Summons. In the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon for P olk County. F o r Infants an d C h ildren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Prom otes DigestlorfWetfut- ne ss und liest.C ontains neillier Opimu.Morphine nor Minerà N o t N a r c o t ic . of Buy* ifMDcSSnm'iram PeuiÀ'ut Seed - jUxSama + IbcheUt Sails • In AdscStcd * ¡\rom m t - lACarkunkMn hbfmStrd- CfuritM SUmc • W ùdajntaftm Aperteci Remedy for Cons tifi tion ■ Sour Stomach.Dtarrtioea W orm s .Convulsions.feve risk n e ss and Lo SS O F SLEEP. lie Sanile Signature of fig í« «g *! T h e C e n t a u r C o m p a r t , NEW YORK. il i 4 A t 6 month s o ld * a J i H m O SLS - J 5 C É N I S J Use For Over Thirty Years [guaranteed under the Foodaji m i i i n i i i ■■linn... Exact Copy o f Wrapper. Summons. T i t C IN T IU H C O M .A N Y . NEW VORN i'IT T - Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Polk. Oregon for the County of Folk. Nathan M. Conner, plaintiff, vs. Charles A. Moyer, Plaintiff, vs. Susie James M. Carlisle, an insane person, A. Moyer, Defendant. and J. C. Syron, his Guardian; the un­ To Susie A Moyer, above named de­ known heirs at law of Polissa Rowell, fendant: In liie name of the State of Oregon, deceased; also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right you are hereby required to appear and title, estate, lien or interest In the real answer the complaint filed against property described In the complaint you in the above entitled court and suit on or before six weeks from date herein, defendants. To the unknown heirs at law of Polis­ of the first publication of this Sum sa Rowell, deceased, and also to all inons, and you are further notified other persons or parties unknown that if you fail so to appear and ans claiming any right, title, estate, wer for want thereof the plaintiff will lien or interest in the real estate apply to the court for the relief de described in the complaint herein, manded in said complaint, namely: or claiming any interest or estate 1. That the marriage contract now to the real property hereinafter de­ and heretofore existing between the plaintiff and tiie defendant be forevei scribed, defendants; dissolved. 2. That the rights and re In the name of the State of Oregon, sponsibilities of the plaintiffs and de You and each of you are hereby re­ fendant, in the absence of misconduct quired to appear and answer the com­ shall be equal in regard to the cus plaint filed against you in the above tody or control of the minor son entitled suit, in the above named Elmer Moyer; 3. That the plaintlft Court within six weeks from the date have such other and further relief as of the first publication of tills sum­ to the court may seem meet and mons, which said date of first publi­ equitable. cation of this summons is the 11th This summons is published once a day of June 1914, and if you fail so to week for a period of six successive appear and answer said complaint the and consecutive weeks in the Polk above named plaintiff will, for want County Itemizer, beginning with the thereof, apply to the Court for the issue of June 4th, 1914. and ending relief prayed for and demanded in his with the issue of of July 16th, 1914. said complaint, which is substantially under and in pursuance of the direc as follows: For a decree requiring tions contained in an order of publica­ said defendants, and each of them, tion of summons made herein by the whether they be heirs at law of Polis­ Honorable J. B. Teal, County Judge ol sa Rowell, deceased, or other persons Polk County, State of Oregon, made or parties unknown claiming any and dated at Chambers, at Dallas. Polk right, title, estate, lien or interest in County, Oregon, June 1, 1914. or to said real property, and each of Date of first publication June 4. 1914, them, to set forth the nature of their and date of last publication, July 16, claim to the following described real 191-t. property situated in the County of BROWN, SIBLEY & BELT, Polk and State of Oregon, to-wit: Attorneys fot Plaintiff. Being a part of the Donation Land Claim of Daniel Rowell and Polissa Rowell, his wife. Notification No. 1892, Notice of Final Settlement. Claim No. 72, and being parts of Sec­ Notice Is hereby given, that I, the tions seven (7) and eighteen (18) in undersigned executrix of the estate ol Township six (6) South of Range five C. W. Stengel, deceased, have filed (5) West of the Willamette Meridian, j my final report in said matter in the which said part is more particularly office of the County Clerk of Polk described as beginning at the North- | County. Oregon,and the 10th day ol west corner of said Rowell Donation July, 1914, at 9 o'clock a. m. of said Land Claim and running thence South day has been fixed by the County along tlie West line thereof thirty-onf Court of said county, at the County and 17-100 (31.17) chains; thence Court House, as the time and place South 89 degrees 40 minutes East when and where said final account thirty-seven and 39-100 (37.39) chains will be heard. All persons interested to a stake from which an ash tree in said estate are required to file any seven inches in diameter bears N. 3 objections they may have or degree W. 152 links distant; thence show cause why said final report North twelve and 18-100 (12.18) chains should not be allowed, approved and to a stake; thence South 89 degrees the said estate finally settled on or be 40 minutes West one and 42-100 (1.42) fore the time so fixed as above named chains to an iron pipe; thence North FRIEDRICA STENGEL, eighteen and 99-100 (18.99) chains to Executrix of the estate of an iron pipe on the North boundary C. W. Stengel, Deceased. line of said Rowell D. L. C.; thence Ed. F. Coad, Nortli 89 degrees 40 minutes West, Attorney for Estate. thirty-five and 97-100 (35.97) chains to the place of beginning, and containing 133.G0 acres, in order that the alleged Itemizer for artistic job work interest of said defendants, either as heirs at law of Polissa Rowell, de- ceased, or as other persons or parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to said real property, By Mrs. Janet McKenzie H ilt Editor of and each of them, may be adjudged the Boston Cooking School Magazine. and determined by said Court, and When muffins are on the breakfast table, that by said decree it be declared and nobody cares for meat or eggs and they adjuged that said defendants and each would be served more often if this meal of them have no estate, right, inter­ were not prepared so hurriedly that there est or claim whatsoever in or to said is no time to make them. If K C, the real property, or any part thereof, but double-raise baking powder is used, the that they, and each of them, be es­ batter may be stirred up the night before, topped and forever debarred and en­ put In the pan ready for baking and noth­ joined from hereafter asserting orf at­ ing to do in the morning but bake them. tempting to assert iny interest in or O n e -E g g M u ffin s right to said real property, or any part t cups flou r; t slightly rounded tear •hereof and further decreeing that Plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of spoonfuls K C Baking Powder; 1 tear all of said real property above de- [ sjxxmful salt; i eup sugar; J cup melted scribed, and that plaintiff's title t o ; butter or lard; 1 egg; 1 cup water o r milk. said real property be forever quieted j Sift dry ingredients together three times. in him, as to every and all persons j Add to this the unbeaten egg, melted whomsoever whether claiming to be shortening and water or milk. Then beat heirs at law of Polissa Rowell, de-1 ail together until perfectly smooth. Oil ceased, or in any way claiming any muffin or gem pans and have oven slow right, title, estate, lien or interest In until the muffins come to the top of the pan, or to the said real property above de-1 then increase the heat to bake scribed, or any part thereof, and for and brown the muffins. This such other and further relief as to the recipe makes 12 large muffins. Court may seem equitable In the Raisins or currants may be added if desired. premises This summons is published by order of the Hon. John B. Teal, County i Judge of Polk County, Oregon, duly made and entered at Chambers at Dallas. Oregon, on the 9th day of June. 1914. and the date of the first publica-1 tion of this summons Is June 11, 1914/ and said Defendants, and each of G ra h a m M u ffin s them, are required to answer Plain­ 1 eup graham flou r; 1 eup pastry tiff's complaint within six weeks from flou r ; t level teaepoonfuls K C baking said date. Powder; ¡ t o t level tablespoonfu Is sugar; R L. CONNER, i teaspoon f ill salt; i egg; 11 cup* miUt or Attorney for Plaintiff. water; t to 3 table spoonfuls melted but­ ter; mis and bake as One-Egg Muffins, Muffins For a practical bulletin relat­ ing to the shipment of eggs by parcel post, write the division of publications, department of a g ­ riculture. Washington. D. C., for farmers’ bulletin No. 694. Graham batter should always be quite soft to insure light and moist muffins. T o get 88 other recipes as good as these, send us the certificate racked in every 25- cetrt can of K C Bakirg Powder, and we wiU send you "T h e Cook’ » Book” by Mrs. Janet McKenaie Hill. Handsomely illus­ trated. Jaquea Mfg. Co., Chicago. j —j i . Amy G. Chitty, Frank Lane, Alice I. Dempsey, Frank V. Brown, Arvilia Monson, A. N. Newbill and Sadie C. Newbiii, Mary A. Graham, M. D. Willson. L. D. Leighton and Emma L. Leighton, Plaintiffs, vs. John L. Shelton, William F. Shelton, James M. Shelton, Evan L. Shelton, isliza Shelton, May E. Shelton, Annie Hayes, Orville Hayes, Lizzie Moody, George Moody, Martha J. Chapman, Charles Chapman, Lucretia Rich­ ardson, “ John" Richardson, William C. Wilson, Fredrick H. Wilson, Min­ nie Prior, Della Pierce, Lee Pierce, May Baker, J. W. Baker, Daisy C. Wilson, Edward C. Wilson, the unknown heirs of Solomon Shel­ ton, deceased; also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, defendants. T o Martha J. Chapman, Charles Chapman, Fredrick H. Wilson, Minnie Prior, Della Pierce, Lee Pierce, Lizzie Moody, George Moody, Lucretia Rich­ ardson, "John” Richardson (whose Christian name is unknown to plain­ tiffs), William C. Wilson, Daisy C. W il­ son, May Baker and J. W. Baker, and to the unknown heirs of Solomon Shelton, deceased; and also to all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, of the above- named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum­ mons, to-wit, on or before the 3rd day of July, 1914; and if you fail ;o to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs w ill apply to the Court .or a decree as prayed for in said omplaint, to-wit: That the defend­ ants herein may be required to set forth the nature of their claims in and lo all those certain tracts and parcels j f land described as follows, to-wit: The west half of lot No. 4, in Block No. 2, in Conkey's First Addition to the town (now city) of Dallas, in Polk County, State of Oregon; owned by the plaintiff Amy G. Chitty; the south half of Lot No. 5, in Block No. 2 in Conkey’s First Addition to the town (now city) of Dallas, in Polk County, Oregon, owned by Frank Lane; the east half of Lot No. 4, in Block No. 2 in Conkey’s First Addition to the town (now city) of Dallas, in Polk County, Oregon, owned by Alice I. Dempsey; Lot No. 5 in Block No. 11, in Conkey's Second Addition to the town (now city) of Dallas, in Polk County, Ore­ gon, owned by Frank V. Brown; Lot No. 7 in Block No. 11, in Conkey's Second Addition to the town (now city) of Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, owned by Arvilia Monson; Lot No. 1, in Block No. 12. in Conkey's Second Addition to the town (now city) of Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, owned by V N. Newbill and Sadie C. Newbill; Lot No. No. 2 in Block No. 12, in Con- key’s Second Addition to the town now city) of Dallas, in Polk County, )regon, owned by Mary A. Graham; -eginning 29.60 chains east and 13.73 bains south of the northwest corner if the “ L ” of the D. L. C. of Solomon Shelton and wife, Not. No. 1953, Claim No. 52, in Tp 7 S. R. 5 W. of Will. Mer. n Polk County, Oregon, which said beginning point is also 1.07 chains south of the S. W. corner of the Abel Uglow mill lot; and running thence west 78 feet; thence south 110 feet, hence east 78 feet; thence north 110 teet to the place i f beginning, being a oart of the said Solomon Shelton and wife D. L. C. owned by M. D. Willson; beginning 28.42 chains east and 13.75 hains south of the N. W. corner of 'he “ L ” of the D. L. C. of Solomon Shelton and wife. Not. No. u63. Claim No. 52, in Tp. 7 S. R. 5 West of the Will. Mer. in Polk County, Oregon, which said beginning point is also *.07 chains south and 78 feet west of ‘ he S. W. corner of the Abel Uglow nill lot; and running thence south 10 feet; thence west 55 feet; thence torch 110 feet; and thence east 55 eet to the place of beginning, being i part of said Solomon Shelton and vife D. L. C. owned by L. D. Leighton \nd Emma L. Leighton, and that all idverse claims of defendants may be letermined by a decree of said Court: •hat by said decree it be declared •nd adjudged that the said defendants md each of them have no estate or in- ‘ erest w hatever in or to said land and hat the title of the plaintiffs to their respective tracts therein is good and valid; and that the said defendants and eacli of them be forever enjoined and debarred from asserting any claims whatever in or to said land ad- terse to plaintiffs, and that the plaln- ‘ iffs may have such other relief as nav seem meet with equity. This summons, by an order of the Hon. J. B. Teal, County Judge of Polk County. Oregon, made at Cham­ bers at Dallas, Oregon, on the 20th lay of May. 1914. is served upon you by the publication thereof, for a period of six consecutive and successive weeks immediately j-rior to the 3d la y of July, 1914. In the Polk County itemizer, a newspaper of general circulation printed weekly at Dallas, in said County. The date of the first nuhllcation of this summons is May 21. 1914. BROWN, SIBLEY & BELT, Attorneys for the Plaintiffs. W M C tM M M M M M M M * HiIäs Bros FOR S A LE BY loughary Grocery ; DALLAS. O REGON. | H M M I M M m M M M «» « ' Orders taken by the Itemizer for nionogramed stationery for private correspondence. See our samples. tf DC DR. T O E L Noted Cancer and Tum or Spec­ ialist, Formerly of Chicago. Dry” Picnic!! Dr. Toel has for 30 years made j a specialty of removing cancers: and tumors without tiie use oi | the knife and eating plasters. When cancers are removed with the knife, the cancer cells and germs infect, during the op­ eration, the opened blood ves­ sels and lymph spaces; they multiply in the nicely sewed up wound like in a hotbed an, in a short time a return of the can­ cer appears in the scar. About 80 per cent of cancers operated on with the knife thus return. If cancers are eaten out with a plaster the pain is intense for hours and days, while the slow working, and often repeated plasters irritate the cancer germs and cells so that they quickly multiply and migrate through the lymph vessels into the lymphatic glands, where they form a secondary cancer and thus make the situation worse than before the plasters were applied. Dr. Toel’s elec­ trical methods allow him to re­ move cancers without the loss of a single drop of blood, in a single operation, often in a few minutes. As there is no loss oi blood, there are no open blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, and no danger of blood poison­ ing, while, as there can be no fresh innoculation, there is very little danger of the return of the cancer; there is no pain after the operation and, as it is done in a single act, no danger of ir­ ritating the cancer cells and germs and of driving them into the glands. Thus a secondary cancer is a great rarity if the electrical operation is done in time. Fibroid tumors of the womb, and similar tumors are recom­ mended by electrical methods without the use of the knife. Dr. Toel uses the same or simi­ lar methods for polypus, goitre, piles, fistula, his operation be­ ing absolutely without loss of blood and mostly painless or connected with only very slight pain, while, after the operation there is absolutely no pain at all. Electrical and other physio­ logical methods are also used by him in diseases of women, skin and nervous diseases, neu­ ralgia, neurasthenia, gout, rheu­ matism, diseases of the liver, stomach, kidneys, bladder, pros­ tate gland, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, dyspepsia and consti­ pation. Dr. Toel does not believe in filling the stomach full of medi­ cines, often only to interfere with its natural action. He prescribes medicine very rarely as his electrical and other ap­ paratus allows him to effect cures far quicker and surer than medicines. Dr. Toel has for over 30 years made a specialty of electrical operations and treatments. Dr. Toel can be found at his Office, 619 Washington St., Dallas, Oregon, one-half block Christ The living stone* o f this nn east of the S. P. depot, from 9 Mtypical structure are taken from the a. m. to 12 noon, 2 to 5 p. m., 7 world, hut are chiseled and |H)lislied In to 8 p. m., Sunday, 10 to 1 p. in., that nntltypical quarry. A fte r they telephone 1303. have been prepared, they are removed from the quarry. For more than 1.800 Specialties: years this work has been in progress Cancer and Tumors. T h e process o f (‘lifting, chiseling and No knife and no loss of blood. polishing these living stones was ex No plasters and pain for plained Kach has been xepnrated In hours and days. ■plrlt from the world. W hile it was Polypus, Goitre, Piles, Fistula, difficult to block out character and to tism. Liver, Stomach, Kidneys. become separated from (»lie’s surround lugs. It was still more difficult to en­ Bladder, Prostate, Asthma, Th# Quarry Underneath tha Sit«. dure the necessary chiselings -experl Diseases of Women, Skin and E v«ry Stone Fitted to Its Place— Put ence after experience, trial after trial— Nervous Diseases, Neuralgia. Together W ithout Sound of Hammer to prepare each stone for ti place In the Neurasthenia, Gout, Rheuma- or Chisel— Foundation of tha Temple. glorious Tem ple yet to be constructed. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Dyspepsia. Dedication — Glorification — Future Meantime the polishing process contin­ Constipation. Adv. Us« of tho Temple — The Royal ues. Each living stone polishes others. A GREAT DAY GREAT SPEAKERS Mrs. Lillian M . Mitchner, M President Kansas W. C. T. U. Frank S. Regan, of Illinois, Cartoonist and Chalk Talk Artist. And Other Great Features Saturday, July 18, ’14 AT The Dallas City Park ICCCCOCCDCCCO Basket Dinner EVERYBODY COME CHURCH OF CHRIST A LIVING TEMPLE Salomon's Temple a Typo of lito Templo ol God. REPORT Priesthood— The Great High Priest. H ere the Pastor showed that while severe trials iiud tests may come from the world, yet the finest polish results from contact with the brethren. W ho­ ever learns to love the brethren, and to endure all their weaknesses mid Im­ perfections in the right spirit, w ill re­ ceive ft high degree o f polish, otherwise termed fruitage. “ T h e fruits o f the Spirit are manifest, which are these: meekness, gentleness, patience, long- suffering. brotherly-kindness, love." Construction of Antitypical Temple. T h e const ruction o f the untltyplcnl Tem ple was then shown. Klghbsm hundred years ago the Foundation Stone was laid In H eaven —the Top Htone. Into whom all other stones must be fitted, aa St. Paul declares. Through­ out this Gospel Age the great Master Workmau has been sti|>ervlsliig the l»re|mratl«>n o f the living stones under strict rules us to size, shape, etc. Not until the full iiuuj I h t I s ready w ill the construction of that glorious Tem ple begin. That work will l>e accomplish ed In the First U**surre< tl«»n. The Pastor holds that we are living In the end o f this Age. and that there fore the work o f construction has prob­ ably Itegun This does not Imply, he ’ declared, that the final | h *II h I i lias l»een ' given to nil stones. Those long since prepared could t»e placed while the last are l»elng finished T h e Scriptures so Intimate which say that “ the dead In Christ shall rise Unit"—beforehand— and that “ w e who are alive and remain ■hall lie caught up together with them In the clouds, to meet the b ird " Clinton. In., July ft.—The P l i o t o - Of the Condition of The Dallas City Drania o f Creation Bank, at Dallas, Oregon, depicts Solomon's Tem ple In various In the State o f Oregon, at the close o f stages o f prepara­ ness, June 10. 1914. tion. allowing the RESOURCES. quarries under Je­ Loans and discounts....................... »221 O verdrafts, secured and unsecured rusalem. the for* Bonds and w arrants....................... ests o f I^ebonou. Blocks and oth er securities............ Banking house .................... ......... etc. This edifice Furniture and fix tu re*................. Is the basis o f sev­ Other real estate owued Due from approved reserve hanks eral N ew Testa­ Chec ks and oth er cash item s....... ment descriptions Cash on h an d .................................... of the Church. T o ta l ....... »347.317 4* The Tem ple, both type and antitype, LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in ............. f go.nnn 00 was Pastor K ush »-I I s theme today. Ilia Hurplut fund .............. 14 500 'O text was. “ T h e Tem ple o f God Is holy, U ndivided profits, less expenses and taxes p a i d .................................. 3.566 21 which Tem ple ye are."—1 Cor. 3:17. Due to banks and hankers ... . .. . 11.64*» 96 The Pastor began with the declara­ In divid ual deposits suhiert to check 182.741 38 Demand certilloRtes o f i(ejM»*lt 340 00 tion that !*>tb St Peter and St. Paul Tim e certificate# o f deposit 84 548 94 tench that the Church o f Christ la God’s Tem pi*. H e gave Scriptural T o ta l............ ............................ »347.317 48 proofs that only through this great State o f Oregon, County of Polk iM Tem ple cun mankind return to bar I. F. J. Craven, cashier o f the above named bank, do solem nly swear that the strove state, tuony with God; for the Alm ighty has ment is true to the best o f my know iedxe and dec lared that H e will have no fellow- w »r t. F. J. G R A VE N . Khip with sinners. S t Paul was quot­ ... ,, , . Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th ed as suytug o f this antitypbal T em ­ day o f July. 1914. L. D. BROWN ple. "O ther foundation can no mnn Isy Notary Public. IMULJ than Is laid, which la Jesus C h ris t" S t Peter a Is*» was quoted as declaring CoftRRTT —Attest W. C. V A SHALL. to the Church, “ Ye also, aa living I N WOODS. atones, ure built up a apt ritual house, s holy Priest hood." Surprising Curs of Stomach Troubls Solomon’s Temple, the sftesker main­ W hen you n *v * trouble with your tained. was s type o f this Tem ple o f stomach or chronic constipation, don’t He then briefly descrll»ed this Imagine that your case is beyond help God. just because your doctor failft to give Temple, and called attention to tw o The Glorification of the Temple. striking p*e» 11 * rltles connected with you relief. Mr*. O. Stengle, Plainfield A fte r every living stone has been N. J., writes, “ For over a month pant I Its construction; first, that the stone* placed, the glorification o f the Tem ple have been troubled with my stomach were taken from underneath its aite; In the tyj>e. after 80 I 0 E verythin g I ate upset It terribly. and second, that neither hammer nor will follow. One o f Cham berlain’s advertising any tool o f Iron waa beard lo the house mon, type o f our f«ord. had offered the sacrifice. God accepted IL Then glory booklets came to me A fte r reading during Us erection. These tw o fea ­ a few o f the letters from people who filled tiie Temple. in the antitype, ture* he holds sre typical had been cured by Cham berlain's Tab ­ when our l » r d has constructed tb* lets, I decided to try them I have The L ivin g ¿ t o n e « o f the Greater Temple. He will await the Father’s ac­ taken nearly three-fourths o f a pack­ Temple. ceptance, after which the glory o f God age o f them and can now eat almost K e i f tfc* antitype o f Solomon’s T em ­ everyth in g that I want.“ For sale by p i* wsa d l- ug**d tbe Church o f all dealers. » W k in d Dunbar Gets Salamander Dole. o* | N to E of thoee su rp rises w h ich help keep a B ro a d w a y th ea trical c o l o n y In a p l e s n s n t s t a t e o f f e r - m ent and g o s sip c o m es w it h the announcem ent that 8e l w y n and c o m p a n y h a v e at la s t decided to n a m e t h e a c t r e a a w h o Is t o c r e a t e t h e l e a d i n g r a l e o f D o r e B a x t e r In O w e n J o h n s o n 's p la y , “T h e S a l a ­ m ander." The fo rtu n a te y o u n g w om an, for the part, from a ll acco un ts, w ill p rovide exceptional o p p ortu nities f o r fine a n d v a r - e d a c t i n g , ia M ls a J an e : D u n bar, w h o w a a the le ad in g w o m a n f o r D a v i d W a r f i e l d In “ T h e M u*ic M a s te r " en d " T h e R e tu r n of P ^ te r G r i m m , " a n d w h o . f o r th# p a s t fi v e y e a r s , h a s e n j o y e d t h e s u p e rio r a d v a n t a g e s und t r a i n in g of David B e la e c o a pe-aonal s ta g e d ire c tio n . The preducers have had M ia s D u nb ar In m i n d f o r t h e r o l e f o r s o m e t im e , b u t t h e f a c t t h a t s h e m g h t he f r e e to n e g o t i a t e c o u ld not be d e t e r m i n e d un til It w a a Icai tied t h a t Mr. W a r f i e l d w o u l d c o n tin u e n e x t y e a r In " T h e A u c ­ t io n e e r " T h e r e b e i n g n o r o l e In that p l a y t h a t w o u l d r e q u i r e h e r s e r v ic e s, M iss D u n b a r a c c e p te d th e n a tte r in g offer of S e lw y n and c u n - pany O W EN First a BO O K Then a FASHION Next a P L A Y THE SALAM ANDER Is a greater craze than Trilby You understand it when you read the book - JO H N S O N ’S G reat Story of The Sa wnandef At all Bookselltr* The Robb«-Menü Ca. Publisher*. J1.JÎ T H E G IR L W H O W A N T S T O K N O W S CH O O L REPORT Of Polk County for th* Month Ending June 12.¡ 1 . A verage number of pupil» I 2484.52. A verage dally attndene*, I’er cent of attendance, »*-»■ Number of visits bv parents, U « Number of visit» by members •( school hoards, 32. The following school» » W ..N u m eb r o f schools reporting cor- rectly and on time, 29. Number o f schools not reporting on time, 0 . 1)1... • )l 1)0 rol l o l Honor lot Number o f pupils rem aining at time mail 95 per cent In attend» » « * 0* o f last report, 1856. Zena. Dallas. Bridgeport. Vslier Number o f pupils registered new Monmouth high, Mon moot» during the month, 1 . Alrlie. Bethel. Perrydale^ U»» ’ Number o f pupils read m itted dur­ ing the month, M. • Spring valley, rvonn Total number of pupils on re g is te rj Falls City. I'loneer. ■ during month, 1923 G rove, Valley JuncHo*. Number o f pupils dropped durin g: The following school» month, 155. ; placed on the roll of honor T otal number o f pupils on register had no tardies during Gooseneck, Oak Valley Junction. I