C “ THE VALIANTS OF VIRGINIA” o u n t r y NEWS LETTERS C o rre sp o n d e n ts’ C o n te s t. Beginning August 1st the ltemizer began a tour months' correspondents contest on the same lines as hereto­ fore. except the prizes will be in cash, instead of other articles, that method seeming to suit best all concerned. The most regular and most newsy correspondent during that time will receive 910, the second $5, and the third |2.50, and the next two }1 each. The contest will close November 30th and be lmmediatily followed by an other of four months’ duration, com tuencing on that date. Correspondents are particularly re quested to mail their letters so that they will reach this office not latei than Wednesday noon. INDEPENDENCE. Mrs. Wyant, of Salem, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Sarah Irvine. itev. Sandifer and family have re­ turned from Bar View, where they spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. T. Claggett have re­ turned from a visit with her brother in Beaverton. Miss Vern Ketchum, of Portland. Is visiting at the home of Iter parents, l>r. and Mrs. E. L. Ketchum. Mr. and Mrs. J. lioniburg, of Med­ ford. were guests this week ut the home of J. S. Bohannon. C. Spies und D. Greer, of Los An geles, were guests of friends in this city over Sunday. Iloy McFadden, of Portland, is the guest of relatives in this city. Mrs L. L. Hewitt and children, Lois and Lavelle, have returned from Bar View, where they spent the summer. 1 .ester Butler left last week for a business trip to Walla Walla. Miss Thelma Blessing, of Salem, was the guest of Miss Merltta Shinn over Sunday. Mrs. E. O. Gerlln and daughters have returned to Portland, after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kirk land. Mrs. F. S. Wetherbe and daughter, llatrlce, are visiting relatives In Eugene Miss Elsie Richards ,of Corvallis, visited at the home of her grand mother, Mrs. Susan Jones, this week Mrs. Mollle Allen, of North Yamhill, was the guest at the home of Mrs. W. H Walker last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Huff and Mr. and Mrs. H. Mix attended the circus In Salom last. week. Miss Myrtle Emerson, of Creswell, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lawrence Schocn. Dean Walker has returned from a visit with friends In Astoria. evils of constipation, indigestion, Hol- plmples, blackheads, foul breath .are evils fo constipation, indigestion, llol lister’s Rocky Mountain Tea regulates the bowels, purifies the blood, cleans the stomach a needed Summer Reme­ dy. 35 c. Tea or Tablets. BUENA VISTA Vern Krcutz came up from Salem last week to see his brother, Royal. Hadfey nail who Is accompanied b.v 'fffs \vtfo. are up from Portland, the guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs A. J. Hall. Miss O’Connell, o former school teacher here, Is passing a few days with friends. She will teach 111 ‘ lie Pendleton schools this winter. Miss Ruth Grounds of Portland is visiting relatives here. Ray Grounds, who has been in Eastern Oregon the past four montht is at home with Ills parents. Walter Wells, wife and son, carir In from Lakevlow. Eastern Oregon, lust Thursday to visit relatives. They made the trip by team and expert tr return soon after hop picking Mr and Mrs. Johnnie McClain, of Wells, have a new baby boy. The. were formerly residents of this place. Mr and Mrs. W 11. Murphy have returned from a delightful outing ai Wilholt Mineral Springs. Sam H. Wilson is up from Portland visiting hiB daughter, Mrs. W. L Murphy. Mrs. N. C. Anderson and Miss Ge­ neva Cryderman were shopping in Albany Saturday. Mr. Emmons ia having lumber haul ed for buildings to be put upon tin lnnd recently purchased from G. A Wells. Ed Hannan was a business visitor to his brother's farm on the Luck inmute Tuesday. The clover hullers have laid oft until after a rain comes to wash the honey dew from the clover. Miss Oihal McClain has returned home after several weeks spent ut Corvallis with her aunt, Mrs. J. M Prather. A. J. Richardson and M. J < ry derman motored over to the Capital City Tuesday. Albert Grounds and slgier, Mrs Ness, of Portland, are here for a visit with relatives. 1 fop picking began here In most nr the yards thia week. ZENA AND SPRING VALLEY. and baby, has returned to Salem. The baby is not very well. ALCOHOL 3 PLIt Ci: Nif Dallas is no exception. Every section of the U. S. resounds with praise of Doan’s Kidney Pills. Thirty thousand persons are giving testimony in their home newspapers. The sincerity of these witnesses, the fact that they live so near, is the best proof of the merit of Doan's. Here's a Dallas case: Mrs. C. E. Graves, 121 Washington St., Dallas, Ore., says: “ Kidney trouble und rheumatism came on me and I gradually grew worse, until I could hardly endure the suffering. Dull pains settled in my hack and across my kidneys. I had sharp, shooting twinges all through my body. ! tried a great deal of medicine, but nothing gave me much relief until I be­ gan using Doan’s Kidney Pills. They helped me from the lirst and soon had Vne feeling Ike a different woman. Doan's Kidney Pills hav benefltted me [ in every way. They have improved my appetite and my weight has In­ creased." Price 50c at all dealers. Don't slm ply ask for a Sidney lemedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills have benefltted me Mrs. Graves had. Foster-Milhurn Mrs. Bowman had. Foster-Milhurn Co., Props.. Buffalo, N. Y. |B p W ANcgeiaMr Preparai ion forAs similaiiiihilïFüoifaniIitajiM (ing (lie Siomafiis andCuw lsi Bears the Signature Promotes DigwttonJChraM- of ui’ s s and ItesiXoulains neuter Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. N o t N a r c o t ic . ■ t o : híi M ^ e tfo u its s u a itm fla u filin Seed • JU.Sema * . , V-AO *. -i. * •. '0 2 $ t£s< 30Ï I, t«n K In jhiueSced * Uiid'iuuuttSJa* hsrm Setd- ttimfkd Smpr. Use For Over Thirty Years b jffo y re u irk n v r. Aper feet Remedy forConsüf» lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrtup Worms,Couvulsionsfeverisb ness and Loss or S leep . Tac Simili Signature uf T ue C entaur C ompass , NEW YORK. RIA ROCCA. Mrs. Warren Wright died Tuesday at the home of her son, James Wright, near Norton. Funrenl will occur at Falls City. She leaves a husband und several children. A. E. Kimball Is hauling chlttlm hark to Nortons. G. W. Chamberlain, wife and daugh­ ter, who have been spending several weeks with her father, have returned to their own ranch. J. J. Werner ,of Siletz, has gone up to Sam Kimmel's ranch In the woods. Eva Cox, of Mill Creek, and Harriett Southwell came on horseback to lloc- ca postolllce. Henry Wright, of Dallas, passed through here on his way to Steer Creek. MI bb Nettle Killlum, of Lents, went to Nortons Thursday morning on her way to Join her mother ut Gervals, where they will pick hops at Egan's yard. MONMOUTH NO. 1. Mrs. Sarah Boots returned Thurs­ day from a two, weeks' visit witli her daughter» Mrs. Tupper, at Dilley. Prof. T. H. Gentle returned Sunday from a week’s trip to Myrtle Point, where he attended a teachers’ insti­ tute. Miss Armilda Doughty has gone for a sojourn in Tilamook county with her sister, Mrs. Grant, and daughters. Prof. J. B. Butler and wife and Prof. H. E. Ostien and wife took in the cir­ cus at Salem Thursday. Mr. Stetson and wife and Oliver Howe and family, who have been liv­ ing in the Stine and Cross houses, have gone to the hop yards to work. Mrs. Hu by Fream-Baker and six weeks-old son, Marion, of Oregon City, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Fream. Mrs. Fred Pyle, of McMinnville, was a visitor in town Wednesday. Hiddell Brothers finished hulling clover on the Lucas place Saturday and Sunday Are broke out in the large stack of clover straw’. It was dis­ covered in time to save the clover seed that was in the sacks nearby. The fire is supposed to have caught from the engine. M. W. Jones and wife ando M. M. Jones and wife are moving into their home on Main street, recently pur­ chased of Mrs. G. A. Peterson. Mrs. Richards and «laughter, of Oak Point vicinity, visited at the Gentle home Sunduy. Tommy iiockema and sisters, of Alsea, came Saturday to stay until the close of the hop picking season. A number from here will pick hops in I ho Hoisington yard on the Luckia- mute. The Cooper family moved from the Robinson residence on Warren street to the John Fuller residence on Mon­ mouth avenue. Mr. Pageneof moved from the place recently sold to L. A. Robinson, to the Robinson residence on Warren street. Mrs. It. M. Smith is visiting her daughter, Mrs Ida Goodnight, at Van­ couver. Sheriff John Grant came through tow n Saturday on his way to Independ­ ence, where everything is humming witli all kinds of humanity these days. The postoffice has been remodelled on the interior by reducing the size of the lobby enlarging the work rooms for the postmaster and his assistants. Monmouth should ho entitled to a larger postofllce building. A called meeting of tile Woman’s Social Hour club with Mrs. Wolverton, president, on September 2nd, was re­ sponded to with full attendance. Plans were made for the coming year. Phillip Bosche, wife and son drove to Hlckreall Thursday to visit Warren Guilllams and family. II. C. Seymour und assistant were through tawn from Airlie, where they had been taking photos of children's school gardens Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Craven returned Tuesday from their six weeks’ outing ut Bandon and other points in Coos county. They went by auto. Exact Copy of Wrapper. of Portland, are visiting old acquaint­ ances here. The family were formrly residents west of town. The Woman’s Social Hour Club will meet next Wednesday at the home of Mrs. O. A. Wolverton, on Monmouth avenue, to make plans for the year. J. S Prime, the station agent here, will soon move his family to Bay City, Tillamook county, where lie will take up work at the station there. Prof. L. A. Robinson, of New York, sold his property at the corner of Broad and Jackson streets, to E. A. Pagenkopf, of Lewisville, and return­ ed to New York with his wife and daughter, who visited here a few days. Jack Frost visited the gardens here for the first time Sunday night. Those at the mid week prayer meet­ ing of the Christian church Wednes­ day evening visited the meeting at the Evangelical church and a good meeting resulted. PEDEE. Mrs. Maud Yost and two daughters. Hanel and Mabel, came out from Acme to pick hops for Burbank Brothers. Eldie Burbank visited Wilber Bush Sunday. Little Della Truax is just about the same at this writing. Mrs. Willie Bush and daughter El­ sie visited Mrs. Emma Womer one day last week. Mr Love had five loads of goods hauled for his store last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charley McDowell r.t Summit visited at Paul Rom o h one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bush visited at Willie Bush’s one day last week. Mrs. Clara Love went to Salem last week. Miss Bernice Powell and Mrs. Ai- thla Asch from Salem are picking hops at John Dyer’s. Will Ostrander and Jim Dyer trad­ ed horses last Saturday. Mrs. R. C. Brown went to Kings Valley last week on business. Charley Maxfleld began picking hops Monday and Mr. Newton will begin Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Womer visited at Troy Turner’s Sunday. GILLIAM. Miss Zora Long returned home from McMinnville last week. Miss Eva Slngel, of Silverton, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. E. R Palmer. Mrs. Audie Stone, who has been spending the summer in Philomath, was in this vicinity last week W. I). Gllliiam shipped one of his fine Angora bucks to Southern Oregon Monday. Several gentlemen from Suver were In this vicinity Sunday. The majority of the hop growers in this vicinity commenced picking Tues day and Wednesday. W. D .Gilliam and famly spent Tues­ day in Dallas. CROWLEY. Mrs. C. II. Farmer and Mrs. Lloyd Malllcoat were Dallas visitors on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Vanderwort, of Salem, was a business caller in the neighborhood Monday. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the circus In Salem last week. Mrs. Harley Bly was a Rickreall caller on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. James Morton, of Rickreall. was a visitor at the Farmer home on© nay last week Ralph and Charley 8cott have n turned from a tramping trip to the SlleU, having a line time and good Ashing. . . Harvey Crawford was a busim ■ visitor at Portland Wednesday. A number from here attended Bar MONMOUTH NO. 2. num A Bailey s circa» neld Inst week at Salem. Not very good, was th. general verdict. The regular monthly meeting of the Mr Bradford. Irene and Miles, nr auxiliary of the Christian Woman’s spending the week at the beach, Hoard of Missions met at the Chris I ‘ several loads of hop plckers l.a u tian church Tuesday afternoon. passed through here bound tor the Miss Aynes, of Colorado, arrived Hunt and the Frye yards In which here Friday to visit at the home of her I picking will begin Wednesday Most parents. ,,r the Lincoln yard» wll »tart pick Tho road on Monmouth avenue is ing next Monday» the 7t 1 . i Doing grin eled from the comer at the Heu Cook is quite sick and It 1» dormiti.r toward Main street. Mrs. Stengel is improving her resi­ dence by the addition of a new roof and several windows. Mr. and Mrs. E. E Arant left Wed- ne*tlay for Union, Oregon, ere they will inak* their the coming B-,rv lo coll Dr. Smith. He year. the error in the Pr**c " pt Announcement 1 nade that the the medicine and she |e no Oregon normal wl pen school on The prescription ae well September 14th. for enough morphine to Among thoee of the faculty return-T n erown person to sleep. Such ing for work at th#* opening of school * * — criminal. are Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore and Mr. and ! arae from 8ale Mrs. Oateln. i for Mr». French Mrs. Ernest Thurston and children, ¡¡rats. »¡UK«;*: The Kind You Have Always Bought THE PRAISE CONTINUES. Everywhere We Hear Good Reports of Doan's Kidney Pills. FOLE KIDNEY] PILLS Successful EVERYWHERE Backack«, Rkauma tiatn. K»dn*ys and ErsrywHer* people are talking about Foley Kid nay Pills, telling how quickly and thoroughly they work. You cmn not toko tkem Into your system without good rosults following. That is because Foley Kidney Pills giro to tho kidneys and hind- dor just what nature calls lor to BY HALUE ERMINE RIVES. Copyright, 1912, The Bobbs-MerriU Co. (Coutiuued (rota last week.) CHAPTER XXXI. Tournament Day. The noon sun of tournament day shone brilliantly over the village, drowsy no longer, for many vehicles were hitched at the curb, or moved leisurely along the leafy street: big, canvas-topped country wagons drawn by shaggy-hoofed horses and set with chairs that bumped and jostled their holiday loads from outlying tobacco plantation and stud farm; sober, black I covered buggies, long, narrow, sprlng- | less busekboards, frivolous side-bar runabouts and antique shays resurrect­ ed from the primeval depths of cob- webbed stables, relics of tarnished grandeur and faded fortune. Here and thre a motor crept, a bilious and replete beetle among Insects of wider wing. KnotB of high-booted men con­ versed on the street corners, men handcuffed, it would seem, to their whips; and through all sifted a vari­ colored stream of negroes, male and female, good natured and voluable. For tournament day was a county I event, and the annual sport of the i quality had long outstripped even cir­ cus day in general popularity. At midday vehicles resolved them- i selves into luncheon booths -hampers ] stowed away beneath the seat, «Us- | closing all manner of picnic edibles— I the court house yard was an array of grass spread table cloths, and an air of plenty reigned. Within Mrs. Merrywcather Mason’s brown house hospitality sat enthroned and the generous dining room was held by a regiment of feminine out-of- town acquaintances. At Intervals Aunt Charity, the cook, issued from the kitchen to peer surreptlously through the room door with vast de­ light’. “ Dey cert'n’y do take ahtah dat fried chick’n," she said to old Jereboam, T9.« C E N T A U R e r. A PANV. N I * VORM «'»TV. who, with a half-dozen extras, had been pressed nto perspiring tray ser­ vice. “ Dey got all de Methodls’ preachahs Ah evah see laid in de shade dis day. Hyuh! hyhuh!” “ ’Deed dey has! Hyuh! hyuh!" Mr. and Mrs. Seth White were call­ echoed Jereboam huskily. ers in this vicinity one day last week. The Mason yard, an hour later, was Peter Cook, of Ballston, was a call an active encampment of rocking chairs ,and a din of conversation er here, the latter part of last week It. J. Williamson and daughter, Ver- floated out over the pink oleanders, da* were Dallas visitors the first of whose tubs had achieved a fresh coat of bright green paint for the occasion. last week. Mrs. Poly Gifford—a guest of the day Henry White went to Dallas last —here shone resplendent. week and purchased a nice cream “ The young folks are counting separator. mightily on the dance tonight,” ob­ Clarence McCrow was a caller in served Mrs. Livy Stowe .of Seven the neighborhood last Thursday. Oaks. “ Even the Bukner girls have Mrs. M. F. White visited her sister, got new ball dresses.” “ Improvident I call It,” said Mrs. Mrs. Charles Warren, on Wednesday Gilford. “ They can’t afford such of last week. things, with Park Hill mortgaged up Mrs. W. L. Hunsaker was a McMinn­ to the roof the way It is.” ville visitor one day last week. Mrs. Mason's soft apologetic alto Several from this neighborhood at­ Interposed. “ They're sweet girls, and tended the shower given Miss Blanch we're never young but once. I think Fawk at tho home of Mrs. Herbert it was so fine of Mr. Valiant to offer Fawk last Friday. to give the ball. 1 hear he's motored Mrs. A. H. Dennett and daughter, to Charlottesville three or four times Ruth, were Dallas callers last Friday. for fixings, though I understand he's Mr. Hunsaker and hired man hauled poor enough since he gave up his money as he did. What a princely act grain to Dallas Friday. Mrs. Harry Sherwood and baby vis­ that was!” ” Y-e-e-es,” agreed Mrs. Gifford, “ but ited Saturday at R. J. Williamson’s. Mrs. Farmer and daughter, Anna, a little— what shall I call It?— precipi­ tous! If I were married to a man like were callers in Monmouth Saturdev. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Valliere were that I should always be In terror of , his adopting an orphan asylum or turn Dallas callers Saturday. Lloyd Malllcoat was a Salem vlstor ' ing Republican or something equally Saturday. impossible.” M F. White and C. Hi Farmer j “ He’s good looking enough for moat motored to Dallas Saturday afternoon.1 girls to be willing to risk It,” returned Pearce Riggs, of Portland, was visit- Mrs. Stowe, "to say nothing of a. ing in the neighborhood recently. widow or two I might mention,” sho Miss Pearl Dennett, who hais been ; added cryptically, helping for some time at the Dallas believe you!” 8aid Mrs. Gifford hosptal, returned to her home here | wj^j| emphasis. “We all know who Saturday. you mean. Why any woman can’t be F. M. Edgar was marketing some satisfied with having had one husband. nice tomatoes In Dallas Saturday. I can’t see.” Mrs. Lloyd Malllcoat and baby vis­ The other pursed ner lips. “ I know ited Saturday at the home of he- pa­ some women with live husbands, for rents. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Farmer. F. E. Valliere and family motored to that matter,” she said, “ who, if the truth were told, aren’ t either. It’s Dallas Saturday. Henry White has been hauling grav­ lucky there's no marriage In heaven or ehere’d be a precious mlx-up before el for a few days. R. J. Williamson and family and Mr. they got through with it !” "Well," Mrs. Gifford rejoined, “ the and Mrs. J. VV. Edgar spent Sunday at Bible may say there's no marriage or H. M. Edgar’s in Dallas. John Colville was baling straw for giving in marriage in heaven, but if I see Poly there, I'll say to them, 'Look C. H. Farmer the first of the week. Ellis Purvine, of Salem, was a calieri here. That's mine and all you women angels keep your wings oft him! at M. F. White's Monday. Lloyd Mallieoat's brother has been The listening phalanx relaxed in visiting him since Monday. smiles. Presently Mrs Mason said: Mrs. Dennett was marketing some “ I was at Miss Mattie Sue's the other nice tomatoes in Dallas Tuesday day. Mr. Valiant had just called on Mrs. Frank Starbuck, of Portland, her. She was tremendously pleased. was a caller at the home of her broth­ She said he was the living image of er, M. F. White, the first of the ween. his father" Miss Grace Braden, of Rickreall, was "Oh It never occurred to me,” cried a Sunday visitor in the neighborhood. Mr. Sherwood and Prof. Crowley, of Mrs. GifTord ,ln some excitement, Rickreall, were hauling wood from “ that she might be able to guess who the woman was at the bottom of that lit re the first of the week. Frank Farmer finished hulling clover old duel. But Miss Mattie Sue is so everlastingly close-mouthed," she add­ the first of the week. Floyd Meyer hulled clover for R. J. ed, with an aggravated sigh. “ She Williamson the latter part of last never lets out anything. Why, I've week, going from there to Perrydale been trying for years to find out how old she is. In the winter—when she and Amity. John Braden, who has been work­ was so sick, you know—1 went to see ing for C. H. Farmer for several her one day, and I said: “ Now, Miss months, went to Greenwood the first Mattie Sue. you know you're pretty of the week to work in the Moleson sick. Not that I think you're going to die, but one never knows. And If the hop yard. The Misses Alice and Inez Knower l.ord should see fit to call you, I know you would want everything to be done were Rickreall callers Tuesday. right. I was thinking' 1 said, 'of the stone, for I know the ladies of the church would want to do something BOWERSVILLE nice. Now don't you feel like giving me a few little details—the date you Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Rcmpel were wre born for instance?' 1 thought I'd callers at D. Newfeldt’s, of North Dal­ find out then, but 1 didn't She turned las. Wednesday. her head on the pillow and says she. Miss Anna Kllever Is staying with It's mighty thoughtful of you, Mrs Mrs. Henry Stump, In Dallas. Otfford, but 1 like simplicity. Just A. G. Rcmpel, prohibition candidate put on my tombstone “ Here lies Mattie for county commissioner, attended a Sue Mabry. Born a virgin, died a 'dry” meeting at Independence last virgin.” ’ ” (To be continued.) week. Raymond Klievcr Is on the sick list Mr. and Mrs. Dan N. Knegl were When you are in need of but­ Dallas callers Monday forenoon. ter wrappers, call at the Itemi- Mr. and Mrs. P. Riemer and two small daughters visited at C. Frlesen's zer office- We are prepared and Sunday afternoon. equipped to get them out on Dr. and Mrs D. G. Rempel and son. short notice. We always have Gerhard, called at O. E Tempers Sun p l< p ty o f 8 to c k a n d th e p rice is A. Brown's wood-saw was In this ! vicinity last week. David H. Rempel left last week for Newton Kansas, where he Is going to take a six or eight years' course In Bethel College. Miss Marjorie Hayes has been cook- ! ing for the Hays haling crew the latter I part of the week. Emma and Allen fadlo attended j church In Dallas Sunday evening. Misses Norma Holman and Ruth Miller called at the Stinnett home i Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cadle and son. of Rickreall. visited at Mr. Cadte's ! mother's Sunday Miss Mabel Hayes Is getting along 1 nicely »Inca she underwent an opera­ tion for her deatm right. $10C R e w a r d : $100 e The Largest Industry in Polk County is the CATAPHORIC TREATMENT AND Radio-Therapy WILLAMETTE VALLEY LUMBER COMPANY BUT HE USES THE FOLLOWING ELECTRIC CURRENTS AND RADIATIONS: GALVANIC, HIGH AND LOW TENSION FARADIC, Electrolytic, Cataphoric, Disruptive, Sinusoidal, Galvano-Caustic, Buy your Lumber of them and help the Community Grow. f t f Tesla, f D’Arsonval, ?? Thermo-Faradic, f T High Voltage Spray, f t Violet Rays, f Ultra-Violet Rays, f Y f X Rays, t Y Y Y Seven T THE FIFTY-THIRD ANNUAL * Oregon State Fair ? Salem, Sept. 28 to Oct. 3, 1914 $20,000 Offered in Premiums Y Y Y T Y ❖ For Agricultural, Livestock, Poultry, Textile and other Exhibits Horse Races, Shooting Tournament, Band Concerts, Camp, Boys Moving Pictures, Children’s Play Ground, Bee Demonstration, Animal Circus and other Free Attrac­ Y Y t Y Y tt Y Y Y m Y Different Electrical Machines ❖ by which the above mentioned cur- YOU ARE INVITED, - FREE CAMP GROUND Y Y rents and rays are generated, f Y and over i t Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks. Reduced rates Y Y ONE HUNDRED ff on all Railroads. For further particulars, address ❖ Dr. Toel has in his office different electrodes and instruments hy which he applies to patients the ❖ f tions. F R A N K M E R E D IT H , S e cre ta ry , Salem* Oregon currents and rays. * ❖ DR. TOEL WEST SALEM. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the un­ Dolly Teabo, has been duly HAS NOTHING Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, dersigned, appointed by the County Court of the of Rlngwood, on Wednesday, the State of Oregon for the County of“ 2uth, an eight-pound girl. TO SELL Everyone Is getting ready and i Polk, administratrix with the will an­ nexed of the estate of James Foster, going to the hop yards. dryer has been very busy' the deceased, and has qualified. All per­ NO MEDICINES, past The week sons having claims against the said drying pears, peaches and estate are hereby required to present corn. About 15 women and girls them, duly verified, with the proper No Electric B elts, [ have been kept busy peeling. within six months from tho Mrs. J. R. Bedford was a week-end vouchers, date of this notice to the said admin­ | visitor with friends at Dallas. NO BATTERIES, The Beckon family went to the Hayter istratrix at the law office of Oscar in the Dallas City Bank Build­ DR. TOEL Is in His Office Every Day lie never guarantees a cure, but he examines each patient very carefully ami then tells him how much prospect o f a cure in his opinion there is. After that the patient himself must decide if lie wants Dr. Tool to treat him. If, however, a enneer should return in the place from where Dr. Toel has removed it, he is always willing to remove it again without any extra fee, if the patient applies to him without delay. DR. TOEL E L E C T R O -T H E R A P I S T AND E L E C T R O -S U R G E O N POUR YEARS STUDY AT GER­ MAN AND SWISS UNIVERSI- SITIES AND THE LARGE HOS­ PITALS OF LONDON. ENGLAND. OVER THIRTY YEARS EXPER­ IENCE IN HIS SPECIALTIES. Office: 010 Washington street, DALLAS, ORE. one-lialf block east o f the S. P. depot, from 9 a. m. to 12 noon. 2 to 5 p. ra., 7 to 8 p. m., Sunday 10 to 1 p. m. Telephone 1303. Specialties: Cancers and Tumors. No knife and loss of blood. No plasters and pain for hoars or days. Folypus, Goitre, M ks- Fistula, Diseases o f Women, Sk£a ¡Old Nervous Diseases, Neuralgia, Neurasthenia, Gout, Rheumatism. Taver. Stomach. Kidneys, Bladder, Prostate. Asthma. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Con­ stipation. Patients from out of the city wish­ ing to consult him must inform him before hand by letter or telephone e f , | the time of arrival of their trains to make sure that they can be seen the same day. The readers of this paper will b« U-aaed to learn that there is at least sne readed dieease that eclence has been abla to eura in all Its stage* and that la Catarrh. Hall’» Catarrh Cura la 'ha only poaltlva cure now known to tha medical Intendty. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, require* a constitutional treat- ment. Hall » Catarrh Cure Is taken In­ ternally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there­ by destroying tho foundation of the dte- eam, and giving tho patient strength by h hldtng up tho constitution and aaststtng natura In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative pow­ ers that they offer Ono Hundred Dollere for any ease that It falls to cur* Bend S S t t a jB f r CO.. Toledo, Ohio S DR. TOEL DOES NOT EXCLUSIVELY DEPEND UPON Carleson hop yard, Eola, Saturday, as they intended to begin picking Mon­ day. G. M. Douglas and family came home Friday from camping and were taken out to Rickreall Saturday to pick hops in the Burch yard. Mrs. Tip Acoft and children were callers in West Salem Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Todhunter (nee Es­ sie Gosser) returned to the home of her father, Geo. Gosser, Monday. They have been out in the mountains near Tillamook. Mr. and Mrs. Lahore returned Fri day from their camping near Silver- ton. Little Curtis Woolley has the whooping cough. W. S. Filts and daughter. Miss Inez, motored over to Newport and back last week with some friends. Miss Page received a letter from Rev and Mrs. M. L. Bullock, who are comfortably domiciled in Denver,Colo., and send greetings to old friends here. Prof. Sherwood preached a fine ser­ mon here Sunday evening. His text was: “ How much better is man than a sheep.” The fourth quarterly conference will meet at West Salem Saturday after­ noon Septemberl2th, at 2:30 o’clock. Misses Audra and Minte Whitaker, of Vancouver, Wash., are the guests of Miss Metta Wurm. Charley Wurm returned from Tim­ ber, Oregon, Monday. D. R. Brannon returned home last week from his two months’ trip east. Mr. and Mrs. Becker ,of Castle Rock, Wash., were over-night guests of Uncle John Simon and family last Thursday. PERRYDALE The families of J. P. Caldwell, E. L. Rowland and Henry Gillirm left Tues­ day for a week's outing at Salmon river. Mias Elsie Boyer left here Sunday for Spokane. Wash., where she will spend the winter as a nurse at a hos­ pital. Mr. Lewis and family who have been employed by H. G. eKyt the part nine months, moved to Eugene Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Derrick will their place at the Keyt farm. J. M Wise arrived here Sunday from Boise, Idaho, for a few days’ visit. Picking began in the William Mul­ ler hop yard Wednesday. We under­ stand that B:»ley and Jones will not untlI Monday Lee Damewood is running a gasoline wood-saw here this week. Mrs. Wirt cut a gash in her thumb Monday with an ax and had to go to Dallas to have a few stitches taken PEOPLE SHOULD GUARD in it. AGAINST APPENDICITIS Jake Fudge .of Sheridan, was a Dallas people who have stornarti sud business caller in Perrydalo the last week boeri trouble should guard afrainst of the __ _ U — e — t . e n o n H In * • appendicitis hy taking simple buck­ Mr* r *yI, “ 0^ 1*0? J " a t thorn bark, glycerine, e tc. as com­ IeW - T* WV.h i tonstlitis. r .n, ,rH.Wh° been qnite sick with has qntte pounded In Adler-i-ka. the German fiordo« Watt and wife, of Portland, remedy which became famous by cur­ ing appendicitis- Just one dose re­ and Mr and Mrs. L V. Macken, of Dai- lieves sour stomach, gas on the stom­ tan. visited over Sunday at the D. L. ach and constipation instantly because Keyt h m u . this simple mixture draws off such aj Mia» Lorena Webster ,of Dallas, surprising amount of otd foul matter j *pea* Saturday night and Sunday from the body. C. *UXrL^ druggUL j milth Mr*. Charles Bratcher._______ ing, in Dallas in said County. Dated and first published Septem­ ber 3. 1914. . DOLLY TEABO, Administratrix c. t. a. of the Estate of James Foster, Deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Polk. Mary L. Simonton, George I-afayetti> Baskett, Edith F. Reynolds. Eithel E. Headrick, J. P. Frizzell. Curtis P. Cross and Veda M. Cross, plaintiffs, vs. George T. Boothby, William W. Bootli by, Jane C McFarland, Mary E. Gwln, Permella A. Bradley, Reason T. Bootn- by, Mary C. Ream, Caroline C. Ed wards, Fannie E. Hill, T. Edgar Dennis, Margaret F. Boone, Max Haley, Artliui J. Haley, Adrio C. Haley, Eldon M Haley, Mrs. S. J. Donaldson, Frank Haley, Nettie Louisa Jasper-McGuire, Maud Lois Jasper-Jones, Thomas H. Jasper, George C. Jasper, Harry W. Boothby and Guy Boothby, also al, other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or interest n the real estate described in the complaint herein, defendants. To Mary C Ream. Caroline C. Edwards, Fannie E. Hill, T. Edgar Dennis, Margaret F. Boone, Max Haley, Mrs. S. J. Donaldson, Nettie Louisa Jasper-McGuire, Maud Lois Jasper- Jones, Thomas H. Jasper and George C. Jasper. Harry W. Boothby and Guy Boothby and all above named defendants: In the name of the Sate of Oregon, you and each of you are required to ap­ pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer the said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: for a decree against you and each of you, that you have no interest or estate in, of or to the following de­ scribed premises, to-wit: The Wst half of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section ten (101 in Township seven (7) South of Range four Wegt of the willametU Meri dlan. and containing 20 acres, more or less, all situated in Polk County, Ore­ gon ; that the plaintiffs are the owners in fee simple, as tenants in common of such premises, and their title be forever quieted; that each of you be forever perpetually barred and en­ joined from hereafter asserting any claim, interest or estate in. of or to said premises or any part thereof ad­ verse to the said estate of the plain­ tiffs; and you will also take notice that this summons is served npon you by publication thereof in the Polk County ltemizer. a weekly newspaper published at Dallas, Polk County, Ore­ gon. tor six weeks, pursuant to an order of the Hon. J. B. Teal. County Judge of t Polk Oregon, made 0 1 » ' County, u u m j, u r c iu n . m aue Chambers, at Dallas, Polk County. Oregon, the 30th day of —, Jvly, kn— 1914; _■ that on and the date of the a first — publica­ tion of this summons Is the fth day of Augnst 1914. and the date ef the last publication thereof wtll be on the 17th day of September. 1914. JOHN BAYNE, Attorney t v ntisUS*.