The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, February 05, 1891, Image 7

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THURSDAY, Februarys 1891.
Union Pacific Railway-Local Card,
No. at, n.ixed, leavee Uepnner 9:15 a. m.
No. H, " arrival " 5:31) p. m., daily
Stnge leaves for Cimynn City daily,
env i j-nuiiiiy, ut 6:30 A. M.
Arrives daily, except Monday, at
6;l" P. M.
There if : naving of 16 bnnre in time
end $10 ii' chuIi by taking this route to
rpHIS PAPHK is kept on file at E. C. Duke's
I AdvertiBhif Aiteuuy, lit Hnd 65 Alprchnnts
ExchmiK", Han Fram-isco. California, where co...
tnicls lor atlvertibiiiK ran be marie for it.
C. W. LOMLI.K&C0..429 Ffth strrat. Tort.
lanu. Oregon, art Hiilliorizcil to make advertising
conlnel tor the neuunjr uaZcttk.
Lexington, W. B. McAllister.
Wagner, J. F. SprHy.
Arlington, Mr. Bennett, Moody's ware
Lung Creek, Fngle.
Gnllnwity, Bob Shaw.
Qooecberry, Or.. V. 8. Parman.
Cumiis Prairie, Osear DeVaul.
Mnlteson, Allen MeFi-rriu.
Nye, Or., II C. Wright.
Hunliiinn, Or., C. M. Spencer.
H"milion, Oruut Co., Or., Mattie A,
lonv, T. ,T. Curl.
Prairie City. Or., R. R. McHaley.
Ci'iiynii Cilv. Or., S. L. Parrish.
Pilot Rock.'G. P. Sltellon.
Diiyville. Or., Mr. Ailama. P. M.
John Jay, Or., l'oni master.
Atbeun, Or , John Ellington.
An agent wanted in every preeinot. tf.
For Week E111II1115 Weilnwlay. Feb. 4. I8V1.
!Mcn Mean Tre- Char.
Tunio, Max. Min. liar, oip. scler.
Ja57"aii 3nTi47lril6Tr73aoci a tig doud;
3Hj an US 411 (i I DT l 211 7d U.t) cloud.
3l 3.V05 4.I.U) I SI 10 HU.IM II 01 fuir
Feb. 1 la rj as m I Slums o.iB fair
2 7.ui Mill iH'.H (lit) clear
a 11 1 5 ai.ui I lion ; .Hull ulear
4 an!) lli.uc, lS.Ui 29ir. U.ilO clear
A. &UITH. Observer.
Here and There.
Billy Crniltree is over from Rilter.
Dimner, Photographer. 96-tf.
Heniy Iiliicknell got up from below
last Friday.
J. H. Eiwards oulled on the office
Sui n idio lust.
Mm. C. S. Van Dnyo is ou the sick
list thin week.
The Poppen Bros., of Hardm n were
in town yesterday.
P. Foley sends liia regnards over from
Seln me, where t'le old gentleman is
euj ijing i;..od health.
E. Minor is reonveriug slowly, after
a very severe illness.
R. D. Wiitliins reports very little snow
in his part of the bines.
Loi.g Creek will shortly organize a
lodge of Knights, of Pytbiaa.
Come in Saturday to Bee Hagal jump
from I he heavens in bis parachute.
Geo. Conner very consistently boanta
of Ihe Duest coasting eled in the Colony.
Tbeo. Drfnoer, the photographer, has
some elegant photos of the Palace Hotel.
Tlieo. Danner is tbe photographer nt
Beppner. Don't forget it. 96tf
Philip E. Trenton is now P. M. at
Lena, that office having been re estab
lished. So simple yet always efficacious in nil
bilious disorders is Simmons Liver Regu
lator. Only 186 votes were cast nt the eleo
tion lust Tuesday, a falling off of 18 from
last year.
No pill or nauseating pot'on, but a
pleasant tonic and purgative is Simmons
Liver Regulator.
Mrs. C. C ite, of Sand Hollow, con
templates locating in Walla Walla in the
near Inline.
Without a doubt this medicine will cure
you. It has cured thousands. Take
Simmons Liver Regulator.
Mrs. A. C. Pattys in improving from an
attach of la grippe, and now Mr. Peltys
is reported very ill.
Sheep buyers are offerincr $2 80 per
head for we'liera after shearing. Bays
our esteemed friend, Henry Welch.
Rev. V. E. l'otwine preached an
interesiing sermon on Monday evening,
leaving Tuesday morning for Portland.
Miss Mmiil R nney. the elDoient teaouer
of Clni k'n Canyon school, was in town over
Bnml ly. visiting her many friends here.
Isa Brown visited this office yesterday.
The cold weathei has checked the growth
of -iriou to some extent iu his neighbor
hood. Hon. C. A. Rhea and wife spent Sun
day in Ileppner. Mr Rhea reports hi
numerous bauds of sheep in good con
dition. Master Archie Dnndas, eon of T. G.
Dunilns, bus arrived safely in England,
having mude a very speedy aud pleasant
Mrs. Jus. Lnper, of Irving, Or , ar
rived last Friday to visit relatives here.
She is a sixter of Mrs. Tbos. Morgan aud
the Rhea Bros.
A. Smith's weather report shows a slight
chilliness in our section. However,
the thermometer has not yet reached
tbe zero point.
Our esteemed friend, Mao McClary,
writes from Iowa that sleighing as
good most of January. He also adds
that he and fi.inily are in good health.
Miss Bessie Mt-redyth, of Taoomn,
niece of Dr Geogl.egan, is visiting him
and wife, having arrived last week. She
will remaiu in tieppner for some time.
Our Z e writes home I rora Indiana
that she 1.1 in good health, and has miss
ed but a half day of school this winter.
The change of climate has proved highly
beneficial to her.
Milt Morgan, accompanied by his Bm.,
S N. Morgan, was in lowu Thurt
day. Milt i just getting well from a
evere aitack of "grip," the effects of
which are still v sable mi bis countenance.
Our council met in special session
last Saturday eveniug. All members
were not present, and the body adjourned
till the regular meeting oo Monday eve.,
tbe report uf which is given in amther
M. C. McDougall. of Fairhaven, famil
iarly knowu as "Frank", is here un a
visit. We know he likes bis friends here,
but it is rumored that a greater attraction
exists in Heppner. Mr. MoDoiigall was
one of our most progressive business1
men during his residence here, and
though he has been ahsent nearly a years,
has not been f.irgotten. May "Frank" be
one of us again.
C. W. Rycbard was thrown ont of his
wagon, Tuesday afternoon, in front of
the Palace Hotel, receiving a few bruises,
but no aeriona injury. J. H. Kleckner
was in the velnole with him, and by
jumping out and cutohing the horse by the
bridle, slopped the trouble in its iocipi
eiiov. .
A Dab ,u I.kap. fun io.u i a,
ner was a agog mi lust S-iturday in n
ticipatioa of a balloon ascension ai
parachu jump by Prof Hagal, on ti
coming Sunday afternoon, but th.
weather was t-o cold and stormv for tl,
event. Monday was cold, but as pretn
a day as was ever seen lu our heloVeo
Eastern Oregon, and to ih- anxio.,
people Ihe Prof, annonnoed the ascen
sion aud jump to take place at 2 o'clock
in the afternoon. Howev-r, it as near
ly 3 o'clock, throngb delays, before the
Prof, oalled to the attendants to "Let 'er
go." and away the pouderous air-ship
ailcd, at tirst beariug slightly to the
east and then back again, almost direotly
over the point of starting. At Ihe height
of a mile Ihe parachute wasseveied from
the balloon, dropping like a bullet for
some disiauoe; then it spread its folds
like a huge, white umbrella, landing
safely near Mrs. Rash's boaiding house,
and within four hundred yards of the
starting point, while tbe balloon fell
iboiit two hundred feet away. The as
oensiou and perilous leap waa witnessed
l"V a large crowd of Morrow's citizens,
who have encouraged Pr- f. Hagal to
make another ascension and parachute
j ii. p II. A. S.illllo.i; ..I u ,.o ut u.
i be there with your small change.
Tim Nkw FiitM.-In another onlnnin is
iniiounoed, through that telling medinu,,
the "display" ad., the paitnersliip o,
dinor Bros, who will continue lhi.
general merchandising huaineos at the
old stand, on May strpet The senior
memher of the firm, W. O Minor, is too
ell known to need any recommendations
from the columns ol ihe press. Ilieie
are but few in the community who have
not. uoteu nis rise rrora Ihe proprietor
ship of a small nolion store, to tha1 of
tue large eHtalilishmeut over which he
has presided, both as a partner and full
owner. The new member of the firm, C.
A. Minor, familiarly known as "Peck,"
from his jovial disposition and tendenov
forsportaud prinks, will add strength to
the Hun, being a young man of fine busi
neEs qualifications, honest and upright
and having no end n( friends. Since Ihe
lays when he acquired the euphonious
title of Wisconsin in igin, the very men
tion of winch has caused stroug men to
hoth laugh and weep, (the latter after the
iMovemiier election), he has developed in
to such a steady going and energetic
business man that he is both the envy
aud pride of his friends Miuoiliiis.
have the Oazettb'b well-wishes.
Peculiar "Grip." The la grippe, or as
is designated by some, "swell head"
lever, is visiting Jlorunv iu a sort ut an
epidemic form. It is certainly a peonlinr
complaint, having the combined symp
toms of mumps, bilious fever and la
grippe, and is something that our physi
uiaiiB have not met heretofore. Few
fatalitns have occurred which are traced
directly to it, but it is described as nisk-
ng one "awful "iok,1 with coiisiilernbi
loiiht iu the mind of the victim whether
it is "live or die." Like sea sickness, it
lias so far proven to be more distressing
liau auugerous.
A Pleasant Occasion. On last Fri
day evening, Felix Jounxon and lmlv. ol
Butter oreek, gave a pleasant party at
their home, tthioh was largely attended
by their friends. Thirty seveu nninbeis
were sold, aud though there were present
but seventeen ladies, the occasion was
one long to be remembered by the guests.
Au eleguut supper as prepared for the
iiooasinn, and all enjoyed themselves in
lancing, after splendid music to I heir
health content. Quite a number of
Heppuer people were present.
From Haystack. Gene Oilman, of
the Oilman Frenoh Laud & Live Slock
Co., of Haystack, was iu Beppner this
wees, aim reports a fine winter there.
He says the interest in the Haystaok-
Dayville road is uuabaled. Mr. Oilman
left yesterday uioiuiugforhis possessions
in Haystack.
Tbe great appetizer, tonic an i liver
regulator. In use for moreihan SOvears
iu England. Positive snecilij for liver
complaint. Bad taste in the month ou
arising iu the morning, dull pains in the
head anil back of the eyes, tired feeling,
dizziuess, hingii ir symptoms of liver
complaint Remedy i)r Henley's Eng
lish Dandelion Ionic. Relieves con stipa
lion, sharpens Ihe appetite aud tones up
the entire svstem. Get the genuine from
your druggist for $1, aud take according
iu uirectious.
E.I C. Allen, a live merchant of Long
Creek, returned from Salem's legislative
scenes and Porllaud lasi Monday, ami was
accompanied ou the trip home by Henry
Blackuell, who had previously arrived
from below.
I have pen a great rufferer from rheu
matism for seven years, and hearing of
the success of tlibbird's Rhenmatio
Syrup, conclude to give it trial. 1
have tested Ihe curative properties of
the mineral spring without finding relief
from that or any other souice uuiil 1
tried Hihbard's Rheumatic Syrup, which
has do p wonders for me. I oau now
walk witti entire freedom from pain and
my geueral healihia veiy much improved.
It is a splendid remedy for the blood
and the debilitated system.
Feed Hebman, Engineer Water Works,
Big Rapids, Mich Sold bj all druggists.
Prepared ouly by The Charles Wright
Medicine Company, Detroit, Mich.
Ed. Day informs this office that sheep
in Ihe Butler creek section are requiring
feed. Poppiu Bros., of Dairvville, have
not fed any yet. which certainly suggests
that the conditions affecting Morrow
vary iu the different sections.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrli that can not be
cured bv taking Hall's Catarrh Cure.
K J. CHENEY CO. Props , Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly houorahle in all busiuess
transactions, and financially able to curry
ont any obligations made liy their firm
Weal & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, Ohio.
HaH'sCntarih Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blond and
mucous surfaces i f the ays em Pnoe,
75o. per. bolMe. Sold by all Druggists.
HenT Blackwell says he barely esoaped
annihilation when Seuator Blackmail
got down to Portland, and was expecting
an interesting "reoeptiou" in Heppuer,
but instead was met by very broad smiles
at his innocent joke.
Asoi.esp.a Cottaok, L. B., July 2.
Gentlemen: Althongh it is verv rn
UBinil for me to use any lotiouB or
washes, still, in answer to ynnr requset,
I have tried Wisdom's Violet Cream and
Robertiue. The former I consider es
pecially efficacious iu cases of roughness
of the skin, and f have been using ;t
every day for the last fortnight, I have
fonud the Robertine an excellent prepar
ation iu cases of tan. sntibnrn, etc,
caused by exposure to March wiud" and
July sun.
Yours faithfully,
Liixik Laxotbt.
To Messra. Wisdom ft Co.
The Wond Enriched.
The facilities of the present day for the
production of everything that will con
duce to the material w elfare and comfort
of mankind are almost unlimited and
when Syrup of Figs was first produced
the vorld was enriched with the only
perfect laxative known, as it is the only
remedy which is truly pleasing and re
freshing to the' taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse the system gently iu
the Spring time or, in fact, at any time
and the better it is known the more pop
ular it becomes.
A Waterway convention is to be held
iu Walla Walla this afternoon for the
purpose of devising such means as will
insure the speedy opening or the Colum
bia and Stake rivers. The Wall i Walla
hoard of trade is at the head of the move,
and deb gates are expected from all palls
of the interested northwest. They will
ask the leg s'i.tures of Idal o, Washing
ton and Oregon to take joint action iu
tbe matter.
Five hundred of our subscribers, all
good responsible men, owe from $2.50
to sit) dehnq ent subscription. A little
figuring will show why the Gazette
snop is needy Ur course, it is verv
easy to understand how snoh aoennnts
are overlooked, hut help us if yon can.
ana tion t feel aggriuve1 at receiving a
ntutenient of nccount. The shop nose
I tively needs money.
All accounts due W. O. Minor prior to
rco. l, are payntjie lo him, not having
hen transferred to the new firm. This
note may be of interest to his manv
customers, whose patronage is still
solicited liy the linn of .Minor Bros.
DR. A BORN, Fourth and Morrison
Streets, Portland, Oregon, the most siio-
ceBsriil physician on the American oonti-
neut for the speedy, positive, absolute
and permanent cure for Catarrh of the
Head, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia
and consumption. Twenty-five years'
successful praotice.
Instantaneous reliufand permanent cures often
elided upon lu st consultation.
Dr. Aborn, by his original, modern,
scientific method, effeots
Speedy and radical cures or the most
obstinate and long s'anding cases
of Nasal Catarrh, Ozena, Deafness, Dig
charges from the Ears, Asthma, Bron
obitis and Consumption.
Also Stomach Disorders, Bilions Colio,
Gail Stones and Jntiudiae, Heart, Liver,
Kidnev, RlHilder and Nervous Affections;
Diseases of Men. Also all ailments pe
onlinr t j women.
Dr. Ahoru cau be consulted from uow
until July 5th, when be leaves fur
Note. Home treatment, securely pack
ed, sent by ex pre s to any pn't of the
Pacific Uoast and Teintones for those
who caunot possibly call iu person.
411 June 1.
Fhom Malheur. Ed. Whittier's letter
to this oilice, dated Jan. '22. states that
five inches of snow had fallen so far this
winter, but at Ihe date of writing, it had
all disappeared, except on north hill
sides. The thermometer had been no
lowi r than 15 degrees above zero, and
during the daytime averaged from 35 to
45 degrees above. The people are in
good spirits, aud will have plenty of hay
The importance of purifying the blood can
not be overestimated, for without pure Lluod
you cannot enjoy good health.
At this season nearly every one needs a
good medicine to purify, vitalize, aud eurlcu
the blood, and wo ask you to try Hood's
Prilliar" 8:irsap.irl!la, It strengthens
rctUllal n,ui builds up the system,
creates an appetite, and tones the digestion,
while It eradicates disease. The peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation
of the vegetable remedies used give to
Ilood's Sarsaparilla pecul- Itealf
jar curative powers. No " 1 156 1 1
other medicine has such a record of wonderful
cures. If you have, made up ynnr mind to
buy Ilood's Sarsaparilla do not be Induced to
take any other instead. It la a Peculiar
Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence.
Ilood's S-rsapnrlUa Is sold by all druggists.
Prepared by C. I. Hood Si Co., Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
faker's Golden Female Pills..
For Femnlo Tmjrnliir
It it; iioihimrliitethem
on the market. Nevnr
fail. HTi.-reHsiiiJIy uued
ty p omincut la'llft
monthly. Uimrauteed
to relieve n ippriised
Iont bet humb'ifffirw!.
8avo Time. Health,
aiiu money ;Uke uo oth
er. Sent to an add re,
necure by ma 1 ou re
ceiptor price, fi.0Q.
Western Branch, J)ol27, l'OKTLAND, OB'
S-.ld by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Sole Agent
or Heppner. tf.
I have beeti troubled maq? yrara with
disease uf the kidneys aud have tried
many different lemedie and have
sought aid, from different physiciani
without relief. About the 151b of April
I w mfferine from a very violent
attack that almost pros-rated me in
sue 11 a manner 1 .M 1 waa oem over.
When I sat duwn it was alraoil impossible for me
to Ret up alutie, or to put on my clothes, when
kin.l Providence sent or. Heuley, with tbe
oKl-OON KloNKV TtA, to my
hotel. I immediately commenced
.sing the tea. It had an almost
iiiiaculuiis effect, and to the astoti
hmetit of all the guests at tbe hotel,
a a few days,! am uappy to state,
that I was a new tuau. I will
recwtumend the lea to all afflict
1 have been.
Pruprieior Occidental Hotel.
sanin H I Ul
Editor Gazette:
i wish to say a few worls thro lgl.
the columns nf yonr paper and hope
you will give it publication.
Relative to tbe election last Tuesday,
I have been accused of voting sgainst
T. J. Matlock for mayor. As I am blind,
and have been so from childhood, I bad
to depend on some ODeelse to arrange my
ticket. If Mr. Mat lock's name was scratch
ed off, it waa in direct opposition to
my wishes, as I desired to vote for him
above all men. It would have been base
ingratitude to have done otherwise,
for he has always been my friend and
I dtsire to make this stat -'nent t'nt
ray friends, as well as Mr. Matlock, will
understand that I was deceived in tins
matter, either intentional lv or otherwise.
J. F. Keenet.
Perhaps yon are run down, can't eat
cau't sleep, oan't think, can't do any
thing to your satisfaction, and you won
der what ails yon. You should heed the
warning, you are taking the first step in
to Nervous Prostration. You need a
Nerve Tonio and in Eleotrio Bitters you
will find the exaot remedy for restoriug
vour system to its normal healthy con
dition. Surprising results follow the
use of this great Nerve Tonic and Altera
tive. Yonr appetite returns, good diges
tion is restored, and tbe Liver and Kid
neys resnme healthy action. Try a bot
tle. Pi ice 60c. at T. W. Ayers', Jr.,
One of our alliance friends writes quite
au iutere8ting article, which is published
in the farmer's uoltimu iu this issue.
Send in yonr ma'ter on farming and
stock. raising, and everything purporting
to be for the benefit aud best interests of
tbe farm and its adjuncts.
Is the positive verdict of the people who
take Hood s Siirsiiparilla. Wheu used
aceordiuK to directions the good effects
if this excellent medicine are soon felt
in nerve sirens' h restored that tired
feelitiK driien off, a Rood appetite cre
ated, headnohe and dyspepsia relieved,
scrofula cured and the bad effects of
impure hlood overcome. For a K' oil
blood purifier, take Hood's Siirsiiparilla
Prof. Hagal will make a double para
chute jump Saturday afternoon. Dou't
miss it.
Oov. Rea, accompanied by Billie Grab
tree and Hank Scbirziuger, pulled out
for Long Creek this ufternoon.
Bill Tillnrd aud Harry Bennett,
iniated a "pawing" match down nt the
Belvordere yesterday afternoon wb.chdid
not en 1 iu bl"od or btuises to tither
For a lame back, a pain in tbe side or
chest, or for tooth nche or ear-aolie,
prmipt relief may be had by using
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It is relial le.
For sale by blocum-Jol.nston Drug Co.
From a letter ritten by Mrs. Ada E.
Hurd, of Groton, S. D, we quote: "Was
taken with a bad cold, which settled on
in)' Liiiil'h, cough set in and filially ter
minated iu Consumption. Four doctors
gave me np liy saying I oonld live but a
short time. I gave myself up to my
savior, determined if I ootild not stay
witb mv mends on earth, I won hi meet
my absent ones above Jy husband was
advised to get Dr King's NT"w Discovery
for Corsnmntinn, Coughs and Colds.
I gave it a trial, took iu all i igbt buttles;
it has oured me and thank God I a'n
now a well Bnd hearty woman." Trial
free at T. W. Ayer's. Jr., CityUrug Store,
regular size, S0o and $1 00,
The Oreaonian lias the lnrgest circu
lation of any daily, Sunday or weekly
paper west of the Kooky Mountains, and
in order to further increase its circula
tion they have eeleoted with great oare,
a large list of valuable bonks and other
useful articles, and are offering them as
premiums to enoli new subscriber, to any
of its several issues for yearly subscrip
tions. 'I lie tlreownun shoul 1 be in every
household. Heud for premium list t" the
Oreaonian Publishing Co.. i ortland.
Oregon. . 409-416.
Are ynn married? If not. send vour
address with stamp, to the American
Corresponding Club, V. O. Bo (343,
Clarksburg, W. Vu. 87U-442.
A New Businfss. Mr. E. W, MeAlpin
has I'-oated in the old bakery bnildiiitt
on May str et, in tbe upholstering
Dnsiuess. All worn is guaranteed and
prices to suit the patronage of our
citizens. 408-411.
One hundred nnd sixty acres of bnnch
grass, nicely situuted. Call at Gazrttb
office. 405-tf.
Settlers who have paid $400 for their
pre emptions or commuted b.mesleada
hould apply for a rebate through Frank
II Suow, at Lexington. He makes no
ohurge unless successful. 410 tf.
The Byrne and MoCnllongh plaoe, on
Willow oreek, 10 miles above Ileppner.
For terms, apply in person or by letter,
to Frank iiyrue, Fossil, Gilliam countv,
Oregon. 410 If.
TAIbOltlMi '
I have opened awell appointed tailor
ing establishment in my new build
ing on May street, nnd am now regularly
receiving new goods and will make ous
tom made pauts rom $7 to $15 best
goods in the market.
A. Abrhamhick.
Geo, W. Corart is no longer solicitor
for the Oazettk, or is be employed in
any capacit) on this paper.
Otis Patterson,
409 415. Pub. Gazette.
Notice is hrrebv given 'bat we bave
tbia day told and delivered nnr lanndry
business t" Let & Toy, who will con
tinue said business al the old stand, and
we recommend our successors to the
confidence of our old patrons.
Kiam A Woo.
Heppner, Or., Deo 29. '90. 406-11,
One sorrel gelding, saddle horse, on or
ahout August 1, 1890. He is about 7
years old; weight, about 1,000 pounds,
has s white atrip down the face, aud left
eye Hffi'oted. Has brand F. on the right
shoulder. I will give $20 reward to any
one that delivers the alsive horse t Joe
Keene)' stable, at P. ndleton. Or., or
f 10 fur any information that will lead to
bis recovery, H. C, Vacqban.
land Office at The Palles. Or.. Dec. 27, 1890.
Notice is hereby Kivi n that the followtnif
nanu'd settler has tiled notl ic of his intention
to make film) proof In si ppjrt of his claim, and
tlml said proof will lie mude before County
Clerk of Morrow comity, at Heppuer, Or., on
Feb. 6, lam, viz:
Ps. mo, for the N' SWU" and 8,'i NVTV Sec. 7,
Tp. 4 8, K 24 E. W. M.
lie names the followinir witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
Albert Loveitreen, Oiooseberrv, Orenon: H. E.
Warren, A. II. Hooker, Eight Mile; J. A. Iu
skipp, Hardmuu, Or,
John W. Lkwis,
400-411. HeBtster.
land Office at The Dalles, Or. Jan. 19, '91.
Notice is hereby ittven that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof In snpportof his claim, and that
said proof will be made before County Jndi;e of
Morrow County, at Heppuer Oregon, ou Febru
ary 27, mill, viz:
FKANK L. troctman,
lid. No. 2570, for the KE'4 Sec. 4, Tp. 1 S, R 25 E,
W. M.
He names the followinir witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
s. Metier, Thomas Bootlibv. Dan Potter and J.
C. Thomson, all of Laxlngtoj, Or.
John W. Lkwis,
409-414. ltegister.
Land Office at La (,'randc, Or., Jan. 10, Mil.
Notico is hereby utveu that the following,
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make liual proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof wih be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppuer, Oregon,
on Tuesday, March a, 1S91, viz:
No. 10014, for the 8E! See. 8, Tp. 3S, R27 R, W. M.
He names the following witueSHes to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said laud, viz:
Louis Uroshens, Victor Oroshens, Robert Hart
and Dan B. stalter, all of ileppner, Or.
409-414. Register.
Land Office nt Lu flrtindn. Or.. .Inn 10 1R01
Notice Is liereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make tlnal proot in support ol Ills claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Countv
Clerk of Morrow County ur., on Tuesday, March
3, 18U1, viz:
Ds. No'. 10:110, for 4, and SW'A STO. WW
SW'ii Sec 1. To. 6 8. K 2H E. W M.
He names the followinit witnesses to prove his
coiuinuous resilience upon auu cultivation ol,
said land, vU :
V. o. Minor, Wesley Mnrlatt, Robert Hart and
Joe Dubois, ali of Ileppner, Or. ,
A. Clbavrr,
409-411. Itcittster.
Land Offlce at La Grnnde, Or., Dee. :10, 1890.
Notice Is hereby given that tbe followinir
namcd settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of IiIb claim, and
that said proof will be innde before W. K. Ellis,
Com. U. S. Circuit Court, at Ileppner. Or., on
Saturday, Feb. 14, 18'Jl, vis:
Ds. No. will, for Lots 1 and 2 and S4 NEU Sec. 3,
Tp. 4 S, It ffl E. W. M.
He naineB the followinij witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said laud, vi.:
Elbert King, Edward Shelby, A. J. Clem and
John Lockuane, all of Hcppncf, Or.
400-411. Hegister.
James II. Iahey, take notice,
Land Office at La Grande, Or., Dec. 30, 1800.
Notice ts hereby given Unit the following,
named settler haB filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof iu support of his claim, and
that Bald proof will be made before County
Clerk of Morrow County, at Ileppner, Or., on
February 13, 1801, viz:
Ds. No. 7043. for the V NE!i. EW NV See. 34.
Tp. 1 N, R as E, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to nrove hla
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
Bilid land, viz:
Thomas Beir, Joseph Qnecner, Antone Vey
and William Schapert, all of Echo, Oregon.
407-12, Heglster.
Land Office at The Pnllcn, Or., Dec. 23 1850.
Notice ts hereby given Unit the following-
named Bcttler has filed notice of bin intention to
make final proof in sunnort nf his cbilin. and
that satd proof will be mude before (;om. U. S.
Circuit Court, at Ileppner, Or., on February 7,
lam, viz:
Hd. No. 2030, for tho HV!4 NE'i, NU SK'.i, SEW
SE' See. 1, Tp 2 9, R 25 E. W. M.
He mimes the following wltnesfiPB to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
jamefl l.eacn, vvuilam i.sicb, A. J. Jilll and A.
J. Breeding, all of Lexington, Or.
400-111. Register.
Land Office at La Grande, Or., Dec. 27, 1800.
Notice Ih liereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of blB intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be nuide before County
Clerk of Morrow countv, at Heppuer, Or., on
Saturday, Feb. 7, Win, viz:
Ds. No. 10007, for the &E Sec. 28, Tp. 2 S, R 27 E
iv. fll.
He names the following witnrsKcs to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, vi.:
JiuneB M, llager, J. l. llioninnon, James Nev
ille and Latou Jones, all of Heppner, Or.
406-411. Register.
U. S. Land Office nt LnGrande, Or., Jan 2li, '91.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Edward L. Matlock against William Moss, for
failure to comply with law us to Timber Culture
Entry No. 1171, dated Fcpt. 21, Ixki, upon the
SW4 Section 8, Township 2 8, It 29 E. W. M., in
Morrow countv. Oregon, with a view to the can
cellation of said entry; contestant alleging that
vi imam wiobb mis icu uie suite aim anauuotiea
Bttid land, and tiiat he has never plowed or
filanted to timber or in any way improved said
and, and that there is now no improvements on
tbe land, the said parties are hereby summoned
to appear at the oilice of J. W. Morrow. County
Clerk of Morrow Countv, Oregon, in Heppuer,
on the Olh day of March, lain, at 10 o'clock A. M.,
to respond and f iirulali tesil'iiony concerning
said alleged failure. Said testimony to be used
at final bearing, ill this oilice, March 20, 1801. It
is iurther ordered mat mis notice be served by
?ublieatlon for four consecutive weeks In tbe
leppner Gazette, and by posting as In U. S.
land cases. A. C.,
410-414. Receiver
In the Circuit Court for the State ol Oregon
County of Morrow.
Lena reme,
George I'etrie
Detcnilant. J
To the above named Defendant, George Petrie:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appearand i nswer tho com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit on or before the tirBt day of t tie next regu
lar term of said court, to wit; Monday, tbe 23
day of March, 1801, and If you full so to answer
for want thereof, the plaintiff will take Judge
ment ttgaliiBt you for the dissolution of the mar
riage bonds now existing between you and
plaint!!!'; also one third interest in ali
real estate owned by you and to allow plaintiff
to resume her maiden name and for plaintiff's
costs and disbursements o! this suit.
Thi ssuinmoiis is published by order of Judge
Loyal B. Stearns, Judge of the ith Judicial dis
trict, dated December 15 MIS). (i. W. Rka,
400 412. Att'y for Plaintiff.
In the Clrcnit Court of thj State of Oregon,
fur Morrow County.
Margaret Dtinton, Plaintiff, 1
vs. I
John A. Hendrlx and heathy f
J. Heudrix, Defendants. j
To John A. Hendrli and Lcathy J. Hendrlx,
in the name of the State of Oregon, Von are
hereby required to appear and atiBrt er the com.
plaint tiled against you in the above entitled
cause by the first day of the next regular term
of this court, that being tha 2:jd day of March,
A. D. 1891, and if you fail so to answer, for want
thereof the plaintiff' will tnke Judgment against
you for the sum of Two Hundred and Slxtv Dol
lars (IJ0O), with interest st the rate of 10 per
cent, per annum from Nov. 21, 1H8.1, and the fore
closure of s mortgage, given to secure the same,
on the Northwest quarter of Heetlon Twenty-six
(26), Township Three Ci) South, Range Twenty,
six (26) E.W. St and for such further relief u ll
demanded hi the complaint.
This summons Is published by order nf Judge
James A. Fee, Judge of the Sixth Judicial dis
trict of this Stale.
Heppner, Jan. 23, 1891,
110-410. Attorney for Plaintiff-
Don't Know That'
H. Blackman & Co.
Can furniah you neat fitting Suits for both men and boys, Ladies Dreaa Goods
of elegant putterai,
Stockmens' Outfits, for Trail Use,
Guns, Ammunition, Glassware and Queensware.
Agents for tbe Celebrated
Bain Wagons and Hacks?
Now you have that Information.
Yes, and Many other tilings kept in a large, well-appointed
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When you get your Fall Outfit,
Don't Forget
H. Blackman.& Co.,
Muooeeaaor to
rro arrive
Tha Lanroat Stock nf Clothing ever hnnvlit to Heppnflr, bnnglit FOR
CASH in the Enut, nnd will he Holil nt uriceM never hnn) nf before
BOlfS' SUITS Ht 81 'ii uail upwiirJa. MEN'S and YOUTHS' SUITS
Owing to the mild wiDter, will offer for the neit THIRTY DAYS
Ten to Fifteen Per Cent. Below Former Prices.
Slocum-Johnston Drug Company. -
DrilR", OIemloal, Fatent Modloiueo, Toilet
Artlolo, riilnt", Oils, Olatw, Wall
Paper, nxxcl Mualoal Inatru
snout as of ull ZLiu.cls.
HEPPNER - ' - - . . OREGON.
For First Quality Goods at Lowest Prices,
--GO T O
Hardware. Tinware, Orccei in, Confectionery, ood nnd Willow Ware.
Atrriita for New Home biiiI t'uvoritti Sewing Muchine. Lmnbermaa'
Tools Hpeoiiilty. Higbeet uiuiket price pitid for furin projooe.
tf. I Comer Main and Willow Streets, Heppuer Or.
WHAT ! !
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w. O. XI I- ,)
this week.: