THE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, NovembI76i18!J0. The Itepublicans are beautifully skooped. Lay political differences sdcI local disputea up on the shelf in the upbuild ing of Hepplier. With nil our prosperity, there stem tu be uo iuclioation to organize a board of trade. We need it. dou't we? Fhom present election returns, it is plain enough that the next congress will be democratic. Major McKiiiley had to overcome a KTrymudered democratic majority of 2,000, aud if he has not doue so, lias greatly reduced it. Tammany is successful in New Yurk, and the South has come to the frout almost solidly democratic. Republicans are not sur prised, aud demociats are elated over the present success. What the people say, must be. It is the duty of our people, regard less of politics, to eooourage our own legislators in doiuj wtiat they cau at the next session to repeal obnoxious laws and enact better ones in their stead, if they do well as democrats, let them re oeive due credit for the same. In the advocacy lor better tax aud assessment la s, as well as the repeal of the mort gage tax law, the press of the state is pretty well united, regardless of party isms. It is a matter of principle and goes beyond mere party ties. The MouTtiAGE tax law is nothing more than a scare-crow, hut as such, is almost as effectual as though a mortgage tax could be collected without difficulty. It is almost a "d .-ad letter," yet capital will not take the time to look into the matter, nor the risk in experimenting id a field where it is thus restricted. Capi tal will seek a place w here there are no doubts, aud where uo nnjust restrictions abound, even as the harmless stiok, dressed iu cast-off duds, in a modem water melon patch. At a distance it looks genuine, and cautious capital goes where there is smooth sailiug, and its presenoe appreciate 1. It is tue bnger djo that ib causing the trouble, aud Should he removed. A CANDID OPINION. Some years ago England was manu facturing all the steel rails used in the United Htates. This uithietry was as dead here as the proverbial "door nail." Congress finally placed a duty on the importation of them, and tor ashorttime, they reached a much higher price than was formerly paid. T'liis induced cap ital to venture in the manufacture of them at home, and oompetitiou has long ago placed steel raiis at a lower figure than was ever experienced iu the days of free trade. Ho it wili be iu the matter of tin plate. Already anti Dro tectionists are urging that tin plate is reaching a high price; a tin coffee pot that cost 51) cents before the passage of the MoKiuley bill will now probably cost 52 cents. This is a terrible burden, as any one can see. Now iu the midst of this hurrah, capital is preparing to open rich tiu mines in the Uuited States, and tin plate works are already being erect ed. As it was iu the oase of steel rails, (o it will be in tiu. Uillium & Ilisbee aud other merchants here are still seiliug tinware at the old prices. If tiuware is going to cost so much, why don't some of our free trade friends take advantage of this opportu nity to buy at the old prices, and get the bent fit of the raise? The truth of the matter is, the increased price of raw ma terial amounts to absolutely nothing, aud within three years will, be cheaper than ever before. By the lime these big industries get firmly established, com petition will begin to regulate mutters. THE PULITT AND THE STAGE. Kev. F. M. Kbrout, Pastor Uuited Brethren Cl.urcli, Blue Mound, Kan., says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has done for me. My lungs were badly dis eased, aud my parishoners thought I could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. King's New Disoovery and am sound and well, gaining 26 pounds in weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, vrites: "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. Kings New Discovery for consumption, beats 'em ail. andoures when everything else fails. The great est kindness I can do my manv thou sand friends is to urge them to try it." Free trial bottles at T. W. Ayers'. Jr. Drug Store. liegular sizes 50 oents and 81.00. 3 EIGHT MILE NOTES. .Intended for last week. Miss Anna Anderson will attend school in Heppner this winter. Mrs. Charles Nelson visited her parents and other relatives last week. Mrs. Charlie Talbot is visiting her frieuds on Eight Mile this week. Mr. T. C. Aubrey will occupy the house recently vaoated by Mr. Spray. Weather pleasant, roads in good con dition, and heat-hauling to Heppner goes steadily on. Mr. Ed. Crouch and family have re turned from Baker City aud will locate in Heppuer, soon. Mr. and Mrs. Spray will be greatly missed by their neighbors, who wish them well in their new lionir. The sale at Mr. J. C. Spray's, last Saturday, was well attended, and the average price of articles sold, very good. The manv friends of Mr. Chas. Ingra ham wiil be pleased to leuru that he has received a patent on the light he has for some time been engaged in perfecting. Mr. Iugraham has two other applications in the patent olrlce. County Superintendent, W. L. Saling, was out visiting schools last week, aud did not neglect Eight Mile Center. He says he was not able to discover the "Dead Line." The records show ex County Superintendent, J. H. Stanley, to have been a visitor of that sc .ool on Nov. 20. during Mr. Saliug's term of school. The Eight Mile Lyceum holds weekly meetings at the school house, where the members discuss questions of weighty and grave import, and give the teacher an extra half hour's jauitor work on Monday morning, almost making her re gret that the old Connecticut "Blue Las" regarding the use of tobacoo are not still iu force. Arthur Royse is giving excellent satis faction as a teacher in the Hooker dis trict. Eight Mile, Oct. 27, '90. A CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by the use of opiates given in the form of Soothing syrup. Why mothers give their chil dren such deadly poison is lurprisinK when tbey cau relieve the child of its peculiar troubles by using Dr. Acker's Baby Soother. It oontains no opium or morphine. Sold by Slocum-Johnston Drug Co. The Union Pacific has not had an ac cident worth mentioning for more than week . This it especially noteworthy. Miss Ava Dodson is oyer from Fair haven . S. L. K. means Simmons Liver Regu lator sure. Lone Rock is getting to be quite a point for business. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Neal were over from Lone liock last week. Some valuable cooking recipes appear on our eighth page this week. It is reported that the Buffalo herd has escaped from the National Park. Trial subscriptions to the Gazette, oue month, 25 cents; three months, 75 cents. Take it. Special attention is called to the new ads. of Mrs. A. M. Slocum, Mat Lichten luul aud f.eezer & Thompson, which ap pear in this issue. Mrs. Thos. Quaid made a brief visit last week to Pendleton, where her danghter, Miss Katie is attending school, returning home Friday. Bookkeepers and others of sedeutary habits cure eoustuatiou with Simmons Liver Regulator. A LEVEL HEAD. Tb Advantage of PrcHnea of Blind in an Kniarfency. During the late strike on the New York Central Kaihoad, the militia were or dered to be in readiness in case of a riot, but they were not called out. In an interview, Uov. Hill said the troops were not to be called upon except in case of an emergency. The emergency had not arisen, therefore they would not be ordered out. lie remarked that this was the first great strike with which lie had had experience, and he did not pro pose to lose his head; the only point at which there had been serious trouble was at Syracuse, and there a deputy-sheriff had lost hia head and precipiatated an encounter. The strike continued several weeks, and there was riotous action at various points along the road, but the civil au thorities were able to cope with it with out calling on the militia. The test of a man's real ability cornea when an emergency arises which make a hasty call on his good judgment and discretion. The man who retain! his presence of mind, maintains his equipoise and exercieea sound discretion at Buch critical junctures, is to tie relied on and will be put to the front. Men with level heads have the staying qualities which do not falter in the face ot danger. OtiB A. Cole, of Kinsman, O., June 10, 1390, writes: "In the fall of 1888 I was feeling very ill. I consulted a doctor and he said I had Bright's dis ease of the kidneys and that be would not stand in my shoes for the State of Ohio." But he did not lose courage or give up ; he sa s : "I saw the testimon ial of Mr. John Coleman, 100 Gregory St., New Haven, Conn., and I wrote to him. In due time I received an answer, stating that the testimonial that he gave was genuine and not oterdrawn in any particular. I took a good many bottles of Warner's Safe Cure ; have not taken any for one year." Gov. Hill is accounted a very success ful man ; he is cool and calculating and belongs to the class that do not lose their heads when emergencies arise. Mr. and Mrs. Orin L. Patterson arrived from the East last Saturday, and with the editor's better half, are sojourning in Portland a few days. They express themselves as pleased with their trip out, which was via the Northern Pacific DEAFNESS CAN'T BE CURED By local applications, as they can't reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is ouly one way to cure deafi ess. and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an lunamed con dition of the m noon 9 lining of the Eus- taoian tube. When this tube gets in flamed you have rumbling Bound or imperfect hearing, aud when it is entire ly olosed, leatuess is the result, anil unless the inflamation cau be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing wll be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are cansed by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflain- eu oondition of the mucous surfaces. we will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (oansed by catarrh) that we cannot oure by takiug Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for ciroulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Cass Roger-, a prominent stockman of Lower Butter creek, was in Heppner early this week. He and bis neighbors are much elated over present prospeots, the late rains being the principal tonio. BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hauds, Chil Blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, a id positively oures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refuuded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Nov.14,'0. The Heponer Furniture Co. areexpect- iug a oar-load of Furniture from tlte East. Buy them for big bargains, a. Cl'KKENT GOSSIP. Hntt &, liomig. City Barber Shop and Bath KoomB. Pickled Pin Feet and fine Marinirte Herring at Dan Osmer s. A fine line of f?nld pens, pencils, etc., at Slocum Johnuton Drug Co.'s. ' - a. The Newton wiuruna. hacks and other vehicles. the largest stock in Heppner, can be found at uiliiam msbee s. i tui on uiem. s Kor White fish. Lake trout and Salmon in bulk also Mackerel and Salmon bellies in kits, go to LHezer & ihoinpsoi., the leading grocers ot Heppner. a. Before purchasing yonr honse furnishings, call on Gilliam & Bisbee. They also do tin roofing at the lowest nures. a. H. Black man & Co. have an exclusive General Merchandise store. Stockmen cannot do betler than patronize H. Blackman A Co., of Ueppner's Pioneer BrU'k. a Gilliam & Bisbee are prepared to suit the peo- (ile in the line of Stoves, Hardware, Tinware. 'Iowa, etc. Buy of an exclusive hardware store and be suited. a. The Morrow County land A Trust Co. handles Annonr Packing Co. 's goods, saving merchants the freight from Portland to Ueppuer. and on many things much more. a. Perseverance, pluck and enterprise will make money in tins wild, wild West, but it is of no avail unless yu get big bargains, iu foot-gear, especially. Go to Mat Lichtenthal's for your bargains in boots and shoes. a. Life is short, too short to spend one's substance in purchasing high priced Groceries, when J. W. Matlock it Co. cau sell dirt cheap. That means at the lowest ptssible price, for they buy for cash and can sell cheap. a. Customer vBe sure and make those clothes large. 1 expect to put on ten or hfteen pounds shortly." Tailor "Yee. sir. Taking a course of treatment?" Customer -"No. I'm just back from my vacation." If he bought hia clothes at H. Kiackmhn & Co. 'a elf gar it ttore he would have no trouble in getting a near fit. a. Mrs. Potts "Wnat time was it when yon got home last night?" Mr. Potts "Beally, I don't know, my dear. 1 was so abashed by getting in late tliat 1 could not look the clock in the face." Now, what this has to do with Corhn & Jlc Far land's elegant Heppner store, no one knows. They carry alt liuea at low prices. An elegant book given away with every $S worth of dry goods, clothing, etc. a. J. S. Schooling has placed the agency of the Monarch Washer with Messrs. Gilliam & Bisbee, where tbey can be bad at reasonable rates. They are a labor saving affair, and no mistake. a. FOR RENT. A bunohgrass pasture of 640 acres, or wili take horses or cattle at 75 cents per month. G. P. Muib. 397-S9a IALTBITL SXEBCIII. Only a few monthg ro these rompinjr. rear cheeksd Latae were pun y.delicat. pale, sickly firla. B the aid of Dr. Plerce'i world-fame TTorit Prescription, they have MoMome ut into beautiful, plump, hsJ, hearty, strong young; women. , Favorite Prescription M la an Inn joi-a tint;, rattoratira tonic and as a regulator and pro moter of functional action at that critical Eerlod of chan ro from girlhood to woman ood. It It a perfectly safo remedial agrnt, and enn produce only good results. It is care fully compounded, by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It is purely regetabla In Iu com position and perfectly a armies In any condition of the lyjtera. It imparts strength to the whole system. For over worked, worn-out," " run-down,' debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, M shop-girls," housekeepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally. Dr. Pierce's favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly i'oon, being unequaled as an appetizing cor dial and restorative tonic. H is the only snedicine for women, sold by druggists, undsr positive puarantcs from the manufacturers, that it will (rire satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee as been faithfully carried out for many years. Copyright, IMS. by WOBLD'S DU. If w. Xss'V. SSOO OFFERED 4-- by the manufactur ers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh itemed y, for aa IcDuruLls oaso of Csuarrh la too Head. LONG CELEK. From the Eagle. Geo. W. Conart, the Heppner Gabette rustier, baa been in town a few days. Bert SiuioDB, of Heppner. arrived here Tuea my. Bert is cue of the best burse aboers in Eastern Oregon. On the Btapre line between Heppner and Monument is a team that is about 22 years old. Frank and Jim have been pulling stage for about 1G years. A man named Corn and a woman nam ed Wheat, were recently married in an eastern cnurob, wben the choir convuls ed the audience by singing, "What will the harvest be." Bert Bos worth, one of the Heppner Gazette "boys' came over on the stage last Friday, in time to "run off" last week's issue of the Eagle. He will re main in the office until Pat arrives borne. The shop is under great obligations to Bert for bis timely assistance. Some of boys got oua "'high lonesome' last Tuesday night, with the intention of changing the color of the town from its present beautiful white appearance, to something resembling Vermillion in color, but their better natures got the upper hand, or their money gave out, and we shall always think it was from the latter cause, and things quieted down . EPOCH. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health makes an epoch in the life of the indi vidual. Such a remarkable event is treasured iu the memory aud the agency wherebv the health has been attained is gratefully blessed. S'J msuy feel they owe their restoration to health to the use of the Great Alternative and Tonic. If you are troubled with any disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing yon will Rurely iiud e lief by use of Electric Bitters, Sold at 50c. and 81.00 per bottle at T. W. Ayers drug store. HYMENEAL. Married on Sunday, Nov. 2, at the res idence of W. M. Avers, on Big Butter creek, Mr. Wm. Benedict, of Echo, and Miss Sarah E. Ayers, Kev. J. T. Hoskins tying the nuptial knot. May they ever prosper. DIED. Near Rhea creek on the 27th ult., in fant danghter of Wm. and Nellie McFer rin, aged two days. Peaceful be its silent slumbers, Peaceful in the grave so low; Thou no more will join our number, Tbou no more our eongs shall know. J. H. H. "THE JERSEY LILLY." Ancm.esea Cottage. L. B., July 2. Gentlemen: Althongh it is very uu usual for me to use any lotions or washes, still, in answer to yonr requset, I have tried Wisdom's Violet Cream and Robertine. The former I consider es pecially efficacious iu cases of roughness of the skin, and I have been using 't every day for the last fortnight. I have found the Robertine an excellent prepar ation in cases of tau. sunburn, etc., caused by exposure to March winds and a July suu. Yours faithfully, LlIXIH LA KG TRY. To Messrs. Wisdom & Co. PREMIUMS AWARDED. The following premiums have been awarded contestants, by Mr. W. O. Minor: Potato. A. B.Fl'Tence, wt. 5tt 9 oz 2 00 Cabbage, F. Gilliam 2 00 I WaterMelon, CJ. Vinson. 27vjtt). . 2 00 Pumpkin, M. Morgan, 391b 1 (JO Beet. S. Hager. 1 lb 1 (Ml Parsuip, A. J. Jours. . .' 1 00 Tnruin. , 121b 9 oz. . l uo Oni..u. F. Gilliam, lib 13? oz. . 1 (10 1 ipple. H. E. CI irk 1 00 1 Wheat. J. C. Browu l tiu . Oats, S. N. Morgan 1 00 Squash, T. Marlatt. 471b 10 or.. . . 1 00 i D: in.. )l A. 1 m j oarroi, oiuuir, 04 iu a uu j Rutabaga, " 1 00 HIBBARD'S RHEUMATIC AND LIVER PILLS. These Pills are scientifically compoun ded, aud uniform in action. No griping paiu so commouly following the use t Pills. They aie adapted tu both adults and children with perfect safety. We guarantee tbey have no equal in the cure I of Sick Headachk. Cmistipation, Dyspep I sia aud Biliousness; and. as an appetizer. tbey excel anv other preparation. J. L. SHEPARD, h FOX, OREGON. AH orders promptly attended to. Prices to suit the Times. ARTHUR COfIIJV Ariin UL. ton IvADIBS We invite your iuspection of our new Fall and Winter Goods. Every Department tilled to overflowing with the latest styles. Call iu aud examine oar elegant assortment in Limo Gloats, Disteis ami saort JacKets lor street wear. Ton will find new shades and nobby fitting garments. New styles in Short Shoulder Capes, in Silk Seal l'lUBb and Astrachan. Beantiful Seal Plush Jackets and Cloaks, silk lined and quilted, at low prices. Children's Cloaks, all grades. We carry tbe handsomest liue ot Gent's & Youth's Fine Clothing To be found in any Btore in Eastern Orfon. New styles in Overcoats and Ulsters. Fine assortment of heavy short coats and vests. Gent's Furnishing goods of every description. In fact, COFFIN & McFARLAND Always "take the cake" when it comes to having a completo stock of General Merchandise, suited to the wants of this country. Seethe latest patterns of Woolen Dress Goods in stripes, plaids and solid colors, all sold at piices to please. Finest line of LBDIES- flHD GHILDREH'S SHOSE BHD SLIPPERS! Our shoe department cannot be excelled in atyle, quality and low prices. Hand sewed shoes in Button, Congress and Lace. Heavy Brogansaud Boots of all kinds. Hats and Caps, Woolen Underwear and HOSIERY. Ttl ii ilrr f I V i il ip i fUti rr n . Mittens, Trunks, Valises, Sewing Machines, -""Guns, Pistols. Wallpaper, Doors, Windows and Glass, Paints and Oils. Harness and Saddles. Our San Jose, California, Saddles are giving tbe best of satisfaction. We have a fine assortment of side saddles and others. Stoves and Tinware. If you need a cook stove, range or parlor heatinc stove, don't fail to see our stock in these goods. Com mon heating stoves in all sizes. iliiciisil waps, Hacks m BiMloanis. Flows And Harrows, Clocks and Watches. Chop Feed, Seed Rye, Alfalfa and Timothy, Wheat, Barley and Oats. Blacksmith's stone coal, Sul phnr. Lime and Salt, Cedar Sbingles. Groceries and Hardware. Fem oline Sheep Dip, something new. Guaranteed to cure tbe scab iu sheep or no pay. A Call at our Establishment will Prove Our Claim of having the Largest Stock, Greatept Variety of Roods, the best equipped store, combined with low prices, that can be found in any other town in Oregon. To every purchnt-er of $25 worth of Dry Goods. Clothing, Boot and Shoes, Etc., we will present a Fi-:e $1 bi-ok. Orders from the country carefully and promptly tilled. Country produce bought and sold. Cash advanced on wool for next year's clip. Agents for Christy & Wise. COFFIN & McFARLAND, Tbe National Baok Building, Heppner, Oregon. EASY LABORS TEAINING GROUNDS. Work Commenced on the Race Track at T. J.Matlock's Kanch. Cass and Tom Matlock are at work on a oirotilar mile track on Tom's ranch, seven miles from Heppuer. on Hiuton creek, a menrior, of whtob was made id last issue It is tjiint on purpose to train the fine colts which were foaled last spring, and will be a first-chus race course in every respect. It wonld be well to note thut the Mat lock stables on this Qinton cbeek ranch oontains some noteworthy animals, viz: Repetta, record 1:41; present age, 10 years. Her sucking oolt, Umatilla, is entered in the races at the Sbeepshead Bay in '92. and will be trained on the new track. Leon, reoord as 3-year-old, 1:42; present age, 5 years. Lady Duffy, record, mile at 5 years, 1.14; has run mile mH)2; present age, 7 jears. Oregon Rose, a 4-year old, aud a very speedy animal, but broke dowD last yenr. Both Rose and Duffy have oolts, which are not yet named. Jim Miller, who was Btabled on the Matlook ranch last year, and Orngon Eclipse lowered the three-eights mile world's record in a dead heat., at Spo kane Falls on the 18th ult, making the distance in 0:34. The previous world's record was claimed by Daniel B., who ran at Helena, Mont., July 4, 1888, in 034. Miller still holds the world's record for a quarter mile in 0:214, made at 1 eer Lo-lsfp, M n.. tlv si e venr. CURES PERMANENTLY fcrnatism J, Sciatica " RacK&cbes IT Has ill eqOAL. IT IS TOE BEST. THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. BHCKl BTOF IT NOW. SOON IT WML C TOO LATC. 1 have been troubled many rears with disease of the kidneys and have tned many different remedies and hare sought aid from different physician without relief. About the 15th of April I was sufterinr from a rerv violent atUck that almost prostrated me in such a manner t;at l was ocm . When I sat down it was almost impossible for me to get up alone, or to put on my clothes, when kind Providence sent Dr. Henley, with the OREGON KIDNEY TEA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aston ishment of all the guests at the hotel, in a few days, I am happy to state, that I was a new man. I will! recommend the tea to all afflict aa I have been. G. A. TCPPER, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, NO MORE BACKACHEI vvti ray! w KKAX K MoPARLAXD, PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH "ffngy OS ACE PILLS, PURELY VEGETABLE AND PERFECTLY HARMLESS, Being compounded from numerous herbs and roots, which have been in use among the Osage Indians for years. It is the use of these roots and herbs which renders that gener ally dreadtd event so remarkable safe and easy with them. The use of Osaae Pills should berin three weeks before expected confinement. Thousands of Testimonies open for inspection at Our cClces. Sond tor Circular. Price, per box, $2. For sale by T. W. AYERS Jr., IrDeK"t, Heppner, Oreeon. or Kent it, ptnin wropper, post-paid, r-n ra-ipt uf tij ou. THE SAGE M DICINE CO.. WICHITA, KANS. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER iy and by virtue of an execution and order of sale duly issued out of the t'ircuit Court of the State of Oreaon, for Morrow County bearing date September 29. 1890, and to me ae Sheriff di rected, upon a judgment and decree of aaid Cir cuit Court, therein duly rendered and entered on the first day of September, 18W, in favorof the Plaintiffs in the suit, Walter Berry and George Barclay, and against the Defendants therein, W. B. Cuninghame, Richmond Charles Barclay and Boyd Alexander Cuninghame, partners under the firm name of W. B. Cuninghame fc Co.. and aeainat theV Defendants, A. L. Cnninghame. J. L. Morrow and J. W. Morrow, partners under the firm name of J. hi Morrow & Son, E. R. Swin burne, Morrow County, Oregon. G- W. Kea and W. K. KlliH as trustees, wherein it was considered ordered and adjudged that Plaintiffs recover of said defendants, W. B. Cmiingname &C., the sum of Fourteen Hundred and Forty-two and Fifty hundredths (Jtl44'ift()) pounds with inter est thereon from September 1, 1890. at the rate of Seven (7) percent, per annum, and One Hundred and Fifty (150) pounds attorney fees, and the further sum of Twenty-four and Eighty-three one hundredths ($24.8:1) dollars costs and disburse ments, and it was further considered, ordered, ad judged and decreed that the Plaintiffs mortgage be foreclosed and the mortgaged lands described as the West half of the South West quarter of Section ten (10), the North half of Section Six teen (16), all of Section Seventeen (17), the South West quarter of Section Eight (8), the North half and South West quarter of Section Seven (7), the East half of the North East quarter the South East quarter and the East half of South West quarter of Section Eighteen (18), the East half of th North West quarter, and the West half of the North East quarter of Section Nine teen (19). the North half of the North Kat quar ter of Section Twenty (20), the North West quar ter of the North West quarter of Section t wenty one (21, and i he South half of the South half of Section Thirteen 13 J. all in township thiee3j South of Range Twentysix 26 j East of the Wil lamette Meridian; and also the South half of the South East quarter of Section Twenty-eight "2b, the North East quarter of the North East quarter of Section Thirty-three S3, and th North West quarter of the North West quarter of Section Thirty-four 34, all in Townnhip Three 3J South of Range Twenty-live (25) East of the Willamette Meridian, all of said lands being in Morrow County, Oregon, be sold as land? are sold on fore closure, and the proceeds applied to the payment of said sums with interest, cofts and accruing costrj. 1 will on Friday, the 28lhdayof Novem ber, 1H90, at. the front door f the Court House, in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day sell all the right, title and interest which said Defendants, W. B. Cun- nrhain. tiovd Alexander ( umnirhame. nichmand C. Barclay and Alice L. Cuuinghame had and whch any or either of them had at the date of said mortgages on August 1. 1886, and which De fendants or any of them have since acquired in said lands, at public auction, to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and coat and accruing costs. WtU. HUtfLE, Sheriff of Morrow Co., Or Dated Oct 30, 1890. 397-401. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or., Oct. 28.. W). Notice is hereby given :hat the following. named settler has filed notice of His intention to muke final proof in support of hit claim aud that ftaid proof wili be made before the county judge of Gilliam county. Or., at Condon, Oregon, on December 11, lbWJ, viz: JOSEPH A. WARD., for the SK'-i Section 2fi,Tp. 1S.R 22 E, W.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land viz: Edgar I Persons, Wm. P. French, Andrew J. Cochran and Fred Douglas, all of Shelby, Oregon. 397-402. John W. Lewis Register. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. This is to certify that the partnership hertofore existing between J. J. Rolwrtsand J. R. Simons, nnder the firm name of K berts & Simons, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, J. K. Simons retiring. All accounts due the late firm are pay able to J. J. Roberts, who assumes all indebted ness or the same. J.J. Kobebtb, J. R. Simons, Heppner, Or., Oct. 25, 1890. 397-401. By the above notice it will be seen that the firm of Roberts & Simons no longer exists, I having bought Mr. Simons j teres t in the Batne. In rder to make a trade of thin kind it is necessary to have mooey. There are now many outstand ing accounts due the old firm, aud these 1 must have to settle in full with Mr. Simons. The old books are in the hands of Brown & Hamilton for collection, and a speedy response to this call is expected J. J. Roberts. FOR SALE. A small band tbia office. of cattle. Enquire at 398-tf. CHAS. H. DODD & CO. IMPORTERS OF - - Hardware, Iron, Steel, AND FARM MACHINERY, Front, First and Vine Streets, ::::::: Portland, Oregon. Solo Agents for Oregon and Washington for DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. Sink-Is, Double, or Triple Furrow. They are so simple and come so near absolute perfection, that thoM the have used them ur seen them work can not say enough in their praise. We lumnth them with or without seat attachment. Scat attachments are extra. ID IE IE IRIS I?0"W-E:R XIT STTILIK:" FLO'WS- BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. 3uckeye Hoe Press Grain Drill, Buckeye Seeders, Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrows. DEERE'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDERS fh latest improved implement lor sowing summer fallow. The most complete and successful tool (or this purpose in use. We also bave a fall line of Bussiet, Carriage, Phaeton, Mountain Wagou, Platform aud other Mnriuig Vt liicle . SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. Lawrence & Chapin's S,.riiiK-Tooth Marrows, Deere Harruws, Scientific Feed Jiilla, Pacific Fanning Villa, UMSH BARB WIRE, ETC., ETC. BEVP FftR STFClUi cumtlaiw ami pbu-k its STOVES ! STOVES. A Car Load of Stoves Just Received by (HIiLIn BISBEE Where you can get a Stove at your own price. 1 i HM1J im) ltl III4H 1 1. tll.l III I I I 1 1 11,1,11.1 l l.lil.l lll 1 1.1 1 JiM.I III 1 1 :l I H I HliHlll ltri llMiH ltll -H 1 1 II I yTl YOU HAVE ONLY $8 OO, IT ( i I Pwill buy You a Stove. If You have I I FIFTY DOLLARS, We can give 1 you Value Received for it. i - l l 1 1 141 1 M, lilii M l lll M 1 liMMif .!, I lt'l ! HI f lll'l 1 1 1 1 1 I t 1 1 1 l-l ,i. 1 1. M 1 1 1 M l I III : I'M I t"l M WE HAVE AN EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE, And do a Legitimate Businees. Wo can offer you better inducements iu onr line of UoodB thn anybody doing businee in Morrow County. Give us a trial order aud we will convince you of the fact. GILLIAM & BISBEE, Next door to First Nat. Bank, Heppner, Or. New Millinery, New Fancy Goods, New Styles every week at MRS. A. M. SLOCUM'S. It ii her special desire to please all iu latest style and low priees, quality considered. She makes a specialty in Saxony and German Knitting Yarns. Mrs. A. :VI. Slocum, (Successor to Mrs. S. P. GfUTigues,) ' MAY STREET. - - - HEPPNER. OREGON. HEY! HEY ! ! Let as go to Mat Exclusive Boot and Shoe Store, for our winter footwear. He keeps the best Buckingham 4 Heoht boots and shoes, the Faro $2 50 Shoe and other goods, of standard makes. A oujstook, FooUear must be bought oheap, quality considered, to get such bargains as you find at MAT LICHTENTHAL'S, MAIN STBEET, - . . HEPPNER, OKEGOX. W. A. KIRK. KIRK DEALERS IN Saddles, Haaness, Whips, Spurs, aDd every Conceivable Article kept in a First Class Harness Shop. Repairing tx ftiioolnlt ! Kept ConstaDtly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted f,., five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines and get cash prices. MAIN STREET. . HEPPNF.R OPTrnnw A GOOD PAYING RESTAURANT BUSINESS ! I am compelled to offer this MOLINE.ILL. STOVES. COME ON Lichtenthal's J. C. HAYES HAYES business for a! : . tv. Abrahamsio, HEPPNER, OREGON.