X J SSP-. (GAINES THE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, January 22, 1891. TO BE PITIED. The spirit nt envy and its first cousin, jealousy, are rampant in every breast. The savage of the western wilds is actu ated by tbese impulses, as well as be who bag "hobnobbed" with the oream of the sooial whirl. Every state, connty, preoiuct, hamlet and oity are filled with evidenoes of the monBter which, like the "don in the manger," cannot build np, and therefore endeavors to tear down. But even then, the country at large grows and flourishes; those who strive, with favorable opportunities, succeed. Then there are people who try everything and suooeed in nothing, and when disa ter stares them in tbe face, strike right and left at their more successful neighbors, and failing to even attract attention, like tbe snake pinned to the earth, bite them selves over and over again, and finally fade into utter insignificance. Apropos tbe "Barnaby Budge" w ho monkeys around the Record plant and imagines in the hallucination of bis peevish miud that he is a publisher, we will say that be belongs wholly to the genus described, as a class, in tbe pre ceding paragraph. In a measure, we Ofti) sympathize wi.h him, Years ago, in our school davs, the boy or girl who uooeeded in spelling tbe big word hich put us one nearer the foot of the olass, he or she was the subjeot of envy; iu later years, tbe spruce young man who uoceeded in getting away with our best girl, was also bated iu jealousy ; and long afterward, when we took charge of a newspaper, there was bitter envy on our part that the Oregonian could even have a perfecting preBS when we must butter along with a band concern. Having bad this experience, we can, therefore, pity the frail brain of the lie eord. Yet there is something in this case which is not an outgrowth of natu ral bumau frailties. Look nt ihnt stoop ing form, shambling gait, heotio flush and downcast look, and you have the tell tale symptoms. In this condition, there is depression, feverish anxiety ami puerile peevishness, which, added to the twins, envy and jealousy, are more than that frail brain can nitbituud, and geu al assertions which do not even mean "horsethief," are distorted in that mind. Cun you expect more? We would reuommend the young man to wed, but, bold I When the upa and donna of his unsuccessful wooing are brought to mind, we oimont have the heart to pause further suffering iu that direction. On the Gazette's first page, alongside of the Oregonian re-priut, or on tbe pages of telegraphic matter which are a "fraud and dboeptiou," or even nu the remniuing three pages.will be found some sppcilio to suit the case in question. Take acoording to directions. Vent your splenetic miud oocaBiouiilly, for your fevered constitution ueeds it. Like the victim of tbe morphine habit, you cannot shut off at once. Direct your ob servations at the Gazette it amuses and don't burt. Give the democrats tbe dv, but don't give them miv news; thej) will like your paper. Throw out ads. of reDUblioau advertisers they are J five-sixths of your advertising support buttbnt makes no difference. Keep your apace filled with dead display ads ; it looks well, even though there is nothing iu it, Tbe noise of tbe Gazette's steam presses may anuoy you, hut keep up your lick; open the spleuetio esonpe oc casionally, and ho sure to throw your swill in the Gazette's back yard. Fuss and foam, but don't pny nny attention to public improvements, roads or progress of any kind, linn items tbiee and four weeks old, and take your specific regu larly. You will finally blossom out as the foot ball of all political parties, and doll-baby of none. This is part of the businesB. By all means, direct your im becilic buffoonery at the Uazktie. It is pleasant, entertaining, und highly in structive. For God sake, don't let your imagination wauder over where yon might have to take a stand. Yon will hurt yourself, iu a business way, and cause no end of independent people to read the Gazette with its Oregonian re print on tbe first page, tbe four pages which are a "fraud and deception," and even tbe patent medicine ails., as well as the other paes. But don't forget your specific. DELAYED JUSTICE. Ninety thousand dollars were appro, printed by the last legislature for the building of roads. $'i"0,000 conld be used in this directiou, and yet the fund set aside for that purpose would not be exhausted, and besides it would be only justice to allow it to sections needing better roads, and who have paid, indirect ly, every dollar asked. Au explanation of how our peoplo have been prevented from using any part of this fund, till tbe session of two years ago, was explained in a former issue of tbe Gazette. Pri vate pockets have been benefitted from the diversion of this fund too long al. ready. Senator lilii'kmnn has introduced a b.ll atiking for 8.,000 to build a wagon road from Monument to .lolin Day City, in Grant county. This is an eitensiou ot tbe road from Heppner to Monument, for which $10,000 was appropriated by the Inst legislature, aud ia needed to make a passable thoroughfare fur south eru Graut, who fiud Heppner tbe nearest railroad point, aud tbe best market for their products. On behalf ot bis con- stitnauts in Harney county, he has also asked for 85,000 to ouuatrnot a road from the Grant oounty line to Cutlow valley in Harney oounty. Representative Thomson has asked for Jl0,0u0 to construct a road from Ihiyville to Haystack. This road will also fur nish an outlet fur asectiou, long retarded by the distance from market. That tbe people will be benefitted by publication of the laws, is obvious. A bill baa been introduced providing for the sums. A SENSIBLE BILL. Early in 1S87, t ie legislative ussi-mbly of Oretion, created the board of n.ilro d commissioner, with oertain powers and duties. This board eould, and has exercised all powers delegnt'd to it, and in a measure, has done its duty, but it eould go no fut her, except to draw the salary for individual members. It conld investigate an ncoideot and fix tbe blame where it belonged, but there it ended. It had no power whatever to punish a railroad company for neglect of bridges or mad bed, which was likely to cause a disaster and loss of life at any time. Literally, it has proved to be merely an ornament nud of no practical use what ever. Tbe new bill provides for one cmis sioaer, only, who shall hold office four years, and be elected by the people like any other state office. If the bill passes the present legislature is empowered to appoint an officer to act till tbe general election on the first Monday in June, 189Z Should a vacancy oocur by death, resignation or otherwise, the governor of this state is empowered to appoint some person to fill place until the gcueral election already mentioned. The commis sioner uiust not be connected directly or indirectly with any railroad or corporation, or interested in any oi the property or in any telegraph, express or elevator oompauy, doiug business in this state, nor must ho become interested iu anything of the kind during bis term of office. He shall he empowered to notify all railroad companies to coustruot safe culverts aud bridges, and o keep ru id in good conditiou, and if ot done, must be forced to do so by law. In short, he is a railroad commissioner with some authority, and can oall the aid of a circuit oourt to euforoe provis ions of the act, it violated by any rail road company. The old act of 1887 is to be repealed in case the new bill should pans. DAYVILLE ROAD MATTERS. Organization Perfected to Complete the Hupp-ner-JlayNtaek lioml uu to that Point. Mr. Clms. Cuspary, of Wagner, bns taken considerable interest iu extensiou of the Ueppuer Haystack road on to Dayville, and with this iu view, visited Dayville last week. He ulso went over to Canyon City, itrafted u pint of the sur vey made of tbe road of 34 miles anil forwarded same to Senator Blackman. The citizens of Day ville culled a meet iug with Mr. Caspury on tbe 13tb inst., and perfected an organization with ttie follouiug gentleineu as directors: E. .Stewart, Win. Murray, K. F. McKae, J. 0. Martin aud H. 11. Haywood; J. E. Snow, Seo'y. nnd Treas. A subscription was started to be np plied by tbe board of directors, as they might Bee fit towards defraying the ex pense ot building said road. Said sub scription to be paid iu cash or labor at the rate of per cluy. Tbe meeting was au enttiusiastio one, and $1,U3J was sub. scribed iu ten miuutes. J. F. Powell was appointed to circulate said subHcrip tiou for additional funds iu the vimVuiity of alouut Vernon, Johu Day City, 'Cun yonkhty, Camp Wutson and Bock oreek, below Dayville. The people of Day ville guarautee 82,500 for this euterpriae. There wua a total subscription raised of l,SoU wheu Mr. Caspury left Dayville. From Johu Day "Town" to Dayville there is already a spleudid pieoe of road, 40 miles iu length, bin.t many years ago by the government. Wheu the remaining 31 miles is completed, tbe wool ot Dayville will not only come to Heppner, but a large part, if not all, of tbe sections being visited by Mr. l'owtll, as meutioued iu tbe preceding para graph. While Heppuer will get the bulk of tbe benefits to be derived from tbe completion A this road, the stockmen of that section will ulso come in for unbare. Heppner is the best wool market in the Northwest. Of this they wish to avail themselves, besides saving long journeys to Tbe Dalles, tbe former tradiug point, or the mud, snow aud slush that trouble the teamster on the almost impass able mountain to linker City. The linker City route isopen only four to fiyo mouths in the yeur aud this is a serious obitaole to pros perity iu these pushing sections of Grant. The enterprise will not interfere with any project to make a better road from Monument to Johu Day City, of which many citizens of Graut will no doubt, avail themselves, if consummated. Mr. Caspar)', accompanied by B.A Hunsaker, are iu Heppner to ascertain what can be done for them iu this direction. They came in accordance with the wishes of Haystack who held A meeting Monday lust, at wliicb time libciil subscriptions were made to further the good Oaiise Tbe Gazette hopes Heppner will not stand iu her own light in this matter. Doi.i'H's hill providing 81,87:1.000 for the mouth ot the Columbia, aud $815,000 for the Cascade locks, bus pussed the Semite. Joe Simon as president of the senate and T. T. Geer, speaker of the house, are what the cards were marked for long before the legislature assembled. Till people nt large want free coinage of silver, aud from appearances, are likely to get it. It ia a partisan measure no longer. Let them have it, though the Gazette does not believe it is for the best interests of the country. Puoangesivi democrats, as well us re publicans, have the same opinion of tbe governor's message. He still clings to tbe idea that tbe supreme court has no right to interpret the laws us to their constitutionality, which is certainly er roneous. Iaw-iunkera are not supposed to be experts, though they may tie hon est, and frequently go Ixyond all law, as laid down by tbe constitution. It is oorrectly estimated that Dayvl'le and Mount Vernon produce from lioO.000 to 701, (HR) pounds of wool per annum. and a trade of Si 0,(100 would be a fair es timate of that section. These figures are furnished by Mr. E. Stewart, one of t tic leading stockmen of Davville. Then there ia the Camp WaNon and lUuk oreek trade, which will easily iuoreuse it to (100,000. Mas Goodale, supervisor of education at Fine Ridge, says that tbe battle of Wounded Knee wi.s brought about by a good for-nntbiog Indian who fired a single shot, which was a signal for a vol ley from tbe troops, and then the firing beoame general. Hon. John H. Mitchell has an eaev thing in succeeding himself us senator from Orpgon. Mitohell is considered oue of the best speakers in the senate, and as be thorongiily understands tbe "ropes," will accomplish more tbnu any other man Oregon could send to congress. "Poor Jack" lost the middle-weight belt, a 810,000 purse aud all his private means at New Orleans on the 141 h inst , in tbe bout w ith the Australian, Fitzaim mons. Portland, and tbe Northwest generally, hoped that Pempsey would win, but the ndghty meet their equals some day, aud this was Jack's. A FEARFUL HERITAGE. The transmission of BLOOD TAINTS entail fearful consequences, and those so afrlioted, have urgent need to purify the blood thoroughly every spring. Neglect of this often leads to fearful complications of disease. A gentleman whose family were greatly afflicted writes ns thus: Gentlemen: My wife end babe, four teen months old, and a boy of five have suffered for years from hereditnrv scrofu la or Kiug's evil, aud would frequently breakout in sores. I have employed the best physicians, but found nothing to relieve them until I tried Hihbard's Rheumatic Syrup. Have used fourteen bottles und find to my astonishment they are entirely cured. Words cannot de scribe the value of your medicine as a blood purifier. I shall recommend it to all who are troubled from impure blood. John Mollerwkish, .Ik., Dealer in groceries and provisions, Alpena, Mich. Prepared only by The Charles Wright Medicine Company, Detroit, Mich. For sale by all druggists. The excess of total cash of the postal service over revenue for the fiscal veur, endiug June 3J. 1890, was $0,983,702.20 It is estimated that the deficiency for tbe fisoiil ye t, ending June 3l), 1890. will be 83.590.862. We have a oheap servioo, and us nearly self sustaing as is consist ent with the demauds of a progressive nation. CATARRH CAN'T BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of tbe disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and iu order to cure it yon have to take internal remedies. Hull's Catarrh cure is taken internally, and nets directly on Hie blood and innoous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh cure is no quack medicine. It was prescribed by oue of the nest physicians iu this country for years, aud is a regular prescription ft is composed of tbe best tonics known. combined with the best blood purifiers. noting directly tn ttie muoous surtaces The perfect, combination of the two inure bents, is what produces snob won derful results in curing oatarrb. Send for testimonials frep. F. J. CHENKY& CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by drugvists, price 75o. TiiEeleotiou bill is yet worrying oon gress. As it is nurely a pnrtisan measure, it Simula be killed. It is hard to under stand where any benefits wi 1 lie derived from it. It is a fact that tbe uegro vote of the South is trimmed down consider ably, but tbe South is learning fast, as will be seeu in the defeat of Gn. Wade Hampton at lust eleotion. Ednoation iu what is best for present demands, will accomplish more tbau force, aud the 'Npw South" will bring with it the," de sired reforms. 1 THE NEW DISCOVERY. You have beard your friends and neighbors tnlking nbout it. You may yoiirself be oue of the many who know fiom personal experience just how good ii thing it is. If you have ever tried it yon are one of its staunch friends, be cause the wonderful thing about it is. that when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever holds a piaoe in the house. If you have never used it and should be alllicted with u cough, cold or nny Throat Lung, or Chest trouble, se cure a bottle lit once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial Bottles Free at T. W. Ayers' .Jr., Drugstore. The Oregonian, from a republican standpoint, is udv eating the nomination of Gov. Sylvester l'ennoyer, to make the presidential race on the democratic ticket iu 1802. Though this agitation is made with no idea whatever of supporting him. 't is creating quite a "l'ennoyer boom." Many lending democrats of the state of Oregon express themselves as being fav orable to Pennoyer, and there is also couside-able t ilk going on in adjoining states, and even iu the far East. There is no reason why Oregon should not be honored, though the Gazette does not believe that he is progressive enough to suit the democracy at large. EUPEPSY. This is what you ought to have, in If not, you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands lire searching for it dai ly, and mourning because they find it not. Thousands upon thousand,! of dol lars are spent annually by our people iu tbe hope that they may attaiu tins boon. And yet it may he had by all. We guar antee that Electric Hitters.if used accord ing to direotious and the use persisted in, will bring yon good digestiou and oust the demon, Dyspepsia, and install instead Eupepsy. We recommend Eleo trio Bitters for Dyipepsiu and all dis eases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 6Jo. aud 1.00 per bottle by T. W. Ayers.Jr. Tim repeal of the usury law has been earnestly advocated by the independent press of this Btate, without regard to party. The 'governor, in his message, comes squarely out against it, and advo cates even tbe establishment of a lower legal rate. Already a bill has been iu trodnoed in the legislature to place the legal rate at 6 per cent., and contract rate at 8 per cent. As niouev will bring its market value, no matter how low the legal rate may be placed by law, the beuefita to be derive ! from such a meas ure are shrouded in gloom. Tbe inter ests of this state demand the repeal of tti usury law entirely. Competition of capital will do what the governor desires to accomplish by law, and the state would be benefitted by its presence There is little encouragement now fur any great intlux of capital, and local mouey lenders get the unrket price fur use of money, which is uecessanlv high, because of little competition Let us come out of the woods into the sunlight. niBBAKD'S RHEUMATIC AND LIVE It TILLS. Tbese Pills are scientifically compoun ded, aud uniform in action. No griping pain so commonly following the use ut Tills. They aie adapted to both adults anil children with perfect safety. We guarantee they have no equal In the oure of Sick Hiudachb. Constipation, Dyspep sia and Biliousness; and, as an appetiser, tbey exoel any other preparation. TIM IMEAJEfcCgBC 1, '91. MRS. A. M. SLOCUM Will Sell FOR CASH Her Stock Of DRESS GOODS, GINGHAMS, LADIES' UNDERWEAR, LADIES' & CHILDREN'S SHOES AND ARTICS OF ALL KINDS. This is the time of year when this class of goods is needed. A small line of Ladies' and Children's OVEUSHOESand RUBBERS for actual Cost. If you need anything in this line, why pay full price? Also a suiull line of Children's Cloaks AT THE COST PRICE ! Other lines, including hats of all styles, Fancy Goods, etc., at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! ! MRS. A. M. SLOCUM'S Sale of goods at their Cost Price includes many aticlesnot mentioned. JgCALL! CALL!! Next Garrigues Building, Heppner, Oregon. HEY! HEY Let us go to Mat Licbtentbal's Exclusive Boot and Shoe Store, for our winter footwear. He keeps the best Buckingham & lleoht boots and shoes, the Fargo 82 50 Shoe and other goods of standard muses. A big stock, Footgear must be bought oheap, quality oousidered, to get sucb bargains as you find at MAT LICHTENTHAL'S, MAIN STREET, DO ? WHAT AILS you, but it i3 true. These are the sure is one thing which will check it and that is DR. ACKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY. It is recommended 1-y the best pn. st clans in Europe and America. 85 cent, bit ent and $1.00 per Itotl Ie W. th HOOKER & CO., 46 West Broadway. New o.a. "Fof.Sale by SLOCDM JOUNSTON Drug Co., llepi. ner, Oregon. OVER THE HILL. , From the Eagle. We will always uphold the right and censure the wrong, let individual threats come as they will. A foot race is being arranged at Hamilton between Wm. Cohoe and Wm. Swiok for $100 a side to take place in the early future. F. W. Silvt rtontb came over from Antelope arriving last Friday evening. He reports considerable snow on tbe monntaiu summits. The business community of Baker City must take some steps to encourage trade from Grant, Malheur and H irney counties to that point. As it is, the tradu of these sections is being diverted else where to a great extent no matter bow muoh we endeaver to conceal the fact Hay in the Harney comity valley only commands from $2.50 to $3 00 per ton and there is no ready market at thai price. Ranchers who wholly depend upon the sale of snob, will un doubtedly experience hard times unless the cost of all necessaries of life have declined iu value in proportion, Lnut Monday, tbe many petitions collected from the various sections of Grant oounty praying the legislature to g ant an enabling aot, were sent to our Honorable Representative to obtain an expression from the assembly. Tbe entire instrument Oontained half of the voters and tax payers of Grant county and if tbe devouring capacities of our neighbor, "Canyon's bar tenders," are not too great, and if interested parties can preveut any hoodoo from stealing the petition and utilizing it to his soul's satisfaction in some secluded spot, the citizens ot this oommoii wealth will, at the next general eleotion, have an occa sion to express their views regarding the location of county-seat, which they have been so long desirous. From the Grunt County News. If Grant county is to have a connty seat ooutest at the present time that fact is to be deplored for several reasons, obief of which is that all is to lose and nothing to be gained by tbe taxpayers. With tho commencement of the year many of our exchanges are proudly sum ming np tbe number ot new buildings that have been erected iu their town the past year. Tbe Nkws regrets that it can not display a column of figures showing a million dollars spent for the erection of new buildings in this oily. Alas! Very few dollars were blown into monuments to mark tbe city's growth. An addition was built to the blacksmith Bhop. Nu merous houses bad new roofs, aud some bad new paint. Long Creek parties have a deadly antipathy against the town be cause it has the court bouse, aud tbey swear by the Legislature the town shall not survive. If they are tbe means of its death, and are possessed ot snftioient humanity, they will surely bring over a few shovels aud give thetowuaCbristisn burial. Then the spaces where tbe uew houses would have heen will save them much shoveling and the fitness of things will be in their favor. door to T. W. Ayers' Drug Store,! COME ON HEPPNER, OREGON. You feel tired Do you know what it means? ou are ner. rous Why? You cough in the morning Do you realize the cause? Your appetite is poor What makes it bo? You seem like a changed person to your friends Do you know what is the matter, or has the change been so gradual it has escaped your notice ? WfflBBO You havo Consumption! I Uui We do r.ot sny this to frighten symptoms of this terrible disease. There CUKKENT GO81P. Hntt & Ramig, City Barber Shop and Bath Rooms. a. PicklRcl Pitrn Feot and fine Murinirte Herring at Dan Owner's, a. A finft line of gold pens, pencils, etc., at Siouum Juhnxton DruK Co.'u. a. For White liili, bake trout unit Salmon in hulk ulno Mackurol and Halmon bnllien in kit, go to fieezi'r d: Tliotnpno , the leiulinu grocer of Hrppnur. a. ll. IfiHckman & Co. hnve an exclunivp General MorehandlBH mere. Ktorkmi-n cannot do better than patronize H. Bluckman & Co., of tieppner'B Pioneer Uri -k. n The Morrow County liHnd & Trust Co. handles Armour Pnekintf Co.'s irood, saving merchants the fr iglit from Portland lo Ueppuer, and on mtmy things much more. u. Perseverance, plutk and enterprise will make money in this wild, wild West, but it is of no avail unless you get big bargains, in foot-gear, especially, (io to Mat lachieiithal's for your bargains in boots and shoes. a. Customer "Be sure and make those cl -thes large. 1 expect to put on ten or tifteen pounds shortly." Tailor "Yes, sir. Taking a course of treatment?" Customer -"No. I'm juct back from my vacation." If he bought his clothes at U. Klackman & t'o.'s elegant i-lore he would have no trouble in getiing a neai tit. a. When vou want your horses shod or wagon repaired, ye (jrant oounty people, dou't forget that U tihephard hus u sliup at Fox. a It is no uncommon thing to see a horse with a sore back, ma.le tiy th saddle, ilan Horner's sadoles don't work that way a The Heppner Furniture Co. nr expect ing a ear-load of Furniture from the East. Buy them for big bargains, a. Timlier Laud, Act June 3, IS7S Xofice For Publication. Land Office, La GrninJe, Or., Nov. 20, 1890. NOTU K IS HKKKHY UIVKN THA 1 IN CUM pliance with thf provisions of thn net of ConKrHw of June 3, 1K7H, entitled n net for ihe wile of timlwr lands in the StHteaof California. Orfiron, Nevada and WashiiiKton Territory." El hart H. Hint! f Lena, County or Morrow, Htate of Oregon htif tluHdiiy tiled ni tlmothce hit Kwitrn statement No. for the mirchHHe of th SW4 NK'4 VV'i SKi Hec. 1, Tpi a 8 K 2Si E, and Ijot 2 SW! NK1 of Section No. 6. in Township Nu. 4 S Kaittf No. 211. K W. M.. and will onVr proof to tthow that the land 8ouht in more val uable for its tim tier or stone than for agricultur al purposes, and tn establiuh his claim to (mid land before the Hegister and Hece ver of thiH office at Ija Grande, Oregon, un Thursday, the 5th day ot February. 1HHI. He names as witnesses : Edward Day, William Letntce, l-ieorga Isom, Geo rye I'tupps, all of ljena, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described landt. are requested to file their claims in this uttice on or before said ton day of February, 1891. A Ci.eavki, 401-410. Itegitter. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court (or the State of Oregon County of Morrow. Lena I'etne, Plaintiff, vs. George Petrie Defendant. J To the above named Defendant, George Petrie: Iu the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and nnwer the com plaint tiled agtiinst yon in the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the next regu lar term of said court, to wit; Monday, the & day of March, isiti, and if you fail so to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judge ment against you for the dissolution of the mar riage bonds now existing between you and plaintiff; also one third interest in all real estate owned by you and to allow plain tilt to resume her maiden name and for plaintirt 'i costs and disbursements ot this buH. Thi ssummons is published by order of Judge Loval B. Stearns, judge of the 4th judicial dis trict, dated December lo 1MH). (i. W. Kea, 4WMU. Att'y for PlaiiUlff. The East Oregonian wrg U-e trover nor 'a message ii nil able effort aud fnJ ot gouil tilings, thmuh it comes down hard od those reforms wbieb th E. O. has advocated for mouths, nud which are for the benefit of tbe people at lurge. Tbe E. O. is a live jnurnnl, but not en tirely out of the partisan mt. Are yon married? If not, send yonr address with stHrnp, to t'ie Amrirn Corn-spondinff Club, i O. Hot 643, Clarksburg, W. V. 7U-Ui. LADIES! We invite your inspection of our new Winter Goods, livery Department filled 1 1 overflowing with the latest styles. Call in and examine onr tlegant assortment in Long GioaRs, Dlsisrs & snort Mefsjiulrest wear. You will find new shmles nnd nobby fitting garments. New styles in Short Shoulder Cupes, in Silk Sf al Plush and Astrakhan, lleimtiful Seal Plash Jackets and Cloaks, silk lined and quilted, at low prices. Children's Cloaks, all (jindes We carry the handsomest line of Gent's & Youth's Fine Clothing To be found in any store in- Eastern Oregon. New styles in Overcoats and Ulsters. ' Fine assortment of heavy short coats and vests. Gent's Furnishing goods of every description. Iu fact COFFIN & McFARLAND Always "take the cake" when it comes to having a complete stock of General Merchandise, suited to the wauts of this country. See the latest patterns of Woolen Dress Goods in stripes, plaids and solid colors all sold at prices to please. Finest line of LADIES' VP CHILDREN' SIDES D SLIPPERS! Our shoe department cannot be excelled in style, quality and low prices. Hand aud Sewed shoes in Button, Con gress and Lace. Heavy 13rognns and Boots of all kinds. hats and Caps, Woolen Underwear and HOSIERY. Blankets, Robes, Gloves, Mittens, Trunks, Valises, Sew ing Machines, Guns, Pistols, Wallpaper, Doors, Windows and Glass, Paints and Oils, Harness and Saddles. Our San Jose, Cid., Saddles are giving the best of satisfaction. We have a tine assortment of side saddles and others. Stoves and Tinware. If you need a cook btove, range or parlor heating stove, don't fail to see our stock in these goods. Common heating stoves in all sizes. flliffiil Wagons, HacKs 2M BiMManls. Flows And Harrows, Clocks and Watches. Chop Feed, Seed Rye, Alfalfa and Timothy, Wheat, Barley and Oats. Blacksmith's coal, Sulphur, Lime and Salt, Cedar Shin gles, Groceries and Hardware. Pemoline Sheep Dip, something uew. Guaranteed to cure the scab in sheep or no pay. A call at our Establishment will prove Our claim of having the Largest stock, Greatest Variety, of goods, the best equipped store, combined with low prices, that enn be found in any other town in Oregon. To every purchaser of $25 worth of goods, we will give a tine $4 book. Orders from the country carefully and promptly tilled. Country produce bought and sold. Agents for Christy & IFise. COFFIN & MeF ATI LAND, The National Bank building, Heppner, Oregon. FOR SALE CHEAP ! Twenty-one Head Full Blood Holstein Cattle! WILL SELL RR XSON'ALE FOR CAS I, OK WILL TRADE FOK G OD, MERC HAN TABLE HOUSE8. THEY CAN BE HEEN AT MY KAN H. KKiH I' MILES SOU I'H-WES T OF HARDMAN. ON THE MIDDLE FORK OK ROCK CREEK. GEORGE W. HAKDMANi - CSJLrW 3T3XJGir SCORES HEI'PNKK, OHEUON, T. W. AVERS, Jr., Proprietor, (Successor to A. D. JohnBon.) Keeps a Full Line of Drugs, Chemicals, Fateut Medicines, Toilet Articles, Albums, Etc., Etc. Fine Domestic and Imported Cigars Al ways in Stock. PRESCMPTIONS CAREFULLY School Books ! W. A. KIRK. KIRK k A J DEALERS IN Saddles, llaaness, Whips, Spurs, and every Conceivable Article kept iu a First Class Harness Shop. Reiiftirlng: n Specialty ! dim. VII lldim IMUlLUldltU IllUUlItT Go to tbeir store for the Improved WHITE SEWIXQ MACHINE. Warranted for five years. Don't buy elsewhere till yon examine their machines and get oash prices. MAIN STREET, . HEPPNER.OREGON. I' I Ai IC Mol'AHI.ANI), Heppner, STEWAET, - OREGON. COMPOUNDED DAY OR NIGHT. tf. School Books J. 0. HAYES HAYES nnrinnn 1