Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, March 05, 1914, Image 4

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    IS 1
Read a Daily
Itmeizer Clubbing Offer:
Daily Oregonian and OC Hil ’
Itemizer, one year _ _ y U. u U •
Daily Oregon Journal
and Itemizer year, _ _ y v . u u
^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B B B B B E iB B B B B B B B B B B B B B »
Capital City Nursery Co., Salem.
j util ihy unit . j . lii.
Miller is duly authorized to act
as agent for the sale of our Su­
perior Fruit and Ornamental
iMu sery Stock. To all purchas­
ing through him we guarantee
to furnish genuine, reliable, high
grade stock. J. E. MILLFH.
t'hone lt»33,
Box 63.
________ l Tln’l-n >' «
Copyright, 1912,
Bobbs-Merriil Co.
(ContiRued from laat week.)
Dudk hud fallen that evening whe*
mi Valiant t> tauiiurd turned into .
stre et and circled Into «lie yav
The Concordia Fire Ins. Co. of ng mouth
of hi» garage. Here, h
ire iie descended lie wrote a chem
u hi?; knee with a slobbering fountan.
o f M ilw a u k e e . In th e S ta te o f W is co n s in ,
o n th e 31st d a y o f D e c e m b e r . 1013, m a d e to
th e I n su r a n c e C o m m is s io n e r o f th e S ta te o f
“ Lira,” he said to the chauffer, “ it
O re g o n , p u rsu a n t to ia w :
* daio say you’ve heard, things ha
C a p ita l.
ut go he exactly smootnly with m»
A m o u n t o f c a p it a l s t o c k p a id u p . I 000,000.00
ately, and I’m uncertain about n.
In com e.
laiui. I’ve made arrangements to
N e t p r e m iu m s r e c e iv e d d u r in g
th e y e a r ............................................. f l , 109.908.00
urn tills car over to the lua.iufa
I n t e r e s t , d iv id e n d » a n d re n ts re-
urers and take back the old one.
c e lv e d d u r in g th e y e a r ..............
I n c o m e fr o m o t h e r s o u r c e s re-
.aust drive myself hereafter. I'n
r e iv e d d u r in g th e y e a r ..............
v ry out you must look for anotlu
T o t a l I n c o m e ....................................... $1,294,718.40
D is b u r se m e n ts.
The dapper young Swede touched,
N e t los se s p a id d u r in g th e y e a r . I 008,114.87
his cap gratefully as he looked at tlu
D iv id e n d s pa id d u r in g t h e y ea r
heck’s figures. Embarrassment was
on c a p it a l s t o c k ..............................
00 . 000.00
C o m m is s io n s and s a la rie s paid
uurning his tongue. “ I— I’ve heard, sir
d u r in g th e y e a r ...............................
324 . 810.88
m sure it s eery kind, sir, and whe.
T a x e s , lice n s e s a n d fe e s paid
you need another . . . ”
d u r in g t h e y e a r ...............................
A m o u n t o f all o t h e r e x p e n d i­
“ Thank you, Lars,’ ’ said Valiant, a
tu re s
lie shook hands, “ and good luck. I’l
e x p e n d it u r e s .......... ......... $1.330.008 07
T ota l
A ssets.
Lars, the chauffeur, looked afte
V a lu e o f s t o c k s a n d b o n d s o w n e d
him. “ Going to skip out, he lit!
(m a r k e t v a lu e ) ............................ $
thought so when he brought that stufi
D o a n s on m o r t g a g e s a n d c o l l a t ­
»71 . 307 82 out of the safe-deposit.
era l. e t c ........................................ . . . .
Afraid they’l.
118. 790 *8
C a sh In b a n k s a n d on h a n d . . . .
try to take the hoodie away from him
P r e m iu m s In cou rse o f c o lle c t io n
w r it te n sin ce S e p te m b e r 30,
I guess. The papers seem to think
............................................... ..
he’s rotten, but he’s been a mighty
D u e fr o m o t h e r co m p a n ie s fo r
good boss to me. He’s a dead swell,
los ses p a id ........................................
I n t e r e s t and re n ts d u e a n d a c ­
all right, anyhow,” he added prideful
2 2 , 443 88
cr u e d
ly, us he slid the car into its mooring*
T o t a l a ssets ......................................J2' * " ! I T . 11
“and they’ll have to get up early t<
D es* s p e cia l d ep oa lta In a n y » t ä t e . ;
4.370 84
catch him asleep!”
T o t a l a sset* a d m it t e d In O r e g o n . $2. .03 .41 0 .0 4
■ .lab ilities.
A little later John Valiant, the bul
C r o s s c la im s f o r los ses u n p a i d . . $ 97.840.74
dog at his heels, ascended the steps oi
A m o u n t o f u n e a rn e d p r e m iu m s
his club, where he lodged—he had
on all o u t s t a n d in g r i s k s ............
disposed of his bachelor apartments i
D u e f o r c o m m is s io n a n d b r o k e r ­
........................................ t R7.272.01 fortnight ago. The cavernous seat
70.083 20
A ll o t h e r li a b i li t ie s ............................
of the lounge were all occupied, bu
T o t a l lia b ilit ie s e x c lu s iv e o f
lie d'd not pause as he strode through
c a p it a l s t o c k o f $1 348.842 42 11.348,*41 42
the hall. He took the little pile of let
T o t a l p rem iu m * In fo r c e D ecern -
m . r «1
1111»......................................l2 .1 M .T T B .T i
lers the boy hanued him at the desk
B w l n m In O n , « , f o r thn Y m r .
and went slowly up the stairway.
T o t a l r t .t r . w r t t t .n d u r l n , t h .
He wandered Into the deserted 11
brary and sat down, tossing the letter
C r o a t p r e m iu m s r e c e iv e d d u rin g
t h e y e a r .............................................
on the magazine-littered table. He
P re m iu m s re tu r n e d d u r in g th e
00.029 00 had suddenly remembered that It wa
30.2*8.40 his twenty-fifth birthday
T .esses p a id d u r in g th e y e a r
I.oa ses In cu rred d u r in g th e v » s r .
In the reaction from the long strain
.T o t a l a m o u n t o f risk * o u ts ta n d -
In r In O re g o n D e c e m b e r 81.
he fait physically spent. He thought
i 1P1*
1.412.920 «8»
of whaf he had done that afternooz
I T U B C O N C O R D IA H R f IN 0 . CO . O r
with a sense of satisfaction. A revel
M I L W A in C B B .
of public judgment. In his own
I b Y O U S T A V W O L L A E O E R . JR ., P re s id e n t
1 S ta tu to r y g e n e ra l a g en t and a tto r n e y fo r case, had not entered his head.
p a v r l c e , F ra n k E S m ith , P o rtla n d . O reg on .
knew his world—Its com fortable fac­
ulty of forgetting, and the multitude
of sins that wealth may cover. T<
preserve at whatever personal cost
S y n o p a ls o f th e A n n u a l S ta te m e n t o f
the one noble monument his father’:
genius had reared, and to right the
wrong that would cast Its gloomy
shadow* on his name— this had been
his only thought. What he had done
would have been done no matter what
o f P o r t la n d , O re g o n , on th e 31st da y o f
the outcome of the Investigation. Bui
D e c e m b e r . 1013, m a d e to
th e
I n su r a n c e
<'o m m ia a to n e r o f th e S t a te o f O re g o n , p u r­
now, he told himself, no one could say
s u a n t t o la w :
the act had been wrung from him
That, he fancied, would have been hi-
A m o u n t o f le d g e r a s s e ts D e c e m ­
father’s way.
ber 31, 1 91 3 ............................................ $ 1.020 74
F ro m m e m b e r s h ip f e e s ..........................
Fancied— for his recollections of hP
F ro m
p r e m iu m * ...................................
father were vague and fragmentary
F r o m a s s e s s m e n t s ...............................
7.310 32
Tney belonged wholly to his pinafon
F ro m f i r e e x t in g u is h e r s ..................
i s 00
years. Hi? early memories of hh
T o t a l ...........................................................$11.«42.01
mother were, for that matter, even
D is b u r se m e n t* .
more unsubstantial. They were o f t*
G ro s s a m o u n t p a id t o p o lic y h o ld e rs
of wonderful, dazzling gowns
f o r los ses d u r in g 1 01 3 ..................... $ «UW* .1‘.
E x p e n s e s o f a d ju s t m e n t a n d s e t t le ­
and more wonderful shining jewel:,
m e n t o f lo s s e s ....................................
9 «. »5
who lived for the most part in an over
C o m m is s io n s
fe e s
p a id
sea city as far away as the moon (he
a g e n t s ........................................................
S a la ry o f s e c r e t a r y a n d a s s is t a n c e .
I.3 i* .v v
was later to identify this as Paris)
H a ll r e a t ...................
A d v e r t is in g ..................................................
47 ■><* and w in, when she came hom e—which
P r in t in g and s t a t io n e r y ...................
10«. no
not often —took him driving in the
P o s ta g e , t e le p h o n e a n d t e le g r a m s .
174 •*«
park and gave him chocolate maca
I n su r a n c e d e p a r t m e n t lice n s e
lu .iw
D ir e c t o r s - m e e t in g s
roons. He had always held her In
O f f i c e su p p lie s a n d s u n d r i e s ................................. 43.4K
more or less awe and had breathed
T r a v e lin g e x p e n s e s ........................
F ir e e x t in g u is h e r s ............ .......................
easier when she had departed. She
A s s e s s m e n ts r e t u r n e d .............................
had died in Rome a year later than
A g e n t s ' b a la n c e « c h a r g e d o f f .................................. 37.1$
Ills father. He had been left then
T o t a l ................
« io .e u .S 1
without a near relative in the world
T o t a l le d g e r
a s s e ts
and his growing years had been a.i
D e ce m b e r 11, 1 01 3 ..................... $
of nurses and caretakers, a boys'
A m o u n t o f p r o p e r t y at risk D e ­
school on the continent, and a univer­
ce m b e r $1, I 0 l u .............................3.08 {.»TO..,W
A m o u n t o f r.ska w ritte n o r r e ­
sity course at home. As far as his
n ew ed d u r in g th e y e a r
ia e 97 i t » '
father was concerned, he had had only
A m o u n t o f r is k s e x p it e d o r c a n ­
c e lle d
d u r in g y e a r . . .........................<Ng.3uu.9i*
his own childish recollections.
G r o s s a m o u n t o f r isk s in fo r c e
He smilf»d a slow smile of remtnla-
D e c e m b e r $1. 1011
3.43* M ? On
L a r g e s t s in g le
in su r-
ence— for there had coine to him at
• n ce .............. .
. . . . .t . . . . . . .
that moment the dearest all of those
d a r in g y e a r . ...........
memories—a play of his childhood.
N u m b e r o f ftr e lea see p a id d u r ­
He saw himself on a low stool,
in g
y e a r . . . ....................................
I * .# *
watching a funny old clock with a
4 S ig n ed I
moon-fare, wkoee smiling lips curved
up like military mustachlos, and wish-
■ K ftM A N L O U - ! NO
«T N O P B 1 S O F T H E A N N U A L S T A T E M E N T
I - ■! I l l -
1 'll m
th fh -
1 " -—
■ S I . 'T I I
JU. —
' Delinquent Tax List ef Last Half
tiiK the laxy long hand« would hurry, rich ; tonight he was poor! He hart
Payments, 1912
He saw himself stealing down a long imagined this In the abstract, but now
corridor to the door of a big room of a sudden the ia i seetutd fiaugn. Pauline M iller___
■ B B g . 40
„ i This advertised
■ list o f delinquent
strewn with books and papers, that with such a ghastly and ulghtmarl.su Lila Mitchell..................50................... 50 ' ,-l l e s tor the year of 1912 Is in pur-
through some baleful aud mysterious ridiculousness as a man might feel
nuance o f an act o f tho State Legisla­
spoil could not be made open at all who. going to bed with a full thatch o f
ture which lb embodied iu Chapter 275
Paulina Milter,
hours. When the hands pointed, right, hair, confronts the :nornlr.g m in o r to
Mrs. S. B. Clark and Uttla g ratal son. o f the General Laws o f the 1911 Ses­
however, there was the"0pen Sesame" And himself as bald as a porcelain Archie Palmer, wont to Salem Thurs- sion.
tils own secret knock.two tierce twin mamlarin.
The taxes on the following adver­
day to spend several days with
raps, with one little lonesome one
tised real property, situated ln Polk
What could he do? He could not friends,
afterward--and this was unfailing. remember a time when be had not had
Mrs. (irover McDonald returned last County, Oregon, became delinquent on
Safe inside, he saw himself standing all that be wanted. He had never week from a visit with her friend at Monday, October 7th, 1913, and are
on a big, polar-bear-skin rug, the door j borrowed from a friend or been dun- New berg
subject to a penalty o f ten per cent,
tight-locked against all comer», and an ned by an importunate tradesman.
Miss Lynn bas resigned her position und interest at the rate o f 12 per cen’
expectant baby figure * lth his little , AuU ;le had never tried to earn a dollar a» teacher of the eighth grade B class per annum from Monday, April the 7th
hand clasped in bid fathers. The ln h ii Lie; as to current methods o f <>f the Dallas schools and has gone to
913, until they shall have been paid
white rug was the magic enterance the making a living, tie was as ignorant as take a position In Portland. Miss Nunn Any day after the expiration o f six
Never-Never Country, known only to a Pueblo Indian.
months after the taxes charged against
will take her place here.
those two
What dill otners do? The men he
The two children oi Mr. Turk, who ’ he following real property are delin­
He could hear his own little treble: kuev, who joked o f their poverty and were seriously ill with pneumonia, are quent, the Sheriff is authorized upor.
“ Wlshlng-House,
Wtshing<House, their debt,, and whose hilarious habit rapidly Improving.
demand of .any person making appllca
where are you?"
It was to picture life as a desperate
Elmer But/ Is confined to his bed ion, to Issue to them a certificate of
Then the deeper voice (quite un­ handicap ln » hich they were ferever with an attack o f rheumatism.
delinquency, upon payment of taxes,
recognizable as his father's) answer­ •three Jumps ahead of the sheriff,
Mrs. Web Lewis and two daughters, oenalty, interest and cost o f adver
somehow managed to cling to their of Oak Grove, were in Dallas Saturday,
"H ere I am, Master; here I a m !"
yachts aud their stables, f e w ot Ills
Mr. Ingermanson, o f Independence, .¡hall bear Interest from the date of
And Instantly the room vanished abends had really gone "sm ash,” and was In Dallas Saturday,
issuance until redeemed at the rate of
nd they were in the Never-Never of these all but one had taken tlient-j George Conkey, of Independence, ifteen per cent per annum.
.and, and before them reared the clve^ speedily and decently off. He was a business visitor ln Dallas last Adams, Mrs. J.— SE’ i and SE14
iggest house In the world, with a thought of ltod Creighton, the one week.
of SW '4 and N% o f NEVi and
,ow of white pillars across Its front failure who had clung to the old life.
NE!4 Of ofN W '4 Of Secs 11,14
Dial Williams is rebuilding Mrs.
Twp 7, S R 4 W containing 320
„ „ ,
achieving for a transient period the Fowler’s house, which was damaged
Valiant drew a deep breath. Some nriniant success of living off his by fire recently,
T a x .............................. 9 4.33
magic of time and place was repaint- iriends. When this ended he had
w. D. Calkins Is having electric Bowers. Benton— beg. 37.83 chs
cor. o f sec 9, F 16.0.:
»* “ ? S'1? . dU8t/ « nf“ nrb n Kont' on ,llB road tor kome ch“ m P**“ « lights put ln his house on Miller ave.
chs S 88 degrees W 41.72 chs
udden delicate lights and fllmv colors. or 0ther Everybody had ordered from
Gordon Black is setting out a hedge
th at had been blurred under-expos- hlm at the slarl Bu, this, too ha(1 ;ind other shrubbery at his home,aouth
S 3.37 chs W 23.31 chs N 19 de­
ires on the retina of his brain became fa|]ed He had dropped opt o f the west of town
grees W 17.28 chs E 28.30 chs
N 5.30 chs N 88 degrees
' “. l l o 06 6
Pi<1tUrf S; weird and elubs and there had at last befallen an
Esther Gates went to Salem last
45 min E 41.88 chs to p. o. b.
pecter-llke as the dissolving views o f . e ;H time when he had com e to haunt week.
stes 8-9, Twp S S R 4 W. con ­
camera obscura.
the ai ur.ue, as keen for Btray quarters
The Dallas second basket ball team
110 acres. Tnx ........ 60.15
He and Ills father had lived alone ln aa any panhandler. Where was Crelgh- plaved at Corvallis Friday night. The
ta n oou n ri I lia e a a r a f
a t h la
a 4 n u r
the secret. M
his m
Brooks, Mary E.— Beg 26.50 chs
ton now, he wondered?
score was 14 to 16 in favor o f Dallas.
Tot even the more portentous per-on
W and 5.54 chs N 20 degrees
Across the avenue was Larry Tread-
The 8th grade B pupils of the Dal-
horn he had thought must own the well s brokerage office. Larry had a las schools gave a farewell reception
30 min E of SE cor of E. C.
ust hotel ln which they nved (in such brain for business; ajs a youthful Friday afternoon to their teacher, Mlsi
Dice d 1 c W 19.25 chs S 26 de­
•■speot dirt she seem to be held by tho scamp ln knickerbockers he had been Lynn.
grees 15 min W 5.49 cits W
'remits) who wore crackling black as Tm' ;j as a steel-trap. But what I The Dallas basket ball team played
75.17 chs N 19 degrees W 17.71
ilk and a big bunch of keys for a sole did he John Valiant, know o f business? I at Independence Thursday. Score, l i
chs E 24.'!6 chs N 2.56 chs E
end , who
him . her Less than of law! Why, he was not to 22 In favor of Dallas.
36 chs S8.S9 chs E 25.31 cite
, rnament,
. „
.. had
N 1.14 chs E 5 chs N 30 de­
No, In the Never-Never I,and fit to smirk behind a counter and meas-
Mr. Thomas Campbell left Saturday
grees E 10.00 chs E to center
here had been only his father and he! 1 ure lace Insertion for the petticoats of to visit his brother at Sprlngffeld
of slough southerly down
Yet they were anythin« but lonely. tho WOmen he waltzed with! All he Oregon.
slough to p. o. b., secs S-9-10
jr the country was inhabited by «ood- Was really fit for was to work with his
Lillian Lawrenson was married In
'Htured, friendly savages, as black as hands!
Twp 8, S R 4 W, containing
Independence Sunday to a man from
181 acres. T a x........................ 79.90
himb o f coal, most of them with cur-
K<. thought r l a gang of laborers he California.
Realty C o.--L ots
/ white hair These talked a queer
. t!en that afternoon breaking the
Rev. Heliums, of Sheridan, preached
’-4 block 1. Churchmere add.
nguage, but of -otirsc his father and asphalt vith ern vbars. What must it at the Christian church Sunday.
to West Salem. T a x ..............
e could understand them perfectly, be to to!! through the clammy cold of
Rev. , ,Curtis preached at Sheridan
3311s, Wm, Trustee__ Lots 6-7-S-9,
,<Lse .MlVS*ey llld mun5, tur” ,u8 and winter and the sniot.h«:tng fur-heat of Sunday,
block 16, Ellis add. to Dallas.
rit trailing customs and strange cud- summer. In on e revolting routine of
Mr. tnd Mrs. Somers, o f St. Johns
mg songs that mp.de one sleepy, and fljtb and unredeemable ugliness? He ha' e been visiting at Henry Clifford's
1 these his father knew by heart., looked down at Ills t opple white flng-
Rev. Rogers, of California, visited a: |Uuyer, A. S -B e g at SE cor of
NV4 o f John Lewis d. 1.
hey ilvert iu Httie sqttare huts around ers an<l shivered.
Frank Holman's over Sunday.
■ - c. ” N
1.40 chs W 1.75 chs N 75 Iks W
ishing-Hottse, made of stleks, and He rose grimlv and dragged his
Harold Miller went to
43 Iks S 2.15 chs W- 2.82 chs
ad dofjens and dozens of children I chair facing t’ ie window
The night Friday.
S 2.00 chs E 5 00 chs N 2.00
/ho wore no clothes and likedI to was balmy and lie looked down across
Mr. Bottorff went to Walla Walla
chs to p. o. b.. Sec 18. Twp 9,
ance in
the sun and eat cherries the darker sea of reefs, barred like a Sunday, where lie will be joined late:
S R 5 W, containing 1.33 acres.
I ’tey were very useful barbarians, too, gigantic checker-board by the shin in g! by Ills family.
Tax ..............................................
or they chopped the wood and built u nos 0f streets, to where the flashing
Mith Catherwood went to Monmouth
Tlfizard, E. W.— Lot 4, block 19,
he fires and made the horses coats electric signs of the theatre district Sunday,
hlne for he and his father would laid their wide swath o f colored radl-
Homer Dashiell and wife have
Kingwood Park T a x................
of D
a lla s
J. W. strong
& H. A.—
tuve scorned to walk, and went gallop- ance The manifold calls o f the street mo ed to their farm, east or
ng like the wind everywhere. The and the buzz of trolie'-t made a dull
Miss Edna Morrison was a week-end
No. 1. Sec 30, Twp 8 S R 5 W,
orests about were filled with small tonal backround, subdued and far- visitor in Portland,
hrovn cats, tremendously furry, with BWay.
A large crowd o f school children containing 20 acres. T a x ........... 12.18
ong whiskers and sharp, heodv black
To be outside! All that light and went to see Miss Linn off for Portland ¡Limes, L R___SW>4 o f Sec 8,
Twp 8 S It 6 W, containing
">es, and
sometimes they would hunt color and com fort and pleasure would Sunday afternoon,
160 acres. T a x ........................ 18.81
hese on
horseback; but they never i,um alld sparkle on just the same.
harrv Butz and Grover McDonald
•aught them, because the cats could though he was no longer within the we. a business visitors in Salem Mon- Massey, Minnie M.— Lots 2-3-4,
block 2N 4E, Buena Vista.
"in lust a little bit faster than tho elr,.ic of tts effulgence—slaving, per d a y /
Tax ..............................................
haps, he thought with a twisted smile,
’ erda Cadwell Is getting along fine
W. S.— Beg. at SE cor
Christinas time at home was not so at Bome tawdry occupation that called and expects to leave the hospital this
o f l. Gllstrap d.l.c. W 29.42 chs
■ ery exciting but at Wlshlng-House for no ex[,e,-Ieii 'e, to pay for a meal in* week.
N . 9 S % rto<»” ee<- TV 1C n o
•v Imt a Unit they had Th»n all the some „e-or. ' . nte restaurant and a
7 he 4th and 5th grades o f the Dallas
4.57;chsX 35.80 chs S 17.04 chs
lavages and their wives
and children
pullet In son e dtabby-genteel hall bed i school took first place in the county
to p. o. %., Sec 34, Twp b, S R
•eceived presents, and he and his mom, til! Ill
lot! e-i were replaced by spelling contest.
G Vi,”containing 55 acres Tax
'ather had a dreadfully scary, shivery n uptln ,-
k m ,' me-dovvns"- till
Miss Parrott, of Monmouth, will give
Jennie W .- N ( 4 of NE%
; , nie , t'cnioniberlng
tu x
. •W..W..4W.S.
<■ i: - i
n i i i c u i i n a n . y f
i <viiv vu u i e tt u u i a u a t i u u l u i w r .
and SEti,’ o f NE',4 and N% of
hey had so many children they ran out at the status of t <t dime ent in the,
Hiss Alice Grant attended the
S E 14 and S E (4 of S E V*
names and had to use numbers in- gallery and f. e ent cigars!
; teachers rally at McCoy Saturday,
of Sec Y6, Twp 7. S R 7 W.
There was
. . . was always
. : . ,u the , har-
,v ,v - one
" t i e wav
w uv
a -s .
i It
i lav
ta v
• itfln cT fou t* t Vi •> 4 n n n
I n n n v n r . , , ............,
240 acres. T a x .. 18.50
owing fear that one might inadver-
through the ! , s. ’ nove l gateway of
Lila MitcneM
ontly be loft out. and sometimes they marriage. You!!,, omellnem and fine
Frank Hubbard, of Fallls City, was Pauf, E. V. D.— Beg. 13.50 chs W
ouldri t remember the !ast one till he ,lneu ln the W()r], hc k
o ! S p cor of E. Harper d. 1. c.
la town Inst of last week.
ery final minute. After the Christ- (itlr ex„:,a„ Ke fo , woalth lu.v Jay
N.19.95 chs W 6.00 chs S 19.95
Mrs.Lacy visited over Saturday with
chs E 6.00 chs to p. o. b., Sec 4,
uas turkey, the o de.st and blackest "Cutlet for cutlet” - t h e r.sttrte o h ta .i ifs T. M. Stow; also visited h e '
tu.nge of ell would come In where ran through his mind. Why not? ..lighter in Salem.
Twp 7. S R 6 W : also lot 1 of
Sec 29, Twp 6, S R 6 W ; also
•Is father and he sn at the tab’ e wl h others did so. And as far ' It.nelf, it
..u u
c l„ . u.
o .o o ..
Mrs. „ John
of r Portland,
lieg 38.75 chs N and 5.58 chs
'■ ollctl,s!l a»m ‘?t h o linrtm1« ' u
Perhaps need be no question of pla.n cUU es in 1'allas Thursday,
W* o f SE cor of I. Hlnshaw
l o 'e e n
' . H
u lfi'f nn ?!r
alld 8P|nstered millions— there was
Andrew Selfarth and family are g.
d. 1. c W. 79.44 chs S 7 degrees
t uL t S r i l ' J K f f .
Katharine Fargo!
ing to move to Portland.
E18.46 chs W5.31 chs S6.33 chs
« tt «n ttw. other i 1 e e in ,. r e h I n f ’
Ha had kuown her since a time when
Aunt Marie Smith, of Luckiamute,
N 89 degrees 20 min E 54.70
e r hhh„ th T h i«*w »« ?he .n,!!,t h.w o To ahe be',trod« 8 8,11811 fuzzY Pony in the had a stroke of paralysis last week.
chs N 10.50 -hs E 22 chs N' 18
, trw J o
„7 rhH*»fnn« r , park' co° ' ttH a krupefrult and with a
Miss Mabel Grant was taken home
degrees W 3.62 chs N 11 de­
oth erp?acesUw e m ^ \oiig w
critical eye, even In her ten years, for form the hospital Sunday.
grees 30 min E 2.14 chs N 29
» * ♦» a
F ft xmK wa> a pan, SOclal forms and observances. Iu the
U n le l)a\e Guthrie is slowly im-
degrees E 4.86 chs N 39 de­
mt they came as often as Qu>y, are intervals of fashionable hoarding- proving.
grees E 5.77 chs to p. o. b;
^ an r:'a at VVl8li n* " r . ! ; , W,? Ch. h° 8Chools He had seen her develop, beau
Miss Veva Burns went to Portland
also beg at S E cor o f I. Hin-
«called, was very often indeed.
tlful. cold
stately and correct. The Saturday, returning Sunday.
shaw d. 1. c. N 25 chs W 33 chs
John Valiant felt an odd beating o f Fargo fortu n e-th a n k s to modern
John Brown is pruning his orchard
S 26.00 chs E 33.00 chs to
e heart and a tightening o f the journalism, which was fond of stating
Mr. Davidson is filling In his yard.
hroat, for lie saw another scene tea.. that „ the Bteel railt, ot the f a *
p. o. b., Secs 28-29-33, Twp 6
Mr. and Mrs. Holmes spent Sunday
S R 6 W, containing 263 a cres;
* « “ * * ,e “ ?•* lu,s1l; ed ; nd 1borr,bl; railways were set end to end, the with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Brown.
also beg at S W cor A. Mc-
tight after the spell had failed and ,-haln would reach from the earth to
Mrs. Watson lias been suffering wltl
he door had refused to open for a , j,, planet Saturn or thereabouts— | neuralgia.
Meekin d. 1 c. N 21 min E 70.56
long time,
when dread ___,
had been
chs E 17.28 chs S 70.56 chs W
. _ was as familiar to the public ilnagl-1 On account o f poor health, Mrs
17.28 cha to p. o. b.,Sec 4, Twp
ion'rt l u n . V ,’
“ nation as Caruso or tile Hope diamond. Henry Musoott Jr., has broken u;
S R 6 W and Sec 33, Twp 6,
who «irttlrt
of « Vme
Aud ' ,1B <l8Ukbt« 1‘. Katherine, had n o t 1 housekeeping and gone to live with 7, het
S R 6 W ; also beg at NW cor
t assev, who smelled of some
|Bckud admir„ rs; shop-girls knew the mother at Airlle.
H. W. Eades d. 1. c. S 32.00
h l^ hV'thTt|.«nrttU.nnrt r T r . r l ! „ ° k
alp ' ,b ',t ,lan8|c (1 from her girdle. ! Miss Ruth Pierce, of Portland, and
chs E 29.40 chs N 32.00 chs W
M^ fLtVi- I.v t i e a !
Uut In bl" heart John Valiant was Miss Maude Pierce, of Monmouth, are
29.40 chs to p. o. b.t Sec 3, Twp
.„rt quiet. f h
y num
a" 8re’ and
hy wpmen
tho8e subtle
which lly
visiting their brotehr Ross, and fam
gray and
allke signs
6, S R 6 W, containing 219
T a x..................................
■ ilknnort
a,M 1haA0L,,n ,,t ^
lb8‘ while Katherine Fargo loved first
Holt McDaniel went to Bowerville
leckoned to hint ami lie had gone close and foremoat only her own wonderful Monday.
Ramp, C. E. et al— 16.20 acres of
the following described tract,
r t* beating very fast and hard. >'firRon'
hp bnd bccn an easy second
Miss Faye Hensen, of Oakdale, spent
his W
|n (,er r,,Kard
beg at SE cor o f W. D. Cole
Saturday and Sunday with her sister
"Joltn!" the word had been almost a
d. 1. c. N 27 degrees 28 min
He remembered the last Christmas i Mrs. C. D. Forrett.
E 59.91 chs W36.46 chs N74 de­
whisper, very tense and anxious, very housepartv ,lt , he Fargo's place on
Jack Hensel went to Salem Sunday
grees W 2.50 chs S 3 degrees
'!0l,n'. y° " re * " Ule b° y' ‘ he St 1-awrence. Its habitues Irrev
Word was received Sunday from Cal
W 48.04 chs E 16.56 chs to
l,,d fatt!,*r
K.°, nl?, 1,lway »„
erently dubbed this "The Shack,” but Iforniu, where Mr. Pierce is visiting,
p. o. b., Secs 20-21, Twp 7. S R
To- to \V Ishlng-llotise.
the nursling of folk who toog that he is very sick.
W, containing 16.20 acres
iray l *l)8
®ver their caniplnK luxuriously, in a pala-
Mr. Claunch was thrown out o f his
,0..!itt. e ’ and sadly
™ ,
t,al structure which, though built, as buggy Saturday, while returning home
Take me with you, father! Take to ltB exterior, of logs, was equipped front town and had the misfortune to Shafer. W. G — S H o f SW % o f
te I with
It! ;
His w,(bln 'v,,h
.vl<I, Tuklsh
Ti.ot.h h„.h
iiu .a c dislocate his shoulder and receive sev
S E 14 o f Sec 12, Twp 9. S R
I you a
,M let
r . r us m'
d V
bath, k
olee had trembled then, and he had room and the moat indefatigable chef erul other bruises.
4W,con. 20 acres;also beg 6.07
S of NW cor of Sec 13, S
____ __
«'«‘''I ° f St. Petersburg. The. evening
Mrs. Pauline, of McMinnville, has
6.50 chs E 6.16 chs N 6.50 chs
Listen, John, for what I am saving before his host's swift
motor had Mr Clauncti's farm near Eliendale.
W 6.16 chs to p. o. b.. Sec 13,
■ t ,
h Y ,o u
do" . t k n o w hooted him off to the station, as its O W. McBee attended the phone
Twp 9, 8 R 4 W, containing
n •• T t ? 7 7 , t r ^ '/ 1 ,'‘ a*
k811 exhaled the bouquet of after- meeting of the Oak phone line at
acres. T a x............................
■ . Tb®
bad ^ w n atgalned dinner cigars, he had looked at her Liberty,
ind frayed, but it was still distinct I standing in the wide doorway, a rare
Mrs Helen Olsen, o f Silverton, a Sharp. W. N., J. E. Sharp. Agt.—
Beg at NE cor of H. Linnville
" * ™
th" I? r Vl" r'Never Land^
^ n “ * exquisite creature—her
fare fore- niece of Mrs Anna Brock, spent a few
d. 1. c., W 45.70 chs S 1 >4 de­
ott may sometime. If you .
. If shortened and touched to a borrowed days with her.
E 33.26 chs S 1 degree
^ ) ^ r 1 >1,7 ,!' fl„'!d„ ^
f *
‘*rl<lerIiess bv the flickering glow of
Vergil Brock has returned to school
W 46.58 chs E 45.73 chs N
ententher that the men wlto lived in it,th e burning logs in the room behind
after being absent from school on ac
before you and me . . . were the perfect flower, he had thought, of count of poor eyesight,
79.82 chs to p o. b.. Secs 20-
gentlemen. Whatever else they were, the civilization in which he lived
21-28-29. Twp 9, S R 4 W, con­
Mr». Taylor Dunn, of Polk Station,
‘ hey were always that. Be . . . like
taining 360 acres. T a x..........
John Valiant looked down at the spent one day last week ln town,
them, John, . . . will you?”
bulldog squatted on the floor, his eye*
Mrs. Jester, of Seattle, who has been Steele, W. J.— Beg at SE cor o f
"Yes, father.”
*hinlne In the dimness. A little hot visiting her sister, Mrs. L. A. Bollman,
The old gentleman with the eye­ ripple had run over him. "No shame- returned to her home Monday.
ta, E to Willamette
glasses had come forward then.hastlly. )ess barter! There must be other
down said river 254 ft W to
Mrs. Ed. Wilson was taken home
He had wanted to kiss him. but a things besides money and social post* from the hospital Saturday.
N E cor o f lot 5, S 254 ft to
trange. cool hush hod settled on the Mon in this doddering old world, after
p o. b.. Sec 26. Twp 9, S R 4 W,
Mrs. Horatio Morrison, who has
•oom and his father seemed to have
2 acres; also all
been quite ill. is some better at pres
fallen asleep. And ho had gono out.
of block 3N 4E, lots 1-8, block
The dor whined with delirht at the ©nt.
so carefully, on tiptoe, wondering and voter»
2N 4E. Btte-ta Vista
umned up to lick the strong
Airs. Ed. Graves 1^ on the sick list.
suddenly afraid.
*PM*'** '
’'eld down to him. “ Do you
Mr. Clow, of Independence, was in Waters, F. W —All of block 3.
►r -v nM hap.” his master continued. Dalian Saturday.
Tax .............................................
iv«r», handing myself a collection
Amy Hibbard spent Sunday ln Mon
cold marble truths In the last few mouth.
John Valiant stirred and laughed, a
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
Miss Katie Fox, of Rickreall, was In
Ittle self-consciously, for there had peeks’ I’ve been the prize dolt of
the whole show, and you ought to town Saturday.
been drops on his face.
Notice to Creditors.
Frank Friesen, of Smlthfleld, w*as ln
Presently he took a check-book from have thrown me over long ago. You’ve
Notice Is nereby given, that the un-
bis pocket nnd began to figure on the nrohablv realised it all along, hut It town Monday.
was, by an order of the Hon­
tubs, looking up with n wry smile
orable County Court of Polk County,
To come down to brass tacks,” he I ve worn the blue ribbon so long I’d house, is quite sick,
The stork on Saturday visited the ’reTon on the 17th dav of January,
niitterred "when I've settled every­ come to think It wa* a dacoratlon. All
thing (t*'ank heaven, I don’t owe my mv life I vo been lust another of those home of Mr and Mrs. Wolf, formerly A. D. 1914. appointed administrator of
Salem, now living ln the Ulery the estate of Emma Vassall. deceased,
’ alloc' tthece will be a little matte” of
and has qualified. All person* having
'vventy-elght hundred odd dollars, a who have never done a blessed thing house.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney haa moved lalnts against said estate will present
•vassc motor and my clothes between •hat s the slightest value to anybody
the same with the proper vouchers, as
Well, Chum, we're through, into the Ramsey house.
me and the breadline!"
Mr Davis has moved Into the Wel- -equlred by law, to the undersigned
Everything else he had disposed of W ere going to begin doing something
Vdministrator, at Dallas City Bank,
—everything hut the four-footed com
And '?er* *oln* *° stand it
Miss Geer went to Portland last Dallas Oregon, within six months from
rad there it his feet. At Ms look, the
the date of this notice. All persons
white bulldog sprang up whining and without any baby-acting—the nurse week and returned Sunday,
now ing themselves indebted to sale
Clarence Getchel le giving R. E
made Joyful pretense of devouring hi» never held our noses when we took
will make Immediate paymen
Reed's wood saw an overhauling
•nrsttr's Immaculate hoot-laces Val 'astor
!ant not his hand under the eager min
Dated and first published this 22nd
sle, lifted the Intelligent head to hi» ■'***’ "Finis" hsd bean written to the |ng house on Shelton street
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sellers returned' 4*? of January. 1914.
nee and looked Into the heseechlnr rose-colored chapter And even as he
where they have been
amber evea ''Rut I'd not sell you, old
Administrator of the estate of
hap," he said softly; "not a single new nigged something that had been visiting.
Emma Vassall. deceased.
Blanche Barker Is clerking In Mr
Irk of your friendly pink tongue; not slowly dawning within him. n sense of
jours re,
of “ *"<• »•><• 8 furious Williams' mualc store, formerly owned Brown k Sibley,
for a beastly hundred thousand!*'
Attorneys for Estate.
lie withdrew his caressing hand and hatred of the self-pity th»t had by Mr. Ash.
Mrs Cecil Blessing Brown has n
ooked again at the check-stubs wrenched him even for n moment
Twenty-eight hundred! He laughed
Mrs Will Brown has
quite 111
bleakly Why, he had spent more up Ms letters, and followed by tne
712 L«v*ns. Ne»r Washington
ban that a month ago on a ball at dog, went slowly up another flight to «tth neuralgia.
his room
j will Martin came over from Salem Children's Clothes e Specialty.
Sherry'*! This morning he had
(To be continued)
My Mamma Says —
It's S a fe
fo r C h il d r e n !
,j I f t * * . * 1
t >
ram *
Threat. Ci
Luo; '
\ .r -‘
as* T A R
Coughs m
à Colds
“ The Children's Chil­
dren” are now using
Foley’s Honey and Tar
Compound and. it is to­
d a y the same safe effec­
tive and curative med­
icine thattheirparents
foundit. Forallcoughs,
colds, croup, whooping
cough, b r o n c h i t i s ,
hoarsenes ar.d tickling
in throat, use it. It
gives satisfactory re­
'B T N O P S IS o r T H E A N N U A L . S T A T E M E N T
H -
Security Insurance Company
o f N ew H a v en , in th e S t a te o f C o n n e c tic u t,
o n th e ', . s t l a y o f D e c e m b e r , 1913, m a d e to
t h e In s u r a n c e C o m m issio n e r o f th e S t a te o f
O re g o n , p u rsu a n t to la w :
; A m o u n t o f c a p it a l s t o c k p a id u p . $1,000,000.00
In com e.
j N e t p r e m iu m s r e c e iv e d d u r in g
I t h e y e a r ................
; In terest,
d iv id e n d s
I r e c e iv e
...... .......................
I n c o m e fr o m o t h e r s o u r c e s r e ­
c e iv e d d u r in g t h e y e a r ..........
T ota l
in c o m e
■ ft
DlH burNem ents.
¡N e t los ses p a id d u r in g -t h e y e a r .$1 ,11 7 .7 0 1.4 7
i D iv id e n d s p a id d u rin g th e y e a r
on c a p it a l
s t o c k ...........................
C o m m is s io n s a n d s a la rie s p a id
d u r in g th e
> e a r ............................
T axes,
lic e n s e s a n d fe e s pa id
d u r in g th e
y e a r ............................
A m o u n t o f a ll o t h e r e x p e n d i-
T ota l
e x p e n d it u r e s
Greaterproductivensssof trees
—larger, cleaner, ami finer fruit
—more money. Isn’ t that fruit
grow ers’ reasoning? Nothing
will contribute to this end more
than effective spraying.
Effective Spraying can best be
attained with
A s s e ts .
V a lu e
rea l
esta te
ow ned
(m a r k e t v a lu e )
............................ $
V a lu e o f s t o c k s a n d b o n d s o w n e d
(m a r k e t v a lu e ) ............................. 2,
L o a n s on m o r t g a g e s a n d c o l la t ­
e ra l. e t c ...................................................
C a sh In b a n k s a n d on h a n d ..........
P r e m iu m s in c o u r s e o f c o lle c t io n
w ritte n
s in c e S e p t e m b e r 80.
O t h e r a sset* .........................................
I n t e r e s t a n d r e n ts d u e a n d a c ­
Bean Magic
Spray Pumps
Effective s p r a y i n g means
High Pressure Spraying and
T o t a l a s s e ts ....................................... $4,104.030.11
L e ss s p e c ia l d e p o s it s In a n y s t a t e
T o t a l a s s e ts a d m it t e d In O r e g o n . $4.040,038,11
tnl the advent o f the Bean
Magics a high pressure could not
be maintained with a hand pump
forany length o f time,on account
o f the b o d y - r a c k i n g effort
needed to operate it. The Bean
patent spring divides the v - irk
between the tw o strokes o f the
handle and works against only
one-half the pressure shown on
the range and saves exactly
one-third the labor.
L ia b ilit ie s .
G ro ss c la im s f o r lo s s e s u n p a i d . . $ 177.028.20
A m o u n t o f u n e a rn e d p r e m iu m s
on all o u t s t a n d in g r i s k s ............ 2,080,790.93
A ll o t h e r lia b ilit ie s ........................... 1.889.918.92
T ota l
lia b ilit ie s
e x c lu s iv e o f
c a p it a l s t o c k o f $ 1.0 00 .00 0, .$3,104,086.11
T o t a l p r e m iu m s In f o r c e D e c e m ­
b e r 31. 1 9 1 3 ............................................$kf697.600.50
BuNineMs in O r e g o n f o r t h e Y ea r.
T o t a l ris k s w ritte n d u r in g th e
.......................................................$ C70.438.00
G ro ss p r e m iu m s r e c e iv e d d u r in g
th e y e a r .............................................
P r e m iu m s re tu r n e d d u r in g th e
L o s s e s p a id d u r in g th e y e a r . . . .
L o s s e s In cu rred d u r in g t h e y e a r
T o t a l a m o u n t o f ris k s o u t s t a n d ­
in g in O re g o n D e c e m b e r 81,
\Ye have tbese purapi in
stock and will be pleased to
show them. We cannot rec­
ommend theta too atronfly.
I N S U R A N C E CO . O F N E W
B Y V I C T O R R O T H , S e c r e ta r y .
S t a tu to r y g e n e ra l a g e n t a n d a t to r n e y fo r
s e r v ic e . F ra n k E S m ith .
D allas, Ore.
V V ------------------------
- iaai.xui .1 -• awil lto.
“ B u ilt for N o rth w e s t S tu m p s ”
A simple, powerful and inexpensive
machine, which can be operated by one
man and one horse.
Write for free BULLETIN No. 34.
It tells how to clear stump land at a
lower cost per acre than has ever been
possible heretofore.
1112 W estern Ave., Seattle, W ash.
hy QUA3*H7r.E.
N o X U
Hay o r other
sw indle m 1
3 - Jay poin!ess p la s te rm T .it'
or SGR£ o ', the i.!P, FACE
o r b o d y long ia CANCER« A
It Mover Pains Until h i t /A
I20-.JAC)E N D K r A
sent (fees testim onials
o f W JSA N D S C U R E D
for This
Any t e 'i Woman's Breast
deen cin n is la th e armpit and K I L L S Q U I C K L Y
I s v n ir w e have C U R E D 1C*.O O O . Co sr»e »rm a
k r.O W y o u can save
m o n e y o r d get belter s eed *
b y f c t t ln g in d in ¿1 touch
Old Dr.&ftrs. CCALLEY
w ith the leading seed house.
s u o e tfs fiu « »
s r c M u t r s ii * i* t * ’
AB 438 Vaientfa St„ S,"! FRA tCISCO. C'-.L
Correspondence Invited
K":m V writ tH f ft
'fit CAhrES
T h e C has. H . L illy C o ., S e a ttle
• Y N O f.S IS O F T H E A N N I A L S T A T E M E N T
D alla s
D ruggist
■ —’
The Girard F.
Statem ent.
W e always advise people w h o Have
stomach or bowel trouble to see a j
doctor But to those who do not \\ * k 1 i
to do this we will say: try ti'e mix­
ture o f simple buckthorn bark gly­
cerine, etc., known as Adler-i-ki. Phis
simple new remedy is so powerful
that just one dose relieves sour stom­
ach, gas on the stomach and consti­
pation instantly. People w m try
Adler-l-ka are surprised at its juick
C. Stafrin.
M. Ins. Co.
o f P h ila d e lp h ia , in th e S ta te o f P e n n s y l­
v a n ia . on th e .tint d a y o f D e ce m b e r. 1913.
m a d e t o th e I n s u r a n c e C o m m is s io n e r o f th e
S ta te o f O re g o n , p u rsu a n t t o la w :
C a p ita l.
A m o u n t o f c a p it a l s t o c k p a id u p .$
500 , 000.00
In com e.
N et p r e m iu m * r e c e iv e d d u r in g
In te re st, d iv id e n d s a n d re n t* r e ­
c e iv e d d u r in g t h e y e a r ..............
I n c o m e fr o m o t h e r s o u n e a r e ­
c e iv e d d u r in g t h e y e a r ..............
T ota l
in c o m e ...
l>lnhurM*ni'’ ntH.
] N et loss*** paid d u rin g th e y e a r . !
D iv id e n d s p a id d u r in g t h e v ea r
I on c a p it a l s t o c k ................................
C o m m is s io n s and s a la rie s paid
I d u rin g th e y e a r .............................
' T axes,
lice n s e s a n d fe e *
pa id
d ii’•Ing th> > e n r .....................
I A m o u n t o f a ll o t h e r e x p e n d it u r e s
W 0 .«0 *.«V
2W .iftS.ii.*
S8.1W4 *1
81.382 1.1
Two women met in our store the other
S 936,19* 41
T o t a l e x p e n d it u r e s ............
day, when one of them said:
r’My, how pretty your hair looks! What !
A —H i,
have you been doing to it?”
V a lu e
e sta te
ow ned
"W hy, I have been using Harmony Hair
(m a r k e t v a lu e )
.$ 2 0 7 .2 5 * '"
lu e o f s t a c k s a n d b o n d s o w n e d
Beautifier for tlie past two weeks,” was the V a (m
a r k e t v a l u e ) ............................... 1.791 2 3 2 »'
L o a n « on m o r t g a g e s a a d c o 'l a t -
e ra l, e t c ...................................................
214. ' "
hy, indeed!” replied the first woman, C ash
!n b a n k s a n d on h a n d
"that is lust wbat I am using Isn’t it P r e m iu m * in co u r s e o f c o l le c t io n
w ritte n
s in ce
S e p t e m b e r 39.
great, a n id o n ’t you think my hiur shows a
1® :$
$ 141...0*i»4
Tot o f improvement?'”
In t.-rss t ar.d re n ts d u e a n d a c ­
cr u e d a n d o t h e r a sse ts
S i.U I
Harmony Hair Beaut‘fier is becoming all
the rage among both men and women who
T o t a l a s s e ts
«2 "3 . 9 *8
are particular in the care of their hair. It L e ss s p e c ia l d e p o s it s in a n v sta ted
2 ”•14.3'*
s just what it is named— a hair beautifier. T o t a l a s s e ts a d m it t e d In O r e g o fi. $ 2 . . 1 3 ! » . 4 ”
IJ a h U lfle*.
It seems to polish and burnish the hair,
making it glossy, silky-soft, and more easy G ro ss c la im s f o r ioases unpalt! t 49.794*.**
to put up in graceful, wavy folds that "stay A m o u n t o f u n e a rn e d p r e m iu m s
t s t a n d in g ris k s
*1.54*’ .212
put.” Conta ns no oil, acid will not change A ll on o t ;• h 1 e 1 r o u I la
h illt le * ............................. 9
3 ..V f| **)
color of hair nor darken it Simply sprinkle
T ota l
lia b ilit ie s e x c lu s iv e
a little on your hair each time before
c a p it a l s t o c k o f * 500.940
$1.599 V is .s o
brushing it.
T o t a l p r e m iu m « In f o r » « D e c e m ­
b e r 81. 1 0 1 3 .........................................1 2 .4 9 3 .4 4 0 * 2
T o k-vp your hair and scalp dandruff-free
B n alnew i In O rejrnn f n - t h e Y ear.
and dean, use Harmony Shampoo. This
liquid shampoo gues an instantaneous T o t a l risk s w r it te n d u rin g th e
$ H41.30H.iW
rich, foaming lather that immediately pene­
p r e m iu m * r e c e iv e d d u r ­
trates to every part of the hair and scalp, G ro in ss g th
e vear
14 470 43
insuring a qu;ck and thorough cleansing. P r e m iu m * retu rn er! d u r in g th e
5 *»41 05
It is washed off just as quickly, the entire L»i«*es
p a id d u r in g t h - v e a r
2 .923.2*
operation taking only a few moments L o s s e s I n cu r re d d u r in g th e v e a r .
$ 8 ) 3 .1 *
t a l a m o u n t o f risk * o u t s t a n d ­
Harmony Hair Beau ti fier, $100. Har T o in
g In O re g o n D e c e m b e r SI.
mony Shampoo, 50c. Both guaranteed L
$ 12 .«# 7 0©
satisfy you in every way, or your money
T N E 4 .I R - \ l in r . * M . I V * . CO
h i. V Sold only at t u e m**re than 7,000
B T H E N R Y M O R A T I . P re sid e n t.
Rexall Scores, and in this town only by us.
S ta tu to r y g e n e ra l s g e n ; and a t to r n e y for
• errIce. F r a n k E
S m ith .