Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Polk Couuty. Amy U. Chltty, Frank Lane, Alice I. Dempsey, Frank V, Brown, Arvllla Monson, A. N. Newbill and Sadie C. NewOill, Mary A. Graham, M. D. Willson, L. D. Leighton and Emma L. Leighton, Plaintiffs, vs. John L. . .iu.iou, William F. Shelton, , ines M. Shelton, Evan L. Shelton ..lisa Shelton, May E. Shelton, Annie Hayes, Orville Hayes, Lizzie Moody, George Moody, Martha J. Chapman, Charles Chapman, Lucretia Rich­ ardson, “John” Richardson, William O. Wilson, Fredrick H. Wilson, Min­ - ALCOHOL 3 PER NT. i nie Prior, Della Pierce, Lee ANçgetaWe IYpparaliun FsrAs Pierce, May Baker, J. W. Baker, su n ila iin g ihcFbudaiidliegiiU Daisy C. Wilson, Edward C. Wilson, «ng (lie Sioiuadis anáJJowdíd' the unknown heirs of Solomon Shel­ ton, deceased; also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lieu or interest in the real estate described In the Promotes Digestion.Clit trfii- complaint herein, defendants. n ess and Kest.CoiUalns neither To Martha J. Chapman, Charles POl Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Chapman, Fredrick H. Wilson, Minnie N o t N a r c o t i c . Prior, Della Pierce, Lee Pierce, Lizzie Moody, George Moody, Lucretia Rich­ EKtptafoUDrsmiurrjni ardson, ‘ John’’ Richardson (whOBe ftm pkin Seed" Christian name is unknown to plain­ jtlx . Senna *■ tiffs), William C. Wilson. Daisy C. Wil­ JtxMleSalls- son, May Baker and J. W. Baker, and j 4 i use Seed* to tlie unknown heirs of Solomon Shelton, deceased; and also to all TfmtSnJ- other persons or parties unknown CMMSu/nr ■ Vuit^rtuirkmn claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described Aperfecl Remefiv forCarsIlpa in the complaint herein, of the above- tlon, Sour Storaach.Dtan t o uamed defendants: Worms .Convulsions.Fcvei ish In tlie name of the State of Oregon; ness and Loss QF S leep . You are hereby notified to appear and answer the complaint filed against File Simile Signature of Vou in the above entitled Court and suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum­ ^c<,, T he C entaur C oniakt , mons, to-wit, on or before the 3rd - NEW YORK. day of July, 1914; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the A t6 inofrths.pld plaintiffs will apply to the Court jjD o s t s -J jC ifit s tor a decree as prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: That tlie defend­ Guaranteed under Tlve^o^Jj ants herein may be required to set forth tlie nature of thetr claims til and to all those certain tracts and parcels Exact Copy of Wrapper. K C IN TA U R COM PANY. f l t W Y O U « »»T Y . of land described as follows, to-wit; r%i The west half of lot No. 4. In Block No. 2, in Conkey’s First Addition to the town (now city) of Dallas, in Polk County, State of Oregon; owned by the plaintiff Amy G. Chltty; the south Summons. bummons. half of Lot No. 5, in Block No. 2 in In the Circuit Court of the State of Conkey’s In the Circuit Court of the State of First Addition to the town Oregon for the County of Polk. (now city) of Dallas, in Polk County, Oregon for the County of Polk. Charles A. Moyer, Plaintiff, vs. Susie Oregon, owned by Frank Lane; the Nathan M. Conner, plaintiff, vs. A. Moyer, Defendant. east half of Lot No. 4, in Block No. 2 James M. Carlisle, an Insane person, To Susie A Moyer, above named de­ in Conkey’s First Addition to the town (now city) of Dallas, in Polk County, fendant : and J. C. Syron, his Cuardlan; the un­ In the name of the State of Oregon, owned by Alice 1. Dempsey; known heirs at law of Polissa Rowell, you are hereby required to appear and Oregon, deceased; also all other persons or answer the complaint filed against Lot No. 5 in Block No. 11, in Conkey’s Second Addition to the town (now purtles unknown claiming any right, you in the above entitled court and of Dallas, in Polk County, Ore­ title, estate, lien or Interest in the real suit on or before six weeks from date city) property described in the complaint of the first publication of this Sum­ gon, owned by Frank V. Brown; Lot No 7 in Block No. 11. in Conkey’s herein, defendants. mons, and you are further notified To the unknown heirs at law of Polis­ that if you fail so to appear and ans­ Second Addition to the town (now city) of Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, sa Rowell, deceased, and also to all wer for want thereof the plaintiff will other persons or parties unknown apply to the court for the relief de­ owned by Arvilla Monson; Lot No. 1, claiming any right, title, estate, manded in said complaint, namely; in Block No. 12, in Conkey’s Second lien or Interest in the real estate 1. That the marriage contract now Addition to the town (now city) of descriteo In the complaint Herein, and heretofore existing between the Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, owned by or claiming any interest or estate plaintiff and the defendant be forever A. N. Newbill and Sadie C. Newbill; to the real property hereinafter de­ dissolved. 2. That the rights and re Lot No. No. 2 in Block No. 12, in Con- key’s Second Addition to tlie town scribed, defendants: sponsibilltles of the plaintiffs and de In the name of the State of Oregon, fendant, in the absence of misconduct (now city) of Dallas, in Polk County, You and each of you are hereby re­ shall be equal in regard to the cus­ Oregon, owned by Mary A. Graham; quired to appear and answer the com­ tody or control of the minor son, beginning 29.60 chains east and 13.73 plaint tiled against you in the above Elmer Moyer; 3. That the plaintiff chains south of the northwest corner entitled suit, in the above named have such other and further relief as of tlie "L” of the D. I,. C. of Solomon Court within six weeks from the date to the court may seem meet and Shelton and wile, Not. No. 1953, Claim No. 52, in Tp 7 S. It. 5 W. of Will. iVler. of the first publication of this sum­ equitable. in Polk County, Oregon, which said mons, which said date of first publi­ This summons is published once a cation of this summons is the 11th week for a period of six successive beginning point is also 1.07 chains day of June 1914, and if you fail so to and consecutive weeks in the Polk south of the S. W. corner of the Abel appear and answer said complaint the County Itemlzer, beginning with the Uglow mill lot: and running thence above named plaintiff will, for want issue of June 4th, 1914, and ending west 7S fePt: thence south 110 feet, thereof, apply to the Court for the with the issue of of July 16th, 1914, thence east 78 feet; thence north 110 relief prayed for and demanded in his under and In pursuance of the direc­ feet to the place of beginning, being a said complaint, which is substantially tions contained in an order of publica­ part of the said Solomon Shelton and as follows: For a decree requiring tion of summons n-.ade herein by the wife D. L. C. owned by M. D. Willson^ r,ald defendants, and each of them. Honorable J. B. Teal, County Judge of beginning 28.42 chains east and 13.75 Whether they be heirs at law of Polis­ Polk County, State of Oregon, made chains soutli of the N. W. corner of sa Rowell, deceased, or other persons and dated at Chambers, at Dallas. Polk the “ L” of tlie D. L. C. of Solomon Shelton and wife, Not. No. ..n>3, Claim or parties unknown claiming any County, Oregon, June 1, 1914. No. 52, in Tp. 7 s. R. 5 West of the right, title, estate, lien or interest in Date of first publication June 4, 1914, o” to said real property, and each of and date of last publication, July 16, Will. Mer. In Polk County, Oregon, which said beginning point is also them, to set forth the nature of their 191s. 1.07 chains south and 78 feet west of claim to the following described real BROWN, SIR1.KY & BEET, the S. W. corner of the Abel Uglow property situated in the County of Attorneys foi Plaintiff. mill lot; and running thence south Polk and State of Oregon, to-wit: 110 feet; thence west 55 feet; thence lleing a part of the Donation I .and Notice of Final Settlement. north 110 feet: and thence east 55 Claim of Daniel Rowell and Polissa Notice Is hereby given, that I, the Rowell, his wife, Notification No. 1892, undersigned executrix of the estate of feet to the place of beginning, being Claim No. 72, and being parts of Sec­ C. W. Stengel, deceased, have filed a part of said Solomon Shelton and tions seven (7) and eighteen (18) in my final report in said matter in the wife D. L. C. owned by L. D. Leighton Township six (6) South of Range five office of the County Clerk of Polk and Emma L. Leighton, and that all (5) West of the Willamette Meridian, County. Oregon.and the 10th day ol adverse claims of defendants may be which said part is more particularly July, 1914, at 9 o’clock a. m. of said determined by a decree of said Court; described as beginning ut the North day has been fixed by the County that hv said decree it be declared west corner of said Rowell Donation Court of said county, at the County and adjudged that the said defendants Land Claim and running thence South Court House, as the time and place and each of them have no estate or In­ along the West line thereof thirty-one j when and where said final account terest whatever In or to said land and and 17-100 (31.17) chains; thence will be heard. All persons Interested that the title of the plaintiffs to their South 89 degrees 40 minutes Fast 1 in said estate are required to file any respective tracts therein Is good and valid: and that the said defendants thirty-seven and 39-100 (37.39) chains objections they may have or to a stake from which an ash tree show cause why said final report and each of them he fovever enjoined seven inches in diameter bears N. 3 should not be allowed, approved and and debarred from asserting any degree W. 152 links distant; thence the said estate finally settled on or be­ claims whatever in or to said land ad­ North twelve and 18-100 (12.18) chains fore the time so fixed as above named verse to plaintiffs, and that the plain­ tiffs may have such other relief as to a stake; thence South 89 degrees FRIEDRICA STENGEL, may seem meet with equity. 40 minutes West one and 42-100 (1.42) Executrix of the estate of This summons, dv an order of the chains to an Iron pipe; thence North C. W. Stengel, Deceased. Hon. J. B. Teal, County Judge of eighteen and 99-100 (18.99) chains to Ed. F. Coad, Polk County. Oregon, made at Cham­ an iron pipe on the North boundary Attorney for Estate. bers at Dallas, Oregon, on the 20th line of said Rowell D. L. C.; thence day of May, 1914, is served upon you North 89 degrees 40 minutes West, Real Estate Transfers. by the publication thereof, for a period thirty-five and 97-100 (35.97) chains to of six consecutive and successive United States to Jesse L. the place of beginning, and containing weeks immediately rrior to the 3d 133.60 acres, in order that the alleged Bonds, patent 320 acres, 10-5. day of July, 1914, In the Polk County Interest of said defendants, either as Olive Frances Howe to Jennie ¡temizer, a newspaper of general heirs at law o tr Polissa Rowell, de. circulation printed weekly at Dallas, ceased, or as other persons or parties Odell Howe, lot in Dallas, $10. E. P. Woolsey et ux to Henry In said County. The date of the first claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to said real property, M. oJhnson, 12 acres, 7-5, $10. oublication of this summons is May and each of them, may he adjudged Frank Neal et ux to F. M. and 21, 1914. and determined by said Court, and BROWN, SIBLEY * BELT, that by said decree It be declared and Mattie E. Neal, 4.97 acres,7-8-5 Attorneys for the Plaintiffs. adjuged that said defendants and each $ . . of them have no estate, right, inter­ F. M. Neal et ux to Frank and est or claim whatsoever in or to said real property, or any part thereof, but Ida M. Neal, 4.97 acres,7-5, $10. Janies Miller to Greenberry that they, and each of them, be es­ topped and forever debarred and en­ Smith, 134.05 acres. 10-5, $403. joined from hereafter asserting orf at­ J. H. Ray et al to A. R. South- tempting to assert my interest In or right to said real property, or any part wick. 20 acres, 7-3., $10.00. A. J. Barham et ux to John Thereof and further decreeing that Plaintiff is the owner In fee simple of McBee, lot in Dallas, $10.00. all of said real property above de­ Lois A. Green et al to G. A. scribed. and that plaintiff's title to said real property be forever quieted and Oka Larson, lots in Lincoln, In him, as to every and all persons $ 6 . 000 . whomsoever whether claiming to be Mary E. Brown to Clement A. heirs at law of Polissa Rowell, de­ Ramsey, lot in Dallas, $10.00. ceased. or in any way claiming any John Ritner and wife to Val­ right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to the said real property above de­ ley & Siletz Ry. Co..right of way. scribed, or any part thereof, and for $ - , $ . . such other and further relief as to the G»orge Farrier et ux to M. W. Court may seem equitable in the ; and Celia E. Black, 8 acres, 8-6 premises This summons is published by order $ 10 . 00 . of the Hon. John B. Teal. County Morris Hughes et ux to John Judge of Polk County. Oregon, duly T. Hughes, lot in Dallas, $10.00. made and entered at Chambers at Isaac Hughes et ux to John T. Dallas, Oregon, on the 9th day of June, 1914, and the date of the first publica- and Rosa Hughes, 30-100 acre, tlon of this summons Is June 11, 1914, 8-6. $400. and said Defendants, and each of United States to John Hughes, FO R S A L E B Y them, are required to answer Plain­ tiff's complaint within six weeks from 160 acres,7-8. i Wra. Dawes to L. Currier, lot said date. R. L. CONNER, in Indeitendence. $900. Attorney for Plaintiff. D A L L A S. O R E G O N . The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Year S V*" I / 1 I —- 10 00 Hills Bros 10 6 1 00 fo r all Skin Troubles Bladder, Prostate, Asthma, Diseases of Women, Skin and Nervous Diseases, Neuralgia. “B u ilt for N orthw est Stu m p s” Neurasthenia, Gout, Rheuma- A simple, powerful and Inexpensive Bronchltis, Catarrh, Dyspepsia. machine, which can be operated by one Constipation. Adv. PACIFIC STUMP PULLER man and one horse. Write for free BULLETIN No. 34. While fdas* lets In the light and aim's bent It Is also a rapid conductor It tellr how to clear stump land at lower lost per acre than has ever been of heat, and this la why henhouse« with hist glass fronts get cold so quick possible Heretofore. at night and Jack Frost cover« the bit P A C IF IC M A N U F A C T U R IN G CO. windows with Ice. 1112 W e ste rn Av«., Seattle, W ath . Don’t pull feather* and «tuba and Orders taken by the Itemlzer I _______________________________ fill up tlie boles with beeswax with for monogramed stationery f o r , the Idea that tbe Judge will not see Notary public at the Itemlzer the trick «ntl not dlsquallf/ tb« fsk« iit’er motored to Salem with Mr. the different electrical currents Foil er Saturday. Matte Edlger |3 visiting in Portland in cases of cancer. What is said here in regard to for 1 . few days. Grover McDonald took a load of cancers refers also to a great cherries to Salem Tuesday. extent to other forms of tumors. Mr. Helgersn has a crew picking his loganberries and hauling them to Do not wait until they become incureable, but go to a special­ market. Mrs. Tom Stow has two sisters vis­ ist as soon as you discover a iting her, one from Oakland and one tumor on or in your body. from Portland. Dr. Toel has for over 30 years Alva Hutz. from Marshfield, Is visit­ made a specialty of electrical ing Ills uncle, Harry Butz. Mr. Conn's daughter from Texas Is j operations and treatments. visiting him. Dr. Toel can be found at his Mrs. Bessie Clark has a friend from Office, 619 Washington St., Camas, Wash., here putting up fruit. Ernest Hatton and wife are visiting j Dallas, Oregon, one-half block east of the S. P. depot, from 9 at Salt Creek. Mrs. McPherson’s daughter and her a. m. to 12 noon, 2 to 5 p. m„ 7 husband are visiting her. Wess Elliott went to Falls City to 8 p. in., Sunday, 10 to 1 p. m„ telephoze 1303. Tuesday. Mrs Elizabeth Hayes of Portland, Specialties: was in Dallas the first of the week or. Cancer and Tumors. business. No knife and no loss of blood. Mrs. Martha returned to Portland No plasters and pain for Wednesday, after visiting here. P. J. Alsip, county road supervisor hours and days. of district No. 13 Is cutting down and Polypus, Goitre, Piles, Fistula, graveling the Ballard hill. tism. Liver, Stomach, Kidneys. office, » pedis«». (Successors to Barham Brothers) REPENTANCE FIRST THEN CONSECRATION Building Materials of every kind (except Lumber) Cement, Sand, Gravel, Brick, Shingles, Plaster, Fence Posts, Drain Tile, Build­ ing Paper, and Composition Roofing, S Metal Lath, Corner Beads, Fire Brick, B Doors and Windows made, all kinds of : Shop work, Hop Supplies of every de­ scription. ^ None But the New Creature Can Understand God’s Plan. The Gospel Is For the Broken-H earted. “ T he Meek Will He T each In the W a y ”— Turning From Sin— Turning to God— The B rotherhood of Christ. Suffering W ith Christ— R ejoicing In Tribulation— C onfessing and D eny­ ing Christ— Purpose o f Trials and Afflictions— The Glory to Follow. Asbury Park, N. J., June 28.—Pas­ tor Itussell ad- dressed a l a r g e convention of Bi­ ble Students here today, to whom he s e t f o r t h the philosophy of the untold suffer­ ings of true Chris­ tians throughout the Gospel Dispen­ sation. Part IV. of THE PHOTO- DRAMA OP CREATION on exhibition at home and abroad, depicts the unwrit­ ten history of the Church of Christ aud shows the cost of “ following His steps.” The Pastor’s text was, “Jeho­ vah hath appointed Me to preach good tidings to the meek, to hind up the broken-heurted.” —Isaiah 01:1. The Gospel Message, the Pastor de­ clared, is for the meek, for the broken­ hearted—the only class which God wishes to have now. He is seeking those who desire to be Christ’s Joint- heirs in the Messianic Kingdom. Therefore the Message is unsulted to the hard-hearted. Only the tender­ hearted cure to know ubout God’s love und mercy, the forgiveness of sins, the privilege of returning to the Father und of having Jesus as their Savior. The Pastor believes that it is a mis take to go out Into tbe blghways and byways to convert the very wicked- blasphemers. etc.—thinking that these are the ones for whom the Gospel is intended. The Scriptures do not au­ thorize any such ideu. Those living in sin unrepented of are not in proper condition to receive God’s great Plan of the Ages, the speaker declared. God has said that “ none of the wicked shall understand.” lie does uot wish them to do so. God’s Message speaks peace to those who are in trouble and wh • are seeking the righteousness will ii lie provides. The Gospel is not a sledge hammer with which to break men’s hearts, he said. He knows of no Scriptural commission for GodJs people to break hearts. On the contrary, he thinks that the Devil does most of such work s Office Directly West of School ■ j iiiim m iim i Pure Clean Milk Is a most wholesome food Make your children strong and healthy on ■ s H C onfessing or Denying Christ. Tbe terms of membership In tbe glorified Body of Christ were next dis­ cussed. After one lias been spliit-bc- gotten, his name is written in the Lamb’* Book of Life as a member of the Body of Christ Our Lord has promised that If these are faithful to their agreement to sacrifice their little nil He will not blot out their names from that Book. But If any such deny Him. He will deny them. To confess Christ Is to live for Film day by day—confessing Him In tbe use of time. Influence, money, talents—In every word and act Should any con sec rated child of God deny d id st by neglecting Ills Covenant, such would demonstrate hla unworthiness o f mem­ bership In the glorified Church. Im portance of Consecration. Great stress Is laid upon consecra­ tion. the Pastor declared, bemuse It Is the only way of coining Into relation­ ship with God and of approaching the Heavenly Thro no with assurance tunt our petitions will be granted. He Il­ lustrated Ids point by reference to the ancient custom of a host to furnish plain white robes for his guests to wear over their own garments when present at a wedding All cimsecrated Christians have accept«! God’s Invlts tlon to the Marriage of the Lamb Each must wear the Rohe of Christ's Righteousness or else forego the feast The only way to get rid of sins Is through belief In the !*ord Jesus Christ and full consecration to do Ood'a w ill- even unto death. S . B . T a y lo r Civil E n gin eer L A N D S U R V E Y IN G R o o m IO Nat. B a n k B u ild in g P hone 4 0 3 D ellas s ■ From Tuberculin-tested Cows Rich, Sweet Cream Delivered to you At 20 Cent* a Pint Phone 14x7 For Sale at Holman & Boydsons M U ;♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ t V t V t ? ❖ ? ♦♦♦ »j«. ♦♦♦♦*♦ PEERLESS MAZDA LAMPS PR IC ES A G A IN R E D U C E D * The T w o Conversion*. Next it was demonstrated that there are two conversions; one a turning away from sin, and the other u turning to God. The latter Is the principal conversion. Only those who take the step of full consecration to God re­ ceive the Holy Spirit and obtuiu a clear view of the Divine Plan. The Pastor showed that those be­ gotten of the Holy Spirit not only be long to the Church, the Brotherhood of Christ on the spiritual plane, but are also reckoned as members of the Body of Christ on the earthly plane From this viewpoint, he claimed. Christ has suffered in the tlesh through­ out this Gospel Age. St Peter de­ clares that the Prophets foretold the sufferings of The Christ and the glory to follow. St. Paul speaks of tilling up that which Is behind of the nflllc- tions of Christ After these suffer­ ings the glory will follow. Trials and discipline develop Chris­ tian character, preparing the child of God for future service tu the King­ dom. Whoever suiters in tlie flesh because of being Christ’s disciple has occasion for rejoicing. Such should continue faithful, thut by and by ns a polished Jewel he may t>e ready for a glorious setting in tbe promised im mortality. GUTHRIE DAIRY MILK 100 10 15 20 25 40 60 150 250 Watts, Watts, Watts. Watts, Watts, Watts, Watts, Watts, Watts, . 98 C. P................... . 8 C. P................... . 12 C. P................... . 17 C. P................... . 22 C. P................... . 36 C. P................... . 56 C. P................... . 167 C. P................... . 278 C. P................... BU Y H E R E NO W ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦«. V f * . . . , . . . .70 $.30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .40 . 1.10 . 1.80 FR ED B. W E S T 525 Court Street. Electric Supplies .... Phone 18 t t ? f f Y t ? Y f ? YY Y YY Y Y Y Y YY YY Y Y Y Y ❖ f Y ? I ? ❖ f f l * T t t i ? Y Y YY T Y Y Y ❖ 1 f Y : I « Read a Daily M AND GET THE NEWS FRESH Y Y TY f Daily Oregonian and 0C Hfl T Y Y Itemizer, one year _yU.UU Daily Oregon Journal QC flf] T f and Itemizer year,__Vv.UU Itemizer Clubbing Offer: m Y ❖ ♦:* jk. TAKE YOUR CHOICE YY Y Y f Y f f Y f i f i ADVERTISERS! Do not overlook the fact that the ITEMIZER reaches twice as many readers as any other Polk County papor.