+ «fr «fr ♦ OUR ASSOCIATE EDITORS Children Cry for Fletcher’s All the County News Graphically Writ­ ten up by Our Brainy Rustlers. Correspondents' Contest. Beginning December 1 the Itemize! begun u our months’ correspeondents' contest on the same lines as hereto­ fore. except the prizes will be in cash, lustead of other articles, that method seeming to suit best all concerned. The most regular and most newsy correspondent during that time will receive $10, the second $5, and the third $2.SO, and the next two $1 each. The contest will close March 31st and be immediately followed by a » other of four months' duration, com menclng on that date. EOLA. IN D E P EN D EN C E . Miss Gladys Irvine spent last week visiting relatives In Portland. Billie McAdams, of Airlie, visited in this city last week. Mrs. I.elf Flnseth, of Dallas, visited her mother, Mrs. Tharp, here last week. Dr and Mrs. O. D. Butler visited over Sunday with relatives in Portland Mrs. ( ’has. Webber has returned to her home in Portland after a visit at the home of Miss Dorothy Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. J. (1. McIntosh were Salem visitors Monday. Misses Flora and Roberta McCallon, of Dallns, were guests of friends In this city last week. Miss Ruth McAuley has returned from a visit with friends In Newport. Misses Kora Brown and Cora Smith i visited friends In Salem Sunday. Mrs. Clyde Williams and Mrs. J. J Fenton visited the former's sister, Mrs. Della Bush in Portlnnd this week. Dr. (,. Horn, of Dallas, was the guest of friends in this city Sunday. Miss Marie Byers has returned from a visit with friends In Hillsboro. Miss Alice McCauley, of Portland, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Nellie Graves. Mrs. Ernest Townsend spent one day of tills week visiting friends In Salem. Mrs. Clyde Carlos and -children, Kathryne and Bernard, left Monday for a visit with relatives in Nebraska. Fay Dunsmore and Shayler Eldridge, students of O. A. C. .visited their par­ ents here over Sunday. Ross H. Nelson has returned from a visit In Portland. t Y f SILKS Silks! Y ❖ Tlie Kind You Have Always nought, and which hus been iu uso for over JJl> years, lias horn« the signature o f i and Il ls been made under his per­ sonal supervision since its infancy. A llo w no on« to deceive you in tills. A I i Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health o f lufauts and Children—Expt rienco against Experiment* What is C A S T O R IA Castorta is a harmless substitute tor Castor Oil, P are ­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys W orm s and allays Feverishness. F or more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, AVind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Dinrrhu-a. It regulates the Stomach and Dowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. t t f ❖ Beautiful Wew Line of Silks! Y Y Y Y ♦♦ Brocaded and Flowered Silk Crepes 40 inches wide only $1.00 per yard. V Silk Poplin Silk Ratines Plaid Silks H ea vy , Brocaded T rim m in g Silks. * f f Y Y ❖ ; ? f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ❖ t Y Y ❖ f Y Mr. Hickerson and Miss Fisher, of Salem, took dinner with the Hamers Sunday. Mrs. Clement has been quite sick but Is getting better Mrs. Hamer has gone to Salem to stay a few days, as she Is sick and Bears the Signature of needs to be near a doctor. B. J. Ferguson and son, Billy Bryan have about tlnished spraying the or­ chards around Eola They will spray several orchards on the Eola hills. Y ♦> Mrs. Vergie Farmer and children have been staying with Mrs. Clement for several days doing the work and Y caring for Mrs. Clement. There was a party at Ferguson’s Saturday. About twenty of their neighbors surprised them. The eve­ In Use For Over 3 0 Years ning was spent In conversation, play­ T H I C C N T .U , c o m b » - - N * vv v f n X --If ing games etc. A light lunch was served a little after 11 o’clock. Now Is the time to think of wall Mr. Holman is putting out more paper and pain’ s. See the Sterling cherry trees, Bings and Royal Annes. Furniture Co.’s line. Y Morgan Reece’s hounds have about exterminated the jackrabblts around OAK GROVE. here. Mr« H. S. Fudge has been on the with the latter’s mother, Mrs . K. l sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Pardo spent Sunday Emms. T Methodict Minister Recommends Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Friesen and Rhoda Conne has returned from with Mrs. J. C. White. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Corvallis, where she has been attend­ family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wor- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Williamson and ing the O. A. C. Rev. James A. Lewis, Milaca, Minn., Finley Edgar spent Friday at J. W. Ed kentine. at Polk Station. Peter Diehm called at the Ediger Forrest Craven is o ' C from Riek- writes: “ Chamberlain’s Cough Heme gar’s, it being his seventy-sixth birth­ Y dy has been u needed and welcome day anniversary. borne Sunday evening. reall. helping Peter Cool: got started guest in our home for a number of in the store here. David Rempel was abusiness visit­ Several of the neighbors went to years. I highly recommend it to my Portland the first of the week as wit­ or in Dallas Saturday. note the smart styles— we don’t expect you to buy N O W — but we do want fellows as being a medicine worthy of nesses on the Allen McNealem trial. Mr. and Mrs Geo. Kliever visited Carpets and Rugs all kinds.— Ster trial in cases of colds, coughs and M. J. Davidson was a Dallas visitor with the former’s brother, J. F. Kliev I ling Furniture Co. you to see the finest Coats and Suits that w ill be brought to Dallas this spring. croup.” Give Chamberlain’s Cough Saturday. er of Sndthfield. Y Remedy a trial and we are confident PERRYDALE You may want one o f these exclusive garments—the prices are at least $10.00 A. J. Roberts and John Shaffer have you will find it very effectual and con­ purchased new cream separators. Sterling Furniture Co. is closing ou t; less than you would pay in P o rtla n d -w e want you to see them. tinue to use it as occasion requires for Mrs. L. A. Williamson of McCoy their line of lace curtains at bargain | Mrs. Ceo. Bover visited over Sunday years to come, as many others have spent, Sunday with her sister, Mrs. prices. in McMinn .ille. done. For sale by all dealers. SlialTer. W. A. Keyt. and family spent Satur­ I. M. Robertson visited at S. L. M O N M O U T H NO . 1. day and Surda* with relatives here. White’s last Thursday. A number of the young folks of this ZENA AND SPRING VALLE Y. Several from here attended the Mr. and Mrs. Cass Lorence went to vicinity wore ery pleasantly enter­ meeting of Pomona Grange at Mon­ Monroe Thursday to visit their tained a a party given at the home of The friends of Miss Lucy Higgins mouth last Wednesday. children. Carey Gibbon >’riiny o-ening. are rejoicing that, after live months Miss Louise Sears spent Saturday Mr. McCune, of Moscow, Idaho, is Mrs. New and !.°r daughter, Mrs. in Portland and hospitals, she has so and Sunday at her home at Bethel here on a visit with his mother, Mrs. Gladys Sheldon. r f Albany, visited Improved In health as to be able to be Mrs. S. L. White has been on the Kate Hickman. over Sunday ; '• ‘ he former’s daugh­ brought to her home here. sick list. Miss Grace Hanson, recently from ter, Mrs. J. P d Hv/ell. Mr. and Mrs. Worth Henry, of Sa­ R. B. Gilbert bought a new horse and Ohio, entered the Normal an . will fin­ Volma and ¡da bite have been ab­ Y lem, are visiting here at the home of buggy last week ish in June. sent from school tho past week on ac­ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hen­ •I. E. Allen of Portland was visistng C.H. Parker sold his farm to Thos. count of sickness. ry. old friends and neighbors here last Gentle and sons and will give posses­ Miss Elsie Boyer, of McMinnville W. N. Crawford visited Sunday at week. sion in April it is a $20,000 deal. was yisiting relatives here Saturday Unlonvale with Victor Simpson. Seth Riggs of Portland spent a few Mrs. J. L. Murdock of North Yam­ and Sunday. An enoyable party was given on the (lavs in the neighborhood last week. HART, SCHAFFNER MARX CLOTHING hill, Is here on a visit with her son’s Lester White is on the sick list this THE HOME OF night of St. Valentine's day by Mrs. Saturday was the regular all-dav family. week. W. D. Henry and Mrs. L. A. Purvlne, meeting of Oak Grove Grange. A Miss Pearl Davidson is again dep­ Mr. and Mrs. John Derrick, of Y Mrs. Monroe Purvlne spent u few good attendance Is reported and a very uty postmistress here. Whiteson, were callers in this vicinity days In Salem last week Y Interesting meeting. Monday. Miss Lydia Rex, of West Salem, Now is the time to think of wall Mrs. Homer Holman ond little daugh spent Monday und Tuesday at the paper and paints. See the Sterling ter, Wiliamina. spent Sunday night T h e Best Cough Medicine. home of W. H. Crawford. with Mrs. F. E. Lynn. “ I have used Chamberlain’s Cough Furniture Co.’s line. Miss Marie Chittenden, of Salem, The teachers and pupils of our haH been visiting Miss Irene Bradford. Remedv ever since T have beer. I eep- school are preparing a program for a W E S T S UM M IT. Miss Grace Spong came over from ing house," says L. C. Hames, of Mar- big rally her*» Saturday. Dallas Saturday and attended the bury, Ala. ” 1 consider it one of the Supt. Seymour and wife attended Misses May me McDowell and Myrtle best remedies I ever used. My chil­ party. A large crowd attended and fine music visitor with friends on Salem heights, .Cline are visiting on little Elk this the K e yt- Macken wedding here Sun­ vllle, visited their sister, Mrs. Bud day at the George Smith home Frank Crawford transacted business dren have all taken it and It'w orks | week. I Mrs. F. L. Woods was on the sick day. like a charm For colds ,md ’looping Ramsey, over Sunday Miss Pearl Dennett went to Salem was furnished by the Story boys. in Portland last week. Ruth Simpson returned to school on *ast week. Ike Elliott stopped off here Mon­ I Geo Henderson attended the dance Mattie Kosei and her sister, Mrs. to attend the nurses’ meeting the Miss Bessie Lightfoot. of West cough It Is excellent” For sale bv all at Summit Saturday night. day to visit his brother and family McKee, of Perrydaie, were here one latter part of last week Monday after a few' days absence. ! Mr. Gene Johnstone went to Dallas Salem, was the week-end guest of Mr. dealers. Prof Goens was visiting Antioch He left Tuesday for his home in Sas­ day last week looking after her prop­ Mr. Newfeldt was a Rlckreall caller An open lodge meeting will be held Saturday, returning Sunday with his und Mrs. W. H. Crawford. katchewan. school last Thursday. Saturday. ai the Artisan hall Saturday evening, cow’ that he left when he moved here. P E E D E E NO. 1. erty. George Felts, of Portland, worked Emily Harris spent Sunday with Miss Delilah McDaniel spent Sat- ^ ood speakers will be present to de- A.Weim and two sons, Charley and Charley Kennedy came home Satur- ____ _______ _________ _______ here last week in hts orchard. Adam Yost, from Portland, Is up at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Harris. uay from Portland, where he spent sev urday and Sunday at home with her ^ ver adresses. Dallas Druggist Deserves Praise. Otto,went to Eola to camp and work Everyone welcomes the beautiful The road supervisor, Mr. Willaby, las people for Introducing here the eral days last wreek. ! i ! h place doing some work. parents in Dallas for Thomas Holman. GILLIAM. Mrs. Winnie Irwin, from Independ­ was through our neighborhood last simple buckthorn bark and glycerine Mrs J J Burch «and Mrs. Forest Ora- F. M. Edgar and Charley Knower weather. Waymond Williams of Independence Earl Wood went to Stayton Sunday, ence, Is visiting her parents. Mr. and week, hunting bad places in the roads mixture, known as Adler-i-ka. This ven were in Salem shopping last week attended grange at Oak Grove last in District 3. George Jones has been visiting his Mrs. Alva Womer, a few days. is in Airlie. He has. finished High L°_s?e Jlis ,iathf r and mother’ return ■ imp!e German remedy first became B. F. Lucas and Orvil Price, we just Saturday, uncle. 8. J. Pepper here and returned Chits Jones made a trip to his fath­ famous by curing appendicitis and it lamented are going to take charge of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bush and family Fred Dennett is now* much improved School and is now taking his vacation. ing home Monday. Fred Talbaugli was at Falls City on to his home in Hopewell. - to be around again. Miss Whitman went to Monmouth visited W illie Bush and family Thurs­ er’s, W. A. Jones, Saturday. has nowr been discovered that just I the Begun store the first of March, and able . x Mr. Pickett and family are going to day and Friday. Fred Jones lias changed the country i «ingle dose relieves sour stom­ I W e wish them success in their new M. W. White has been busy a few 1 • : 0x1 have some dental business a tew days last week, move away. Wilbur Bush visited Eldie Burbank road along his place. ach. gas on the stomach and consti­ undertaking. days pruning and training up his lo- done. Mayor Frazure was taken very ill Mrs. Bessie Clark, of Dallas, visited Sunday evening. Lester McDowell lost a valuable pation S. T. Burch and son are loading gan berries. Olive Wilson has just returned from with a hemorrage of the bowels last instantly. It’s quick actio?» horse last week. with her brother, E. R. Palmer and Lafo Edwards visited W illie Bush their hops for shipment, having sold Mr. McNelan, of Portland, was in Corvallis v here she has been visiting Wednesday. Fie is better at this time, family, the first of the week VV. A. Jones made a business trip Friday evening. B U E N A VISTA last week. the neighborhood on business the past her 8^s*'er a days- . , Baby Ruth Minnick pulled a cup of Jack Minnick, of Dallas, has been Mr. and Mrs. Walter West returned to Blodgett Friday. Miss Cristel Palmer came home wreek. What’s the matter “ L ige” ? you w ere' hot coffee over on her face. Her fa- blasting out stumps on his place here j from Portland Thursday. Mrs. Maud McDowell and daughter Mr. and Mrs, Henry White visited not out vsa^ * ng last Sun(lay ther caught her in time to save her C. P. Wells and son Perry were Sa­ froin Salem last week, where she had the first of the week. Clifford Burbank was an Airlie call- Emma were visiting Mrs. McDow­ lem visitors Thursday. They brought been visiting for several weeks. relatives in Salem a few davs last T* alter Dalton and Herbert Byerly, eyes but she was burned on the cheek ell’s brother. Chas. Jones. A gang of workmen are camping in ! er Thursday. ________________ w eek. our two woodchoppers, have been pro- and forehead. home with them a fine driving horse. cars on the Fern switch, while they are Mr. Pauli made a business trip to Sam O’ Brien lias been building brush CROW LEY. • Rev. J. W. Osborn preached last in°ted, they are chopping 16 inch wood Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wilson, of Port- Mr. and Mrs. Will Bevens were pas­ roledo Wednesday. renewing the trestle at the Teats sta­ | fence. ____’ Sunday, both morning and evening, at now in Place 4 foot wood. land, were week-end visitors at the sengers by boat to Salem last Monday’ Chm-. McDowell did some butcher- tion. Manlie Bevens and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Cass Riggs spent Tues l -ie Baptist church. A goodly num- . Mrs.^ \\. E. Williams Jr. returned home of his parents, returning home Mrs. Be\ ins remaining the week with C. W Minnick was blasting out I Brum Benvens’ Saturday and Sunday. ling Saturday home from the Dallas hospital Thurs-, Sunday. her was in attendance. her parents Mr. and Mrs. Elkins. day of last wreek in Dallas. stumps the past week. Miss Velna Bevens visited her sister, 1 Mrs. Mary Pauli spent Sunday with Byrl Birch had to call Dr. Morris caller in Mrs. S. T. Smith and children, of d*y. s,le ls Improving rapidly, being Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hanson of Tilla­ Blaine Southwick was Mr und Mrs. G. Downing. I Mrs. Jessie Edwards Sunday. Friday who said that he had strained mook are the parents of a baby born our midst the first of last week. Smithfleld. and Mr. und Mrs Holt now able to walk some. Mi«s Shelly went to her home in in January. Mr. Hanson was principal H. C. Seymour passed through here himself by lifting too hard, also that at George Smith’s W. L. Hunsaker wes a Salem vis- Crowley visited Stealing Furniture Co. is closing out Stayton last Saturday. last Tuesday on his way to Buena Vis- j he had the Grippe. Big Surprise to Many in Dalla3. in our school several years ago. icor on Tuesday of last week. ^ast Sunday. their line of lace curtains at bargain Antioch school will have a short va Mrs. Earle Wood spent a few' days Local people are surprised at the F. M. Edgar was a business caller H. Farmer. M. F. White, R. J. ta- Mr. Eaton of Oregon City was a bus­ prices. cation. Clyde Turner has resigned his ... po- , of last week with her mother who was quick results received from simple iness visitor here last week. in McCoy the first of last week. Williamson, F. M. Edgar and A. V . l ——.---- . Jounie Graham is visiting in Port­ Miss Alice Riggs was a caller at the Oliver went to Portland last Monday 8,t'on as dePot »Rent and Mr. Allan.-sick at her home in Liberty buckthorn hark, glycerine, etc., as A little child was brought here from MONMOUTH NO. 2. home of Mrs. J. W. Gay one afternoon » * witnesses in the Allen and Me fr<™ Dallas has taliefl hiS’placeu Mis» Etta White treated her .oom mixed in Adler-i-ka, the German rem­ land iths week. Corvallis Thursday for burial. Clara Downing is staying with Mrs. Nelan trial. The Misses Snedaker and \\ hltmaft to a Valentine party Friday The gi.is edy which became famous by curing Dr. (). D. Butler was called from In­ last week. J Graham while Mr. Graham is ab­ dependence Friday to see Mrs. M. N. Mrs. VV. L. Hunsaker attended the Stella and George Smith attended Kav‘ a ver-v pretty Valentine party to made cake and she furm-.hed bananas There are four cases of smallpox in appendicitis. IT. Stafrin states that sent. this simple remedy draws off such of and rream. She Invited the primary Prather who is now slowly improving. I •files aid society In Rlckreall VVednes- the dance at Rlckreall Saturday night. ’* fe'v of t!'cir fr'e-1« 8 a* t*,e this city. Mayme McDowell and Myrtle Cline Mrs. R J. Williamson went to Port- " r,<- t’ mighey last batnrday evening,, grades to participate. Mrs. Jim Reynolds was called to lay afternoon last week. The Oregon normal school basket a surprising amount of old foul mat­ were Summit callers one day last John Braden has been working for !»nd the first of the week to visit her wae kiven in honor of Miss, Mr. John Van Lopn who visited his Salem Monday by the serious illness ball team defeated the Philomath col­ ter from the body that a single dos*» week. O. H. Farmer the past week. sister for a few days and to consult Whitmans friend, Mr. Edwin Bohle of j daughter Sunday the 8th, buried his relieves sour stomach, gas on t !io of her mother Mrs. Schrunk. lege team Friday evening in the nor Mr. Cnin. of Cattle Rock Wash., Lebanon. The young ladies exhibited mother Sunday the 15th. They have Fred l«oy has cleared and grubbed a m&l gymnasium, by a score of 41 to ,*1. stomach and constipation instantly Mr. Vincent and son, Clyde, of Oak an aPPe i?ndicitis specialist. who bought the Winkler mill, has mile of fence row* this winter, where their artistic taste in the beautiful 1 the sympathy of West Salem friends. At a mooting of Pomona Grange here Grove, were helping Mr. Newfeldt moved to Summit. manner in which the rooms were dec-1 Council met Monday evening with Carpets and Rugs all kinds.—Ster­ lie will put up w ire fencing. GILLIAM . last week the organization went on prune orchard last week. Lee Giddlngs came over to his orated. T i e colors were pink and Mayor Frazare In the chair. F. L. Mrs. Frost of Saver attended church record as favoring a plan for the pay­ ling Furniture Co. F. M. Edgar attended Pomona I home l^st Wednesday. green. The drawing-room was decor- Wood had the books and a number of services here Sunday and visited with grange in Monmouth on Wednesday ment of taxes in quarterly install­ (T oo late for last week.) I Emma McDowell visited Elsie her sons. B O W E R S V IL L E ments of last week. Mrs. Oscar Lew i, and son. Kenneth. VOte? rp* ‘ slpred bpfurp • « « ‘ he ’haninan one day last week. i'„ i„ i.__ i__. ____i. i___bon streamers. A three course lunch-, meeting. The ”p-| «1 services are stilll going T. II. Gentle has purchased the form Prof. Crowley and wife, of Rickre- of Eola. visited here last week with her Mr Holman, of Corvallis, has been eon was served at eleven o’clock. The ________________ The farmers are taking advantage of C. II Parker, north of town, and J holiness evange- all, spent Wednesday night of last mother, Mrs. J. E. Hunt, mt looking o* some of the places* it. T of the good weather •i°* ’ 'in : Mr. Elder comes from week with Malcolm Pewtherer and will move onto it early in April. There were eighteen passengers table was tastefully decorated with cut I H E L P F j l WORDS. flowers and streamers. Those pres-1 H. L. ( ’ rider, of Dallas , was seen h*s neighborhood. 0\la on -' and is an able and interest­ family. Baseball practice among the stu­ | boarded the train here one day last TTond Henderson did some dental ent were: Messrs Elige Caughey, Kyle ing ‘ in ;» ftr. Larire crowds attend dents of the schools has been common in this Vli lnity in his new auto. Mrs. Cas. Riggs and Miss Alice week. J Uncle Bill Cadle is seriously ill at vork for some of our young ladies • v ! much Interest is being manifested Riggs were Salem visitor. Thursday F r o m a Dallas Citizen. here thlr. week. Mrs. W. T. Hibbard and daughter. French.Dr Butler. John Wienert and r ,“ | ’ast week. There are tho«o attending who have f last week. The talning school pupils will this this writing. Ruth, spent several days in Dallas last Ed" ln Boh,e’ Mf8sesV,olpt Wilson. Ed-f Is your back lame and painful? na Conn and Katie Wienert. The ev h*H*n a wav from church for years Mr. and Mrs. Friesen and Mr. and year have a large school garden on the Frank Farmer was a Yamhill visitor week, visiting friends and relatives, Doe* it ache, especially after exer­ BALLSTON. ening was spent in playing games. The tion’ Mr. and Mrs Kaves of Eugene are ast week. tra^t between the normal and the high Mrs. Goossen, of Stein bach Man. were I Clarence Ortman, who has been vls- leading the music. in our vicinity visiting with friends. Hc'.iool tiuililings. Cecil Riggs was busy a few days ittn ; here, has returned to his home in pue8ts departed at a late hour after Is there a soreness In the kldnev Henry Gregg, who has been east of having spent an enjoyable evening. . egion ? Henry Robbins moved into his new- Charley Moore and family moved | ’ast week, chopping grain for some of Forest Grove e mmr.itHns for the past two years I ist week to a place near Albany. home. which he remodeled lately. | .he neighbors. Mrs. W. D. Gilliam called on Dr C. J These symptoms suggest weak ktc- SUMMIT. Marjorie Hayes, who has been vis­ u»d a half. Is here on a visit Nelson Ande-son anl wife weie A l­ F. E. Valllere and sons put In a new L. Foster, of Dallas. Saturday and nevs. Cham be rla in 's Cough Remedy. Mrs John lutmni and Mrs. Paul ' ron bn.ire across the slough by the came away without any teeth In her • i f *o, there is danger in delay. Mr and Mrs. Keith were Albany visit­ iting her sister, Mrs. Mever. at Eugene IjAinrn of M dlalla. are visiting at the bany visitors Thursday. returned to her home Sunday. This remedy has no superior for | ’ox place which is quite an improve- head Now young girls, take warning Weak kidneys get weaker fast. ors Sunday. J H. Kempel, of Smithfleld, visited Lamm home. ment A. L. Ingalls, of Eugene, was a bus! coughs and colds. It Is pleasant to Give your trouble prompt attention. Mrs. M E Underhill was In Corval­ RICKREALL. Mrs. F. II. Gould's sister and niece, with his parents Sunday, after which I F M Edgar. R J Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak lis on business Monday. \\ llllams and a‘ O- Hamilton s the | take. It contains no opium or othei he in company with his cousin. H. from Newberg are hre visiting her. kidneys. Wm Rowell and wife were In Ben­ ; wife. Mrs. Frank Fawk and Miss first of the week. Malce! (Mem Is on the sick list Mr; W. A. B**ooks was on the sick ton countv visiting last week Blanch Fawk visited last Friday with A family by the name of Davis has narcotic. It always cures. For sale Your neighbors use and recommend Miles Davis was a Dallas visitor D. Kempel, attended church In Dallas. list the past week. A large number of fruit men attend­ tr. and Mrs J. W. Edgar, that date moved into this district from A lban y. ¡by all dealers. Mr ami Mrs Edwards, of west 3a them Friday. W. H Morris made a business trip __ ___ ____________ _ lem. are visiting at the home of hlf being his 76th birthday anniversary which means three more pupils a total Rend tills Dallas testimony. There Is to be a s|l**r mednl con­ ed the pruning demonstration in o Portland Saturday. Frank Harris’ orchard Friday after­ uncle. David Foreman, -his week. test at this place Friday night A pleasant day was enjoyed of 35 going to school in district No. 54 W E S T S A L E M Mrs. .Mary E Gilson. 61« Church R ' . Mrs \s H Sears entertained the noon. Misses Stella and Verna Smith were There was a dance at Mr. Pickett’s l Hon. Wm Cadle is lying dangerous­ Dallas. Oregon, says: ” 1 have use,: !Vr*a Under’ ill is on the sick list. men.hers of the embroidery club at Mr Flesher. of I>alla*. was In this Saturday night ------ ly 1>! at his home In Bowerrllle Dallas visitors one day last week A rev man from Albany Is working x>an’s Kidney Pills and they have her home Thursday afternoon. F E Valllere was a business caller Mr. Murray, of Montana, visited here Mr. Sharp of Salem, has built a tern with the engineers surveying the C. 4 neighborhood looking for some stock Peter Cook was In Portland Satur­ •en taken by others in our family. Miss Alwyn Edwards, of Portland. Charles Bailey started hit plow in Dallas last Saturday. with W G Hamilton and family the porary house on his place in Klngwood W e think they are the best kidney E. P. R Idtcd her brother, Gomer Edwards, day on hnsinesa Miss Mabel Craven. of R lckreall.1 flrst o f the week It Is rumored that Peter Cook will remedy to be had. Doan's Kidney Dr. Newth, of Philomath, was a Sun- Monday. terras* and moved there last week. u er Sunday. George Sherwood of. Uickreall, was There will be a basket social at mk visitor Sunday move to Ballston and run the store visited over Sunday with Miss Ruth Pills act quickly on the system, ridding W H Morris has sold his stock of Mr. F Birch is nutting up s two Guthrie, district No. 45. the 21st of this i \ room hou Mr Pavla Is helping Mr Underhill in this neighborhood Monday exer­ merchandise to Peter Cook, of Rick- there They will he seallr missed, but I Bennett. in Kingwood terraces and >ne of pain in a short time. They cising hla hordes . what Is our loss Is Ballston’* gain. In his store for a few davs. Mr Warren, of Oak Grove, was a month. A fine program Is arranged. strengthen and regulate the kidney* reall. Mrs. O. H Beeler of Rlckreall. call­ Everybody Invited. Ladle, bring bas- rao e ^ 00,1 C. A. Clem Is cutting wood for the A lady from independence visited at I caller In the neighborhood last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gibson gave a Mr Ed Vinntck is working onthe to perfection.’’ ed on Mr and Mrs. Cadle Monday. Mrs. F. K Valllere and daughter, kets railroad company. the W. E Goodell home this week. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 street cars in Salem. So|. Ediger and John Friesen. of alentine party at their home, near -------------------- ________ ___ _______ Rev. Burns of Philomath, preached Mrs. Connor and daughter a sister Hazel and Myrtle, went to Salem Sat- | cents. ______ Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. own Saturday night Dallas went through this place en of Frank Tatman. visited him s fe w urdav to visit Mr and Mrs Claud, AIR LIE . Orvile Moore returned from Cherry y orh ,ole agents for the United at Summit Monday. Prof R. E SIM s attended a prin route for Salem on the former’s mo­ Munkers | ----- .Grove last week where he was trap-, states Mr. George Clark was an Albany vis­ dpnl's meeting at Fails City Satur­ davs last week. torcycle Monday. Nat Burch, of Springfield, was here itor one day last week. Miss May Maxfteld and D. A. Smith • A Valentine dance was given in the an^ hunting. I Remember the name— Doan's— and day. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Rempel visited a few days this week. of Dallas, visited Saturday and Suo-1A. C. Staats Hall Friday. February 13. | Miss Tokle Cade was a weekend take no other GENUINE C A S T O R IA ALWAYS IX t Y ❖ The Kind You Have Always Bought ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ❖ ❖ f f Y Y Y Y ❖ f Y Y ❖ ? ? I New Shades in Mesalines; Tan go, Plum , N e w Red Shades etc. N e w fan cies in w aist and dress lengths NEW RUFFLINGS A Beautiful line, White and Cream. New Double Rufflings. FRONT-LACE CORSETS NEW C O A TS ! Finest Line of Silks ever shown in Dallas L Prices V E R Y reasonable. Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NEW SUSTS! N o w is the tim e to LO O K , com e in, t r y them on, Y Y ❖ ❖ t Y y Y New Crepes, Ginghams, New Corset Cover Lace, New Percales, Ripplettes, Flaxons Ladies' Shoes. Dress Go-ds Y Y ❖ t t ERCANTiLE DALLAS, OREGON liiPANY t Y ❖ Y t ❖