TH E ONLY DEMOCRATIC N E W SPAPER IN POLK CO UNTY THE POLK COUNTY ITEMIZER A dm it tod as Secoud Class Mail Matter. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19. .914 V. P. FISKE. ........ |1 '>0 i Item izer,O D f vewr ili *«tYuuce ....... 2 Ü U ui% guaiuli S O B tC K lP T IO N ì -j W ith W eekly O u iali or .*n n em i-w «e»iy J ournal............ Ou ............. 1 50 ( W itli G oal Maga/me .......... Maga/.iiie ................. .............. ’PHONES: M U TU A1 J ( R esidence,! 113 No. 500 Main St. Patronize One Another for the Upbuilding of T o w n and County ra w E K m rE B M OU will have great strength and great weak­ ness, will be optimistic, kind and a lover of home. You will have great possibili­ ties and unusual talents of a special nature, which you should develop, and you should aim to depend on your own judgment rather than the ad­ vice of others and to concentrate. You should marry only when YOU KNOW YOURSELF, pref­ erably a person born in January, June or October. You should wear sapphire, turquoise or opal orna­ ments and will do your best work wearing black, blue and pale shades of green and pink. Great persons born in February: Abraham Lin­ coln, George Washington, Henry W. I.ongfellow, Charles Darwin, Horace Greeley, Thomas A. Edi­ son, Joseph Jefferson, Sir Robert Peel and Dwight L. Moody. pal 1914 F E B R U A R Y JSUIV 1914 M O N T U E . W E D . TH U . F R I. S A T . 2 3 4 5 r S " 9 1IO H i m [1 5 116 U 13' 19 m 2 5 2 41 : 2 5 2 6 Q 6 7 1 15I4[ 202C 2 7 281 . — . The Bull Moosers are finding it hard sledding getting up excitement with the Colonel sojourning in South America. Some people are so constituted that when they get elected to an office In a lodge or order they get more puffed up than a littie dog wan a red blanket on him. Economy is an excellent quality, hut there is an in­ judicious economy, 't hat person who is constantly seeking to drive the closest bargain is not an econo­ mist. This is niggardliness, and is a quul.ty or the in­ firm mind. You need the best, and it is always worthy of the price. You have heard the saying about being able to fool part of the people ail the time, all oi them part of the time, but not all of thqm all the time, it's the same relative to pleasing then. Ever think of that? The fellow who thinks ae cun please all the people all the time is fooling himself. Don’t try i.t THE INDIAN PROBLEM. In our opinion there is no one thing that acts so much toward the deteoration of the present generation of led men as the placing of them in government schools isolated from the leservation where they have lived and are to live. The young lndiun is taken from his natural environment o: hardy, nearly out-door liie at an age when his physical well-being needs such more than at any other time, is placed in constricted steam-heated quaiters, xed on foods to which he has not been accustomed, taught to a very great extent things that are of no practical benefit to him, and which he cannot utilize on his return to the reserva­ tion. The result is that when they return they go back to their old way of living, lorgetting all the good that they have been taught and remembering and practic­ ing only the evil that they have assimilated while liv­ ing as do the whites. By the whites’ mode of living they have also departed from the hardy life of their forefathers and have probably contracted some disease that in short order will see them gathered to their happy hunting ground. These are uncontrovertable tacts and investigation will find them to be born out at every agency in the norhtwest. There is a remedy for this evil and that is that instead of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep up such schools as ( hemana the government should place the schools en- Ureiy at the agencies, thereby not separating the chil­ dren too remotely from their natural heritage or hab­ itat. but instilling into them at their home center where it could be of a more practical benefit to them’ the study and manual training best suited fo make them good and useful citizens. Students of the !n- dian probient from all standpoints are rapidly coming to this viewpoint. It is the only certain way in with h the indian can ever take his place and be able >o c p c with the whites in agriculture or other pursuits. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COURTHOUSE NEWS. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Marriage Licenses. Lewis N. Macken, Dallas, and Elsie L. Keyt Perrydale. Frank F. Fisher and Hattie E. Black, Independence. Probats. In re estate of Tom George, deceased; report approved and ed and March 18 set for hearing. Registration of Land T itlo Application No. 44. In re estate of Martha Conner, In the m atter o f the Application deceased; final account ap­ C. D. Relm er and Katharina Uulmer, ✓ proved and estate closed. I to register the title to the follo w in g de- in re estate of Oeo. 11. Kilers, i scribed real property, to-wit: Beginning at a point 19.75 chains ¡deceased; inventory and ap­ j E ast o f the Southwest corner o f the praisement filed and upproved. donation land claim o f Nim rod Me- I In re estate of Isaac Dyck, de­ ¡ Cracken and wife, Not. No. 2254, In Section 18. in Tp. 7 S. R. 5 W est of ceased; annual report approved. [ the Will. Mer. in Polk County, Oregon, | f ^ DIVINE JUDGMENTS ARE ALL BLESSINGS God’s Gracious Provisions For ti!9 World oí Mankind. Eternal Torment W holly Foreign to the Divine Charactei— God’s Judg­ ments Are “ Righteous Altogether.” Death the Divine Judgment Against the Race of Adam— God’ s Special Judgments— The W orld's Judgment During the Millennium— Healing and Uplifting From Sin and Death— De­ struction to W ilfully Rebellious. MORE GOOD SPELLE R S: Report of Spelling Work for Poll« County Contest held Jan. 10. and running thence East 39.50 chains, 1 are usually t h i n a n d tin nee North 10 chains; thence W est I easily worried, sleep does not 139.50 chains; thence South 10 chains to the place o f beginning, containing refresh and the system gradu­ 39 acres o f laud more or less, A p p li­ ally weakens from insufficient cants, nourishment. vs. .W illia m A. Middleton, and all whom it Scott’s Emulsion corrects may concern, defendants. nervousness by its force of con­ T A K E N O T IC E , That on the 27th d ay! centrated medical nourishment o f January, 1914, an application was ill- ! ed by the said C. D. R eim er and Kath- i —it restores the healthy action t r i a l Keimer. in the Circuit Court oí i of body cells, enriches the I Polk County, Oregon, for in itial regis-1 blood, sharpens the appetite, I tratlon o f the title to the laud a b o v e ! and feeds the nerve centres I described. Now , unless you appear on or befort , by distributing energy a n d tl..- 28th da> or March 1914. and a h o » j i power ajj o v e r the body. f.niiKA ■ause whv why »noli such annlicfttlon application shall not no 1 1 ^ | be «ran ted , the same will be taken as Don’t r e s o r t to alcoholic confessed, and a decree w ill be entered mixtures or drug concoctions uc ordlnt: to the prayer o f the uppllca that stimulate and stupefy. Hon, and you will be fo rev er barred Get a bot t l e of S c o t t ’s from disputing the same. W itness my hand and the seal o f the E m ulsion for your said Circuit Court on thlB 18th day ot nerves—nothing February, 1914. equals or c o m p a i e s A. B. R O BINSO N. with it, but i n s i s t | 'S e a l) Clerk o f said Circuit Court. , drow n & Sibley , on S c o t t ’s. Attorneys for Appllcunts. EVERY ORUGIS. H A S IT Class A. (^Schools o f m ore than Five Teachers ) Third Grade__ 1st, Monmouth,.; 2d. Dallas. »8.6; 3rd. Dallas, 98.4 Fourth Grade— 1st. Dallas, 99.8; 2nd, Monmouth, 99.7; 3rd. Falls City, 9' .r. Fifth Grade— 1st. Dallas. 99 7; 2nd, Falls City, 99.2; 3rd, Independence, 98 . 9 . Sl.vth Orade— tst, Monmouth. 99S; 2nd, Dallas. 53.7; 3rd. Fails City. 99.0. Seventh Grade— 1st, Falls 99.N; 2nd. Monmouth 99.7: 3rd. Dallas 94.5; Klghth Orade— 1st, Falls City 100; 2nd. Monmouth 99.68; 3rd, Dallas 99.6. Class “ B " (Schools o f tw o to five teachers) Third Grade___1 Salt Creek, Perry- dale. R ickreall, W est Salem 100; 2nd Ballston 99.8; 3rd. Bethel 99.4 Fourth Grade— 1st, Rickreall 100; 2nd. BnlNton, 99.7; 3rd. Bethel. 99.5. Fifth Grade— 1st. Ballston. R ickreall, W est Salem, 100; 2nd. Perrydale, 99.6; 3rd. Bethel 99 4. Sixth Grade— 1st, Salt Creek, W est Salem, Buena Vista, 100; 2nd, Rick reall, 99.3; 3rd Black Rock, 99. Seventh Grade -1st. Ballsto-'. Buena Vista. 100; :’d, H opville, untain V iew , Bethel, Smtthfleld, 98; 3rJ, Rick­ reall.. 97 2. i Eighth M gm n u m n e — i 1st, st, d hh v r e « il . x i . i j Grade— SaH Creek. Rick- reali, mo; 2nd, Betthel. 99.7; 3rd, Bull-! I ston. 99.4. Class C. | (Schools having one T each er.) Th*rd Grade— 1st, Cockran, Hat** jmony, Sunnyslope, luu; 2nd, Oakhurst., fc'Mr Grove, 99; 3rd. I-roadmead, Oal> ! hurst, 98. 1.... f ’ i Grade— 1st, Butler. Oakpomt, Lincoln, Sunnyslope, P»doadmead, 100 [ “ nd Orchards M istletoe, 99.6; 3rd Oak hurst, 99.5. Fifth Grade— tst, L e w t«v llle. O r­ chards, Ward, Cockran, Buell. Spring Valley, Unper Salt Creek. Crowley. Oakdale. Rogue R iver, 7 00; 2nd, L in ­ coln, F*r Grove. Concord, 99.5: 3rd, Butler. Suver, 99. ^ixthGrade— 1st. Parker, Orchards, M cTim m on’s Valley, Sunnyslfme. O ik dale, V alley Junction, 100; 2nd. Oak Grove. Harmony, 99.6; 3rd. Red P rai­ rie, Fir G rove Oakhurst. 99 3. Seventh Grade— Is , Red Prairie, Lew isville, Polk, Cockran, Upper Suit Creek, Crow ley McTUumoiib Valley, Sunnyslope, Concord. Oakdale, McCo. Cherry# Grove, Highland. 100; 2nd, Orchards, 99.2; 3rd. F ir Grove S8.6. Figh ts Grade— 1st Ward, Cockran, Harmony, Lincoln, Cherry Grove, Oak­ hurst, Broadmead, 100; 2nd. Enter­ prise, Fir Grove, Concord, 98; 3rd, Buell« 97/2. Schools Making Highest A verage for All Grades. Class A — Monmouth. 99.4. Class B— Rickreall, Ballston, 99.49. C’ lass C— Cockran, 100. T h e spelling work is becoming bet­ ter each test and all are doing good work. There were 1755 pupils in the county from the third grade to tlie eighth grade w riting in the last test and 956 pupils made 100 per cent. A Came CLERGYMAN’S STORY Near Losing His Life-How He Escaped W e quote from another letter, dated The follow In* December 10. 1906: " I praise Peruna letter w a i re- to all the sick. The people know ceived by Tlie m y case, and they praise It also." Pc run a Co. from Rev. G. W . Rob- p In a letter dated Novem ber 22. erts. R. It. 2, Hex * 4pfc* ) 1909. we quote Rev. Roberts: ''P e ­ 27, Hart »ell, A la - j l r • - .■& runa gave me back my life ten baina, under date || years ago. A ll my acquaintance» o f April 2, 1904 know that. I am certainly thankful which is exactly to you for your kindness." nine years ago. In a later letter, dated January 13. H e says: “ I take 1910, he says: " I shall ever In the pleasure in in­ future, as in the past, be ready to form ing you of speak in praise o f Peruna to all suf- what your P e ­ ferers. I believe my miraculous cure ru uu. has done REV. G. W. ROBERTS, has been the means of many others fo r me a f t e r R.-.R* 2>,®on.27* being cured in this county.” HarUell, Ala. three years of From a letter o f September 5. 1911. suffering. 1 had triad the treatments o f several doctors, also home rem­ we quote a few words: " I am still edies, but they failed and all hope among the living. As to Peruna, I had gone. M y friends, like myself, do not feel that I have words to e x ­ thought I was in the last stages of press the faith I have In its merits. I feel that Peruna has been the consumption. “ M y daughter brought me a bottle moans, through the kind providence o f P: runa and plead with me to try o f God. o f prolonging my life fo r It. I had got so weak I had lost my more than ten years.'* W e quote a still later letter, October voice, and I thought it no use. That was in May, 1902. I began to take 31, 1912. He says: “ I took a severe it, according to directions. I wrote cold three weeks ago. I at once sent to you, and you gave me your kind fo r Peruna. Have been taking it two weeks. I am now better. I consider advice. “ I soon felt better, m y cough began that Peruna has carried me over a to give way, and the expectoration dozen years o f life. I always stand lessened. I have taken fourteen bot­ ready to answer any question In re f­ tles. I feel well, eat hearty, sleep erence to Peruna.’* soundly, weigh as much as I ever did, W e quote from his last letter, dated do considerable work on my farm, January 2, 1913: “ Dear Friends: I and attend to my ether business. wish this bright N ew Years to e x ­ M y friends seem astonished at my re­ press my thanks to you for your covery. kindness. Trusting that you may “ I wish to thank you fo r your kind have a successful and happy year, and advice and the books you have sent that your medicine may prove a me. I shall ever praise your medicine blessing to many as it has to me, I and hope that you may en joy a long am yours as ever, G. W . Roberts, life.” Hartsell, Alabama, R. F. D. 2, Box It w ill be observed that Rev. R ob­ 27” erts waited two years a fte r he began It Is not necessary fo r us to add to use Peruna, before he wrote the above letter to The Peruna. Co. So any words to this story. The elo­ that his apparent recovery could not quence and pathos o f these letters possibly have been temporary relief. are more convincing than arguments In a later letter to The Peruna Co., or affidavits. W h o can doubt the dated S» ptember 22, 1906», Rev. R ob­ clergyman’s story? W ho can doubt erts says: “ I am a great friend of that Peruna saved his life? E very home should be provided Peruna. By the use of Dr. Hartman’s advice I am here to-day. able to be with the last edition o f the “ Ills o f w ith my fam ily and attend to my L ife,” sent free by the Peruna C o« Columbus Ohio. business.1 a s k Your Druggist fo r Free Peru rie* 4-av Mimanac for 1914. •.— Pastor lin sseils text for loduy was: "W hen T h y jiulaoieuts are j Proposal for Sale of S ew er Im prove 1 ment Bonds of the City of Dallas, abroad ill the earth, tile Inhabit­ ! Oregon. McMinnville will - : c l Lids w ill be received by the! ants o f the world : 1!00,00 on streets and sidewalks will learn rljtht- I u n ’ or.signed Auditor and P olice Judge j this season. o f the City o f Dallas, Oregon, until | eousness." — Isaiah , o o c lo c k P. A . on Monday, the 16th j 3U:M. ; day o f March. 1914, for the whole or How is Y ou r Boiler? in lie iiiu n lU K any part o f * 075.18 worth o f Street It has been stated that a man’s the Pastor stated ! im provem ent U ; o f said City o f stomach Is Ills boiler, his body is 01» that only those ! Pallas, a null -.od by Ordinance ‘•nglne and his mouth the fire box. h> who reaeli an ad­ No. 211) o f said C ity; being fifteen (15) your boiler (stom ach) In good w ork­ vanced decree ot I bonds in denominations of $100.00 ing order, or is it so weak that it w ill knowledge o f God's W ord cuu realize leach, and me (1 ) bond in denom ina­ not stand a full load and not able to tion o f $175.18, each to he dated Sep- apply the needed energy to your en­ that Divine judgments are all good. ! tem ber 23, 1918, payable ten (10) Under the influence o f superstition. not [ years from date thereof, and bearing gine (b o d y )? If you have any trouble u tide rata tiding the Scriptures aright, ! interest at a rate not to exceed six (6 ) with your stomach, Cham berlain's w ill do you good. They supposing that they teach eternal tor per cent pei annum; interest payable Tablets strengthen and in vigorate the stomach ment for the majority o f the ruce. we | semi-annually on the 23rd day o f and enable it to do its work naturally, feared God rather than loved Him. i March and the 23rd day o.*' Septem ber vlany very rem arkable cures o f stom­ We dared not say tiiat such a Jndtr- I o f eacli year ; 'principal and interest ach trouble have been effected by meut on God's part was wrong, mali­ payable in United States Gold Coin at them. For sale by all dealers. cious. devilish; yet we w ere unable to the Dallas City Bank in the C ity o* 1 Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, without see it in any other light. Many Intel charge, cost, or expense to iho pur­ Subscribe for the Itemizer. iigent minds dislike to think about God chaser or holder o f sai l bonds. and His supposedly terrible purposes T h e above-named City o f Dallas, respecting humanity—all the result of Oregon, hereby reserves the righ t to a misunderstanding o f tlie Bible. take up and cancel said bond1 -:, or any The 1‘astor demonstrated that the of them, upon the payment o f the face torment doctrines of the Dark Ages value th ereof and the accrued in ter­ W e wan to pet ihc news to all old p jcple are wholly out o f accord with the D i­ est to the date o f such payment, at any vine character, which is distinctly semi-annual interest period at or after about Rexall Olive ( >il Emulsion, a remark­ one year from the date of said bonds, able new food-medicine w..ich we firmly marked by Wisdom. Justice. Mercy to-w it: A t or after one year from tlie belie/e is the best remedy ever made to and Love toward all He showed that o f ' - fit 23rd day of September, 1913. overcome the weakening, debilitating instead o f a ..udginent o f eternal tor­ T h e above-named bonds w ill be sold effects of increas: ng old age. 11 helps to re­ ment against the race, the penalty for to the hlghe t bidder, by the C ity oi build wasted tissues, strengthen tVe nerves, sin is death; that the verdict, or ju d g­ Dallas, Oregr i. r t the hour o f 8 o ’clock and give new energy and a lively feeling to ment. is righteous: that God had a per- P. M. on M mdny, the 16th day of the body. It contains no alcohol or danger­ hi M e Council Chamber ous drug. It may not make you feci better feet right to destroy in death the crea March. The third concert of the sea­ tut’e who refused to render the obe­ in DaUar, Oregon. T lie bids must for a few days, but if you do not feel much itnie {he rale o f interest, not e x c e l l ­ better and stronger before you have taken son was given last night in the dience which lie was able to give, be ing the rate o ' sh: (6 ) per cent per a quarter as much as you have of other armory by the Dallas Band. As iug pel’t eet Another part o f the D ivine Judg­ annum; but suid bends ;;hal! not he medicines that have not helped you, we 'sual, the event was well pat- so’ l for less »’vm fa^e value, to­ will gla llypifre uncle your money. ment against humanity is that the j • onized and a fine entertainment geth er with th ' p ' ' :od Interest there JtefcjJJ Olive Oil Emulsion contains pure dentil process is gradual. Thus the ■ on from the day as furnished. ■ 4 heir flat6 to ;»>e Olive Oil and the Hypoohf^sphites which, t ' J » .. * race Is the lletter enabled to learn the date o f delivery. Bald d e liv e r o f said tho*a»A they have long been endorsed by lesson o f the "exceeding sinfulness of Ponds w ill be made a» tjie ’ iccessful physicians, are here lor the first Jtaxe of Ohio, city of Toledo, o f tlie sin.” to the Intent that, when granted City T reasu rer o f tiie C ity of Dal bn ine combined. The result is a real body, Lucas County, ) * nerve and blood-building food-medicine Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the new trial secured by the merit of Oregon. at we believe is superior to anything else senior partner of the firm ot* F. J. Chem j T lie City Council o f the City o* Dal­ ‘ ; ■ •. Christ’s sacrifice, mankind may protit & Co., doing business in the City of 7 debility, las. Oregon hereby reserves the righ t . :n overcoming by It the more. . . - weakness . . and lia- i ledo. County and State aforesaid, n 1 to reject any and all bids. b i.t y to disease, and to tone and strengthen i that said Arm will pay tie sum of o ;. : PRESENT B U IL D IN G S O r T H E IN S T IT U T E . The 1‘listor further explained that all I Bids must be marked “ Bids for the nerves and enrich the blood. You who ' HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and These old buildings are being used at present. Laboratories and equip­ the race will have opportunity o f com- j S treet Im provem ent Bonds,” accom­ are weak and run-down— you who are cry case of Catarrh that can:; t b. CAT \RrFT CUT . ment ha- e been installed. These buildings’ are to be replaced by others ing to a full knowledge o f the Truth ; panied by a certified check for ten (10) of en troubled by various cold weather ail­ by the use of HAT.V1 f r a n i : j. ( adapted to tlie work. The above p ro p erty is right In the heart of tbe hos­ during tlie .Millennial Reign o f Christ, per cent o f the amount bid. and ad­ ments, use Rcxtill Olive Oil Emulsion to Sworn to before rrm n ! sab—ribod ia pital district in Fbleago, being only a few minutes walk from Cook County, whirl) is God's provision for the world ; dressed to Charley Gregory. Auditor get and keep well and strong I t is a sen­ myjP:fcsenee, this 6th day of December, Presbyterian a::d other hospitals. Dr. J. Deason, M. S .D. O., who has done 1SS6. in general. What God did for Natural and P olice Judge o f tlie City o f Dallas, sible, pljasant-tasting aid to renewed (S e a l) A. W. GLEASON. notable scientific work In the Chicago U n iversity before taking up Osteop­ strength, better spirits, glowing health. Notary Public. Israel during the Jewish A ge and fo r j Oregon athy, has been pla ad in charge with four assistants. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is ta*-cn internally Spiritual Israel during this Gospel Age \ Done by order o f the City Council of If it doesn’t help you, come and tell us and and acts directly upon the blood ar l mu­ we will give back your money without a Tr.E OSTEOPATHIC PRINCIPAL SCIENTIFIC. are matters apart from His dealings i the City o f Dallas, Oregon, made and cous purfaces of the system. Send foi » ’tiered of record on the 16th day of word. That is how much faith we have in testimonials, free. Today the man who tells you athic lesions. For Instance, with mankind. From these tw o Israels : it. Sold only at the 7,000 Rexall Stores, February, 1914. F. J. CH E NE Y & CO.. Toledo. O. . . , , overcomers have been chosen, or elect- | W itn ess my haul! and the official and in this town only by us. 61.00. sold by nil Druggist». T \ t h e r e is n o t h i n g in o s t e o p a t h y ; subluxations were produced in Take Hall's F a m ily F ills fo r constipation ed. T h e overcomers o f Spiritual Israel seal o f the said City o f Dallas Oregon, that it is largely suggestion or mid and lower dorsal area of the will constitute the Kingdom class in this 19th day o f February, A. D. 1914 spine, resulting in disease of the masage, you can mark it down kidneys. This was followed up CH AS. GEGORY, the highest sense. The overcomers o f \S ea l] Auditor and P olice Judge of Natural Israel will constitute the K ing ■ that he either wilfully misrep­ and later corrective treatment the City o f Dallas, Oregon. »loin's earthly phase. Mankind will set .»AXES ji.J rtU i'Lt STRONG ÂKD WELL *** ** V Do put rer fur WOi A 1 las sib orti The A. T. SLiil O s ta tliic Research Institute # si* ( y n il í m these, but not tbe glorified Christ— Hem! and Body, the K in g of Glory. God W ill Judge H i« People. The world, tlie Castor declared, has been under one general sentence o f D i­ vine Justice. “ Dying, thou shall »lie.” i tsi But Natural and Spiritual Israel have, rd b»*»*n dealt with as freed from the orig- I Inal sent»»ii»’e ami on trial afresh for j are quickly relieved by Sloan’ s life or death under God’s judgments, j Liniment. Lay it on— no rub­ or disciplines. Not all under these bing. Try )L have understood them- not all were in Ankle Sprain and Dislocated Hip. condition o f heart to receive them. I sprained my ankle and dislocated During the Jewish Age. Israel often my hip by falling out of a third atory lapsed Into more or less darkness and w indow . W en t on crutches for four m months. Then I started to use your idolatry, ami failed to see their spe- Linim ent, according to directions. 1 »•ial privileges and relationship t»> God must Fay it is helping me wonderfully. W e w ill never be without Sloan’s Lini­ under their Covenant. A few . how i ment anym ore."— C hat, Johnson, L o u u .n Stuison, X. «•ver. discerned with the eye o f faith the righteousness o f God’s »lealings. Among these were the Prophets, win» declaral that the Divine Judgments were merciful in the extreme. Similarly during this Gospel Age Christendom as a whole has not been able to appreciate D ivine Judgments. But sonic have ! m »«* ii "Isra elite* Indeed.” who have been able to rejoice In His judgments, ami by faith to realise Splendid (o r Sprain«. God's love for them. ’ I fell ami aprained my arm a week Then the Past«»r quoted numerous ago and w as in terrible pain. I could I not unc my hand or arm until I applied Scriptures showing that during the I y* nr 1 inunent. I shall never be with- next Age God's Judgments will Is* | out a bottle of Sloan’s Linim ent."— 'hr«. H B. Speiskftmr. Elisabeth. X J. abroad in the earth, and w ill include «•very member o f Adam's race. These F in « fo r Stiffn«*«. will be administered by T h e Christ, "S lo a n ’» Linim ent has done morel rood M t:».»n m g 1 I have ever tried ¡9 j M I roo fhat I had to «top work right in H Head and the Church the Body, when a Ht-i< > t time o f the y e a » r.- « ., I > thought «...»ught glorltted also These judgm ents will | f l I U at at 1 wnuld have to hnvo my t» 1 l.und tukmi oft', but I got a bottle of not mean havoc ami dismay, but relief Sl.' tM's ».-Piment and cur. .I my haud.” ta ami assistance to all who «•«»me into 1 I — * MIO* W hvvisr, M o rris , A la . line with the righteous arrangement* I A l «II Dealen. 23c.. »if th»* Kingdom The Judgments of 60«. «ad $1.00 that thoii*uml year Day w ill In* severe The w ilfully wirked will la* destroyed J Send for Sl«»an’ shall have le c t T b«M»k o n h o n e * . ■ ttl®, hug« and bronirlu t«» a d e a r npprcdatloii o f inhh ! poultry. Addr« and evil and their reward», life an«t j rt death O The Pastor declared that there will be n«» failure respeetlmr G«sl*s Oath- Vitmd Covenant made with Abraham— j "In thy Se«s1 shall all the fam ilies of the earth la* blessed.” The lands « » f , Dr. (AM. LSI MN, hc. blessing will la» Christ’s redemptive j work, finished at Calvary. The <*ut ! •K1M .I&. working o f that blessing will come through the gl»*rltied l.»*r«l and the Church. The tir*«t work w ill I** the e* 1 tahllsluneiit o f a rlghtemi* Govern j F. A. Klliott. state forester of meat. In which Justiee w ill Is» laid to ! Oregon, says that co-operative the line and rlghteousaeaa to the plum fire patrol associations among met Sprains, Bruises S tiff M uscles! ■ rs g NEW M G ARRIVALS IN SUITS m COATS Our Store has already taken on a different atmosphere which may well be summed up in one word NEW! > . LINIMENT s SLOANS Kills Pain ordered that administrator pay .claims. In re estate of Mary E.Swarts. deceased; will admitted to pro­ bate; Taylor A. Dunn appointed executor; bond fixed at $2400. In re guardianship of James M. Carlisle, insane; George II. Bronson appointed guardian ad lumberman for prevention of lit. for minor children of Charles forest fires have proved their Carlisle, deceased: petition for Patronize the Itemizer adver­ worth. sale of real property granted. In re estate of Mary Ann Mor­ tising columns if you want to itemizer for artistic tob work row, deceased; final account fll- get results. s Come, visit us and be convinced. (S i I N ew Suits and Dres­ ses in Latest Spring Weaves and Col­ ors. Shades in which v o i will find de­ light. m Short Coats and New Peg Top Skirts. Spor­ ty Coats fetching Shorter Coats, also ? 3-4 styles. Bright col- ^ ors featured. Hand- ^ some Plaid Skirts. We have a large and well selected line of CORSETS in both front and b.icii lace. resents or has tailed tu investi­ given, folowed by recovery. gate recent findings by scientific [ Again, osteopathic treatment men along this line. |was applied from 12th dorsal to Mark ’i wain lias said, 'That ^n(] lumbar spinal segments loyally to petrified opinions This experiment conclusively never broke a chain or .reeu a proved that elimination from the S3 human soul in this worid— and kidney was increased from 12 to never will.’’ 20 per cent. The same was M Listen! Seven years ago the true 0f the secretions of thtj m American Osteopathic Associa- liver and pancreas. The practi- Lon took action formally inaug- caj significance of such treat- H urating the movement for estab- nient is very apparent in acute ashing A- ’* ■ Still Research infections— elimination can be institute and began the accuntu- j materially increased there by re­ lation of an endowment fund, clucing intoxication and temper- The income of this fund has ature. f been appropriated from time to Again. Dr. C. A. Whiting, pres­ time in small amounts to par­ ident of the Pacific College of tially meet the expense of a few Osteopathy, by a series of ex­ investigators, who were giving periments has shown the direct their spare time to research effect of osteopathic stimula­ work. tion to the liver and pancreas in The law of growth in knowl­ increasing phagocytosis in the edge is that art precedes science. blood. The increase brought Art does things. Science knows about of phagocytes or large things. Osteopathy grew as an blood corpuscles, which have to art in phenominal fashion be do with fighting bacteria, proves e c a u s e it worked. Dr. Still’s again scientifically the clinical theory has stood the test of the sucessful results osteopaths gfl most critical and exhaustive 1 have been securing for the past ^ laboratory research. For more 20 years. E than six years five or six of the These are only a few of the 61 ablest scientists in the profes- tabulated facts, showing the es- G sion have devoted themselves to sentali principles of osteopathy this experimental work. The to be based on real scientific results of these investigations , „ritmi’ les. and is only a glimpse ¡were given out under the direc- 0f what osteopathy mav still jtion of thè institute at various have in store for humanity, ¡times, attrai ting the atention of The National Osteopathic As- scientific men of other profes- sociation. through its education- sions. as well as our own. aj committee, insist that ali os­ iti bulletin No. 1 Dr. ,C. P. Me- feopathic colleges standard f l ’ onnell. D. O. M. D.. of Chicago, requirements, which ;s a course n • in experiments with a great of three vears of nine months i many animals, produced actual each, with a curriculum on a lesions of the suine. The di- par with the medical schools, seased tissues and organs re- Yon would not hire a school suiting therefrom were then teacher without a certificate studied both macrosconically -rout covntv or state, but we tnd mioros