ÏO___________________ ____________ HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION cial provisions, the State College has for the past two years kept Sparks pret­ ty steadily at work among the stumps. Sparks commenced his investigations J. L. Ashlock, of the Washington State College, Gives Much on the theory that the process he had HE mouth o f June w ill no doubt be Valuable Information. seen succeed in the Yount clearings at a very eventful one. On the first Woodland, was approximately correct Huerta will eliminate himself long H A T is the poor man's way o f re­ en gravel will thaw and fall down, thus for the particular soil and climatic con­ enough to take another drink. V illa moving stump&f Tn the Pacific keeping the fire ligh tly covered all the ditions o f that locality. Ho therefore will take time to shoot a few hundred Coast states, in the states flan k ­ while. In burnt-over clearings it is a learned thortrughly the method used by federals, while on the fifth Teddy will ing and including the Rocky mountains, common sight to see here and there a the Woodland people, expecting to in­ relegate all the disbelievers o f his river from the Lakes to the Gulf, and from stump which for some reason had burn­ troduce it into other regions with such variations as the changed conditions story to the Ananias Club. The inoon Maine to Florida, there are people who ed down into the ground. will be full on the seventh and Huerta want to know. Each o f the cases cited is an example should justify. w ill be full on the eighth. The balloon Method of Burning. And yet, since men commenced the o f fire working precisely in the way it Here is the way they did it in the ascension at Portland w ill take place on practice o f fellin g whole forests where- works when burning underground in the the eleventh. Congress w ill adjourn on Yount clearings: ever it was convenient to do so and the roots o f a big stump. the thirtieth and go in search o f the Chop the bark from the lower part law did not forbid, numerous ways have Tw enty years ago a settler in the Monroe Doctrine and votes fo r re elec­ Take some dry wood been devised for getting rid o f stumps. western part o f Oregon allowed a con­ o f the stump. tion. Horses, oxen and mules have been used siderable amount o f litter to collect in broken in 18-inch lengths or nearly so, June this year, according to all signs, to drag them out oft he ground. Engines a pile near his barn, which, during a and stand the pieces around the stump, will be warmer than January'. There have been similarly used, either uproot dry season, caught fire and burned. The placing the finer and more combustible will be considerable rain i f it stays On the windward in g the stumps by direct pull, or oper­ man noticed that where the litter had sticks underneath. cloudy. During thus month the col­ ating liftin g cranes. Blasting powder been piled around an old stump the fire side o f the stump, leave a place for an leges will turn out graduates resembling has been employed to split and loosen continued to burn fo r several weeks. opening in the covering over the wood, mushroons, who w ill go forth and teach them in order that they ¿nay be lifted His curiosity was aroused, and upon in-, by placing against the pile two pieces o f the younger generation how to tango or dragged out. vestigating he discovered that the bark or wood with the upper ends meet­ and smoke cigarettes properly. But none o f these methods do for the stump had been transformed into a bed ] ing and the lower ends about 12 inches Yea, verily, the month o f June will poor man; and generally it is tbo poor o f charcoal. The largest roots had been apart on the ground. In the triangle be eventful. thus formed, pile fine chips and shav­ man who seeks the stump bound fron consumed in this way several feet un The Sunday schools hold picnics out ings fo r kindling— a little pitch is tier for the purpose o f making a home. derground. in the le a fy wood, the children stu ff good. Arrange it so that the pitchy However, much o f the force o f this their systems with everything that's Because he is poor, to do his work he must at first resort to jwimitive means.! lesson was lost for the time being. Men kindling leads into the interior o f the good, the minister get« mushy with the pile. This will secure a quick start leaders o f the choir, until the yaller These in the case o f logged-off land in that neighborhood who saw what had jackets puncture his sacred tire. The to be cleared are his bare hands, fire occurred later attempted to fire stumps when the fire is lighted. H aving arranged the wood as indi­ by heaping stra'w, brush and other in­ and his ax. teacher o f the infant class gets daubed cated, take some soil (that containing An ax o f some sort, though but a flammable material over them, and a good percentage o f clay is p refer­ with deviled egg, while a horrid, hun­ club weighted at one end with a wedge- their endeavors failed quite naturally, able) and cover the pile clear around gry’ wood-tick burrows in her te n d e r - limb. In June the rose is flinging all shaped stone, has been obtainable bv since charcoal burning is not effected the stump with the exception o f the its fragrance on the air; the turtle men in all known ages. Fire is fo r the by an open flame. triangular space where the fire is to be doves are cooing and a-wooing every­ Taught by a Sea Captain. free use o f every man who can find started. L a y each shovelful very care­ where. The maiden haunts the ham­ fuel, which is generally plentiful in for Fortunately a man heard o f the oc­ fu lly against the wood, placing the first mock, while her lover lingers nigh, while est clearings. Hands are a part o f man currence who knew something o f the bottom tier around the stump quite her mother from the window watches himself, hence are his nearest-by and behavior o f fire when burning under­ loosely. Do not permit the earth to with suspicious eye, the summer most dependable means o f doing things. ground. He was an old sea captain, E. s ift down into the wood and shavings. girl is wearing her most trans­ So these three resources are within C. Cruse by name, and is now livin g Put the upper tiers o f shovelfuls on very parent dress, and as to her anatomy, reach o f every able-bodied man, rich near Castle Rock, Washington. Cruse, compactly. The “ c o lla r " around the one doesn’t have to guess. The hens or poor; and the question is, “ Tan any after a great deal o f experimenting, stump should be made especially tight. take a vacation and desist from laving n *u in the single lifetim e that is his succeeded in firin g stumps. He taught Ligh t the fire in the triangular open­ eggs, and the girls who go a swimming, remove stumps from enough acres o f Harry Yount, o f Woodland, Washing ing already described. I f the directions all strive to show their— skill. The ton, how to do it. Others learned tke just given have been carefully followed, lightning bugs and army worm, the land to make a good sized fa r m f” trick, so that tw o years ago there were the fire will burn into the pile, at first currant slugs and such, have seized the Results o f Investigation. in northwestern Oregon and western consuming the chips and kindling under vegetables and hold them in their Investigations that have recently Washington perhaps a dozen men who the larger sticks, then spreading to all cluteh. The ants are in the cupboard, been made in the logged o ff districts of knew fa irly well how to kindle a fire the wood around the stump. When the and they revel in the jam, while the Washington aud Oregon promise a way which would burn a stump root and fire is burning clear around, and smoke roaches cock their noses up and don't o f removing stumps which is within base. is issuing irom the pile, close the trian­ seem to care a— eent. roach o f every man, rich or poor. In A singular fact is that up to the very gular opening with loose earth. As the In Juno life is one glad sweet song deed, fhe method is more than a prom recent, development, o f the method, not fire continues to burn slowly, the pile for the farmer boy. He arises from his ise, aud has passed the ex.terimcnUl enough interest could be aroused to in settles evenly all the way around. downy couch when the first fain t stage; tor bulletins are now in posses due© neighbors o f the few successful Where breaks occur in the covering, streaks o f dawn appears in the east. Ho siou which in the immediate future will men to learn the process and use it in close them with more earth. When the goes out and hears the morning stars be sent far and wide throughout stump their own clearings. This lack o f in­ smoke issuing from the cover is blue, singing together. He wakes up the dom, explaining how. by a simple pro terest was certainly not due to any lack too much air is reaching the fire, and rooster perched on the plow handle and cess o f burning, the roots o f a big of stumps. the charcoal is being consumed, which is makes him salute the flag. Then he stump cau be turned into charcoal. That In the summer o f 1900 H. W. Sparks, undesirable, so put on more cover. When whistles the M rery W idow w altz as finishes the stump so far as its obstruc who had just been elected supervisor o f the smoke is white and steamy, moving he hustles to the barn to curry the tion to farming is concerned. demonstration farms oi the State Col­ mules and anoint their sore shoulders In the iden o f charcoal burning there lege o f Washington, was on a tour upward in a sluggish way, charcoal is with axle grease. His soul is full o f is nothing new. For many centuries through the timbered counties ©f west­ being made o f the stump, which is the sunshine when he remembers that John the production o f charcoal has been ern Washington, and while in Wood­ desired thing. From this point on, the fire, i f prop D. Rockefeller, Woodrow Wilson and T y understood- and (•radioed among both land saw Harry Yount burning stumps. Cobb were the sons o f the knighted civilised and uncivilised people. In Sparks like many other men, had al erlv controlled, will work Into the base farmer and danced the tango behind a Harden it is made from rectangular ways believed that fire is the natural o f the stump. Where a big root is en­ wooden harrow and stubbed their toes w ill first bum piles o f wood, the process being regu means with which to destroy stumps. countered, the fire on last y e a r’s corn stalks when they lated by the careful Adiiii«gko«i o f air Rut he had never been able to kindle a straight through it, and, upon striking were boys on the farm. the soil on the opposite side, follows through holes in the coverings over the fire so that it would destroy a stump B y June 30th w# expect H i G ill's wood. In ( ’hina charcoal is prepared in root and all. M any times he had seen down the under side c f the root, grad broken bones are to be mended enough ually working to the npper part which it pits, preferably m clay soils, in most a fire follow a piece o f timber far un­ fin a lly reaches. In this slow way the to allow him to issue a proclamation on countries where wood is abundant, derground, but it bad never occurred the latest and correet wr.y to tango and charcoal burning is carried on by fir to him that such timber could as well base o f the stump and the big roots for also calling on the Loyal Sons o f the several feet underground will be turned ing couieal piles o f billets o f wood from be, so fa r as the fire was concerned, the Great Tyee to attend the Potlatch, but into eharcoal. a central hole or chimney. poor Oregon is bound to suffer while biggest root of a stump. But the idea When the base o f the stump is en Charcoal is used as a fuel, and as a dawned upon him with force when he tirely consumed, the upper part falls Gov. West and the state m ilitia go to California to close up Mt. Lassen which reducing agent in metallurgy I t is saw what Harry Yount was doing. ever. The break ia the covering thus is on another rampage. used in the manufacture o f filters, and made is ligh tly covered with earth. Legislative Appropriations. Yea, verily, the month o f June will may be administered as a medicine in Horning will continue in the roots un be eventful. Tha eleventh session o f the Washing some cases o f dvsfwpsi*. On aeoount o f til they are pretty well destroyed. Then the resistance o f charcoal to the action ton legislature met during the winter if it is desired to consume the charcoal, FOR TOUR DEN 5 o f water, stakes for wot amis aud the o f 1909, but instead o f appropr iting the cover is opened, and total combus­ 5 Beautiful Colle*. Pennant. inside o f casks are charred previous funds to the state agricultural ex peri tion is speedy and complete. The soil to use. i hick «-ns eat charcoal and most ment station (which is an arm o f the next to the stamp and the roots is not poultrymep know its value fo r main State College o f Washington), for the injured by the fire, exeept a small spot Yale and Harvard. Each B in. x 24 lx. purpose o f investigating the logged-off Princeton. Cornell. Michigan tain ing the health of their birds. just under the crown o f the stump Each 7 in. x 21 in. 80 charcoal is a well known product, land problem, passed Senate B ill 146, where the excessive heat sometimes which authorized the U. S. Bureau o f A ll beet quality felt with felt head­ ha\ ing value for many d ifferen t pur causes the forming of a “ c lin k e r." Plant Industry to spend as much as ing, streamers, letters and mascot ex­ poses and the methods o f its production (T o be continued.) ecuted in proper colors. This splendid are well known, and have been known *T>,000 for this purpose from funds o f assortment sent postpaid fo r 50 cents for many centuries. But iu all that the Stats s f Washington, imposing the The X ew York state forest nurseries and 5 stamps to par postage. Send now. time the fact that charcoal burning condition that the Bureau should dupli have a capacity o f 26 million young HOWARD SPECIALTY CO. could be Ufced to destroy stamps as big cate the amount thus expraded by ex trees a rear. Dayton, Ohio. penditures from its own oongreaaiona! as they grow, was overlooked appropriations. The tw elfth session Uudergrouad Pina. convened during the winter o f 1911 and Manifold are the lllastraUuns which failed to make aay appropriation what many of us have seem, indicating plain ever for logged o ff lands. The in d if­ I J that fire will burn under the ground ference thus exhibited probably pro i f properly controlled. Engineers have reeds from the same streak o f human 1 '/ "" "” r h »« taken oer entire a lira often W r v e d that logs which have nature which Ymrnt and Cruse and oth I" " nenrcccd««»* 4emaa4 l „ « . „ I . , , been laid down in swampy land for the ers had contended with when they from tan.. n„r recent >4. Its. eeltriTr e x k e ,:,t M n m enpHr. hot tke printer i, fir-d bed of a railroad will burn under * sight to induce their neighbors to . w: r* on .* l» r«c«r an J mare the grade when the protrwdmg ends dry f»m e and be shewn bow to nd their Which w r will ennn he .M e tn m .,1 ,n m * ©at sufficiently to catch .ire in dry net land o f stumps by n poor man's meth t three h i i ^ see T * • . V few e ^ T d * a - rt “" L d i* "•■ the ta b keek. "'! if e l. * , * M getting •on«, la Alaska, old Inge which are iva ©d. n v x BOOMS. $337 00 bedded in the frosea : ravel are burned However, in one way e- an ether, part Built House Company W e taverna a a * member el by bonding a little fire against the ex of the time by meriting in ee nperati^p n* and •tal any 4f>ufni rou need 990 Broadway. A to r «< wd end ef the leg and regulating the with the U. S. Rnrenn mt Plant Indue raiag ee that as it proctrds the free try, and pari nd the time making ape Removing Stumps at Moderate Cost June Forecast T W YOU M U S T WAIT! » Ready r„:r*z' x :\ tz