PRESCRIPTION D.D.D, C. L. H A W K IN S r Railroad Street, Dallas IÜNUMLNT --------- f o r 1 G y e a r s --------- The Standard Skin Rem edy & Instant i.e*t We borget .” Relief f o r al l Ski n Troubles CHICKEN8 SOLUTION OF MEAT PROBLEM. Our friends, tbe vegetariaus. think the Joke Is on the meat eaters and console themselves witli tbe thought that Americans will eventually get down to a diet of cabbage, beans, po tatoes aud turnips. This seems to depend on whether people In general raise chickens. hi six years beef production has Ifopped 30 |**r cent, over 1.419,000 less rattle were slaughtered at inspected slaughter houses In that time, a short age of 780.000.000 less pounds of beef. and meat consumption lias dropped fen pounds |»er capita in three years. This is ascribed to the high price of feed, cattle ticks, hog cholera and other diseases, the slaughter of calves anil the fact that grazing country la being rapidly changed into farms. Some wav must be found to fill this food shortage. Authorities at Washington take a pessimistic view of the whole situa­ tion. i They hold no hope for an Increased >r adequate beef and pork supply for the future, but even say of poultry. "There is. therefore, no prospect of in­ crease in products of tills class in treater ratio than the increase in pop­ ulation.” We rather think this state­ ment shows our Washington poultry prognosticators are in the Weeping Jeremiah class. Tlie poultry census on which they stake their claim does not fully repre­ sent the poultry o f the United States This farcical enumeration does not in- rlude the millions of fowls and eggs produced In cities, towns and hamlets of this country. It is restricted to farms and shows a poultry population on them of 488.- 488.864, a vast increase, 95 per cent of (he whole being chickens. The same shows farm eggs Jumped from 1,293.- | «12.4::.'! dozen to 1.591.311.371 dozen. an increase from 17 dozen to 17.3 doz- ; i*n per capita und tlie per capita this year is estimated to reach 18 dozen. Poultry products all over the coun­ try are increasing, and we believe here | is the solution of the meat deficiency, j Missouri, Iowa. Illinois, Indiana. Ohio. I Kansas and Texas made vust advances i last year and produced 39 per cent of (he poultry crop of the country. If other states get on the same hustle there will be chickens and eggs to burn. Farm liens are said to lay but sixty eggk per year, and at tills rate they reach 1.591.311,371 dozen unuually What a vast increase better care or a better bred hen would make in the egg crop! There were 5,055,753 United States farms that reported poultry. Let these and our professional poultry men and our town hen men Just do a little better, and the vast aggregate of Increase will solve the meat prob leni in short order. THE SPECIAL CALL OF THE GOSPEL AGE CONRAD STAFR1N, DRUGGIST l b Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of uregoii for Polk County. H. G. Campbell, Plaintiff, vs. Jesse J. Gilliam, Rachael J. Gilliam, Julia F. Frink, L. S. Frink, Mary E. Miller, Nelson B. Gilliam, Nancy Gilliam, John A. Gilliam, "M ary” Gilliam. Elmer E. Gilliam, Adella Gilliam, W. i). Gilliam, Lizzie Gilliam, Elmei Dallas, •regon. Gilliam, Ella Gilliam, Ella M. Broom itella Agnew, T. H. Agnew, Vesta R.E. WILLIAMS, President itugg, George W. Rugg, Jane Gilliam, 'race A. Gilliam, Albert Gilliam W. G. V A S S A LL Vice President .1 anile Gilliam, Fanny Howe, W. C. F. J. C R A V E N , Cashii .iowc, Minnie Oliver, C. W. Oliver, Directors: orothy Hutchinson, Burton Hutchin- R. C. Craven, I. N. Woods, on, Cornelia Splawn, Ona Splawn, ennie Splawn, John Leista Splawn W. G. Vassal!, R. E. Williams, B. H Gilbert Splawn, Ella ( ’lark, "John MuCallon. K. J. Craven, J. W. Crider lark, Marion Splawn, Sarah Splawn Tits bank is pleased to place a, the .Villard Wing, Minnie May Smith, W. \ Smith, Jennie F. Oilar, A. K. Oilar disposal of its customers the facilities »nnie Myrtle McVVillis, S. R. McWil is, the unknown heirs of Martliu J. Stanley, deceased, the unknown heirs >f Andrew J. Gilliam, deceased, the lakaowa heirs of Sarah T. Gilliam, leceased, the unknown heirs of R. P deceased, the unknown nelr S u r v e y in g and P lattin g Gilliam, of Rebecca Ann Splawn, deceased, the unknown heirs of Frances Marion Estimates furnished on all Splawn, deceased, the unknown heirs kinds of Engineering Work of Lillie Wing, deceased, and also all Phone 502 - Dallas, On, other persons or parties unknown alaiining any right, title, estate, lien >r interest In the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants. To Nelson B. Gilliam, Nancy Gilliam, John A. Gilliam, "M ary” Gilliam ( whose true Christian name is un­ known to plaintiff), Elmer Gilliam, Ella Gilliam, Minnie Oliver, C. W. Twr^~z>\ Oliver, Marion Splawn, Sarah Splawn, Willard Wing, Ona Splawn, Jennie Splawn, John Leista Splawn Gilbert Splawn, Ella (’ lark, "John” Clark (whose Christian name is un known to plaintiff), Stella Agnew m T. H. Agnew, the unknown heirs ol Martha J. Stanley, deceased, the un known heirs of Andrew J. Gilliam deceased, the unknown heirs ol Sarah T. Gilliam, deceased, the un known heirs of R. P. Gilliam, do ceased, the unknown heirs of Re becca Ann Splawn, deceased, the unknown heirs of Frances Marion Slawn, deceased, the unknown heirs of Lillie Wing, deceased, also all other persons or parties in interest claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate de­ scribed in the complaint on file herein, of the above named defend­ ants: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear W . R. C o u lt e r and answer the complaint filed against Phone 1051 Dallas, Orego you In the above entitled Court and suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, L D. B U TLE R N. L4BUTLEB to-wit, on or before the 5tli day of June, 1914, and if you fail to answer, & for want thereof the pluintiff will ap­ ply to the Court for a decree as pray LAW YERS ed for in his complaint herein, to-wit: 1. That the defendants herein may 1NEENENCE - REG be required to set forth the nature of their claims in and to that certair parcel of land described as follows to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast R. L. CHAPMAN.... corner of the Donation Land Claim of J. Gilliam and wife. Not. No. FUNERAL. DIRECTOR , Andrew 2274, Claim No. 52, In Township 8 and t South, range 6 West of the Willamette E MB A LM ER Oi F1CK : Oh« pel and Parlors, N. Main .t ; Meridian, in the County of Polk and State of Oregon; thence running P A L L A S , OKËOOIS: South 50 degrees 35 minutes, East B ull Phom's 11 S 3 23.47 chains to a 4-inch oak post: Calla Promptly An.werc.1 IJay or N(*h« thence South 28 degrees West 15 chains to a 4-inch oak post; thence 1 , North 63 degrees 15 minutes West 29.54 chains to an 8 -lnch oak post on the West side of the county road; thence West 19.4 chains to the center of the Gilliam swale; thence North L on musco rr, pan pkiktob 35 degrees East 8.39 chains following A ll kinds of hauling at reason­ approximately the center of said able rates. Phone orders swale; thence North 38 decree East promptly attended to. Head­ 10.66 chains to the North line of said quarters at Webster's confec­ Gilliam D. L. C., thence East 23.64 tionery. Phone 511. Barn Phone Mutimi 24 chains to the place of beginning, and containing 79.50 acres of land, more or less; and that all adverse claims of Dallas Camp, No. 209 the defendants may be determined by a decree of said court. 2. Tnat by Woodmen of the World Meets every Tuesday even in v at said decree it be declared and ad­ Woodman Hall, corner of Washington judged that the said defendants each of them have no and Jefferson Streets. Visiting Neigh uiitl estate nor Interest whatever bors welcomed. In or to said parcel of land and that JERRY DRISCOLL. Consul Com. the title of plaintiff thereto is good JOE CRAVEN. Clerk. and valid; and, 3. That the said de­ fendants and each of them be for­ A. F. & A. M. ever enjoined and debarred from as­ Jennings Lodge, No. 9 serting any claims whatever in or to Meets second and fourth Fridays of said land adverse to plaintiff and that each month In Masonic hall on Main plaintiff may have such other relief street. Visiting brethren welcon j. as may seem meet with equity. W. R. ELI-IS. W. M This summons, by an order of the W A LTE R S. MUIR, Sec’ y. Hon. J. B. Teal. Judge of the County Court of Polk County, Oregon, made Chambers in Dallas, Oregon, on Almira Rebekah Loage. No. 26 at the 15th day of April, 1914, Is Meet» on the first and third Wodues served upon you by the pub day of each month In the Odd Fellow I llcation thereof for a period Hull of six eon; ecutive weeks immediately HLLA J METZGER. N. Cl. prior to the 5th day of June, 1914, In OKA COSPER, Secretary. tho Polk Countv Itemizer, a newspaper of general circulation printed weekly nt Dallas In said County. Mistletoe Circle, No. 23 The date of the first publication of Women of Woodcraft Meets on the second and fourth this Numinous is April 23, 1914. BROWN, SIBLEY f t BELT. Wednesdays of each month at the j Woodman Hall. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. EMMA JOST, Guardian Neighbor. 8 \DIE LYNN . Clerk. Citation. In tho County Court of the State of Dallas Assembly, No. 46 Oregon for Polk County. United Artisans In the matter of the Estate of Rich­ Meet» first and third Monday eve i \ iRs of each month in Woodman Hall ard R. Bettis, deceased. To Jane Daniels; and any unknown Visiting members cordially Invite'* heirs of Richard R Bettis, deceased; J L W HITE. and to all persons interested,greeting: Master Artlsa in the name of the State of Oregon : W IL L I9 8 IMONTON Secy. ^ on are hereby cited and required to — aptxar In the County Court of the of Oregon for the County of MRS. OLIVE SMITH-BICKNELL Siate Polk, at the Court Room thereof In Dallas. In Polk County, Oregon, on Instructor on Friday, the 3rd day of July, 1914, at 10 o’clock In the forenoon of said day, P IA N O and ORGAN then and there to show cause, if any you have, why the following described 8 tudlo: 712 Oak St. Dallas. Oregon real premises should not be soiu at private sale for cash In hand on date of sale, in due course of administra­ tion; said lands being described as fob lows.tcvwtt: Beginning 95 feet south DENTIST and 176 feet north. 7/ degrees west Office over Fuller Pharmacy. Dallas from tho southeast corner of the D. I* Office Hours: 8 to 12 A.M. 1 to5 P.M. C. of Theordore C. Thorp, Not. No. A ll kinds of Dental work done at 6743, Claim No. 55. In Township 8 8 .R reasonable prices 6 W. of the Will. Mer. in Polk County. Oregon, and running thence N. 77 de­ Thirty acre ranch, 4 miles grees west 96 feet; thence north 13 north of Dallas oil Salt Creek degrees E. 150 f^et; thence south 77 gravel road, fine location. 19 degrees east 62 feet; thence south 1 V feet to the place of beginning, con­ acres under cultivation; 4 acre» taining one acre of land, more or less. decayed stumps, easily put un­ Witness the Hon J. B Teal. Judge der plow. Balance timber: 5 of the County Court of the State of acres prunes, family orchard; Oregon, for the County of Polk, with new 6-room house, new barn, the seal of said Court affixed this 26th dmv of Mav, 1914 good siae, woodshed, hen house, Attest: ASA B ROBINSON. JR.. drilled well, plenty, of soft (SeaD County Clerk. water; woven wire fence. Brown. Sibley A Belt, Price, 136,00 if taken soon, part Attorneys for the Estate. Wroever Hears This Call May Respond to It. Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the County Court of Polk County, Oregon, vlli receive sealed proposals for fur- ilsliing all material, except the irons, tnd erecting one Howe Truss Bridge, 100 foot span, across LaCreole River mar Bowersvflle, said County. Plans The Church of Christ—Jeeue the Head. ind specifications on file at office of The Church the Body—Anointed to ’ounty Clerk of Polk County, Dallas, Be Kings and Priests— Special Train­ Oregon. A certified check for 5 per ent of bid to accompany same. All ing For Office— Who May Qualify Foi dds to be filed in the office of the Election—Terms and Conditions to ’ounty Clerk of Polk County, Oregon, Be Met— Patient Continuance In u or before 10 o’clock a. m., Monday, W ell-D oing— Character-Likeness to lie 25th day of May, A. D. 1914. The 'ounty Court reserves the right to Christ the Necessary Qualification. eject any and all bids. Suffering With Christ—Three Classes By order of the County Court. That Enter the Race For the Prize. A. B. ROBINSON, JR., Only One Will Be Successful. -Granitei DALLAS GIIY BANK Himes Engineering Company The World Moves Itself We Move Anything Else Ü mm M it B ra B l C in TRANSFER CO. BUTLER BUTLER , City Express & Transfer Co. B. F. B U T L E R cash.— Owner. J. H. Regtei . R. P. D. No. 1. Dallas. M28 I Itemizer for artistic Job work $100 Reward $100 ’♦ *** *** *** ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ MORE . £ J >Js ^ i j ! , J i ' A I J | ^*y***^**t**yK*K*K*K*K*K*K*4*’*i**t**t*K*^**t***^,t* ♦♦ * 1 '** * ** ** - C h a u ta u q u a I Dr. F. Gtinsaulus i Ciriciiio s Italian Band Dr Thomas E. Green Thaviu Grand Opera Company Dr. Peter MacQueen Lyric Glee Club Col. W. H. Miller Elwyn Trio Wm. A. McCormick ‘ Bronte’’ Ng PoonChew Mrs Wiiliam Calvin Chilton Mrs. A. L. A. Robinson Hann Jubilee Singers Dr. Charles L. Seasholes Dunbar Singing Orchestra Program Full of features F. R. Wedge SIX pm • T T : f May 3. - Pastor The readers of this paper will be Russell, w h o s e plcuaed to b arn that there is at least one free PHOTO dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is DRAM A OF CRE­ l alurrh. Ilali's Catarrh cure is ‘ Vie only ATIO N is belli v cure now known to the medical | f ositlve raternity. Catarrh bei::£ a constitutional X produced daily in ♦r> disease, requires a constitutional treat­ m any c i 11 e s. ment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken In­ ternally, acting directly upon the blood preached t o d a y and mucous sur*" es of tho system, there­ from the text, “ L* by destroying taw f jund.xtlon of the dis­ : ease, and g.ving the paL: it strength by any man w i l l building up the constitution ai. 1 assisting come after Me, let nature in doing its wr*-!c. The propricta-s have so mm h faith in its curaMve pyv- him deity himself, . rs that they offer O:io Hundred I Mars take up his cross for any case that it fails to cure. E nd. for l i t of testim onials.__ , . ... and follow Me.**— I Address F. .1- » ir r.' .Y A CO., Toledo, Ohio. — — — Matthew 10:24. tioM by rll Dru""lsts. 7">. Take Ila li’ s F n n llv T\'M . fo r o o n *tlT »f b'*» Firsi tin- Pastor showed that God hud foreseen tin* entrance of sin and Notice to Bridge Builders. death inti» the world, and had pur­ Sealed bid« will be received by the Polk County Court up to 10 o’clock posed in Iliiuself before the creation f*******l*+ l*****Z + K **l**l***: K * * l* & ì* * l* * * * * * * * l'hi>ortu- cises were in charge of the nity thus to qualify for tills great hon­ you have the first symptom of a rundown grand lodge of Oregon, Justice system, and nervous people toooiteu con­ or was Jesus, who offered Himself at I l ïh George II. Burnett, of Salem, ceal their aches and pains and suffer in Ills baptism For three and a half acting as proxey ior the M. W. silence, while, i f neglected, this condition years He was thoroughly tested to often foreruns more serious trouble. Grand Master and other offices demonstrate Ills loyalty to Ills conse­ If those no afflicted would stop taking )» the lodge bei-“' i iio there’s the pleasure also. This interesting address. Punch and Riggs. >tf geneimi line of fuel, complete equipment — make Inter­ ed to become, upon certain conditions, iri well put in tlie words of a business wafers were served in the dining Oil and Gas Engines national tractors last and satisfy you longest. inn and fancier. Said he: “ 1 have Oil Traaterx members of this class which God is room during the evening. Study their records, ask their owners about them, Manore Sp.eaders selecting—this “ Body of Christ, which . p| fancy poultry now for mnuy years Cr.ani Separator* The rooms of Jennings Lodge and write us for catalogues. I H C tractor sizes range ml they never have failed to pay me Fern Wag re abong the finest in arrange­ Motor Truck* 9 I of which Jesus Is Head, is completed Now and then when I have had soon Threshers gasoline. Grain Drills will God's Plan for the world's salva­ loiihts as to whether or not the' in ment and furnishings in the A line from you will bring you catalogues, facte Feed Grinder* mne was keeping up with the outgo. Willamette valley and the mem­ and figures, and we will also tell you where the tion be carried out. Knitc Grini'-r* tractors may be seen. Address the Biadar fwmo The Pastor then stated the terms I would walk down to the lien yards, bers of the order may well feel and conditions of eligibility to mem­ look over my best birds, study their proud of the their lodge home. bership In this Body of Christ. God flqo points for an hour or so. then go International Harvester Company of America Dies Near Monmouth. extends the Invitation, and nominates back to my office and credit the birds ¿Incorporated) those who accept It: but each must with $5n on account of ¡»ersonal pleas N. L. Itodgers, aged 29 years, Portland Ore. elect himself by compliance with the are derived from their ownership. In died Wednesday at his home Cbamk — . j, McCormick Milwaukee Osuor.-v „ .& terms of the call. This call Is a desire this way I have managed to show a near Monmouth. Although a ssrrsr. -i^yssisssaags: to come to God. Some have it from _ood. safe profit every year.” Add to oung man, Mr. Rodgers’ death birth; others get it ut their mother’s this enjoyment the hen ith fill ness of the was caused by hardening of the knee, or through a hymn, a sermon, employment. arteries, a disease usually mani­ etc. Whatever points to Christ as the Pigeon doctors have various remedies fest only in elderly persons. Way to God constitutes an invitation. for canker, and the must successful Debased leaves a widow, to Walking In the Narrow Way. -eenis to lie burnt alum. This is blown m he was recently married. To those who turn away from slu Into the month or throat where the •v and accept Christ us their Redeemer, flection Is located, after the white T’ in en l services will be held in this city Friday. the Savior says. " I f any man would * (itch Is gently removed come after Me, let him deny himself, The department of agriculture. Wash take up his cross and follow Me.” The iiigtou. recently warned housewives Pastor explained that to deny one's tfainst buying chickens stuffed with self is to give over one’s self-sufficien­ sand Such swindlers should be hyp­ FOR S A LE BY cy. one’s desire to do one’s own will, notized with a stuffed club. and to accept Instead the Divine will. Japan lias aliout nine fowls to the Whoever does tills dies to earthly am­ icrc of cultivated ground. The United bitions. hopes and desires, and iu their States lias about half u fowl to the stead receives Heavenly ones. DALLAS, OREGON. lire China and Japan have offset tti* The Pastor then showed that to take By MOSS. shortage in beef production by a largt up the cross Is not always understood increase In poultry production, a trick J 10 know a titan by the one starting in the narrow way. (his country may well copy. w who entered Gradually lie perceives that it Is the into a part tiers hip crossing of self-will with the Divine with Ids wife for will. But if his consecration Is gen­ A Marvelous Makeup. s e of Y J. P u r P ° > 8 uine, the child of God will learn to re­ George Robey tells tills story Jp an I \ S II V 1 11 IT US joice in every trial. The Heavenly , ¡\terview in Loudon Motor: "1 do not j k s i j * “ v , " K "s Father will cause the way to open be­ remove my makeup in driving from w ell year through fore him. and will with every trial pro­ I one London hail to another, hut travel the medium of the Declares Lydia EL Pinkham ’s vide the way of escape. with tlie grease [mint still U[ h > ii uiy ads In this paper To follow Christ signifies patient con­ ffco. One night we hud a little alterca­ They worked It like this: V egetable Corn pound tinuance In ertms bearing. Kadi one in tion with the driver of a vehicle, who Mr. B row n-of eourse. that’s tlie narrow way must thus demonstrate Saved H er Life quite forcibly declared flint he had not not Ids real mime, for lie won t bis loyalty to God and to the princi­ seen us coming toward him. which was allow us to use it—went through and Sanity. ples of righteousness. This does not quite true, because he had been fast the pnitet, m refillly reading all mean that the flesh must l>e |>erfected, asleep. At last I looked out o f the win­ the ads which he thought Shamrock, Mo.— " I feci it my duty but the New Creattire— the new will. dow at him. when. Jumping hack In nibrht benefit hint. He made to tell the public the condition o f my The unintentional weaknesses of the surprise, he demanded, ' 'Go's the old notes of things on sale, keeping health before tuing tlesh are covered by the robe o f Christ s fright you’ve got aboard?’ ‘My mas­ hi» eye not only open for the Therefore the New ter is Mr. George Robey.’ re«|*ouded your medicine. 1 hail righteousness T I ME BEING, hut for the EN­ fa llin g , inflamma­ t Crenture is privileged to grow in my driver, with dignity 'Well, you fell T IR E year. He knew not only tion and congestion, Chrlstltkeiiesa where to get good coffee at a im.' said the man. scrambling up into .v.v.v\s/-.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v*.v 17 acres, 2 miles from Dallas, at $90 reasonable price, but he knew f e m a l e weakness, his cart, ‘that if ’e’d sit on the englu’ per acre, on good terms; one-half in Ths Church, Which Is Christ’s Body. where to net the best garden pains in both sides, cultivation. Will make a nice home for Win» \ »M i.ik. s these ste|is comes into with that face nml iH»ee aud them eye some one. rake or tlie l*»st suit of clothes backaches and bear­ the s i-It begotten Body of Christ, the brows, 'e wouldn't want no 'eadlights when he needed It He made his ing down pains, was 32 acres all cleared and nearly all in Church. .Vclarod the Pastor. Till* In s fog!* ” AD READING a part of his short o f memory, cultivation. 17 acres set to trees and spirit Itetrettlug ti*ok place nt the tno ? BUSINESS y W e s h o w n o p r o p e r t y — ju s t p u t f 4 nervous, in,patient, mall fruits. Five-room house, barn merit when, having presented their His Money Wee Safe. Mrs. Brown did the same thing passed s l e e p l e s s ^ y o u in c o m m u n i c a t i o n w i t h t h e ^ ind woodshed. Dryer and warehouse I mn II cs living sacrifices, they went ac Schopenhauer, the German pessi­ in her own way. of course, pay­ n i g h t s , and had m place. .»ust outside eity limits •* o w n e r , a n d y o u a n d h i m m a k e ^ i epted of God Then they became mist, was asked one day to dinner by ing most attention to home pro­ »rice, $ 12 . 000 . neither strength nor 5 t h e d e a l. - • • • ^ tiieinl»ers of the Body, M il of whom d gentleman who hail also invited a viding and.home imj roving energy. There was always a fear and 157 acres 1 Vi miles from Dallas, all have tlie same anointing as had their number of Prussian officer*. Said oue They checked up regularly, dread in my mind, I had cold, nervous, M under cultivation, on county road aud Head This anointing eante ii|*on Jesus of the officers to ffebopenbaner. "Why compared notes talk«*) every­ weak spells, hot flashes over my body. railroad; well-improved aud 7 miles of thing over and twaighr IN T E L ­ I had a place in my right side that was at His baptism On Pentecost it flow­ Jo you put a frederic under your Good orchard tracts, 5 and 10 acres tiling on place; $150 per acre; good LIG E N TLY At the end of the ao sore that I could hardly hear the ed down to the Body, tlie Apostles l>e- elute?” eaeh, on TT. 1?. & f'o. road from Dallas terms. “ I have made s vow.” ref>lie«l tin* yeai they figured "tit just what to Monmouth. 1 mile from Dallas, bear weight o f my clothes. 1 tried medicines ing tlie first member*. 81111 *» then, each Notice of Final Settlement. one coniine Into the Roily comes under philosopher, “ to give this piece of they had saved by watching the j ng next year; great opportunity to get and doctor«, but they did me little good, Notice is hereby given that Earl W. ads. That money was already i orchard tracts for a little cash. tills anointing. Those who press on money to a t*»gg*»r the very ?rnt time and 1 never expected to get out again. Blanchard, administrator of the estate in the hunk, for they hid been faithfully unto death will become mem- I dine with the military without hear 201 acres, 2 miles from Perrydale oo of D. A. Corel, deceased, has filed his I got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable able to save pist that much lug talk about women ami hordes It county road; 175 acres in cultivation; Compound and Blood Purifier, and I cer­ tiers o f the Body of Christ In glory. final account In said matter with the more above their expenses is fifty years since I made this vow , '* acre orthard; creek crosses ¡»lace; tainly would have been in grave or in an some improvements. Will sell all or in county clerk of Polk county. Oregon, Rather « WISE partnership. bat 1 have not yet Iwen called upon to asylum if your medicines hod not saved Just Whs* She Said. small tracts, or will trade for small and that Saturday, June 27, 1114, at W HY NOT TRY IT*» Seatow my frederic in alma." me. But now I can work all-day, sleep 10 o’clock a. m., at the County Court ¡dace near Dallas or Falls City. MDoe* he ever try to flatter youT** ■ . ^ well at night, eal anything I want, have “ Indeed he di*o*n’t. He always tel!» 40 acres fruit land 3 miles from Per Room, in the court house, in the city no hot flashee or weak, nervous spells. \lr*. Sub bn bp had joined a Hun for Herder Still. j rvdale, on county road ami R. F. D.. of Dallas, Polk county, Oregon, has All pains, aches, fears and dreads are me tlm plain, unvarnished truth.” the first time Mrs T ow n lej * sked Swiittor slut i««nl « » , talking atwut “ Why, I heard him tell you that you One of the best business locations in been fixed by the Court as the time gone, my house, children and husband ker what the Huh wmm for. Its ilmtf e put lift i<' ItKnrr In T e m -k m ». en ok! town, 50-foot frontage on Main street; and place for filing objections to the are no longer neglected, aa I am almost were l»ewilderlngly beautiful.** • lid m o on. healing of said final account and the U', 000 . “ Didn’t I tell you a©r* — Houston tuetviiuut wbo. after » I t . I.iinc a p>»l entirely free o f the bad symptoms I had *T really don't know," said Mrs. Sub- settlement thereof. * •ii»n nt Mntoenre. now ■*»« hl» tr»dr 48 acre* near town for 84006. All before taking your remedies, and all it Post. slowly drM-rtintt him for p m M rr and 1 hub*. Dated at Dallas, Polk County. Ore­ pleasure and happiness in my home.’ ’ - “ You don’t know? Why did vou lea red and under fence, but no im­ gon. and first published May 28. 1914. -nor. ruffle» I rlruli* provements. Don’t show fowls with stuna or Mrs. J osib H am , R. F. D. I, Box 22, join a club when yon don't see its ob* EARL W BLANCHARD. ■Poor niff Blank 1» » pathetic flmire.-' feather* ott D»elr shanks ti»es awl ♦ 0 acre*, all fenced, three miles from Shamrock, Missouri. Administrator of the Estate iect?- ttenotor 9lif|*t*orff " l l r allow» n» ' town; 15 a-res in orcharl a i l rnltiva of P. A. Corel, deceased. "Recatme It ineot* ihi Mondays, and If you want special advice w rit« wel**. when the standard call* for that, harl ** It •* to climb nr In the those varieties to be clean shauked nr.»riff. It 1» harder »till tu climb down. I that’s tlie only day In tbe week I hat lion: 400 2-year-old prunes; goo«! build Brown. Sibley ft Belt. L y d l » K . IH n k lin m M e d ic in e C o., i 4100 per acre. and shod. mo where to go.” —CUciuuaU Enquirer. tooalideutUU) Lyoo. Mass. -.New York Tribune. Attorneys for Administrator. 1 WHEN YOU ARE NERVOUS DAÌ rs % R e m e m b e r the D a te ; Ju n e 2 7 to Ju ly 2 f £ International Harvester Oil Tractors :i Hills Bros IT U 1 rac­ The Largest Industry in Polk County is the COFFEE Mr. and Mrs. Brown & Co. loughary Grocery REMARKABLE CASE of Mrs. HAM - ier L W ILLAM ETTE VALLEY LUMBER COMPANY i Buy your Lumber of them and help the Community Grow. l REAL ESTATE SNAPS % J j led*