Summons. PARALYSIS, Cooling Wash Stops That Itch In the Circuit Court of the State of NEURASTHENIA, Oregon tor i’olk County. N tU K I I Id, Amy G. Chitty, Frank Lane, Alice 1. NEURALGIA, Dempsey, Frank V. Brown, Arvilla and their Tea—not In half an hour—not In troubles. We can Rive you a Rood size Monson. A. N. Newbill ami Sadie (1. tan minute»— but in 6 seconds. trial bottle of the genuine D. L>. l>. Physiologic treatment by New bill, Mary A. Graham, M. D. Just a few drops of that mild, south­ Prescription for only ¿5 cents. ELECTRICITY Willson, L. D. Leighton and h.uuiia ing. cooling wash, the D. D. D. Pre- fail to try this famous remedy ccrlption, the famous cure for Eczema, for Don't L. Leighton, Plaintiffs, vs. John L. as useu Dy any kind of summer skin trouble— end the itch is cone. Your burning skin Shelton, William F. Shelton, James UR. TOEL 1 i Instantly relieved and you have ab- we know D. D. D. will Rive you lu»taut M. Shelton, Kvan L. Shelton, Kliza frduia protection from all summer skin relief« Shelton, May E. Shelton, Annie the former Chicago Specialist now in Hayes, Orville Hayes, Lizzie Moody, George Moody, Martha J. Chapman, U a l LA & The blood becomes pure again Charles Chapman, Lueretia Klch- ardson, "John" Richardson, William as the poisonous substances cir­ Paralysis is either general or! C Wilson, Fredrick H. Wilson, Min­ Tho K in d Y ou Have Always Bought, and which has been local. General paralysis, i n 1 culating in it are destroyed by nie Prior, Della Pierce, Lee in use for over ¿50 years, has borne tho signature of Pierce, May Baker, J. W. Baker, which a number of muscles are the ozone, the nerves get their i — — —— “ *»‘1 has been inode under his per- Daisy C. Wilson, Fdward C. Wilson, unable to work, is usually caus­ proper norishmejit and the p a -! so,ial suiK-rvisiou since Us Infancy, the unknown heirs of Solomon Shel­ tient is able to sleep again with- j A llow ,io o*»e to deceive you in this. ton, deceased; also all other persons ed by the rupture of a small A ll C oiintorfeits, Imitations and “ Ju«t-us-jjooil arc but out waking up 5 to 10 times a 1 or parties unknown claiming any blood vessel in the brain, caus­ Kxpcrluicnts that trifle with and endanger tho health of right, title, estate, lien or Interest ing a blood clot in this soft sub­ night. The lassitude disappears lufauts and Children—experience against Experiment« in the real estate described in the stance. The nerves taking their and the patient is able to work complaint herein, defendants. from that particular part again. The muscles themselves To Martha J. Chapman. Charles origin _ Chapman, Fredrick H. Wilson, Minnie of the braill call consequently are strengthened by the electric Prior, Della Pierce, Lee Pierce, Lizzie n o t be excjted to cause COIltrac- curents passing through them Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ Moody, George Moody, Lueretia Rich-; , . mllsriP<, ¡lnd i f this and as the red blood corpuscles All God'» Work Is Perfect— Adam goric, Drops and Soothing Sjrups. It is pleasant. It ardson, "John" Richardson (whose Uon Of their muscles, anu it w ub are increased in number the pa­ Alone Tried For Life or Death. contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Aareotie Christian name is unknown to plain- j condition continues lor a long Adam’s Family Born In a Dying » substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms tin’s), william c. Wilson, Daisy c. wti- j time, the muscles will atrophy tient regains the normal rosy and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it Condition—Difference Between Per­ r »on. May Baker and J. W. Baker, and j and shrink away, thus making color of health in his cheeks. In has been in constant use ior tho relief of Constipation, to the unknown heirs of Solomon one word, he is perfectly well mitting and Causing Sin— Human H Shelton, deceased; and also to all the paralysis permanent. Flatulency, Wind Colic, ali Teething Troubles and again, as his good apj>etite indi­ Depravity a Test to the Angels— Pur­ » i Local paralysis is usually other persons or parties unknown Dlarrlnea. I t regulates the Stomach anti Bowels, pose of Law Covenant— Purpose of claiming any right, title, estate, lien or caused by an accident, causing cates. assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. Neuralgia is a very painful af­ Jesus' Death—Church Alive In Christ. interest in the real estate described an injury to the nerve going to Tho ChUdreu’s Panacea,—The Mother’s Friend. in the complaint herein, of the above- those particular muscles, alter fliction of a nerve branch as it Ou tiie Atlantic. named defendants: comes out of the brain or from .Homeward Bound. In the name of the State of Oregon: it has left the brain. the spinal nerves. It is usually The effect upon the muscles You are hereby notified to appear and June 21.—A f t e r answer the complaint filed against is the same as in paralysis caus­ caused by poor blood circulation successfully P Bears the Signature you in the above entitled Court and ed by a blood clot in the brain. in the nerve. launching his fa I suit within six weeks from the date of Neuritis is inflammation of uious C r e a t i o n __________ of _ this sum They atrophy and shrink away the first publication the sheath of the nerve, the D r a m a in the to-wit" on or before the 3rd ! unless forced to contract by OUt- Princess Theatre day of July. 1914; aud if you fail sj,je means. Medicines taken pressure from the inflammatory iu L u n d o n last so to answer, for want thereof, the . , t . ,1 c tn iiio rh ni- used e x t e r — deposit in the sheatth causing plaintiffs will apply to the Court ln t° S tom a ctl or useu t x i e r Sunday - the first the pain. | for a decree as prayed for in said \ lially have, of course, HO effect of a scries of ex- | Lumbago is an acute inflam­ complaint, to-wit: That the defend- 1 upon the regular contractions hibitions that will matory Double of the must lea ants herein may he required to set muscles, neither have extend throughout forth the nature of their claims in and manipulations of the spine that of the lower part of the back the principal cities to all those certain tracts and parcels and the hip. The muscles get of the U n i t • d of land described as follows, to-wit: are so much used now by irreg­ iia l and stiff, and the nerves Kingdom aud the Continent—l'astor The west half of lot No. 4, in Block No. ular practioners. THE CENTAUR COM P ft N V IEW YORK CITV. 2, in Donkey's First Addition to the The only thing that will pro­ being compressed, the slightest Bussell is ou the Atlantic homeward f ja bound. Tile Pastor’s text today was. town (now city) of Dallas, in Polk duce regular contractions o f the movement causes the most ex­ **Kveu County, State of Oregon; owned by when we were dead ln sins. cruciating pain. the plaintiff Amy G. Chitty; the south muscles which will keep tne <.\>d bath quickened us together with The same form of affliction half of Lot No. 5, iu Block No. 2 in muscles alive until the injury has Christ.’*—Ephesians 2:0. Summons. Donkey's First Addition to the town been repaired by time, is electri­ then apjiears in the muscles of bummons. The discourse began with u review j In the Circuit Court of the State of (now city) of Dallas, in Polk County, ¡.he neck so that the head is of Adam’s trial in Kden. The speaker j In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, owned by Frank Lane; the city. Oregon for the County of Polk. drawn to one side, the muscles Oregon for the County of Polk. demonstrated that man was created | Three different forms of elec­ Charles A. Moyer, Plaintiff, vs. Susie east half of Lot No. 4, in Block No. 2 Nathan M. Conner, plaintiff, vs. perfect. In the Image and likeness of j in Donkey's First Addition to the town tric currents are used for this becoming hard and stiff. A. Moyer, Defendant. James M. Carlisle, an insane person, To Susie A Moyer, above named de­ (now city) of Dallas, in Polk County, Rheumatism of the muscles his Creator; but that he disobeyed purpose according to the time and J. C. Syron, his Guardian; the un fendant: Oregon, owned by Alice I. Dempsey; is a chronic trouble of the same God and brought upon himself the known heirs at law of Polissa Rowell, In the name of the State of Oregon, Lot No. 5 in Block No. 11, in Conkey's that has elapsed since the paral- order. In gout the assimilation curse of death. Since Adam’s poster j deceased; also all other persons or you are hereby required to appear and Second Addition to the town (now ysis began, Ity were all after his fall. It uat- | parties unknown claiming auy right answer the complaint tiled against city) of Dallas, in Polk County. Ore Three different forms of ap ol the food is not properly per­ urnlly follows that they partake of his title, estate, lien or interest in the real you in the above entitled court aud gon, owned by Frank V. Brown; Lot i ,)a r a ( ug have to be used accord- formed ind uric acid is deposi­ property described in the complaint sujt on or before six weeks from date No. 7 in Block No. 11. in Coukey s ------- ted in the joints, the pressure Imperfection. All mankind ure under the death sentence. herein, defendants. j f the flrst publication of this Sum- Second Addition to the town (now | ingly, or no effect Is produced of this upon the nerve ends To the unknown heirs at law of Polis- mon8i an(1 you are further notified city I of Dallas. Polk County. Oregon,' and the specialist who wants to The Pastor then discussed the propo­ causing the pain, the circula­ sition which the Rlbie sets before hu­ sa Rowell, deceased, and also to all that if you fa|[ so to appear and ans- owned by Arvilla Monson; Lot No. 1,7 g ej results from his treatment other persons or parties unknown wer for want thereof the plaintiff will 111 Block No. 12, in Donkey’s Second m u g j n o t Only be supplied with tion of i he blood in the affected manity. That proportion Is not one of claiming any right, title, estate, app,y t0 the court for the relief de- Addition to the town (now city) of . mi parts also being interfered with. Heaven or Hell, but of life or death. lien or interest in the real estate lPanded in said complaint, namely; Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, owned by , the three different forms of ap- In all of these .diseases medi­ To those who are ln harmony with describee in the complaint herein, i That the marriage contract now A. N. Newbill ami Sadie c. Newbill; , paratus, but must have many or claiming any interest or estate and heretofore existing between the Lot No. No. 2 in Block No. 12, in Con -1 years experience in their use. cines taken into the stomach as God and delight to do Ills will. He is 1 to the real property hereinafter de- plaintiff and the defendant be forever key's Second Addition to the town , j j ut anotber thing is necessary well as appled locally have been pleased to give life everlasting. But scribed, defendants: 1 dissolved. 2. That the rights and re­ • now city) of Dallas, in Polk County, . . . , _ found very inefficient. Mor­ to those not in harmony. He has de­ in the name of the State of Oregon, sponsihilities of the plaintiffs and de- Oregon, owned by Mary A. Graham; ! if the paralysis IS caused by a phine of course stops the pain creed to give desith eternal. For such You and each of you are hereby re- fendant, in the absence of misconduct beginning 29.60 chains east and 13.73 blood clot in the brain or apo­ there is no place In all His Universe. quired to appear and answer the com- shan be equal in regard to the cus- chains south of the northwest corner plectic stroke. For this is usual­ being felt for the time being.1 God does not expect humanity to do plaint filed against you in the above tody or control of the minor son. of the “ L " of the D. L. C. of Solomon hut it does not cure the cause perfectly In their present fallen condi­ entitled suit, in the above named Elmer Moyer; 3. That the plaintiff Shelton ami wife. Not. No. 1953, Claim ly caused by too high olood pres­ of the trouble-'-the poor circu­ tion. the speaker declared. The Law Court within six weeks from the date have such other and further relief as No. 52. in Tp 7 S. R. 5 W. of Will. Mer. sure. of the first publication of this sum- to t]ie court may seem meet and in Polk County, Oregon, which said i In such a case the blood pres lation. Chloroform apjilied lo­ was given to Israel for the very pur- mons, which said date of first publi- equitable. beginning point is also 1.07 chains gu ro 0Ught to be carefully meas- cally stops the pain for the time Ix>s<* of proving to them, and incidental­ cation of this summons is the 1 1 th This summons is published once a soutli of the S. W. corner of the Abel being, but it does not bring ly to all men, that "by the deeds o f the q ,-» a th en h v e le c t r ic tr e a t- day of June 1914, and if you fail so to weei( for a period of six successive Uglow mill lot; and running thence urcci and tn tn o y e le c t r ic tr e a t about proper circulation in the Law no tiesh can be justified ln His appear and answer said complaint the and consecutive weeks in the Polk west 78 feet; thence south lio feet, merit be reduced, so as to avoid pain usually re­ sight.” No fallen being can keep God's above named plaintiff will, for want County Itemizer, beginning with the thence east 78 feet; thence north 110 a new attack Of the bursting of a nerve. The perfect I^aw. Therefore no niun could thereof, apply to the Court for the isaue of June 4th, 1914, and ending feet to the place of beginning, being a ; blood vessels in the brain. turns. The have life everlasting if God had not relief prayed for and demanded in his tiie issue of of July 16th, 1914, part of the said Solomon Shelton and Quite different in its results said complaint, which is substantially under and in pursuance of the direc- wife D. L. C. owned by M. D. Willscn: cheapest form of an instrument is the application of electric cur­ done something for us. What He has done Is "the old. old story of Jesus aH follows: For a decree requiring tions contained in an order of publica- beginning 28.42 chains east and 13.75 to measure the blood preastire is said defendants, and each of them, y on 0f summons made herein by the chains south of the N. W. corner of built like a barometer with mer­ rents of very high voltage, sev­ and Mis love” —the Heaveuly Father’s whether they be heirs at law of Polls- Honorable J. B. Teal, County Judge of the " L ” of the D. L. C. of Solomon cury ill a glars tube, it allows eral hundred thousand volts and love. also. sa Rowell, deceased, or other persons p()]jf County, State of Oregon, made Shelton and wife, Not. No. . .,»3, Claim The thought that God is very angry extremely fast alternations, mil­ or parlies unknown claiming any and dated at Chambers, at Dallas. Polk No. 52, in Tp. 7 S. R. 5 West of the only the heart contraction pres­ lions each second. These cur­ with us. and was about to consign the sure to b e ¡aken. The best and right, title, estate, lien or interest in Count). Oregon. June 1, 1914. Will. Mer. In Polk County, Oregon, entire race to eternal torment when or to said real property, and each of Date of first publication June 4, 1914, which said beginning point Is also most most expensive form is rents stop pain very quickly; in them, to set forth the nature of their and date of last publication, July 16, 1.07 chains sou'll and 78 feet west of built like a fine watch with jew­ addition they regulate the blood Jesus stepped in and rescued us. is Im­ claim to the following described real id li. the S. W. corner of the Abel Uglow supply. The increased blood proper. This view represents our property situated in the County of BROWN, SIBLEY & BELT, mill lot; and running thence south eled bearings, depends upon air stream through the parts a f­ Heaveuly Father us most uulovlngand unjust, in that when He knew we were Polk and State of Oregon, to-wit: i Attorneys foi Plaintiff. 110 feet; thence west 55 feet; thence pressure and allows the contrac­ Being a part of the Donation Land I Citation. north 110 feet; and thence east 55 tion and dilation of the heart fected forces the inflammatory Imperfect He held us accountable for Claim of Daniel Rowell and Polissa ___ ' . . a, , . I feet to the place of beginning, being and the pulse pressure to be deposits into the lympathic ves­ whnt we could not do. All Bible stu­ Rowell, his wife, Notification No. 1892, In the County Court of the Sta r j ^ part of sajd go(om0n Shelton and sels and carry them away. The dents are losing this wrong conception. Claim No. 72, and being parts of Sec- Oregon for Polk County. ! w|fe jy p, c. owned by L. D. Leighton , measured. As Dr. Toel alway.i Permitting 8in and Causing Sin. tions seven (7) and eighteen (18) in jn tjie matter of the Estate of Rich- and Emma L. Leighton, and that all j uses the best apparatus o b ta ill- pressure upon the nerve fibre is Township six ( 6 ) South of Range five ard p Eettis, deceased. | adverse claims of defendants may be i able, this is the fo r m which ho released and a lasting cures re­ Pastor Bussell then showed the wide (5) West of the Willamette Meridian To Jane Daniels; and any unknown I determined hy a decree of said Court; uses. sults. difference between permitting and which said part is more particularly iie(rs Gf Richard R Bettis, deceased; I that by said decree it be declared Dr. Toel ’’ ns for 30 years made causing sin. For God to have caused To reduce the high blood pres­ described as beginning at the North and to all persons interested.greeting: | and adjudged that the said defendants sin would have l»een for God to do west corner of said Rowell Donation ]„ the name of the State of Oregon; j and each of them have no estate or in- sure a very powerful apparatus, a specialty of electrical opera­ evil. He was not resfwnislble for the Land Claim and running thence South y ou are hereby cited and required tc . terest whatever in or to said land and entirely different from those tions and treatriients. entrance of sin into the world. He per­ along the West line thereof thirty-onf apnt ar in the County Court of tiie fhat the title of the plaintiffs to their Dr. Toel can be found at his mitted Satan to pursue Ids downward and 17-100 (31.17) chains; th e n « Slatl. 0f Oregon for tiie County of respective tracts therein is good and used in treatment o f the paraly­ South 89 degrees 40 minutes East j> 0 lk, at the Court Room thereof In valid; and that the said defendants sis, is used which gives a very old office, 619 Washington St., course, ln order that the angels might thirty-seven and 39-100 (37.39) chains Dallas, in Polk County, Oregon, on and each of them be forever enjoined high voltage and millions of al­ Dallas, Oregon, one-half block see the results of sin. When Mother to a stake from which an ash tree j.'riday, tiie 3rd day of July, 1914, at 1C and debarred from asserting anv ternations per second. Tiie east of the S. P. depot, from 9 Eve came under temptation. God did seven inches in diameter bears N. 3 o’clock in the forenoon of said day claims whatever in or to said land ad­ a. m. to 12 noon, 2 to 5 p. m., 7 not Interfere. lie nlso permitted Fa degree W. 152 links distant; thence n,en and there to show cause, if an> verse to plaintiffs, and that the plain­ small outfits, now so much seen, Nortli twelve and 18-100 (12 18) chains yoll have, why the following described tiffs may have such other relief as taking from one to four am- to 8 p. m., Sunday, 10 to 1 p. m.. tiler Adam to disobey. Thus Sin and Deuth entered the world, with their to a stake; thence South 89 degrees real promises should not be soiu at mav 3 eem meet with equity. pheres of current, are entirely telephone 1303. tremendous Influences for evil. 40 minutes West one and 42-100 (1.42) privatc sale for cash in hand on date This summons, hv an order of the useless for this purpose. Dr. Specialties: The reign of Sin and Death has Ulus chains to an iron pipe: thence North „ { gaie> ln due course of administra- Hon. J. B. Teal, County Judge of Cancer and Tumors. Toel’s machine, especially built elghteen and 99-100 (18.99) chains to tion; sain lands being described as foi- trated certain principles, and has dein No knife and no loss of blood. an iron pipe on the North boundary lows,to-wit; Beginning 95 feet south k onstmted the necessity for obedience i~ u »«: p line of said Rowell D. L. C.; thence and 170 feet north, ■> degrees west -lav of May. 1914, is served upon you [ anipheres of cureut. No plasters and pain for to God. It has also proved that there 1 he cur­ North 89 degrees 40 minutes West, from tho southeast corner of the D. I,, bv the publication thereof, for a period rent when applied to the patient hours and days. can be no happiness aside from perfect thirty-five and 97-100 (35.97) chains to p c f Theorriore C. Thorp, Not. No. of six consecutive and successive Polypus, Goitre, Piles, Fistula, harmony with our Creator. Both men the place of beginning, and containing (¡ 743 , Claim No. 55, in Township 8 S.R weeks immediately frio r to the 3d is carefully measured by an ex­ tism. Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and angels have learned that whoever 133.60 acres, in order that the alleged g \y. of the Will. Mer. in Polk County, day of July, 1914. in the Polk County pensive jeweled meter. interest of said defendants, either as Oregon, and running thence N. 77 de- Ttemizer. a newspaper of general Prostate, Asthma sins will suffer. Neurasthenia is the fashion­ Gladder, heirs at law of Polissa Rowell, de- grces west 96 feet; thence north 13 ••irceintlon printed weekly at Dallas, able disease of the Americat Next was shown the puritose of the Diseases of Women, Skin and ceased, or as other persons or parties ,(egrees E 150 foeh; thence south 77 in snid County. The date of the flrst Diseases. Neuralgia Lnw Covenant made with Israel at claiming any right, title, estate, lien degrees east 62 feet; thenee south ouhilcstlon of this summons is May nation. The brain worker, law­ Nervous Sinai. The terms of tlint Covenant yer, banker, speculator, or wlial Neurasthenia, Gout. Rheuma- were that if Israel would keep God's or interest In or to said real property, j 74 feet to the place of beginning, con 21, 1914 and each of them, may be adjudged tabling one acre of land, more or less, Rronchitis, Catarrh, Dyspepsia else lie may be, suffers from it: BROWN, SIBLEY & BELT., eventually all the world would and determined by said Court, and witness the Hon J. B Teal, Judge Adv. the society lady who is over­ Constipation. •-oine under lh«*lr sway. But they soon Attorneys for the Plaintiffs. that by said decree it be declared and 0j the county Court of the State of found flint they could not oliey HD taxed with her social functions adjuged that said defendants and each Oregon, for the County of Polk, with is its victim; even the farmer’s o f them have no estate, right, inter- tpe scai Qf said Court affixed this 26th Dcniizer for artistic toh work i*oin maud men ts. Then God arranged Adminiftrator’s Notice. est or claim whatsoever in sir to said day c f May, 1914 an niiiiiial Atonement Hay. on which Notice is hereby Riven, to whom it wife with the never ceasinj' real property, or any part thereof, but Attest: ASA B. ROBINSON, JR., siu-rlflcc* w«*re ort«,re«i to «over tlndr may concern, that the undersigned grinding toil from before sun­ that they, and each of them, be es- (Sea]( County Clerk, «Ins for one year. Although they tried has been duly appointed administra­ rise till night often breaks dow. topped and forever debarred and en .... , „ to live without sin. yet general Ion aft trix of the estate of Clarence Aikman, Join«) from hereafter asserting orf a'- Brown, Siblej & Belt, completely in her nervous sys­ deceased, by the Hon. County court «*r generation dl«*d At last they rcnl- tempting to assert my interest in or Attorneys for the Estate, j of Polk County, Oregon. All persons tem and becomes a complete txed that tb«*y hail entered Inf«» a con right to said real property, or any part I indebted to said estate are hereby wreck. Sleep often becomes iin tract whl«-h they could not keep. 'hereof, and further decreeing that Notice of Final Settlement. notified to settle same at once, and jKtssible and the few snort per­ Plaintiff Is the owner in fee simple of Ths Church Aliv# In Christ, Notice is hereby given that Earl W. all persons holding claims agaiast all of said real - property — — ----- - above de- Blanchard, administrator of the estate said estate are hereby notified to pre- iods of it do not refresh the body. loiter. God promised t«i give them a scribed, and that plaintiffs title to a Covel, deceased, has filed his i sent the same duly verified, within All the functions o f the body be­ New Covenant, more favorable to _• j ___ _ ., L a f forever neAvae mil of on " said real f ____ property be quieted final account in said matter with the six months from the date hereof. them. The dlfTereme h«*tw«*en these come more or less afflicted and Dated at Dallas, Oregon, this 22nd the jiatient simply wastes away covenant» will t* in reganl M the M r i h o ^ e r ^ X r t l T b ! dav of M(V 1914 dlntor. Moses offered t.vph al sa« rt- and finally dies. fh e*. whl«-h » onl«l not remove sin. But ceased * V r *ta any“ “ clMmin* any “ «clock a* m . ai ¿he County ttourt I RACHEL M AIKM AN. Lack of ozone with the sub­ right, title, estate, lien or interest in Room, in the court house, in the city Administratrix of above named estate. the M-dintor of the New Caret is nt will sequent suboxidation of the or to the said real property above de- of Oalias, Polk county, Oregon, has >ibley & Kakin, Attorneys lie eiiqsiwered t«» lift the d«*nth curse blood allows poisonous sub­ scribed, or any part thereof, and for geen fixed by the Court as the time and restore man to the Image «»f God such other and further relief as to the ftnd p|ace f„r filing objections to the stances to form from the food This New lonr Covenant, the Pnstor Court may seem equitable in the pear|„g Df aajd finai account and the Notice of Final Settlement. taken, which when circulating explained. «;nnnot In* Inaugurated until Notice Is hereby Riven, that 1 the its Me<1lator Christ the H«*a«l. and the in the blood poison the nerve P This summons is published by order n «llM ^ P o lk f ’ounty Ore- undersigned executrix of the estate of Church the Ihaly Is completed of the Hon. John B. Teal. County Hated at f ounty. Ore C. W. Stengel, deceased, have filed i cells. Throughout fills GtfSpel Age the great Judge of Polk County. Oregon duly gon. and first published my final report in said matter in the Medicines have long ago been made and entered at Chambers at E AR L W BLANCHARD, anlltyplcal Moses lins lieci» offering tin* office of the County Clerk of Polk found wanting in this disease. Dallas. Oregon, on the 9th day of June, Administrator o f the Estate -lietler sa»Ht1«es.” Wh«*n these have County Oregon,and the 10th day of 1914. and the date of the first publica- of D. A. Covel. deceased, July, 1914. at 9 o'clock a. m. of said | The so-called rest cure simply Ifeen finish,si. the New Covenant will tlon 'of this summons Is June 11, 1914, Brown. Sibley A Belt day has been fixed by the County prevents the symptoms showing tie Inaugurated. That time, he be and said Defendants, and each of Attorneys for Administrator Court of said county, at the County ! themselves. What the body lleves. Is very n«*sr. them, are required to answer Plain­ Court House, as the time and place ! needs in this disease is “ Ozone.” The ehnrch. uinf "«lead in tr«*spass tiff's complaint within six weeks from when and where said final account Snliacrihe for the Itpmizpr FOR SALE BY es snd sins.” like the remainder «»f The high voltage high alterna­ will be heard. All persons Interested said date. • ___ humanity, hnve ts*en made alive, R L CONNER. In said estate are required to file any tion curents as used hy Dr. Toel through the Imputathui of J«*sus’ mer Attorney for Plaintiff. objections they may have or generate an enormous amount If. in advance of mankind. Gtsl’s pur­ show cause why said final report | o f ozone. This ozone is formed DALLAS. OREGON. pose In thus qul«-kehliig them Is that should not be allowed, approved and Civil Engineer Clean up Inside, purify your blood, in rcany pr.rts of the body trans- the said estate finally settled on or be­ lie Is -«electing a H msm to Is* nss»M lnf«-«! clear the complexion, redden the lips, It fc so fixed as above named. versed bv tin ie nrrents. I tvfft, our l.«*rd In the Kingdom S U R V E Y IN G fore the time brighten the eyes—take Hollister's L A N D Orders taken by the Itemizer FRIEDRICA STENGEL, ! given off into the air by the ele > Rocky Mountain Tea vou neel It now _ I O N _ . B» n k B u ild in g Executrix of the estate of I trie apparatus and is Inhaled. for monogramed utationery for to drive winter's Impurities and germ, J ® C. W. Stengel, Deceased. D allas from your syitem. a thorough blood P h o n e 4 5 J See being taken up by the blood In private correspondence. Ed F. Coad. purifier and spring tonic J5c. Tea Children Cry for Fletcher’s ( ' DEAD IN ADAM, ALIVE IN CHRIST , 99 "111 Unrighteousness Is Sin." “Wanes ol Sin Death" What is C A S T O R IA GENUINE C A S T O R IA Dallas Warehouse and Manufacuring C o (Successors to Barham Brothers) Building Materials of every kind (except Lumber) Cement, Sand, Gravel, Brick, Shingles, Plaster, Fence Posts, Drain Tile, Build­ ing Paper, and Composition Roofing, Metal Lath, Corner Beads, Fire Brick, Doors and Windows mûde, all kinds of S h jp w o rk , Hop Supplies of every de­ m scription. O ffice Directly West of School ALWAYS Pure Clean Milk Is a most wholesome food The Kind You Have Always Bought Make your children strong and In Use For Over 3 0 Years healthy on GUTHRIE DAIRY MILK From S T s s j r s a r t v„.cis i t •« ■*<■» » » « ** Tuberculin-tested Cows Rich, Sweet Cream Delivered to you Phone At 20 Cent* n F .nt 14x7 For Sale at Holman & Boydsons i n i E i u A t ? ? ? f f ? T ? y r Tz A l zfk 4 « A * i t » ^ v W Vtg a L «.tk A A A A A t A« V V V V W ? V V V PEERLESS M A ZD A LAM PS PRICES AGAIN REDUCED 100 10 15 20 25 40 60 150 250 Watts, Watts, Watts- Watts, Watts, Watts, Watts, Watts, Watts, 98 C. P. . 8 C. P. . 12 C. P. . 17 C. P. . 22 C. P. . 36 C. P. . 56 C. P. . 167 C. P. . 278 C. P. . BUY HERE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOW . . .70 . . $.30 . . .30 . . .30 . . .30 . . .30 . . .40 . . . 1.10 . . . 1.80 FR ED B. W E S T Electric Supplies .... 525 Court Street. Hills Bros X CLAUNCH MEAT MARKET HE best meats obtainable at prices as low as possible con­ sidering quality. T Fish and Game in Season, Fresh Eggs, Butter, and a full line of High-Class Cheese. 613 Mill St. Phone 13 COFFEE Loughary Grocery S . B . T a y lo r Attorney tor Eatate. l the luuga. our aamplea. ti Combination Pneumatic Sweeper n p illS Swiftly-Sweepinj, F.asy-Runnini D U N T L E Y Swee*«» *■ cleans without raising dust, and at the same tune p x o »1 pins, lint, raveling«, etc., in O N E O P E R A T I O N L S l W C makes sweeping a simple task quickly finished. It reach* even the most difficult places, and eliminates the neceswty of moving and lifting all heavy furniture. T h e G r e a t L a b o r S a v e r o l th e H o m e ~ E v ery home, .mall, can enjoy relief from Broom drudgery and protection the danger of flying dual. D u n tle y Is th e P io n e e r o f P n e u m a tic S w eep ers— Ha. the combination of the Pneumatic Suction Noetic and revolving Brush. Very easily operated and ab»olutely guar­ anteed. In buying a Vacuum Cleaner, why not give the " H u n tle y ” a trial in your home at our expense! WrUa today tor full parttcuton Agenta Wanted,. Duntley Sweepr Co., «501 S ? Phone 18 £ KEEPS YOUR HOME =? FRESI-I a in f CLEAN! or tablets —Conrad Stafrla. s Pneumatic State St., Chicago. ADVERTISERS! Do not overlook the fact that the I T E M I Z B w ^ | , itemizer for aruetic job work ^ majly readers as any other Pilk County