Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, May 14, 1914, Page 8, Image 16

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Automobiles and Good Roads
A Department Designed to Help Farmers With Progressive Road Ideas.
O construct highways correctly prop­
er excavation should first be made
and the subbase thoroughly well
rolled w ith a roller of a t least ten tons
in weight. This should be done no mat
te r what kind of base m aterial is used.
However, in the construction of a slag
road, in order to obtain the very best
results, it is necessary th a t the loose
slag be spread on the subbase to a
proper depth and then thoroughly rolled
from time to tim e as the work pro
During such procedure it is recoin
mended th a t the road be kept well wet
with water, if w ater is available, and
in finishing it is only necessary to put
on top of the slag base abont two inches
of slag screenings, which contain dust
and slag particles as large as one-fourth
of an inch, which, like all cement, is in­
ert in the dry state.
Road Steadily Improves.
This likewise should be thoroughly
wet and well rolled. • In fact, the top
should never be put on except with
plenty of w ater and thoroughly rolled.
This is necessary because of the natural
cementing qualities of slag, and in order
to get it properly bound this m aterial
must be rolled to elim inate as many
voids as possible.
A slag road built under these specifi­
cations, instead of deteriorating, as is
too often the case with most other road
metals, will gradually improve until
the entire roadbed becomes a solid
mass, thereby giving practically a con­
crete road.
I t is sad indeed to watch road forces
a t work, not only along country high­
ways, but more especially in the cities,
where there are macadamized roads,
for the waste of time and m aterial is
something appalling.
Farmer Must Be Own Garage Man
From Location of His Home, Country Owner of Machine Must
Attend to Duties Himself Which Promotes Economy
and Better Knowledge.
1 8 THE farm er m ust shelter and
t care for his own machine, and has
not the opportunity to run into a
garage for gasoline, lubricating oil or
other supplies every tim e he gets ready
for a drive, it is necessary for him to
be his own garage man. Such provision,
it must be said, proves to be an item of
economy rath er than undue expense. Al­
so, it necessarily leads to a closer con­
ta c t w ith the motor and all working
parts of the car. This, in turn, brings
a greater degree of pleasure in its opera
The farm er is obliged to get his gaso­
line by the barrel, so he has a storage
tan k near his garage, and in such a
place as to be conveniently reached.
Thus he never leaves home w ithout a
plentiful supply of fuel. I t is very, very
seldom th a t a fa rm e r’s car is stalled by
the wayside for lack of gasoline. He
likewise keeps a plentiful supply of lub­
ricating oil and grease on hand. So his
motor never lacks for lubricant, and all
working parts remain in perfect tune.
Gasoline Bought In Q uantity.
Buying gasoline in q u antity works a
considerable saving w ithin a year. Oil,
even of the best, can be purchased a t
much lower price when secured in
barrel or half barrel lots. So the method
th a t is adapted as a necessity becomes
the very best th a t could be devised.
And, as the fa rm e r’s motor never lacks
oil, it gives a long season of service
with no repairs.
The same precaution must be followed
in providing a supply of innertubes,
patches, cement, cases and tire equip
ment. There is also found a small ma
chine shop or a t least a bench w ith all
needed tools for doing Jighter repairs on
the machine. To accommodate all these
features, the farm garage is usually
built large enough both to shelter the
car and allow ample space for the oil
reservoir and tool kit. The gasoline
tan k is buried underground nearby, with
a pipe and pump coqneetion inside the
building, convenient to the supply tank
of the car.
Care of Auto Beal Pleasure.
On our own country place we have
learned th a t the closer we can keep to
our machine in the m atter of its opera­
tion and cane, the more positive is the
enjoym ent we deriVe from its use. Even
though we are obliged to move to town,
we should continue to do our own work,
simply because we have grown into the
habit, and not because of any griev
ance against the garage man, for the
latter, a fte r all, in tim e of need, is truly
as much the fa rm e r’s friend as of any
owner of an automobile. B ut we have
learned by experience th a t to care for
our own machine adds a t least 100 per
cent to the pleasure of operating it.
Making the Mortgage to secure
a number of Notes or Bonds
of $100, $500 and $1,000 each.
The form of the bond and
mortgage is, so far as possible,
identical with the small loan
where the note and mortgage
are assigned to the purchaser.
We have at present several
very attractive issues of such
bonds, maturing from 1 to 10
years, netting 7 per cent. Let
us tell you about them.
Jaco b F u r th
Jo h n D a v li
F. K . S tru v e
J . E. Patrick
V. D. M iller
807 Second Avenue
Some Good Advice
To Auto Owners
Slag N atural Cement.
B y George F . P au l.
T he s h a d e , of n ig h t w ere fallin g fast
Streets are repaired merely by throw ­
W hen th ro u g h a co u n try village passed
ing loose slag or some other m aterial
A y outh, who b o re th ro u g h slush and
into the ruts and, instead of finishing
c a rp e t sw eeper an d a mop.
the job by rolling and compacting the
E x celsio r!
m aterial, making it more or less per­
manent, the loose m aterial is allowed
T he shades of n ig h t fell lik e a log.
to remain, and vehicles passing over
T hey ro u sed th e erick et an d th e dog
H e flo u n d ered th ro u g h the ru s t so ^
it, instead of compacting the filling
will cause the parties to grind into
And as he sto p p ed h e sw ore a heap.
dust, which will be carried off either
E xcelsio r!
by the wind or by rapidly moving au­
t seven m iles from tow n.
tomobiles, leaving the street in as bad
J u s t w h ere th e H ollow road slopes
condition as before it was repaired.
Y et w hen a t la st he reach ed th e place
Slag is the one m aterial th a t not only
!,ong w h isk ers covered all h is face.
is cheaper as a rule than all other road
E x e elsio rt
bases, but it is available in large quan­
v e n tu re s in to town
tities and a t all times, regardless of
To a c t th e m ud b e s p a tte re d clown.
the weather. The rainy season has no
H e 's s ittin g th e re ; he w aits and w aits
effect on the shipm ent of slag, as is the
T ill m ud d rie s on th e p ea rly g ates.
E x celsio r I
case in the rock quarries and grave pits,
and by reason of the fact th a t it is
usually loaded a t points where a num­
ber of railroads center ears are availa­
A New Road Material.
ble when such is not the case a t quar
ries and gravel pits located exclusively
A new road m aterial designed to
on one line.
stand hard usage from automobiles is
Advantages Ara Told.
being tried by a Swiss engineer, W.
The advantages to ba derived from Erlich, and is said to consist of a m ix­
the use of slag in building highways ture of broken stone about the size of a
may be analyzed as follows:
hazelnut, but not limestone, w ith a bind­
It is a natural cement rock.
I t will cement together if properly ing m aterial whose composition is not
divulged by the inventor. In the pres­
compressed by w etting and rolling.
I t is, as a rule, vastly cheaper than ent process the stone is heated a t first
any other road m aterial.
from 100 to 150 degrees C. and mixed
I t is available in large quantities and
a t thia tem perature w ith the melted
a t all times, regardless of w eather con­
composition. When in n s e 'th e mass is
remelted in order to put it on the road.
I t is an impervious m aterial.
I t is considerably lighter in weight A road roller heated to a ra th e r high
than stone or gravel, consequently a point ia passed over the surface, the
great saving in freight is effected where
roller weighing abont six tons. Re­
distances are equal.
ports state th a t a very good road suf-
face can be obtained in th is wny.
Inland Empire Crop Prospects.
On the basis of a canvass just eom-
To Ball Own Produce.
plsted by the International Harvester
Company on the prospective wheat and
At a meeting held by committees if
cereal erope, figures of which have been local fruit growers snd groeerymen it
submitted to the Spokane Chamber of was decided to institute a farmers' com­
Commerce, the increased yield this year mission bonsa in Centralin. Wash., this
in the Inland Empire will total between season. A good man will ba placed in
eight and tea million bushels more than charge of the house, and another put
the bumper crop of IBIS. Tbs added on the road. Tha farmers win deliver
income e f the Inland Empire farmers all of their produce at tha commission
this year will be eloee to 113,000,000, house, and what is not sold to local and
and tbia amonat will not be additional outside dealers will be pot through tha
crop altogether, but also returns from cannery, thns insuring no over-produc­
higher prices, which are inevitable, tays tion. At tha meeting the grocers pledged
tbs report
to bay home-grown produce entirely.
We Make Large
Loans Upon
Improved City
and Farm
ON"T coast downhill.
D on’t go .down a long steep
grade faster than 15 miles an hour.
Shut o ff your spark on descending
a grade, w ith your clutch engaged in
high, interm ediate or low, according to
steepness, and use your foot brake only
when necessary. This not only cools
the motor but saves your brakes.
D o n ’t be in a hurry on mountain
grades and d o n ’t be afraid to m ake a
noise so th a t others may know you
are coming.
When rounding curves sound your
You cannot make a sharp curve safe­
ly if going over 15 miles an hoar.
Make it a rule to take no curves at
a t a speed of over 20 miles an hour.
On m ountain grades d o n ’t put too
much trn st on the outside bank, espe­
cially if your car is a heavy one.
' I f yon have to cool yonr radiator on
a long hill and you have the w ater to
do it w ith, m ake a good job of i t Let
the radiator d rain while yon poor in
cold w ater until the motor is cool. If
you have no w ater, a quart or two of
fresh oil in the crank case will help
Want A Position
Being ready when the oppor­
tu n ity comes is what counts for
success. There is a big demand
for B EH N K E W A LK ER trained
bookkeepers, stenographers and
E ight hundred and forty-one
differen t firm s called on us for
help since August 1st. There is
no quicker, surer way to secure
rem unerative employment and
future success than to secure our
I. M. Walker, Pres. Portland, Ore.
The New Rodent E xterm inator
Song of tha Lazy Farmer.
Dealer Does Not H ave It,
My neighbor's got some form alin, to
W rite Ua.
soak his oats and barley in; he says the
seed is full of smut, th a t’s been there
sinee tha erop was e a t Then when he I 1004 Broadway Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
plants it in the field, the emnt germs
grow and hurt the yield; inatead of get­
ting lots of grain, he'd harvest heads
of smut again. He aaya to kill these Send Sketch and Descmption for Opinion
germs of his, he 'll soak ’em op and
as to Patentability.
let 'em fias; so all his grain is in a pile,
200 Victor Bldg., Washington, D. 0.
and wetted down to eoak awhile.
I ’ll let my neighbor toil and soak. I
think thia thing ia all a joke. I b lie v e
A t i n t r l u s i l u a U a n d ry P a lly equipped
ia tater bags and^worms. bat den't go L au n d ry b u ilding« a n d reald en c« : w ag o n :
team s. E a rn in g * 7 0 0 p e r w eak. Splendid
mnch on theee here germe. When neigh­ town. * 4 ,0 0 0 ; ea sy te r m s
bor >ows alfalfa seed, he doesn't soak i t
do indeed; before he plants the erop he
14 S . Stk S t . Portland. Or agon
puta e let of germs npoa the roots. Now
I would like to have him tell, why ain't
*2,500 A YEAR?
germs good on oats as wall « Thia whole
I t eo. and yon b a rs *1,0 0 0 to InTsst la a
germ business sounds so queer, that I food, legitim ate bneinesa tkat w ill t'an d the
don 't want '• mover here; if he doa't •trleteet in vestigation, w rits to ma
keep hie germs to hum, IH set the dog
JOHN SPRINGS, 512 Henry Bldg
on them, by gum!
312 Henry Bldg.. Portland. Oregon.
U. S. and Foreign Patents
ll/h A N T I
> *of’
the money in n
“ Too low a
tor, “ in a fey
yonr immortal
take those floe
Vaughn; th e y ’
His eritieal,
upon the youn(
“ Don’t loae
boy is doing fa
As hia footst
the mother sail
“ We had net
hadn’t we. W
ted exactly, shi
pocket, and si
waa married to
“ Did they t
naked the wea
“ Yes, dear,
“ and mnaic a
ells wore a dr
stars. ’ ’
“ Did they
suppert’ ’ persi
“ Yes, darlii
mother gave t
had a------’’
“ Was it chi
The trained
she was used '
but the mothei
for the past fe
first experienc
“ It was choi
was so excited
in it, and the
of it .”
“ You forgot
tile insistence,
when yon told
The Prince at
and two of i
wanted to heai
per part is sill
“ Shall I gei
read over the
so that we ci
like beatf” ahi
He did not
her with big,
six weeks age
oasly response
“ We mast
read while yo
soon be well,
be the best th
splendid sled a
“ I dun no. ’’
•' D on’t yon
preeionsf Our
“ lee cream.
The nurse g
brought half
from which h
taate. Then bi
“ Next time
and I hate th
sad he gulped
“ What did
mother« “
“ I hardly t
tatoea, and all
and some hone
“ Honey! C
yonr breath! ’’
She bent an
‘ ‘ I didn 't e
That waa foi
eanse they eo
I wasn't hang
and toast.”
She would n
her, when she
child, up sta in
Boy looked
“ Please don
The doctor’«
her, sad she '
and looked ia
time ia weeks
of what was
alized that It t
that ha was y
to see her loot
the dark wra|
ing while she i
pretty gray go
by the soft flu
she had piaeh
color eaaa, si
His face bri
“ You're goi