HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION AUTOMOBILES AND GOOD ROADS A Department Designed to Help Fanners With Progressive Road Ideas. v •> ^ *1* ^ + •I* *!« *1« *!• *!• •î* *!• 4 4* Logan W alter P age Is d irector o f roads in the D epartm ent o f A griculture and an ackn ow ledged expert on expenditure. T his is the seeohd o f two articles d ealing *£• with his views. W e coun sel our ,4* readers to study it. ‘h * .j. * 1 “ RATIONAL aid road im provem en t ation a is one \ o c f the plans proposed, and ve no doubt this plan will I have be inaugurated in the near future. State aid is already w ell under way, and has been constantly grow in g since 1891, when New Jersey first em barked on the plan o f having aid granted d irectly by the state, and a m easure o f state supervision provided. Counties and states are bon din g them selves to build hard-surfaced roads, and this is helping to som e extent, but to my m ind the prim ary necessity is so to reform and revise our existing road system s as to insure the e fficie n t c o n ­ struction o f the roads, continuous and adequate m aintenance and honest and cai»able handling* o f our road rev­ enues. I had hoped that when the states as units took hold o f the road problem tho> at least w ould elim inate to a very great degree the baneful influence of politics, but the history o f the changes in state highw ay departm ents during the last 10 years w ould indicate that . p olitics is as active there as in local subdivisions. D uring the past 10 years there have been changes in the c o n ­ trol o f the engin eerin g w ork in the . state highw ay departm ents o f Arizona, C onnecticut, Delaware, Maine, M ary­ land, M ichigan, Missouri, New H a m p ­ shire. New Jersey, New Y ork, Ohio, Pennsylvania, W ashington and W est V irginia. In the state o f New Y ork alon e there have been nine changes m ade in the state highw ay departm ent in the last 15 years. W hile it w ould not be fair to characterize all o f these chan ges as unjustifiable, it is evident that the tenure o f o ffice is. as a g en ­ eral rule, insecure; that the officia l, w h o should be absolutely free from political control, is alm ost totally un­ able to act except at the dictates of those very forces. Civil Service A dvocated. T he rem edy, to my m ind, is the en- aotm ent o f strict and clea r-cu t civil service legislation a p p licab le to the entire road system in the each state, and the consclentiqus and wise en ­ forcem ent o f such legislation. In the _ first place, a state highw ay engineer should be chosen by a non-partisan board, and should hold o ffice at the discretion o f such a board. A ll su b­ ordin ate positions In the departm ent should be filled by rigid com petitive exam inations, w ithout regard to party affiliations. At this point I wish to call Attention to the fa ct that we have recen tly filled the o ffice o f assistant d irector o f the United States o ffice o f p ublic roads by such a com petitive ex ­ am ination, aqd p ra ctically^ou r entire fo rce , from m essenger boy to d irector. Is filled in the sam e way. T he re­ sults are Infinitely m ore satisfactory than the old spoils system. In regard to cou n ty and tow nship road work, l think it w ould be advis­ able. w herever the system o f g o v e rn ­ ment perm its, to have the cou n ty as the sm allest unit o f adm inistration, and to have one cou n ty o fficia l w ho Is required by law to possess a p ra c­ tical know ledge o f road construction and m aintenance, and w h o is ap p o in t­ ed after an exam ination to be pre- acrlbed by the state highw ay d ep a rt­ m ent in conn ection with the State civil service com m ission. W h ile it p rob ably w ould be necessary to give the C ounty Board o f Com m issioners, o r such o fficia ls as have ch arge of coun ty affairs, the p ow er to rem ove this road o fficia l, they should be c o m ­ pelled to appoint his su ccessor upon certification from the register o f the eligibles established by the state h ig h ­ way departm ent and the State Civil S ervice C om m ission. N F a ir Com pensation Urged. T his w ould prevent rem oval o f road o fficia ls fo r the purpose o f substitut­ in g local politicians, and w ould tend to perm anency o f o ffic e on the part o f g o o d m en and the easy rem oval o f in­ com p eten t men T here should be p ro ­ v ided by legislation and regulation su fficie n t com pensation fo r the coun ty ro a d o ffic e r so that e fficie n t men m igh t be attracted to the work. C on ­ stant em ploym ent should be given. and his su bordinates should be c a p ­ able men, su pplied in accord a n ce with the spirit o f the m erit system. T he o b jection has been m ade to the em ploym ent o f coun ty engineers that som e coun ties are utterly unable to pay a salary such as a com p eten t en­ gineer w ould require. T his d ifficu lty can be ov ercom e in tw o ways, first by legislation so fram ed as to perm it two or m ore coun ties to join tly em ploy an engineer, or, second, by m ak in g the civil service regulations su fficien tly elastic as to enable a practical and e f ­ ficien t su perintendent to be em ployed rather than a high-salaried tech nical engin eer where condition s appeared to w arrant i t Only when we arrive at the state o f d evelopm ent w here we recogn ize in the fullest degree the n e­ cessity fo r the ap p lication o f the m erit system in road adm inistration in every unit o f governm ent will we attain that standard o f excellen ce in our public j roads w hich w ould m ake them co m - parable to the roads in E urope. I but the quantity o f the qjl used. T he service rendered by the m otor is so vital and the expense involved in its overhau l and upkeep so gTeat that it beh ooves the user and ow n er to see that he is not handed “ any old th in g ” fo r his oil tank, but sh ould insist upon getting the righ t oil fo r his type o f car. W e will be pleased to corresp on d with you in relation to any con d ition pertaining to dental w ork. T w enty years’ p ra ctice in Oregon. DR. M. A . JONES Oil Is Important Factor W ith Auto Sixty Per Cent of Motorists’ Troubles Are Due to Faulty Lubricants, Says Fred J. Wagner 245 V% W ashin gton St., P ortlan d, O regon. I W ANT A R E PO R T on p rod u ce con d ition s in y ou r section. W rite m e and I will advise YOU on T hese acid-treated oils, if their use m arkets. is long continued, also have the effe ct In time o f attack in g the m etal su r­ FRANK TEMPLETON fa ces with w hich they are brough t P rod u ce E xpert, into contact. T he use o f the righ t oil 125 F ron t St., P ortlan d, Oregon. fo r the lubricating o f the m otor is vital and the car user m ust to a W A N T E D — F A R M LANDS certain extent rely upon the fid elity We have citv property to exchange and honesty o f the m an u factu rer of for farm lands. Tell us what you have. that lubricant. We will consider livestock, with or without land. W ill exchange western If the product used in the m otor is land for Eastern land or city property. not suited to the purpose the dam age S\\ A *K HHOTHEHS, d one is gradual and insidious. This 611 N orthwest Building. dam age bein g o f a gradual character, Portland. Oregon. can n ot be observed from day to day, Main 4190. as can the w'ear and tear on the tires o f the car. T he viscosity, w h ich , in H ave the trim m in gs on you r auto oth er words, m eans the flu idity o f the n ickel-p lated. A lso all oth er kinds o f oil, is also a fa ctor in its a fford in g finishes on any metal. W rite fo r prices. Mail orders p rom p tly filled. p rop er lubrication. B y F R E D J. W A G N E R o f oil experts has proved that about 60 per cent o f the trou bles to w hich m otors are su bject is due prim arily to faulty lu b­ rication. T he rem arks are based on m y ow n personal experience in the oil business and not m erely from h ear­ say. Faulty lubrication can be su bdivid­ ed into several classes— am on g them im proper lubrication, insufficien t su p ­ ply, over-lu b rica tion and, m ost im ­ portant o f all, the fa ilu re to use a pure oil draw n from the well section o f Pennsylvania, w hich state produces the best cru de oil; the failure to use a lubricant free from acid treatm ent or one with a h ig h -firin g point, good viscosity and, In short, one w hich will lubricate under all m otorin g c o n ­ W h ere the m otor is w orn and there ditions. is an ap p reciable play, either in the The su pply o f P ennsylvania crude bearin g o r between the piston and c y l­ 16th and A lder Streets, oil is so lim ited and the dem and so inder walls, the purest oil that can be P ortlan d, Oregon. great that there has gradu ally crept obtained and o f a heavier grade is re ­ into the field o f au tom obile lu b rica ­ quired. W hen the m otor is new and tion the use o f ch eap er products, the bearing and w earing parts fit YON W A N T A W E A L T H O F H A IR com m on ly know n as ‘m idcontinent snugly and properly a lighter oil O f cou rse you do. I can get results oil,” having heavy asph altic bases, and should be used, that the best results fo r you, so let m e tell you how m y treatm ent will cure d a n d ru ff and stop com in g from the fields in Indiana, m ay be expected. fa llin g hair. W rite now fo r in fo r ­ Illinois, K entucky. O klahom a, Texas T he system o f lubrication used in m ation. and through to the P a c ific Coast. L E L IA OKI MRS, the m otor is also a fa cto r w h ich should P ennsylvania crude, having fo r its 389 A lder St.. P ortlan d, Ore. help determ ine not only the ch aracter base p araffin , o ffe rs the best oil fo r the lubrication o f the au tom obile m otor, consid ering the exactin g re­ quirem ents o f high speed, lo n g -c o n ­ tinued runs, the high heat generated in the explosion cham ber, etc. In order that this m idcontinen t and W estern oil having an in ferior base may ap p ear pleasing to the eye and com pete or com pare, at least when o f ­ fered fo r sale, with the purer and There Is Money in Your Old Freight Bills, but You Don’t Know higher priced oils w hich com e from the restricted fields o f Pennsylvania, It— Let the Trans continental Traffic Association Find the refiners o f the asph altic oils resort It Out for You to a num ber o f practices, none o f w hich tends to im prove the quality as a lubricant. I f you are a m erchant w ho pays railroad or express ch arg es w c can T he p ra ctice m ost frequently resort­ greatly benefit you and your business as a m em ber o f this A ssociation. ed to is the treating o f the oil with It is the aim o f T H E T R A N 8 -C O N T IN E N T A L T R A F F IC ASSOCIATION an a cid ; then the attem pt later to neu­ to em bod y all o f the sh ippers and receivers o f freight within the states tralize it with an alkali salt, and by o f O regon and W ashington into one strong sh ipp ers’ association. w ashing free the oil fro m both the acid and the salt. In theory thi» Is! W e are a perm anent Institution fo r the beh efit o f the m erchants, accom p lish ed ; in p ra ctice there remain with general o ffice s m aintained at Portland. This association is pre­ a num ber o f salts entirely foreign to pared at any tim e to handle and give expert service and inform ation the oil a s ' a lubricant, but all of on freight routing, ta riff rates and classification, overch arge, loss and w hich, as they are foreig n products, dam age claim s. Interstate C om m erce com plain ts and rate «litigation, in tend to break dow n the oil under high fa ct to p rotect and assist the sh ipper from every standpoint o f his trans* degrees o f heat generated in the ex portatlon. plosion cham ber._______________________ ----- W o have proved that an association o f thts kind carries strength and com m an ds respect o f the railroads, especially In the filin g o f claim s fo r overcharges, etc. It is a well known fa ct that au ditin g com panies, operatin g on a percentage o f the am ounts recovered as overch arges, have little respect or standing with the railroads, and that a larger percentage o f the claim s filed by them with the carriers are declined O n l y »2 0 0 th e a s s t k a a d a im4 j due to lack o f necessary eviden ce and know ledge required to present at hom e. claim s o f m erit in the p rop er m anner so as to reach the h igh er authority We make the w ork easy and en­ over the regular clerical help o f the railroads. joy a b le and guarantee reaalta. E x p e r ie n c e OREGON PLATING W ORKS Merchants, Attention!! Become an Accom­ plished Musician Competent Instructors. E verything furnished except the brains and Instruments. W rite us today. A V R R IC A S » ( HIM1I. o r HI SIC. S1I-S17 Com m onw ealth Bldg Portland. Ore. Highest Cash Prices Paid fo r drrsaed m eats, poultry, butter, eg g » and fruits. P ota toes and onion s handled In ca r Iota. P rom pt R eturns. W rite ua fo r o u r regular m arket letter. ^ BURNETT & SONS G eneral P rod u ce M erchant«, 143 F ron t Street. P ortland. O regon T o any shipper or receiver o f freight the services o f this association are invaluable and no operatin g business can a ffo rd to be w ithout it. W> earnestly urge every m erchant to take advantage o f our S P E C IA L IN T R O D U C T O R Y O F F E R . Our regular m em bersh ip fee is Ten D ollars. F or thirty days we will deduct this fee from the ov e r­ ch arg e fu nd in your freight bills and return to you 50% o f the balance, thus, w ithout any cash outlay, you are m ade a m em ber o f on e o f the strongest and m ost efficien t tra ffic organisations in the West. Write Us Today The Tians-Continental Traffic Association 411-412-413414 4K Panama Building Portland, Oregon