ITOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION 1 Livestock and Dairy Knowing the Market Demands and Raising Stock to Meet It. o f Mexico, N ew Mexico, Utah and not do as efficien t service during the Texas. O f all the continental breeds of sprin ’8 work as he could i f he were medium tailed sheep, as distinct from fed well during the winter. No man $> fa t tailed (Palestine) and long tailed ever made money feeding livestock just ^ sheep, the best known and the most enough to keep them alive. ^ cultivated is the Merino, originally a In feeding fattening stock and dairy G> native o f Spain. In the latter part o f cows, gain and profit come in propor­ €> IL L U S T R A T E D 320 PAG ES the 18th century the Spanish flocks tion to the amount o f food the ani produced more wool than the factories mals put to good use. The fattening Telia all about aex matters; whst o f the country could make up, and the animals and dairy cows should have young men and women, young wives H I L I P T H E GOOD, Duke o f Bur surplus was sold and exported. no setbacks; and the best feeders are and husbands and all others need ta the ones who know when to feed high know about the sacred laws that g o v ­ gundy, in 1429, at the time o f his Merinos Predominate. marriage, instituted the m ilitary Through breeding certain tendencies priced grains and are not afraid to feed ern the sex forces. Plain truths o f order o f Toison d ’or, or the Golden are suppressed, others exaggerated, and fu ll rations. sex life in relation to happiness in mar» riage. “ Secrets” o f manhood and Fleece; it was said on account o f the under natural wild conditions there is womanhood ; aem al abuses, social evil» p ro fit he made by wool. A t the end no occasion for a ten-pound fleece. In W arding O ff M ilk Fever. diseases, etc. or the collar o f the order hung a Gold 1786 the French government imported The latest, most advanced and eom» Cows may come down with milk en Fleece with this device, “ Pretinum from Spain 383 selected Spanish M erin­ fe v e r during any season o f the year on prehensive work that haa ever been non vile labornum,M (th e laborer os. These sheep were kept at Rambon- issued on sexual hygiene. Prieehsm iaw new green grass as well as on winter worthy o f his hire). lctte. Careful breeding and liberal «traction fo r thaee v t o are ready fa r Linneas, the great Swedish natural feeding greatly improved their mutton feed, but the attacks are most com the true inner teaching. mon in winter and spring, before turn­ This book tells nurse«, teacher*, dom ist, who wrote in the middle o f the 18th form. Both the weight o f the fleece century, appears to have given more and the weight o f the carcasses have ing on grass. One attack makes a cow tors, lawyers, preaehers, social workers» Sunday school teachers, and all others, prone to a second, but that may be careful and thorough research into the been increased from 300 to 150 pounds young and old, what all need to know origin and history o f sheep than any over the old Spanish Merino. This warded o f f by ample exercise and about sex matters. B y W in field Scott w riter 1 have been able to discover. breed has not been specially prominent light, laxative rations during the last Hall, Pfc. D , M . D. (Leiyx ig.) The cow The sheep, as typ ified by the domesti in the United States until tho last 20 two months o f preg>/aney. Newspaper Comments: cated breeds o f the European represen years. Full grown rams o f this breed should bo dried o ff at least oix weeks 'S c ie n tific a lly correct.f r — Chicago Food plenty o f bran Tribune. “ Accurate and ep-to date . ** tatives o f which Linneas gave the will weigh up to 225 pounds, ewes 175 before calving. Philadelphia Press. “ Standard boo-h name o f Ovis Arius, was one o f the pounds. The American Ramboulette and flaxseed meal to keep the bowels earliest animals to be brought under Sheep Breeders’ Association was organ- free ly open and make the cow take o f knowledge.” — Philadelphia Ledger. The New York World say»: “ Plain subjection by man. It is known to zed at Pontiac, Michigan, in 3889. The outdoor exercise every day. M ilk the truths fo r those who need or ought to have been domesticated by the inhabi number registered in 1906 was 34,075. affected teats three times a day, mas know them for the prevention o f eviha tants o f the prehistoric lake dwellings Bnron von Homyer, in Germany, bred saging the quarters thoroughly at each Under plain wrapper fo r only $1.(XX o f Switzerland, by whom it appears to from some French Ramboulette. Sheep m ilking time, and at night rub thor Coin or Money Order, postage ten cents have been brought from the East. In from this flock, brought to the United oughly with a mixture o f one part extra. M I AM T P U B L IS H IN G C O M P A N Y deed, all research seems to make plain States in the ’80s and *908, are wide­ each o f fluid extract o f pokeroot and Dayton, Ohio. the fact that the sheep from which all ly distributed. The International Von belladonna leaves and six parts of warm the domesticated flocks descend were Homyer Ramboulette Club have about melted lard or sweet oiL natives o f the elevated table land o f 300 registered sheep. There are more Central Asia. It is also depicted among Merinos in the United States than all W atering Cows. BEA UTIFUL AHD COLORED the earliest o f the Egyptian monuments the other breeds combined. Twenty- Where water is before cows constant and its remains were mummified by the fiv e years ago they constituted nearly POET CARDS inhabitants o f the Delta during the 5 per cent o f the flocks o f the United ly it is interesting to note how often M any A rt Bkh, Bara P iet urea o f Pharaonic Epoch. Tw o distinet breeds States. A decline in the price o f wool, they w ill take a few swallows then go are noted from this date. growing taste for mutton, and at this ahead with eating or chewing eud, says Beautiful Models and Actresses A lso a S e if Fillin g date, 1908, the Merino does not make Hoard's Dairyman. I t would be hard The First Shepherd. to estimate the benefit o f having wa FOUNTAIN PEN The first shepherd o f which history up more than 75 per cent o f the flocks ter before the cows in winter when it gives an account was Abel, second son o f the U. 8. A ll fo r only 50 cants is warmed to th< temperature o f even The American Merino. o f Adam. Through him sheep enter the The greatest bargain ia beautiful a cold barn over the system o f turning Is one o f the smallest breeds o f the first tragedy o f the human race. A t cards and rare art pietnree ever offered* cows out to drink once or tw ice a day Many aro hard to obtain and have first sight it seems strange— on reflec­ United States. The ewes at maturity from a tank that is too often frozen, or sold singly fo r the price we ask fo r all. tion it seems to be a necessity o f the weigh from 90 to 125 pounds; the bucks even i f the water is fa irly warm the at These will go qoiekfy io all lovers oJ good condition, from 140 to 175 case— that the territory on which the mosphere is too cold for cow comfort, the beautiful in nature who appreciate flocks o f the ancient Patriarchs were pounds, while the fleece weighs from and she is compelled to drink fa r too rare art pictures o f well developed fed and tended is still the home o f the 30 to 15 pounds. I t is the hardest models. shepherds, and that there for fo rty cen­ sheep in the U. S. and can be herder in much at one time, thereby chilling her A reliable self fin in g fountain pen and diverting energy that should be turies sheep have wandered from pas­ flocks o f thousands, while mutton free with each order. These alone hava used in making milk to bringing her sold for one dollar in stores. ture to pasture under the care o f their breeds cannot be handled in flocks o f The 100 beautiful cards and pen all over 200. O f the various breeds pro­ temperature up to normal. ■omadic proprietor«. for but 50c and 10c in stamps for post“ The skins o f the animals gave place duced by crossing, we have the Dela age. to the manufactured garments o f wool tino Merino, the Standard, the National When the farmer understands that at the time o f the Conquest o f Rpain and the Improved Merino. Related in ART PORTRAYAL CO. the last strippings o f a dairy cow are by the ancient Romans, 206 B. C., when their leading characteristics are the 7JAYTOS, OHIO. over 500 per cent richer in cream than that country was celebrated for its Blacktop Spanish Merino, the Imported the first few pulls he may be a little Hocks and the quality o f its wool. T o­ Blacktop Merino and the Dickenson, more thorough in his work during the day the Spanish Merino is equally cel­ A il Delaine Merinos have horns and milking hour. ebrated, though lost to Spain. Before irore or less wrinkles or folds about the Blacktop Merino« the Christian Era the fine wools of neck and breast. R E N T » Typew riter from the manufacturar» Ita ly were noted and the fineness of have horns, but no wrinkles, and their $5 for three months; Remmgtoa No. 6 or EM PLOYM ENT AGENTS Dickenson, or No. 7; Hrailh Premier, No 2 o r No. 4; risih l* the fleece was cultivated to a degree fleeces is more black. lington. Monarch. flmilh Premier. *3 pm unknown to us o f the present day. The polled Merinos, have neither horns nor ;* "»■ — ■heop were housed and clothed, their wrinkles. Mexican Merinos are doncen F O R H E L P O F A L L K I N D S I“ au!d on i easy par monts skius oiled and moistened with wine, dants o f Spanish flocks and have been REMIX OTO If T Y PKW IÜTEB COMPART. Call -m the their fleece was combed and washed re­ bred in M exico without cross or irn 86 B load way, Portland. Ora. The New peatedly. This treatment destroyed the provement for 200 years. vigor and impaired the eonstitutioa o f Mexieo Merinos, graded op from Old the sheep. Their descendants, though Mexico ewes and Am ericas Merino Main O ffice, First and Coach Streets in ferior in form, are still fine wool nuns, are the stock o f which the New POE HALF. IK A N Y Q U A N T IT Y Portland, Oregon. «beep. I t is only in sparsely settled M exico and southern Colorado floeks Ham pine a n d p r ic e s o n r e o s e e t . countries that sheep are cultivated for are composed. ffet in tonch with os; we ran ta re We are Always at your Service From a review o f these facts o f his Prompt eernee wool alone. The wonderful wealth o f Phone « r wire rush orders at on Asia during the l«th century, o f which tory, and a review o f the figures given, CHICAGO JU N K CO. its flocks were largely the canoe, de it is easily seen that the Ramboulette, 5S0 Frost 8l. Phene Main 745. Portland. Or% or French branch o f the Merino fam ily, nerves a special chapter. is very much the most profitable all- Livestock for N ew World. around combination o f the three na­ Pars Hands sad M ilkers s Specialty. On the second voyage nf Colombo« W e fam ish the leading Contractors, f log­ tions who lead in number o f sheep. For to the N ew World, he stopped at Go ging Camps, Mills, Factories and Farmers in H IGH GRAD ES.^REG ISTERED COWS fin e wool Australia leads the world. mera, one o f the Canary Islands, on Oregon and Washington with help. L et ss Bo-wy to tar Um Witt. 1910, Australia tall breeds> 92,047,015 supply you. W ire rush orders st our es October 5, 1493. to take on wood and 1908, Argentine Republic (a ll pens«. MOKEL COW CO. water. Here be purchased calves, breeds) ............. 97,911,754 L E W E S k M YERS •07 C t m i c l U Stock. P . r t lu d . Otm. goats and «beep to stock the islands o f 190». United .States (all 224 Burnside Street. Portland. Oregon. Hispanola, Cuba and Panama. The breeds) --------------------------57,206,000 livestock were landed in the middle o f December. 1491, when was founded the False Economy. first Christian city o f the N ew World, ^ SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE V. A. S ta ff an, an experienced sheep grower, who has a person- al knowledge o f methods in for- cign countries, contributes an interesting article on early his- tory o f the sheep. P 100 TYPEWR ITERS Pacific Employment Co. SACKS General E m p l o y m e n t Isabella. A fte r C ortes'■ eowpiest o f Mexico, and his return to Spnm from whence he came again U the C ity o f Mexico in 1510, a misunderstanding between him and the m agistral« canned him to leave and take up 1us re*tde«c« in the C ity o f <*ernavara on the southern slope o f the Cerdilleraa. He imported U rge numbers o f Merino «beep, and from Panama and the C ity o f Cuerna­ vaca went forth sheep in great asm bora. Much wove« doth was made in New Spain in 1560, and these Rpaeteh sheep wees the progenitors of the vast herds Farmers and feeders make a great mistake when they cut down on the amount of grain food that they feed their fattening ssimal§ during the win ter. There may be some animals on the farm which can be carried along through the winter an moderate rations, but fattening stock and dairy cowa do ■ot belong tc that class. The farm teams that are sot being w>rked do sot require a full ration af grain food during the winter, but it is coolly economy to “ rough” them dur ng tb « winter on short rationa The that is allowed to run down ia flesh condition daring the winter eaa Employment Agency F a n * and Dairy Help Furnished Free W ire Bush O rder« at O ur Expense. Oregon Employment 39 Second Street. North. Agency Portland. Ore. H I D E S COBS. W O O I. P E L T S R IS S A BD S TE W A S T ETC CO. W r it« f a r Pries List u d Shipping T i j i . P I . » » , ai.-r, I i.,o tku p .p .r ) H E L P F U R N I S H E D FREE W 9 furnish Fans Help. O a r y s m , “ ^ R| 4 f I f sea: the. Carpus t * n , I/ if fs r i, Ferem « help and shilled help af any kind W let y ou r contracte or ieas* year farm Wire er 1 * rumi àrderà tt oar e* j ■ M N r.ll grre jro« the » f J J L a f t A ^ V S oar 14 y «ars • ^ y* M M S c is s a Pioneer C a yloyw en t C o, 1« M pectins L O rejas * *** u y rwvwrto 1 ÜLAUi lM Sto M Srtï. « h . i- « " * « i - .i< » i r p , nu cum « s tuet t m -U-- nini bnrsuM • » , , __ — * { JJ tor U » * l « and t*aua> sé Ü Ü ■ »• • *'* Pire gl i la SO R 4 T y « y t Sw SW o, Ca. wném