— — DR. TOEL. Energy |n the Sun. At the distance of the earth from It dtt.UUl.0oo miles), the heat energy Four Yoars Study a t C arm an ’S yearly ex j »ended by the suu la as great and Swiss Universities ana tiie A in a i i i o i i iif as would be produced by Large Hospitals of London, the burning of sixty-six globes of the England. Over T h irty Years l>est anthracite coal. «null as heavy us a s e b a ll a n d A t h l e t i c S u p p lie s . ’ Lxperiencs in His Specialties. the earth, or 3.3-41» su« li globes, each » O f . S T O R I A We have a very complete line. When look- ^ ei|Uitl in weight to the moon. But F9 the greater part of this energy Is. us Fur Infants and Children. ing for a motor cycle, bicycle or in need of repairs u Office, fill) Washington St., liuE far as >ve can soe. expended upou Dallas, Oregon, one-half block i or supplies, call in and let us lit v»u out. * empty space because, except where a east of the S. P. depot, lrom 1» _____ _ _ planetary l»oily is interposed in the I ^dependence Day Dainties. a. m. to 12 noon, 2 to 5 p. in., 7 path of the rays, there is nothing for For the creamed entive for the Fourth to 8 p. m., Sunday, 10 to 1 p. m., Man’s Rebellion Against God — To them to act upou. Only about two- of July dinner or any other bonne telephone 1303. l l l l l I N B B I I I I I I I I H H t Israel Alone God Spoke—Through thousand-millionth of the sun's radiant bouche appropriate for serving in a I l l l l l l U Specialties: the Law and ths Prophets—God energy Is Intercepted by tbe earth and paper case, cover the ordinury paper ALCOHOL 3 PLK CIS NT. Cancer and Tumors. Now Speaks Through H,s Sort—To only nliout one two-buudred-and-twon- case or even small pasteboard boxes AVcgitaWe fapnlionfrAs “cü No knife and no loss of blood. the Church Alone— Only the Spirit- ty-flve-inlliiouth by ul! the planets to­ with crape paper napkins in flag or simila ling ihe Foodami lfet>i.u other. This makes the sun look like firecracker design. No plasters and pain for Begotten Can Discern Spiritual ling Un- SiuiUiKlia aiuiikwdscf a gigantic spendthrift, but if he did not An attractive dessert is ice cream hours and days. Things— Proper Attitude of Heart. rtidiate in every direction he would uot forts, made by pressing white cream of Polypus, Goitre, Piles, Fistula, Consecration a Reasonable Step. I n f a n t s /C hiidren be seen from distant space; he would any flavor into small cone shapes (or tlsm, Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, not be a star among the stars, und who July 12. — The ran say that what he expends to make small individual bricks), using candled Promotes DigesttonCkerful- Bladder, Prostate, Asthma, P H O T O - D B A - himself known uud to maintain bis cherries to represent the gun sights and ness and [fesLContaüis neiilvr Diseases of Women, Skin and M A OF CUE A rank In the universe. Is not ns well inserting a tiny flag in the top of each. Opium upn Morphine nor Mineral Nervous Diseases, Neuralgia, Flag cukes can be purchased in most TIO N Is now ex­ s[>eut as the gratuities that he flings o t N a r c o t ic . No Neurasthenia, Gout, Rheuma- hibited daily in to his planets —Garrett I*. Servlss In places nt this time of year, und where Bronchitis, Catarrh, Dyspepsia. they nre not obtainable through the JtepttfMLtXMXlKKBEn more than eighty Spokuue Heview. 55 baker they cun be made. Bake u plain | Constipation. / W iW - cities, both here J cake batter in a large square pan und I and abroad, il- How to Win. Patients from out of the city lustrating the Bi ' This Is an age of specialization, my when cold cut it in squares. Each square is iced with white, and a flag Is ble. From all | wishing to consult him must in­ RSKfem rifeiaB I boy. and the only men who succeed in sides come words a big way are those who pick out some added In pink Icing, with tiny blue can­ form him before hand by letter of commenda­ particular line of work and live with dies forming the starry field. or telephone of the tim e of a r­ Americuu punch, a temperance drink. tion. Today Pas­ it until they get to know more about rival of th e ir trains to m ake sure Aperferl Remedy CorCansflM tor Bussell's text it than most other fellows. Concen­ Is delicious if served very cold. It is Non, Sour Stomach.Dlarri«a ihat they can fie seen the same was. “ See that tration. consistent and persisteut efTort nothing more or less than strong Wormsfouvulsions.Feverisa day. adv > e reiuMf not liim that speaketh * * * in one direction is the surest road to lemonade with a little pineapple juice ness and L o s s OF S leep . added and enough strawberry juice to from lieu veil.’*—Hebrews 12:25. success. You’ll never win In a big Real Estate Transfers. Facsimile SijWilure of The discourse began with a com­ way—exeept accidentally—if yon scat­ give it a pink tinge. Small stars, cut from preserved cherries, float in tbe Arthur G. Harol to Ella K. ment upon the opening verses of the J&MVZZf Dearborn, 701 acres in 9-8,$1.00. Epistle to the Hebrews. There tile ter your energies. The best steam punch, w hich is served in tall glasses, engine in the world would race itself T he C entauh C ompak T. Ella K. Dearborn to F. II. Deer- Apostle contrasts God's Message sent to ruin without its governor. Keep the stems of which are decorated with tiny flags tied on with ribbon. N E W YO R K . through our Loid Jesus Christ with ing. 100 acres in 9-8, $10.00. your mind on your job. specialize In those sent through Moses and the United States to Janies Deer- your particular business and try to Salads For Summer. Prophet«. Elsewhere he tells 11 s that ing, 100 acres in 9-7. know as much about It as the man Salads should be an important fea- God speaks peace unto 11 s through IIis James Deering to Charles W. who created It, and. barring misfor­ j ture of tbe summer menu. They tempt Sou. This statement reminds us that tune. you'll make more out of that tiie appetite and if they are carefully McClure, 100 acres in 9-7, $10. all mankind were brought into rebel Helen A. McClum et al to lion against God through the disobedi­ knowledge than you will out of any j made, are easily digested. They may T* K C IN T k U R C O M PA N Y. M I A YORK . ITV. Exact Copy o f Wrapper. Ohr.s. W. McClum, 100 acres in ence of their father Adam, in whom chance success outside of your busi­ be nourishing and dainty. They need n e s s . — Maurice Switzer In Leslie’s. not be heavy and rich. They can be 9-7, $1.00. ¥ J J i: '¿sJT L * r * f they were condemned to death made to utilize in a palatable way La Creole Acedemic Institute The Pastor then traced the history various leftovers. And, most important Personal Property. of mankind, cut off from Divine fel to Polk County, lots in Dallas. M R S. W A L T E R I.. TO O ZE A Cleveland attorney took the Med­ of all, they suggest a way to utilize al­ W. E. Gilbert to Graham & lowsbip. fulling deeper and deeper into iterranean trip a month ago. It was most every one of the wholesome fruits sin and death conditions. About two Suddenly T aken Sick W ith Son, lot in College View Homes, T W E N T Y -S IX YEARS AGO. and vegetables of the summer. thousand years after man’s fall. God his first time across the water, and he Muscular Rheumatism. A combination salad is a good sort to gave the Israelites opportunity to come stated on his return thafS he would A. L. Sperling to W. E. Gilbert, Into harmony with Him, shakin g to I bnve bad n perfectly glorious time but serve w hen there are odds and ends of Taken From the Files of the Light as a Feather Mrs. Walter L. Tooze, Jr., of Itemizer of Saturday, July lot in College View Homes, 8-5, them through Moses. St. Paul reminds for the silly questions asked him by vegetables In the refrigerator. A mace­ B y Mrs. Janet M cKenzie / / ill , Editor o f doine of vegetables—cold boiled peas, 619 Washington Street, the wife customs officials. 21 , 1888 . ¿ 10 . 00 . us that whoever disobeyed Moses* Law the Boston Cooking School M agazine It win on the pier at New' York that string beans, diced beets, diced toma­ of the well known Dallas attor­ Mrs. Baker So Weak—Could United States to Frank E. died without mercy. Da ter, God spoke Halting Powder Biscuits made by this Huston, 100 acres 7-8. his woes came to a climax. “ Open toes and other leftover vegetables mix­ ney, was on Sunday morning to Israel through the Prophets, but had On the preceding Tuesday the recipe are so far ahead of ordinary ba* Not Do Her Work—Found your trunk, please.” commanded the ed with French dressing and served thermometer registered 1)8 in king powder biscuits that, if once tried, Ettie E. Jolly et lid to D. A. no communication with the remainder custom house officer. “ Have you any­ on lettuce—is an economical salad, for early suddenly taken sick with Relief In Novel Way. of the race. vVrig it, 80 acres in 8-0, $10.00. the shade in Dallas. you will never use any other recipe. It can be made of whatever vegetables a very severe attack of muscu­ Tlie Apostle's argument, the speaker thing In there but personal property?” lar rheumatism on the right side Wallis Nash et ux to Mary E. Born, July 15th, a daughter, 'Iry it the next time you run short 01 the refrigerator holds. Adrian, Mich. — “ I suffered terribly declared, is tills: Brethren, note how he continued. bread. Save this recipe. 20 of tiie neck. Hard lumps form­ with fem ale weakness and backache and Aright,484 acres in 10-8, $800. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ounce. "W hat do you mean by personal disasters came upon Israel because of ed in the muscles and the con­ got so weak that I Strawberry Mousse. A daughter was born to Mr. I United States to Frank L. their neglect of Divine messages sent property?” countered tbe lawyer. could hardly do my “ For heaven’s sake! Don’t you know Take for one quart o f rich cream one tractions caused so much pain Huston, 100 acres in 7-8. and Mrs. Harvey Guthrie July j through Moses and the Prophets. Re­ work. When I Frank D. Farnham et ux to flect. then, on what should be the pen­ what personal property Is?” Tbe offi­ pound of fresh fruit mashed through a that she could not move her 10th. washed m y dishes 1 tine strainer. Mix with four table- head to the slightest degree. Dr. John II. and Martha Fitzpatrick, alty inflicted upon those who refuse to cer looked up in amazement. Uev. Richardson had resign­ had to sit down and “ I thought I did." answered the at­ spoonfuls of sugar, set the pan over Toel, who has his office in the hear Him who speaks from Heaven. 10 acres in 0-7, $000. ed as pastor of the Christian when I would sweep torney, “ and I can assure you that the tire and stir until the sugar is dis- Samuel Orr et ux to Glen A. I f those who rejected Moses* Law died there Is no real estate in my trunk.” — solved thoroughly. Remove from the same building, was called out of church at Independence. the floor I would g o t without mercy, of how much severer The telephone line was being Orr, 20 acres in 7-0, $10.00. so weak that I would Cleveland Plain Dealer. fire and add one tablespoonful of gela­ bed and when finding that his Gideon Stalz. trustee in bank­ punishment should those be counted have to g e t a drink Dallas. tin which lias been dissolved in a little his patient could not be moved worthy who count tbe blood of the every fe w minutes, M l so Alice E. McLench and ruptcy, to John Atwater, 1 acre cold water. Stand on ice until thor­ from her bed on account of the Pepys’ Library. Covenant wherewith they were sancti­ E C DaklniJ Powder IMsrulto and before I aid my oughly chilled. Mix two tablespoou- excrutiating pain the slightest Frank P. Caldwell were married I in 9-5, $75.00. Pepvs’ library since 1724 has been In fied a common thing, and who do de­ dusting I would have Three cups flour; # to % cu*> short - the possession of Magdalene college. fuls of powdered sugar and one tea- movement caused her, took one Clarence P. Irvine et al to spite to God's spirit of favor? by Rev. W. J. Crawford on July to lie down. I g e t tfting; 3 level teaspoonfuls K C Baking Standard spomful of vanilla extract with the \ Cambridge. Pepys directed in his will 1th. Oil Co., lot at Inde­ of the many electrical machines so poorly that m y folks thought I was The Pastor Inclines to the thought J'outder; about 1 cup m ilk or water; 1 ere:;: ■ and whip thoroughly, adding lit­ pendence, $10.00. The county commissioners teaspoonful salt. he has into Mrs. Tooze’s room going into consumption. One day I that the Apostle’s words have a deep that his collection of books and man­ tle by little the chilled strawberry uscripts should be transferred on the were figuring on remodeling the Charles Kheude to John St. er significance than appears on thesur Sift three times, the flour, salt and Juice sweetened to taste. Pour Into a and applied the current to her found a piece o f paper blowing around face. The Israelites were a typical * a t h of his nephew. John Jackson, to baking powder. Work into the flour the Mary Ediger, 23.98 acres, 7-5. county jail. the yard and I picked it up and read it. mold, cover very tightly and pack In there. Charles I). Tice to llattle I. people; and when he recalls how many cither Trinity college or Magdalene lee and salt for three hours. County Clerk C. G. Coad and shortening, using lard or butter for In 20 minutes Mrs. Tooze was I t said ‘ Saved from the G ra ve,’ and of them died in the wilderness because college, Cambridge, and required that shortening. Then mix to a very soft wife had just moved into their dough with the milk. The sc iter the Tice, lot in Falls City, $10.00. almost entirely free from pain told what L yd ia E. Pinkham’s V e g e ta ­ they rejected the Divine word given the college which received the books new residence on Levens street. biscuit enters the oven, the 1 ¡¿-liter it James A. Taylor to J. H. Tru- Cherry Salads. and could move her head around ble Compound has done fo r women. I should submit to an annual visitation through Moses, he wonders how many Cherries add a delicious flavor to without inconvenience. A few showed it to m y husband and he said, H. J. Glnndon and his hired comes out. Never knead baking powder ax, 4.75 acres in 9-0, $1.00. from the other, the purpose of which who now refuse to hear God’s Son may ‘ Wh y don’ t you try it? ’ * So I did, and man were struck by a train near biscuits; press the dough into shape and Lola Nichols et al to Lillie M. perish in the Second Death. should be to ascertain whether the salads and combine with almost any hours later she was up and could a fte r I had taken tw o bottles I fe lt roll lightly. Cut in small shapes ami fruit. To use both red and white cher­ trust was being worthily fulfilled. McCoy, but wer not seriously hake on a sheet or very shallow pan in Johnson, 5.48 acres in 9-0, $1.00. cook the family dinner as usual. b etter and I said to m y husband, ‘I don’ t Three Classes In the Church. "Could I be sure,” Pepys wrote, "o f ries adds to the appearance. A delicious Candance A. Robinson to injured. Their team was killed. n hot oven. I 11 placing biscuits in the This shows best what electri­ need any m ore,’ and he said ‘ You had Next it was demonstrated that God’s salad to be.eaten with either French The Eola Warehouse Co. had pans place well apart, not allowing edges Frances Fitzgerald, lots in In­ consecrated people will finally be found a constant succession of heirs from city will do if applied by a phy­ better take it a little longer anyway. ’ dressing or one made of sugar and my said nephew qualified like himself So I took it fo r three months and got just been inconjorated with to touch. Small biscuits are better than dependence. in one of three classes. The Little for the use of such a library, I should fruit juices flavored with either sherry sician who has iiad many years w ell and stron g.” — Mrs. A lonzo E. large ones. Large biscuits do not have Flock, to whom it is the Father’s good Albert Meier to Louise Meier, $3000 capital. t of experience in its use, for or maraschino Is made by combining the proper amount of time to raise ami not entertain a thought of its ever be­ B a k e r , 9 Tecumseh S t , Adrian, Mich. pleasure to give the Kingdom, is limit 7 acres in 7-5, $1.00. County Surveyor Frank Hut-, shredded pineapple, either fresh or j .Mrs. Tooze had, while Dr. Toel ing alienated from them.” Not W ell Enough to Work. ed In number—to only 144,000. The 1er was seriously injured by lie- yn a ttle nPW K canned cherries and sections of or ' was away during the winter, In these words is hidden the tragedy Great Company, whose number Is uot King Grasshoppers. anges. Serve on white lettuce hearts I three different attacks of the lug thrown from a load of bridge Potato Juice Cure. o f many a woman, housekeeper or wage The champion aeronaut Is the king revealed, are unworthy of a place lions nre carefully followed. You would Kindly timbers which he was hauling. Fotato juice as a remedy for sprains, with cheese balls. If the sweet dress­ same disease. The first time earner who supports herself and is often in the Little Flock, yet at heart are pay 50 cents for this valuable lunik, yet we send grasshopper, which has the ability to ing is used no dessert will be needed, lumbago, gout, rheumatism and bruises helping to support a fam ily, on meagre Nathan Conner, aged GO, it absolutely free upon receipt o f the color' d cer- Jump 100 times Its length. It can also loyal to God and the principles of is recommended by Dr. Heaton C. especially If chopped or ground nuts | she was in bed four days with wages. W h eth er in house, ofBce, fa c ­ ifiente packed in every 25-centean «if K C Hakim* dropped dead in his barn near ‘•owder. J aqvkji M ho . C o .. Chicago huiull sail for 1 .OOO miles before the wind. righteousness. Lastly Is the class that j Howard o f London in an article In the are added to the cream cheese of ' the most horrible pain; the sec­ tory, shop, store or kitchen, woman . am do not have Cook s Hook certihcales. Sheridan. ond and third times she was bed­ should remember that there is one tried These grasshoppers sometimes go 111 die the Second Death—that do despite) London Lancet He cites numerous which the balls are made. The small son of Frank Blan­ and true remedy fo r the ills to which all such numbers that they make a cloud j to the Covenant of Grace. Judged by cases in his own practice In which the fast for two days each attack. are prone, and that is Lydia E. Notary public at the Itemizer 2,000 miles In extent. Its great front \ Israel’s wilderness experiences, which pain lias been relieved quickly, some- chard was drowned in the slough ) Notwithstanding all the treat­ women Fruit Butter. Pinkham’ s V egetab le Compound. It office. tf at Independence. lip hides a pair of Jaws as effective as | were typical, this class will be , much The easiest way to make fruit butter ment she was obliged to suffer promotes that v igo r which makes work - times by the first application, and the for . . . * . , . . . « a hay chopper, and it has an appetite j larger , than was once supposed # . , ' fluid that has exuded Into the Joint or is to cook fruit, press through colan­ *or such a long time, while this easy. The L yd ia E. Pinkham Medicine uinnv Israelites died because of having ■ . . , , . . . ns voracious as that of a hippopota . \ . „ 4l „ - . | the membranes lias been absorbed der, add sugar, pour in a large crock o : time she was free of pain after Co., Lynn, Mass. ______________________ the testimony of the Lord. 1 , , mils. A young chick finds Itself shut rejected Jar and place in a hot oven. At find ;... ,, . . . .. . . within a few days, twenty minutes of Dr. Toel’s rhe Pastor then showed that only inside the eggshell and must work Its j Now is the time to have your Fotato Juice is used as an ointment a put on bottom of oven and when it way out alone, but the young grass­ those arc now on trial for life who j liniment or n plaster. The raw pota­ commences to boil place a slide under. treatment. hop checks printed. Leave your But electricity has shown its hoppers find themselves—the whole have escaped from the Adamic con- toes are squeezed in a hydraulic press. It requires no stirring and does not order at the Itemizer office. nest ful—shut in a hardened case In the demmoion. Only those have a stand­ The starch and nitrogenous matter nre splatter stove or burn the hands and great value in her family in an­ ing with God who have turned from ground made by their mother, and It I Wlier. other way. removed and the Juice boiled down un­ makes richer, better butter. Quaint Old Walsh Custom. takes a half dozen of them working sin and have fully consecrated them­ til it Is made five times as strong as canning peaches use peelings for blit­ One of the quaintest of ull Welsh On June 12th her little son, selves to God. Throughout this Gospel together to dislodge the lid which 1 Peelings from one bushel will 20 months old, • underwent an customs Is the uushcntblng of the when fresh Glycerin is added to pre­ ter. shuts then» in. —National Geographical Ago all consecrated believers have re­ serve It. make four quarts of butter. extremely difficult surgical op­ sword of Taliesin that takes place ceived the Holy Spirit Just as soon as Society Bulletin. eration at the hands of Di4? Toel. every year on tile shores of Llyn Get- the Father has accepted them through Cantaloupe Split. Sargent and His Pictures. South of the Court House, Dallas the great Advocate. These alone have Dr. Toel performed the opera­ riuuydd. neur Trefrlw, north Wales. Judging Distance. Chill cantaloupes, cut in halves, When Sargent has finished a picture A short distance from the lake is n been on trial for life or death eternal. Most people »ire unaware that the ho N hiMirtlly glad to see the last of It. j lengthwise, scrape seeds away, fill hoi tion without shedding a single U-ge, flat top|*>d bowlder, supposed to It was the*» explained that only those low’ with vanilla Ice cream. Place drop of blood, by means of elec­ have been Taliesin's pulpit. On tbls apparent distance of an object depends can reject Christ and go into the Sec­ Fhe story goes that n royal visitor to j halves firmly together and lay on ice tricity, and the child was never rock the old bard (who is said to hare upon tbe use of both eyes. This fact, ond Dentil who have couie fully into his studio said, after looking over the j to freeze. When ready to serve run compelled to stay in bed a single flourished about o-W A. D.l performed however, can be strikingly shown. dlscipleshlp with the Redeemer. While pictures. “ I wonder you can bear to j silver knife between the halves, which day. Flare ii pencil so that two or three his weird religious rites, and ever since many have been drawn toward Christ, part with them.” “ Sir.” answered Sar- separates t^e fruit, also slicing the Inches project over the edge of a table The wounds have long ago the rock lias been known us the “Court yet only those who have been begotten gent, “ having finished a picture, la m Then stand alongside the table, close of the Iioly Spirit have really heard like n lien which has laid an egg. cream evenly over each half. Sprinkle been healed perfectly and the of Taliesin." Once a year. In August, one eye and attiuiipt to knock the pen­ Him who speaks from Heaven. Accord *Come and take it away, come and take with chopped nuts, preserved berriej. child is free of all its nervous s group of hards assemble at the cil off by quickly hitting the projecting 1 Ing to Scripture, only those begotten ol It away!’ I exclaim. Its removal en­ minced pineapple or any fruit or tutti- "court” —the chief bard standing on trouble now, while Mrs. Tooze end with the tit» of the forefinger. Al­ the Spirit can discern spiritual things. ables me to start another.” —HlrnffieU! frutti preserves. the rock and the others on a circle of claims that her son eats more while stones surrounding It. Here tbe (England) Telegraph most Invariably the peraou making Those who have never heard of the than twice as much now than rites are performed solemnly and the attempt underestimates the dis Sauted Cucumbers. goodness of God have comparatively onder tanee b.v an Inch or more and. much j little responsibility, said the Pastor. Any one who is fond of fried oysters before Dr. Toel performed the quaintly In the presence of a large His Rols. to Ids surprise, mNses the pencil en- , The heathen millions, he asserted, could Magistrate—I understand that yon ! will like these. The largest green operation. crowd. The unked sword Is returned tirely. One eyed people, accustomed not present themselves to God in sac­ overheard the quarrel lietween tbe de ! cucumbers must be used. As soon as Dr. Toel does not confine him­ to Its sheath when the chief bard has to estimating distances with only one rifice; for they have not known Ilim. fendant and his wife? White*«»—Yea. I they turn the lesist bit yellow they be­ self to the use of a single elec­ ascertained from the people that there f t eye. of course have no trouble In hit­ Our Lord was cited ns having said that sir. Magistrate Tell me if you ran. | come tough and will not do. Pare and tric machine. He has many Is |>eaee In the land The sword re­ ting the pencil at the first triu».—St. those who knew not would receive few­ whal lie spetneil to Is* doing. Witness i slice lengthwise, having the slices an different ones and consequent­ mained unsheathed during the three Nicholas. er stripes than those who knew, but — lie seemed to !»♦• doing tin* listening j eighth o f an Inch thick. Dust with ly is able to use that particular years of tbe Boer war. Tile ancient pepper and salt, then dip In beaten egg ceremony Is followed hy witty and hu­ did not Whoever therefore knows the - Exchange Story of m Pioturo. yolk diluted with a tablespoon of milk: current which is of most value morous bardic addresses, recitations v A picture which attracts everybody’s Divine wjll and tbe difference between treating each particular and songs. cover with flour ami fry until tend«.* in right and wrong has a responsibility, Not to 0e Darned. attention at the Tate gallery by Its po­ patient. adv and will receive stripes for disobedi­ Crawford Whnt d*H»s bachelor and brown. sition. Its size and Its striking beauty ence, even If he does not come Into a know nhout women anyhow? Crab Is that of a lady riding on a white Pineapple Dainty. Man«fi*ld’, Manner. full trial for life eternal. a haw - Well, he evidently know enough I How Mannar Counts. horse through an archway Into a court­ Peel and cut a medium size«! pine­ “Hlchnrd Man.sileUl itossessed a dom­ The proper attitude of heart Is that a Unit them never to marry one of A grnctnus manner, the expression yard. She Is dressed In a green velvet X I apple into cubes, add the juice of one inance that never fulled him. 1 believe. them. -New York Times of appreciation of God’s mercies. It Is of that kindly spirit which can reach riding habit of the time of Charles II., j half a lemon, sweeten to taste; th«n The stnmge thing «bout tbla I* that cut unerringly !:i tactful wisdom, is I only reasonable that those who come with a long red feather in her gray add one-half i»omitI of marshmallow?- lie didn't need It He bud 'fnuclnuttoo' Evsrything Lacking. the quality alsive all others we should to n knowledge of God’s Kindness hat. On b*r left stands a page In an Personally we have met some men cut Into quarters. Chill thoroughly, fill enough without It seek to bring out In our characters, for! should consecrate themselves to Him. old gold velvet suit, with a dog by Ids sherbet cups with the mixture and gar who If weighed In the Imlanee would “That One. d r j old mnnnger and good only by so doing can we And the best Today the Lord's voice sounds through­ side. This picture Inis a remarkable nlsh with a large spm»n of whipped and he found wanting everything. Including mnn. A. M. Palmer, and I were once In life. And It makes the everyday out the earth Whoever hears It should history, ns well ns nnnwmus titles. hoed the Message. sweeten«»«! cream. the balance.—Galveston News. visiting Mmistteld at SoutbamiHou. and happenings so mm Ii move enjovable. The catalogue calls It * Equestrian Por­ late nt night Mr. Pnliner would come for dullness Is felviifeited away, ami Our facilitie* fo r all kinds of C-m en! contracting Correct For the D,nce. Escaping Much. trait.” but It is nls^ktiowu as “Nell Into ru.v room, nnd we would talk an dnty gets lost In pressure. 6t ationary. •Dnnclint Inis ninile a trxil ii«*xl evening "I dictate uiy novels to a stenogra­ GWynne.” the name gtven It by Mil- h ave been largely increased by the addition to our bniir or ao. It wna always about TVosimlst— Board going up. room rent Inis. and also sometlmer as “Diana pher,“ stated the eminent novelist. gviwn almost liuiKwsIble Women hove Munafleld: tbut was always the way tf pequipment o f a W O N D E R Concrete Viixer. fobig np. fee going up. Is there any A fte rn o o n T o ile t. Vernon.” The fact is that Hlr Edwin thing In this blooming university that “She ty|*es 'em and semis em to the got »iH.nt thi* (ilttlonltj by we*ring you were near hltu: It was InevUnbl* W e Imrito y o u r inquiry record.ng C oncrete work. large o r | The appropriate costume for ttv1 evening gowns that are really short Landseer left this picture unfinished isn't going np? Optimist-Sure, my publisher It’s a great thing for oie." sm ell, en d w ill ch eerfu lly * i » e < •timelea beaed on machine m ix e d ! that you could think or speak of little hostess at nn afternoon nt home Is These are quite comfortable, for. al con crete, w hich ia much aupcrlor to hand mixed. » oundalione.1 lie iMilnted the horse and Its tra|v grades!— Wisconsin sphlux. "Saves you much lnl»or. ehT* rise. One night I said: handsome high no kfd lot g sleeve cem en t flo o r a. sidew alks, cu ria , culvert, bridge and reinforced pings, intending It for an equestrian "It isn’t that I don’t bnve to read though they are tight nt the lower “ 'I thluk you understand him as well dress of any rich fabric. It tnay 1 | c o n crete conalru rtion o f any hind executed in the beat manner. edge, they are so short that the\ do IHirtralt of Queen Victoria. But he the books; that's what tickles me."— V s ry P a rtic u la r. «laborntely tritnimd sud Jewel* wo; not Interfere with the r.nklea In danc­ •s any man could.' died and left the picture unfinished, ” You should launch o n t on the ocean Seattle Post-Intelligencer. “ 'Chderstand hlmT The old man ing. One of the new devices for the and It was sent to Sir John Millais, of m a trim o n y , c iy boy.” AM D e p e n d *. ,-ninan who Tikes to wear a train and laughed In bla quiet way. “There’s who pnhged bis own daughter I d this All Light. " I m **b t I f I w ere sure o f Its being “Should a man muly go down on hi only one man on earth who under­ llkee. ala«, to dance. Is the separate old riding costume, together with the “Whnt 1» IlchtJ- qiHMi«! the teacher D A LLA S OREGON knees before a woman tln*sc days?' a p a rtite ocean.” — Boston T r a n s c r ip t That's aasli train, which is quite distinct from stand* Richard Mansfield. page, the dog nmt the background. of the Juvenile cl*«#. "It all de|ienda. >*oem* to tie is in« l<’ Richard Mansfield.’ Than, after • tbe aklrt. and attached at the waist “Nearly everything we buy from our Tbe picture was begun in 1970 end •red the rorract thing In «Itoe «tor* d r Th» fool trxrnVr», tb , wfM tr«T«L— pause, he added with sudden vehe- it ran bo easily picked np ard tucked grvK'or. papa *•/•.'' replied tb# *tu«H finished twelve yean later.—London Bpaolib Proverb. c I o l " - K eusaa u y r J u u fM k tuenca. 'And be d o t n 't f "-flP O t t up out of tb« dancer • tr»J. boy at tbe fooL-Cblrivf i New«. CUlseu. ___ ___ ______ ____ i REFUSE W THE VOICE FRG',1 HEAVEN ^ n d i a n Motor Cycles, Bicyles a and Accessories. ’Î ■ ■ 8% h The Kind You Have Only Those in Harmony Can 1Î18 Head of C M Use. B S L B. HIXON. Jr., 315 Main St., Phone 1072 S Always Bought Bears the /y Signature The Largest Industry in Polk County is the of WILLAMETTE VALLEY LUMBER COMPANY !? Buy your Lumber o f them and help the Community Grow. COULD NOT S T A N D I FEET Baking Powder Biscuits Davis’ Best Flour N o t the cheapest but T H E BEST S IM O N T O N & S C O T T Staple and Fancy Groceries, Bread, Fruit and Vegetables, Fresh every day - - - Phone 18 If the Concrete is Mixed by this W Mixer/ it is mixed right x Get Our Estimate on Concrete Work blLUS*WAREHOUSE & MFCrCOT Xarkiutoa la M is t** _____ ___