff right ear ui,d under bit 111 left ear. Kanu
i.d under bit in left ear, Kangw
111 lira .t uouuly.
Bmilh llrt.H .lohn av tjt v 4.1-
lr. 1 11 ------ j , v u uuiiiueuu
to isiiiiuiuer,
Blevenson. Mrs A .1 f'uttla
B on right hip
owjuniw-iorn in tu ear.
Sherry. L G Cut t 1m Wi! nn ,tt i,:
right and underbit iu left ear. diiln; ln.'niM. W i?
Bwaggurl. G W-Horses, 44 on left ehoutdet;
cattle, 44 011 left bin.
Stewart, Geo., Hardman Horsee circle con
left shoulder.
Smith , K. ft. Lone Rock. Or. Horses branded
a crossed seven on lefi shoulder; cattle same on
left sjtle. Kango. Gilliam county.
Smith GeoborseM brundcl G B on left fihrnc
ihoiiipstm, J A itnrbMs, J on left slKHtiu. r ;
catile, '.'op toft shoulder.
1 H'cetH 8 T-Horses. C- on left Bhoulder.
Iurn:T U. W .small capital T leit shoulder,
horses; cailie same on left hip with split in both
Ih rnton. II. M., lojie, Or.-llorses branded
U I connecttd on left stifle; she. p same brand.
P Thomiis. Mount Ve.aon -TF connected on
cattle on right hip, swallow fork in rigid ear and
underbit in same eai-i horses, same brand on right
stifle. Kange iu Johu Day valley.
B A Tucker. Prairie Uity Jj" 011 cattle and
noises on l.-ft shouhier.
Jtihn Tmemaii, Prairie City, Or. On horses.
H) on leit stifle; on caiile. O witn bar under on
left hip. Kiiiige in Grant, couuiy.
W B Warreii, Caleb. Or-Cnitle. W with qunrter
circle over it. ou left side, split iu right ear.
Horse mime bra :d on left shoulder. lUugeln.
Gnint couuty
1 , t Wood, DnyviUe, Or Heart on horses 04
left Blitie; on cattle, ion left side and under bit
111 left ear. Itange in Grant county.
Wright, Bdas A Hepp ier, Or. Cattle braodedt
B W ou the right hip. tquare crop oti ngUt ear
and split in leit.
Francis Wallace. Monnt Vernon-Souare on
catile on the left hip. upper alope in he left
ear and under Blop in right ear. H.ute brand
on horses oa riuht shoulder. Ktoage in Horner
and draut county.
Webster. J. I.. Heppner. Or.-Horaes branded
wth bar over J on right shoulder; cattle same
on right hip, crop off ieft ear ai.d piit in each,
hange. Morrow county.
Wade. Henry, Horses branded lice of spades
on lett shoulder and left hio. Cattle branded
same on left side and left hip.
WhIIh. A H Hiinuu .... laff U ia -
John WolfingPr. John Da JSt- On K.
three pandiei liars on leTt shoulder; 7 on sheep!
bit in both ears. Kange in Grant and Alnihur
Wylund. J H Hardman-Circle 0 on lef thighw
"A.sHlwanl, John-Honw., "JP conneeU'd un
left shoulder.
W'atkitm. Lishe. horsos branded VI" connected,
on l-ft stifle
Wa la e, Charlee Cattle, W on nght thigh, liole,
m left ear; horses, W oil right shoulder, nnnf
same on left shoulder.
Wren, A A Cattle, mnning AA with b&rac m.
on right bio.
J. S. Young. Gooseberry, Or.-Horaee brandrd
TB011 the right shoulder.
W. H. Crowley, Ixwg creek Hone branded
Circle 5 on left shoulder.
Whittier Hme., Drewy. Hnrney cmnty. Or -Horsw
l.mi iIp.1 W H. mimtrUM rii left shonlder
William-, Vnseo qtmrter cirri over three
hnrsoe left hu. Isrfh ratlin id h .-rsee. Range
Grsnl wmiiiy; P. O, address. Hmnilton Or.
Williams, J O. Long Creel. Or Home., quarw
ter circle over three ban on left hip; osttle elm.
J aud alii in sack ear. Kange ia fibmat eeurt,p.
6 v
1 1 A
". I ' 1 .. . j s - , .. ,