HEPPNER GAZETTE: ill :V?$E OREGON. THE NEWS OF EUROPE. A Marquis and Duchess Create Gossip. I'KIXCli OF WALK INVOLVED. Thi Press (if Brussels lare NiitTell 111 Triltli ftmcrrninff the Heath of Ilie 1'rlm-e. I..,mi.s, .1 jut. 24 The statement of 1 Initio SccictMiy Mathews that the lleil fnnl iiuincst viii liekl with open doors is not conpi'leri'il witisfaetory ly tlie nusvs ,nTs iui'1 cspeciiilly the Times, which wns iiM'St nuliivj-'oously imposed upon with what was purported to he a circum stantial narrative of the millionaire lioliU'iiiiin's ili-ath-hed scene. There having been, il- a matter of fact, no deatli-hed scene whatever. There is a jr.'in.fjil feeling that the same secrecy would not have heen ohserved in the rase of an ordinary individual. The new duke is one of the most intimate friends of the I'rince of Wales. (II .SSI 1- IN TITLKI) riKCI.KS. There is a u'ood deal of fresh gossip iih.nit the .Marquis of I tart in trton and the Duchess of Manrhester. The pair have heen the quests of Itaron llirseh at Wieiitlinin Hall, iNorfork. The I'rince of Wales and l.aily Kandolph Churehill also heintr of the company. The Princess of Wales was not there. It was one of the jolliest parties, of I he season and (.'iime was slauirhtrred by the cartload. The MariuiK and I luchess showed each oilier marked attention, tiikintr little ap parent interest in the pheasant shoot ing. now w u.ks iNiioimvM monky. It. is rumored that the I'rince of Wales is deeply in t he linancial toils of Baron llirseh' and another distinguished llrhrew, to whomlhe I'rince pays special attention. I le borrow s their money to pay when he pleases and I bey take il out in the way of social recognition. The Prince's course in this respect is attracting-attention in all the courts of l-'.urope nud is the subject of much com ment at the clubs. Tin: ii M. v ri:si;ui;n. Scotch strikers are much encouraged by the result at hist nirht's division on ( 'hanninjj's motion to rrnsuro the rail way companies, for that is what it ii i lKin ii 1 (- I to. The government opposed the motion, but it came within seven teen voles of beinii curried, a closer mar gin Ihan the pivuriiiiiciit has encount ered since it risked defeat on the public house ( il lownicnt bill. While it is true that ninny si rikers have e;ono hack to work, a majority is still out and the liKht is nol yet ended. in-: wi:ns, tiikv admit it. The Chilian legation in London today ucliiidwlodncd that there was a revolu tion in pro;:rcsss, and while prudently i-esercd, the lirst secrelarv exhibited feverish nervousness which shiiSed con siderable apprehension as to the result. Advices lriim Huenoa Ayres this morn ins say that the rebels have (riven lial niaceila time to decide what he will do. The rebels demand that congress be im mediately convened, (he present minis try dismissed an'l a free election heiil. ii un: s"i- i i:i.i. tin-: -nti tii. Advices I'loiu Brussels, slate that the press of that city dare not publish cur rent rumors concerning Prince P.ado w ill's death, It is said that he looked lorwiu-d uilh dread to his proposed inar riaire lo his cousin, PrineesH t'leiiiiutine, and that no illicit i( m existed beyond their near relationship. The weight of public opinion still is thai his death was nol entirely natural. tiii: ! fa it iuom wi:i,i.. According to a Itonie dispatch the next papal consistory will be held in l ebruarv, when Archbishop Walsh will probably receive his long waited for cardinaishin. The health of tho pope occasions considerable anxiety for the future, lie will be HI years of ago in .March, and while not seriously ill, so far as the public is permitted to know, lie has heen lar Irnm well ol late. l:il,ISll I.IIIKHAI.S I N I I I : II. There is no foundation whatever for the report of a rupture between Morloy and llarcourl. The ICngliHh liberal party was never more united. mVCNOlK UOI.VKS N I--UASCK. I n remote parts of France rural post men are refusing to go on their routes lor (ear of being attacked by wolves which, near .Metz, are very ravenous. Sixteen of the bloodthirsty animals have been killed recently in Unit locality. Ml II UN Kill' IOU IIKHI'KKV. r III. l:.'.m-.l II Wus Millililmieil lid Will Sonn Come In Oregon, i:vv Oiii.i ans, Jan. 21 Hempsey's benelit, advertised for last night, did nol come oil'. IVinpsey, yesterday requested that the project he abandoned and his wishes in the matter were followed. Oenipsev left last night for (lalveston, where he will remain a few days, and then leave for Oregon. Kilrain and Muldoon left w ilb him on their w ay to nui l-rancisco, I-itz.-imnions ami Car roll, who ollered their services and w ho eiiine to the cilv from Bay St. Louis to take part in the benelit are still here. They w ill leave lor Chicago, in a day or two. It appears that no positive arrange ments have been made by them with Parson Ihivies. There is a natural dif ference as to terms. I tavics oilers them if'JOO a week, but Carroll contends this in not enough, lie says Fitzsiniiuons is now the champion middlo-w eight and he is the champion light-weight, having defeated Bowcii, who had previously de feated Mires, who held the hell, and" that Ihcy should he worth $'1011 each lor ex hibition purposes. Their future move ments will not be determined till they leach Chiciiiro. Ill Sll lull IIM-, TIM It Kit. As I Mini tlie l.llniliei- (iiiiipiiiiies Vt III tlrl tile I. lull's Sluii-e. Mn w e kit.-, Wis. ..Ian. 21-On Satin day preceding Christmas last, large tracts of valuable lands were thrown open to settlers by the government. A line of claimants stood in the cold for 4S hours and had their meals brought to them while they postponed sleep in or der to secure titles. The militia was culled nut lo preserve order. After the! rush was over stories were told to prove that ollieiats gave their friends and rein-' lives preference. I Now it is claimed on tracts where! pine is the most plentiful that there are j anywhere from n dozen to 20 claimants and that squatters are generally the em ployes of wealthy lumber men who are ' working on salary ami who in some cases are going to get a small house for securing a title to the pine land from which the buyers will get the lion's share of profit. There are 30 or 40 former employes of ex-Congressman Jlct'ord who have he come squatters. Xcarly 100 employes of Brown Itros. are occupying similar po sitions. The McCord Bros,, from Chip pewa l-'alls, is credited with a crew of 50 title earners. Most of these men are single people who can make home upon their claims and at the same time continue in the employe of speculators, who will eventu ally market the pine. It is a matter of indill'erenco whether the question of titles is settled in six month or six TWO LADIES DISOWN KI). Swept Away by tins Current Willie Cross ing a Swollen Stream. Poi (iiiKKi:i'Sii:f N. Y., Jan. 24 Two New York ladies were swept away by a freshet yesterday while trying to drive across a flooded bridge near Dover Plains and were drow ned. The gentlemen w ith them narrowly escaped. The ladies were Miss Kosa Scheistorbacker and her sister, Louise, a widow, w ho had been visiting her sister, Mrs; Jacob Cablos, in Tower Hill. Mr. t'ablos, about noon yesterday, with a span of horses and a sleigh, start ed to take the two ladies to Hover Plains where they intended to take the train on the I larlem Railroad for their home in JVew York. As they approached a bridge crosing a mountain stream, they found it flooded. Muddy water was roaring over it fully three i'eet deep. Mr. Cablos thought the bridge was strong, even under the rushing waters, and so attempted to cross it. The tor rent was too strong to be stemmed. It swept horses, sleigh and occupants oil' the bridge and down the swollen stream, tossing them lightly hither and thither among the rocks and trees with the logs and huge cakes of ice brought down by the current. Only .Mr. Cablos escaped, terribly bruised and exhausted, swept into a clump of bushes by a lucky chance. The ladies and horses were drowned. Louise was US and Kose i!5 years of age. loi: this laion (il-- Till-; wmil.i). Tlie lieiismt lilven li.v a M 11 rilci-cr for Killing; Ills Wife. Pittui rii, Pa., Jan. 24 William Faulk, a farmer living just outside the village of Laurel, seven miles from here, killed his wife yesterday afternoon, lie was seized villi sudden insanity. He shot her as she ran through the orchard to escape. He then locked up (heir ;!-yoar-old boy in an upper room anil with a revolver in his hand went to a neighboring school and announced he was Jesus Christ. He demanded his other two children telling them to say good-bye. Just as be was about to shoot outside the school a trustee came along and a tussle ensiled. Faulk broke away and dashed down the road toward the vil lage. On the way he drew a gun upon a man on horseback, who attempted to stop him. The horse kicked Faulk dow n and the rider escaped, and Faulk contin ued to the village, nourishing a revolver. lie chased two women into a house. An alarm was raised and two men en tered the house and disarmed the wild man. lie was then brought to this city. He is :;ii years old and bis wife was r2. His violence lirst developed whilu he mid a hired man were cutting feed. He said that lie had killed his wife for the good of the world. WIIV llli K I I.I.KI) III ISII.1'. A Itiink President I seil (lie l-'nnds unit i'lien Commuted Suicide. Litciiithi.I), Minn., Jan. 21 Henry II. Bawhain, mayor of l.itchlield and presi dent of the Stale bank of SteveiiH, killed himself Biiiiic time ago, and next day notice was posted on the bank door thai tho institution would be closed until there could be a meeting of the creditors. There were several meetings tit the de positors, but they could not get satisfac tory answers to their questions. A crisis came today when the discov ery was mado that there is only about $111,000 in the bank, which is not sulli cient to pay depositors more than n small per cent. Judge A. 11. Young, of .Minneapolis, has heen appointed receiver and will take charge at once. The lia bilities aro $10,000. The mystery of the suicide is solved, but whether Jiaw ham lost the money by gambling in stocks and grain or making bad invest ments, is not known. NOT TO It K 111 III1KI). lienei-nl Mcltcevor Will Try to (iet On ItimnonloiiHly With ttcnertil Mile. New Yohk, Jan. 24 A special from Washington to the Herald says: It is said by friends of (ieneral McKeevor that he has reconsidered bis intention of asking to bo retired in order to escape duty with (ieneral Miles. It is under stood to be his purpose to accept his orders without protest and trust to chance for a harmonious tiniu with his superior olhcer. There is apparently no intention on the part of the secretary of war to revoke the order, tieneral McKeever will not ask to have it done, and as far as know n no protest has been received Irom tien eral Miles. inlluences are al wink to prevent the transfer of Colonel Corbin from Chicago to l.os Angeles, which, taken in connec tion with the objections to (Ieneral Mc Keever serving wilh (ieneral Miles, inav bring about a change of the orders. A IJreiit l'-tooil KiihsldhiK. Anmisia, Conn., Jan. 24 The great lined in tho Hausatonie valley has sub sided and the terrorized people who were awake all night have gone to seek rest. The dam this nioniinc is dt v on top. The break is about 1 ( I feet "long j and extends to the foundation of the j eastern gate. A house went down the j river al midnight. There is a piece ; about ,")0 long ot solid inusonrv tw isted j bodily around and now stands' at right 1 angle with the dam. Kugene Uri'iis- made, who has supervision of the struc j tine, c-tiuiutea the damage at .f.HIOJ. After a Squirrel mid Shot a w hlle. j A i t s I A, lia., Jan. 21 Carroll county, 111 tlie western pin t of the state, is all lorn up over the killing of a prominent young limn named P.ob White and a scandal which the killing has brought to light. Will Hreskell, one of the most prominent farmers of that county, in searching the woods near his house for a squirrel he had shot, came upon his w ile in company with White, his best friend. Without saying a word llreskell tired twice and White fell dead; that is the wifo's story. Dreskell eavs that White saw they were discovered ami that ho jumped on Preskell, throwing him to the ground. In the struggle that ensued l'reskell drew his pistol and shot White through the body, killing him. Dreskell had been married three years. It was a rtinttwav match. THE TWO CHARLIES. A Controversy Convuls ing the Lawyers. WAR AMONG BEAUTY OUliENS. The Funeral of Hawaii's King The Decorations of tlie Cliureh Tlie Disposal of llie Body. San Francisco, Jan. 22 Legal circles in this city have been excited this week over the application for the disbarment of Charles U Tilden, a young attorney. The application is made by Charles F. Hanlon and is baFed upon a charge of the theft of a paper from the complain ant's ofliee. The story of the case is both amusing and instructive and dates back to last Thanksgiving day. Hanlon was attor ney for the plaintiir in a suit in which Tilden appeared for the defendant, and the latter interposed a demurrer to the complaint. The demurrer was to have come up for argument the day after Thanksgiving, but Tildon desired to spend tho day wilh bis parents out of town, and telephoned up to Hanlon to have the argument continued for one week, as be would not be back on Fri day. lan Ion agreed to this, but asked that $100 of rent that was due his client should be paid. Tilden told his clerk to go out to court, and have the case continued, and gave him a check for the $100 rent, to be given to Hanlon. He then went on his way rejoicing. On his return, however, he found that things bad not been going so well as he supposed. The clerk was bashful, and did not like to get up and talk right out in court. So he signed what Hanlon told him was a stipulation continuing the case, while Hanlon answered over in the matter. The "stipulation" turned out to be an agreement to pay $150, "not as rent, but as penalty for "the continuance of the argument."" This was a pretty heavy price for what the court would have granted him for the mere asking. So Tilden got mad and called 011 Hanlon, where a stormy interview followed. The two Charlies got, mixed up into a lively quarrel, and Tilden asking per mission to see the "stipulation," ob tained possession of it, tore it up, and thrust the fragments into his pocket. Then Hanlon called his lighting clerk, and tho two jumped Tilden. They could not get the paper, however, and Tilden triumphantly returned tT his ollice. Hanlon met this move by an applica tion to tho Supreme Court to disbar his opponent for stealing the paper, but the Supreme Court did not see it in that light. They dismissed the application, and now everybody is wondering what will be done with Hanlon for his trickery. 'NIK W A It OF TUG tilKliNS. Another struggle of even greater bit terness is being waged between two beauty queens, and before their struggle the battles of the legal gods pale into insignilicance. Tlie rumpus that was created on Mount Olympus by Discord tossing the apple labeled "To 'tho Most, Peatttiful" among the feasting gods and goddesses is nothing to the row that is now going on among the dermatologists in this city over tlie judgment that Judge Finn is artistically jueparing, and entitled "To the Most, Beautiful I'eauty Doctor." Un less the contest is in some manner com. promised, the result is likely to lead to a more disastrous war among doughty men and fair women than was started by the golden pippin. Some seventy "beauty doctors" claim this citv as their own particular princi pality, but the virtues of the lotions, baths, creams, and powders of each par ticular cuticle professor sinks into insig nilicance beside the pristine sjilendorof tho "wart eradieators," "cheek plump ers" and "freckle finishers" of Mrs. (iervais Graham and Mrs. Nettie Harri son. Naturally enough a rivalry for the leadership pprang up. It was deepened, intensilied and agravated from the fact that both dermatologists were selling similar lotions, potions, masks and blooms under tho same labels. The lines of ladies flocking to their cosmetic boudoirs often tapped their 1111- cerated brows in sensitive anxietv as to which was the most likely to thoroughly transform an every day young girl into a stunning Yenus. There was only one way in which Mrs. (iraham could drive her rival from the Held, and that was to prove that she was the only and original "lieartty Doctor," and entitled to all the revenues and emoluments arising from the sale of four ol Iter recipes. Mrs. Harrison was selling the same aids to lieauty with similar labels at tached. Several weeks ago Mrs. lira ham asked the court to perpetually enjoin Mrs. Harrison from using fac-simile titles to the discoveries and compel her to pay sfiotru. lor the damages already done. n is very uniair ot tier," she ex plained. "She was in my employ for a long wiitie, learned my rectnes nud mode of conducting business. When she left me she opened up a boudoir and retailed beautitiors under the verv same titles. My suing her is simply a busi ness proposition. 1 have established a sale lor certain articles at the drug stores. Ladies know these articles by their name us Path of isis, for instance; they don't notice whether or no my name is attached. (Now if Mrs. Harrison leaves articles at the drug stores bearing a like title and gives the druggist a bet ter percentage, why, of course, her article is going to be worked oh" by the salesman and lam out so much. And nil because she is defrauding me out of the inline to which 1 have given some value." Judge Finn has ruled that tho (ler vaise Graham Cosmetic Company had 1 no exclusive right to the use ot the! I mimes. i nu question Ol perpetual 1J1- t jiiuciiuii win i-oinw up niter on. Mrs. Harrison was not at all infected: by this matter, but looked as serene as i though sho had taken a week's dip in j the llatli of lsts. "These proceedings," t she explained, "are of no consequence.;! iney simpiy mean that there is a cliniite ot the case coming to a trial. Mrs. Giu liani, " she continued, warming up, ''hag no more right to the exclusive use ot those labels than she has to tho exclu sive use of the recipes for making th aids to beauty. "Mrs. Graham went too far w hen ehfr liegan making such charges agaiust me. She should remember that in business methods 1 learned something of her." "Mrs. Graham until very lately, when she got together a few dollars, bought, the stilt!" in large iiuantities nlreadv pre Highest of all In Leavening Power. mi ABSOLUTELY PURE pared by the druggist. All she did was to bottle it, paste on her labels and in crease the price about 1000 per cent. "That woman can't sell anything on her face or form. She has to hire a pretty girl and keep out of sight. Why, wdien I worked for her I had orders to give myself out as Mrs. Graham to in quiring customers. Ladies who come in here now for the first time frequently exclaim on seeing me: " 'Why, I always thought you were Mrs. (iraham I' "Mrs. Graham talks about me taking the names of her articles. Where did she get them same names? Why, she took them from others. Her book 'How to l!e Beautiful' is Biinply a copy of the one issued by Mrs. Shaw, a New York 'beauty doctor.' Her face bleach is the same as that of Mine. Kuppert." In the meantime tho world stands with bated breath awaiting the outcome of the struggle. KAT.AKAUA'S Fl NKUAI.. The death of a king on American soil has been the sensation of the day here. The funeral services were held in Trinity church. The decorations of the altar and the body of the church were very simple, but quite effective and admirably chosen. The idea was to set forth, as nearly as possible, tho tropical environments of the dead king during his life. At the head oj the casket was a large frame in ferns, with the motto "Aloha," that un translatable word which to an Hawaiian has eo varied a significance. At the foot of the casket was a net work of white roses and azaleas, with maidenhair ferns. There were numerous and beautiful floral pieces, one of which DO It NNflW PPVX aimj.L i9An 'swain,! mrnqov fOi MOTT auiMODfl'flMVI SQ1 1013VJ1B MM IIO.UII TH (V ARC THE BEST. Illustrated, JDescrie and Priced SEED ANNUAL For 1891 will be mailed KHLtJ to all applicants, and to last season's! customers, it is Detter tnan ever, i hvtTy person using Garden t Mower or Field Setds, Should send for it. Address D. M. FERRY & CO. DETROIT. MICH. Largest Seedsmen in tlie world I The Great French Specific for Debility. BE A MAN AGAIN! YOU CAN. A re vou troubled with any form of nervous disease or any disorder of the Generative organs, arising from youth ful indiscretions or over indulgence, such as Nervous Loss of Brain Power ,L inal Weakness, hociurnal Emiaswna, Weak Memory, Loss of Power or Impotency ? We Guarantee Six Boxes to Cure Any Case. A WRITTEN CUARANTEE is given for every $5.00 order received, to refund the money ifa p3rmanent cure is not affected. SEQUARD'S 1NVIC0RAT0R Is used and recommended by the leading physicians of this country and Kurope, and there is no question as to its value. It will give vou Manhood. i'riee, $1.00 a hoi. ( boxes forSyi.OO. Sent hy mail on receipt of price, securely wrapped ami protected fVom observation. Address, STEWART & HOLMES DRUG CO., WHOLCSAlk AOIM For sale bv T. V, SEATTLE, WASH Ajrers, Jr. druggist, lleptier, Oregon. v'. .a! 1 ipiScisiiSii f ou YOU R TKus4-isC 3ETTING ThEMtQVMUU FOR YOU.-'Vl -.I IT WILL, PAY rOR ITSEtP W A (SHORT TIWE By Giving MORE POWER and US!!iO write fr our Mew itinsrraia tnratuciie i THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL & ENGINE C0.SPRir3FIELD.0..U.S.A. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1880. ess consisted of a crown of roses, azaleas, camellias, hyacinths, carnations and ferns, with a cross worked out in violets. The whole was covered with crejie and bound with purple ribbon. A second was the floral tribute of the Mystic Shriners. The entire space between the altar steps and the chancel rains not occupied by the casket was filled with palms of every description in pots, some of the specimens being three or four feet high, among them being the beautiful cocoa palm of Honolulu. All the avail able space below the steps was utilized in similar fashion, and the effect was enhanced by a beautiful crown of gas jets, with the Hawaiian and American flags draped over tho altar table as a background, lieneath, wrought in white silk on a black ground, appeared the words, "It is finished," between two Maltese crosses. At 1 :20 the passing bell was sounded. Then the organ sounded the opening strains of Beethoven's funeral march and the procession filed in. It was headed by Pi Episcojial clergymen of the city, all clad in white robes, who took their places to the right and left of the casket in the seats usually appropriated to the choristers in a surjiliced choir. Then followed the Hawaiian royal household and a number of ladies and gentlemen intimately associated with Hawaiian af fairs. After the services the imposing paegeant was formed and passed down to the ferry landing at the foot of Market street, where the body was transferred to the government vessel Mandrono and thence to the Charleston, in which it will be conveyed to the Sandwich Islands. Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll will soon make a trip to the State of Washington. Printers' Ink. A JOURNAL FOR ADVERTISERS, Il Issued on tit Irst lid Ifteenth ityi of uok ' month, ni Ii tie rcp:c:ectativi Jeanutl the trail ommI of American liwttlaen. It Mcitei to tho Isoiporliuei advertiser ho, Then, ui Then hi houll advertise ; in to wrlto advertisement ; lo to display one; what nespaperito use; how much moie? to eipead-ia fact, discourses 01 evert- petit that admits of proltablt discussion. Advertising Ii an art practised ty many hut understood ty few. The eonductors of PBIKIE23' I1TI understand It, mf their advice Is tased on an experience of more thas twenty-Sve years In placing advertising contrasts for many of the largest and most auccesaful advertisers, A year's antscrlptlon costs, hut One Dollar : sample J5. oopiee free. Addreu : . JXL CEO. P. ROuVELL A CO.. Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce St., New York. The greatest improvement m Corsets during the past twenty years is the use of Coraline in the pkee of horn or whalebone. It is used in all of Dr. Warner's Corsets and ir. no others. The advantages of Coraline over horn or whalebone are that it does not become set like whalebone, and it is more flexi ble and more durable. Dr. Warner's Coraline Corsets are made in twenty-four differ ent styles, fitting every variety of figures thin, medium, stout, long waists and short waists. Sold everywhere. "WARNER BROS., lifts., New York and Chicago. ' nuuUKt, F1A5S i-V' IT LESS WATER than any c!h .-- Uftinpl trvfn To euro Biliousness, Sick Hesdnche, Consti pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the safe ami certain remedy, SMITH'S Vne the SH AM Size (40 little BennR to the bottle). They are the most convkkiekt. Eiuitnlilo tor nil Agon. Price ol either wise, a5c. per liottle. HI W BHlMuili-il foMrt. cn"-i-u urta!sl J. F. SMITH iCO.Muimor'lul.EBEA.N.v ST. IUUIS MO. The &Mrated French Sure, "SEX?1 "APHKODITINE" Ma Is Sold on k POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any form ol nervous disease, or any disorder or the BEFORE geuerative or- AFTER ans o! cither sex whether arisiug from the excessive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium, or through youthTul indiscretion, over indulg ence, ttc., such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful ness, Bearing down Pains in the Back, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emission: , Leucorrhcea, Dizziness, Weak Mem ory, Loss of Power and Impotency, which if ne glected often lead to premature old age and insan ity. Price $1.00 a box, 6 boxes for ?5.00 Sent by mail ou receipt of price. A TTItlTTEN GUARANTEE for every $5.00 order, to refund the money H a Permanent cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, permanently cured by AriiRODiTiNR. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO, WESTERN BRANCH BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR Fur sale by T. W. Ayers, jr., druggist. nepimer, urtgon. S3000 A 1'KAII t I imdertitke to briefly tencli miy lalrly inlFlllgoiil )-rtoii or eillitT sti. wlio inn rtnd and vrile. nnd who, after liiHlrnrtlon.will work inriuRtrlouidy, liow to cam Tlirea Thniiaand Uolliira a Year hi Ihulrown localities, whrn-vertliey live. will alaoftirniih the aituation orcniiiloyrnent.al wliirli you can earn tliataioount. So inooey for nieunleaa auei'.-HxIul in above. Eally mid n,uicl;l learned. I desire but one worker IVoin each diairlet or county. I have already tauaht and provided with employment a liiroe number, who are making over 11111111 a veareni li. It's X S--.1V and NOI.B l. Pull narticulHre F1C ICJaC. Addreaa at once, J. Jt A1L.J-:N. Hox Atitfiietu, ASalm-. F-'irk for ui, bv A mm rflffo, .,. .n.l llnt.i. Tnlerlo. Ohio. -irre cut. OlhrrnnreddingasWHll, Wl.y not v'u7 Home enrn over o"w. liimith, Ynii cunrto tlie work and live nt home, wlipriiver you are. Kven Je- Sinners nro cfuliy ermunir irom wu m I Or day. AH figM. Weahow you how and itnrt von. Inn work In npnre flmi or all Hip time, nig money lor wom en. Failure unknown anions thorn. liW .,,,1 wAi.iWfitl. PnrHt tiliti I fre. ll.lluI.eU.t: 'o.,i.xBlNiLluiHltMumo MONEY he enruod at our TfKVY line of work. rtuikily and huliuraljl v. by those of eiihi-r .toiiug or old, and In tlif ir own loclilicri,Mlu'rever ! y livp. Any do ihu lvui k. Kilty ti learn, We furnii.it th hi jr. Wti Hurt ymi. No rink. Vou ihii lcvole uti. or ail votir thnti to the work. This t an your ninris entirely ui' lend.fliid brings wonderful miert?(in to avery worker. and more after u little Ui-K'tnn ii in If trum liEtt to uu (ii'UVfcK ami uwimii ncrience. We can turtilMi you the ployiii'int nml li'iioh you lururmatiuit runt. fftflftO. (10 n ycfir In lulnR mnrta by John It. liood" In.'l nij',N,V.,Ht win k li-r uh, Ucmler, you limy nut imiki- hi mui h. lint we ma tench yiiVMiiirkly how loenrn from ?& 10 t lit a ilny at the siart, mid ninie 11 you pro in. llutli nent-s, all aires. In nny mvt of VinPfit'ii, yon can cuiiiiiienee nt liouif, piv ng all vuur lime, or iarc moments uulv to :lm work. All i new. tii en t pay HI 1(1'. for every wurlter. e stnrt vou, furnishing everything. ICASII.Y, Kl'KKIUI.Y leiinied. 1'AKI ICL LAKS HIKi:. AiHrcBn at ouee, Sll.VtiON A CO., i'OILTLAMI, SlA..fc. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH A.T HEI'PNEH, 0KE0ON. J. 0. HART, Agent. FRAZER grease BEST IJT THE WOttlD. xtsweariniiaualitiRaareuniurpaBsed, actually Hitlaatinff two boxes of any other brand. Not in-acted by heat. tVtn 1'HB CI KM UlJiE. FOR SALE BY DE.VLKH8 GENERALLY, lyr Titt TO j&XL EMEW REPEATING RIFLE MAR LIN mill I8S9. : SIDE EJECTING. Using 32-20, 38-40 and 44-40 Cartridges. Send for free descriptive price-list of Bepeatlns; Ritles, Double-Action Kevolvers, etc., to the MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., " Kymans pat. riflesights Art Unequalled brVh for Hunting and urgei dnofaung. " Sd fbr Catelofroe A, showing PSghta and BilltMi of latest design. AUdresB : ' WM, LYMAN, Middlefield, Ct. WOVEN WIRE SlSFENCING WIRP r?lWIRE ROPE SELVAGE, II il ifa ACKNOWLEDGED THE REST (or Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads. l'KICi; KKDl CKI. Sold hy (leli-i-8. FKK1UHT PAID. jii-Mi:i.i.Kti's ron.TKY nkttixo, Kewmwi No !:iirnipT! No Imiririntr! Kxtra llenvr R.lvage, The If cMnllen Woven Wire Fence Co., Chicago, X1L So said Bul- w e r , t li a t j greatest of ' Novelists, and lie never spoke more truly, and lie mielit have added with equal force, that merit is the essence of success. Wisdom't Roberline is the synonym of merit, and its history is success. The magical ef fects of this preparation have been attest ed by thousands of the leading ladies of Bociety and the stage. It is the only arti cle ever discovered which gives a Natur al and Beautiful tiut to the complexion, at the same time removing all roughness of the face and arms and leaving the skin soft, smooth and velvety. It has long been the study of chemists to pro duce an article that while it would beau iify the complexion would also have the merit of being harmless, but these two important qualities were never brought together until combined in WISDOM'S j BEATTY'S TOUli OF THK WOULD. cx-Mayor Daniel F. neatly, of Beatty's Celebrated Organs And Pianos, Washington, New Jersey, lias returned home from an ex tended tour of the world. Read his adver tisement in this paper and send for catalogue. Doar Bin We returned homo Anill 0, 1B9U, from a tour aronud the worlJ, vlit1ns Enrona, Asia, (Holy Land), hi iltu, Ceylon, Af- riea tr-nyi't '."Co- tlie Sigrj mij mi leu. ca. Yet In nil w eaiei tnr. froat loumey of 85.U74 nillea, we do not remem ber oT Injuring a i I it no or an orgna weuter tn tuna than llPHtty'i, For wi bellwvfl EX-MAYOR DANIEL P. DEATTY. we have tha From a PhotoRrnph takn in London, J1"' -'"JiJ tiisUml, m.9. n, ad eat an. v prlco. New to provo to yon tint thli siitement ta al'nclutely true, we would Ilka for any render of thli pannr to onlcr one of our matclilusa organs or plnnnt, od wo will offer you a great bargain. I'urtluiilarB Freo. hat I fact Inn (11 Alt AN ( KKll or money promptly re funded at any time within thread) yean, with I titer At at 6 per rent, on altlior I'tano or Or(;iin, fully wnrrnnteil ten yeara. 1870 we left home a penniless plowboy : to-day we have nearly one hinitlred thousand of Ueutty's organs and pianos in use all over the world. If tlioy were not good, we could nut, hava sold so many. Could wot No. certainly not. Each and every instrument is fully warranted for ten years, to be manufactured from the best material market affords, or ready money can buy. ORGANS! Church, chapel, and Par. Beautiful Wuilrtintr. Ilirth irttiy or Hulidity l'renenta. I ( ?ntnl(ii'HH Kri.n. Aillria Hon. Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, New Jersey. STEEL PENS In Sample Pen., different patterns, in 2a NK-kcl Plntoa fl:l !i llox, ueut post-paid, on receipt o 10 CUNTS, PERRY & CO., London. E8iab. 1824. U, S. Office, 810 Broadway, tJew York. 11' For ICSTorFAIUNCr KANHOODj General and NEKVOOS DEBILITY) weaaneMof Boay and mind, tiieottt of F.rrornorEToeaiesin Oldor YourstT. ii.. m.NiHlOHfiiilT llfMtiirml. II qw in rnlanrn Brit fltrbHRtlien WK.VK, IjMIEVKliOl'KDtHH. VNBi. PARTBOt' ROOY, llnolutoly on ml I Inn 1I051K TKKATnKVr-Hi-neflti In a (I rj. Dun teotlty Crum bit fititM and I iflftn CoiinlrlM. Write then:. Dfsrrlittlvfl B'ioL, oipUitslfon and proofn roIIp(t (icalcrt't free. Aiim ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO. N. V. lrj m i if a a mmm EASY LABORS PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH C"5T"" OSACE PILLS, PURELY VEGETABLE AND PERFECTLY HARMLESS, Being compounded from numerous herbs and roots, which have been in use among the Osage Indians for years. It is the use of these roots and herbs which renders that gener ally dreaded event so remarkable safe and easy with them. The use of Osage PHIS should begin three weeks before expected confinement. Thousands of Testimonies open for inspection at Our Offices. Send tor Circular. Price, per box, $2. For Kale by ! w. 4YRKW, -Ir . irire or Kent In plain wrapper, pail-pald, on receipt of S3.00. THE OSACE MEDICINE CO., WICHITA, KANS. SAFETY SOLID TOP. Weight, GV lbs. NEW HAVEN, CT., U. S. A. "IDEAL" RELOADING TOOLS For Rifles, Pistols 0 Shot Guns. RELOAD YOUR SHELLS , AND SAVE MONEY. FREE, illustrated , CATALOGUE CONTAINING VALUABLE INSTRUCTIONS ON j HOW TO PREPARE YOUR OWN AMMUNITION. IDEAL MFG. CO., Bex G, NewKavsn, CI