""""" - "A -THE- UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. "Overland Route TICKETS To all Principal Points in the Coiled States. Cauuda and Europe. HFGAM XEW DIMN'G CAI1S Pullman Palace Sleepei-p, 7? COLONIST SLEEPING CARS Run through on all Express Trams to OMAHA,-- Counoil II luffs AND Without Change. Clone Connection at Portland for r an Francisco and Puj;'t Sound Points. ALL IRON STEAMERS Lave Portland for Kan Francisco every four (4) days, making the trip h. 60 hours. Cabin,.. $16. Steerage, V-00 Bound Trip Unlimited, $30,00. For further particulars inquire of any agent of the company. T. W. LEE, 8. C. MELLIN, O. P cfc T. A. General Traffic Manaufr. tf. ARTHUR SMITH, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ! Opposite Gazette Office, HEPPNER, OREGON. Watches, -A. Optical Clocks, jj Goods Watches Cleaned, Mainsprings Fitted 1.50. $1.50. All work quaranteed for one year, tf , S. P. FLORENCE STOCKRAISER! HEPPNER OHEQON. Cattle branded and ear marked as shown above. Horses E on right shoulder. Onr cattle range in Morrow, and Umatilla eounties. twill pay 1OO.00 reward for the arrest and conviction of any person stealing my took. from Terminal or interior Points the Northern Pacific BAILEOAD! Is the line to take To all Points East and South. It is the DINING CAR ROUTE. It run Through TESTIBULED TRAINS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR TO St Ea.ul (No Change of Cars; Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed, PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Laics! Equipment Tourist Sleeping Cars Best that oan be constructed and in which accommodations are both FREE and furnished tor holders of First or Second-Class Tickets, and Elegant Day Coachs. A Continuous Line oonneotint with all Lines, affording Direct aod Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be Secured in advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS To and from all points in America. Eng land and Europe can be purchased at any Ticket Office of this Company. Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, AsaiatnTit General Passenger Aaent. JV'O. HI First St., Cor. Washington. tfc. PORTLAND OJRJSGOX SiCit- GOUT Tor these complaints take Simmom Iiiver Regulator. It kecpa the stomach clear and prev ntsanyof the above poison from getting- ia the system, or, it there already it will drive them out, no matter bow strongly rooted or long-standing and you will again have good health and b happy. Have you a pain, in the side, back or under the shoulder-blade ? It is not rheu matism but dyspepsia. Take Simmon Liver Regulator. Docs your heart throb violently after unusual exertion or excitement ? It is not heart disease but indigestion. Take Simmons Liver Regulator. "As a matter of conceived duty to fiumanity I wish to bear my testimony to the unfailing virtues of Simmons Liver Regulator. If people could only know what a splendid medicine it is, there would be many a physician without a patient and many an interminable doctor's bill saved. I con sider it infallible in malarial infection. I had, for many years, been a perfect physical wreck from a combination of complaints, all the outgrowth of malaria in my system, and, even under the skillful hands of Dr. J. P. Jones, of this city, I had despaired of ever being a well woman again, aimmons Liver Regulator was recommended to tie. I tried it; it helped me, and it is the only I ling that ever did me any good. I persevered la its use and I am now in perfect health. 1 know your medicine cured me and I always keep it as a teliahle 'stand by' in my family." Mas. Ma Ky Camden, Ala. Forest Grove Poultry Yards, ESTABLISHED IN 1877. WyandotteH, Plymouth Rocks, Lmht Bniniahs, Knee and SiiikIh Uooio Brown I,e:tinrrjs, P.i'tridge Cochins, Uondnns and Sil ver Spangled Hamuli ge. 1,000 YOUNG FOWLS Ready for Delivery. BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR CHOICE SELECTIONS. ly Fowls Have bo Superior In America, and are the best on this cmat hy a (treat difference. I GOARANT E SATISFACTION TO EVE 14 Y CUSTOMER. Send for Catalogue. Address ,T. M. GARRISON, Box 55. com.3U0. Forest Grove, Or L. SHEPHARD, Blacksmith & Waitonmater. FOX, OREGON. All orders promptly attended to. Prices to suit the Times, THE PIONEBH jewelry Estaii Still Continues to Sell WATCHES, -z. CLiOCKS, pijIlY, ETC.. At the Lowest Possible Prices. A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always A Full Line of rvot toioaij insthu- Has been added to his large and well selected stock. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Worlt C3rv.x-.n.od. STOKE opposite Minor. Dodson A Co's May Bt. H 43 ii xfc - -tf- Or&scoxx OUICK TIME To San Francisco and i ll points in Call foinia via the Mount Shasta ' Route of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. The Great Highway Through California To All Points East and South, The Scenio Route of the Pacific Coast PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEFEBS. Pullman TomxsT Sleeping Cabs at tached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for beoond clasa passengers. Fare from Portland to Sacramento and San Fran cisco: rntimited, Limited Firt-C!as 44 Second-Class. .. 15 Union Tioket Office No. 134. First St., Corner Alder, Portland, Oregon. R. KOEHLEB, t Manaotv. E. P. ROGERS, Depot, Fifth sad I Street. LOCALETTES. Naked 'I ruths About and Inter esting to Our Home In habitants. DM CP HERE, THERE XD OTHER PIACES; The Troubles and .Tovs, Successes and Adver sities of Our Dear People. 'Chnck" Gleason is able t be around arin Mts. Abe Wellf is quite ill with La Grippe Senator Henry Blackmail left Monday for Portland. Willie Cowins is nursing a felon on his Ipft h'ind. A. M Slocnm has sold his Rock creek snn-mill to Will Mallnry. Chfls. Tntfrahnm, of Eiyht Mile, spent port of the holidays in Beppnr. onnty court is in session thia week, with .Tadfif" Kithley on the bench. Rt McDonald i here to nssist, Rev. Thompson in tlw prtrctid metioff Fi'C speplt fcmder trhnn words. Sini- mons Liver Retrnlntor will always pure. Birnm Clark. Bob H .rt nndCapt. War ren started Sunday for a hunt in the Blues. Mrs. W. F. Rnark left last Mondny to xit friends and relatives nt Boise City, Idaho. Commissioner H. M. Yanehn. of Kiurht Mile, is in town attending to county matters. Lee Amns was shot and killed by Rob ert Macee at Mitchell's (Crook Co ,) Christmas ball. Heppner olnims to have dull timps, but yon oneht to see other places before yon sav too much. Top finishing1 tonchep have heen pnt on the Palace Hotel. Now for a good mnn to act as "Mein host." There are men in this world who can sift their conscience down to a very fine point to save a nickle. l)o not weaken the stomtoh with ptronf? chem'cnls. Simmons Liver Reg ulator is mild and effpctive. Pendleton has about recovered from t!i diphtheria scare, which was not as bad at anv rime as reported. T. E. Fell is in receipt of letter from his wife stntingr that Howard C. Dodeon has started for his Oregon home. While Eastern people arp sh-neelincr through snow drifts and almost freezing to death Oregon has balmy spring, Thft Gazette shop can print a poster, from the smallest dodper" sizetoasheet 26x40 in. No "Jim Crow" jobs nmed nnt. It is rumored that T. N Basey ill slmrtly rent- the Mountain Honsp to ,T'S. Depny, and then move nnt to his Clark Canyon ranch. S. P. Garrignps is erpcting a building next door to W. O Miner's store, on t!ie Cnrran property, to be used as a fnrniture store. Heppner merchants sold their holiday presents with about the same alacrity as nsnal. with a pretty fair showing in the line of cash trade. Arthnr Kilenp, son of Mrs. Emma Kimip. left Monday last to attend school at Pendleton. He was accompanied by his sister, Mis Ada. Heppner is making do particular record 'his winfpr in the line of being healthy, nlthoufh fatalities are as few and far apart as nsnal. F. W. MoAlpine d-d a nea job of np hostering W. M. Davis barber chair. The latter is having his shop re-papered and re-painted throughout. Geo. Conper, Art. immerman and the Gazkttb editor are more comfortable than they were a week ago. Mr. Conser has returned to his bank duties. Nels Mitgnnsen has given np hie po sition with J. W. Morrow in the liverv stable, and will spend the remainder of the winter on his ranch, near Lexington. It is said that theColnmbiaand Snake, as well as Umatilla Indians, have been notified of the Messiah, but so far as known, have not indulged in any "ghost' antics. The Pnyallnp Commerce has lately add ed a Campbell press, with water motor as power. It is a mate to the Gazette's cylinder machine. The country Camp is the best. Died In Heppner, at 6 a. m., Monday morning, Edith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins, aged 13 years. The interment took place Tuesday in the Heppner cemetery. A sppoinl courier arrived from Monu ment Sunday, bringing in word hat Mrs. R. J. Gil more is seriously ill. A tele gram was sent Mr Gilmore, who was be low at that time. Married At the residence of Dr. A. L Fox, in Heppner, New Year's eve., Dec. 31, '90. at 7 o'clock, Mr. Oscar Alli son and Miss Susie A. Copple, Rev. Thompson officiating. Uncle Jack Morrow says he didn't enjoy his Sonnd trip the best in the world, be cause this is the wrong season to appre ciate I hat climate. Eastern Oregon has the boss winter climate. Foreeksa poor unfortunate, who is compelled to stnmp along on pegs, has made his headquarters a Heppner. His lets, from the knee down, are perfectly useless, caused, no doubt, by deformity. Married At the residence of the bride's father, E. T. Williams, on State street. S lem, Wednesday. Dee. 31, 1890, Major Dennis and Nora Williams, Rev. C. E. Cline officiating. Salem States man, 'Squire Everts, of Long Creek, was burned in effigy on Tuesday night of last week, he having made some rulings not in accord with individual sentiment, or otherwise. The Long Creek Eagle stands flat-footed for the 'Squire. If a person can reach their customers, or those whose trade they desire, throti. b the columns of a newspaper, it is busi ness to advertise. If you cannot do this, yon are throwing yonr money away. Advertising is business, not charity. The merchants of Heppner, who take the most paius to have their wares prop erly represented in the Gazette, are reaping the biggest harvests. An ad. must be written up with an eye to busi ness, and should be changed occasionally. It kind of 'pears like that every soli tary person who has business with a newspaper, expect to trade it out in "chips and whetstones;" and if the debt cannot be cancelled this way, it pinches like blazes lo dig np a little cash. It is a false idea of business H. B. Cosley was arrestpd on Deo- 26th, charged with assanltmg md attempting to shoot Frank Cecil. The trouble grew out of a jug of whisky which was pres ent at the dance given at Frederick Thane's place on Willow creek, Christ mas night. The examination is set for Saturday, Jan. 1, at 10 o'clock, a. m. About a'd"zen witnesses have been sub poenaed, and it is likely to be an expen sive business aujhow. Arlington Advocate. FROM COBASH CITY. I have been too bu-y to w rie any news for your paper from our section. Now that I have harvested my peanut crop, I will give you a blow. Ptauuts went 1,000 bushels per acre. We have a city charter, two mayors lawing for the chair, claiming fraud in the election, each accusing the others of colonizing votes. The city attorney is in the "jug" for rolling a drunk, the treasurer gone to Canada, the city clerk short in his accounts, the aldermen boodling raiiwav franchises and the re corder with the jim jams." Two lines of railway surveyed, the new hotel completed, meals at. all hours, only one dime and free drinks before each meal. 'two mammoth grain elevators, to hold 1,000,000 bushels each, are projected by prominent local capitalists, and A. F Ritnd is to be president of the company. A company talks of sinking a well for gas to run the town. It ill take a mil lion feet daily. We have no room in this town for any Farmers' Alliance. We haye studied Bneli's Confidential Circular, for t he past ten years, and know that when a firmer makes more titan three dollar per year lie will be a bloated bondholder We make now only two bushels of wheat for carrying one to market, and if he got any more we could not get our wives silk dresses, pianos and other nice little knicfc knacks I wrote to Jay hist week abiit it, and l.e told ma not to woiry about it. That congress would p;ss another t'lrifF law reducing the duty on Alaska diamon--and sand ni wood and the grangers won d he happv. That he would put H. S o t in as secretary of Agriculture, and 1 would originate a hog that -would weigh more than Van's Billy Well, a farm-r don't want money, because he don't know how to use it. Hti can't play solo. Dec. 31, '90. Lou. BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, bruises. Sores, Ulcers. SaltRhenm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chii Bhiins, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions. a id positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfei satisfaction, or money refunded. Prir 25 cents per box. For sale by r. Ayers, Jr. Nov.l4.0. PINE CITY ITEMS. Towns Mathews has moved his sheer to the Shaw range. They are looking well. I fear that the soul of man is going t get in danger here, or one oi our leading preachers is turning his attention to tht study of criminal 1 w. Beef, onions and hay are below par in this neighborhood at present. Pine Cit 's debating society met on the 27th iust., and some huge speeches were made. Tbey wM meet next Saturday evening at 6 o'clock. A. A Ayers po W. F. Miuard, chief disputants; qnes Hon, Resolved, That war has caused more destruction than strong drink. All are invited. Chas. Cunningham, a well known sheep m.in of Morrow and Umatilla couuties, is at present in Prosser, Wash , looking out for his iuterests there. Wilks. IT IS A MISTAKE To try to enre catarrh bv usiDi; local ap plications. Catarru is not a local' bat constitutional di ease. It is not a dis ease of tbe man's nose but of the man. Therefore to effect a cure, requires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsa parilla, which, acting tun'UKh the blood, reaches every part of the system, eypell jnK the taiut nhicb oauses the diseace, and imparting health. Tbe kind of weather distributed to Eastern Oregon at present, cannot help but u ake good range, as well as moisten the Boil for tbe farmer. TO CONSUMPTIVES. "" The undersigned having been restored o health by simple meaDB, after suffer ing for several years with severe lung affection, and that dread disease con snmption. is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheer fully send (free of cbarjre) a copy of th. prescription used, which tbey will find a snre cure for consumption, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis and all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is iuvahmhle. Those "desiring tbe prescription, which will cost tbem nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please addresB Kev. h,n wabd A. Wilson, Williamsburg. Kings County, New York. 400-362. POLITICS DEGRADED. In Walla Walla county, Wash., poli tics have got down pretty well. It is the bank there that manage it. They have their choice of candidates, and leave no atoue unturned to secure nom inations and elections. Why? Because each wants the couuty funds, and money which necessarily passes through the bauds of county officers. It is a source of profit to a bank, because tbey can loan a certain per cent, of deposit?, and all they pet this way is clear gain. If you want pnre politics, keep snob institutions ou,t of it. Elect candidates who have cot pledged themselves to 'drop the wud" here, or there, and the political horizon will clear np. The bosses of Walla Walla eonnty pull for their selfish interests, and nothing more. Is this the only county in the North west that is run the same way? There is nothing political in this. Politics don't worry tbe capitalist; it's how to make the money, and any other professed principles that may be hung np. are as innocent as a scarecrow; they may deceive for a time, but in the end will prove to be dummies of deception. Capital, these days, orka to its own selfinh ends without regards for the right b of other people at large. How ever, they are to blame. Let them assert themselves, and not be led like blind people. TWENTY DOLLAR GOLD PIECES. Mrs. John Curtis, of Peoria, III., writes: Used one box of Osae Pills previous to my second confinement; they worked like a charm. Wonid pay $'20 for a box rather than do without them, as they have proved a Godsend to me." Write Osae Medicine compauy, Wichita, Ens., for particulars, and their book to wives, mailed free. bold by druarnists. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Heppner Oie gon. 398 lyr. A prominent physician, an old army surgeon in eastern Iowa, was called away from home for a few Gays; during his absence one of the children contracted a severe cold and his wife bonjjht a a bottle of Chamberlain's Consrh Remedy for it. They were so much pleased with the remedy that they afterwards used several bottles at various times. He said, from his experience with it, he regarded it as tbe most reliable prepara tion in use for colds and that it came the nnrcRt hpincr n finprthr of fltiV medlCHte he bad ever seen. For sale by blooum- I Johnston Drii Co. I LEXINGTON'S MASQUERADE. The following assumed characters at New Year's eve, Dec. 31, '90: Lanes Peniand, clown; O. A. Sn miner, sailor boy; N. A. Leach, Dr-mocrtic party; Mrs. Lines Peul-md and Miss Jessie Col ridge, Sbool GirU ; M. S. Owen, Cowboy; N. .J. Hale, Com pany D; W. L Owen, Clown; Mrs. Frank Tiontmm, Sailor Girl ; Jsp A LieuJilleo,, Sailor; A. Willis, Country Jake; Fred Peterson, Clown; J. M. White, f rit Iriaiimnn; A. A. WtMis, Mug wump: Miss. Clara Mason. Q ieen of Hearts; Harvey Mase ton. Sailor Girl; C. A. Hodpon, Farmers Alliance P;irt; E- Etskelson, Smoker; Frank Shiplf-'Y, Sailor; Mr. Hunt. S tilor Bo; O Hurt, Fat Man; Lee Padbnrg Bum; M. Fitz gerald, "Susie Hannah IV11. f Jimtown;' Miss Allie Smith. National Emblem; Kay McAlieter, Capital; Miss Loin Sherry. Ladbird; Marion Sperry, MiIUt of D-e: Mrs. Geo W. Hp-Try, The Si; II Try Cnsick, C b v: C. LietHller. TIip Bean of the Ball; Mra. N. A Lech. Nii'ht; Mis Maud Glasscock, Milk M-il; Miss Lulu Bitotllhy, Queen of Hearts; Oftrrie Young, Night ; .1 L (-Jibon, Republican Par'v; Carrie Cvert, Snow ; Smi mIi StofiV, Old Onntrv School M rm; F. L. rr.-ut-man, Wash Woman. Ererybody has heard of a " horse laujR.'' but who has ever seen an equine gifted with the power of speech? Such an animal would be pronounced a miracle; but bo would the telegraph and the telephone a hundred years Wigo. Why, even very recently a cure for con sumption, which is universally acknowledged to be scrofula affecting the lung?, would have been looked upon as miraculous, but now peo- Sle are beginning to realize that he disease i not incurable. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cure it, if taken in time and riven a fair trial. This world-renowned rem edv will not make new lungs, but it will re t:re diseased ones to a healthy state when oti cr means have failed. Thousands grate ful r testify to this. It is the most potent tot c, or strength restorer, alterative, or blood-cleanser and nutritive, or flesh-builder, known to medical science. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood. Bronchitis. Afhma, Ca tarrh in the Head, and all Lingering Coughs, It is an unec led remedy. In derangements of the stomach, liver and bowels, as Indiges tion, or Dyspepsia. Biliousness, or "Liver ; Complaint." Chronic Diarrhea, and kindred ailments, it is a sovereign remedy. aumeuts. it is a oovercu lBUARiHTEFD.l Golden Medical Dis covery " is the only med icine or its ciass. Boia bv druerrists. under a priu ted auraiitee from the manufact urers, that it will benefit or cure in every case of disease for which it is recommended, or money paid for it will be promptly refunded. Copyright, 188S. hy World's Dis. Mux Ass'M. OFFERED 4-ff by the manufactur ers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, for an Incurable ou of Catarrh ia tbe Head. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice is hereby given that there will he a meeting uf the etekbhers of the National Bank of Heppner at their bank ing honse in Heppner. nn the second Tuesday of January. 1891, be ween the hours of 10 a m. and 4 p. m., for the pur pose of electing directors for the eueninir ye nr. Dated at Heppner. Dec 2. IfiM). Ed. R. Bishop, 403 407. Cashier. Trial snbpci prions to the Gazette one month, 25 cents; three month?, 75 cents. Take it. THE QUEEN'S LATEST OFFER. A Free Education or One Year's Travel in tuiope. In The Queen's "Word Contest," which the pnbiinhers of that raxgrzine announce as the IjAwt onh they will' ever offer. A Fre Education consisting of a Three Years' Course m any Canadi an or American Seminary or College, in cluding all expenses, tuition and board, to be p'iid by the publishers v;f The Queen, or One Year Abroad, cconisiing of One Entire Year's Travel in Europe, nil expenses to be paid, will be given to the person sending them the largest. list of words made from Ihe text winch is announced in the last isue of The Queen. A special deposit of $750 has been made in The Dominion B ink of Canada, to carry out the offer. Many other useful and valuable prizes will be awarded in order of merit. Tbe publish ers of The Quekn have made their popu lar family magazine famous throughout both Canada and the United States n the liberal prizes given iu the-r previous competitions, and hs this will positively BE THE LAST ONE OFF EKED, they intend to make it excel all others as regards the valne of the prizes. Send six two cent. U- S. stamps for copy of TheQtjeen con taining the text, complete rules and list, of prizes. Address The Canadian Queen. Toronto, Canada. 406 408. SUMMONS In tbe Circuit Court for the State of Oregon County of Morrow. Lena Petrie, "( Plaintiff, vs. Georfre Petrie Defendant. J To the above named Defendant. George Petrie: In tbe name of the State of Oregon," you are hereby required to appear and f nswer the com plaint" filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the next regu lar term of said court, to wit; Monday, the li: day of March, ami if you fail so to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judjre ment against you for the dissolution of the mar riage bonds now existing between you and plaintiff; also one third interest in all real estate owned by you and to allow plaintiff to resume her maiden name and for plaintiff's costs and disbursements of thii suit. Thi ssummons is published by order of Judce Loyal B. Stearns, judge of the 4th judicial dis trict, dated December 15 ISSJO. i. V. Uka. m-412. Att'y for Plain tiff. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Dec. 2."., ixon. Notice is hereby given that the followiuer named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Com. C. fci. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Or., on February' 7, 181, viz: LAXE3 PEXLAXD, Hd. No. 20M, for the SW NE'i Nt SE'iSec. 1. To2S. R25 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: James Leach, William Estes, A. J. Hill and A. J. Breeding, all of Lexington, Or. John W. Lewis, 406-411. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or.. Dec. 30, 1S0O. Xotice is hereby given that the follow i tiff named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow Countv, at Heppner, Or., on February 13, 191, viz: FRANK VEARIE PETRO, Ds. No. 7943, for the WW NEW, E NWW 3ec. 34, Tp. 1 N, R 2S E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, ; said land inomm Beir. Joseoh Oueener. Antone Veir and William Scnapert, all of Echo, Oregon. A. vL.FI A V F. R, l 407-12, Register. A HORSE WHO CAN TALK f DIAMOND OKA FOR Dyspepsia and all .'V ft- I. T 11.. t. 'V1" INDIGESTION. Kansas. Sour Stosrs- v Heartburn, O o n sti pation, Fullness, Food Rising Disagreeable Taste, Kervous ness. At Druggists and Uealers, or sent by mail on receipt of" -Sj ets. (r, boxes Sl.f)) i't stamps. ample Kent free 0:1 tc;vi-t ef 2-eeiit stamp. THE CHARLES S. VOCELER CO., Baltimore, Md. Stablemen and Steepen. C'J-s, Swellings, Eruis-S, Sprains. Gall, Strains, Lameness. Stiffness, Cracked Hecis, crac-te3, Contractions, Fiesli Wounds. Sirmji"J Sovs liiroat, E:stemper, Colic. Vhiilow, ifz'i Evl, Fis'ula, Tumors. Splints. Ringbon sar. J Sna'.!n iniheirearljSUses. BirecticftSv.'iihcriC'.iij-tLic. I lifive opened awii ing estah'ii:-lir-:(;iit in n ijijj on iRV street, ?!iid ;i receiving new yood.s and torn n::me imr-is rom inted t.iih.T-i)f-u- lni.id- i n eirnlfo'ly ike Ciis-15-- "nest goods in the market. Ave yi ad-rcss Ci r -yv' i m oTit'.i , 11 h ndieg Club If n. ppnl yui A !n-ir'cm Eiov ma C) rkshnrg, V Wiiile yon keep -our srtiwei iptio-: p: ;d up yn can k"tH) vour hrar'J i" freeof chriie. AUinnn. O. D.-Ci'lllebnu d. ') U oe 1-fi hit id iiorsf-s same braiul on riijht t-l.ttiiidcr. liantri i.rht .Viile. I V AdVii'S. nyville. Or - St;a-i;lil rsark ftcrnpg ; -ic f h'K'i a"(i tw" eiops and a n the ri;iht ear; 0 nes. J, MoWi oii ihe ii;:!iT r-iionlil'r. , Tire l!i t-iii!i"t eoun'y ai.d iiear vuliev. PU .hSrnalsoiit U'-noni-.n. (' U Aiikuiw. "'iorafn. J, on rit-'!.f hon!d"r: en -1 (' ii on riijlit hip Uat;re in G raM and ioi w eounties. AUkuis, J J Hort-K. JA connected on !e''t :tr U: entile, trie or: iefi lup, lirrman AJp. Piairie t'ity. Or. On cattle O .P ei.iiiivteu on i. ft Kii; h.-res :. i. ft stifle trd vnr. !e "n m.v'e. iiamre in Gutrt county. Johnry Aj-uch. I-otscs hiai.rit-d' tria jrieon 1ml ip: eatiie same in; ripht liip. also crop oil r:h( .iraiid iiPV'-'r bit on fijn;e. liieakii'ajs. jeo., lL-nlmaa- Hi rse. n C.e'.c m ft s-iioiiider: eaith'. -ame .n tiuiii -.iu-,;: uicr Ti'M-ke. St ('. j-t'.njr (VeeK. Or in cattle, '-JAY ennecied on iefi lup. crop off h'f; car, un- 1 r i. all' crop oil riyht. ii-.rsc-. Fame hrnr-d on : i f i should' -r. liaiige m Grant u.';d Morrow A liov-mr.n. Mount V-r'OT a' (1 Bur -Caitlp Y: on riiriil t!'P. wi coi.s eh ;houldi ian ey conniie. Iciry I'Tcsinar. tinr'-s IioutdVr; laitic ii on the air crop ai d ritil car uii hrarded 7 01 left- side, per slop". i ritrhi Left ear Hartoi;. Wr- -iJorsc':?. -I B ; t!iis- same on riy:iit hip:split in each i i Sennet t. ( '.V Horses. B on left Me Mr. ('. A.I.-r'iiue. iotet bramUu NB Rhonldfrnr sdiiie; eait' nam" or ifl split in Iett e;:r. ui pr lt;i!f crop in risri Hcown, .!. 1 ii '.MV aai cattle brat;dv( left side i wit1- ox-y-'ke attovr en Iefi shouti u r. lirown, J C i Jorws. circ le C with iior in na tenia lft hip: at (!. same. lioyer. W ?. Le-Tt floras, bos brand o' -hip c:itltf r!an:e. with i-piit in vZah car. Jioitr. I". (- 1 1 oir5tfc;, t' ii on iai'i boulder; cat tip. sqn'i' on lift hi. TY .1 Brovtuief. Fox, Or fattle. .TB coriipc.ied on l"ft sitie; crop oil left" er ard t wo sjiliis hi d mid-iSe p.i-i e en; onf on vijxht ear: nn horses same hrr d on il-e left thiirh: Kiu;-re in Fox valley. Grant cini!ty. E ( am. ( iileb. Or- X i) on horses on left otitic-: U will, iiuarler e'rele ovt-r ir,on Jefr. Iioulfler, jind on if i't stifle en all coit.K urer rfai.;oti left shouidor only on ail boraes over 5 yeurs. All rsniitre)!- Gj-ri't county. T Bi';i!uinn. l-oi Creek. Or--T f.rt cattla on ide, crop 'ff lilit Gar and silt m l ft ear. On ne brand on left, shoulder. Kang l! Crant c--m ly. Til Purl DonbiP cr--.s on each hip on cattto, swallow fork and under bit in right, cat, split in toft en r. Large in Gnu t couniy. (to s!te-p. in verted A f.nd spear t o ut on ..Ii.miM'T- Ear mark o-i I'wes, cr.-t) oti ieh, ear, pinicto'd npn-r bit iu right. Withers, crop in ri-hf and uiMer half Crop in left ear. Al! rUig - iu Grant County. A. A. Crobby. caitle 1. landed (or H L coi' neetcd") on the riirlit fhonlder. Wali-r aisner. Mount V'tiihti W on cJhtto on toft hip, c-op arid split in lefr ear: 7W cfinec!ed on horses ou left fhouldo . Ranee in ( -J rant Co. K Chittenden, Piairie t'ity, l)r rick, handle down on ejiitie rtvht hip ami split m right ea' tiorses. same l?iai.u on right shoulut-r. ltai:go in Grant couniy. Cook, A. J Lena Horses, 50 on right sljr.iji.ier Caitle, same on r iht hip: ear mark square crop off toft and split in right. Currtu. li V- iforses. & in toft stifle. Cochran. J II Monument. Or Horses branded l'I Ac- A on !i ft sh mhtor. Cai tie. same ou right hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop off left. Cox & L!;giish. Hartiuisu Cii.i'i, 0 with in center: horses. t'E on left- 'on. Cupper, If A Morses H C on I- ft shoulder cattle H ( on left side, shallow fork on right ear. R. K. Cochran. Monument, Grant Co, Jr Horses bratibd cireJe with bai beneath, on left shoulder cattle same brand on boiti hips, mark under slope both ears and dt-wiap. Cliapin JI. Horses branded on right hip. Cattto brauded the same. S L Cro-s. Layvillu. Or Cat'le branded two crops and a sjilif. in left :-'ir; on horses a reversed Z " left si ifie. Also have t lie following hrands on rattte: 72 on Iett h rx 7 on right hip, 72 ou left shoulder, two ps-raltol bars on toft shoulder. Ear marks, two crops. Win. Hoonun. burses brai ded OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. JJoiiclasfl, W M Cattto. R V on right side, swa low-fork in each ear: horses, li D on tofi bin. Uane-m. W. P., John O.-iy Quarter circle Vt on ritrht slioulder, buih on horses and cattto. Range Grant con. ty. Driskell. W. E. Horses branded K i-rside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on toft side of neck. Iiainnn, R E. Mount Vernon-7U connected on cattle on right hip. under slof.e in right ear, nrder bit in left ear; snme brand ou horses on right hip. liane in Grant county. J. B. Ely & Sot;s. Horses branded FLY on toff shoulder, cattle same on toft hip. hole in right ear. Ralph Fist, Prairie City. Or Horses, 11 F on right shou d-r; cattle, on right hip. Range-in Grant county. b leek. J ackson, Horses. 7F connected on right shoulder: cattle same on right hip Far mark, hole in riht and crop off left. Florence, L A Cattle. LF on right hip; horses F with bar under on ritrht slioulder. Florence. S P Horses, F on right shoi Me: ; cattle. F on right hip or thigh. Armstrong. J . C, Acton T with bar under n on toft shoulder of horses: cattto same on tof; h i p. Gay, Henry GAV on left shoulder. Gobto, Frank Horses, 7 Fon toft stifle; catth , same on right hip. Flmer Gentry. Eclio, Or --Horses branded H S. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle Rfi'tre in Morrow and Umatilla-counties. Fra k MeGtir, Fox Valley Mule si.oe w th toe cork on cattie on ribs and under in each ear; ho S'-s same brand on toft si ifle. J . O. Gilt water. Prairie City, Or. On horses, O -O on left should -r and stifle; cattle, ou right side. Range in Giant County. C E Glaze ar d A P Si.jder. Oayville.Or Horses branded d on right should r; on cattto, stripe down the toft shonluer. Also P S on horses on left shoulder, a id same on right hip on cattle. Lai'tre in irant cm ty. Hietor; A Jenks. Hamilton. Or Cattle, two bars on either hip; crop in right ear ai d split in left. Hoist s. J on riirht thtoh. Raiig" ie Grant county. Hughes, Samuel, Wagner, Or T F L oa right shoulder on horse.-; on a ttle. on righ: hip a? d on left si i to, swallow fork in rigid ear and slit in left Range in Ha stack distric. Morr w county. Fdwin Hall. John Dav Cattle K U on ritrht nip: tiorses same on ngnt shoulder. Gram county. i ar.gi in Iliol A. Hjito. Prairie City. Or. -AH combined on horses on right shoulder ; cattie on ritrht hip. R,i7 ge in ('irant county. Mat Hughes, horses branded shoulder, heart on eft shoulder. Id Iloltoway, Saddle, Or., horses and cattle branded K H connected, wi'h bar under it. Huiipaker, H Horses, V ou toft shoulder; ca1 tie, 9 on left hi' liardisty, Albert Nye, Oregon, ITtrses, AH come ctcd m toft shoulder; Cattle on the toft h.p, crop off toft ear, J F Hoilson, Voutt Wrnon JF ctmnected on horses on right thigh: on cattle. N B on rigiit hip- Isai.gein Gr;tit and -. arney. H'ur.r.lire tl I 1 ii . , i , , I I . , .-.. li ,,n lof flank? Riatt, Wm. E. Hors'-w branded bar cross ou toft shoahier: cattto same on .ef; hip. I imjco. o x'l iinia, i ii-gin m ion mumiuci cattto. same on right hip. jvy. rtirrott. ljong i rec.K. ur-t nine j same to.-'iid on 'toft shou.der. Range in Grant county. 1 11 .I'-nkitiB Mnunt. Vernon J on uinw, nn left shouhier: o ra'tle. .t on h ft hD ai d two smooth crois on both cars. Rauyc in Fox ai-d Bear vaR.-yf. VERA f.- Jut, kin, S. M. Horses, huivenhoa J oi lfft piiouldtT. Cattle, the iiiim3. Kane ou Eight Mi) 3. Jon- a. J. l.n M, Pilot fi'-cV, Or. Cattle tt-iau-ple v. iiiv liali' r-r.-Ie cm riu'Lt ii i, and -r elupe on risrli' car. hth! uppor s.oii n left ear. iiauiff) in Umaii!la coa ny. J(hi!st;ii, ("elis liff. pirctf Ton left otif-'o rattle, saint' nh; mf, aiiuer t and Kplit iu It- tir. i cmp in ri&ht Kirk. J T-Sit.r, Kirk. Jp-Hirt. lx-fi shoulder: cattle. Mi'.ie K -my, horw h;-.vnil tiNY on loft hip: c-f.u;o h;iiiih ai;ii erttp oti" left vm-: uuder sltpe on tlr.' th.-)it tiirhard K K it; erpiar, cattle on left bii ; ti;nn- on left simulilt-r. iia ie Hear ruli'-y. V. (). audrofs, Biuntoii, (ira ,t coanty. Or. V (t Kimhpr;n:d, HjoaiU Wrnon, Or I L on CfiliU nt'. lifriit iind icft (,iits. swidlow fork iu lfft itr tv.-fi muicr cni in rdf ear. ) lorsfy same lifntiil nil nn shu . Ha lire in Grant cauny. K- i'uvy. hli. Mtpjiiim'. Mr. horses. .1 L and vx-c cUOa on ImEI siifk'. Hai.go in UaiatUJa and -t vrnw rcutit'i h. M V Lr si. y, Monument, Or A triangle gl vith all Li v.- s'rrdi'i pa I budy "f iiuru mijL;itir sestii Ipi'i ttiiould''!-. on o;ito, diaiu.-nd nu left shtmidcr. split in ruriir and uud.-r hit inleftar. Ka w in Unitt (!on'ityad to parts of Jnli Day. J( ii i,;i!ir.i c Prairie City, i lr Cat tU Z ou rif;Iit itip; in i-rf' s, same en ritfht shoulder. Kai ge in (Jrai-t Ctitiily. l,.ft 'n, Snellen-Ij on left hip on CHt'le, nop him! uplu on riplir car. Horses waaae brand on left sh-inlii. r. Kiuid Crant county. P. (. ad drrrt. Trox. Oictrou. i.n n.tSii n, -loiin W. -iTorspp branded half-oir cit J 1- conni'iv.nj on left Bliouiilnr. (?aiie. namp on t-t hip. Jiaiiin-. near lxixidui. tieoriic Lord, horrid branded double 11 coi - . i eclvd, :niH times cahed a swing it, on left tihon!dor. J. W. I'.lie; , horses branded L N on the left el rudder, w.ille tirrded the wjtne on iett hip; w.-c ; le ovet- riirtit eye, t hreo slii s in ri;ciit er.r. Muior, Oscar. v:tiie. M Don ritrht hip; horwea :d :i tt'ii bhouider. V:iKap, rS riorwes. H) on lefi ahoiddei , ra!i :?! on ft hip. ber. J at A. At wood Horses. M witl i! ri.iit tiiii.nhU'r. i 'iu . Lei. a: bursts old mares 71. on ; yo yn-i si.ruii, :u ill zs i;i left, rilioul'ler . 'L'hos llojr-es. circle T on left HhouJ !i Lhi ih; eaiile. mi ritdit thiyh. lj.. ( i-irir. t'ettysvilit. 1-iorwes, il uu rihi - V on rijht side. ei. i ', ;,M feef , f igure 5 on each ahoui:"' ba) o-,ri Ii. H. ri,:ii't ni del' '!.u MlU'i; Uil, up. Vfrnon. Or V I on n&ttln litiViKot hi;., cr.-p .ii !).:,, t ear. half onm hi 3t.fi: aim-hraLiti ou iivrst & on jrf i hi . Haugo m Grant county. -Vu'ii.r. Ufirney Hori fhouidi'r; t-aitd- :one. K O : d.hess. Fox. Ores 8 7H connected on left Kan'e (jrant couniy. i. V. .Meilali-.-y, liamiHon. Or. On FTorsea, 8 wuh iiali cin-h- m iii-r oa left whou!der;on Cuttle, four hais e.Mini.'ctod fn toj; ou the riht side. Nal. Ai.Urew. Lone Rock HorseH AN coi- i on ten slioulder: cuttiu Kanie on botli hio-. an ,' . lt. ilortes N wit h half circle i ou r-u nonifit.r. Nordyke, K Horsed, circle 7 on toft fhih; cat tle, -.am' oti l"it iiii,. Jos- i-h Oliver, Canyon City, Or A Son cattle oi! h ff dip; on liortd. same on toft tiiigh. hanjje in HlHUt county. uier. Perry. Lone ttock p O o' left ehon.dei FiJiMim J'fpli, Monument, dr., brands hors es J P Cfi:iit-sicd. on nit sbouiib-r; cattle the Kime uu tli njiui lup and underslope in ri?ht ear. Pearor, Ohire. Horses, quarter circle nhield on ltd t snouJder and 24 on 1-fi hip. Caitle, fork m lei: o-.r. rtliicroppi. Z4cni toft hip. Range o;i richt Mi:. William Pop. Aloiuit V. iron I Ton cattle on left iitp. two siits in toft eai; 8.. me brai:d Oti hordes on e; i stiOcj. Jiamre in Orant county. t'arker A. treason, iianlnmn rlorBt'B iP on I it si-ouhter. " - H., Acton lloroe, -IK connected ou uider; cat lie, Kame on left iiip. under bit ileiiry Patberj?, horses branded with a Romat ('ro-.-s on left t.lio:Utor; caitie branded with Ito man cros.s, bar at bottom, on lei t lup. A. c. Petiys. Vettis7i!le Hirses dimno d P on b-tt titonid-r. jutle. J II J conmctd and in verrr -.i on toll hip: crop off Iett ear i.nJ split ir ngiit wattle or inside of right fore !e above the knee. John i Povvet, Dwyvilto, Or tTorecs, -TP con nee -d on jeti sin aider. Canto OK coiuiectxjd oti ieit hip, two uuder iiaif crops, uiie on each ear, w;-tt!e u"ierthro;t . Kaueiu Wraut county. htokard. ti. I)., Canyon i ity KC on toft hoti.d- r, on hf.ea only. R uu Canyon creek, ai:t Lear vndey. tjnint county. Kooii. Andrew, iiardmau liorsea, square crodn wt;l: tiltarLer-ircle over it on leUntitto. Sleiur cer. Citridi lories. C K on toll shoulder. n. Rudio, Aionnment. Brands horses K or ril.t shoulder, liune Grant and ilorrow coun ties. Riyse, Aaron. Heppner. Or ITcrees, plain V on ,ef Kiiouid:r: cattl, name brand reversed on rmhi hit at d crop off right ear. Range in Alor row couniy. Ktis-t WiJJiam, Pentlleton, Or Horses R on tofi Siinuitier; cattle, li on left hip, crop off rifdif ear, und'."-;it on toft eHr. t?lieep. R on weathers', round crop off righ ear. Range Uma tiiiaai.u iioirowc muticB. iit-aney. A redrew 1 f x' Dpi or. Or. Horse branded A R 011 rtoht shoulder, vent quarter circie over brand; cattle same on right hip. ii.o.ffu Morrow county. Ri'yse, m. 11, IJairyville. Or RR connected wiiii qaaru-r cin to over top on cattle on rignt hip mm crop oil r riyhi e!tr and wplit in toit, Horsta wime bra; ti on left ahoutder. Range in Morrow, Grant and GtLunn ;oui.ties. Riiier. J b linitr. Or Tnree parallel bars1 wiin bar overort lioises oa left lisp; on cattle, toft side, two smooth crops, two splits m each ear. Range m .indole Korn of John Day. Utrcti -i . J WlIoreeti. JO on left shoulder. Cat tle, o ou rifiiit hip. " L .pray, J. F. Horses branded 8F connected cm. ritriit rdiouutor: cattle same on both hins. Bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded S A on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Skinner. G h. Uilter. Or ilorsea. two-bar S on It it si itie. P aui S two bars on toft, side, a crop and tioee splits in rigiit ear, kwr11i-v fork and und'.-i'tut in toft, cattle, fcs on cati.it lui ger than on tKtict'ii. tx.: ge ;n Gran couniy. A L. Swaggart. Elia. horses brande 1 on left shoiiider: ceitie same on left hip. Ciop on -ear ear, wattle on left hi,ud tog. Straight' W. K Horses s!mIed J 8 on let; stiiie; cattle J S on iett hip, swuilow fork in right ear, underbit in toft. " fcayer. Root tiorses, S on right shoulder; cattto square on right hip and S on right shoulder, fciwaggun, Jb, Aipiue He rues, ti 8 on right dhoulutjr. f-ipp. Thos. Horses, SAPob left hip; cattle same on leit hip. Sears. W II Horse" baroverS. Range in Fox valley. P O address. Fox. Or. bhobe, iJr A J iioroe, Dti on on left hip; cat tie, same on left side, wattle ou toft side of necK ears cut shbrp at pi.int. Smith, E, F, 1'iiot Rock, Or. Cattle, horse shoe oii left sidt, crop cio-se in left ear. Horses, 4 on left thigh Range in Umatilla and Grant counties. John Shrtor. Fox valley NO connected-on horries on r-giithip: caale, same ou right hip, crop 'tl rii;lit ear and under bit m toft ear. Range in Gra .t county. Smith Ri-.s, John Bay, Or H Z on cattle o to t shoulder. Sieveiisoii, Mrs A J Cattle, 14 on right hip swallow-fork in iett ear. Speny, K fi Cattle, WO on leff hip, crop ofl riiit and underbit in toft ear, dulap; horses, W C on toft shoulder. Sw;tgv.art. O W Horses, 44 on left shoulder ; cattle, 44 on toft hip. Stewart, Oeo., Hardman Korsee circle 0 on left shoulder. Smith, R. E. Lone Rock, Or. Horses branded a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattie same on left side. Range, Gilliam county. Snath Geo.. horses branded ti on left flantc' Thompson, J A Horses, Z on tort blioulCu r; cattle, 2 on toft shoulder. Tip? lets. B T Horses. C on left shoulder. Turner R. W . small capital T to't shoulder, horses; cattle same on toft hip with split in both ear:. P Thomas, Mount Vernon -TF connected on cattle on right hip, swallow fork in right ear and underbit in same ear; horees. same brand on right Stilto. Ranjreiu John Day valley. S A Tucker. Prairie City F ou cattle and horses on Jeff shoulder. John Tureman, Prairie City, Or. On horses, 10 on leit stiito; on cat lie. O witti bar under on toft hip. Range in Grant, couniy. W H Warreti, :al-b. Or ( -attle. W with quarter circle over it, on left side, split iu right ear. Horses s;mc bra -d on toft shoulder. Ratigein Grant couuty F L Wood, Dayville, Or Heart on horses on toft stifle; on cattto. 'l on left, side and under bit in toft ear. Range in Grant county. Wright, Silas A Hepp ler. Or. Cattle branded B W on the right hip. square crop ott right ear and split in left, Francis Wallace, Mount Vernon Pquare on canto on tiie left hip. upper slope in he toft ear and under slop in right ear. 8 me brand on horseH oii riiihi shoulder. Range in Harney and Grant, countv. . Wfbsier. J. 1.. Heppner, Or. Horses branded w:th bar over J on ritrht shoulder; cattto same on right hip, crop off toft ear and split iu each. liange. Morrow county. Wad-. Henrv. Horses branded ace of snadefl f on le t shoulder and left hio. Cattie branded Wells, A S Horses, avo on left shoulder; catt e SHltl-. John Wolfitiger, John !ay Citv On horses, three praliel lars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Maihuer coins ties. Wyiand, J II, Hardman Circle 0 on lef thigh. Woodward, John Holt, UP connected on left shoulder. Wa'kb's. Llshe, horses branded UK connected on left stifle. Wa la e, i 'hartos Cattle, W on right thigh, ho'e in lefi ear; horses. Y on right shoulder, some same on left shoulder. Wren, A A ('attle, running AA with barac w J. S. Yonns. Gooseberry, Or. HorseH brand d x a on uie ngni euouioer. v. H. Crowley, Long creek Horses branded circle on iett snoutoer. Whit tier Bros., Drewy, Harney county. Or. Horses hrnnoeu Vv H, o,inected nn iefi, honlder ? h TS iSTX??? Tle Ver Jhre bnrsoe leithtp both cattto a- d to;rses. Range I """" l"'UIM" - "iMmin,ur. ! Wiiiianis. J O, Lona Creek. Or Hnr nno. ter circle over three bars on tofr hip: cattle same ' ui.d biit in each ear. Range in Grant comity. o o