70 Busy Stores 1 DALLAS, OREGON r Our Shoe business is growing larger every day and it is due to the fact that we sell all honest leather Shoes. Every pair guaranteed. We can save you from 50c to $1.00 on every pair you buy. Remember we carry the very best brands and sell them cheaper. Our motto is better values for less money. You are always welcome to look, come in and let us show you that our prices are right. We carry the S ta r B r a n d and C r o ssu t S h o e . - - - - $2.50 val. 2.50 val. 3.O0 val. 3.00 val. 3.50 val. - 4.00 val. - 4.00 val. Star Brand SHOES B oys’ Sh oes W o r k Sh oes Heavy Calf Skin Blk. Heavy Calf Skin Tan Better ones, Black - Soft and good Plain toe soft welt Heavy Chrome tan - Black Chrome at at at at at at at $1.98 1.98 2.49 2.69 2.98 3.50 3.50 Black Calf Blucher, The Barnyard Shoes, Good for the Farm Manure Proof. $1.25 Better ones, Blucher, $1.49-1.69 Tan, Button, Black or tan, $3.50 Heavy sole, soft top, blk. or tan, $5.00, 3.50 Black, Button, Men’s Elk Outing Shoes, 1.98,-2.49 Heavy School Shoe Mule Skin, Heavy sole, 1.79 Gunmetal Welt, button or blu. 1.69 1.69 1.98-2.49 1.98 Black Button, 1.98 Plain Toe Tan Button or blucher, Black, “ “ Tan or black button at $2.49 “ 2.49 “ 2.98 “ 2.98 H h u n ■ 3.50 val. at 2.98 4.00 u u 3.50 4.00 a u 3.50 5.00 a a 3.98 H H a a 5.00 val. at 3.98 5.00 “ “ 3.98 5.00 <( “ 3.98 Tan or black blucher, Dark tan button ifBi Dark tan, good weight H a H “TH OF h BY H Copyright □ a a a The Crossett Shoe Makes Life’s Walk Easy a a $4.00 value at $3.50 Tan or black button Best made, any Style, 75c ri 5.00 “ a m fcfl “ 3.98 H El m ; n n iiiiiiiiiu iim iiiiH iii|iL iiiiim n m iim iiin iiiiiiiit E iiiiiin im iim iiH iH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit i TH E ONLY DEMOCRATIC NE W SPAPER IN POLK COUNTY THE POLK COUNTY ITEMIZER Admitted as Second Clue» Mull Matter. THURSDAY MARCH J2..i9J4 V. K FISK E. Í lteuiiser.tHi» year in advance................... ................... $1 50 With Weekly Or< gonian or Semi ■ weekly Jo u rn al............. 2 UU ’PHONES ■ iih Cìoet M a g a tin e ..................................................................... 1 60 Wi • “ M U TL A L ( * 1 R e sid e n c e ,1113 UHii1« : No. 50(1 M ain S t. FatroniteOn* Anolfae lor th* Upbuilding of Town and County JU ST A TRU E STATEMENT. It co sts th e Item izer som ething like $26 every day to keep ru n n in g . T his is an expense charge th a t we m u st m eet day in and day out, rain o r shine, and it m akes no difference w h eth er business is> good o r bad. In o rd er to m eet th is co ntinual average expense, and also m ake a living, we m ust do each year a certain a m o u n t of business. T he sam e th in g is tru e of the O bserver to a g re a te r o r less degree. N otw ithstanding th e continued high cost of living, and the advancem ent of prices along o th e r lines, the prin ter has held to the old tim e prices, in fact has shaded prices m uch more th an to adv an ce them . A tow n th e size of Dallas can and h as supported tw o papers in good shape, and the Item izer has no com plaint to m ake on th at score. R ut th e business of th e tow n could not support a third paper, n o r can It support th e tw o if any of the business n a tu ra lly com ing to them be diverted in o th e r c h a n ­ nels. If th e to w n 's ad v ertising o r Job work is in any way given to o th e r sources, th e revenue of the new s­ papers will be so restricted th at It will not long be |>os- sible for both to do business, and one of them will soon have to go under, leaving Dallas with but one paper to do th e n ecessary boosting in order th at she may grow and prosper. No one can tru th fu lly say th a t both the Observer and th e Item izer have not done th eir work full well In th is respect. T h eir eu ito rs have averaged 18 hours a day in th e endeavor to g!ve to th e town the very best th a t ia in them for th e purpose of advancing each and every in te re st of th e tow n. We have given unlim ­ ited space in o u r colum ns tu rth e rin g every efTort th a t w as advanced to m ak e Dallas grow . We have epent o u r m oney and o u r tim e in boosting all m easures of public benefit. We have done o u r full duty for the to w n 's advancem ent a s a tow n, and we have puffed to an unlindted degree probably every citizen in it. We have condoled w ith them in distress, we have re ­ joiced w ith them In happy events, and In every way have we endeavored to live with o u r citizenship in a b ro th erly fashion for th e ir well being and o u rs We h av e n ev er charged ex h o rb ltapt ra te s for any of our work, sim ply enough to justify its continuance, a proht th a t every business m an is entitled to, o r he m ight as well quit business before he com m ence. O ur h e a rts have been in o u r w ork, and even w ith our largely stretch ed loyalty to th e tow n and its people, we have by econom y and th rift m anaged to install in Dal­ las two of the best p rinting plants th a t can be found in the s ta te of O regon, and m uch su perior to those g en ­ erally found in a tow n or this size; also to establish two new spapers th a t a re know n fa r and wide for their excellence as local new s m edium s, and to which the last editorial association pointed w ith pride as fit ex­ am ples of w h at should be the aim of every country publisher and the acm e of success. If m e w ork of the tow n th a t rightfully belongs to th e two new spapers shall be continued them , the aforesaid good work will continue and both ed ito rs will be happy with the know ledge th a t th e ir efforts are appreciated. If this is not done, the papers, one o r both, will be compelled to greatly d eterio ate in th e ir new s and o th e r service, in o rd er to m ake both ends m eet, and as a tow n is alw ays judged by o u tsiders by th e papers it supports, this Tact will resu lt to th e d etrim en t of the tow n and conse­ quently to every one of its in h ab itan ts. The Item izer is not at this tim e raising any p articular howl— w e are sim ply m aking a plain statem en t of facts as they exist, aim ing to im press on o u r people w hat is just and right In this m a tte r as one th a t behooves the individual in te re st of every citizen an d the tow n as a progressive com m unity. LOCAL WOMEN AGREE W ITH STAGE BEAUTIES Of all women in the world, probab ly those ila alx>ut theif on the stage are most particular personal appearance, and especially in the care of the hair; and when *uch leading Stage beauties as Ethel Barrymore, Elsie Ferguson, •rgi Natalie Alt, Louis** Dresser, Rose Coglila», Laurette Taylor Favi* and many others are to enthusiastic about Harmony Hait Beautifier as to write in praise of it, that is certainly evidence that it does just what they say it does—th at is, beautifies th« hair There are many women rifht in thia town, anti men, too, who regard it as indis- I pensuble, because r it makes ?s the | hair glossier anti more silky, , easier * tc to r dress anti make stay in place Sprinkle ipnnkle • a lit little on your hair I each time before re brushing brushinj ling it. Contains no | oil; will not ch change < color of hair, nor x darken gray hair To keep hair anti scalp dandruff-free and dean, use Harmony Shampoo. This pure liquid shampoo gives an instantaneous rich lather that immevliately penetrates to every part of hairund scalp, insuring a quick, thor­ ough cleansing Washed off ;u«t as quickly, the entire operation takes only a few mo­ ments Contains nothing thnt can harm th« hair; leaves no harshness or stick mesa Both preparations dim« in odd-shaped, very ornamental bottle**, with spm n ruder Hair BeauUfier, $1 00. Harmony Shampoo, 50c Both guaranteed to satisfy you in every way, or your money back. Sold only at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only by us (C od SI M e n ’s Rubbers, Hood Brand 69c Black Gunmetal Blu. $3.00 val. “ “ Button 3.00 “ Tan or Black Button 3.50 ù .ü U “ Tan or Black Blucher 3.50 “ lu IS H 2.49—2.98 Tan button, Our Prices D ress S h oes PARTY AT ARMORY. G rateful Young Men Respond in E n tertain in g Young W omen. H onoring the Young W om an's Club of this city, th e young men o Dallas elaborately entertain ed at th e arm ory Friday evening. D ancing was the attra c tiv e fea­ tu re oi the evening, alth o u g h pool and card playing had th eir sh are of popularity. Downey’s o rc h e stra unstintedly furnished m usic for the occasion and the whole evening proved to be m ost enjoyably spent. T he large a r ­ m ory w as decorated prettily w ith bunting and greens, w hich entirely obliterated the bareness of the room, giving to It an a r ­ tistic and and attra c tiv e a p p e a r­ ance. In one co rn er of th e room punch was served by Clyde Gibbs and th e en terta in m e n t com m ittee. M essrs A rthur Senr, Carl Williams. Joe Ju stin , Irwin Lewis and R obert VanOredel, served an elegant lunch during the la tte r part of the evening About 90 were present. Resides Conrad Stafrln, Druggist m em bers of the Y oung W om an's Club several especially Invited Mr. and Mr*. D. A. Hodges g u ests attended. T he p a tro n ­ esses w ere Mr. and Mrs. O scar were over from Salem S aturday. H ayter. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. F en ­ He Is now su p erintendent of the ton. Mr. and Mrs. C onrad Stfrin Spaulding box factory. and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Craven. MRS. HOLMES SUES. The O steopathic Magazine. 3BBSfi!OBflS9BISBBBEBflBBBBBBflflBBBflBf4 Ja n u a ry w as the initial num - j her in tins m agazine, it was W ants $25,000 D am ages for ! anU iim -eu a t th e last national Alleged False Im prisonm ent. i m eetnif; and is published m onth- j ly by tne American Oz’.eopathlc Alleging th a t she was illegally : rvssociai. *. Dr. A. L. E vans ! editorially say s in p art: "T he and falsely com m ittted and con­ Y purposes o: Inis m agazine are to fined in th e O regon sta te ho s­ pital for th e insane, Pearl ! u isiu ss questions affecting the pubne neaiu i irom the osteo- Jones Holm es has brought suit i pa tine sta n d p o in t; to aid in pro­ in th e Polk C ounty circuit co urt m oting suen reio rm s as con- tor $25,000 dam ages ag ain st her t i m u te to tu t health and happi- husband, M. A. Holmes, C ounty Y i nes oi the peo p le; to oppose all Judge J. B. Teal, Dr. B. H. Mc- T j u n ju st and a ib ita ry exercise of Callon and Dr. R. E. Lee S teiner ♦ > «i* a u th o rity violative of the rights su p erin ten d en t of the asylum . She alleges th a a t as a resu lt ! oi individuals, to presen t the ; distinctive contribution of o ste­ of dom estic troubles, a conspir­ ♦♦♦ opathy to tn e science ot disease acy w as entered into betw een Will Fire the First Gun of his Campaign at prevention; and to give practi- her husband and C ounty Judge Teal and Dr. McCallon, on | cal advice in reg ard to personal hygiene and such inform ation w hose certificate she w as com ­ I as should be found in a family m itted to the asylum to get her o u t of the way. She w as re ­ health m agazine. "in th e ag g reg ate, the people ceived a t th e asylum Ja n u a ry who already look hopefully to 27, 1913 and w as discharged as ( osteo p ath y as a facto r in bring­ cured in about th ree weeks. In her com plaint it is alleged ing ab o u t b e tte r conditions in the world and those who recog­ th at she w as in San F rancisco nize it as a cu rativ e system of in Novem ber. 1912 w hen A. M. ❖ | value, co n stitu te an arm y of Holm es, fa th e r of her husband, im portuned h er to com e to h er , th o u g h ttu l, forceful, virile men and wom en who ard ently desire farm n e a r R ickreall for th e p u r­ th e best fo r them selves and th eir pose of effecting a reconciliation M f i fellows and are willing to aid in with h er husband. She sta te s propogating w h at th ey believe th a t she did this, and lived with j to be for th e best. We hope h er husband a few w eeks and th a t th ro u g h th e m edium of ’his then because of dom estic tro u ­ people sim ilarly minded m ay tie bles left him again, and th a t bro u g h t into a m ore in tim ate in Ja n u a ry . w ithout being given j fellowship w ith the osteopathic a hearing, o r exam ined by th e profession an d w ith each o th er; co unty court, she w as com m it­ and th a t through th a t fellowship ted to th e asylum . | th e service of osteoputhy to the Dr. Steiner presented the m a t­ people of th is day and to suc- te r to the s ta te board of control ceding g en eratio n s m ay be M onday afternoon and the m any tim es multiplied. board in structed him to request "O steopathy is constructive th e a tto rn e y general to m ake a ¿ a and affirm ative It proclaim s a defense. Dr. S teiner said the Y new philosophy of the cause and com m itm ent, on its face, w as f cu re of d ise a se ; yet its a d h e r­ re g u la r and th a t th e wom an was e n ts a re no fan atical bigots reg ularly received and treated V sw orn to fight to th e death every until th e tim e of h e r d isch arg e.~ idea and cult th a t seem s in som e Oregon Journal. w ay co n trad icto ry of th eir own ten ets. On th e co n trary , we be- | #a C hristian Science. lieve th e re is good in all. and our j Services held in new City fight is m erely ag ain st w h at we conceive to be w rong and e rro r Bank building, S unday a t 11 a.m. "W e stan d fo r th e largest i n - . Subject of lesson-serm on, dividual freedom consistent with “S u b stan ce.” th e public good. We invite o u r V friends into no vengefuf w ar. j S unday school. 10 a. m. ♦% Indeed we solicit aid and coopera j R eading room , sam e address. V tion with a sy m pathetic Interest > T he public is cordially Invited. only to th e extent th a t o u r a r ­ O*. gum ent appeals to th e judgm ent, | T he first c a r load of au to m o ­ o u r cause to th e reason, and ❖ biles ever brought to Dallas a r ­ V o u r purpose to the h e a rt." ❖ rived T uesday m orning. T here Mr. and Mrs. H. P. S hriver w ere eight new Fords in th e o y (Paid Advertisement) ❖ have retu rn ed from Falls City, car. all consigned to I. V. Lynch, a fte r a th re e w eeks' stay. th e local dealer. 1 ❖ I ! Friday--Evsning--Friday £ * Y ? V HON. CHARLES A. JOHNS f Candidate for Republican Nomination for Governor Y Y Y The Courthouse Y Y DALLAS, OREGON f T Y Y Y Y Friday Evening March 13, at 8 P. M. Music by the Dallas Band Mr. Johns is a native of Polk County, and for y many years resided in Dallas. He feels th at it f Y f ❖ Y ❖ f Y Y S Y Y Y y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ❖ f Y ❖ Y f Y ♦ y f y y Y Y y y Y is only proper that he hold the f ? ❖ first public meeting of his cam­ Í f f paign in his native home. £ Y f Everybody Invited. No Admis­ ? Y Y sion. Excellent Concert by the f t £ f Dallas Band. Y * Let Dallas Start one of its Native Sons off Right t He tore ly: the i tailor's si lo serial quarrying ment of i last two look. One wi legal tiri was larg stout Me one side, age stan been regi "W hat’ to hlmse the unin the smal “Dear most un of typew "Dear with UU« inyour n some yei his desìi in coirne continue herewith balance I send ree (Enclose He tu showed which w tax pay ments « care.” ' to the a' The 1 unreeled written miliar d hU own a crease tween w fluttered flatMxh n-wppat l’u::re iN ne in half alo n .e ” H i n old C in Vlrgi given ui governo had no ! went bi to the What c estate li into hie ness.” He f It won elbow, old rat decent place v The pai the hoo colored green i their s while tl at lazy crvbodj grsndfi e- er th sla-es Who« days, e from? history ■war h« York, ta 'te r halo a t and le t ' hi tl" *'ie ro'mmn gr'otn a t the as hi * t -hlti Hot a more I hot-bl« gend.