Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, October 15, 1914, Image 1

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    Dallas needs a ca
Polk County’s
a movement
Best Newspaper
— Every Isrue
T h e P a p er -tha’t Q iJ es Y o - j Wh&’t 'Y o u W ani to i^çad
Lady Voters of Polk County are
Getting Interested in Study
of Politics.
Lively Contost Now on for Sale
of Tickets to Season’s
The Woman’s Wilson Club of
Polk County was organized last
Friday evening, when about
thirty representative ladies oi
Dallas met in the parlors of the
city library for the purpose. The
meeting was called to order by
Miss May Shelton and Mrs. K. N.
Wood was chosen as temporary
secretary. After some discus­
sion it was decided that the or­
ganization should be a perma­
nent one, not merely for the
present campaign.
The following officers were
elected to serve until the regu­
lar annual election next Janu­
President—Mrs. M. L. Boyd.
Vice President—Mrs. J. G.
Secretary-Treasurer—Mrs. K.
N. Wood.
The following committees
were appointed:
Executive— Mrs. J. G. Van
Orsdel, Mrs. J. L. Sweeney, Mrs.
V. P. Fiske, Mrs. Edw. Himes.
Mrs. B. F. Preston.
Constitution and By-Laws—
Mrs. S. B. Taylor. Miss Ruth
C o u rtesy of O regon Jo u rn a l.
Nunn, Mrs. Tracy Staats.
Music—Miss Buena Fiske, I°P. lelt—Doris Leigh Gordon, grand champion gin of the state. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1.1 J.
Gordon, Portland. Winner of highest prize for girl babies entered in the eugenic contest at the
Miss Edna Morrison, Miss Julia
state fair.
The meeting adjourned until Top, right—David Jackson (“Jack’*) Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Grant, Dallas, the champion
baby of the state. “Jack” won first prize at the Polk county fair In 1913 with a score of 99.6;
Monday evening, at which time
the following constitution with
saino prize in 1914. score 99.2, and grand champion prize over all babies at the 1914 state fair,
the by-laws were adopted:
with score of 99.5
Bottom—-Ir.s Haley, prize baby of Lebonon. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Haley. Five months
A rtic le I.
old and weighs 25 pounds.
T h is o rg a n iz a tio n s h a ll be kn o w n as
th e W o m a n ’s W ilson C lub of Polk
k C ounty.
A rtic le II.
^ g T h e o b je c t of th e C lub sh a ll be to ]
^ ■ t e r e s t th e w om en of P olk c o u n ty in
p o litical q u e s tio n s of th e d a y ; to
^ r g e upon th e m th e ir d u ty to v o t e ,!
an d to h e lp th e m to v o te in te llig e n tly .
A rtic le III.
A ny w o m an o f P o lk c o u n ty sh a ll be
e lig ib le to m e m b e rsh ip w ho is In
s y m p a th y w ith th e W ilso n a d m in is tr a ­
tio n a n d w illin g to w o rk in th e in te r ­
e s ts o f th e Club.
A rtic le *IV.
T h e o fficers of th is C lub sh a ll b e:
P re s id e n t, V ice P re s id e n t, S e c r e t a r y 1
an d T re a s u r e r, an d an E x e c u tiv e C om ­
m itte e of five m e m b e rs,a ll to be elected
by b allo t a t th e tirs t m e e tin g in J a n u ­
a ry o f e a c h y ear.
A rtic le V.
T h e r e g u la r m e e tin g s of th is C lub
sh a ll be h eld e v e ry M onday evening.
A rtic le VI.
T h is c o n s titu tio n m a y be am en d ed
Prompted soley by sordid mo-
by th e v o te o f th e m a jo rity of th o se tlves, the editor of the Observer
p r e s e n t a t a n y m e e tin g ,p ro v id e d n o tice
to th a t effe ct h a s been g iv en a t a p re ­ resorted to antiquated political
v io u s m e e tin g .
Financial Considerations Prompts the Republican Sheet
To^Throw Heaps of “‘Mud” a t an
Efficient Official
strued to mean that no one else anything like the volume of bus
would make as good a county iness to transact that Mr. Rob
clerk. There were others before •I*?on has lla(i since he t°°k (h(
methods and devoted consider-, him and there will be other to ?' 5,®" f 11® 01!6
; tration alone has been almost
It is the expectation of the able
space in his last issue to an come. The Observer sees fit to d o u b l e d s i n c e the women hiv<
Woman’s Wilson Club to partic­
ipate in the rallies to be held on
the occasion of the visit of Dr.
C. J. Smith, candidate for gov­
ernor, next week, and of Sena­
tor Chamberlain on the evening
of October 28th. The member;
will also make a study, of the
various measures to be voted fight in the present campaign. Some of the assertions are true the county. The assertion that
His little soul is so penurious and some are false. It is true Mr. Robinson did not keep the
on at the coming election.
It is the intention of the club ihat he can’t bear to see the that Mr. Robinson did pot go to necessary records in a clerical
to organize branches in the itemizer print the election' bal- the trouble daily of entering up manner is made out of whole
other towns of the county dur­ lots and the few other blanks in his ledger just how many cloth and can clearly be dis­
used in the county clerk's office, hunting licenses or fishing 11- proved by all those who are do-
ing the next week or so.
The following ladies have en­ And right in this connection we censes he had issued that day, ing business with the office
wish to say that while we have with some other inconsequential every day. Ask any of the at-
rolled as members:
Mrs. M. L- Boyd, Mrs. J. G. profitted some in this way, in the similar records, hut left them to torneys of Polk county if in any
VanOrsdel, Mrs. K. N. Wood, ordinary run of business, it will do some evening when he had way they have found the rec-
Mrs. V. P. Fiske, Mrs. J. L. not cause the Itemizer to sus- time to spare and could be free ords of the county clerk’s office
Sweeney, Mrs. Edw. Himes, Mrs. pend noi; its publishers to seek from the numerous calls there erroneous or incomplete, or If,
B. F. Preston. Mrs. S. B. Taylor. charity if we never get another are upon his time during the day. from their positive knowledge!
Mrs. C. L. Crider. Mrs. J. E. job of printing out of the court Nine out of ten business men do the public’s interests have been
Bloom, Mrs. Ella Ellis, Mrs. J. house. The Itemizer will con- the same thing—leave the post- jeopardized,
Isn’t it mighty peculiar that
B. Nunn, Mrs. Fred Hartley, tinue to be "the biggest and best ing of their books to a time of
comparative liesure and freedom Mr. Robinson held the office of
Mrs. Fred Hartley, Mrs. Tracy paper in Polk county-”
We had hoped to be able to from interruption. When the county clerk
for nearly two
Staats, Mrs. Frank Brown, Mrs.
Carl Manock, Mrs. Claude conduct our end of the present time came to send out these re- years without any of the hun-
Brower, Mrs. I. D. Phillips. Mrs. campaign free from personal- ports he did employ Tracy Staats dreds of people v/ho have had
E. W. Matheny, Mrs. Robert ities. and as far as any of the to assist in the work, the same dealings with the office finding
Hatton, Mrs. S. Golden Seiver, candidates are concerned we will as that gentleman has been call-1 out that he is “incompetent,”
Mrs. Field Allen, Mrs. J. H. do so. We have already paid Mr. ed on to assist In other offices in and then suddenly It is discover-
Cornwall, Mrs. C. W. Vaughn, Smith the compliment of having the court house when a rush of ed only three weeks before
Mrs. J. O. Shaw, Mrs. Eld. Shaw, been a good clerk during his work was on. and the same as election by a man who has lived
Mrs. A. B. Muir, Mrs. Walter L. term of office, and are willing to I Mr. Smith hired extra help when iin the county only five months
Tooze, J., Mrs. J. J. Wick, Mrs. yet grant hint that distinction, he needed it. In Mr. Smith’s (and has seldom set foot in his
Peter Berg. Mrs. B. F. Wbiteak- this not necessarily to be con- case, however, he never had office’
er, Mrs. T. D. Phillips, Miss
May Shelton, Miss Edna Morri­
Warrior Inherits Fortune.
son, Miss Buena Fiske, Miss
Gus Binding, a resident of
Roxana Fiske, Miss Ruth Nunn,
Germany- reported to ba at pres­
Miss Julia Nunn, Miss Cora Ros-
ent fighting with his country­
siter, Miss Amy Hibbard, Miss
1?a Stanley, Miss Alice Grant.
men against the allies.has Inher­
Mrs. Pearl Uglow-Johnson, Mrs.
ited an estate valued at $5142,
C. W. Johnson, Mrs. A. W. Pal­
which he will receive as soon as
mer, Mrs. W. J. Palmer, Mrs. G.
can be located. The estate
H. Bennett. Mrs. M. M Elli?
was left him by his brother, Fritz
Mrs. Mrs. Sterritt, Miss Maude
Binding, a prosperous Linn
Sterrltt. Mrs. Wm. Tatom, Mrs
Willis Simonton, Mrs. H. C.
Burch. Mrs. S. H. Petre. Mrs. H.
McDaniel. Mrs. H. E. Smith.
H. H. Belt went to Newberg
Mn. C. E. Mann, Mr». L. D.
on business this morning.
“ The Reliable Homefurnishers”
The Place to get Value for Your Money
The ladies of the Christian Church
will hold a cooked food sale at our
store Saturday the 17 th.
Be sure to call and get something good for
your Sunday dinner.
Dutch Auction
still on the $30 Kitchen Cabinet is down to
$23 today. See it in our window. Price re­
duced $1 each day until sold.
at that time. Season tickets,
$1.50, payable at Stafrin’s. which
entitles holder to a reserved
seat. Reserved seats will be
sold in no other way. Single
tickets on the night of the enter­
tainment, 50 cents.
The program of the entire
course follows:
The Stratfords, male quar­
tette, instrumental and vocal,
November 16th.
Ross Crane, clay modeler,
cartoonist, humorist, artist, De­
cember 8th.
Dr. J. H. McLaren, lecturer,
giving his “Flags of the World,”
January 22nd.
Beilharz, character portrayer,
humorist, entertainer, February
The Ionian Serenaders, ladies
quartette, instrumental and vo­
cal, readers .entertainers, March
Foot Ball Next Saturday.
The high school foot ball team
meets the Deaf Mute School
team from Salem on the Dallas
field Saturday, October 17th.
This is the first game of the sea­
son and in all liklihood will be a
good one. The Salem team is
showing considerable strength
and the boys here have been
practicing hard and are confi­
dent of defeating the “dummies.”
The games will be held on the
athletic field, Main street, at 3
o’clock and every one should
get out and root for the Dallas
high. The charge is only 25
cents and the team needs sup­
port. The athletic side of our
schools is an important one if
not carried to excess and all
should be lnteresred in seeing
our school athletics take a
prominent place in this part of
the state.
Stoves and Ranges Cost More
If you are looking for a cheap
Heater, do not call for the Aurora,
made by Bridge & Beach, for the
first cost is not cheap.
W e have «old 18 Aurora heaters
here and every one who has one,
says they are the best heating
stove they ever had. Open grate
made by lifting off front. G>me
in and we will show you. La^izes.
$21 and $24 less 10 per cent
lx haro
HI Sun
ba toy
ta a day
Heater is a medium
priced Heater and
no better can be made
for the money. Plain
nickle trimmings. 3
sizes, $12, $13.50, $24
less 1 0 per cent for cash
WE take your old
.. I P
heater in exchange
fPj. f '
fora new one, will *
trade most any way
to suit you. Many j
good second hand *
ranges and heaters,
call and look around.
1 Fine »Safe, made by the Norris Safe
and Lock Company, Size out side 24 x 25^ 2 x 36 Price $60
Remember:-we Buy Sell and ex
change Everything in the Furni
ture line and many other things.
Call in and look around.
The Reliable
Davis & Horn
T h is
I other
Phone 20