/ ■V HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION Some Good Hints on Care or i ires Farmer Writes for Advice and General Answer Is Given With Ideas on How to Save Tire Cost. «> I d o n ’t kno w why my tires ^ wear out so soon. Why should <$> my tiro expense be so heavy I I t seems to me t h a t I buy the best quality of tires, b u t there «> is always something wrong. * E. P. B. There ere probably a number <$> <$- of others who find themselves in «> the same fix as E. P. B. W ith ­ out knowing j u s t w h at they do not do, it would 1 e impossible to diagnose w h a t ’s wrong. We have written, however, a num­ ber of ideas concerning the care of tires, which appear below, an d which should be of assist­ ance. A second article will fo l­ low in a la t t e r issue. <3> ^ H A IN S cut ?nd lace rate tne tread an d t e a r it from the carcass. If used a : all they "h< r i d be run loose. Cuts in the tr e a d are caused by pieces of glass, sh arp itones, or other obstacles in th e ror.d r n d if casings 4> C are k ep t in Service the moisnrva and diFt is for ed into th se cuts a i d b e ­ tween the tread r u o b -r an d the fab ric, form ing what is kno *n to t ”*«. user«, in general as “ suu« M isters.” A so ft t**ead can be cans ' Iron» the heat, oiled roads, or oi‘ on gar ag e floors, gasoline, repair as w tli ns u n ­ der-cure. A tread in ho .»bow con djtiou cuts very easily, hence se p ara­ tion develops rapidly >u account of the dirt, moisture, etc., o rin g allowed to work in a n d natu rally it wears down much sooner than a firm tread. Under euro is seldom heard r f by season of automatic system of team control em ­ ployed by factories. Loose t read s „re a continu. ion of the sand blistering conditions. Wheel Out of Lii~o The heel of a ear out of proper ad ju stm en t is an abnormal condition and causes the tread to - ’car out a g reat deal quicker than if th e wheel were in proper alignment. A brak e not properly adjuste d on the wheel will wear the tread unevenly in places a n d sometimes w ear through ail plies of fabric, while th e balance of th© tr e a d may not be much worn. When the brakes are applied a tire naturally Woman Makes Living From Rabbits Mrs. Lizzie Nevins Tells How She Nets From $10 to $100 a Week From 20 Flemish Giar.ts. stops on the il i u su rface ra pidly r e n ­ dering the easing u n s t v ceable. Skid ding i^ a tire deeiioycr, it will cut an d s ' r u b a tire in places, and in many instances has caused the tire to blow off the rim. Fabric Conditions Broken fab ric ic the result o f violent kneeding a .d bending of t h e side walls of the casings. I n s u f fi c i e n t inflation causes the fab ric tv) break an d tear along both sides of the t read until i jaiiy a oJow-cut occurs. Fab ric breaks have the same a p ­ pearance as broken f ab ric; in some instances the fab ric Is broken all the way a r a m d a n d the '»ause o" this is t h a t the tire was used on a car heavier than the tire was designed to carry. Excessive weight on a casing will break dowi th e fabric in th e side walls an d eventually a blow-out will result. The causes of ru p tu red fab ric and bruised f a i r i e s are too nu merous to mention, but they are mostly caused by casings strik in g an obstruction in the road accidentally or otherwise. ¿separated Fabric S ep arated fab ric is usually due to two causes: in su f f ic ie n t in fla tion or friction th a t has d eterio rated with age. I f tires are k ept properly infla ted, separation cannot develop, except from th e second cause. Continued service on a partial ly deflated tire will in u v< ry short time cause se paration and sh u fflin g be­ tween the various plies and eventually a blow-out. moult consiilerzbly longer tlign the Giant. Consequently the Flemish Giant is a bettci animal for the m a r k e t man. “ Breeding blooded stock is innch more p ro fitable and much easier than raising stock for tho m ar ket. When 1 was in tho m a r k e t business i had 423 rabbits. It is considerable work to take earn of these. Demands Own Price. “ In tho m ark et husinc s the best price you can ever get is t h 1 market quotations, while as a br eeder I can de mand my own price—and get it, too. Anim als th a t cust me a dollar to raise fre quently sell for from <12 to »13. But, sp eak in g in tlio slang sense, one must be able to deliver the g oods' to get th is price. My blooded Flemish G ian ts b ring frem $1.30 to »2.30 in 8 to 10 weeks, according to th e pedigree of th eir p arents “ 1 entered two rab b its in th e O a k ­ land poultry show last yea. an d won with b o th ; the f irs t for th e best buck of a n y age, breed or color; the special prize: also a second price. “ Hard work f Yea, ii.dccd. When 1 stn rtcd 1 bad many trials, but kept on *u th e fact of discouragement. But an y woman with 13 or 20 good stoek Flemish G ian ts can make a com fortable living, if she will apply herself.' VACUUM T Y PE W R I T E RS RENT a Typewriter from the manofactnrers, $5 for three months; Remington No. 6 or No. 7; Smith Premier, No. 2 or No. 4; visible Remington, Monarch, Smith Premier, $3 per month delivered anywhere. Rebuilt machines Sold on easy payments. REMINGTON TYPE’VBTTEli COMPANY. SG Broadway, Portlan d. Cre. Mrs. L u zie N evins Holding a Fam ily of Flemish Giants in Her At her home is a large back yard and in it are hutches containing 140 thoroughbred Flemish Giants. We all have to make money in some way or another. Most “ F o u r y ears a g o ,” said Mrs. Nevins, c f us are anxious to find a new “ I began with three r a b b i t s — -a buck way. Sometimes a -hint as to a and \w o does, f r o f i this start 1 have profitable tide line ia apprec built an industry. My greatest am bi­ iated. In that way the story o f tion was to produce a larger rabbit than Mrs. N evins may hold hope for any other breeder. In this 1 have sue many. ceeded. What th e market man needs is a*quick growing aninlal so that he can get his etoek o f f bis hands before OUR years ago a woman needed the profit is eaten up in feed bills. money. 8he had three children. Started W ith Belgians. Today her income it from $10 " I realized th is fi is t when I was tc $100 n week. in the m ark et business myself. 1 s t a r t ­ The woman ia respected in her com ed with Belgian H ar es b u t switched to the Flemish Giant because of th e d i f ­ ■ unity and looked up to. ference ia aize and weight . f tho two The children are girls. Her name ia Mrs. Lizzie Nevina of broods. Now 1 . r a i s e . o n j v Flemish in a n ts . For the -first fo ur weekir FTem F m ltvale, Cal. She ia a raster e f rabbita—a breeder ish a n d Belgian grow a t about the same • f blooded stock. On the Pacific coast rate, b u t when the Belgian goes into the moult ke »lows up and «ays ia tu« •he ia a rec authority. F ♦ D elays Prove Costly M ake all repairs at i nee. Always ca rry yo ur spare casings in water proof covers. D o n ’t c a r i y your e x t r a tubes loose in the tool box. Those sh a rp tools and the ch afin g they n cessarily receive will ruin them. Careful drivers carry them in a flexible w aterp ro o f bag t h a t f i ts the tu b e snugly. £ K e e p idle tire s in a dry, cool place, aw ay from direct sun. A f t e r p u ttin g a new tube in . casing, see t h a t it is not pinched by th e bead, valve base, lugs or Hap. An inner protector should be used only in old casings in order to ob tain a little more mileage, b u t never on new. An in ner protector i>y m aking the cas­ ing t h a t nuch th ick er lessens the r e ­ siliency of a case an d also generates he at which will soon cause th e plies to se parate, thus ru in in g th e tire. When used a t all they should b ' proper­ ly cemented. Stack Covers Will Soon Save Cost « O D D I N V E S T M E N T fo r any farm er wlic do. s not th r ash from the sta ck or store his hay in b arn s cr sheds is a lot of sta ck covers. T hey will save t he»- cost th« first Mason, an d if k ept in t h e burn when not in use will last five cr six years. (.‘overs i.re j s j -* a 7rcat deal in the .a s te rn states, where the vakie of a n y ­ th in g aised on*the far-n is more k een­ ly appreciated th an on th e big f arm s o f the West. B u t .h ey will pay nny-vh'Te. T here .s no mo.i reason why good gr ain or hay slfould go to was te on a big farm t h a n oil a small one. Get covers of he avy can v as about 12x24 or 1G fe et square, an d weight down the sides. They ca be bou ght of a n y farm im­ plem ent house. They will keep the top o f t le sta ck dry an d ther e will be no necessity of throw ing away a half dozen layers oi w h eat or a h alf ton cf bay, which is generally done when the covers ar e not used. A CLEANERS H an d Tower & Electric. From $4.00 u p — Agents Wanted. W. L. B E N T L E Y ft CO. 14th an d W ashington S treets. Portland, Oregon. Only Vacuum Cleaner Store in Oregon. e There are several causes fox rim cuts; one of which is ridin g a tiro with insufficient inflation. The others are riding the casing on rims t h a t ar e not true; t h a t are wrong size; t h a t ar e battered or misshapen. Because one t i r j in an otherwise good set goes Lad, it does not necessarily mean t h a t it is d efective for each lire s»tins on its own hub and en­ counter s its own troub les separa tely from the others. fKOVERALLS ALL R lw H Ib R E S E R V E D Keep Kids Kleen T h e m e * prarriraL hrakbfei, playtime f irm e r.s r r r r inrem ed fc f cbiM rra 1 to I yeor« of are. %,s 4 r ia one puree with ¿rep bark. E ar..- rlifpeu on or, c 9 . w asted. No tirh t el**!c banc1» to r o p circulation. M ade in blue den m. and blue and w hite hickory «ripe« for all The year round. Alac lifh ter wes*bt m aterial for i r a i r r T wear. AH t*-rm m ta trimmed with f»«t red or blue r» »tea. M ace in Dutch a n k w?t!» elbow alertea and inch 75c the suit If y our dealer e a rn e r ra n d y yon. we will aend ih e * . ebarcea prepaid on receipt o f price, 7 Sc each. A New r p r r If They Suit NULL Rip Str«BM A Co., S ob F ra a c u c * J Nat:onaJ Stamp & Sea! Works ^ RUBBER. STEEL a n i BRASS STAMPS XHUOUSSk Stencils. Seals, Badges and Trad# Checks. Fruit Stamps Brass Signs. Box Printing. Plates and Burn­ ing Brands. N Q t n b e r l D g Machine Experts. MAIN 2164 250 Oak Street. Opposite Police Station. Portland, l reton Nickel Plate * Hare the trimmings on your auto nickel plated. Also ail otker kinds ef finishes os anf metal Write for prieea. Mail orders promptly filled. OREGON PLATING WORKS 16tN and \lder Streets, Portland, Oregon. Automobile Trips! Hare you erer stopped to think how you will carry your clothes and provision» on your machine, cr how you will keep the perishable food coot on a hot day? If not—« Write or fee SMITH—He Makes tke AUTOMOBILE ICE BOX Guaranteed to keep things cool. And lie Makes Anything Else ou Need for the Trip Sm.th Makes and Repairs Trunks, Sample Cases and Grips. E D W . L. S M I T H d»0 Washington Street. l erliaaJ, Oregon. I Capita « ~ ~ is s : M beei to 1 Gran d 1I< Miss Care ing. Othe insign ifics va rious 1c issue wlii< denied tin diffe rence ex p an d vt •n d o iron After t di ned alo C a p ta in A Miss Cart »ed toge sk iin g to p o rted th evening • i t t i n g r< w as told cigarettes AJ1 tbii c f roman tical peo frankly i Careening j ected a i re igning hesitating c h i e f ” tc dukes, oi di atized^ looks, ai Medicis, marquess a ires gal nil couc t h e most an d most should e mere ca; ment, th son, evei siderable terlan d s should < w ith bin pect. Pc Adam ant su nny di o f love sometime g eth er o th e even close ini them th seen mo t h a n an] H is e; like iron v ho usu r.iCTe th why he T h a t he chcee, »1 Adam an w ith one to anoth tio n she t h e desi a n d wo m ask c th e r e w b ro k e i t r u t h oi t r u t h fr The e. ling, eac those m was not thoug h heart < that sb pov wers and pnsi floatin g but t h a t strength He lo y e t— he grew in back to Helen • f the •v er. 8 could b< pain, ai •tep s 01 odd tin knew H know I B a d e tl •h e tole “ met ha