HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION 10 up to this tim e are lim ited in th a t di from his home clearing, doing tho work rection. Hemlock stumps have been unassisted by older persons. burned, however, an odd but effective R ut even this leaves a wide m argin device being used. A number of 30- of value for the char-pitting process. I t J. L. Ashlock, of the Washington State College, Gives Much penny nails were driven into spots of is the stump of diam eter ranging from the wood which would be exposed to the 24 to 60 inchec th at puts dism ay into Valuable Information. fire, five or six nails being driven into the heart of the farm er. He knows spot. The heads of the spikes th at by hard work he can get out tho Upon investigating such cases, Sparks each (Concluded.) w ef' left sticking out about an inch. scrubby growth. Perhaps he can even discovered th at where failures occured, H ILE the process as described sue fire was then built in the usual way. afford to use an inexpensive charge of ceeded very well in Woodland it seemed to be beeause tho top of the The Iron is a good conductor of heat, so powder now and then to split and loosen stump had been burned instead of the clearings and elsewhere where when the fire was burning, the heat fol­ the sm aller stumps. Show him how to base and roots. Another class of fail­ sim ilar conditions prevailed, Sparks lowed the nails into the wood, drying get the big ones out, and before m any ures were apparently duo to neither the very soon round th at in other localities out and m aking it more combustible. months have passed, he will have a till­ top nor the roots having taken the fire. it would fail. F or instance, the Wood The stum ps were destroyed in this way. able clearing. This desultory kind of success did not land m ethod would not do tho business Green stum ps will burn very well •add to tho popularity of char-pitting in sandy soil. gas has been found on a farm a when started, though they are a little few N atural stumps, and for months the outcome of miles west of the town of Dauphin, It took many months to surm ount this more difficult to fire. The bark, which M anitoba, which is about 178 miles north­ the investigations was dubious. difficulty. Finally, laying aside for the re's protection to the growing w est of W innipeg. It is reported that the moment the study of different mechani­ Sparks again took up the scientific is tree n atu gas has been burning w ith the flam e six against the extrem es of tem pera­ cal steps to produce burning, Sparks side of the question. Radiated heat, he should be removed. Chop through feet above the ground for several duys. delved into the science of heat, radia­ reasoned, travels in straight lines, and ture, the sapwood in a few places. Then tion, combusion, and kindred subjects, when it strikes an opposing surface, the with good kindling -Löndon “ Tango” Necklace ordinary care, seeking in the foundation sciences of it angle at which it is deflected is equal green stum ps may bo and fired. In experi­ r » “ “ "Evelyn Thaw” Bracelet all the solution for his problem. He to the angle at which it strikes. T hat m ents which have been made in clear­ eventually succeeded, working out his is, if the bulk of the imprisoned heat ings of Oregon and W ashington, stumps These two beautiful pieces of pop- conclusion in this wise: comes against the inner part of the cov­ of all kinds, from 50 years old to a few tilar jew elry are the craze among so­ ciety women in New York and the The covering is put on the wood to ering along perpendicular lines, it will weeks, have been burned out. largest cities. 1 hey are neat and ele­ keep the air from reaching the fire in a be thrown back perpendicularly, or into gold finished articles th at will volume which would produce complete the fire. Rnt if the lines along which More difficult to handle than green gant the heart of every girl or combustion. Rut th at is not all. The the heat approached the cover formed stum ps of otherwise fairly combustible gladden women, no m atter how young or old. covering is put on to conserve the heat. an angle the bulk of the heat would wood, are the stumps of w hite fir and Very stylish and attractive. Therefore, a good covering must be a cither bo thrown into the stum p higher cedar. The form er trees are also known Our Free Offer. We are advertising as balsam. Ralsam stum ps frequently non-conductor ;>f heat. Such a covering up, or away from the stump into the Spearm int Chewing Gum and desire to become so wet th at they will not float. place a big box of this fine, healthful should bo loose and fluffy, one which ground, this depending of course upon does not run together and solidify under the angle of contact. In other words, if Cedar stum ps likewise will absorb much gum into every home. It sweetens the hitens the teeth and aids di­ the influence of heat. Clay is such a the cover were piled too high up the moisture. Furtherm ore, their roots are breath—w It is refreshing and pleasing side of the stump, and if it were fla t­ often small and numerous, and it is the gestion. covering, and sand is not. to all. To one sending us but 50c Now, why is this tru e! Well, in the tened too much, most of the heat would big roots which yield most readily to and 10 cents every to cover shipping costs we first place, ‘‘dead a ir ” is the most ef be driven into the ground. In either char-pitting. Men of W estern W ashing will ship a big box of 20 regular .>o fcctive barrier to the radiation of heat case, firing would not occur. The heat ton and Oregon who have succeeded in packages of the Spearm int Gum and in­ th at is known. Anyone who has built from the fire should be driven back char-pitting other tree stumps, report clude the elegant, a house or even lived in one, knows that along perpendicular lines into the fire many absolute failures w ith cedar and “ T ango” Necklace and “ E velyn ” Bracelet absolutely free. a house with double walls is warm er in from which it came. The intense heat white fir. Among them it is quite gen­ T haw offer is for a short tim e only. tho w inter than a house with single generated by this m anner of radiation erally agreed th at in bottom s where N ot This more 2 orders to one party. walls. Rut what has this to do w ith the and reflection is shown by the occa white fir and cedar predominates, the Dealers not than allowed to accept this. covering over the kindling wood which sional form ing of a clinker under the char-pit m ethod is more difficult of operation than on benches where red UNITED SALES COMPANY crown of the stump. is to fire a stump? P . O. Box 101. Simply this: Each n.inute pore space To overcome the difficulty which is fir and equally com bustible stum ps are Dayton, Ohio. in the soil composing the cover contains experienced in regulating the height of found in soil which is of a clayey con a smnll bit of air. The sum total of air the cover, beginners are simply advised sistency. thus retained is considerable, and is a to experim ent till they find how high Sparks, however, has succeeded in fir Call on the dead air space. H eat escaping through tne pile should be for their particular ing w hite fir and cedar, and, while ac­ tho covering must warm the imprisoned conditions. No definite rule can be knowledging it to be a difficult thing to do, believes th at it can be done where air before getting out, and th at is not given. the necessary prelim inary steps arc quickly done. So the heat of the fire Suitable Fuels. taken. H is m ethod begins w ith the Main Office, First and Couch Street. is held under the cover. Another fine of experim entation has chopping aw ay of the bark and sapwood Portland, Oregon. Right Kind of Soil. to find different fuels which arc and the exposing of as much of the roots Clay is the right kiml of soil, but been cheap and suitable for use where wood We are Always at your Servica as possible so th at in tho dry season why? There are two principal reasons. cannot readily be obtained for kindling, The first is th at clay soils are usually which is often the case in seasons of the stum ps can dry out. He does the Phone or wire rush orders at our expense. enriched by a considerable amount of de­ prolonged rain. Fuel oil has been found firing in the very dryest season of the cayed organic m aterial, leaves, particles to be very good for this purpose. This year. Auger holes are bored into the of roots, and other combustible sub is the same m aterial which is used by stumps, nails are driven in, pitch and other concentrated fuel is used in the stance. When the clay becomes intense­ oil locomotives. In using this kindling, and every precaution is taken The Silver N itrate preparation for all ly heated, the organic m aterial is con fuel burning of tobacco habit. An improvement on oil for stum p burning, the stumps to dry the stum p and make the fire as forms that used at Industrial Schools and .Tnrenil# sinned, leaving small cavities which im­ are prepared Courts. At your druggist, or send 50c fof by taking off the bark and hot as fire can be made. The cover m ediately 'ill up with air. Thus a clay digging away the surface soil to a depth full treatm ent. Postpaid. soil becomes light and fluffy when sub­ of six or seven inches, m aking a trench should be put on w ith every possible ARGENTINE CO.. DEPT. P. care. jected to heat. 451 Vi M orrison Street, Portland, Oregon. about a foot wide and the side sloping Pitch For Kindling. Tho second reason why clay is good the stump. Some saw dust is put for a covering is th at it does not run toward in the trench, or in the absence of saw ­ W hile pitch is useful in the kindling, into the fire and sm other it. In this dust, a few chips. kindling is nec­ pitch in the stum p retards the process. particular, sand fails. The particles are essary to ignite the The oil, which, like coal, This is because charcoal-burning is FOR SALE IN ANY QUANTITY so loosely “ bound” together th at they will not burn well until heated. Then largely a m atter of distillation, and an Samples and prices on request. sift down into the fire, and also, when the oil is poured over the kindling. excess of resinous substance in the Get in touch w ith us; we can save yen the organic m aterial contained in the Next, some bark and pieces of wood are stump naturally makes the process of money. Prom pt service. sand is burned out, the mass settles to ­ thrown the fuel oil to hold the cov­ distillation slower; th at is, the pitchy CHICAGO JUNK CO. gether in a solid mass. Rand used for ering up. over Next, or cinders are put constituent of wood is distilled o ff in­ 550 Front St. Phone Main 765. Portland, Ore. a covering not only smothers the fire by on, or soil, if it is clay stead of burning as it does in an open the right kind. From pouring into it. but packs together and this point on the usual care is given. flame. R ather curiously, w ater an en­ excludes the air, m aking combustion It is not necessary to use fuel oil in tirely non com bustible substance, and quite impossible. seasons where com bustible m aterial pitch which is highly inflam m able, alike a chemical compound th at carries certain To overcome the difficulties encoun­ dry be retard the process of char pitting. secured. death to gophers and moles. Not a poison, tered where sandy covering is alon# can Recent experim ents have been made Of the economic importance of a safe and easy to nss. Better than trap s be­ available, Sparks tried artificial cov­ with the view method of removing stumps which is cause it gets i d of them all a t once. P ries of reducing tho anonn t of erings such as sheet iron, tin and the fuel necessary to start the fire. Stum ps within reach of the man who by neces­ $1.50. Money order. like, all of which failed. He also tried were selected where two roots were lo­ sity is compelled to rely upon his bare THE GREEN CHEMICAL COMPANY, lime, tar, and many different substances cated about the right distance apart hands, his ax, and fire, and which' can 364 E ast 26th Street North. Portland, Oregon as a “ binder” to hold the sandy soil for a small between them. Then be operated successfully upon all stumps together, and again failed. Finally he the bark was fire removed, which a of ordinarily combustible wood as big as tried cinders and ashes for the covering small hols about a foot after was dug they grow and down to eight or twelve where clay soil was not available. He between the roots. Then deep three houses that are offered at hole inches in diameter, little need be said. We have to $2,000 below their actual value. succeeded. Ashes, while unlike clay, was bored from the side an of auger eacn root Tn Washington alone there is a strip of $1,000 Why not bay them now and save big money remain light and flu ffy during the fir- opposite the hole, piercing down what yon 11 have to pay in one ve*g and land paralleling Puget Sound, which is over now? Also some choice V alley farm ing. which is the desirable thing. from 15 to 30 miles in width and 150 from lands Cheap, for sale or trade. Term s to across the roots, and coming ont abont miles long, much of which has not been suit purchaser. Recent Demonstration. half way between the gronnd line aad KELLER * DEAL reclaimed from the forest clearings. Es­ In a recent demonstration showing the bottom of the hole. how to char pit stumps in sandy soil, Then the fire was started in the hole, timates which are accepted as approxi $14 Lumber Exchange Bldg.. Portland. O r* the bark was removed from the atumpe nsing not more kindling than could mately correct by ths agricultural ex­ and roots where the fire was to be ap­ easily be carried at one armful. When perts of the state, indicate that this plied. A shallow trench was made the fuel had burned down to a bed of undeveloped empire should yield 850,- around the stump, and into this was coals, one pint of fuel oil was poured 000,000 annually in agricnltnral produce; Farm H ands and M ilken a Specialty. placed the fuel covered over with a down each of the anger holea, the holes ♦ hat it is capable of supporting ten times We furnish the leading C ontractors. Log­ Camps. Mills. Factories and Farm ers in mixture of ashes and cinders. Two then being covered over lightly to pre­ the population it now supports; that ging and W ashington with help. Let os operators fired 18 stumps in six hours, vent too strong a draft. The following five acres of the land is quite su ffi­ Oregon supply you. W ire rush orders at our ex­ and 15 were burning the following morn­ day it was found that the stumps had cient for an average-sized family. Quite pense. ing. Three had been put out by a heavy been successfully fired. The advantage recently the State College has been in­ LE W E S ft M YE R S rain. The other stumps were char- of using auger holes is that there is af­ formed that preparations are under way **« Barn aide Street. Portland. O r.,on . pitted. forded the opportunity of supplying the to rid several thousand seres of this In the way described the problem of fire with concentrated fuel without dis land of stumps by the char pitting meth­ sandy soils was settled. Then another turbing the eover, and the auger holes od during the coming summer. A few A G E N TS W A N TE D difficulty arose. When the soil was furnish a vent through and under the months ago the eommisaioners of one In Every Town to H andls right, and all other conditions for fir wet sap wood, thus evaporating moisture of the Sound eounties let a contract for LANGE S MINERAL WONDER ing apparently ideal, failures would nev in tbe wood and making it more sus the removal of stumps from a coanty A N atural M ineral Remed,. road by the charring process, and a 15 ertheless occur. Men would fire their An Artiele of G reat M erit, year old boy whose home was in the Al h a r p and Profile. ■ tumps, some of which would burn out, ceptible to the fire. n Reputable B a.ineee. How Fires Are Built, W BITR FOR PARTICCT.ARS. neighborhood where the work was done, and others would fail, though it seemed H W LAKOE ft SOM that all the stumps had been treated in i Hardwood trees are not common in caught the idea of it. and within a few Portland. Oregon. Boa 107« I Washington and Orogen, no experiments weeks had burnt out 185 giant stumps the same way. Removing Stumps at Moderate Cost W FOR HELP OF ALL KINDS Pacific Employment Co. QuitCigarettes-Argenite SACKS GOPHER KIBAS Are You c««»» Portland General Em ploym ent