IS ITOMF ANT) FARM MAGAZINE SECTION HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION SERIAL. By Geo. Barr McCutcheon Copyright, 1913, By Oeo. Barr McCutcheon. A Fool and His Money “ None whatever,” she said, rather noise for a day or tw o?” she asked, still searching for her. “ Does it seem very prettily. so to you ?” plaintively. S Y N O P S IS OF P R E V IO U S “ Certainly,” said I tco surprised to “ Y es.” I can’t remember having heard a > IN S T A L L M E N T S . “ Then 1 must be looking in the right sweeter voice than hers. Of course, by say anything else. “ In— is there any­ > In the opening installments of " A > Fool and Ilis Money,’ ’ Geo. Barr Me- direction,” I cried impolitely. "Y o u this time, I was thoroughly convinced thing else?” > Cutcheon’ s charming novel, serial “ Nothing, thank you,” she replied. must Jjc— Ah! ’ ’ that she was a lady— a cultured, high > rights fur which have been specially My straining eyes had located bred lady— and an American. I was Then: “ Good night, Mr. Bmart. You > obtained for the Home and Farm small, oblong blotch in the curve of too densely enveloped by the fogginess are very good.” > Magazine Section, we learn of John > Bellamy Smart, the young man who “ D on’t forget tomorrow— ” tho tower not more than twenty feet of my own senses at this time, however, > is telling this story. He lias just from where I stood, and on a direct to take in this extraordinary feature of But the oblong aperture disappeared > written his first novel, and at tho line with my balcony. True, I could the case. Later on, in the seclusion of with a sharp click, and i found myself > same time has fallen heir to an im- not at first sec a face but as my eyes ray study, the full force of it struck staring at the blank, sphynx-like wall. > mense fortune left him by his uncle. > He is 35 years of age. grew a little more accusto-ined to the me and I marveled. Taking up my pad, my pipe and my > After u visit to London, Smart darkness, 1 fancied I cor.ld distinguish ) takes a trip on the River Danube. That plaintive note in her voice pencil, and leaving all of my cherished a shadow that might pass for one. > After finding an old-world town, he served its purpose. My firmness seemed ideas out there in the cruel darkness, > discovers an ancient castle, which he “ I didn’t know that little window to dissolve, even as I sought to rein­ never to be recovered— at least not in > purchases from its owner, the Count. was there,” I ciied, puzzled. force it by an injection of harshness their original form — I scrambled > With his secretary, Poopendyke, ’ he “ It isn ’t ,” she said. “ It is a secret, into ray own manner of speech. > takes possession of the immense through tue window, painfully scrap­ loophole, and it isn ’t here except in > structure, which is supposed to be “ Then you should be willing to va ing my knee in passing—just in time to > tenanted only by the caretaker and times of great duress. See! I can close escape tho deluge. > his family, the Schmicks. To Smart’ s it .” The oblong blotch abruptly dis­ cate my premises er— o r ” — here is > amazement, the first night, he hears I am sure I should have enjoyed a began to show irresoluteness— “ or ex appeared, only to reappear an instant > the cry of a baby. terrific drenching if she had chosen to later. 1 was beginning to understand. plain yourself.” > Looking out at a balcony one night subject mo to it. > Smart sees the white figure of a “ W on ’t you be generous? ” Of course it was in tho beleaguered > woman silhouetted. He immediately (To Be Continued.) east wing! “ I hope I didn’t startle ou I cleared my throat nervously. How > begins a hunt for Schmiek, the care- a moment ago.” well they know the cracks in a man’s » taker, to solve the mystery of who > tho woman may be. With the I resolved to be very stiff and formal armour! ’ Schmicks he endeavors to break down about it. “ May I enquire, madam, “ I ain willing to be— amenable to • a heavily barred door into that sec- Why do the leading merchants what you are doing in my hou— my reason. That's all you ought to ex » tion of the castle, but fails. Smart of Portland and the Northwest castle?” • learns that souvenir hunters from pect.” A fresh idea took root. “ Can’t call upon BEHNK E-WALKER » New York are demanding to buy the “ You m ay.” we effect a compromise? A trust, or » castle heirlooms. Smart's visitors BUSINESS COLLEGE for thor- “ W ell,” said I, seeing the point, something of the sort? All 1 ask is demand to buy the curiosities of the . oughly competent, well trained “ what are you doing here?” > castle although he assures them time that you explain your presence here. help? Eight hundred and forty- “ I ant living here,” she answered I will promise to be as generous as • and time r.gain they are not on sale. three firms have called on us ’ They think he is holding out for a distinctly. possible under the circumstances.” • higher prica. The would-be buyers for one or moro stenographers or “ So I perceive,” said I, rather too “ Will you give me three days in ' are insulting, and are roughly eject­ bookkeepers since August 1, distinctly. ed from th j castle. Smart discovers which to think it o v e r !” she asked, af 1913. Over 2000 of our students a woman s face at an upper window. “ And I have come down to ask a ter a long pause. ' He is too much interested to attend are holding lucrative positions in simple, tiny little favor of you, Mr. to his correspondence, as is desired by “ N o.” Portland alone. Let us prepare his secretary. Smart determines to Smart,” she resumed. “ Well, two days?” solve the mystery of the east wing of you and furnish you a position “ You know my name?” I cried, sur­ “ I ’ll give you until tomorrow after­ the castle and enters a window by when competent. prised. means of a ladder. He is blocked by noon at five, when 1 shall expect you “ I am reading your last book— Arc o receive me in person. ’ * a stout door on which is pinned a Write— no trouble to answer. note reading: “ Please keep out. This & you goi n g t” “ That is quite impossible.” 1 is private property.” “ Just a moment, please,” I called “ But I demand the right to go where­ >ut, struck by a splendid idea. Reach­ ver I please in my own castle. You— ” H AVE no patience with the so-called ing inside the window I grasped the “ I f you knew just how circumspect BUSINESS COLLEGE. eccentricity of genius. It is merely lanthorn and brought its rays to bear 1 am obliged to be at present you I wouldn’t impose such terms, Mr. an excuse for unkempt hair, dirty upon the— perfectly blank wall! Portland, Oregon. finger nails, unpolished boots, open stared open-mouthed and unbelieving. Smart. ’ ’ Good heaven! Have I been dreaming plkcquets, bad manners and a tendency “ Oho! Circumspect! That puts a new ¿o forget pecuniary obligations, to say all this?” I cried aloud. light on tho case. What have you been My gaze fell upon two tiny holes in up to, madam?” I spoke very severely. nothing of such trifles as besottedness, vulgarity and the superior knack of the wall, exposed to view by the bright She very properly ignored the banal knowing how to avoid making suitable light o f my lamp. They appeared *to be ty. “ If I should write you a nice, provision for one’s wife and children. All precisely in the center of the spot so agreeable letter, explaining as much as Guaranteed Wear Erer Hoeiery For the shabby shortcomings in the character recently marked by the elusive oblong. I can, w on’t you be satisfied?” Men and Women o f an author, artist or actor are blithe­ Even as I stared at the holes, a slim “ I prefer to have it by word of Ladies’ Special Offer ly charged to genius, and we are con­ object that I at once recognized as a mouth. ” tent to let it go at that for fear that finger protruded from one of them and She seemed to be considering. “ I For Limited Tim e Only— other people may think we don’t know wiggled at me in a merry but exceed­ will come to this window tomorrow Six pair of our finest 35c value ladies’ hose in black, tan or white colors •ny better. As for myself, I may be ingly irritating manner. night at this time and—and let you guaranteed with written guarantee, for fi.O O and lOo Sensibly I restored tho lanthorn to know,” she said reluctantly foolish and inconsequential, but heaven for postage, etc. will bear witness that I am not mean its place inside the window and waited “ Very v e il,” said L ‘ ; W e’ll let it SPECIAL OFFER FOR MEN for the mysterious voice to resume. enough to call myself a genius. rest till then.” “ Are you so homely as all that?” I So we will call it stupidity that put “ And, by the way, 1 have some For a limited time only, six pairs of our me where I might be rained upon at demanded when the shadowy face look­ thing more to ask or you. is it qnite finest 35c vslue Guaranteed Hose any color any moment, or permanently interrupt­ ed out once more. Very clever of me’ necessary to have all this pounding and with written guarantee and a pair of our ed by a bolt o f lighting. (There were I thought. hammering going on in the castle? The well known M e n ’ s Paradise Garters for On« “ I am considered rather good-look­ noise is dreadful. I don ’t ask it on my Dollar, and 10c for postage, etc. low mutterings o f thunder behind the kills, and faint flashes as if a mon ing,” she replied, serenely. “ Please own account, but for the baby. You You know these h o se; they stood the test etrous giant had paused to light his don ’t do that again. It was very rude see, she’s quite ill wtth a fever, Mr. when all failed. They givo real foot ifort They have no seams to rip. They pipe oa the evil, wind swept peaks of o f you, Mr. Smart.” er become loose and baggy as the shap« Smart. Perhaps you ’ve heard her cry- “ Oh, I ’ve seen something of yon be­ knit in, not pressed in. They are Guar­ the Caucasus mountains.) ing.” anteed for fineness, for style, for superiority I was scribbling away in serene con­ fore this,” I said. “ You have long, of material and workmanship, absolutely ‘ The b a oy ?” I muttered. and to wear six months without tempt for the physical world, when beautiful brown hair—and a dog.” ‘ It is notning serious, of course. stainless holes, or a new pair free. She was silent. there came to my ears a sound that The doctor was here today and he re­ “ I am sore you will pardon me if I gave me a greater shock than any Don’ t delay, send in your order beforu assured me— ” streak of lightning eould have pro very politely ask who you are?” I went “ A—doctor here today?” I gasped. offer „expires. Give correct size. faced and yet left sufficient life in n r on. Bhe laughed once more. Verily, it WEARrEVER HOSIERY COMPANY, “ That question takes me back to the to appreciate the senation of being elec was a gentle, high bred laugh. Dayton, Ohio. favor. Will you b# so very, very kind trified. “ Will you please put a stop to the A woman’s voice, speaking to me out as to eease bothering me, Mr. Smartf ©f the darkness and from some point It is dreadfully upsetting, d on ’t you quite near at hand! Indeed, I could know, feeling that at any moment you have sworn it was almoet at n.y elbow; may rush in and— ” “ I like that. In my own castle, •he might have been peering over my to o l” •boulder to read my thoughts. A n y Instrument E asily— Q uickly “ There is ample room for both of «‘ I beg your pardon, but would you us,” she said sharply. “ I shan’t be mind doing me a slight fa v o r f,, Those were the words, uttered in a here for more than a month or six elear, sweet, perfeetly confident voice, weeks, and I am sure we ean get along ns of one who never caked for favors, very amiably under the same roof for that length o f time if y on ’ll only for but exacted them. I looked about me, blinking, utterly get that I am here.” “ I can ’t very well do that, madam. bewildered. No one was to be seen. Bhe laughed. Without really meaning You aee, we are making extensive re to do so, I also laughed— nervously, of pairs about the place and you are prov­ ing to be a serioua obstacle. I cannot eouree. YOU STUDY AT HOME “ Can’t you see m e !’ ’ she asked. I grant your request. I t will grieve me I Miatakae are impoanibla— the young- looked intently at the «pot from which enormously if I am compelled to smoke Ml child can laara— Pncr* are law. the sound seemed to ocme— a perfectly you out, but I fear— ” Let oa put the joy of noaic in yens “ Smoke me out! ” •olid stone block less than thre* feet home, writ« today to “ Perhaps with sulpbnr,” I went on fTom my right should r. It must have American School of Music beer very amusing. She laughed again. resolutely. ” At ia said to be very Fifth Floor Cora bob wealth Bldg. effective.” I flushed -esentfnlly. Portland. Oregon. “ Surely yon will aot do anything so • • Where : re you ? ’ ' I cried out rather A Perfect Tisne Beater F sn iiM Free horrid. ’ 9 tartly. r r iv t “ Only as a last reaort. First, we “ I can see you quit# plainly, .nd yon ............................ D irector f. * . M'•Curdy. Hor* McCardj are very ugly when you viowl, air. Are shall rely on smoke. You will admit f n a Emmerich; Signor A. Vieottl; Mona that you have no right to peach oa my you scowling at m e?” “ I don ’t know,” I replied truthfully, preserve* > I Special Hosiery Offer WeTeach You To Play —mem