THE- UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. "Overland Route TICKETS To all Prinoipal Points in the United btaies, Canada and Europe. ELEGANT NEW DINING CARS Pullman Palaee Sleepers FREE COLONIST SLEEPING CARS Rnii Through on all Express Trains to sOMAHA,- Oontaoil Bluffs ArVI KANSAS CITY Without Change. Clone Connection at Portland for fan Francisco and Puet Hound Points. ALL IRON STEAMERS Leave Portland for San Francisco ever four (4) days, making the trip in 00 hours. Cabin $16. Steerage, VI. Oh Round Trip Unlimited, W,00. tot further particulars inquire of any agent of the company. T. W. LEE. H. C. MELLIN, Q.P AT. A General Traffic Manager. It ARTHUR SMITH PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER Opposite Ciuzette Office, HEPPNER, Watches, OREGON A. Optica Clocks, Goods . fl.SO. . . tl.M. W atones Cleaned, Mainsprings Fitted All work guaranteed for one year, tf 8. P. FLORENCE STOCKRAISER! HKPl'NKH OHEOON. Cattlo hratiitwUnd enr-tnarkod anahown above. Horee V ou riftht ahoulder. Our eiittln rnnse in Morrow, and Umatilla oonntim. I will pay IO0.00 reward for the arrent and ouuvictiun of any person attwling my tock. tTroru Terminal or interior Points the Northern Mm KAII-,IlOA.i:! Is the line to tuko ti 1 1-' UOdltl It is the DINING CAR ROUTE. It run Through VESTIBULED TRAINS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR TO (No Change of Cars; Cooipostd of DINING CARS unsurpassed, PULLMAN DRAWING BOOM SLEEPERS Of Latrsl Equipment Tourist Sleeping Cars Best that oau be constructed aud in which accommodations are both FREE and furnished for holders of First or Hecond-Chtss Tickets, And Elegant Day Coachs. A Continuous Liue connecting with all Lines, affording Direct and Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sfejwr Jieeervationt can be Secured in advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS To and from all points iu America, Eng land and Europe can be pnrebased at any Ticket Office of this Company. Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any ageut, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Paasenifer Aueut. JVo. Ul Fir$t St., Cor. M'twiinpfon, tl. PORTLAND ORKQOS gYSTPTOMS OS LITER DISKAMl Lnuofappstlte; bad breath! bad taste Ua alMOld.r-biade ; In the back or lile-orten mlitaken for rheumatism; sour Momea with flatulency ana waiernnuu; iu-i turn: bowel, lnx anil conUvo by turn., headacbe, with dull, heavy wnnatlpn: reitlessnesj, with sensation of havlul loll something undone which oushtto have been done: fullness after eatln; bad temper; blues; tired feelln(; yellow ap pearance of skin and eyes; dimness, ew. NotalLbut always aomn of theee Ina ate want of action of the Liver. or A Safe, Reliable Remedy ,, that can do no harm and hat never be known to fall to do good Tiki Simmons Lirer Replitor AN EFFKCTCAL BPKCBIO FOaV Malarla Bowel Complaint, Uyipepula, Stek Headache, Conitinatlon, JlUlouane.., Kidney Affection Jaundle, Mental Ieprelon, tOlle. A PHTSICIAN'S OPINION. " I hive bn practicin, medicioe for twenty Cn end har. .ever been Me to put compound that would, like Simmon. Livet KtliilMor, promptly and effectually move the Liver to action, and at the tame timo aid (instead cf weakening) the digestive and aitimiiattve powmoftheiyjieiii." L. M. Hwtok, M.D., Walunjt0B, Ark. ONLY GENUINE Hal our Z Sump In red on front of wrapper. XttZeilia & Co., PhllaMplu,Pa. Forest Grove P( ESTABLISHED IN 1877. Wvandottes. Plymouth Rooks. Ijikui Jjriimsbs, Hose anu ohiki" ,i.iuu Brown Leghorns, P.ntriilge Cochins, Hondiitis and (Sil ver Spnngled 1.000 TOM FOWLS Ready for Delivery. BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR CHOICE SELECTIONS. In America, and are the best on this const by a irreitt difference. t GDARANT K SATISFACTION TO EVERY CUSTOMER. Send fur Catalogue. Address J. ivi. HAlUUSON. Box 55. com.S'JO. Forest Grove, Or L. SHEPHARD, Blacksmith & Wasonmaker. FOX, OREGON. All orders promptly attended to. Prices to suit the Times. TUB I'lOVlS ICM J e v; e i r u EaianiiGnmen Rtill Continues to Sell WrATOHES, CliOOKS EWEIiIlT, ETC At the Lowest Possible Prioes. A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always on Handriz A Full Line of rue usioaij insthu MERTT8 Has been added to his large and well seleoted stuck. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Worli &tiaraiitootl STOKK opposite Minor, Uoilnon & Co'a May Ht lltniiier, - -tf- Orecon QUICK TIAIK To San Francisco and rll points in Call fornitt via the Mount Shasta Route of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. The Great Highway Through California To All Toints L'ast and South. The Scenic Route of the Pacific Coast PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPEBS. riLLUAK Toi'kist Slkkpino Cars at tached to express trains, affording superior aoeotuuiodntioui for keooud class passengers. For from Portland to Hiirramento and rna Fran oiaco: linlltnltf !,....... 'nimiirn, Jmltril rst-Clase. " " Kecond-Chua. Union Tioket Office No. 134, First Corner Alder, Portland, Oregon. St., It. KOKHLEIt. tf Msnsner. E. P. HtHiEltS, A.t ft. K. snd Pavw.Af Pa pot, Fifth and I Street. LOCALETTES. Naked Truths About and Inter esting to Our Home In habitants. DUG CP WIRE, T0ERE AND OTHER PLACES. The Troubles and Jovs. Successes and Adver sities of Our Dear People. Wesley Uaird. of Six Dollar, is on the siok list. The pnntnfrW will be re established at Lena very soon. The ennnty court expended $2,74ii9 at the last session Sam Kme-man sb'pped some cattle be- ,ow last I nesilay. Gene Gilmnn 'moped over from Corn onh, nf the Wntrner country, last week. Gw. O'Flvng oame nvir f"m Hr.v stuck last Friday, and re nrned Sitnma' The character of our "inter uroes more pleading as it advances. But I'" k out for March. A "B'llm in Gilead" for you bv tHkinv Simmons Liver Regulator for vonr iisi'HPed liver. Rev. Fek. who reiides near Lone Rock, w i viitd lv Dr. A. L. Fox. re cen lv, bemif quite ill. C. D. Ashbanirli reports thitt Eitrl t Mile's literary lias been entirely absorb, d by the farmers' Alliance. There wbb a dance at Gee, Evans' place, on Parish oreek across the John Day, last Friday nuiht. T. J. Allyn and wife were up from heir home near lone, Inst, week, and are healthy and happy old folks. The Gazette office was the recipient of a most agreeable visit from Mr. R. J Hill, of Lexingt'in, Saturday last. The Texas cow hovs taken Simmons Liver Rpgulalor when billions. J. E. fierce, Rnncheru Grande, Texas. 'Squire S'annton, of Eight Mile, was over Miiiunlay ann got r lie iirst receipt for tnxes out of Sheriff Noble s new hunk The Htiystnek road is good between that vallev and Heppner. The summit is capped with five or six inches of snow, Ed Hintnn dropped in Saturday and had the Gazkttk sent to his father. C. E, Hintnn, who now lives at Turn water Wash. Vinson is to hnve a pnstnfhe ngain Snob, conveniences slionlil not be allow, to go "by the board" for want of int est. E. O. Slnnti ill find sale for some of his surplus feed in the Sound conntry From nppearances, we will have feed to spare tins year. Ahner B. Mackey, nf Alpine, dropped in Saturday last. Ahner complains thn his Gazkttk noes ectray. It is oertainly started in the right direction. The first ranchers to bring in some potatoes tins winter were Art. Minor anil Walt. Fell. We are waiting and watch ing for such agreeable surprises. Wiley McBee. of Eiifht Mile, and J. 0. Kirk were in Saturday, kadi have at tempted to mnke proof on their timber cultures, the lauu othce rejecting tuem Morrow county gets her newspaper printing at. a very low rale the coming year perhaps a saving of more than one hundred dollars. 8o much for compe tition. For n cut. bruiso, burn or soald, there is nothing equal to Chamberlain s Pain Balm. It heals the p rts more quickly than any other application, and unless the uiiurv is very severe, no scar ts left for sale by Slocum-Johnston Drug Co. Mr. O. B. Whitmore, of McMinnville, Or., who is 1 1 Grand Official Instructor of the A. O. U. W., is endesviiriiiK to es tablish a lodge at this place. May be succeed, TWENTY DOLLAR GOLD PIECES. Mrs. John Curtis, of Peoria, III., writes: "Used one box of Osage Pill? previous to my second confinement; they worked like a charm. Would pay ('211 for a box rather than do without them, as they have proved a Godsend to me." Write Osage Medioine company, Wichita, Kas., for particulars, and their book to wives, mailed free. Sold by druggists. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Heppner Oie gon. 398-lyr. W. C. Clark, a resideutof Lena, oalled ou the otlioe Saturday last, lie Bays most all of the stockmen of his neigh borhood are feeding, though it does not require much now. A prominent physician, an old army surgeon in eastern Iowa, was called awaj from home for a few oays; during his absence oue of the children contracted a severe cold and his wife bought a a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for it. They were so much pleased will' the remedy that they afterwards used several bottles at various times. He said, from his experienoe "illi it, he regardeil it as the most reliable prepara tion in use for colds snd that it came the nearest being a specific of any medicine he had ever seen. For sale by Sloomu- Johnstuu Drug Co. 8. P. Garriguea, acoompan'ed by a gentleman who is somewhat of an ex pert in quartz mining, visited the "Little Laura" ,nst week. As was stated in last issue, the tunnel is progressing very nicely, and the projectors of the enter prise are eucouraged. The expert, whose name we were not able to learn, is satis Bed that the "Little Laura" will prove all that is hoped for it. THE BEST medical writers claim that the successful remedy for nasal oatarrh must be uon-irritating, easy of application, and oue that will reach all the remote sores and ulcerated surfaces The history of the efforts to treat catarrh during the past obliges ns to admit that only one remedy has met these condi tions, an. I that is Ely's Cream Balm This pleasant remedy has mastered oatarrh as nothing else has done, and both physicians aud patients frcelv concede this fact. The more distressing symptoms yield to it. Trial subscriptions to the Gazette one month, 15 cents; three months, 76 cents. Take it. Those having timber cultures, whieh they consider ready for proof, do not un derstand why I hey should fail when others go through without a jar Neither do we. However, it is fact that eight years must have elapsed siuoe first plant ing ts iusure proof being accepted. BUCKLIN'S AHNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapied Hands, Chil lilaius. Corns, and all Skin Kruplions, a id positively oures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect sntisfactiou, or money refunded, l'rice ih cents per box. i'or tale by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Nov.lVO. P. O. Fuana. of Eight Mile, added ick of very nn spuds to the Gazette's Urder last Friday. The call for this necessary is meeting the eye of readers. A rlann was riven at W. G. Allen's rnnob, on South Fork of John Dsv, last Uridav afternoon. Kaoes were run in the i ftemoon nf that day, and a general jollifioation bad. The whist osr'T given at the residence of T E Fell, bv Geo. Fell and Howard Dodson, last Friday evening, was a pleasant, affair. Theeatsbles we e gotten up by the boys themselves, and in this particular tnej are tue envy or our young ladies. The best medical writers olaim that the successful remedy for nasal oatarrh mnxt He wn irritating easy of application and one that will reach all the remote ores and uloerated surface. The history nf the efforts to treat. Catarrh during the hliges us to sdmit only one remedy has met these oond ti ms and that is Ely s Cram Balm. Tl i pleasant remedy has mnetered catarrh os nothing else 1ms ever dime, and both iihjsicians and p-i tients freely concede this fact, ine more distressing eild to it. J H. I'tanley is now in Washington, D. C. wheie he writes ns that he is hungry for Morrow ennnty news, and that the Gazhte. fnUhted with its iminl load of good snH i le"ting things. will he a verv weloome visitor. J. H. shall have the pa cr. CAN'T FLEEP NIGHTS ts the complaint of thonsanda suffering from asthma, consumption, coughs, etc. Did vou ever trv Dr. Acker's English Remedy? It is the best, preparation known for all lung tronbles. Sold on a positive gnaranree at 2.)C. and 5Uo. by docura Johnston Drug Co. Mr. Niles. of Niles k Vinson, marble lealerS of Walla Walla, was in the city ea lv this week, looking t p a little hni ness here. He reports the year ol tfU a very successful one. WE CAN AND DO Guarantee Dr. Acker's Blood Elixir, for it has been fully demonstrated to tin people of this conntry that it is superior to all other preparations for blond rlis eases. It is a positive cure for syphilitic noisoning. ulcers, eruptions and pimples It nitrifies the whole system and thor oughly builds np the constitution. Sold hy Slocum-Johnston Drug Co. A petition to the legislative assembly for the state of Oregon, asking that they shall Das a bill providing for an addition. d judge for this distrio', was circulated quite freely last Saturday. It is just what the Gazette suggested in a recent issue. IT IS A MISTAKE To trv to cure catarrh bv using local ap olioatious. Catarrh is not a looul but constitutional di ease. It is not a dis ease of the man's nose but of the man. Therefore to effect a cure, requires constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsa. partita, which, acting through the blood reaches every part of the system, eypell ing the taint hich causes the disease and imparting health. Jas. Roys?, of Idea, visited Heppner i"st week. Sister Rose Geitrn le, who went to Ha waii. Sandwioh islands, to work in the leper district, has since renonnoed her vows and is now plain Miss Amy Fowler, governess in the family of tlon. joni Eua. Suob is hie. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored o health oy simple means, after snller ing for several years with severe lung affeotion. and that dread disease con sumption, is anxious to make known to Ins rellow sufferers the means or cure l'o those who desire it, he will cheer fully send (free of charge) a oopy of th prescription used, winch tney will nnu a sure cure for consumption, asthma, oatarrh. bronchitis aud all throat am lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will trv his remedy, as it is invalUntiie. Those desiring the prescription, whioh will cost them nothing, and msy prove a messing, will please address Kev. k,D ward A. Wilson, Williamsburg, Kings Comity, New York. 4U0-3G2, Ed Hollowsy, one of the rustlers of Saddle, made Ueppuer it visit last oat urday, DOES EXPERIENCE COUNT? It does, in every line nf business, and especially in compounding and prepar ing medicines. This is illustrated in the great anteriority of Hood's Sarsaparilla over other preparations, as shown ivy the remarkable cures it has accom plished. ' The bead of the firm of C. I. Hooi & Co., is a thoroughly oompetent and experienced pharmacist, having devoted his whole life to the study and prepara tion of medioines. He is also a mem be of the Massachusetts and American Pharmaceutical Associations and con tunics actively devoted to supervising the preparation of aud managing the business conueoted with Hood's Sursa- narilla. Hence the superiority and peculiar merit of Hood s barsaparilla is built upon a substantial foundation. In it preparlion there is represented all the knowledge wuion mioern researon in m-dical soieuoe has developed, combined with long experience, bnnuwork, am: experiment. It is only necessary to give this medicine a fair trial to realize its great enrative power. MONEY FOU THE BOY3. THE DETROIT FREE PRESS wants to secure a lively boy in this locality to sell their famous weekly. THE FREE PRESS is the most popular and one ol the best selling papers in the United Stales. It is supplied to dealers on very liberal terms, the Company taking baok all unsold copies and requiring payment only for such papers as are sold. Only one hoy is appointed in a town, so the boy that writes giving good bnsi. ness references, will probably get the agency. State bow many papers you think you can sell at five oents each, and they will at once be forwarded reaching von in time for Saturday sales Address THE FREE PRESS CO, De troit. Mich. Anyone on writing for it can get a sample oopy of THE FREE PRESS free. The Oregom'fin has the largest circu lation of any daily, Sunday or weekly ptper est of the Rooky Mountains, aud in order to further increase its oironla tion they have selected with great oare, a large list of valuable book and other useful articles, and are offering tbem as premiums to esoh new subscriber, to any of its several issues for yearly snhscrip tiona The Oeroin'tin sIkuiI 1 be in eveiy household. Send for premium list to the Oregonian Publishing Co, ortlnnd, Oregon. 9-4l6. SOLD OUT. Notice is herebv given that we have this day mid and delivered onr laundry business t" Let A Toy, who will con tinue said hualness at the old stand, and we recommend onr successors to the Confidence uf onr old patrons. Kuat A Woo. Heppner, Or., Deo. 39, '90. 406-tf. LEXINGTON ITEMS. Weather still continues rice. Lafe Penland started this morning for bis home at Sprngne, Wash. Mr. Ficklin will start to morrow morn ing to see friends in California. The pleasant phiz of Nels Magnuson is seen on our streets again. Our debating society has been absorb ed by the citizen's alliance. So the Lex ington literary society is a thing of the past. E. P. Sine is tne champion corn-taiser of Morrow oonnty. He planted about J j acres, und he says he netted fifty dol lars. Edward Tibbitis is in town, having dosed a successful term of school out in the Andrews district. Billy Leacb came up home last Friday from Corvallis, where he has been at tending the agricultural college since last September. Hon. J. C. Thomson started to Salem last Thursday, so as to he in time at the meeting of the state legislature, which met on the 12th of Jan. F. H. Snow has returned from T n Grande. He took in Pendleton, Athena and Weston on his way home. He says that wheat looks as well here lis it doeB anywhere up there. Jan. 13 1891. 1 Readei . M WHAT ITI E DIC INE 9 ARC ITIOST CALLED FOR?" iked tha reporter of an old druggist. " Dr. Pierce's preparations," he replied. 'They arc sold under a positive guar aiiteo that they will, ia every case, give satisfaction, or the monpy is promptly re funded. His 'Favorite Prescription, for all those ourcnic weaknesses, nervous and otlior derangements peculiar to women, is used with unfailing success. It curcirwcak back, lcar-inj-down sensations, inetrulnriiics and weak nesses common to tlio sex, and being the most pcrfoct of tonic medicines builds up and strengthens tho en tiro Bvstem, Tho de mand for It is constant, and I am conversant with scores of -jases oured by It." KoturrHnjf after a low moments' absence, the venerable wioldcr of tho pestle remarked, 'tho number of B:irsaparillaa und other, so called, 'blood medicines' is legion; but Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery outsells them all and it Is the only blood-pur I ficr nut of the many which I am nbllfrrd to keep upon my shelves, that Is guaranteed to bonellt or cure in all cases for which it is recommended, or money paid for It is refunded." " In the lino of Pills," remarked tho old Rm tleman, "the little Sugrar-coated 'Pellets' put up by Dr. Pierco lead all others, both in amount of snles ami the gencrai satisfaction they vivo my customers. Oopyrtf 'it, 18SS bT Wobld'i DiS. Med. ass'k. SOS for an incurable case of Cn tarrh in the Head bv the Iroprieors of Dr. bajre's Catarrh Homody. Dy U mild, soothtiiT and healing properties, it cures the worst, cases, no matter of how iouf fUtadiuf . By druggists, W cents. VVt II- UTTER. T A. I lv O OPPOSITE MINOR'S HOTEL, HKPPNEK, OR' Work done in the best manner, and prices t suit the timet. GRANT COUNTY TRADE SOLICITED. WTTEH, TheTollor. 3rO TO S. C. SMITH'S -KOK ALIv- Job Work & Repairing CITBO iRDS, TABLES," STANDS, ETC, ETC. ALSO A FINE LINE OF MOUt.DlIr,S,MIRHOHS AND OXTH.T-A.I3ST FOIjES, D1MECT FltOM THE EAST CHEAP IF-On OABII. 1'ICTl'KK FHAMING A SPECIALTY. mff-Nextdoorto V. 0. MINOR'S, May Street. HELP WOT ED! An in dust r ion, intollinent and energetic nnn or woman willing tn work can twcuT-e profitable employment by applying iow for the local ugei cy for this county for that wonderful new book Literary Industries -BY H. H. BANCROFT Thb .Famous Author. What is it? Head the great daily papers every where for an answer. It is A VKU1I ABLK SURPRISE to the book world A treannre-liouse of briliait literary jewels. A gr nd galaxy of wit and wis dom. A graphic record of TKAVKI.. JNt WHSV AND ADVENTURE. The lifft-atory of a mnn who, beginning at the bottom round of the ladder, )irh. by determined indnutry, overcome evury obstacle aud reached the top. AN lUMK.NSK BALE assured for all clam are deeply interested in inw powTiui wore; ai.o. me price me woi id over has been fixed at a phuuqmeiially low hgure. ONE MASMIVK VULUMK Ovr 800 pages, bound in Crimson Silk Cloth If tit edges, with costly cover demgn. Every cpy accompanied with a tint) full i iH.ce ttieei plate portmit of th distinguished author and 11 ex quisite half-tone ill uet rations, 6)x9 tucbw in use. WB WANT AGIiAT in e?ery ooantry, and in every town, eonnty and state in the Uuion. The or xhk O. wiuair. Add reus THE HISTORY COMPANY, "32 Market tit., San Franrico, Cal. 40U-i2. A New Bcsinf&j. Mr. E. W. Mt-Alpin has 1 'Oh ted iu the old bukery bmhliUK on May Btn et, in ibe uplinlsterin; bnaiueaa, All work is yuanuiletd ami prices to suit the putroone of onr oilizene. -K)8-4ll. FOR RENT OR SALE. One littndred nnd sixty ncres of bnneb ffrnM, nicely eituuted. Call at Uazettk office. 405-tf. TAKE NOTICE. Geo. W. Corart is no lunijpr anlleitor for the Oakettu, or is be employed in any oapacit) ud bi papp r. Otis Pattebsow 409 415. Pub. Uzeite. Are yon mimed: It not. send vnnr add re a with eta run. to the AlBPricH.l I OorrfUDOiidlPff Club. 1'. O. Hot 643 . I Clsrksbnrg, W. Vs. : . i ... . ' .U-442. WHY! WHERE The virtue! or invriu (jf rumcdy lor pain du not consul tn us Iviux FORE. as good for re.ii-l ud other rvniwliea. Lut In the fict that ft H butter, iu Ik-iuk "tore prompt tuia su;t', uud thertloru the bint lor iliu fspofiiic purpoM;. II I notun iUlu cattu line Unit htrikes the eye thua: ST- JACOBS OIL THE GREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN, IS THE BEST. It Is the nest cure ror all uches and pa'.na, snd It holds THE TRUE PROOF. To this specific fact Awhbtsliopii. RIh opi, Clerpynn-n. Law?"!. Uort.ri. Got ernura. i'tirttii. tniior&. Member-tot CoiicreKM Htid LfflHlstnrftM. I). S- Consuls Arm? unci tiavTt Ottiier Maytii und oim iHii. testily una unite in ayint?: "We suite red tain OTHSR REMEDIES FAILED, s.n.1 8t Jncotw Oli cuno promptly und per muneuiiy ' t or the fame reiuun THE POOR MAN Pn3a whnt rieaeeur-tiiio uettis, la not deceived sul will nuve it at au price. I hnve fine tied iiwell apptnntpd tnilor iui.' CHtahli.IiPHiit in my new build' in if un May street, uud inn nmv retf'.lnrly rewmni; nw yood nnd will make cus tom niiuip piintR mm $1 to $15 beet goods in t lie market. A. Al(JHAMKirK. STOCK RltANDH While you kcip otir Hiihsciiption pwid up yet can k''en ymir hnin.l in free of ehnrtre. Allinm, ). I).-Ctittle l.i-tmd. ( U on left liil -ind liorncH nnme brand on right thonlder. Range blight Mile. I V Adkins, Pnyvitle. Or- Ktrn'ght mark nerons ;te tin t;h and twn ciotm und a slit in the right cur; iioiHeM, J, np-ide down on the tight should r. limige in tiiimt county und Hear vallev. PO .dihvuH (ilwo at lhiitlni.tii. C It AtikniH, WtiiriL'H. .n right shoulder; en -ile, C It on right hip Range in (irunl und Mot. row counties. Adkiiin, J T Horf-fw, JA connected on left cattle, wum'on if I hip. Herman Alp. Prtiiiie City, Or. On cattle. O LP eniui"Cte(l on left hip; hur.en on left 8tifle in tl vtirUe on iidkb, liance in (.rant county. Johnny Ayers, liorwn hnitided triangie on IpM hip; ejittle BHiiiH on right hip. also crop off right jar and upper hit on mime. lileiiknuin. Geo,, lltirdman ITorses, a flag or left rdiouldfr: cnltle, sttnie on riht Hiinulder. Unrko, M 8t C, Jjoug Creek, Or On cattle, MAY cmnected on left hip, eiop off left. enr. un. dtT half crop ff riht. llornes, name brand on letft (shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow county. A liowsniitn, Mount Vernor ai d IIurnB Cattle, II on riyht hip. two crops in each ear; same on inrHi't. on tighi nhoulder. Range in Grant and 'luri-ey count ieH. Jeny hrosnun , hnrBes bnivdrd 7 on riglu houlih r; cattle 11 on the left Hide. Left uai in If crop and right ear upper Hhp. Harton. Wr1 -HorsPH. J lion right lhi,xh; cattle -innieon right tn f ; Mplit in each ear. Ifennett, Cy llorneH. H on left r-honlder. Mrs. C. A.lieiige, homw branded XH on lefl l.Hiilder or stiile; cattle mime on left, side ant1 plit in left ear. upper half crop iu riiht. Ilrnwri, J. !' h'UNe- and cuttle branded tj wit'1 jt-yi'k ahoveon left shoulder, Hrown, J 0 Hornes, circle C with dot in ne. eron left hip: cattle, same. Hoyer, V if. Lena Hornet, box brand o r.i; dp cattle, mime, with split in each ear. liorg. I. O. Horses, V 11 on left shoulder; cat le. amo on left no. i V .1 Broftiitee, Fox, Or Cattle, .in connected on left side; crop on left ear und two splitsand , middle p.ece cut out on right ear; on horses mime hni' (1 on the left tliigii; Range in Pox valley, Grnnt ennnty, K Cain. Cah b. Or-V T) on horses on left stifle; (J with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder, tnti on Vrt stitle on nil coltn under fl years; on left shoulder only on ail horses over 5 years. All range in Grunt county. T E) Cannon. L g Creek. Or--T on cattle on right side, crop off riirht ear and slit in left ear. Our htuseH aanie brand on left bhoulder. Range in Grantcnui'ty. T H Curl Doulde crns on onch lup on cattle, twallowV fork and tinker hit in rigid ear. split in left ear. barge in Grant etuinty. (n sheep, it'. verUd and spear i oUU on wln.ulder. liar mark 't.i ewes, crop on left ear, puuehed upper bit in right. Withers, crop jit riirht and under half .srop in left ear. All range in Grant county, A. A. Crosby, cattle Lrandud -, (or H L con iiected) tu the right fihnnMer, Walter urnnei', Mount Vernon W on rattle on left hi. Ciop nnd split in left ear; 7W connected m horses on left slmuldo , Range in Grant Co, R Chi1teed"u. fiuirie City, Or i ick. handle down on cattle richt hip and split in right ea ; 'worses, same hrai.d on riidit shoulder. Range in (j nu il counly. Cook, A. J., Lenn Hornes, W)on rightsliDaHer Cattle, same on r ght hi): ear mark square crop off left and split iu right. Cnrrin. It V- Horses. on left stifle. Cochrnn, J II Moiiiiment. Or Horses branded '' I iV A on h ft sh'iulder. ( 'attle. sritne on right hip. swallow fork in nglit ear and crop off left. Cox & KpRlish, iiaiiiifiun Caitls, U with . in center: horses. CK on left iu. Cupper, H A Horses H 0 on I ft shoulder cuttle II C on left side, shallow fork on right ear. li. K. ('ochrnn. Monument. Grant Co , Ur. Horses brandt-d circle witli hai heneutli, on left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hipe, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chupln II. Horses branded on right hip. Cuttle hrauded the Rime. 8 L Cross, Oayvillo. Or Cut Go brandnd two crops und a Biilit iu left ear; on horses a reversed 5J on left stifle. Also have the following tiriiiidK on rati !; 'it on Jelth'o. 7 on right liip, i2 on left. shiMilder, two parallel bars on left fhonlder. Ear marks, two crops. Win, Oooi an. Emm-H branded 00 with bat over litem, on left shoulder; (;al,lo eume on left hip. Douglass, W M Cattle, R Don right side.swa-low-fork in each ear: homes, It D on lft Inn. Duncan. W. P., John JJiiy Qimrtercircle on right shoulder, both on horses and cattle. Range Grant eoui.ty. PriskeH. W. K. Horses branded K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same ou left side of neck. hmnnn, H E. Mount Vernon tTJ connected on cattle on right hin. under slore in right ear. under bit in left enr; same brand on horses ou right hip. linnae in Grant county. J.H.KIyti Hons. Horses branded ELY on left Khoitlder, cattle Name ou left hip. hole ir right ear. Ralph Fisk, Prairie City, Or ITones, R F on right nhou'djr; cattle, ou right hip. Range in Grant uuunly. Meek, JacRiui. Horses. 7F connected or riglt shoulder; cattle same on right lap Kar mark, hole in right and croo off left. Florence, L A Cattle. LF on right hip; horses F with bar under on right shoulder. Florence, 8 P Horses, F ou right shot ldei ; cattle. V on right hip or thigh. Armstrong, J. C Acton T with bar nnder n on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Gay, Henry GAV on left shoulder. Goble, Frank Horses, 7 Fon left stifle; cattlt , same on right hip. Elmer Gentry, Kcho, Or --Horses branded H S. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle Kiingein Morrow and Uiutttillncounties. Fra k MeUiir, Fox Valley Mule xhoewith toe. cork un cuttle on ribs and under in each ear; ho ses same brand on left stifle. J . C. Gift water. Prairie City, Or.-On horses, 0 -O on left should r and stifle; cattle, ou right Side. Range in Gi ant county. C E Glaze md A P Snyder. Payville.Or HorMrS branded d on r'd't i-houlder; on cattle, stritw ilown tho left sliouhter. Also P tj on hot-Heson left i-hotilder. atd same on right hip on oaltie. Hnngein tirantc--ni ty. II in ton A Jenks, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two bars on either hip; crop in right ear a d split in left. Horses, J on right thigh. Rang" in Grunt county. Hughes., Hatnuel, Wagner, Or T F Lou right shoulder on horses; on cttttle, on right liip ai d on left side, swallow fork in right ear and sht in lelt Runnel!) Ilnj stack districi. Morr w county. i'dwiu Hall. John Day Catilp U H on right hip; horsee name oil light shoulder, iangjin Grant county. Hiel A. Hyde. Prairie City, Or. -AH combined on hornet on righi slimdder; cattie on right hip tynige in (irant counly. Mat Hughes, horses branded shoulder, heart on eft shoulder. Ed Hoilowny, Hmldie, Or., horses and cattle branded K It coniiectel, witli bar under it. tluiiHaker, 1. -Horses, H un left shoulder; ca tie, 9on left hit. HardisiT, Albert Nye. Oregon. Horses. AH conn cu-d on left shoulder; Cattle on the left h p. crop oil left ear, J F riodaon. Mount Vernon JF connected on horses on right thigh; on cuttle. N 6 un rigid hip. tiiu ge in Grant and Harney. Humphreys, w it. liaidtuau-llontt, U un left Hank HiRtt, Wm. E. (Torsts branded bar cross ol left shoulder: cuttle same on lef: hip. Hayes, J M Horses, wineglass on left shoulder cattle, same on right hip. Ivy. Alfred. Lng Creek. Or Csttte 1 Dnn right hip, cronff left ear and bit in right. Horses same bmnd on luft shou.d.r, liange in Grant count;-. D W Jenkins. Mount Vernon J on horses on left shoulder; rattle. J on left hip and two , smooih crops on both curs. rops ou both curs. Range iu Fux and Bearvau-j Jones, J-.l.n M. Pilot It ck. Or. Cattle tri&n- ! K1'"' o-releon right h p.und.T elope on riunt ear. ana UDner iiuua on lelt uir. Range iu Uauuila coauty. Jutikin, 8. M. HorBes, horbeshoe J oq li ft shoulder. Cattle, the shioj. Ran us on bight Mile. Johnson. Felix Horses, circle T on left ti e cattle, same on right hip, ui.dnr tinlf crop in right and split in left ear. Kirk, J T Horses Bit on left shoulder: cattle. (Won left hio. Kirk. J C Horses. 17 on eilher Hank; cattle IT on right side. Mike Kenny, homes branded KNY on left hip: cattle siiiue and crop od lft oar: ituder lo. on the right Keller, Richard E K in square, cattle on left hip: horses same on left stiouider. Range Hear valley. P. O. audi ess. Hlnuton, Gra.t county. Or. W G Kimherlmid, Mount Vernon, Or I L on cattle ou rigiit uud left sides, ewaltow fork iu left ear and muter cnp in right ear. Horses same bmtid on iett siio tide , lia ige i tirunt cuut. Kr-eiiey. h li, Htpimer, )r. Itoraes. .t L snd ace of cluh.' on left stifle, in Umatilla aud ft orrow counties. M r Lesley. Monument, Or A triangle Bl vith all liuef t xtetidiitg pa t body of figure on limr sph on left shoulder, on cm t tie. diuith.nrl on left shouhlor. split iu right and under bit in bft ar. Ra ige in Grant citintty and to parUof John Day. It L Laun-iice, Prtiine City, tlr Cattle, Z on right hip; horses, same cn right shoulder. Range in Grant county. LoTten, Stephen S L on left hip on ctle. crop and split on rigid ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range Grant county. P. it, ad dress. Fox. Oregon. ijienallen, John W. Horses branded half-oir cle J L connected on left shoulder. Cattle, same on left hip. Rangf. near Lexington. George Lord, horses branded double H con nected, me times called a swing ii, on left Bhoulder. J. W. Ijeahey, horses branded L N on the left shoulder; cattle branded the same on Iett hip; wattle over right eye, three slits in right ear. Minor, Oscar. Cattle, MDon right hip; horses M on left shoulder. Morgan, M N Horses, M) on left shonldei, cat! ie, same ou left hip. McCumbcr. Jhs A, Atwood HorseB, M with bar over on right shoulder. li. li. Mhui.. Lena: horsesold mares ZZ on right hio; young st,ick, sin. ill zz on left whoultler. Morgan. Thos Horbes. circle T on lofl shoul der and left thigh: cattle, Z on right thigh. hip; cattle. 77 on right side. McCiaron.bG Horse. Figure & on each shoul jt-r. cane, iiuon nip. W.I McKem. Mount Vernon. Or XI on cattle uu right hip, crop in right ear. half crop iu left; same brand ouhorBfcs on lufi hi . Ruiigo in Graut county. Metiirr. Harney Horses 7H connected on left shoulder; cattlo same, liungo Grant county. P. O f.ddress. Fox. Oregon. G. V. Mcllulley, Hamilton, Or. On Horses, 8 with half circle under ou ltft shoulder; on Cattle, four bars connected on top ou the right side. Range in Grant Counly, Neul. Andrew. Lone Hock Horses A N con nected on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips. Newman, W. R. Horses N with half circle over it on left shoulder. Nordyke, hi Horses, circle 7 on left thigh; cat tle, same on left Iul. Joseph Oliver, Canyon City, Or A 2 on cattle ou left hip; on horses, same ou left thigh, Rauge in Grant county. Oiler, Perry. Lone Rock P O o left shou.dei Putnum Joseph, Monument, Or., brands hors es J P Connected, ou rigid shoulder; tattle the same on the right hip and uuderslope in right ear. Pearson, Olnve. Horses, quarter circle shield ou left shoulder nnd 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork in let: ear, rigtit cropped. 24ou left hip. Range ou Eight Mile, William Pope. Mount V mon-1 Tun entile on left hip, two slits in left ear; sme brand od horses on lelt utitlu. Range in Grant county. Parker & Gieasoit, llurdman Horses iP on 1' ll shoulder. i ii'er, J. H Acton -Horses. JE connected on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. under bit in each ear. Henry Patberg, horses branded with a Roman croHs on left shoulder; cattle branded with Ro man cross, bar at bottom, on left hip. A.C. Petty, Peltyaville Horses, diamond P ou left shoulder. Cattle, J HJ connected and in verted on left hip; crop off left ear and split in right wuttlc or inside of right foro leg above the knee. John T Powell, Dayville. Or-Horses, JP con nee ed ou left shoulder. Cattle Oli. couiiocted nu left hip, two under half crops, oue on each ear, wattle under throa . Range iu GraUt county. Riokard, G. D., Canyon l'ity-F U on left dmuid.-r, on horses only. K .nge Canyon creek and Hear valley, Grant oounty. Rood. Andrew. Hardmau Horses, square cross wilh quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Renii'gen Chris Horses. O K on left shoulder. Wm. Rudio, Monument. Brands horsus It- ov riirht ulii.nlilui. li., ...... M...v,- tier. Royse, Aaron. Heppner. Or Hrrses. plain V on eft shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on right hip and crop oil right ear. Range in Mor row county. Rush HroH., Heppner, Or. Horses branded X tin the right shoulder; cattle, JX on the left hip, crop off left ear aud dewlap on neck. Range in Morrow and adjoining counties. Rust William, Penolet.ui, Or Horses It on left shoulder; cattle, it on left hio, crop off right ear, uiide'btt on left ear. Sheep. It on weathers, round crop off righ ear, Rauge Uma til 1h and Mot row o luuties. Reanoy, Amdrew 1 exipptim, Or. Ho?8 branded A R on right shoulder, vent quarter circle over brai d; cattlo same ou right hip. Range Morrow county. Royse, Wm. 11, Dairyville, Or HR connected with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hi p ami crop oft rigiit ear and split in left, .torso same brat don left shoulder. Rauge iu Morrow Grunt and Gillium counties. Hitler. J F, Hitler, Or Three parallel bars with bar over on horaee on left hip; on cattle, left side, two smooth crops, two splits in each ear. Range in .Middle Fork of John Duy. .Rector. J W Horses, JO on left shoulder. Cat tie, o ou titfht hip. , 1 Spray, J. F. Horses branded 8F connected on right shoulder: cattle same on both liii-a. Hailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A on lelt shoulder; cuttle same on left hip. tin inner, (i L, Hi tterJr Horses, two-bar So bit stifle. P am 8 two pars ou left side, a cop and three splits in right ear, swallow for and uuderbit in left, cuttle. 8 on catu laiger than on iDi-B. muiKu iu urani county. A L. Bwaggart, Ella, horses brande ' t on left shoulder; eel tie same on left hip. Crop on ear ear, wattle on left hind lg. Straight W. E.-Horss shaded J 8 on left stifle; cattle J 8 on left liip, swallow fork, in right ear, uuderbit in left. Bayer, Robt -Horses, 8 on right shoulder; cattl square on right hip and 8 on right Bhoulder. Mwuggaii, L, Alpine Horses, 8 8 on right shoulder. happ. Thos, Horses, 8 A P on left hip; cattl same on left liip. Sears, W 11 Horses barover 8. Range in For valley. P O address, Fox, Or. Shobe, Pr A J Morses, D8 on on left hip; cat t le, same on left side, wattle on left side of neck ears cut Bharp at point. Smith, E, F, Pilot Rock, Or. Catile, horse shoe on left side, crop close in left ear. Horses,. 4 on left thigh Range in (iniaiilla and Grunt counties. John Shrier. Fox valley NC connected on horses on right hip; caitle, same ou right hip, crop .fT right ear and under bit in left ear. Rauge iu Graut county. 8 tmth Hms, Johu Day, Or H 2 on cattle on. le t shoulder. Stevenson. Mrs A J Cuttle. 8 on i-iorht htn swallow-fork in left ear. Sperry, E G Cattle, W C on leff hip. orop oft right and uuderbit in left ear. duluu: hunee. W tl ou left shoulder. bwaggurt. G W Horses. 44 on Imtt shouldet i cattle, 44 ou left hip. ntewart, tieo., iiardnian llorees circle o left shoulder. Smith, E. E. Lone Rook. Or. Horses branded a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same on left side. Range. Gilliam county. Smith Geo,. horses branded G 8 on left flan Thompson, J A Horses, Z on left shouiuii; cattle, 2 ou left shoulder. Tippets. 8 T IturMee. C on left shoulder. Turner R. W., small capital T lelt shoulder horses; cattle same on left hip wilh split in botb ears. P Thomas, Mount Vernon -TF connected on cattle on right hip, swallow fork in right eer and uuderbit in same ear; horses, same brand oa rigiit stifle. Range in John Day valley. 8 A Tucker. Prairie City F on cattle and horses on left shoulder, John Tu reman, Prairie City, Or. On horses. 10 on leu stifle; on cattle, O witn bar under un left hip, .Range in Grant conmy. W H Warren, Caleb, Or Cattle, W with quarter circle over it, ou left side, split iu rigm ear. Horses same bra -id o left Bhoulder. Kngeiu Gram cmuty F L Wood, Dayville, Or Heart on horses on left stifle; on cattte. 'ion left side and under bit in left ear. Range in Grant county. Wright, Silas A . Hopp ier, Or. Cattle branded 8 W on the right hip, square crop oil right ear and split in lelt, Francis Wallace, Mount Vernon Square on oattle on the left hip. upper slope in he left ear and under Blop in rigiit ear. 8 une brand on horses on right, shoulder. Rauge in Harney and Grant countv, Websier, J. 1.. Heppner. Or. Horses branded will .bar over J on right shoulder; cattle earn on right hip, crop off left ear and split in each. Range, Morrow county. Wade, Henry, Horses branded ace of spades on leit shoulder and left hiu. Cattie brauded same on left side aud left hip. Wells, A 8 Horses, ou left shoulder; catt same. John Wolfinger, John Day City On horses, three puraliel bars on left shoulder; 7 on aheep, bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Malhuer CotiutieK. Wyland, J H, Hard man Circle C on lef thigh. Woodward, John Hoi-mm, UP connected on left shoulder. Wntkins. Li she, horses branded EE connected on left stifl. . Va"la;e, Charles Cattle, W on right thigh, hole in left ear; horse, W on right shoulder, torn same on left shoulder. W'ren, A A Cattle, running AA with bar ao ea on right hip. J. 8. Yoang. Gooeeherry.Or. Horsee branded T 8 on the right shoulder. W. n. Crowley, I,ong creek-Horses branded circle 5 on left shoulder. Whittier Bros-., Drewy, Hsmey cmuty. Or. -Horse hrandml W R. cfii,ncted on left ..Smhler. Williams. Vssco quarter rirrle over three harwon left hip. rtil ad hurses. Range Grant county; P. O. address, Hamilton, Or. . Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or-Horeee, quar- wmiiruiwuitw UnriOB ItUl Qip: caiUe SSJ end slit ia eaa ear. u"gr ta flvait euaaty.