The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, November 06, 1890, Image 4

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"Overland Route."
To all Principal Foiutft in the United
Staiee, Canada and Europe.
Pullman Palace Sleepers.
Run Through on all Express Trams to
Council Jlviffs
Without Chanye.
Close Connection at Portland for tan
Francisco and l'tiet Sound Points.
Leave Portland for San Francisco every
four (4) days, making the trip iu 00
Cabin, $16. Steerage. $8.00
. Round Trip Unlimited, $30,00.
For further particulars inquire of any
agent of the company.
T. W. LEE,
S. V. M ELLIN, O.P &T.A.
General Traffic Manaqer. tt.
From Terminal or interior Points the
Northern Pacific
Is the line to take
To all Points East and South.
It is the DINING CAR ROUTE. It ran
Change of Cars)
Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed,
Of Latest Equipment
Tourist Sleeping Cars
Best that can be constructed aud in
which aocoHuuodationg are both
FREE and furnished for holders
of First or Second-Class
Tickets, and
Elegant Day Coachs.
A Continuous Line connecting with all
Lines, auordiug Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleipcr Reservations can be
Secured in advance through
any agent of the road.
.To and from all points in America, Eng
land and JMirope can be purchased
at any Ticket Office of this
Full information concerning rates, time
of trains, routes and other details
furnished on application to any
agent, or
Assistant General Passeneer Agent.
No. lit First St., Cor. Washington,
BILLIE RUARK, Proprietor.
The finest lituoro, ciicars and wines constantly
on hand.Cuurteous treatment guaranteed in all.
THE 1'IO.X IC lv W
Jewelry Esissiisfioi
Still Continues to Sell
a "ej-w a33rin.-sr, etc..
At the Lowest Possible Prices.
A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame
thyst and Cameo Gold Rings,
Gold and Silver Watches Always
Eon Handrz
A Full Line of
MEUTS Has beeu added to his large and well
selected stock.
XATorls. Gviarantood.
STOKE opposite Minor. Dodaon & Vs May St.
Heppenr - -tf rt-
Job printing at Fondle ton priced at the Ga
XVTTS ethoe.
-m i
For thes com pi ai nts take Sim mom
Liver Kegulator. It keeps the stomach
clear and prevents anyof the above poisons
from gutting in the system, or, If there
aJrea'Iy it w ill drive them out, no matter
how strongly rooted or long-standing, and
you will again have good health and be
Have you a pain In the side, back or
nnder the shoulder-blade ? It is not rheu
matism but dyspepsia, Take Simmon
Liver Kegulator.
Doea your heart throb violently after
unusual exertion or excitement ? It is not
heart disease, hut indigestion.
Take Simmons Liver Regulator.
"As a matter of conceived duty to humanity I
wish to bear my testimony to the unfailing virtues
of Simmons Liver Regulator. If people could
only know what a splendid medicine it is, there
would be many a physician without a patient and
many an interminable doctor's bill saved. I con
uder it infallible in malarial infection. I had, for
manv years, been a perfect physical wreck from a
oi complaints, an tne outgrowtn ot
malaria in n
hands of Dr. J. P. Jones, of this city. I had
despaired of ever being a well woman again.
Simmons Liver Regulator was recommended to
He. I tried it; it helped me. and it is the only
tiing that ever did me any good. I persevered in
rts us.e and I am now in perfect health. 1 know
your medicine cured me and 1 always keep it as a
uliable 'standby' in my family." Mas, Makt
ay Camden, Ala.
Are you married" If not, send your
address with stamp, to the American
Corresponding Club, P. O. 1
Clark iburv, W. Va. 37U-422
Cattle branded and ear -marked as shown above,
Horuus h" on right shoulder.
Onr cattle ranee in Morrow, and Umatilla
counties. 1 will pay $HH.(M reward for the
arrest and conviction of any person stealing my
Opposite Gazette Office,
Watches, A, Optical
Clocks, j) Goods .
Watches Cleaned,
Mainsprings Fitted p
All work quaran teed for one year, tt
Forest Grove Poultry Yards,
Ready for Delivery.
H3y Fowls Dave no SuiiEriors
In Amerioa, and are the best on
tbis coast by a great difference.
Send for Catalogue.
Box 55. com.396. Forest Grove, Or
To San Francisco and rll points in Cali
fornia via tbe Monnt Sbasta
Route of tbe
The Great Highway
Through California
To All Points
East and South,
The Scenio Route of tbe Pacific Coast
PriiLMAN Tourist Sleeping Cabs at
tached to express trains, affording
superior accommodations for second
class passengers.
Fare from Portland to Sacramento and San Fran
cisco: rnlimited, t5
Limited First-Claw 20
" " Second-Class 15
Union Ticket Offi No. 134. Firt St.,
Corner Alder, Portland, Oregon.
tf Manawr. A.wt ft. F. nrx'i Puna. A a
Depot, Fifth and I Street..
1 ftSMjs
Naked Truths About and Inter
esting to Our Home In
Tlie Troiiblea and Joys,
Successes and Adver
sities of Our Dear
Natural gas has ben discovered on
Coos bay.
Uncle" Nate McBee enjoved a vaca
tion iu Heppner last week.
Born In Heppner on the 2(Jth ult., to
the wife of Jack Gray, a boy.
Theodore Thj has bad a delicious
etkaie with the boys for over a week.
Mr. W. B. Par i us is assisting Mr.
Lord in building the new residence for
Dr. Geogheau.
The Walla Waila penitentiary has a
genuine leper. He in recently from tne
bamiwicn islands.
Mrs. Chas. Jones was decidedly worse
last Friday and Saturday, but is now
improving again.
A pleasant whist party was given by
Mr. and Mrs. C. S YauDuyn ou Tues
day eve of last week.
Mr. J. S. -Schooling, of the Dalles, has
placed a number of hia Monarch Wash
ers iu this community recently.
Gov. Rea and Bill Tburbnrn are over
at McDuffy springs, building up their
frames for a bushel of fun this winter.
The celebrated stock board is in oper
atiou at E. L. Matlock's, Bud Willing
bume and Will Scrivner being the man
agers. O. V. Mael was over from Long Creek
last Thursday. He re-echoes the com
plaint that times are very bard over
Lucian Eaves, an old-time reporter
but at present representing Mark,
Levy & Co., called while iu town last
The Burlington hotel was totally des
troyed by fire and tbe Graud badly dam
aged at ban Francisco, lust bunday
Towns Mathews says his sheep now
have a better crop of wool than last
spring at shearing time. This is en
couraging. Henry Black well returned from Ta
ooma on Tuesday of last week, where he
had been with cattle. They are slow
sale iti in ran.
Sam Clark was over from Camas Prai-
rid, last week, aud is pleased with the
fine fa 11,, weather. Camas is running over
with prosperity.
Mrs. Thompson, wife of Rev. Thomp
son, pastor of tne Al. Cuurch, arrived
from Iowa on Tuesday of last week, to
join uer husband here.
Stockmen generally have their sheep
one ot the mountains, their winter s nay
and range been red, and tee! nappy that
everything looks so well.
J. L. Ayers got his baud of sheep out
or the mountains Uct. 1, and is happy.
Win good feed at bo.ue aud a liut
winter in prospect, he Lopes for smooth
Frank McFarlaud caught several fine
salmon during his stay at Hood River,
recently. He says it is immense snort.
aud recommends all to go to Hood River
for that class ol hshing.
Lustrous Pearly White Teeth and firm
ruby gums, make .beautiful faces more
charming, aud the plainest ones attract
ive. Use Wright'a Myrrh Tooth Soap
and secure tuenj. A loilet tiem. 2oc.
Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr. j
Mr. Geo Lord is erecting a neat
dwelling, one and one-half stories in
height, on Chase street, North of Wiil
Kirk's, for Dr. Geoghegai,, who recently
purchased that property from C. 8. Van
H. H. Gaunt was one of our visitors
this week, aud be says he can't pay a
successful game of euchre with our Irish
friends, who are jut as progressive iu
this plan of passing away the time as
anythiug else.
Stop that hacking cough and soreness
of the throat and lungs, before it becom
es a seated trouble, beyond the reach of
medicines. Wright's lied Cross Syrup
is unfailing for adults aud children. Sold
by T. W. Ayers, Jr.
J. H. Kleckner went over in Washing
ton last week to put in a well rig. Our
well enterprise is uot moving aloug very
fast in couseqtience, but it is presumed
that he will be back soou-
It is absurd to say that Morrow county
has no successful farmers those who
follow that principally for a living.
What is the matter with the successes of
D. Cox, Wiley McBee, J. L. Beymer and
a long list of others.
Why suffer with headache aud neural
gia? Wright's Paragon Headache Remedy
never fails, bafe, sure, soothing to tbe
uerves. Jjuee not disturb the stomach,
and induces sleep. Try it. Sold by T.
W. Ayers. Jr.
Celsus Keithly returned from Pullman,
Wash., aud Moscow, Idaho, on Monday's
train, after an absence of two mouths.
He has been workiug with a threshing
crew, and is well pleased with that
Frank Rogers made his return to
Heppuer town on ou last Thursday. He
says Fairhaven is a booming place, but
be does not realize what makes it so.
He looks for a decline in tbtir real' estate
very soon.
Sam Morgan, of Sand Hollow, has
perhaps the finest Holstein bull in Mor
row county, having recently taken both
sweepst'-tkes and premium of bis class
at the Walla Walla fair. He also has
other thoroughbreds hard to beat.
When the blood becomes vitiated or
impoverished, the system is susceptible
to disease, and life becomes a burden.
Wright's Sareaparilla will cleanse and
renew the blood, tone tbe stomach and
renew the strength. Sold byT. W. Ayers
at the City Drug Store.
Pry Wilson ia ytst making a wry face
over a very severe hurt which he received
at Huntington, Uct. 1. In maneuvering
around the town after dark, he fell into
a cellar, sustaining two broken ribs.
Tbis is enough to put a taste in any
man's mouth.
Geo. B. Tedrowe's soda works are get
ting in proper shape to make quantity as
well as quality. Hereafter our denizens
and those of neighboring hamelts will
drink the ooel waters of the historical
Mnrphy spring, to which is added the
effervescing property by our enterprising
soda man. Jjet every lice of business be
represented and patronized.
Mrs. John Curtis, of Peoria, III.,
writes: "Used one box of Osage Pills
previous to my second confinement; they
worked like a charm. Would pay $20
for a box rather than do without them,
Ha ihey hnve proveil i Godsend to me."
Write Osatre Medicine compauy, Wichita,
Khs., for particulars, and their book to
wivhs, mailed free. Sold bv drntrinRts.
j Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Heppner Oie
I Son. 398-lyr.
Xa other Weekly Paper pires
FREE TO JAN. I, 1891.
To any NEW KVBSCRIBElt who will cat out ami smii as thin slio with nnmpnnd
address nod 9 1.73 Un Postal or F.rprra Money Order or Registered Letter at onr risk we will send
THE VOl'TII'S COMPANION FREE to January, 1SA1, and for a Full Year from that Date.
This offer Sncludr the F1VK nOllH.F. HOLIDAY M1 RKHS for Thankivinff, Christinas,
New Year's. Easter nnd Fmirth-nf-.Inlv. nnri nil the Illustrated Weekly Supplements.
1 Address, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 41 Temple Place, Boston, Mass.
Peach Pudding. A peach pud
ding made of fresh or canned
fruit is delicious. For this is re
quired about two-thirds of a can
of fruit, and dough made as di
rected. Put the peaches with a
little of the juice in a round tin
mold; a cake mold, if not to larga,
will do. Drop the dough over the
top in Bponfulls and set in a
steamer oyer a kettle of fast-boiling
watertTOVt-closely and cook
one hour. This should turn out
without breaking, when the peaches
will be on top. Serve with a sauce
made of a scant half cup of butter
rubbed to a cream.oue cud of pow
dered sugar, and the yolk of one
egg beaten very light, and a quarter
of a cup of wine stirred in at the
last, This sauce should be soft,
but not liquid. If wine is not
liked, the whole egg may be used
and any flavoring preferred.
Superior Blackberry Wise.
Bruise the berries, measure them,
and to every gallon add a quart
of boiling water. Let this stand for
24 hours, stirring three or four
times duriug the interval. The
third day strain off the juice, and
to every gallon of this straiued
liquor put two pounds of refined
sugar. Cork tight and let it stand
untd cool weather, when you will
have a wine that vou will never
voluntarily be without, as it will
be found so efficacious in sickness
and a good aud harmless tonic foi
the feeble aud convalescent.
Cream Cakes. One pint of boil
ing water iu which is melted half a
piut of butter; stir one pint of
flour into the boiling water and
set away to cool. fKhen cool, add
six well beaten eggs, drop in a tin
by spoonfuls and bake quickly.
Cream. Briof-oue piut of milE to
a boil; mix together two cupfuls of
sugar, one cupful of flour and four
eggs: stir into the boiling milk,
flavor to taste. When the cream
is cool, with a sharp knife open
the cakes on one side and fill with
the cream.
Cheap Sponge Cake. Three
eggs well beaten, one cupful of
sugar, one cupful of flour, with
one teaspoouful of cream tartar
sifted with it; half a teaspoouful
of soda dissolved in three tea
spoonfuls of water. Dessertspoon
ful of extract of lemon or vanilla.
Bake about one-half an hour in
not too hot an even.
Peach Pie. Line a pie-plate
with rich paste, fill with mellow
peaches pared and stoned (many
use canned peaches), sprinkle with
sugar, a dredging of flour and two
spoonfuls of water or juice if you
use canned fruit; cover with pastry
and bake not too quickly.
Spiced Cookies. One aud a
half cupfuls of sugar, half a cup
ful butter, three eggs, half a tea
spoonful of ginger, cinnamon,
cloves and half a teaspoonful of
soda dissoved in warm water.
says an Oregou pioneer ninety
years old.
Forest Grovb, Or., March 19. I have
nsed thetKGON KZijZCEi lEAaud
obtained immediate relief. It is God's
blessing to humanity. I take pleasure
in recommending it to the arSioted. I
am now nearly uinety years old, came
to Oreiron in 1842 in the employ of the
Hudson's Bay Companv, and cilice I be
gan asing the OREGON KIDNE TEA
I enjoy eood health. David Munroe.
From the Detroit Free Prreas.
The great Chief Justice was a
man of well known simplicity and
gentleness. The following anec
dote is told of him:
He noticed that his carriage
horses were very thin, and he was
advised by friends that his coach
man sold their provender. En
countering this individual he
said to him: "John, my horses
seem very thin and poor. How is
this, John?"
"Well, old massa, I can't splain
it; dey gits plenty to eat, I tell
you, massa!"
"Well, John, aud here's Col.
Picket's horses.they seem very fat."
"I gwine to try splain dat to you
massa. Dey's like dey massa and
missus. l)'ar Col Picket, he's tat,
and his wife she fat, too, and so
dey horses keeps fat, ob cose, and
Specimen Copies and Beautiful Calendar sent Free.
so great a Variety of Entertaining and Instructive
you know, old massa, you's yo' Hud
scrawney, and ol' misses, she's po,
and scrawney, too, so iu course yo'
horses dey's po' and scrawney."
"Well, John," said the Chief
Justice, with a bland smile, "1
never heard that idea explained
before. I must think over il."
And he yielded the field to
The fall ad. of Hale Bros. & Co. is
quite an attractive oue. Send for their
catalogue of uovelties.
Wants A Wife A gentleman living
near Heppm r desires a wife. He is tit'ti
years of age, very well preserved, five
feet ten inches in height, and is spoken
of as having a good disposition. H is
not wealthy, but has plenty on which to
live. Anyone desiring to be put in com
munication with this gentleman should
address the Gazeti'E, so stating. Also
enclose with same a letter to the party,
duly signed, in sealed envelope, unad
dressed. This will insure perfect secrecy,
and the gentleman will receive th6 letter,
to which he will make an immediate
aoswer. 3rf9-tt.
Having purchased the Ross bucks and
ewes I will make a stand in Heppner
with one thousand bucks. There will be
three hundred thoroughbreds and seven
hundred grades. Terms to suit tbe
times. Chas. Cunningham.
390 tf. Pilot Rock, Or.
I have opened awell appointed tailor
ing establishment in my new build
ing on May street, and am now regularly
reoeiving new goodH and will make cus
tom made pants mm S7 to 815 best
goods in the market.
A. Abrhamsick.
All persons are hereby notified to give
no one credit on my account, as I "ill
pay no bills except those contracted by
myself personally or npon mv written
order. E. K. Swinburne.
Mrs. Parcel!, of Alpine, has some good
range to rent to a sheepman. A compe
tent herder furnished. For particulars
inquire at the post office. Alpine, or W
O. Mi nor's, Heppner, Oregon. 93-tf
Wanted a girl or woman to take care
of two small children. (Good pay.)
Land Office at The Dalles. Or.. Oct. 23. '91).
Notice IB hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said praf will be made before V. R. Ellis,
Commissioner U. S. Circuit Court. Heppner. Or.,
on Nov. 29, 1890, viz:
Ds. No. 5879. for the Eii NEi and NW!4 NE
and NK-i NW'i Sec 14. To 3 S. K 24 E. W. M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, ana cultivation ot,
said land, viz:
Oliver Cox. A 8. Haines. Oliver Pearson and
L. Farmer, all of Eight Mile. Or
39o 4'J1. John W. Lewis. Register.
Land Office at The Dalle. Or.,
October 23. 1MI. j
Notice is herebv civen that the following-nam
ed settler has filed notice of his iute. tion to
make final pnaif in support of his claim, and
that said proot will oe made nerore wm. .nitcn
ell, county judge of Morrow county, at Heppner,
Oregon, ou Nov. 2H. 1S9H viz:
UKOItGK li. WltlGHT.
D. K . No. 1379. the NW"4 JJi and E'i
NKU Sec. -13. and SW! SEk of Sec. 28. Tp. 4 S,
tt. ai w. ji.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of. said land, viz:
Arthur Wills and Perry Oiler, of Ixne Rock.
Or., and (reorge Chapin and James Wyland, of
naruman. ur.
(96 01.) John W. Lewis, Register.
Land Office at LaGrando. Or.. Oct. 17. '90
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
commute and make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made county
judge of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on
ihursday, Dec. 4. 1KJ. viz:
Commuted Hd. No. 4953. for the V!4 SwH Sec. 7
and SS Nw! Stw 18, Tp 3 S. R 28 E. w. M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation or,
said la..d. viz:
Albert A. Crosby, Walter Crosby. John Lock-
nane. John tieeler, au ol tleppner, ur.
39D-4U1. A. Cleaver, Register
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Oct. 15 90.
Notice is herebv given that the following.
uamed settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make nnai proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the county
judge of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on
November 29, 18VO, viz:
Hd. app. No. 3410. for the W(4 tiESi and W!4 NE
V. Sec 30. To 3 S. li 24 E. W. M.
He names he following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, ana cultivation or,
said land viz:
B. L. Akers, Milton Maxwell. George Hall. I.
tt. .steD. au oi Vjoosenerry. Oregon .
John W. Lewis,
398-101. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles. Or.. Oct. 16; '90.
Notice is hereby eiven that the followinu
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the county judge of Morrow county. Or., at
Heppner, ur., on ov. Z9, imwu, viz:
Hd. app. No. 3411. for the y, SW!4 and SV4 SEK
Sec tt. Td 4 S. U 25 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation ot,
said land, viz:
Wiley McBee, L. Stanton. Fred Ashbaugh,
J otm Aistou, au ol .ight aiue. Oregon.
John W. Lkwis.
396-401. Register.
If You Have
Ko appetite, Indi-sretlon, Flatulence,
Hick Headache, all run down, loa
wag i ieku, you wui uuv
Tutt s Pills
tbarcmedyron need. They lone na
the weak Mlomach and build uptha
t lHf?s?in' energies. Sufferers from
mental or physical ovcrvook will find
relief from tuein. Aicelyaugar coated
Reading at so low a price.
Kenb. Sperry.bag 550 hcp'S of wheat in
this t'all on his L-ne ranches, 1;0 acres
being np and looking well. With the
good proHpects abend, Heuh. will eventu
ally make a ten-strike.
In the Circuit Court of thd State of Oregon,
for Morrow County.
The Solicitors Loan 4 Trust Co.. "
Plaintiff. I
V8. !
Daniel P. Shippey and Amanda
M. Shippey, j
Jjelemlants, 1
To the above named DefifndHiits. Daniel P.
Shippey and Amanda M. Shippey:
In the name of the State of Oreuon. you and
each of you are hereby required to be and appear
in the above named court and answer the com
plaint filed aKainstyon. m the above entitled ac
tion by the nhove named ohliftitf within tt-n
days from the date of this summons upon you,
if the same is served upon vou lr. Morrow euuntv.
State of Orejnm, and if the same is served upon
you In any other county of said State then within
twenty days after the service of the same upon
you. and if the same is served ujMin you by publi
cation then you are hereby require.! to apiH-ar
ai d answer y the ti'St day of the term of the
above named court following the expiration of
the time prescribed in the order for publication
or this summons, to-wit: oy March Jb. IM1I. and
if yon do not so answer said plaintiff will apply
to said court for the relii-f demanded in said cum.
plaint, whic'.i is for judgment and decree against
you and each of you for two hundred and seventy
dollars and fifty cents and interest at the rate of
eicht per cent per annum on 7 'At from July 1.
IKSrt; on from January 1. psy; on from
July 1, lbS9, and at the rate of six per cent, per
Knnum on from J uly 1. lHNy. and Arn attor
ney feeB ano costs and disbursements; a: d fore
elosii'K the morttsawe Kiveu by you Ui plaintiff
July J(. liVil, upon these certain pieces and par
cels of land ill Morrow County. Slate ot Oregon,
known and described as the North-west quarter
of Section Twenty-two. (22) township Four (4)
North of Range Twenty-three (2:11 East. V. M.,
and ordering said lands to be sold and the pro
ceeds thereof applied to the payment of the sums
af resaid.
The date of the order for service by publication
is October 15, 1890. C b. li ctos.
3!ni-lua. Att'y. f jr Plaintiff.
dr and by virtue of an execution issued
oat of the circuit court for the Mate of Oregon
fur the t'ounty of Morrow, and to me directed
and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and
enterrd in said t'ourt on the 1st day of September.
lHiJO- in favor of NVltson .loneH. Plaintiff, and
against Thomas J. (Smith et. ai-. Defendants, for
the Bum ot rour riuuureu ana iwenty Uollars
with interest thereon from said 27th day of No
vember, 18fiH, at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum
and Fifty dollars attorneys' fees, and the further
sum of lhiry and 7u-i0() Dollars costs and.
Whereas, by ham juunmeut it wji ordered and
adjudged that the lullowmg; described real prop
erty, to-wit: WH NW1, and My tVVL4 Sec 24.
Tp 3 S, it 25 E. W. M be Bold to satisfy said
judgment, costs and accruing cntts. 1 will, on
the 8th day of November. A. D lt90, at two
o'clock P. 11. of said day. in front of the
Court Hase d.-or iu th town of Heppner,
which is in Morrow County, Oreuon. bell the
right, title ai.d interest of the said I nomas J.
Smith, e al m and to the above described prop
erty at Public Auction to the holiest and btst
bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be ap
plied to the satiri faction of said execution ai.d all
costs, aud costs tliat may accrue
Sheriff of Morrow County. Oregon.
By Julius Kkithly. Deputy.
Dated October 8th, lfeyu. 3m-y8.
11 der and by virtue of an executio issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Morrow, and to me directed and
delivered upon a judgment reudei ed a:.d entered
in said Court on the 1st day of Sept., IhWJ, in
favor of James Jtn es, Plaintiff, and agan st VV.
H. Cunitighame, Defendant, for the sum of Thir
teen hundred Thi tv-Six and 5U-1UU Dollars wnh
in teres t at the rate pf 10 pei cent per annum from
the 11th day of August, 1wn4, and $1(0 attorney's
fees, and $3J 'ii costs, and, whereas, by said
judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the
following described real property, of W. K. Cun
iughame, Defendant, attached by thi Sheriff
May 31, ltH0. to-wit: The SVV1 and E'i SE
X and SL!4 N Sec 24. Tp S, K 25 K W. M.,
be sold to satisfy said judgment. Costs and accru
ing costs, i wiil. on the 8th day of November,
lMW, at two o'clock P. M., of said day, in
front of the Court House door in
the Town of Heppner, in Morrow County,
Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of the
said Defendant VV- B. Cunningham in and
to the above described property at Public Auc
tion to the highest and best bidder for cash in
hand, t lie proceeds to be applied to the satisfac
tion of said execution and all o sts, and costs
that may accrue. iEO. NoliLK,
Sheriff of Morrow County. Oregon.
liy Julius KtUTHLy Deputy.
Bated October 7. lbHU. y4-W.
Land Office at La Gbande, Ob., Sept. 29, 'AO.
Notice is hereby given that I he f ol low in g
nanied settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the county
judge of Morrow County or in his absence before
the County 1 'lerk at Heppner. Or., on November
15th, leiX), viz:
Hd. No. 3579. for the NE Sec 18 Tp 1 S R 27 E
W M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
N A Kelly, Thomas Crow, Robert Hynd and W
L Saling, all of Heppner, Morrow Co., Or.
9t-t8 A. C leaver. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles. Or.. Oct. 4, 1890.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler lias tiled notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
projf will be maae before Cou ity Judge of Mor
row Co., at tleppner. Or., on Nov. 15, Jeyj, viz:
Hd. app. 237ti, for the Vl4 NVV and NELi NWV
Sec 2a and SW SW Sec 14 Tp 4 S tt 24 E VV M.
He names the following jvituesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cuitication of,
said land, viz:
Daniel Rice, Andrew Rood, James Allen and
Jacob Williams, all of Hardman, Or.
W-99. John W. Lewis, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles Or.. Oct. 13. '90.
Notice is hereby given that t lie following-named
settler has tiled notice of her intention to make
final proof in support of her claim, and that said
proof wiil be made before the county clerk of
Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on Nov.
22, 1890, viz:
Ds. No. 7,201, for the NWfi Sec. 34,TplS, R26E
W M.
She names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
said laud, viz:
J. D Ambrose, Lexington, Or.; Wm. Barton,
John lien try and Wm. Sweetser. Heppner, Or.
395-400. Joun W. Lewis, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles. Or. Oct. 16, 1890.
Notice is hereby given that the fotlowing
named settler has riled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the county
judge ot Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on
Nov. 28,1890, viz:
Hd. No. 3138, for the fc$V! Sfc 4, I p 2 3, R 26 E
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land viz:
Frank Goble. George Shipley, William Barton
and Frank Gentry, all uf Heppner, Or.
John W. Lewis.
Sflfi-401. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Oct. 16, 'OO.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has fileo. notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof wiil be made before the county clerk of
Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on Nov.
28, 1890, viz:
Ds. 6.56, for theW'a NEU NE NW& Sac 26,
and SW Sii Sec 23. Tp 6 8, K25 E, W Al.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of
taid land viz:
.1. J. McGee, Hardman; H. K. Hickman, W.
C. Brown, J uliua Wane. Lone R ck. Or.
John W. Lewis.
B96-401. Register.
While you keep our suHsoription p:iid up ycu
.ar: k.vp yu:r brim J in f rtv of ehui ge.
C It AdKiiss. Horse, j, i.n t ight liouider; ca
tie. (' il on right hip Kange i'lGrantand Mor
row counties.
Aitkins, J J Horses. .T c:;r-ted on It-f;
rtark: cmti'-. n-. '--,i i.-ff hip.
Johnn A.v i, hot yes hrai (I 'll rhxV srie or !ott
tup; -
i right hip. al,
'p oil right
ear a:i
left s
d ui pt-r l i
i pii i!:ut
"res, a tiag on
A. liene. li.iie- hnMitn u H :: left
?!.ou,.ttw oi' v-lnle; I'liU.e w.ri t; lui side ant
split ; : left ear. upp.-r !.?t!i .v-;. in ri::l.t.
13. B l-mn. I.ei a: horses-old mar.-s ZZ on
rig:it i:ir. : ymi:ig st.-ck. smll zz on it-f t i-lnmltler.
Br-.v.i , J. P h r-e- and cuttle brnedtd with
ox-y k" ii'-ovt'on left "boulder, J C f iors s. circle with dot in cq
eron left hip: cattle, same.
Boyer, W G, Lei, a Horses, box brand o -
nip cattle, same, with split in each ear.
liorg. P.O. Horses, P Bon left shoulder; cat
tie. same on left hilt.
Ch;inin !1. -H'-r-.-rt bnind'Hi " nn right hip.
Di i-keil. W. E.- Horses hrai-ded K insi.i of O
on left shoulder. Cattle same on left side of
J. K, Cochran, Moumnt. Or. On Hors.-s, Tl
on light -hoiihier; on Cattle, 1 1 on ieit hip.
Katjge in Morrow County.
Jerry Hrosmai', horses hrtn-dr d 7 on right
shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear
half crop ar;d right ear upper slope.
Barton. Wr -Horses. J B on right thi gil, cattle
same on right hip;split in each ear.
Win. RndM, Monument. Brands horses R or
right shoulder. Range Grant and Morrow coun
ties. Elmer Gentry, Echo, Or --Horses branded R
S. with a quarter circle over it. on left stifle
Range in Morrow and Unuitillacounties
Allison, O. I). Cattle brand. O D on left hip
and horses same brand on right shoulder. Range.
Eight Mile.
A. A. Crosby, cattle branded "- (or H L con
nected) on the right fhoulder.
Cook, A. J., Lena Horws, 90 on right shoal Jer;
CattJe, sameon r ght hip: ear mark sti wtre scop
off left and split iu right.
Currin. R Y- Horses, so on left stifle.
Cox A English. Hardman Ca'.tl3, C witb I in
center: horses. CE on left 'lip.
Cupper. H A Horses H C n I. ft shoulder .
cattle II (' on h-ft side, swallow fork on right ear.
li. K. Cochran. Monument. Grant Co, Or.
Horses bianded circle with bai leneath. on left
shoulder cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Wm. Doonan. horses branded OO with bar
hver them, on left shoulder; cattle same on left
Douglass, W M Cattle. R 1 on right side, Bwai
low-fork in each ear; horses, R D on left hio.
J.H. Ely& Sons. Horses branded ELY on
left shoulder, cattle same on left hip. hole if
right ear.
Duncan. W. P., John Day Quarter circle W on
right shoulder, both on horses and cattle. Range
Grant county.
Fleek. Jackson. Horses. 7F connected on
right shoulder: cattle same on right hip
Ear mark, hole in right and crop off left.
Florence, L A Cattle, LF on right hip; horses
F with bar under on right shoulder
Florence, S P Horses. F on right shoildei;
cattle, t on right hip or thigh.
Armstrong, J. C, Acton T with bar nnder it
on Jefi shoulder of horses; cattle same ou left
(iay, Henry GAY on left shoulder.
Gobie, Frank Horses, 7 F on left stifle; cattle,
same on right hip.
Mat Hughes, horses branded shoulder, heart on
left shoulder.
Ed Holloway, Saddle, Or., horses and cattle
branded K H connected, with bar under it.
Hunsaker, B -Horses, 9 on left shoulder; cat
tie, 9 on left hip
Humphreys, j 41 Hardman Horaes. H on left
Hiatt, Wm. E. Horses branded bar cross on
left shoulder: cattle same on left hip.
Hayes, J el Horses, wineglass on left ehoulder
cattle, same on right hip.
Junkin, S. M.-H orses, horseshoe J on left
shoulder. Cattle, the sam3. Range on Eight
Johnson. Felix Horses, circle T on left stifle
cattle, same on right hip, under half crop in right
and split in left ear.
Kirk. J T Horses 69 on left shoulder: cattle.
69 on left hip.
Kirk. J C Horses. 17 on either flank: cattle IT
on right side.
Mike Kenny, horses branded KNY on left hip;
cattle same and crop off left oar: under slope on
the right
Keller, Richard E K in square, cattle on left
hip; horseB same on left smoulder. Range Bear
valley. P. O. add'ess, Blanton, Grant county. Or.
Loften, Stephen L on left side on cat'le;
crop and slit on right ear. Horses flame brand on
left side. Range Grant county. P. O. address.
Fox. Oregon.
iieuallen, John W. Horses branded half-cir
ele JL connected on left shoulder. Cattle, same
on left hip. Range, near Islington.
George Lord, horses branded double H con
nected. Sometimes called a swing H, on left
J . W . Leahey, horses branded L N on the left
shoulder: cattle branded the sameon lett hip;
wattle over right eye, three slits in right ear.
Minor, Oscar. Cattle, MDun right hip; horses
Mori left shoulder.
Morgan, S N Horses, M ) on left shouldei
cattle, sHineon left hip.
McCumber. Jas A, Atwood Horses, M with
bar over on right shoulder.
Morgan. Thos Horses, circle T on left shonl
der and left thitrli; eattle, Z, on right thigh.
Mitchell, Oscar. Pettysville Horses, J7 on right
hip; cattle. 77 on right side.
MeClnren.DG Horses. Figure Son each shonl
McGirr, Barney H orses 7B con ected on left
shoulder; cattle same. Range Grant county
P. O. address, Fox. Oregon,
der: cattle. M2 on hip.
G. V. MeHailey, Hamilton. Or. On Horses, 3
with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle,
four bars connected on top ou the right side.
Range in Grant County.
Neal. Andrew. Lone Rock Horses A N con
nected on left shoulder: cattle same on both hip.
Newman, W. K. Horses N with half circln
over it on left shoulder.
Nordyke, E Horses, circle 7 on left thigh; cat
tle, same on left hip.
Oiler. Perry. Lone Rock P O o left shondei
Putnam Joseph, Monument. Or., brands hors
es J P Connected, on right shoulder; cattle the
same on the right hip aud rmderslope in right
Pearson, Ola ve. Horses, quarter circle shield
on left shoulder nnd 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork
in lef: ear. right cropped. 24 on left hip. Range
on Fight Mile.
Parker & Gleason. Hardman Horses IP on
1 ft Khouider.
Piper, J. H., Acton -Horses, JE connected on
left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. under bit
in each ear.
llury Patberg, horses branded with a Roman
cross on left shoulder; cattle branded with Ro
man cross, bar at bottom, on left hip.
A. C. Pettys, Pettysville HorseB, diamond P
on left shoulder. Cattle, JHJ connected and in -verted
on left hip; crop off loft ear and split in
right wattle or inside of right fore leg above the
Rickard, G. D., Canyon City F C on left
shoulder, on horses only. Rmge Canyon creek
ami Bear valley. Grant county.
Rood. Andrew. Hardman Horses, square cross
with quarter-circle over it on left stifle.
Reninger, Chris Horses. C R on left shoulder.
Rector. J W Horses. JO on left shoulder. Cat
tle, O on right hip.
Spray, J. F. Horses branded 8F connected or.
right shoulder; cattle same on both hips.
A. L. Swaggart, EUh. horses branded on lef
shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Crop on left
ear, wattle on left hind leg.
Straight W. E. Horses shaded J 8 on left
stifle; cattle J S on left hip, swallow fork in right
ear, underbit in left.
Sayer, Robt Horses, S on right shoulder; cattle
square on right hip and 8 on right shoulder.
Swaggari, L, Alpine Horses, S S on right!
Sapp. Thos. Horses, 8 A P on left hip; cattle
same on left hip.
Sears. W H Horses bar over S. Range in For
vaJley. P O address, Fox, Or,
Shobe, Dr A J Horses, DS on on left hip; cat
tie. same on left side, wattle on left side of neck
ears cut sharp at point.
Stevenson, Mrs A J Cattle, S on right hip
swallow-fork in left ear.
Sperry, E G Cattle, W C on leff hip. crop ofl
right and underbit in left ear.dulap; horses, W C
on left shoulder.
Swaggart. G W Horses, 44 on left shoulder ;
cattle, 44 on left hip.
Stewart, Geo.. Hardman Horses circle e on
left shoulder.
Smith, E. E. Lone Rock, Or. Horses branded
a crossed seven on lef t shoulder; cattle sameon
left side. Range, Gilliam county.
Smith Geo.. horses branded G S on left flanir"
Thompson, J A Horses, Z on left shoula.rt
cattle, 2 on left shoulder.
Tippets ST Horses. C on lef t shoulder.
Turner R. W.. small capital T lett shoulder
horses; cattle same on left hip with split in both
Wade .Henry, Horses branded ace. of spades
on lei t shoulder and left hip. Cattle branded
same on left side and left hip.
Wells, A S Horses, Ou0 on left ehoulder; catt e
Wyland, J H Hardman Circle C on lef thigh.
oodward. John Horso, P connected on
left shoulder.
Watkins Lishe, horses branded UE connected
on left stifle.
VVallace, ( Charles-Cattle, W on right thigh, hole
in left ear; horses. W on right shoulder, mm
sameon left shoulder.
Wien, A A Cattle, running AA with bar ac as
on right run.
J. S. Young. Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded
Toon the right shoulder.
W. H. Crowley, Long creek Horses branded
circle 5 on left shoulder.
Whittier Bros., Drewy, Harney county. Or. -Horses
branded W B. connected on left shoulder
Williams, Vosco quarter circle over three
bars on left hip, both cattle and horses. Range
Grant county; P. O. address. Hainileon, Or.
no opposition.
If you want a good Marlin rifle,
buegv, bicycle, typewriter, piano, sew
ing machine, organ, etc., come to th
Gazette office, and we will pnt you on
tbe road towards getting any tine of
these ar icles and sutidry other thinga,
very cheap. We are not running oppo
sition to legitimate firms who carry
these things, but we are "in" on them,,
and are thereby enabled to give bar-