THE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, January 22, 1891. Union Pacific Railway-Local Card. No. SI, mixed, loaves Hopnner 9:15 a. m. Mo.Stf " arrives 51 p. m daily except Sunday. . F ' ' CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Ktncre lenvts for Canyon City daily, exiwi t SnurtHV, at 6:30 a. m. Arrives-daily, except Monday, at 0:W. p. m. Tliere ip saving of 16 hours in time and 810 ir cash by takiug this route to Canyon. qHIBPAPKItukept on file at E. C. Pake's I AdvertisiiK Agency, M and 65 Merchant fexohaiiKs, ban Ifriiiicisco. I California, where con tract for advertising ran be made for it. f-W LOMLKR4 0O..4M Ffth street Port land, Clegon. are authorized to make advertising contracts for the Ileuuner liAZb'TTK. THE GAZElTJS'd AGENTS. Lexington, W. B. MoAllister. Wagner, J. F. Spray. Arlington, Mr. lieuuett, Moody's ware house. Long Creek. Eagle. Galloway, Bob Shaw. Gooseberry, Or.. W. S. Parmani Camas Prairie, Osoar DeVaul. Muttepot), Allen MoFerriu. Nye, Or., H C. Wright. rlHrdman, Or., C. M. Sppnoer. Hamilton, Grant Co., Or., Mattie A. Radio. I"tie, T. .T. Carl. Prairie City. Or.,,R. R. McHaley. Ceiiyon City. Or., S I,. Parrish. Pilot R..ok.G. P. Skeltnn. DHyvtlle. Or., Mr. Adams, P. M. John Jay, Or.. Piwt master. Athena, Or , Johu Eding'on. An agent wanted in every precinct, tf. SIGNAL SEKV1CK ItKCOKO. tar Weelt Ruling Wednesday, Jan. 21. 1891. Bate lomp. Max. Mm. Bar, oip. aoter. Jan. IsjTl KI i 51 ()0 Tl.oo I 30.015 f aT'falr- Nli S'J (Ml 57.011 ao.() M 0.00 fair 17 45 (10 M.ui 4H.00 3d.(M5 truce oloudy 18. 4(1(10 5B 00 41.00 S0..12 0.00 fair 19i 43.110 61.0(1 44 on ao.Iti OKI clear 20i S2 (10 55.00 S;KB I S0.H4 0.0O clear ill 80.0(1 I 4B.UC 24.011 I 8U.Si Q.ix) fair A. Smith. Observer. Here and There. Miss Etta Minor isoonvaleecent. Danner, T'liotogropher. 96-tf. Bob G lniore returned from below Mon day. Gid Hatt is having a tussle with la grippe. Pap Simons and wife are slowly recovering. Bertie Junkiu is recovering from bis recent illness. Will Saling is on orutohes from a sprained ankle. The revival is still in progress at the M. E. church. "Uncle" Stewart, father nf (lomno n,nu in town last week. ' "Wooly" Clark was seen in this vioini ty very recently. Oeoar Minor shipped another oar load of potatoes this week. Walker Hinton is again stock in spector of Graut county. Krl. Hnlloway, of Saddle, was in Heppner Saturday last. Mrs. Emma Kilcnp is spending a few days with fiiendsin Heppner. "Bud" Willinghame is convalescent irora a rouuu with measles. Henry Heppner visited bis name sake last week returning Monday. Dr. J. H. Fell got bark from Portland and returned to Long Creek Friday. The skntitig raruiya, last Saturday eveDitig, was quite largely attended. Mr. nd Mrs. Pry Wilson started for their Mooiiruent home Sunday last. Theo. Banner is the photographer at Heppner. Don't forget it. 96tf Frank Gentry, o' Black Horse, as in attendance on Uov. lWs court Saturday Jail;. Frank Thomas has returned from a' trtpacross, the trail, miming back via Web loot. Abel CoiMtantine was arrested Inst Sunday ami lodged in jail, charged with an attempt to rape the person of Mrs. H. G. Peterson, but on trial Monday was diaiharged by Justice Rea, but held to answer to disorderly conduct before a lady, for which he was fined 825 and costs. The young fellow can thank nis stars that he got off an easily. An incipient blaze in the roof of John- nv Roberts' habitation, baok of J. J. Roberts' blacksmith shop, caused some "skirmishing" Monday, but no damage. Stovepipes, accordiug to a i ordinance, must not be used for ohimueys. The danger is appareut. Prints will set mixed nflfiAainnnllv Iii last iRsiie. words Bo tangled up as to menu nothing, gut iutu the editorial column, and there was also an absence ot quotations where extremely necessatv. But printers, like others, will make mis times-sometimes. Al. Florence says that stock look their oest up willow cieek and on adjacent range. There ehonld be nlentv of fat onttle for early market next Snrino Vint of oourse this depe-.da largely on the remainder of the winter. H. M. Thornton suffered the loss nf a pistol and belt, a pair of $12 pants, scarf, pair of boots, eto , from his sheep omp, on the Piper place, near Wells Spriugs Butte, recently. Hobos are supposed to be the gainers. The council t a mnptinr- some limn ago deolined to allow T. W. Ayers. Sr., a franchiHB to furnish drinking water to Heppner, as the town hopes to be able to have waterworks of her own in the near future. Mrs Allyn. wife of T. J. All f nine, uieo very suddenly yesterday morn- mng o! la . nppe She had not been well for several days, but was not thought to be in a serious oondition. Assessor J. J. McGee is at The Dalles, preparing a plat nf Morrow's deeded property. He will also go to La Grande to complete it, ir it does not interfere with the work of assessing. Died -On McKinney creek, yesterday morning, of heart disease, Stanford Howell, .aged about 60 years. The re. mains will be interred to-day in the Hardman cemetery. Geo. O' Daniel of Pendleton, and Levi Hager, of Colorado, respectively, brother-in-law and brother of Jas. and Johnny Hager, are visiting here. The brothers have not met for years. Hon. Joseph Gaston, of Gaston Or., un able and experienced newspaper man, is the author of the new bill to create the offioe of railroad commissioner, and re petl the old law. Hon. T. E Fell is enumerated as one of the candidates for railroad commis sioner The Gazette wishes him success, and thinks he will make a rood officer, if chosen. W. 0. Hoseason has pullerV out for mount vernon, urant county, where he is engaged to teach school. The Ua zette will reaoh him at his present HUUiess. Chas. G. Caspary and B. A. Hunsake from Haystaok to asoertain Painpdl Accident. A week ago last Monday, Felix Jr.. a liitle son of Felix Johnson, of Butter creek was knockd down in play by a large dog, breaking his right oollar b ine near the middle. ut. ueognegin attended the little fellow, ana at last acoounts was doing well. A C H ILDK I LLED. Another ohild killed by the nse of opi ates given in the form of soothing syrup V by mothers give their childien suob deadly poison is surprising when the can relieve the child of its peculiar irouoies Dy nsing ir. Aoker baby ooiuer- it contains no opium or mor plane. Sold by Slocum-Johnson Dm,, Lio., neppner. Happy Cnun. On Tuesday of last week, W. M. Gilliam, an honored citizen of Morrow oonnty, was united in mar riage to Mrs Cason, of Wagner, Justice Scrivuer tying the knot. "Uncle" Rillv was in Heppner Tuesday last, and his many friends took advantage of this op portunity to wish him and his estimable lady a long, prosperous and happy life. BiicKears" interesting news notes were crowded out this time. Be patient ; he will give you a double dose next lime. TRIED AND TRUE Is the positive verdict of the people who take Hood's Sarsaparilla When nsed according to directions of this excellent medicine are soon felt in nerve strength restored that tired feeliug dri,en off, a good appetite fire men, neauaone and dyspepsia relieved, scrofula cured Bnd the bad effects of impure blood overcome. For a good blood purifier, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. News From Wash T. A. Rhea. whil. in town luesday, informed ye local man that u is in receipt of a letter from Jas. Cecil, now of Ritzville. Wash., who says stook are in fine condition, and that feed was never better. This little item will. no uuoot, ineec tne ees or many of our Morrow and Grant county readers who nave siook in that section. , Found Dead in Bed Mrs. Beinhlev wife of Millard Beighley, who lives in North Heppner, was found dead in bed early this morning. About two days ago she was attacked by the grippe, but she did not appear to be in a dangerous con dition. The remains were interred in the Heppner cemetery this afternoon. The Worll Enriched. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will con duce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and re freshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring time or, in fact, at any time and the better it is known the more pop ular, it bscoroB. Jhe CIVll action. Win. rtHinlrir va .T A Wcolerv. has oociiDied the attention of Hen's court since Monday. Mr Woolery traded for a borse some time ago, but the has since died. M r. Hmdrix olaims it, and asked $100 for the horee and SiiO damaues. Tim inrv allowed $71, and $14 damage?. Shippey and Amanda ill. bhippey: . i cMaie ot Oregon, y "u nereoy required to be and appear GOD'S BLESSING TO HUMANITY- So says an Oregon pioneer ninety years old. Forest Grove, Or., March 19. I have used the OREGON KIDNEY lEAand obtained immediate relief. It is God's blessing to humanity. 1 take pleasure m recommending it to the afflioted. I am now nearly ninety years old, came to Oregon in 1842 in the employ of the Hudson's Bay Company, and since I be gan using the OREGON KIDNEi TEA I enjoy good health. David Munroe. are over what interest our Deonle are takini? in the extension of the Heppner Haystaok road Job Bannister. H. H. Olnssford and big delegation of other Hardmnn people ""f iu Hiiennance ai ine nemirix Wooieiycase this week. Jay Shipley is learning the mysteries of the printing art, down at the Record office. The Bull run water bill is up again, but ils bonds are not exempted from tax- : atniu. ; Charley Mallory reports from iibaron Center. Pa, lhat he is doiug weil with i his horses. The weather is quite oold s there. Chas. Mitchell was over from Jesse Mooreg, on ilutter creek, lUa first of this week. Heppuer Lodge No. 09, A. F. & A . M , 0 enjoying a term of unprecedented 1 prosperity. Biliousness, bile, boils and the blues i CBii be cured by taking Simmons Liver , Regulator. Miss Carrie Wilcox has returned from a visit to Mies Ada Kilcnn who lioua Hinton cieek. The baptising Snuday last in Willow creek, near Will Morrow's resideuoe, was largely attended. i x'or constipation, biliousness and : kidney affections remember Simmons s Liver Regulator. I A litlle cutting sorane nnenrrort t school Tuesday. Boys should not be ; too iree lo use weapons. J Ed. Cox, of Hard:nan, lofd 150 head of sneep, aootit two weeks ago, by a "pile up," caused by dos. "Uncle" Charley Kirk says that it has been many years since Eastern Oregon liad such a phenoroinal January. : Born At Dripping Springs, to the wife of E. Bergsliom, Jan. 6, a ten pound i)oy. Mrs. M. P. Baling in attendance, i J. F. nnd A. L. Spray have purchased the Liberty Meat Market, together with the building, ground, and other real estate. J. D. Brown was arrested last Friday for the larctny of a horse from Eliag Carey, but on trial, Saturday, was dis charged. Jus. Williams' herder, Geo. Bleakman, Jr., is down with the measles. Soiiuu Hollow has had a perfect epidemic of mis complaint. , visile waiKius aroppea into oar anctum lhursday last. He is holding down a mountain "illahe" to the satis faction of himself. Our band have received an invitation to participate in a baud contest at Wes ton iu May next. Inducements are offer ed to havt them there, ' Geo. W. Parker and brother, M. W. Parker, came over Monday from Idea. : They report sheep fat enough for mutton, : aud wheat groaiug nicely. Chas. Ingraham, iuv?ntor of the Ingraham lamp, left for Portland Mon day. He will return in a few days, when lie will proceed to Washington, D C. Mr. Marion J. Allen is visiting his " aunt, Mrs. M. J. fSaling. and ber family, 1 of Eiht Mile. He is very welcome there, . and we hope be will stay in Mortow county. City Election at Hand. During the past week, there has been considerable talk over the coming city election, "Unole Jaok Morrow, Geo. Conser, Frank Kellogg, T. J. Malloek as well as the mnyor of four terms. Hon. Heurv Blackmail, have betu n entioned as good material for mayor. All have declined to run, we believe, but yet we must have some good man fur that office, and one of the gentlemen named will be urged to make the race. However, there is pienry ot good material n Mennner yet. these gentlemen spem to be in the lean, ine retinng coiinoilmeu have de olined re election. Frank Gilliam. W A. Johnston and Walter McAlee ought to make good couucilinen, but there don't seem to be any olamonrg in this di rection. G. W. Rea. A. A. Roberts and Jas. l. Hamilton are iu the raoe for re corder. If it comes to a three-oomered tight for this ofhoe, it will be interesting For a lame back, a pain in the side or cuesr, or for tooth-aobe or ear-aohe, pr mpt relief may be had by nsmir Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It is relinl le. tor sale by Slouuca-Johnston Drug Co. Road Supervisors. The following are the rond mipervirors for the various districts of Morrow oonntv: H Sohir- zitiger, Dist. 26; O. Hodson. Dist. 11; 0. C. Baling. Dist. 12; T. J. Teeters, Dist. 2: W. S. Pnrman. Dist. H; Tbnd. Arm strong, Dist. 7; Hurry Phillips. Dist 22; Mr. Crane, Dist 5; Andy Cook, Dist 19; A. Churlstnii. Dist. 2d: W. B. Finley. Disi 3'i; W. A Glisan, Dis'. 33; J is. P" Rhea, Dist. 15: Win. Drixkell, Dist. 16 Andrew Keaney. the efficient supervisor! of the Lexington road district, nag not prepared to put in a report at last ses sion of oonnty court. In this o iuneotinn, it roiiht he well to state that the Ga zette' job ofline has receipt books in stock, which have been prepared special ly for the use of road supervisors. Prine 50 cen.s each. Frost Not so Bad as Drouth. In the rtHIIIOl. Iltllf-V Dm. Mtrw.I. nn , , uu Kjuun viujuuiu, appears an artiole an expression from a Colo rado sheepman regarding the effects of irosreo. grass as teed for sheep. In East ern Oregon the nutritive qualities of uuuuuKrana, or or wnat is olten termed "sheep grass," a fine grass that grows up where bunchgrass is eaten out, depends largely on the summer and fall seasous. If these seasons are very drv, no matfrr how rank grass may bave grown in the spring, the substanoe is taken out, and as feed, is valueless. Frost does Dot unmage ine green growth of the fall oe. son half so much as drouth. "THE JERSEY LILLY." Anqlesea Cottage, L. B., July 2. Gentlemen: Although it i usual for me to use any lotions or washes, still, in answer to your requset, I have tried Wisdom's VioltProo.., Robertine. The former I consider es pecially effioaoious in cases of roughness of the skin, and I have been using every day for the last fortnight. I have found the Robertine au excellent nrennr ation in oases of tan, sunburn, eto caused by exposure to Maroh winds and a July sun. Yours faithfully, m . Lri.LiB Langtry. i fliessrs. Wisdom & Co. CURED SCROFULA It Is that Impurity In the blood, which, ac cumulating In the glands of the neck, pro- uuecs misigimy lumps or swellings; which causes painful running sores on tlio arms, legs, or feet; which dcvclopes ulcers In the eyes, ears, or nose, of ten causing bllnducss or deafness; which Is the origin of pimples, can cerous growths, or the many other manifesta tions usually ascribed to 'humors;" which, fastening u;ion the lungs, causes consumption and death. Eelug the most ancient, It is the most genera! of all diseases or affections, for very low persons are entirely free from It How Can It Be By ticking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by the rcmarkahlo cures It has accomplished, often when other medicines have failed, has proven Itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for Oils disease. Some of these cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. " My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof oloussorenccltfromthetimeshewas22months old till she became six years of age. Lumps formed In her neck, and one of them after growing to the size of a rlgcon's egg, became a running sore for over three years. Wo gave her Hood's Sarsaparilla, when the lump and all Indications of scrofula entirely dis appeared, and now phe seems to ho a healthy child." J. S. Carlile, Naurlght, N. J. N. B. Be sure to got only Hood's Sarsaparilla soldbyalldrosglBta. JJ1; slxforys. I'ropnreilonlr by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apotliecatiea, Lowell, Mans. IOO Doses Ono Dol'ar SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of thi State of Oregon, for Morrow County. w"u. The Solicitors Loan a Trust Co., Plaintiff. Daniel P. Shippey sid Amanda M. Shippey, To the above named Defendants, Daniel P. ey: Orenon, yon and in the above named court and answer the com turn by the above named plaintiff within ten days from the dHte of this summone upon you if the same la erved upon you in Morrow county .y ,iU me same 18 served upon yon In any other county of said State then within twenty days after the service of the same noon you, ana if the same is served niion you by publi cation then yon are hereby required to appear and answer y the nmt day of the term of the above named court following the eipiiation of the time prescribed in the order for publication of this euminons, to-wit: By March is. 191. and u you ao not so answer said plaintiff will apply tO SHld eOlirt fur Ih.n irf 1 . .- j 3 plaint, which is for judgment and decree aaainet you and each of you for two hundred and eeventv dollars and fifty cents and interest, at I he rate of iuuu. Z: i """""" on i .to troni J uly 1. Jntl' I iwi '"rl'm,J"uari'''1.8H,).;ori from July 1, lbS9, and at the rate of six per cent, per annum on ti',0 fn,m July 1, 1KS9. and $5uattor ney fees and costs and disbursements: ai.d fore- Inl'J' ftS,Im,r,w'e ive" by " to plaintiff July 41. lew, upon these certain nieces and par. eels of land in Morrow Oounly, Slate of Oregon known and described as the North-west quartet 5if .I"0".0?, Thirty-two, (3J) Township Four (4) North of Kange Twenty-three CM) East. W. M and ordering said lands to be sold and the pro ceeds thereof applied to the payment of the sums aroresaid. i.TfiS di'" ?f ft,1,ortler for K'rvice by publication 4,,3'lul, Att'y. for Plaintiff. WHAT ! WHAT ! ! Don't Know That DR. ABORN NOW AT PORTLAND, ORCOON. LINGERING EPISTLES. List of letters remainiug uncalled in the postoffioe at Heppner. Ammie Brown Elmer Barry Patriek Ohristenson L .'Pieman Frank Ensley Miss Dora Fitz James Gay L L for The question has been nskerl, In what respect are St. Patriok's Pills better than any other?" Try them. You will find Hint they pro ue a pleaaanter ('nlhartie effect, are more certain in their aoiion, Bnd that they not only nhvsin hnt cleanse the whole system and regulate lie liver and bowels. For sale at 28 cents per oox ny siocujohnston Co. Needs Protection.-The bucket brig ade of Heppner, with Editor Patterson on the tail eini. has proved eflloient enotiirb in the past for Heppner's tires, yet there will he a time when this volunteer ser vice, with two three excited quill drivers thrown in. for that matter, will beatseB, as far as protection is oonoerned. As we all know, there is not the slig-htest organ ization of this nature in Heppner. A few hundred dollars, though we do seem to be pretty bard np for cash at present, will put in a chemical fire aparatns, worth probably all its cost nt ti,a (ii stout blaze. It will be some time heforn Heppner will have water works, and in the meautime there should be some protection. Hiigumiu Ed C Laziuka Henry Miller Mrs Nancy Nealan John O'Conuer J s Porter Mrs M Hmitb Mrs T Wright Geo B Hitj ton J M Please say "advertised" when calling for these letters. A. Mallory, P. M. A DUTY TO YOTJKSELF. It ia stirprHng that Deonle will ne a common, ordinary pill when they oan secure a valuable English .ne for the same money. Dr. Acker's English pills are a positive cure for sick-headache aim an nver troubles. They are small weet. eaaily taken, and rln r,t For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co Heppner, Or, a NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Dec. 27, m. Notice is herehv ffil-an that f-11 named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make filial nrnnf In mnMri nt i that said proof will be made before County Keh , a ixa' ,. at licppner, Or., on KOBBRT L. KILBOrrM, Tp. 4 S K S '.W. M? 8W!i an5 W SeC- 7' He names the following witnesses to prove his said land vi: VUU ""U culuvu"1 of' Albert Lovegrcen, Gooseberry, Oregon; H E Warren A II. Hooker, Kight Mile; J. A. In skipp, Hardman, Or. .. Johk W. Lewis, H. Blackman & Co. Can furnish you neat fitting Suits for both men and boys, Ladies Drees Oood, of elegant patterns, BOOTS AND SHOES, 400-111. Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or. Jan. w, 'M Notice is hereby given Hint the following natned settler )ui H1...1 ntn.u i,iD !........-.. ? make final proof in simnnrtnf nio ,.ii.. said proof will be mode before County Judge of aryn27"wa?'viz-' Ucppner 0reP'). o Febru- FIUNK L. TROUTMAN. He names the following wltmuma tn r,m,- ki. continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of. said land, viz: 8. Metier. Thmmin Snn(l,h,r n., rn . C. Thomson, all of Le.tiugto' i, Or. John . Lewis, Kegister. 409-114. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Ollicent La (irando, Or., Jan. 1(1, 18!)1 Notice is hereby given thnt. tho fr,il,..i.; named settler hasNled notice of his intention to make tinnl nroof in mnwi r.t i,iu ni..t... -...V hat said proof n ill be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppuer, Oregon on 'luesday, March 3, Will, viz: JOSFJ'H DUBOIS, No. 10014, for the SE'4 See. 8,Tp. 38. R27 R, W. M. ..c uie luouH nig witnesses to prove his I'OUtillUOUS refiideill'R lllwm niwl ,.,,IH.V.,t , said land, viz: ' Louis (jrOHllOnS. Victor Ornohono P-,tT--. ,,. . omiiw, mi oi nuppuer, or. A, , A. CLEAVER, m-iu- Uegister, Hats, Blankets, Groceries, Herders' Supplies, StocKmens' Outfits, for Trail Use, Guns, Ammunition, Glassware and Queensware Agents for the Celebrated Bain Wagons and Hacks? WELL ! WELL! WELL! V V V V,V T V Now you have that Information. Yes, and Many other things kept in a large, well-appoint-ed store like H. Blackman A Co.'s. Every, thing is sold at the lowest possible prices. Wl lien get NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lilnd Otiiee Itt T:fl nranrl,. A t.. in ,un. Notice iB hereby given that the following- named settler litis iiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proot will be made before the County f, S,o',' lorr01v County Or., on Tuesday, March ot loji , viz ; LOUIS GROSIIENS, D"- N?- . 'or Lot I, nnd NWW, W' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culthatlou of, said land, viz: ' W.O. Minor. Wesley Mnrlatt, Robert Hart and vuuuiD, mi ui iicjipuer, ur. A. CLEAVER, Kegister. you Don't your Forget Fall Outfit, H. Blackman & Co., MAIN STRKET, HEPPNER, OREGON. 109-41 1. NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., Dec 17, '90. Notice iH herehv rrivnn f.,ll ...i .. named settler has filed notice of his intention to inaae nuai prool in support his claiin, and that r, ... p.Vw. .i.i niuue ueiore jiuige oi iMorro Co., Or., on February 7, Uv.ll, viz. .!( iff KlMnvu 26(KdWAS! 3"f"'') '""wNtti.-SccS, He names the following witnesses to nrnve hi continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of (ieorge Noble; O. E. Karnsworth, W. c Rein eger and Fred Ashbiuigh, nil of Heppner Or lOo-uo. John w. Lewis, Kegister. A SAFE INVESTMENT. Is one which is Guaranteed n hrino yon natiHfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this sufe plan yon can bin from nnr A. vertised DmRjrist a txittle of Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consnmptiim. It is Etiaran teed to bring relief in every ease when used for any affection of Throat, LiinKS or Chest, snch as Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs Bronchitis, Astu mn, Whopping Cough, Croup, etc., eto. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, per fectly safe, and cbb always be depended noon. Trial bottles free at T. W. Ayers' Drug store. LEXINGTON LOCALS. F H. Bengs is visiting old friends and neighbors iu this vicinity. Miss Allie Smith started this morning to visit relatives at Wallula, Wash. Married At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Ralph Benge and Mi Aatie lower, Kev. E. B. Beach officiating, Mr. C. A. Hodson was sick, so that he could only tongh three days last week, but is on deck this. ' BSAWin, January 20, 1891. What will Simmons Liver Begnlator V i , ,'otx we" by restoring action to the liver, Too BD.-Since the change of time and traius on the main line, Heppner gets the Oreaovian old, while before the change it oame in the day of publication. Some one in Heppnei should act as ageut, and by having papers come through the express, M of old, the iron. We would b ubviated! an:-otjncements. To the Voters of Heppner: I hereby offer myself as a candidate for Recorder for the town of Heppner, subject to the will f the people at the election, on the first Monday in Febrnary. Jas. D. Hamii-tok. Heppner, Or., Jan. 21, '91. 9-10. To the Citizens and Voters of Heppner: I offer myself as a candidate for Re corder for tne town of Heppner. subject to the wnl of the people, at the coming city election. A. A. Robibts. Heppuer, Or., Jan. 21, 1891. 9.10. m , LARD, LARD. W. H. McAfee. nm,,ri.,... t :i i Meat Market, sells pure lard at 81.50 per oan of ten pounds. Why buy a oheap u ,c ., Ugi,rer rnlronize home industry and get the best and purest., Nbw Manaoekeni.-E. W. McAlpine hm assumed charge of the May street restariraut, and is now able to famish the best 25 oent mel in Heppner. Single nieal, 2-. cents; board by the week $4.50 Cap furnish good rooms in connection After regular hours, all meals are 8a cts. Meals 011 the Eenropeau plan- auytuii.g yon want. Charges accordingly. Break fast from 8 to 7:3(1: d intiar 19. tn 1 -on. ! supper 530 to 7. Will keeo open till 12 !B TIIOSK WHO CANNOT POSSIBLY CALL PEB KOKALLT, BOME TRKATMENT PLAl'ED WITB. W TBK BEACB Of ALL THAT WILL 0IV8 INSTANTANEOUS BELIEf ANP A PEBHANENT CUBE. The most speedy, oositive and perma. nent cure for Catarrh of the Head, Asthma, and all Throat, Bronchial, Lung, Heart, Stomach, Liver and Kidney Affections, Nervous Debility, etc. Consumption, in its various stages, permanently cured. Db- Aborn's original mode of treatment aud bis medicated inhalations gives in stantaneous relief, builds up and revital. ues the whole constitution nnrl t.m V1?0? Prolonging life. Weak, nervous, debilitated and broken-down constitu tions, old and young, invariably gain from ten to thirty pounds iu from thirty to ninety days. Dr. Aborn's phenomenal skill and mar velous cures have created th ...t.,,. astonishment on the Pacific Coast and Continuous residence - i.Yciiiy-uvc years. Aftnma. Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron chial and Lung trouble stantly relieved, and Deafness often cured permanently at firsf. consultation. Dr. Aborn's essay on the "Curability of Consumption," and a treatise on "Catarrh of the Head,1' with evidences of some extraordinary cures, mailed free. Call or addresB DR. ABORN, fsvtn sod Harrison Sts, Portland, Orafaa, Kots. Home treatment, securely packed, lent kv Spre to all parti of the Pacific Coast, for lioi. who Cunot ponibly call in penon. Ml INVITED TO CAU FOR FREE CONSULTATIOM. NOTICE OP INTENTION. Land Ollire at La Grande, Or., Dee. 6 IS'10 Jsotiee is herebv elven ,1,., f,,n.,.j..' named settler has tiled notice ot his intention to make liniil proof In support of his claim, aud that said nroof iv 1 ho mu,i t,. ....... Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Or., on January 20, 181)1, vi: 1 FRANCIS M. THOMPSON, He names the following witnesses to provo his uu cuiuvatioii or, Ttnrrar Tl, n and Jay Devln, all of Heipner, Oreijoii. ",:i's A. Ci.kaveu, Iteslster. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Faber's Golden Female Pills. Fir Female Trrftgnlur ttitif ; liuihiiihrhiiuttieiq on t.'ie market. Never fail, Hn'cen8ttillj' iiuod h.v p oininent lalies monllily. Uimranreed to reUevft h memtruaifOQ. fUHE! SAFEJ CERTAIN! Don't b hmnb'iffffM. Bave 'lime, Health, auu mouey ;Ulte uu oth er. Bent to anv nd-lreM, secure by ma I on re ceipt nf pricu.ltt.QQ. A (1 dres, THE APHRO MEDICINE COMPANY, Western Branch, Sux27, l'OKTLAM), OR S'ld by T. VV. Avers, Jr. Sole AgeDt f(r Heppner. tf. Land Oltlce at La Grande, Or., Dec. .10, 1K Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be Kills Com. u. 8. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Or., oil Saturday, Feb. II, lH'Jl, viz: WILLIAM I.ETRACE. Tp. 4 K KOTwn!'.1 ""U 2 ni1 8' NE!i SM' He names the fnllowins; witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, vin: r t , , E'lwri Shelby, A. J. Clem and uocmmiiu, an oi iieppuer, Or. A. Ct.EAVKB, ""111. Keelster James H. Leahcy, take notice. SILVER DOLLAR ! W. O. MINOR HAS SOLE AGENCY FOR THOMSON'S CLOVE FITTING COHSETS i Overcoats Reduced- io Per Cent, in Price. OKEGON. o'clock. 408.411. I The Road to Hi Cannot be successfully traveled with, out good health. To roach wealth or an contel position In life requires the lull sostetslon and cperatlon of til the tao ultlei kind nature has endowed Da with. These conditions cannot inlet unless that Ihrslcal being It in perfect working order, and this li Impotslbli when the llnr and spleen an torpid, thus obstruct. Ing the secretlona, causing Indigestion snd dyspepsia, with all of their accoic panjrinj horrors. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic xerta a specific Influence over Ihe lirer, iieltii II to beal'Ji, aoiion, racolies Its Chronlo ingorgemen'.a, and promote! the Mcntlins : curia Indigestion and consti pation, (harpens the arpctlle, tones up the entire tr:'.o.n, and aiskea life worth living. NOTICE OF INTENTION, Land Office at La firandc, Or., Dec. 30, ISM Notice is hereby Riven that the following, named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said nroof will he i,.u,la v.,.rn.a i,"," , ."wow v-ouiiiy, at iieppuer, Or., on February l;i, ism, viz: 1 FUANKVEARIR PETHO, "p: ?Si,nweMV XI BJ NW! Sec- He names the followlnir wltnesscH rn nrnv. hi. continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: i nomas Heir, Joseph Queener, Antone Vetr and William Hehapcrt, all of Echo, Oregon. A. ClBAVKR, 407'12- Kegister. Di W. HOIlNOlt, ai-no shop. WILL SELL THE CELEBRATED HEPPNER SADDLE PORt TIII3 ISTISXT SO DAYS AT S27.50 EACH. SWINBURNE BUILDING, HEPPNER, OR NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Dec. 21, ISM Notice Is hereby (riven that the following, named settler has filed notice of his intention to niake filial nroof In iir,t,irt of hi- ,.iui... that said proof will be made before Com. 'v H circuit Court, at Heppner, Or., on February 7, fij,, viz: LANES PENLAN'D, v':ir'' 'he H'W NK', SH SEW, SE'i HK Sec. 1, Tp 2 S, It 2.', E. ft. M. " He names the followliix witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: James feaeh, William Eaten, A. J. Hill and A. J. Breeding, all of Lexington, Or. ,a, ... J"11" W. Lbwts, oa"111- Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Office at La Grande. Or., riec. 27, HSOO. Notice is hereby (riven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intent, to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will ha uw,iii r-n..... Clerk of Morrow county, m Heppner, Or., oh Saturday, Keb. 7, uai, viz: ' JOHN' A WATSON, m. No. 10O07, for the SEJ4 Sec. Tp. ?, R 27 He MiflM the fi.Tlnul,,,. L, " nuiirnc. i.i pi,,ve 1 iTni'ir1":? upon, ana euitivallou of, said land, viz: j Jamej Vf. Hager, J. T. Thompson, James Ney. j llle aud La ton Jones, all of Ucppner, Or, I . A. ttays, M11. t.ltr, Slocum-Johnston Drug Company. -DEALKBS IN Drugn, Oiiomicals 1 FateutlVrruilrtlnnn m , . - Artlolo., Plnt, Oil,, Ola.., wH pl'er, aiitl 3VIxib1o1 Inatrxi moxxtm oT nil Itlnclm. A WELL STOCK OF NOVELS AND HOOKS OF ALL KINDS. HNKST ASSORTMENT OF GOLD PENS IN EASTEUN OI1EOON. LEEZER & THOMPSON'S CORNER, Main Street. HEPPNER, OREGON. For Firet Quality Gootla at Lowest Prices, --OO TO- LEEZEll & THOMPSON DEALERS IN Harrlwnre, Tin wnrp. Orderlies, Confeplinnirv, 1 ood nnd Willow Wnre Auriils fnr New Home nnd Fnvnritf Keni'nit Miicilihirw. I.iinibermaii'ii ioiila a Spcoiiilty. Highest niarket price pHid (or furm projuoe. tt Corner Main aud Willow Streets, Iieppuer Or,