C A N C E R O F T H E L IP Sum m ons. A n n o u n c in g T h e N e w T y p e w r ite r w y O LIV ER No. * The Best at Any Price In the Circuit Court of the S tate of and jregou for Polk County. FACE Amy G. Chltty, Frank Lane, A lice I. its different forms and D em psey, Frank V. Brown, Arvilla Munson, A. N. N ew bill and Sadie C. L A T E S T S C IE N T IF IC N ew bill, Mury A. Graham, M. D. TREATMENT W illson, L. I). Leighton and Em m a by L. Leighton, P laintiffs, vs. John L. E L E C T R IC IT Y Sh elton , W illiam F. S h elton , Jam es M. Sh elton , Evan L. Shelton, Eliza as used by Sh elton , May E. Shelton, Annie D R T O EL. E ANNOUNCE AN AMAZING M O D E L — H ayes, O rville H ayes, Lizzie Moody, C ancer of th e lip usually ap­ G eorge Moody, Martha J. Chapman, The O L IV E R No. 7— a typewriter of superexcellence, with C harles Chapm an, L ucretia R ich­ pears on the low er lip, though automatic devices and refinements that mark the zenitf ardson, “John" Richardson, W illiam occasionally it is iound oil the (V W ilson, Fredrick H. W ilson, Min­ T he form found on of typewriter progress. A marvel oHbeauty, speed and easy ac­ n ie Prior, D ella P ierce, Lee upper lip. P ierce, May Baker, J. W. Baker, the low er lip will affect th e lym ­ tion. Tjpewriting efficiency raised to the nth power. D aisy C. W ilson, Edward C. W ilson, phatic glands on th e neck far the unknown heirs of Solom on Sliel- earlier th a n the one on the up­ The O L IV E R No. 7 embodies all previous Oliver innovations tcn , deceased ; also all other p ersons arid new self-acting devices never before seen on any typewriter. or parties unknown claim in g any per lip, the beginning is usually right, title, esta te, lien or in terest a sore th a t refu ses to heal. This A leap in advance which places The Oliver ten years ahead of its. in the real esta te described in the is o iteu caused by th e irritation time. So smooth in action, so light to the touch, so easy to run com plaint herein, defendants. from a partly broken pipe stem , To Martha J. Chapman, Charles that experts are amazed.. .A model that means to the typist de 'hapm an, Fredrick H. W ilson, M innie or from broken teeth , in fact Prior, D ella P ierce, Lee P ierce, L izzie an ything th a t irrita te s the m u­ lightful ease of operation. Moody, G eorge Moody, Lucretia Rich­ cous m em brane of th e lip con­ A model that means a high standard of typewriting, longer ardson, “John” Richardson (w h o se stan tly will often cause cancer. T W E N T Y -S IX Y E A R S AGO. Christian nam e is unknown to plain­ and better service. tiffs), W illiam C. W ilson, D aisy C. W il­ As a rule it is found in people The No. 7 is now on exhibit and sale at all Oliver Branches son, May Baker and J. W. Baker, and over 40 years of age, b u t occa­ Taken From the Files of the Itemizer of June 2, 1888. to the unknown h eirs of Solom on sionally it is seen in younger and Agencies throughout the United States. Sh elton , d eceased ; and a lso to all people. »ther p ersons or parties unknown Miss G usta Palm er, of Salem , T he can cer first form s a sore laim ing any right, title, esta te, lien or n terest in the real esta te described place, then a grow th form s th at was visiting h er sister, Mrs. H. n the com plaint h erein, of the above- will som etim es tak e in one-half B. Cosper. lam ed defendants: Miss Nellie B reym an and Nel­ of the lip and involve th e angle In the nam e of the S tate of Oregon: In very m uch lie Boise w ere ru sticatin g a t the t'ou are hereby notilied to appear and of the m outh. .nsw er the com plaint filed again st neglected cases th e en tire lip hom e of Judge R. P. Boise n ear ou in the above en titled Court and m ay be affected. From here here. uit w ithin six w eek s from the date of it may even spread to th e face, This w as th e last issue of the he first publication of th is suin- nons, to-wit, on or before the 3rd o r to th e neck, som etim es even Item izer edited by G raham lay of July, 1914; and if you fail to the to n g u e eating aw ay the Glass, he having sold to W. A. o to answ er, for w ant thereof, the floor of the m outh. Wash. •laintiffs w ill apply to the Court A m etastasis to in tern al o r­ or a decree as prayed for in said Dallas w as to have a new is com paratively rare. om plalnt, to-wit: T h at the d efen d ­ gans ants herein m ay be required to se t Daath o iten occurs from the flouring mill and im provem ents orth the nature of their claim s in and cancer eating into one of the on the race w ere to be m ade to 0 all th ose certain tracts and parcels the extent of $2,000. >f land described as follow s, to-wit: arteries and causing fata l hem ­ in o th e r eases death Col. Irish delivered a lecture Phe w est half of lot No. 4, in Block No. orrhage. !, In Conkey’s F irst Addition to the occurs from the absorption of in th e city hall M onday evening. own (now city ) of D allas, in Polk th e cancerous poison. A g reat m any from Salem w ere ’ounty, S tate of O regon; ow ned by Cancer of th e hp is one of the present and also a good m any he plaintiff Amy G. C hitty; the south lalf o f Lot No. 5, in Block No. 2 in easiest cancers to cure, if taken country visitors. 'on k ey’s First Addition to the town in tim e, and if th e proper m eans Joseph Newbill, aged 20 years, now city ) of Dallas, in Polk County, are employed. T he knife of died a t the Good S am aritan ho s­ )regon, owned by Frank Lane; the ;ast half of Lot No. 4, In Block No. 2 coure gives a very poor chance. pital in P ortland, being one of n C onkey’s F irst Addition to the town During the cu ttin g operation the (now city ) of Dallas, in Polk County, knife becom es infected w ith the the u n fo rtu n ate victim s of the accident described above. Oregon, owned by A lice I. D em psey; cancer germ s and cells, the Lot No. 5 in Block No. 11, in Conkey’s At a picnic given by the te a c h ­ lym phatic vessels Second Addition to the town (now blood and pen ny. W e s h a ll even T h t n ew m od el h a s m o re im p r o v e ­ v a n c e d o n e •ity) of D t l l l l , in Polk C ounty, O re­ opened by the knife in cutting e rs’ association, School S uper­ c o n t in u e in fo rc e o u r p o p u la r 1 7 -ce nts gon, ow ned by Frank V. Brown; Lot through them , afford an excel­ intendent R. F. Robinson w as m en ts, re fin e m e n ts a n d n e w u s e s t h a n -a -D a y p u r c h a s e p la n , th e s a m e a s on No. 7 in Block No. 11, in Conkey’s w e can e n u m e ra te here. presented by Prof. Campbell p r e v io u s O liv e r m o d e ls. Second Addition to the town (now lent place for reinoculation with T h e “ c u s h io n e d k e y b o a r d ” w it h “ a», with an elegant gold chain and T h e O L I V E R N o . 7, is e q u ip p e d w ith the germ s and cells, for the d ty) of D allas, Polk County, Oregon, c h o r k e y s ” a n d the n e w a u to m a t ic f e a ­ th e f a m o u s P r in t y p e , if d e s ir e d , w ith 7wned by Arvilla Monson; Lot No. 1, wound is sewed up, and the M asonic charm . t u r e s m e a n le ss w o r k fo r th e h a n d s, o u t e x tr a c h a r g e . n Block No. 12, in Conkey’s Second germ s and cells m ultiply as in a le ss s t r a in fo r th e e y e s, le s s m a n u a l While pu ttin g on a roof fo r th t Y o u o w e it y o u r s e lf to s e e t h e new Vddition to the town (now city) of a n d m e n ta l effort. A new c a n c e r soon Oswego Iron & Steel Co., the m a c h in e b e fo re y o u buy any typ e Dallas, Polk County, O regon, owned by hot-bed. /Ith a ll th e se m a s t e r ly m e c h a n ic w r it e r at any p rice . N o t e its b e a u ty broke, precipitating V. N. N ew bill and Sadie C. N ew bill; form s in th e sc a r from th e re ­ scaifold al Im p r o v e m e n ts w e h a v e m a d e tne sp e e d a n d e a s y a c tio n , it s w o n d e r f u ,ot No. No. 2 in Block No. 12, in Con­ moval of the old one. three of the w orkm en to the m a c h in e m o re b e a u tifu l a n d sy m e t- a u t o m a t ic d e v is e s . T r y it o n a n y w o r l e y ’s Second Addition to the town W hen th e can cer is treated ground, a distance of 40 feet rical. F r o m e v e ry . s t a n d p o in t T H E t h a t is e v e r d o n e o n t y p e w r it e r s . T r y now city ) of Dallas, In Polk County, O L I V E R N o. 7 a t t a in s s u p e r la t iv e e x ­ it on m a n y k in d s of w o r k t h a t n o oth e i injuring two of them very seri­ )regon, owned by Mary A. Graham; with ealing salves o r plasters cellence. t y p e w r it e r w ill do. >eginning 29.60 ch ain s ea st and 13.73 the pain is co n tinuous for hours ously. They w ere Willie Wells, It is a s ig n if ic a n t fa c t th a t th e ty p e N e t h in g yo u c o u ld w is h fo r h a s been halns south of the n orthw est corner and days as th e chem icals slow ­ of Perrydale, and Joe Newbill, oi w r ie t e r t h a t in tr o d u c e d s u c h e p o ch om itte d . T h e n e w d e v is e s , refine •f the ”L” of the D. L. C. o f Solomon ly eat th e ir w ay into th e flesh liallston. m en ts, Im p r o v e m e n t s and c o n v e n ­ m a k in g in n o v a t io n s a s v is ib le w r it in g Uielton and w ife, Not. No. 1953, Claim ie n c e s fo u n d on th e N o. 7 r e p r e s e n t an v is ib le r e a d in g , P r in t y p e . etc., s h o u l ' lo. 52. in Tp 7 S. R. ft W. o f W ill. Mor. the can cer g e n .is and cells art- be the firs t to in t r o d u c e a u to m a t i e n o r m o u s o u t la y a n d v a s t ly in c re a s e 1 Polk County, Oregon, which said driven into the glands, and o tte r Real Estate Transfers. .. .. its v a lu e — ^the p ric e h a s n o t b ee n a d ­ m e th o d o f o p e ra t io n . egin n in g point la also 1.07 chains m ultiply quicker th a n th e plas outh of the S. VV. corner of the Abel ters destroy the original cancel S urbrina E. McCulloch to Tglow mill lot; and running thence a : y J. Crum ,6 Vo acres 6-5. est 73 feet; th en ce south 110 foet, T he resu lt is a rteu rn of tlu h en ce east 78 feet; thence north 110 cancer in the glands, m ore d an ­ # 1000 . Eleanor Field B utler to Albert net to the place o f beginning, bein g a gerous th an the first on in th t 18 Union St.. P. O. Box 1834, Seattle, Washingtor •art o f the said Solom on Shelton and deal, 36.12 acres, 8-6, $1.00. lip. vife D. L. C. ow ned by M. I). W illson : Doc to r Toel has for 30 years L. L. W hiteaker to A.L. Thom - egin n in g 28.42 ch ain s oast and 13.75 halns south of th e N. W. corner of used electricity in his operations ts, lot in Independence, $750. he “L” of the P L. C. o f Solom on for can cer of the lip; there is W. P. Craw ford et ux to F. M. helton and w ife, Not. No. ..,03, Claim absolutely no loss of blood, the Slack, 60 acres 9-4, $10.00. No. 52, In Tp. 7 S. R. 5 W est of the blood and lym phatic vessels art Vlll. Mer. In Polk County, Oregon, Jacob Lesser et al to George which said beginning point is also securely sealed up by th e elec­ V . Looney, 4.46 acres, 9-4, $554. L07 ch ain s south and 78 feet w est of tric cu rren t, so th a t no reinocu­ the S. W. corner o f the Abel llg lo w lation is possible. H. Z ophar T h arp et ux to E d­ nflll lot; and running th en ce sm ith A re tu rn of (he cancer aftei win B. W intowf, lots in W est !0 feet: th en ce w est 55 feet; th en ce iorth 110 feet; and th en ce e a s t 55 one of his electrical operations Salem , $10.00. *eet to the place of begin n ing, being is consequently a very great M ark E. Elliott et al to A. E. i part of said Solom on Shelton and ratify, while a fte r knife opera­ Bell, 31 acres 7-4, $10.00. vlfe D. L. O. ow ned by L. I). Leighton M artha Moeller to Jos. Thiel, •nd Emma L. L eighton, and that all tions it is ab o u t 75 per cent. m !verse claim s of d efen d an ts m ay be T he electrical operations as p er­ i acre 7-3, $10.00. leterm ined by a d ecree of said Court: formed by him are alm ost pain­ B. W. R obinson et ux to M ar­ U N D E R A U S P IC E S O F T H E Y ‘hat by said decree it be declared less. and the d an g er of driving tin J. and Zella Sm ith, 11.77 nd adjudged that th e said d efen dan ts and each of them h ave no esta te or 1n- th e germ s and cells into th e acres 8-6, $1900. <*rest w h atever in or to said land and glands as in the use of plasters J. O. S ta a ts et ux to J. W. Mc- hat the title o f th e plain tiffs to their and salves, is absent, as the Bee, 48.73 acres, 9-5, $10.00. p s p ^ tlv e tracts therein Is good and operation is perform ed in a few Albert J. W hiteaker et ux to alid; and that the said d efen dan ts 31.65 •nd ea^h of them be forever enjoined m inutes and rem oves the cancel F ranklin B. W hiteaker, •nd debarred from a ssertin g any a t once instead of piecemeal as acres,8-5, $10.00. Malms w h atever in or to said land ad- with plasters. W. O. Cook et al to F ran k B. orse to plaintiffs, and that the plnln- C ancers of o th er p arts of the W hiteaker, road, 8-5, $10.00. Iffs m ay have such other relief as face ap p ear usually in th e form F rank B. W hiteaker et ux, to nay seem m eet with equity. This sum m ons, ny an order o f the of ulcers th a t refuse to heal and heirs of B. F. W hiteaker, road. Ton. J. B T eal, County Ju d ge of will often rem ain for years. Hut 8-5, $10.00. °olk C ounty, Oregon, m ade at Cham ­ suddenly they will tak e on a Fred Cox et ux to John Cox, bers at Dallas, O regon, on the 20th lay of May, 1914, Is served upon you m ore m alignant natu re, spread lots in W hite’s add. to Independ­ ’»v the publication thereof, for a period over a large part of the face, or ence, $700. if six co n secu tiv e and su cc essiv e eat deep into the bones. Carl Johnson et al to Antic weeks im m ediately rrlor to th e 3d E lectricity as used by Dr. Mary Jacobson, 15 acres, 6-5 lay of July, 1914, in the Polk County tom izer, a n ew spap er of general Tool is here also the best rem - $ 10 . 00 . -im itation printed w eek ly at Dallas, edyy. M ary M ilhouser to Lena Odell :n said ('ounty. T he d ate of th e first Dr. Toel has for 30 years 12 acres. 9-4, $1.00. m ibllcation of this sum m ons Is May m ade a specialty of electrical Dallas Warehouse and Manufacturing Co. N o oth er baking p o w d e r will raise nicer, ligh ter b is­ cuits, cakes and pastry, none is more pure and wholesome W (Successors to Barham Brothers) & ■ Building Materials of every kind (except Lumber) m Cement, Sand, Gravel, Brick, Shingles, Plaster, Fence Posts, Drain Tile, Build­ M ing Paper, and Composition Roofing, Metal Lath, Corner Beads, j Fire Brick, *• Li Doors and Windows made, all kinds of li m Shop work, Hop Supplies of every de­ m IB scription. ■ U Then W hy Pay More ? The O L IV E R I T ÿp e \A /rit*r Ço. GRAND I I Carnival and Street Fair f I Dallas, I O re g o n * C itiz e n ’s C lu b j; Days and Nights 5 1 Of Fun and Amusement f Commencing JUNE 16th And Closing JUNE 20th | Every Night a Big Night T f ? ? ? ♦ Y T T Tuesday, - Rickreall Night Wednesday, - Falls City Night Thursday, - Independence Night Friday, - Monmouth Night Saturday, Salem and Dallas Night $ A grand, gala time. All the a- 4» musement furnished by the £ Pollon-McClalland Amusement Co. % 3 Big Free Acts TL 4 Big Riding Devices x 10 Big Shows The Carnival will close Saturday night with Confetti and serpen­ tine. Come and have a good time 21. 1914 BROW N. SIBLEY A BELT. A ttorneys for the Plaintiff». A d m in is t r a t o r ’s N o tic e . N otice Is hereby given , to whom It may concern, that the undersigned uas been duly appointed ad m in istra­ trix of the esta te of C larence Aikman, deceased , by the Hon. County court of Polk ('ounty, Oregon. All persons indebted to said e s ta te are hereby notified to se ttle sam e at once, and all p ersons holding claim s again st said esta te are hereby notified to p re­ se n t the sam e duly verified, w ithin six m onths from the d ate h ereof Dated at D allas. O regon, th is 22nd day of May. 1914 RACHEL M. AIKMAN. A dm inistratrix of above nam ed esta te. “Mlblev A Eaktn, A ttorneys N o t ic e t o C re d it o r « . N otice Is hereby given that the un ­ dersigned was, tm the 16th day of April, 1914, duly appointed ad m in istra­ trix of the esta te of Melvin G. G reene, deceased , by the County Court o f Polk ('ounty, Oregon, and has qualified. All persons h aving claim s again st said esta te are notified to p resent the sam e, duly verified, as by law required, to the undersigned at the law’ office of Brown. Sibley A B elt, 610 Mill Street, Dallas. Oregon, w ithin six m onths from the d ate hereof Dated and first published April 23 1914 RHODA B GREENE. Adm inistratrix of the e sta te of Melvin G. G reene, d eceased. Brown. Sibley A Belt, A ttorneys for A dm inistratrix. Second-hand m agazines this office, 6 cen ts each. at ■ .V 'tV .V 'lV .V .V '.V .V .V .V .V .V .V I REAL ESTATE SNAPS | I U u Office Directly West of School W e s h o w n o p r o p e r t y — ju » t pu t you in c o m m u n ic a t io n w ith th e o w n e r , a n d y o u a n d h im m a k e t h e d e a l. • ■ , i Good o rch ard tra c ts , D an d 10 acres J >ach, oil IT. TT. & r-o. road from Dallas o M onm outh, 1 m ile from D allas, hear ng n ex t y e a r; g re a t o p p o rtu n ity to get j orchard tr a c ts fo r a little cash. o b tain P e ru n a T ablet«. 1 m 3 M a ■ Is a most wholesome food m Make your children strong and is ■ healthy on a y ■ S3 m n 13 48 acres n ear tow n fo r $4000 All cleared and u n d er fence, b u t no im provem«*nts. y 40 acres, all fenced, th ree m iles from tow n; 15 acres in orchard a i d c u ltiv a I tio n ; 400 2-year-old p ru n es; good build- ; ings; $100 per acre. We h av e fiv e acres of well im proved hill land close to tow n fo r sale a t a reasonable price. 50 acres hill lan d h a lf u n d er c u ltiv a ­ tio n ; all good f r u it lan d ; 1 m ile from d a tio n . $60 p e r acre. 54 acres, 4 miles from D allas, mile from school, 3-4 m ile to railro ad s ta ­ tion, -«onto f r u i t ; good im provem ents; 18 acres u n d er c u ltiv a tio n ; in a fast leveloping co m m unity; p rice $120 per acre. 7 room house, barn »0x00, 8 acres u A. P. ch errie s in bearing. 30 acres on c ity lim it line of Dallas, on co u n ty road and ra ilro a d ; no ini p ro v em en ts; all under cu ltiv atio n and r'euced; fin e lo g an b erry land. Good 5-room house and 4 acres 3-4 mile from courthouse, D allas; splendid o u tb u ild in g s, fin e garden spot, excel­ lent chicken-house and y ard s. An ideal little hom e, and price rig h t. be easily cleared. T here are two acres of o rch ard , th e balance of land being open p a stu re au d tim b er. L ocation, 6 miles from D allas, 3 miles to F alls City, Tuberculin-tested Cows * ❖ t tv ❖ f T PEERLESS MAZDA LAMPS Y ? Y ? t 100 10 15 20 25 40 60 150 250 PR IC ES A G A IN R E D U C E D W atts, 98 C. P.......................... . W atts, 8 C. P.......................... . Watts- 12 C. P.......................... . W atts, 17 C. P.......................... . W atts, 22 C. P.......................... . W atts, 36 C. P.......................... . W atts, 56 C. P.......................... . W atts, 167 C. P.......................... . W atts, 278 C. P.......................... . V . . . . . . . f f ? .70 $.30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .40 . 1.10 . 1.80 T t B U Y H E R E NOW FR ED 3 . W EST 525 C ourt S treet. ?*l++t**t+*t+*t* I* Electric Supplies .... rt* ' ♦* V W IW V A W i Phone 14x7 ir B H H lN B B ! III a I P h o n e 18 *♦* *** **' V l I f f Y *4? *♦■*"*♦* V % W V % W V V lV V t Good Service Counts I in Groceries as well as anything else A larg e lo t w ith 6-room house aud ;ood b arn a t $1,000, on good term s. T w o sp len d id homes in h e a rt of city a t $2400 each-. MILK Rich, Sweet Cream Delivered to you At 20 Cents a P in t House an d lot, 2 blocks from public school; p rice $1,100. 160 acres, 50 acres in c u ltiv a tio n , 50 leared and in p astu re, b alan ce in tiin *er. Good 8-room house, b arn an d out b u ildings; 6 acres of o rch ard , mostly »runes, som e apples. 3 m iles from Dal- as. P ric e $10,000. T erm s, h a lf cash. GUTHRIE DAIRY From 205 acres, 8% m iles south of Dalias. T h ere are 70 acres of bo tto m land, 50 lores slashed, 40 acres of good second j W ith in 6 m iles o f D allas we h av e a r a c t of 98 acres, all under cu ltiv atio n , .vithout o th er im provem ents, th a t can >e bought fo r $90 an acre. All good Mack soil, rolling, a u d is close to school ind p o sto ffice. Pure Clean Milk ■ 40 acres f ru it lan d 3 m iles from P er rvdale, on co u n ty road a n a R. F. D., One of th e b est business locatio n s in town, 50-foot fro n ta g e ou M ain s tre e t; $5,000. I We have the Clerks and the Goods SIMONTON & SCOTT South of the Court House, Dallas H av e 5 % acres, A\'.2 acres set to ap- | \ pies, 14-year-old trees, B aldw in, Rome B B eauty, N ew tow ns au d Ben D avis va- j iieties. P lace has good co m fo rtab le 3- i room house an d good b arn , well saw ABANDON IMPROVEMENTS. ity of th e p ro p erty o w ners on the lust-lin ed apple house, aud o th er im ­ stre e ts affected w as read, ob­ provem ents. Is 1 miles from good City Will Do No S treet Work jecting to th e proposed 16-foot Town, school an d church. 20- an d 30 acre tra c ts fo r from $70 to $300 per a c re ; larg er places a t from $35 i»er acre a n a up. 183 n.-rea w.'ll im proved; pood land; D allas ou m ain county road and ra ilro a d ; all under cu ltiv a tio n ; $150 p e r acre. Good term s. 2 m iles from mall fruits, Five-room house, barn in g down. So nervous I could not get my rest at night. Would hav* ind woodshed Dryer and warehouse .lust o utside city limits sin k in g sp ells and then so weak that m place. I could not do m y work.“ A great *rice, $12.000. m any women in the United State« 157 arr«> l b , milt* from Dallas, all w ill recognise In th is description undor cultivation, on county road and their own experience. railroad; w e ll -improved an.l 7 mile» of Mrs. Hill found a remedy. A fter tilin g on place; $150 per acre; good taking four bottles o f re r u n s she terms. gained In strength and flesh and wrote us that she w as a w ell woman again. She says. “I cannot thank you enough All persons owing m e for for m y recovery.“ T his Is no ordinary Incident. laundry work are hereby re- T w elve years suffering, Four bottle« minded th a t their bills are lontr of Peruna. Restored to perfect health. 0ver-due. „Co. h..i.h Please i s e ’ the driv- If Peruna can do th is for one woman w hy can It not for another? Is It er. A. E. Palmer. , at or.cr and not worth your a tten tio n - i* it settle and th u s avot.i the col- not worth trying? I tor. Tbona who object to I h , u I$ modi- n 201 acres, 2 m iles from P e rry d a le on county ro ad ; 175 acres in c u ltiv a tio n ; 8-acre o rch ard ; creek crosses place; ; some im provem ents. W ill sell all or in sm all tr a c ts , or will tra d e fo r sm all place n e a r D allas or F a lls C ity. J. O. S ta a ts et ux to J. W. Mc- 2.27 acres in D allas; 6-room plastered operations and treatm en ts. Bee, 26.76 acres. 9-5, $10.00. house; woodshed and sm all haru, 3 hen­ Dr. Toel can be found a t his houses; ab o u t 300 f ru it trees. $3,2011 old office, 619 W ashington St., all b u t $1,450 cash. Dallas. Oregon, one-half block A 6-room house and sm all lot a t $800, NERVOUS JHEADACHES east of th e S. P. depot, from 9 in gooil term s. a. m. to 13 noon, 2 to 5 p. m., 7 A house and lot in D allas n e a r schoo to S p. m., Sunday, 10 to 1 p. m., Heavy Feeling, as If My Brain ouse for $1100. Was Pressing Down telephone 1303. Mrs. Hill says: A 12-acre tract n e a r D allas fo r $2200 Specialties: “I cannot tell For $3000, $2000 cash you can g e t a C ancer and Tum ors. you how m uch I 10-acre tra ct w ithin a m ile of D allas have s u f f e r e d No kni'o and no loss of blood. during the past «ell improved and set to fruit, with No plasters and pain for tw elve y e a r a.” g an am. Tw elve years is Tw o lots and a house in the KUia ad­ hours and days. a long tim e for dition for $1250. Polypus, G oitre. Piles, Fistula, any one to su f­ 40 acres o f fruit land, ell located, tism . Liver, S tom ach. Kidneys. fer. A great m ul­ f or $75 an acre. Hladder. P ro state, Asthma, titude of wom en this country 17 acres, 2 m iles from Dallas, at $90 Diseases of W omen, Skin and in know exactly per acre, on good terms; one half in Nervous Diseases, Neuralgia w hat Mrs H ill u ltivation. Will make a nice home for N eurasthenia, G out, Rheum a- m eans when she ■«ome one. M RS. EFFIE H ILL. s a y s , “H e a v y Bronchitls. C atarrh, Dyspepsia. ^ 32 acres all leared and nearlv all i in ______ „ Clintea feeling, as If my Consti|>ation. Adv. Ca., O hio. cultivation. 1 acre* set to tree* and brain w as press­ Item izer for artistic Job work K tf B A R T O N Z P IG C > i This Year.— Sibley Resigns from Council. m acadam w hich w as offered as the sole s tre e t im provem ents for this year. A fter h earin g the re­ m o n stran ce th e council, on mo­ tion of Dr. H ayter, voted unani­ m ously to aban d o n all street 1m- provem ent w ork for 1914. I T he resig n atio n of J. E. Sib­ ley as a m em ber of th e council from th e th ird w ard w as read by R ecorder G regory. It was accepted an d on m otion of West- over J. E. Miller w as unanim ous­ ly elected to fill th e vacancy. Most of the tim e of the coun­ cil m eeting Monday evening was devoted to a rehashing, discuss-- ing and alm ost cussing of an 1 ancient m a tte r—th a t of th e bill of W. V aughn for connecting a sewer, which bill had been re- ected by a previous council. At t he conclusion of it all the m at- ior rem ained just w here it was . t the beginning— Mr. V aughn till holding the sack, alias his bill. Notice. The co n tracto r who did the All p erso n s know ing them ­ w ork presented a bill for som e selves indebted to m e will please -toSn for work on th e c o u n ty 1 settle w ith m e in person, or they toads within the corporate lim -lw ill find m y books at Mr. Man- R®* As the counoilinon e re --------- 1 o ch ’s ---- ---------- w ------ d ru - g store, m y form er . "der 'lie im pression th a t they place of business. Thanking 11 ad contracted w ith th e cou n ty 'm y p a tro n s fo r past favors, and lo u rt to have this repair w ork b espeaking fo r m y successor done, the bill was referred to th e sam e cordial support I re­ the finance com m ittee. ceived from Polk county people, J. I). Bevens m ade application I beg to rem ain, very respect­ M. D. ELLIS. tor the job of street com m ission- fully, Holm an for city a t- ,o rney. but the election of these K. of P. Elect Officers. officers were deferred until the M onday nig h t M armion lodge next m eeting. K nights of F*ythias elected the An ordinance proriding fo r a folow inK officers special policeman to enforce th e C- — " a lte r L. Tooze, Jr. V. C.— Jo h n R. Sibley. speed ordinance and providing P re la te — W. A. Himes. Liat his com pensation shall be M. of F —J. T. Ford. m the nature of fees to be taxed K. of R. and S.—J. T. Ford. as costs in the cases, and a n o th ­ M. of W.— Leif S. Finseth. er relative to b etter fire pro tec­ M. of E.— D. P. Patterson. tion were given th eir first read- ings. M at A.— T. E. Campbell. I. G —J. R Allgood. tl The n»a>or called atte n tio n to <» 0 . — S. B. Taylor. .¡le I1" 8? 16 co''