The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, January 08, 1891, Image 3

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    ,:e tte.
1HUKSJJAY, Jniiuitry 8, 1811
Union Pacific Railway-Local Card.
No. 31, mixed. I' HV H.;.nfr f ;ir a. m."
No. ay, - " urrivHn .luiu p. m.,
XG4-pl Sunday.
Strife li'Hvt-h fer Canyon Cit daily,
4 i rl 1 Siiii(tii, t ti Mi) a. m.
Arrives m v. exrept Monday, at
6:U P. u.
tliereif paving of Hi btinrs in tune
and t. CrtH) by tnkih tiiiB mute to
'PHW PAPKIt is kr-pt
on tile nt K. DuktVi
Aiivurtmi iir Akhdi;v. rtt mil A5 Mi-n ;lm.i 1 1
Kxchiiiic. Shu Fram-inco. jilifornia. wtioru uo...
tract for lvtrtiuiK an be uimie fur it.
C.W. LmLhK&H..42 Ffth tret Port
land, Oregon, are authoriz! t irhIcc advertising
contract fur the ilttuuiief GAZtrric
Lexintf'on, W. I'. McAllister.
Wagner, J. F. Spray.
Arlington, Mr. iienuett, Moody's ware
house. Long Creek. Eagle.
OnllowHy, Rub ftlmw.
Gooseberry, Or., W. S. Pannim.
Camas Prairie, Oscar DeVaul.
Matteson, AHen McFerriu.
Nye, Or., 11 C. Wright.
Hardtnan, Or., C. M. Spiicer
Hamilton, Grant Co., Or, Mattie A.
Ifiow, T. J. Carl.
Prairie City. Or., Jos. VV. Bates.
Cnuyon Citv, Or., 8 L. Parnab.
Pilot Bock. G. P. Skelton.
Daville. Or., Mr. Adams. P. M.
John Jay, Or.. iit master.
Ad agent wanted in every precinct, tf.
HltiNAI, IttidOltlt.
rrWwk Radius WedueMlay. Jan. 7. 1890.
IMwu 1
Temp. Max.
acier. Datt
2; 41 !U
3 41.00
4 44 l
6. 4li0
6 3 AO
45 U) ( sa.tnt
it! 7rtf
.6 I
W.Ulft 1
II. Ill
I cloudy
Hit W, I
41.0U i
.ub I
40 (IU
A. Sutra, Observer.
Kaiufall at hVunr fr 1800.
Jan. I.IU in.; Feb. l.:W in.; March 2.75 in.;
April O.SfJ in.; May 0.71 in. ; June 2.2 in. ; July
in.; August 0.17 in.; hep. 0.S". in.; Oct. l.liO
in.; Nov. u.Ui i.; Dec. I t! in. 1 o ul, 12.U in.
Maxiintiiii leiiipt'mmre 101 in July.
Minimum Teuijwmture 17 iu February.
Here and There.
3. 3. Roberts' biiby is ou
Danner, PLotiiKriipbir.
D. R. Jnyne, of Skinuer
the sick list.
ia no-
riouBly ill.
AhU Then. Danner 'how
he likes
S perry's Sue stock.
R. C. Wills, the Ioue merchant, whs
with os I "t evening.
LeK'slnture eonveues M odty next.
Thro the fun Ix-gin.
W. C Briiwn viu over from Lone
Rook the first of thi week.
Mrs. Kramer is now one of the
operstorB nt Castle Iiiok.
Give us plenty of rain, bnt we can gtt
get ulonK without the snow.
Bil'v Ross, better known us "The
Joahef," left Tnes.lty for The Dalles.
A. A. Wren called on the office Tues
clay. He rather xiects an open winter
Theo. Danner is the photographer at
Heppuer. Don't forget it. 9titf
Chas. H. Ryoliard, from Taeoma.
WbIi., is visiting lis brother, C. W
We are informed that J. R. Natter
will return to lleppner in the near
- future.
Dave and Will MoAtee have pnrehaspd
the "3em" saloon of Messrs. Jones &
Mrs. ,Ti ff Kirk of Blaok Horse, I'ms
Teturued home from an extended visit to
Bro. Fred Sa w, of Arlington, was in
tteudaiice no the K. of P. installation
Tuesday eve.
Lone Ruek and Fossil don't, ssem to
flet nearer Ueppner in the WHy of better
mail facilities.
M. Gray, of The Dalles, mother of
lira. George Noble, Juok Bud George
Oray, is visiting here.
While the East is floundering in snmv
rifts. Eastern Oregon is hnvinj; sun
shine. But snob is our climate.
Wm. Blair's little son Frank, fell from
bnggv st Ltxingtou Inst week, and
fraxttured oue of thi boues of his right
Messrs. Ile.nan O ildwell, Bill Iugrnm
Phes. Haines anit C. E. J nes of Eight
Mile, were uotieed on our streets ihiR
Stock Inspector. W. O B iver, went
down to Castle R ck Sstnr I 'V to I ok
after sqme scabby sheep, returning M in
day. Seonnd Lienton int J L. Gibson has
llss hwii elected First Li-'ilen mt of Co
1J at Lexiugtnn, vice R H. Whitson re
iirned. Jobn-y Ayers and Andv Tillsrd. well
kDown Blieepnien. showed up Tuesday,
nd seem well pleased with prospects
I . r a light winter.
A nephew of J 8. Boothhy. of Lexing
ton. arrived la-it week with his family
nd aontemplates residing permanently
in Morrow oounty.
Mr. F. B. Keller and his son-in-lsw,
Mr. Pickler, are visiting with Mr Booth
by. of Lexington. They contemplate lu
eating in this country.
Miss Annie Rmney has at last returned
from an extended visit to the family of
Joe MeGinty. She should locate perma
ceutly in the MaGinty neighborhood.
Sam Kinsman has given np his
position in the Liberty Meat Market,
owned bv Walter McAtee, ami will here
ftr devote bis time to shipping live
stock, etc.
Quite a large crowd greeted the min
etTels last tnondnv night. For amateurs
they did very well. The gross receipts
were tlM. netting quite a neat sum, for
the beDetit of the band.
Mr Andrew R-aney is one of Morrow
county's supervisors who takes pains in
keeping up his bridges and roads. He
has done some good work this fall in the
Lexington road district.
Mnsm will be furnished for the dances
of he Heppner Social Club by Messrs
tiweeuev, cf Arlington. Homer Merar
land, J! C. Hart, and Miss Julia Hart.
The first danoe of the Heppner So
cial Club will lake place at the Opera
House to morr.w night. They have
arranged for a series of six dances,
which will occur everv two weeks Only
those having invitatiuus iU be ad
mitted. In some part of liiis issue, Mr. Howard
C. 1) dson is mentioned us on the eve l
returning from the" K is. and m' we
will herslil bis i ctnal tetnm last Tus
dav evei iiig. Mr. Didm er j 'V"ed his
-visit He leit Mrs V. bl FU and b bv
finite well, and appreoiatiug their stay
ia BloomingtoD.
I .M t-aii 1 Pre-
likUr, I CI P. I
i N.i 2,K. of P.f
the number of
r related at ibe
Castle Hail of the K lights of Pythias in
Heppner ou Tuesday eveuing I it, to
ui ness the inniallatiori ceremonies and
partake of the bountiful repast prepared
by i he dutiful wives of the members
After a speech of welcome by Knight
W. R. Ellis, D'pnty Di-t. Grand Clmn
Cclior, 1' O. B Tg, assisted by On and
Clim.ct iloix. duly iustalled the officers.
The toast, "The K. of P Order," by P. O
Boig. was lesponded to by Otis Patl
tersou. Supper being announced, the
table ticcommodating one hundred,
was filled more than twice, after
which short speeches were made,
ending with "Good Night song"
by the olmir. The excellent singing of
the clioiron this occasion uiiist not be
overlooked, as it was one of the most
attractive features. It was a very enjoy
able iifftir, anl the mHrubers of D-io
L alge N . 2 ) hope to meet their friends
aairi ou a simil ir occasion.
Good News -Mr. Andrew Reaney was
in town Monday. H has 200 acres of
fall so . n grain which looks better than
gram of any previous season. At a dis
tance, ne says, it looks HKe a green
meadow. Everyone in his neighborhood
seems to look forward to a prosperous
year. At present there is an excellent
pro pect for volunteer graiu, and if Mor
row county strikes it ou this, it's likefiud
ing the rniii. Andrew has plenty of hay
'or the w inter, even more than he will
require for his own stock, and be is
therefore happy. He now owns the Jas.
Jones' ranch, below Lexington, where
he makes his home, and near at hand he
has an abundance of fiue, undulating
prairie for grain raising.
Bunked Theiu Hay Someone hnrned
to tone of hay for John and Charles
Shivers, of Ritter, recently. Wm. Ste
venson and Reub. Gilchresfc were to
gether, that eve. Stevenson has since
jumped the country, and this led to
the arrest of Gilchrest, who, after exam
ination, was placed nuder 81.200 bds
to appear before the grand jury. He
had no trouble in obtaining that araonnt.
The evidence adduced at tue trial was
wholly circumstantial.
January 1st, "91. If yon owe the
Gazette, yon will very likely get a
statement of your account. If conven
ient, it will be handed yon bv someone
Connected with the office; otherwise it will
be sent to you by mail. The Gazettb ia
lenient, but now the first of the year,
money is needed and we must naturally
expeot it from no other sonroe than
those ulto owe ns.
Citizen's Alliance. A Citizen's Alii
nrce lias been organized at Lexington,
with the following oorps of officers:
President. Chas, Johnson; Vice Presi
dent; 0. W.Metie-; Seoretarv.C. A. Hod
son; Treasurer, Henry Padberg. The
next meeting of the alliance will take
plaoe nt Penlnnd Hall ou Saturday even
ning, January 17.
A Mystery l'Er.-Itis yet a mystery
who murdered Henrv Brown, the man
found recently with bullet holes in head
and skull oreshed, above Pendleton ou
'be main line. He is likely the victim
of some murderous and thieving bobo,
but the seoret will, perhaps, remain with
the culprit, uule.-s brought to light by
The question lias been nsked, In what
respect are st. Patrick's Pills better than
any oilier?" Try them. You will find
i hot they pro uoe a plensnnter catbartio
ffec, are more certain in their action,
and that the uot only physio but
cleanse the whole system and regulate
the liver and bowels. For sale at 25
cents per box bv Slocum Johnston Drug
In Pendleton, Tuesday eve, Mr. Wm.
Goiilou and Mrs. Francis J. Suttou, b"tb
of Heppner. The best wishes of the Ga
zette go with them.
Assessor MeGee is iu town.
Mr. Willey. frouj Los Angeles,
is in the city.
S un Kinsin m will ship three car
loaos of cattle beloiv Saturday.
Win. D ulnss is over from uis Butter
creek possesions.
Another ohild kthed by the use of opi
ates i:iven in tne foriuof soothing syrup.
Why mothers give their ohiliben snoh
dendl) poison H surprising when they
can relieve the chi.d of its peculiar
troubles by using Dr. Acke'r baby
coother I ootitaius no opium or mor
phine. Sold by Slocuin-Johnson Drug
Co., Ueppner.
Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. Gordon returned
from Pendleton last evening.
Wm. T. Halley and son, Paschel, are
over fiom Eight Mile.
Julius Potts made a trip to Pendleton
last week, reteruing this.
Mi. Beck, of Beck Bros., Hamilton,
was tn towu yesterday.
It is smt-iri- ing that people will use a
common, ordinary pill when they can
secure a valuable Euglish i ne for the
same money. Dr. Acker's English pills
are a jtositivc cure for sick-headache
and all liver troubles. They are small,
sweet, easily taken, and do not grie.
For sale by Slocum Johnson Drug Co-,
Heppner, Or.
pioneer ninety
So says
vears old.
au Oregon
Fohest Grove, Or., March 19. I have
used the OREGON KIDNEY lEA aud
obtained immediate relief. It is God's
blessing to humanity. I take pleasure
iu recommendiug it to the afflioted. I
Bin now nearly ninety years old-, came
to Oregon in in ih employ of the
Hudson's 15 iv Company, and ince I he
Kan using the OREGON KII)NE TEA
I enjoy good healtli. David Mdnrob.
Mr. Webb, mother of Mrs. W. tl.
Ellis is one -f the unfortunate ones who
I are ill tui" eek.
i o!hinr like it for dyspepsia, and
i indiges'iiv . .nnmo:is Liver Regnlutor
i is safe, sure cure.
I The OAZKTrn wants to trade a rattling
; go.-d coal stove for one tuttt eal wood,
t Rush over for a bargafn.
! M mUr ..j Doric L.Iy
JUi.l in v .if .1 rra-iHit I..
, nvvr tw- liiiitri-thi, roil
The marriage of two well-knotfii bik
p ;pular young people occurred at tl
home of tha bride's pareuts in Heppuer
cn Tuesday eve, Jan 1, '91, at 8 o'clock
p ni., Mr. Frack Otis Bucknnm, of Port"
land, and Miss Belle Elder, of this place.
Rev. W. E. Potwine, p istor of the
"Chinch of the Re le -mer," of Pdudlet a.
solemnized the boads of hymeu in tha;
beautiful service pecliar to the Episco
pal Church.
The bride was dressed iu cream colored
silk, and looked as lovely as we are wont
to paint iu our minds the mythical
Venus. The groom was dressed iu a
neat-fitting black suit.
The weddiug was a quiet affair, only
a fer' friends and relatives of the con
tracting parties being present. The
liride ami oroom apni the rpcinients ff
a number of beautifal presents on this
occasion .
Mr. and Mrs. Bucknnm left Tuesday
morning last, for their future .home iu
Portlaud. Both beiDg very dear friends
to the editor of this paper, it is but
natural to fall in witb the general good
wishes of the coinmeuity for their future
Died, at Hardman. Morrow couuly. Or.,
December 28, 1890. J. D. Akers, aged
29 years, 10 months and 20 days.
He was born in Decatur county, Iowa
in 1861, where be grew up to unauhood.
Having poor health, he emigrated West
about six years ago, his health improv
ing rpidly. He became in good health'
but his lungs being in poor condition
made him a fit subject for consumption,
of which he died in less than one day's
illness. He suffered but little, nnd ap
parently died in peace. He will be great
ly missed by all w ho knew him, and by
the I. O. O. F. Lodge, of which he was
The following resolutions were adopted
by the Lodge:
WHEhEAs, In view of the loss we
have sustained by the loss of our friend
aud Bro., J. D. Akers, and of the still
heavier loss sustained by those dearest
to him, therefore be it
Resolved, That in regretting his re"
moval from our midst, we mourn for one
in f very way worthy of our respect.
Resolved, That in our sorrow for the
loss of so faithful and beloved Brother,
we find consolation in the belief that it
is well with him for whom we mourn.
Resolved, That the heartfelt sympa
thies of this Lodge be extended to the
relatives ol our deceased Brother.
Resolved, That these resolutions be
spread ou the records of this Lodge by
by the Beoretary, and n copy be sent to
the deceased's father atXDecatur, Iowa,
and to euch of the newspapers nt Hepp
ner. 3. 3. McGee,
D. U Jenkins.
, jcoi
J. A. Woolkhy,
Card of Thanks Resolved, That the
thank of this Ldge be extend 3d to Mr.
J. II. Rnyee for bia kindnesp, to the pall
bearers for tbeir willing Hasistnnce( atul
to the other friends for the BmpHby
shown the elatives of onr deceased Bro.
Ia one which is guaranteed to briug
yon da tis factory res nits, or in case of
failure return of purchase price. On
this sufe plan yon can bn from our ad
vertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery - for Consumption. It
is ifiiarnuteed to bring relief in every ease,
when used for buy affection of Throat,
Lungs or Chest, such aa Consumption,
Inflammation of Lungs Bronchitis, Anlh
ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc.
It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, per
fectly safe, and can always be depended
upon. Trial bottles free at T. VV. Ayerts'
Drug store.
L. W. Lewis and Joint Representative
Dual in, of Long Creek, repieseuting
Giant and Harney, leftou Ibis morning's
train for Salem. -
It does, in every line of bnsim-ss, ltd
especially in compounding and prepHr
ing medicines. This is illustrated in ft e
great hui eriorily of Hood's Sarriapanl)- .
over other preparations, as si own by
the remarkable cures it has accom- j
plished j
The head of Ibe firm of C. I. Hood ;
& Co., is a thoroughly competent aud
experienced pharmacist, having devoted t
his whole lire to tbe study and prepsra-
tion ot inetiicineR. ne ia also a memoei ;
01 ine Mansacuusetrs una American
PhnrtuHOentfCnl Associations and ou
trtiiics actively devoted tt snperviHinjj
the prepura.iou of and manayiutr the
bnsiuFSs couueoted with btiud's Siiraa
pHrilla. Hence the superiority and pecnlint
merit of Hood's Sarsaparilta is bmli
upon a eubstantial foundntion. Iu its
prepartion there ia represented all tbe
knowledge which modern research in
medical scieuce has developed, combined
with loug experience, brain work, and
experiment. It is only necessary to give
tliis med urine a fair trial to realize its
great curative power.
And still subscribers are added daily
to onr list- They are evidently not seek
ing "other sonroes" for news becanne
they can get it richt here in Ueppner.
People know tbe difference between a
porous plaster and a metropolitan weekly-
Is the positive verdict of tue people who
take Hood's SrsRparilla When nsd
HttvirdiDK to directions the good t-flf -cts
of this excellent medicine are soon felt
in nerve strength restored, thiit tired
feeliuff drnen off. a rimmI appetite cre
ated, headache and dyspepsia relieved.
fHTofula cored and tbe bad effects f:
impure n1rod overcame. For a pod j
blood pnritier.tHke Hood's SwrsHparilla. I
""THE MOST obstinate cases of catarrh 1
are cn red by the use of El' Cream j
Bairn, the nly atfreenble remedv. It is
not a liquid or snuff, is easily applied
into the nostrils For cold iu the bead
it is mu;icftl. It gives relief at once.
Priie SO cents.
Watch this Space !
Messrs. Yi Farland, Halt, Thornton
i n Sii cum hi ve ifcmtW pnrch;ed for
heir iin diiite of rooun in the Natioual
li -Ilk till 1 Jmr g, a grand Fisher pi'.uo.
he young o en have quaiters that will
Heep them home of evenings, being
fitted np iu elegant shape.
The World Enriched.
The facilities of the present day for the
production of everything that will con
lace to the material welfare and comfort
jf mankind are almost unlimited and
.-hen Syrup of Fijs was first produced
Ihe world was enriched with the only
perfect laxative known, as it is the only
re-nedy which is truly pleasiuj and re
freshing to the taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse the system gently in
the Spring time or, in fact, at any time
and the better it is known the more pop
ular it becomes.
Messrs. Jas. nnd Leslie Matlock, Frank
Elder aud Frank Jones, accompanied by-
Mr. Hunter, one of their classmates, left
Wednesday to again take np their
studies at Bishop Scott's Academy.
Later. The boys will not go below till
PAIN AND DREAD att n 1 the use of
mosi t-atari h ten edies. Liquids and
t-nnfTs are unpleasant as well hs danger
niis. Ely's Cream Bairn is safe, pleas
ant, easily appliied into the nostrils, and
a f-uie cuie. It co-arses Uie-nasal pais-
aees aud heals ibe irfl. mt d membiane,
giving r lief at cuce. Price 50.
The prddest aid moat inclement part
of winter is et to rome. S'mo tner
I'hnnU feel that thee part nf the winter's
trade im past because fhe Hnlidayn have
ooroe and g-np. Not bo with me. I
believe that the time to sell goods is all
the time, and jf kept in stock what pw
pl want, we ne. d never have a dull
month. Acting on this belief I announce
of Seasonnble Goods. Don't fail to step
in and inquire the price of anything you
may want in the way of
Clothing, Boots and
Shoes, Hats and
C S.VanDuyn,
First Nat. Bank Building.
The most speedy, Dositive and perma
nent cure for Catarrh of the Head, Asthma,
and all Throat, Bronchial, Luug, Heart,
Stomach, Liver and Kidney Affections,
Nervous Debility, etc. Consumption, in
its various stages,' permanently cured.
Dr. Aborns original mode of treatment
and his medicated inhalations gives in
stantaneous relief, builds up and revital-
t. . . ' j
tzes the whole constitution and system,
thereby prolonging life. Weak, nervous,
aeointatea ana nroicen-aown constitu
tions, old and younginvariably gain from
ten to thirty pounds in. from thirty to
ain3ty days.
Dr. Aborn's phenomena skill and mar
velous cures have- created the- greatest
astonishment ,on the Pacific Coast-and
throughout the American continent, dur
ing the past twenty-five years. Atthma,
Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron
chial and Lung trouble -nstantly relieved,
and Deafness often cured permanently at
first consultation. Dr. Aborn's essay ou
the 'Curabilitv of Consumntion nnrl
aeause on atarrn or tne tieaa,"
with evidences of some extraordinary
cures, mailed free. Call or address
Fourth and Harrison Sts Portland, Oregon
Not s. Home treatment, securely packed, sent by
express to alt parts of the Pacific Coast, for tooso who
Cannot possibly call in person.
Faber's Golden Female .Pills.
Fnr Female Irrecrtliir
Itiee: noiiiiiislmethera
on tlie market. Never
f ail. S'l -oessinlly used
t V r ominent laiies
inonfhly. (jiiaranreed
to relieve s .pprssetf
menstrua; ion.
Pmit hnmbneesl.
Save Time. Health,
an. moLiei ;take no oili
er. Snt to anv address,
set-lire bv inarl ou re
ceipt of ricc,2.03.
Western Branch, Box27, MKILAND, OB'
S .Id by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Sole Agent
o- Hinpner. tf.
Tie Road to Flea
Cannot be successfully traveled with
out good health. To reach wealth or any
covetei position In li.'e requires the full
possession ar.d operation of &l the fac
ulties kind r.aturo has endowed us with.
These conditions cannot exict unless the
physical being Is in perfect working
erJer, and this 13 Impossible when the
liver and spleen are torpii, thusobstruct
tsj i'. B secretions, causing Indigestion;
and tTCpepsSa, with all ot their accom
panying horrors.
English Dandelion Tonic
xerts a species Influence over the liver.
excites it O k'.'.-j wC.ion, recolves its
chronic c"sorccnicn'.s, end prcnotesthe j
gecrc!:or.c: cures ird.rec'. on ar.d const)-
:s trie arrcute, tones up
m, ciikes t!e worth
aSpecialSaletill Feb. 1
A A 5-
1 3i
H Hi
I a patlca, tSarpcrj tSe r"-'--. tones up H . S
& the entire cy:'-cni, end radices life worth D -
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
fur Murrow t'ounty.
The Solicitors Lroaii & Trnut Co.. "1
Plaintiff. I
V6. I
Daniel P. Shippey aud Amanda
M. Bluppey, j
Uefondant. J ,
To the aboT natned Defendtuits, Daniel P.
Sliippey and Amanda M. Shippey:
In the name of the Mate of Orpfron, you and
each of you are hereby required to be and appear
in the above named court and answer the com
plaint filed BKauist jott. in tke above entitled ac
tion by the above tinned plaivtiif within ten
tlayn from ihe date of this anmmniio m.n
if the name is aerved upon you it. Morrow county!
State of Orecon. ar d if th naxnt- it st-vI
you In any other county of ttid State then w ithin
twenty aajB aitr uie service nt tlie ewme dlhio
ju, auu 11 ii i bbiuh 10 wi veu uixn you dv poDli-
cution then you are hereby required to appt-ar
and answer y the nist day of the term of the
above named court following the expiration of
inc uiurjjtieiwiiueuiu uie oruer ror pumiration
if tlii BUimnone. to-wit: Hv llitmh M IsUl .r,rl
if you do nut bo answer said uluintiff nnll
to said court for the relief demanded in aaid com
plaint, witic j is ior juaineiit and decree against
you and each of you for two hundred and seventy
dollars and fifty cents and interest at the rate of
eicni per cent, per an nam on 7 ."Hi from July 1
lb88:on 47. from January 1. 1889: in 97 .V1 fn.m
July 1. 1B89, and at the rate of six per cent per
milium uu &.u imui o uiy i. ino, ana &u attor
ney fees ami costs and rliMlinrwmAnta- nnrl fi.u
closing the mortgage given by you to plaintiff
July 20, 1887, upon these certain pieces and par
cels of land in Morrow County, State of Oregon,
known and described as the North-west quarter
of Section Thirty-two, (3i) Township Four (4)
North of Range. Twenty-three (231 East. W. M.,
and orderinir said lands to be sold and the pro-
Kt-t-us iiierein appueu to me payment or tne sums
The date of the order for service by publication
4t3-4Ub. Att'y. f r Plaintiff.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S Notice For
I snri Dffina T n.J. " V Oft mnn
pliance with the provisions of the act of
.i.ongress 01 j une o, ib7o. ent itied " n act for the
naie 01 umner ianas in tne states ol t all forma,
OrenoD, Nevada and Washington Territory.
Elbert H. King of Lena, County of Morrow,
State of Oregon has this day tiled in this omce his
"worn statement No. 299. for the purchase of the
SWa NE1 V'l-i SEi Sec. 31. Tn. IKK -AQ P. nH
Lot 2 SWW NEWL of Hection Nn ft in T.Ml.m
No. 4 8 Range No. 29. E W. M.. and will offer
proor u siiow that the land sought is more val
uable for its tim ber or stone than for agricuitur-
1 purposes. ani 10 et-taDusii nis claim to said
and before the Reinnter and Kanmvor nf this
office at La Grande, Oregon, on Thursday, the 5tJa
day ot February, 1891.
He uameeas witnesses : Edward Day, William
Letrace. 'George lsom, George Phipps, all of
Lena, Oregon.
Anv flflfl nil nonann rlniminir nrlvarulr flu
above-described lands, are requeuied to file their
claims in this office 011 or before said 5th day of
fcebrtiary, 1891. A Cleavkk,
oi-iu. Kenster.
Land Office at La Grande, Or., Dec. 27, 1890.
Notice is herehv givea that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of hia intention
to make final proof in Bupport of Iub claim, and
that said proof will be made before County
Clerk of Morrow countv. at Heooner. Or., on
Saturday, Feb. 7, lsyl, viz:
Ds. No. 10067, for the SE Sec. 28, Tp. 2 8, R 27 E
W. M. -
He names the foltowlne witnesses to nrove
his continuous residence upon, and -cultivation
of, said land, viz:
James n. Hager, J. T. Thompson, James Nev
ille aud Latou Jones, all of Heppner, Or.
406-411. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Dec. 27, 1R90.
Notice 1b herebv Given that the followine-
named settler has riled notice of his intention
to make final proof in Bupport of Mb claim, and
that said proof will be made before County
Clerk ot" Morrow county, at Heppuer, Or., on
Db. 72.50, for theT N' SW14 and SJ NWi Sec. 7,
He names the following witneBses to prove hie
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
Albert Lovegreen, Gooseberrv, Oregon; H. E.
Warren, A. H. Hooker, Eight Mile; J. A, Iu
skipp, Hardman, Or.
- . John V, Lewis,
406-411. liegiBter.
Hatt & Romig,
City Barber Shop and Bath
Pickled Pigs Feet and fine Marinirte Herring
at Dan Osmer's. . a.
A fine line of gold pens, pencils, etc., at Slocum
Johnston Drug Co.'s. a.
For White fish. Lake trout and Salmon in bulk
ulso Mackerel and Salmon bellies in kite, go to
Leezer & Thompso , the leading grocers of
Heppner. a.
H. Blackman & Co. have an exclusive General
Merchandise sU-re. Stockmen cannot do better
than patronize H. Blackman & Co., of Heppner's
Pioneer Bri rk. a
TiiH Morrow County Ijand & Trust 'o. handles
Armour Packing Co.'s goods, saving merchants
the fx ight from Portland to Heppner. and on
mmiy inuigs mucn more. . -
Perseverance, pluck and enterprise will make
money in this wild, wild West, but it is of no
avail unless yon get big bargains, in foot-gear,
especially. Go to Mat LiciueuthuTs for your
bargains in boots and shoes. a.
Customer "Be sure and iffake those cl thes
large. 1 expect to put on teu or fifteen poundB
shortly." Tailor "Ves. sir. 'I aking a course id
treatment?" Customer-"No. I'm juta back
iiuui my vacHuon. 11 ne Dougni ins ciotnen al
I H. Kiackman & Co. s elegant More he would have
no trounie 111 getune a near nt. a.
The Heppuer Fnruiture Co. art expect
ing a car-load of Furniture from the
East. Buy them for biu bargains, a. -
J. S. Schooling has placed the aKenoy
of the Monarch Washer with Messrs.
G lliain & Bisbee, where-they can be bad
at reasonable rates. They aw a labor
saving affair, and no mistake. a.-
When VOU want, vnur hnrana IUa irunun
reirfiired, ye (irant county peopW, doji't, forget
that L. bhej lirird has a shop at Fox. a
It is no uncommon thing 'to tjee -a horse with
Bore back, ma-ie by tn." addle.. Dan iiurner's
saa ues uoii t worK tuat wuy
Notice is herebv sriven 'bat we have
thifl day sold and delivered our laundry
ou.-iDess Jiet & toy, who will con
tinue said bnsiness at the old stand, and
vie recommend onr successors to the
confidence f our old patrons.
Kjam & Woo,
Heppner, Or., Deo 29, '90. 406-tf.
W. H. McAtee. uroorietor of Libertv
Meat Market, sells pure lard at $1.50 per
can of ten pounds. Why buy"- cheap
compnna at rne tame ncrnrer fatronize
home ludustry and et theTest iind
purest. -
On M 'in St., in front of the residence
of Mr. Rash, a revolver. The
can have same by calling at Gazette
mce proving property and paying
cnares. - 406-tf.
One hundred and sixty acres of bnnch
?rass, nicely situated. Call at Gazette
office. 4U5-tf.
Nottcb to. Stock Men. There ia fr
sale in the Longr Creek and Fox Vallfy
connirv, aoufc 1700 tons of hay at $8.
pr ton. Drive your stock there and
winter then? . 403-tf.
Par Coia.gr3aa and Creiajs. -w
"boat tiiera. aJ.i. S. 5. C, C
h wfelSr iff
H i
-s Don't Know That-
H. Blackman & Co.
Can furnish yon neat fittin Snito for bcth men atfd boys, Ladies Drew Good
of elegant patterns,
Hats, Blankets, Groceries, Herdi
Stockmens' Outfits, for Trail Use,
Guns, Ammunition, Glassware nnrl Queensware.
Agents for the Celebrated
Bain Wagons and Hacks?
Now you have that Information.
Yes, and Many other things kept in a large, well-appointed
store like H. Blackman A Co.'s. Every
thing is sold at the lowest
possible prices.
en you get
H. Blackman & Co.,
For First Quality Goods at Lowest Prices,
Hardware, Tinwarp, GrfCPiied, Confectionery vl'ood Mjd Willow Ware.
Agents for New Home and favorite Sewing Macliioen. Lumberman'!
Tunis a Sieoilty. Hinlicst market pnoe paid for farm projuoe.
. C .- - .
tf. Corner Main aud Willow Streets, Heppner, Or.-
Overcoats Reduced
D, W. IIOllNOIi,
And in fact everything in tli;it line. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY.
Sells a first cluss Sadille very cbenp. lie intends doing a Cash
business, as be will uivb to V asliincton in the spriug.
WHAT ! !
Drug Company.
0 Per Cent, in Price.