The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, November 06, 1890, Image 3

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THURSDAY, November 6, 1890,
Union Pacific Railway-Local Card.
No. SI, mixed, lfwvee Heppner 7:45 a. m.
No. " arrive " 5uu p. m., daily
Htatre leaves for Canyon City daily,
excei t Sunday, at 6:30 a. u.
Arrives daily, except Monday, at
5 :UU P. M.
There if saving of 16 boars in time
and $10 ir cash by taking this route to
rpHIH PAPKK is kept on file at E. C Hake's
1- Advertising AKnc:y, tu and fi5 Merchants
r-xcriang-, Han Francisco. I .autorma, wnere CO..
tract for advertising can be made for it.
('. W L.OMLKK 4 CO.. tW Ffth street. Port
land. UnKim. are authorized to make advertising
contracts Tor me ueppner u azkttk.
Lexington, J. B. McAllister.
Wagner, J. F. Moray.
Arlington, Mr. Bennett, Moody's ware
bouse. Alpine, Mrs. Kate Parsell.
Eight Mile, Mixa Ella Thornac
lxng Creek. Kayle.
Galloway, Bob Shaw.
Camas Prairie, Oscar DeVaul.
Matteson, Allen McFerrin.
Hardman, Or., C. M. Spenoer.
Hamilton, Grant Co., Or., Mattie A.
lone, T. J. Carl.
An agent wanted in every precinct, tf.
Hiudeb Killed. Henry Welch re
turned Sunday last from a two week a
stay on bis possessions in Grant county.
He brings back tbe news one of his
Chinese herders was accidentally killed
about two weeks R(?o. From indications,
he bad attempted to repleuisu the stock
of firewood by cutting liiiibs off a good
sized log up above camp about two hun
dred yards, and iu doing bo started the
tick down hill, rolling over him, crush
ing bis left shoulder and arm, and other
wise injuring him. After being hurt, he
dragged himself down towards camp,
but was unable to get very far. He was
discovered, a very dead Chinaman, two
weeks ago last Monday, and from all ap
pearances, had been dead about three
days. Tbe China camp of Sustmville,
took charge of tbe dead man with all
their mysterious rites, oonveying tbe re
mains to the burial ground ueir there.
The sheep were not badly scattered, as
Mr. Welch found all but three, which is
very fortunate. He has discharged all
his Chinamen, employing white men iu
their stead, which is certainly the proper
thing iu any event dead Chinaman or
Wonderful Invention. Something
has been said about Chas. Ingrabam's
portable vapor lamp, which he has in
vented. While many are looking for
genius far off, it happens this time to be
fonnd near at home in the Eight Mile
country. Charley has not, as yet, per
fected lighting apparatus, but he has in
vented and secured a patent on a "vapor
burner" fur the use of oheniists, students
of chemistry and the sciences, assayers,
druggists, etc. The fl;ime burns a gas
formed from hydro-carbon oils, and is
highly nx genated, smokeless, and being
portable, is superior to any burner of
tbe kind. It forms its own gas or vapor,
and 22 cents wortb of the substaoce will
go as far as $4 worth of alcohol. It is
also non-explosive, and can be made to
prod n oe any color of flame. There
is no bosh about this wonderful discov
ery, for Charley has the papers from the
patent office, O. K. He has been study
ing for years on the subject as a student
of chemistry, and his patienoe and per
severence is beiug liberally rewarded.
He will apply the principle of jis discov
ery to lighting purposes as well.
Romance Ending) in Murder. We
have been informed that Perry Oaborn.
who was confined in jail here one year
for stealing railroad timber, killed him
self and wile recently iu Montana. His
wife left him some years ago, and after
aeonring a divorce, married Al. Kiinsey,
of this oonuty. After Osborn was re
leased trom jail, we are informed that
the woman left KitnBey, rejoining her
former husband. Osborn was seen by the
writer in ortland last Augnet when he
sent word up to parties here, but not
oharging his mind with the matter, it
was forgotten uutii this sad affair was
brought to bis knowledge. There is a
bare possibility of there being nothing
in this repoi t, but as this offioe has heard
it quite often from reliable parties, we
conclude it to be true.
Here and There.
Haystack. Mr. B. A. Hunsnker, for
merly a business man of Heppner, but at
prenent one of HayBtaok's Bheepmen,
visited this place last Friday, Saturday
and Sunday. Mr. Hunsaker and family
have got looated in their new house,
which has juBt oeen completed, and
which also goes far towards making it
comfortable for them in that prosperous
and productive valley, which is not kind
ly thought of by our Unole Sam in the
way of good mail facilities. Mr. Hun
saker says that tbey are making a good
road, and verifies Mr. O'Fliog's state
nieut that the present subscription will
oomplete it from the Junction to Hepp
xier. Claiming Oub Coal Fields. It is a
very oommon thing for the Pendleton
papers to speak of the Butter oreek ooal
mines as "Umatilla County Coal Fields,"
when thev are wholly situated in Morrow
oounty. Pendleton capital is develop
ing them, and that is all tue clam they
have, so far as being part of Umat lla's
mineral wealth. These coal mines should
hereafter be spoken of as belonging to
Morrow oounty. With the exception of
this small error, our neighbors over there
are very right in assuming them to be
quite valuable, and at no distant day
agreat help to both Morrow and Uma
tilla oounties.
In the Cage. Bill Bare Iibs at last
been apprehended, and is now in jail.
Deputy Sheriff Harrington found hiui at
Colville, Wash, and he bolted for his
liberty, but the deputy sheriff of that
countv happened to be a sprinter, and
Bare was easily caught. He is now sure
to go to the "pen," for be has added the
crime of horse stealing to that of incest.
Mr Harrington saw young Stewart, but
he was not brought down owing to the
ict that his capture was not specially
desired, and no requisition papers bad
been made out.
Bad Boys. Two weeks ago, M. B.
Patterson, one of the solid men of lay
ton Wash., wrote our marshal to be on
tbe lookout for his two runaway boiib,
named Will and Let, aged respectfully
H and 16 Years. They were found with
tbe dog show, and caged. The marshal
felt sorrv for tbem, and in endeavoring
to give them some freedom, they tried to
escape, but were recaptured under a
cabin in Clark's canyon. They have
been returned to their parents. Ibey
left borne to keep from going to school.
To the Pcblic-I still continue in
business at the old stand on the Matlock
-corner, and ask for a continuance of your
ormer patronage. None but experienced
help employed. 97-51. J. J . Bobebt.
Crowded again.
Danner, Photographer. 96-t
A stray is awaiting an owner at
this office.
John Royse says fall grain is growing
nicely around Hardman.
Ttieo. Danner is the photographer at
Heppner. Don't forget it. 96-tf.
Hank Schirziuger found hard sale foi
hornes in the Valley this fall.
Morrow county's liabilities are 812,
188.24 ; resources, 85,902.75.
Snow fell iu the mountains, fifteen
miles from Heppner, yesterday.
Ren. Thomson and J. F. Willis were
visitors to Heppner last Saturday.
Mrs. Arthur Minor returned Thursday
from Jrortlaud, and is rapidly improving,
C F. Goff is over from Long Creek.
He reports considerable diphtheria in
that viaiuity.
H. W. Berkley got in last Friday from
Seattle. He is following millwrightmg
up there.
No time to make free delivery this
week, so you will find your rag in the
post omce.
Elmer Gentry, of Echo, spent the' past
two weeks visiting the home folks and
menus nere.
Billy Duncan has returned from Spo'
kane to this bunohgrass region, his
former borne.
J. H. Hayes got back from Ellensburg
Saturday last. Joe and Jeff, his brothers,
are also expected daily. ...
We owe the Portlaod World a round
up, and rest assured tbey will get it as
soou as tuere is epaoe.
K. R. Duran has discovered a three
foot vein of coal one-balf utile west of
the Butter creek prospeot.
A man was brought in from Fox val
ley, last week, very sick with diphtheria.
Tbe authorities provided a place for bim
Emmet Cochran did not lose his hand,
as the Mews stated last week, or meei
with any other accident, we are informed.
Mrs. Dr. Lewis and daughter have
joined the Doctor, who is now one of
Long Crt'ek 8 practicing physicians.
Newt. Williams has made a new strike
in the Gruuite country, the ledge being
live feet thiok, and assaying 821 to the
Henry Patberg, one of Lexington's
merchants, was iu town Saturday. 11 is
sheep are doing well on their winter
Morris Ball got in Saturday from the
mouutaina. where be has been herding
oattle for Jf rice f lorence for the past six
Johnny Elder's two bands of sheep, in
oharge of Jerry Phillips, are browsing up
on Miutou creek, where there is fair
winter range.
T. Harkey, one of Burns' solid men,
came in early this week to send bis
children to Portland to take advantage
of tbe schools there.
We will this week receive a brand new.
quarter medium job press, that we may
be able to meet the pressing demands
now being made upon us.
H. C. Levens, of Burns, came in Tues
day on his way to Southern Oregon, He
left on Wednesday's train. He is very
favorably impressed with Heppner.
The ladies' aid society of tbe Chris
tian church will give a basket sooiable
on Wednesday eve., Nov. 12, at tbe Opera
HouBe. All are invited to atteud.
Subscribe for the Gazette, tbe best
weekly iu Eastern Oregon. Although it
is now an eight page paper, the prioe re
mains the same, 82.00 per year, in ad
vance. We hear that Andy Friend, brother of
Johnny Friend, who was here some years
ago, has made a great strike at Bridge
ville, Cal., having as one item, a ranch
worth $10,000.
The only telegraph line in the country
that fails to get "down" when bad elec
tion news is coming in, is C. M. Mai
lory's branch to the depot. It is a great
convenience to the people.
Metiers. Brown & Hamilton, our enter
prising neighbors, have recently pur
chased a $3o0 safe, which will soon ar
rive and be placed iu position iu their
office, opposite the Gazette shop.
Mrs. Henry Biacktnan and ohildren
left this moruiug to spend the winter
vith relatives in Boise, as the Senator
will be absent from Heppuer a greater
portion of the time, owing to legislative
J. C. Ambrose, the Bitter stockman,
was here last week to get 400 ewes,
which be had lately bought. He in
forms us that there is uot as much green
grass in the Bitter country as in this
E. L. Matlock has a very nice miss
agate a present from Bud Willingham,
who found it, wi h mauy others, on the
Sweetwater, in Wyoming. Ed. will have
the stone cut in tbe shape of a miniature
barrel for a watch charm.
Tbe rainfall for Oct. '89, was. 88 inches;
for Oct. '90, it waa 1.20 iuches. This is a
good indication of "What the harvest
will be." The theremometer went down
ta 22 degrees above zero last night tbe
lowest this season.
By next week we hope to get our aux
iliary printing iu such a shape as not to
interfere with tbe borne paper, thereby
giving more space for the numerous lo
cal happenings. Two galleys of matter
are laid over till next week, and w.ll ap
pear under the bead, "Intended for last
A speoimen from the Little Laura
quartz mine, owned by W. G. Scott and
Park Ga-irigues, assays 884409 in gold
and 84.72 in silver; another showed
818.08 in gold per ton and a trace of sil
ver. What is tbe matter with this show
ing? If it was in the Greenhorn or some
other mining seotion, the people would
go wild, but as it is it Morrow county,
right here at home, they immediately
but wrongfully oome to the oonolusion
tbat it amounts to nothing.
The It orla i-.urlc-icfl.
The facilities of the present day for the
production of everything that will con
duce to the material welfare and comfort
of mankind are almost unlimited and
when Syrup of Figs was first produced
the -world was enriched with the only
perfect laxative known, as it is the only
remedy which is truly pleasing and re
freshing to the taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse the system gently in
the Spring time or, in fact, at any time
and the better it is known the more pop
ular it becomes.
Final Fboofs. You can make your
final proof of Homestead, Timber Cul
ture, or Pre emption, or make applica
tion for same, and make all kinds of
land filings before W. B. Ellis, U. S.
Commissioner, at bis offioe, without tbe
id of any other official. Call and see
him 97'9'
The Bucking Cayusk. Tom Harde
man, who has leoently been in the em
ploy of John Salisbury, bad two fingers
of bis left had dislooated by tbe efforts
of a bnok'ng oayuse, one day last week.
He was jostled around pretty lively, and
bis hand came in very sudden contaot
with the horn of the saddle with above
The story that Chris. Ingraham, of
Eight Mile, has invented a lamp which
burns a chemical at little coat, and giving
out a light equaling the electric, has
good foundation. Mr. Ingrabam has in
vented such a lamp, and applied for
patent. Tbe description of his "Vapor
Burner," which works on the same prin
ciple as the lamp, aud for which be has
received a patent, appears elsewhere in
his issue.
Regardless of tbe fact that "bard
times" is the universal ory, the Gazette
never has bad under the present man
agement so much job aud blank work as
at present, which is truly gratifying.
Tbe increased profits are being reinvested
in the paper to make it a more weloome
visitor to tbe bappy fireside of Eastern
L. Shepard has just completed his
new shop at "Paddyville, better Known
as Fox, in one of Grant county's best
villages. As a busmeps proposition, he
now advertises in the Oazhtte, which,
through its rustler, Geo. W. Couait, is
now a welcome visitor to many happy
aud prosperous homes iu tbat vicinity.
For all who are held by the chains o'
scrofula or other diseases of the blood
comes from Hood's Sarsaparilla, whiob
by imparting the elements of good health
and strength to the vital nmu, dissolves
the bunds of disense and sets the captive
free. No other remedy in existenoe
combines tbe positive economy, tbe
peculiar merit and the medicinal power
of Hood s Saisaparilla.
A modern newspaper like the Gazette
costs the proprietor much hard cash.
Does this nut suggest something to you,
delinquent subscribers?
Owing to a bad state of the blood, I
have been afflicted with rheumatism for
twenty years, and have used crutches for
ten years. I have expeuded large sums
of niouey for remedies recommended to
me, aud from using powerful linaments
to get a little sleep, my hip and knee had
lost nearly all strength. When I com
menced to take Hihbard's Rheumatio
Syrup, I could uot take one step without
I be aid of a caue, or turn myself in bed
witboi t assistance. I can now move
with perfeot ease, and walk without my
oaue from my house to my office every
day, I am relieved from a terrible afflic
tion, and wish I m'ght herald to all
afflicted with rheumatism and other
blood diseases, toe merit-of this w onder
ful medicine. S. S. Conovek,
Agt. Northwestern Mutnal Life In
surance Co., Manistee, Mich.
The Miner Rests. D. A. Sheppard
is in Heppner to winter, after a summer's
prospecting in the Granite miuiug region.
He did not succeed in fiadiug anything
worth going back to, but is of the opin
ion that in the near future Granite's
mines will lead those of our best mineral
discoveries. However, he says Granite
has, so far, made more "busted men
than millionaires. It was ever thus, but
the goddess of gold still lures the hard
working miner on, year after year, not
one in a hundred ever making salt out of
the business.
It is that imparity in the blood, which, ac
cumulating la the glands of the neck, pro
duces unsightly lamps or swellings; which
causes painful running sores on the Arms,
legs, or feet; which developes ulcers la the
eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or
deafness; which is the origin of pimples, can
cerous growths, or the many other manifesta
tions usually ascribed to "humors; which,
fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption
and death. Being the most ancient, it is the
most general of all diseases or affections, for
very few persons are entirely free from it.
By Uklng Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by
the remarkable cures it has accomplished,
often when other medicines have failed, has
proven itself to be a potent and peculiar
medicine for this disease. Some of these
cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from
scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla.
My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof
ulous sore neck from the time she was 22 months
old till she became six years of age. Lumps
formed In ber neck, and one of them after
growing to tbe size of a pigeon's egg, became
a running sore for over three years. We gave
her Hood's Sarsaparilla, when the lump and
all Indications of scrofula entirely dis
appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy
child." J. s. Cablixk, Kauright, N. J.
K. B. Be sure to get only
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold br all droffgUU. ffl; slxforftB. "Prepared onlr
y C. L HOOD CO., apothecaries, LowoU, Mau.
IOO Doses One Dollar
The most speedy, oositive and perma
nent cure for Catarrh of the Head, Asthma,
and all Throat, Bronchial, Lung, Heart,
Stomach, Liver and Kidney Affections,
Nervous Debility, etc Consumption, in
its various stages, permanently cured.
DR. Aborn's original mode of treatment
and his medicated inhalations gives in
stantaneous relief, builds up and revital
izes the whole constitution and system,
thereby prolonging life. Weak, nervous,
debilitated and broken-down constitu
tions, old and young, invariably gain from
ten to thirty pounds in from thirty to
ninety days.
Dr. Aborn's phenomenal skill and mar
velous cures have created the greatest
astonishment on the Pacific Coast and
throughout the American continent, dur
ing the past twenty-five years. Asthma,
Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron
chial and Lung trouble "nstantly relieved,
and Deafness often cured permanently at
first consultation. Dr. Aborn's essay on
the " Curability of Consumption," and a
treatise on "Catarrh of the Head,"
with evidences of some extraordinary
cures, mailed free. Call or address
Fa-art sad Morris.. 8ts Portland, Ongea,
Norm; Home treatment, securely packed, ant by
Oxpress to all pans of the Pacific Coast, for those who
caanot possibly call in person.
We want every one on the Pacific Coast to become acquaint
ed with our establishment" and the various advantages it
offers to those at a distance.
with us, means a large saving in all her
Household Supplies
and Wearing Apparel.
TO THE LADY of stylish tastes, it gives a
command of the latest styles in the market and
enables her to dress as correctly and fashion
ably as her city friends.
TO PARENTS, our stores are of special interest
Clothing, Footwear and
; Headwear
Arekept by us in great assortments and sold at
prices that make it an object for people 1000
miles away to trade with us by mail.
- TCrTlEN,we esn say" that we have everything
Don't Know Thafc
H. Blackman & Co.
Caa furniah you seat fitting Baits for both mm and boji. Ladies Drata Goods
of elegant patterns.
TTi. T.L..L.1. n ' TT 1 ' H I
that a man requires either for rough or fine
wear. The difference between our prices and
what you have been paying, will surprise you.
We will send you FliEE samples of clothing
if you say so.
TO EVERYBODY there are countless attrac
tions here. If you want to know what we
have, write for our Fall and Winter Catalogue,
which illustrates and describes everything in
our great establishment.
Ordering from it is easy, for every line and
statement is plain, truthful and concise. Send
for it and learnhow to make your dollars count
Nos. 825, 827v829, 831, 833, 835 K St and 1026 Ninth St.,
Sacramento, Otil.
xiwumuuj VlaVVVJIVlUJ 11V1UU1U rUIJ IJllVUa
Stockmens' Outfits, for Trail Use,
Guns, Ammunition, Glassware and Queensware.
Agents for the Celebrated
Bain Wagons and Hacks?
Now you have that Information.
Yes, and Many other things kept in a large, well-appointed
store like H. Blackman & Co.'b. Every-,
thing is sold at the lowest
possible prices.
When you get your Fall Outfit,
Don't Forget
H. Blackman & Go.,
T. W. AYERS, Jr., Proprietor,
(Successor to A. D. Johnson.)
Keeps a Full Line of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet
Articles, Albums, Etc., Etc.
Fine Domestic and Imported Cigars Al
ways in Stock.
School Books ! tf. School Books !
Id E. Minor's Building.
These Gentlemen are well knowD as having Mastered the
Tonsoriul Art in nil of its Important Features. Call on
them for a Good Shave or Hair Cut.
Splendid Bath Rooms in Connection.
.E. Minor's Building,
"Uncle" Ldshe Sperry made us a pleas
ant visit Monday.
Brain-workers keep your heads elear
and bowels open. Take Simmons Liver
Ralph Ditteohoefer, a popnlar knight
of tbe Gripsack, was seen in our city
early this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Orin L. Patterson leave
for Long Creek, their future home, the
last of this week.
Gene Vaughau writes friends from
California tbat he is about to start for
Argentine Republic, Suuth America.
Ed. C. Allen, of tbe firm of Allen &
Radio, the Long Creek merchants, is en
joying the sights of our metropolis a few
Phil Heppner's presence in our village.
early last week, was carefully noted by
our reporter, but tbe "chases" refused to
hold more matter.
Chas. Ingrabam, Prof. Aubrey and J'
L. Beymer were in Heppner last Friday
The Prof, proved up on his Eight Mile
ranch that day, the visitors being witnesses.
It is surprising that people will use a
common, urdiuary pill when tbey oan
secure a valuable English one for the
same money. Dr. Acker's English pills
are n positive core for sick-headache and
all liver troubles. They are small, sweet,
easily taken, and do not gripe.
For Week Ending Wedneday. Oct. 29. 1890.
Mean Mean Pre- Char.
Date Temp. Max. Min. Bar, oip. actor.
Oct. 801 11 84.00 31.00 3U.335 0.(O clear
31 44 50 07.110 S3. HI 30.4!5 0.00 clear
Not. 1 3U.B0 62.00 29 .00 30.555 0.00 c ear
1 89 .00 61 50 29.00 Ji: 535 0.00 elear
2 40.00 til. 50 SOU) 30.435 0.0U clear
3 51 50 71.00. 38.00 30.195 trace fair
4 37 CO 51.0D 34.00 30 04 0.04 fair
A. HiTlTH, Observer.
The Cox Bros., of Hardman, were in
Heppner Friday, and report Johnny
Acers as dangerously low with tbe ty
phoid fever. Dr. Fox was called Friday
to consult with other physioians in attendance.
Faber's Golden Female Pills..
For Female Irrernlftr
f ties; uothiue like them
on the market. Htver
fail. Surceaifully uied
by prominent 1 tulle
monthly. Outran teed
to relieve auppreued
Don't be hnmbn fired.
Save Time, H ealth,
and money ;tke no oth
er. Sent to any addreai,
ecure by mall on re
ceipt ni pnee. fiw.
, Addreii.
Weatern Branch, ox 27, PORTLAND, OB
Sold by T. W. Ayera, Jr. Sole Agent
tor Heppner. tf.
For First Quality Goods at Lowest Prices,
--OO TO-
Hardware. Tinware, Groceries, Confectionery, Wood and Willow Ware.
Agents for New Home and Favorite Sewing Machines. Lumberman's
Tools a Specialty. Highest market price paid for farm produce.
tf. Corner Main and Willow Streets, Heppner, Or.
Slocum-Johnston Drag Company.
Dxufl:aB Cli eitilcMilH, I'ntoiit Medlolnes, Totlwt
Artiolea, Paints, Oils, Glnaa Wall
Paper andMueloal I n a tl'ii
niezita of nXL kinds.
Finest Assortment of GOLD PENS in Eastern Oregon.
Leeier & Thompson's Corner, : : : Main Street,
HEPPNEK, - - . . tf - - - - OKEGOIf
Only 30 Days !
Will be Over?
Cash Bargain Store.
Wholesale Cost at the