T qnyj I 1 a m . im i V. W j-,'* » ■*$»! CHILDRINI1 CONTHT. ■ ■ — ■ w nu* fhtr moth#r. BlftlU&e Eftkltl et hd tfl V, C. Miss Alice Grant was In Pnrtl.wd Staafa aafH lots in Dallas $10, Paulina M iller............ 47........ .... ,fco ] the last of the week I l ì Itiirtm i ... n i rJUrlOn UX to L. 1.111a Mitchell............ 50 GO1 Mr«. George Scott's Mother, lift . Pll- i i J. j 11. ^ Urtof1 et u* 1° D. L. ____ : lar. fell and hurt her hip Saturday. g «® * - Independence, Mr and Mrs. Fred Crowley, of Hick- t«H iH u n ia in u iin n n iu ii W taj canda*“'1 t*"1 buyer can assume a mort 111 a.-ruo of larg« fruit and ««nalderahld gage Of $3,2(h', which’ can rini almost ! small fruit j- ñ «ìei» bouse sad barb. 4 three years at tt per cent, payable oa or oaruaiu at the price. ! I.efn.e or nr can .in pay n»v $100 «too or or more more on on any anv 1 ... .. . . «• ». .. before, ... 9 . w end to <«.> i • i lati as » luce .Ni»t OlH II * 4 ,-onverted t!i* le liHsitfirn wurfR l»iu we i,..j ......:i ttnrt Mi** clvili/.cd word n iw im d liii. Statistics »how that «Time* ru«*rea»tt ammigst the heathen tleapite the preaching of eternal torture. interest day. alashedand gouted ior tour yeau. ^ Pauline Miller! o Within 6 mile» of Dallas we Lave a | buildings. lJrice $100 an uere. reall, drove to town Monday evening. Harold Miller went to McMinnville Mr. and Mr«. Claunch spent Sunday S$ ^ ° n| g ® L tt* t0 b - u °5 »»J “ ™ ' a11 under cultivation, , *_acre weU improved tract 2 1-2 miles Saturday to attend the basket ball with their son, Everett Wilson and G re o s e r, lot in Strong Fruit without other improvements, that can I frorn Uttllas mo8t all in fruit for Bale Man's Extremity Is God's Opportunity. name. F a rm , $426. i be bought for $90 an acre. All K°°‘‘ i at $2 »00 family. The Pastor next outlined G í KÍ’ h great Mrs. Claude Huston of Eastern Ore- i Q LVinLr ot lA 4 i i r>«.« black »oil, rolling, aud i» close to school; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart of Falls City, L j . S. r n n k Ot UX to A. H . ^ e n - , antj p08toffice. 157 acres 1 miles from Dallas, all Plan of Salvation through the Redeem­ Kou is visiting relatives here. visited relatives In town, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Rix of Portland Is visiting Charlie Martin, and Mrs. W ill Martin. ton, 34.41 acres, 8-6, $10 uiider cultivation, on county roaearn. * 1 . Miss Ethel Mltty came home from was serving on the grand Jury last Oregon clty and 8tarted 8Chool Mon. ou place, just outside city hunts, machine, which can be operated by one Sotan will In* bound, to deceive the _ -------------------------- B weeK. j Price, $12.000. man and one horse. |K*ople no more; and the Uedecmer will Mr. Ross has Just completed a large ,q „ ur1e Kar, grMsndln)f a few days w % v w ^ v * .v % v % v % v % v % v v Goed orchard tracts, 3 aud 10 acres Write for free B U LLE TIN No. 34.1 put down »in in It» every form con.ract or tiling for Frank Brown of wlth hlg uncle Mr Springer. each, on It. Tl. & To. road from Dallas It tells how to clear stump land at a The Savior’s work at the First Ad North Dallas. , Mr. and Mrs. W ill Shervey, of Alrlle, to Monmouth, 1 mile from Dallas, bear lower cost per acre than has over been vent—healing the sick and the blind, Mr and Mrs. Numa Arnold are vis- pa8sed through Dalla8 on thelr way mg next year; great opportunity to get possible neretofore. casting out demons and m wakening the PACIFIC M ANUFACTURING CO. orchard tracts for a little cash. “ Mr. n Albert *iKU‘e.,U* .a a . teacher k Brooks Friday. sleeping dead—the Puator showed was Arnold, of , the 'home . Mr from C r havln a pUone put ln 1112 Western Ave.. Seattle, Wash. 201 acres, 2 miles from Perrydale ou • a foreshadow merely of the greater Surer school, was operated on at th e , hlg houge £ lg week couuty road; 175 acres in cultivation; W ® s h o w n o p r o p e r t y — ju s t p u t Salem Hospital Saturday, Jan. 31. work which Jesus and His glorified Mrs. George Gerlinger and daughter ! ¡ 8-acre orchard; creek crosses place, ; Conrad Stafrln was a McMinnville | returned from PortlaDd where they y o u in c o m m u n ic a tio n w ith th e Church will accomplish during the some improvements. Will sell all or in , visitor Saturday. o w n e r , e n d y o u e n d S im m e k e great antlt.vpical Sabbath. These, aa have been spending several weeks. small tracts, or will trade for small ■ The heavy wind last week came Mrs. Jones and son Russel went to the nudtyplcul Seed of Abraham, will th e d e e l. . . . . place near Dallas or Falls City. nearly blowing down the sign of the Salem Monday. fulfil God’s Promise to Abraham. 40 acres fruit laud 3 miles from Per ! aa Dallas Development Co., ln East Dal­ rydale, ou county road anu R. F. D., IF I FAIL TO CURE any CANCER or TUMOR las. Christendom's Great Mistake. Uncle Henry Byerly, a prominent Real Estate Transfers. I Oue of the best business locations in POOR CURED AT HALF PRICE OR FREE The I'ustor believes that the creeda pioneer farmer of Perrydale, was ln of the Dark Ages are gross misrepre­ Chab. A. Robertson to Harry A house and lot in Dallas near schoo ‘ ® *“ - i0 ’foot ‘ ru"«»K « M» “ ‘ ,,reet> NO KNIFE, OR PAIN Dallas the latter part of last week. p $5,000. sentations of God’s character. Many NO PAY UNTIL CURED A. V. R. Snyder visited friends in O. Fawcett, lot in Kingwood ou se for $1100. | 1 mile to Bridgeport. Price $75, on good by QUARAMcE. No X have taken these misrepresentations McMinnville Saturday and Sunday. Park jjlO.UU. j ^ 12-acre tract near Dallas for $2200 terms at 6 per cent interest, Kay or other swindle too literally. As a result, some have Holman & Roydston put on their WRITTEN GUARANTEE aud near school; price $75 per acre. Jessie Hill to G. H. Robbins own delivery Monday. gone to insane asylums; others have nV OR nr nn a c r e *1 0 00 For $3000, $2000 cash you can get a 48 acres near town for $4000. All 3 -day painless plaster ANV TUMOR. LUMP E. W. Miles attended the good roads etux, .OSOtM a ^ , »AU.OW. l0.acre turned to pleasure und sin ln their en- 10-acre tract tract within within a a mile mile of of Dallas, Dallas, cleared ami under fence, but no or SORE on the UP. fACk convention at McMinnville Saturday. J a s . P . Anderson e t U X to C. well improved and set to fruit, with nroven«-uts. deavor to forget God: and still others or body long is CANCER. A change of train service makes It E. Dodson, lot in Independence, good house and barn. 40 ail (ence, , nree nlile8 from It K m r Pains Until Last have been made unhappy as they State. 120-PAGE BOOK convenient for Miss Norma Holman, thought of kind, good neighbors and _ , . , . . .. , town: 15 acres in orchard aid cultiva sent free: teatimoninle teaching at Polk Station, to board $10U. friends who made no profession of Virginia A. McDaniel to State Two lota and a house in the Ellis ad- , |on• 400 2-year-old prunes; good build- of THGl’SAHDS C U R .: D with her parents In Dallas. dition for $1250. *100 per acre. j Christianity. H. A. Hlnshaw, general freight agent oi Oregon, 120 acres, 7-6, $240. of the S. P „ was in Dallas Monday oq 50 acres hill land half under cultlva- The speaker then showed that Chris­ W. P. Mars et ux to H.A. Beck­ I BELIEVE >S ALWAYS CANCER, cr.d ALWAYS polren* 32 acre*, within a mile of the city UoB; K<)od fruit ,and; j mile froni with the demonstration train. daep glands in tiie armpit cr.d K I L L S Q U I C K L Y tendom’s great mistake was that of limits, 15 acres in one year prunes, 8 ntution. $60 per acre. I iw sar we havo C U R E D 1 0 , 0 0 0 . Gu $6» some Mr. and Mrs. Ah Coe have a baby with, lot in Dallas, $1.00. disregarding God's Word and believ­ iiaus Ladatock to Anne Lad- acres in logan berries, 5 in slashing, girl. 2.27 aero» in Dalla»; 6-room plastered M Old Dr. L Mrs. CHAMEY ing Satan's He. us the heathen do. God All under fence, on good road, in fruit Mrs. Nellie Snyder Hanson, of Wills- stock, 10 acres, 7-5, $1.00 "M O S T SUCCESSFUL CANCER SPECIALISTS II V I IU " house; woodshed and small barn, 3 hen­ declared that the wages o f sin would bnilding. All or part, mina. has a baby girl. A B 436 Valencia St., SAN FRANCISCO, C.U. houses; about 300 fruit trees. $3,200. I. R. o lumen to Mary E. Gilli- district. ur“ r'c.li 6 5 No be death—obwence of life. Satan con­ an acre. The pupils at the high school build­ KINDLY PAIL thto to «nmron« with CANCER all but $1,450 cash. tradicted this and falsified to Mother ing were excused Monday mornlug to hen, lot in Independence, $1.00. For $2000 you can get a well improved 640 acres, 400 of it cleared aud in Clarence E. ixurre et ux to A. Eve. assuring her that there would bo see the demonstration train. There 1« m ore c a ta r rh tn tills section ot acre of land in the Howe addition. ; cultivation, 100 slashed, 160 in pasture. ^ w u # § m bii __ _ _ _ Mrs. Tom Hill, of Portland, who Is M. Bingham, lots in Independ­ the country than nil other diseases put no death penalty. When death came, 40 acres of fruit laud, well located, Fine soil, good springs, rolling land aud together?"and^‘‘ untlT 'tho^‘‘V* ct^Tt vv"yr here with her mother, haB a baby girl. ence, $1500. for $75 an acre. well fenced. A model farm and never was supposed to bo incurable. For a great fid tan and his fa Pen angels perpetuat­ Emma Beebe, who has been attend­ - *----------------- * jt It a a i local r —* ed the lie h.v telliug us that when our o f f e r e d f o r uni» b e f o r e C lo v e r land ------------- many years doctors pronounced J. G. McIntosh et ux to IJUie ing high school here, has quit school friends appear to die they really be­ Have 5W acres, 4% .ere. set to ap SÓp ^ad, any“ fag you want.^\uly $8(i Mae Klckiiiaa, Thorp’s, Inde and gone to her home ln Alrlle. !*1 p », 14-year-ohl trees, Baldwin, Koine an acre. treatment, pronoun d It incurablo. Bei- come more alive than ever. Iu accept­ Vern Kraber Is working at th e; pendeiice, $550. | ence ha* proven Catarrh to bo a const!- ing their testimony we have done what Beauty, Newtowns and Ben Davi» v; Flesher meat market. j C. L. Crider et UX to Jesse A. rieties. Place has good comfortable 3- 4 o 6-room small lot lot at at 4800 tutlonnl disease, and therr foro Catarrh require» A room hmm»* nouse ami ana »man »u, con8tllutIonal treatment. St. Paul cnutloued ugalnst. The Methodist church was crowded . . « , a , 1^ 1 1 , , . 8 - , . „ «C| Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cht .ey & with women to hear Dr. Lewtas' talk Harnam et al, lot III L)alla3. $1U. room house and k ° o « i barn, well saw on good terms. Evil spirits, he claimed, have seduced Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is t*je only C< ..st!tu- to women and girls. j Harbor Sound Inv. C O .' to dust-lined apple house, aud other im ah 4 i I ah from tional cure tho frrrn m »fleet. drrpa It 1« t0 t a 1 ,r,. In- Christendom by giving feigned com­ 04 opr acres, 4 in miles from Dalian Pallas, V. /4 mil.* mile ternally ln on llo5,, Bert Teats, of Sheridan was ln Dal- Prank Holm, lot 1U Blue Ribbon, ProV0ra*?t,\ 18 1 From good munications between the dead and the town, school and church. from Bt-houl, .¡-4 mile to railroad sta spoonful. It nets directly on the blood Notice to Taxpayers. Citation. * Mra^rilffPr'd Is suffering with an at- Oregon tract, $10. j [ some ifruit; good improvements: and mucous surfaces r f tbs system. Thov living. As Satan and his demon host In the County Court of the State of have full knowledge of human affuirs. Your attention Is directed to the fol­ tack of Inflammation of the eyes. W. H . McCarty to M a r g a r e t 20 and 30aerc tracts for from $70 to as acres iu , , .... a fas. I ft?g °0B* v u , , ' under cultivation; , , , 'IIB r t IU l «.’ '"¡Sj Oregon for Polk County. lowing changes made by the 1913 ses­ they cun easily personate the dead, In East Dallas sound apples are still McCarty, 1365 acres ill S-k, J l . I $800 per acre; larger places at from $35 developing community; price $120 per tlmontal*. umnnlals. In the matter of the Guardianship of sion laws relative to the payment of acre. 7-room house, baru 40x60, 8 acre! | Ax>4 acres In 9-6, $2500. an iron pipe driven on the North boun­ Oregon. Ills Final Account as Execu­ school, price $1,100. than effective spraying. And mother used all things new.'*— DeKalb Shepard et UX to Cal­ dary line of said donation land claim; tor of said estate and the Honor­ pupils of her grade a party Friday, be- Effective Spraying can best be I I ourc and lot in Dalla» to trade for to do her buying Revelation 21:5. thence North 89 degrees and 10 min­ able John B. Teal. Judge of said cause they got such a good grade tn vjn D. Shepard, 40 acres in 8-6, attained with an out-of-town tract 4 to 10 acre». with much more T Ji e P a s t o r tQflO utes West 7.82 chains to the place of Court, has fixed Saturday, the 7th day the spelling contest. Finest fruit rarm trace iu Dallas; 10 dltfli-ulty than you showed that # the Rev. Lewtas, the evangelist, went to beginning, containing 26.07 acres more of February, 1914, at the hour of acre» all iu bearing; »ome »mall fruit; do now. Corvallis Saturday to visit sòme per- Calvin D. Shepard et UX to Joel B i b l e Intlmute« or less. 1:30 ln the afternoon of said day new, modern 5-room house; good barn I She hud to In­ Witness the Hon. J. B. Teal. Judge ns the time and the County Court sonai friends, among them Prof. With- Shaw and Jane Brown, 40 acres, that the » e v e n and everything i» up-to-date. To see is of the County Court of tho State of Room at the Court House in the City y com be. spect nearly ev­ g_6 J io .0 0 . day» of the week to buy it. Oregon, for tile County of Poll-, with of Dallas, Polk County. Oregon, as the erything |iersunal- The high school seniors have Just N P r a t h e r et k t t o M nr are typical of sev­ 60 acre» on Mo lmouth and Dali»- | | M ile s IN. r T a t n e r et UX to M a r the seal of said Court affixed this 13th place of hearing objections to said received some beautiful class pins. . t > x '“' a FalriMf nd Kr«da N“ 1- Robertson and George P. De- o f the b o d y - r a c k i n g effort Ruth Miller, Anna Kliever, Mary Kra- . ___ , . , R , _ , tor of the estate of Marther Conner '« » . It's u T I ME BAYER und a house; also some small fruit Price Hell -Shool. Hades. needed to operate It. The Bean 1 + 2,000. ber and Lizzie Rempel. Messrs Glenn “ u n l. lots in KillgWOOd Park, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of n o t.L A H S A V ER It aMn you tent spring divides the work Next the Pastor showed how Ineffec­ Holman Dave Rempel. Bolton Stinnett, $10.00. the County Court for Polk County, ai’ K '.IF IC A l.L Y und gU IC K - 2% acres in Dalla», best of creek bot tually man has struggled against this Send tween the two strokes o f the Oregon, his Final Account as Adminis­ Vern Kraber. Guy Nixon, Forrest {seal .A. C. Taylor et UX to G. L. and 1.7, more so tbsu any other form handle and works against only 1 tom land; good 7-room house: plenty of curse of death. Today, he said, our \ trator of said estate and the Honor-1 j and Elbert Hay « a. |A ,Jce A pyj^en 50 ac refl 6 . 4 for This . f advertising fruit; au excellent chicken and berry one-half the pressure shown on able John B Teal. Judge of said Net, spit per sdvertlslng bits the place, convenient and suitable. ChPy race is assailed by more ailments, men­ the irsuge and aavea exactly Lila Mitchell. '$1.00. Catalog Court, has fixed Monday, the 16th day tal. morul and physical, than ever be­ $2,500, and terms to suit null on the hold. It holds the one-third the labor. of February, 1914, at the hour of Mr. Wilson's brother of Airlie, spent! John S. Rohanan et ux to O. fore known. Our jails. |>eiiitenthirleM. iiltentiuu of thousands Its re­ 11 o'clock in the forenoon of saiu day W, k m A m pswys is 297 acre», all under -nit 1 vat inn, be- .. . . a few days with him. ; F. Dickson, lot in Independence, sults nre IM M EDIATE. FUSI­ as the time and the County Court tween Monmouth . . .I D .ll.s one mile " V l ,* * * '• * ■ * ' r ’ eHtlm0" T Mrs. Tracy Stoats' two sisters are $1 00 sUck as4 will V« plpai.d Is C know ,ou can save Room at the Court House ln the City T I YE mid MURK from Rirkre.ll, % mile from station, on t" f,lrt- *** «'Inlmed. Even the sksw tbsw. Wt - is—r* rtc- of Dallas. Polk County, Oregon, as the money and get belter seed, \Ve want you uctunlly to real­ couuty road; well improved; low laud ! the world he believes to be „ Cave P e a rt £ I M is I tbsw tss strasfiy. place of bearing objections to said by (etting i i ditrd touch I were in town Monday. [ Cooper and Alvin E. Smith, lot tiled. Price will make you buv. ! ■MMinutly at ns low a state as could ize «lin t newxpnper advertising Final Account and for the settlement with the leading iced home. dues for you. Don’t you think j John Orr, of Rickreall, was In town in Independence, $160. 20 acres, well improve,1, with orchard '*«* ufter all oar nreu. h. of said estate. CRAVEN BROS. y„u ought to lie glad that you MtniUfjr. Thomas N. Ottinger et ux to and strawberries; Koo,l houa. an.l harn; '"«■ ....... . . of »•»‘ •‘f«»''"..-. L. H CONNER, re sre living In this wonderful age close to Dallas; $300 an aers. ,,l'Vlls and hells to .................... TheChaa.H.LillyCo.,Sea tila Administrator of the estate of •er L^°dn .y “ ’ “,, iF K' Helder' 103 acres ,n 6-fi' Dallas, Ore. of N EW SPAPE R CON V EN . „, | Into church. rellKlon mim I m orality. Martha Conner, Deceased. Mrs. Leonard Starr has reiume.1 to $10.00. For $4.000 we have a well improve.! ........ ,.nator „ ,, IENCE? R L. Conner. her home I 11 Portland, after visIttDg Henry G. Keyt et UX to Mattie d acre tract w.th.n the c.ty Hants. Over ^ ..rf*,. mlr fat lure Attorney for Administrator. R e a d a D a ily | I PACIFIC STUMP PULLER AND GET THE NEWS FRESH REAL ESTATE SNAPS H —------------------------------- ' a Itmeizer Clubbing Offer: ■ $1000 FREE Daily Oregonian and 0C HH ■ Itemizer, one year__vU.UU 5 Daily Oregon Journal QC fill and Itemizer year, _ _ V v . U u * ■ Any Lump ^ Woman’s Breast TAKE YOUR CHOICE im iiiiiiiiiiiiE ii “ BEHOLD, I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW” Fallen Race of Adam to Made New by Christ. Be More Money For You The Greatest of Modern Time Savers- The Newspapers Y Bean Magic Spray Pumps K '^ S U S S ’SSf. USUZ X X Z «0 'J JJ Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given, that the un-i dersigned was, by an order of the Hon-1 orable County Court of Polk County, Oregon, on the 17th day of January. A. D. 1914, appointed administrator of the estate of Emma Vassall, deceased, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate will present the same with the proper vouchers, as required by law, to the undersigned Administrator, at Dallas City Bank, Dallas Oxegon, within six months from the date of this notice All persons knowing themselves Indeb'ed to said e tnte will make Immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated and first published this 22nd day of January, 1914. W A L T E R G. VASSALL. Administrator of the estate of Emma Vassall. deceased. Brown ft Sibley. Attorneys for Estate. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. This is to certify that J. E. Miller is duly authorized to act as agent for the sale of r. ir Su­ perior Fruit and Ornamental Nursery Stock. To all purchas­ ing through him we guarantee to furnish genuine, reliable, high grade stock. J. E. MILLER. Phone 1633, Box «3. tf Dallas, Ore. j M R. H E N R Y P E C K A N D H IS F A M IL Y A F F A I R S Jt/HK aV AccGiJVf ~^W 2 ot th £ A e n srO b & J S ich : j y £ £p,Tef, *** 4SK£j? s fá rj to o n Tde £9 'r t * y G osr d S r] fitX A U f a ' ó-oWT Ufi) • H el ? Hirj exjr y B y G ross 3 £ I 30'S ll 7 V £X ¿ O T .f r TW/^> e W Ah/en-ev- G ofr! TûTde JÒ — To G e r ^ > io 1 P+h/ri/S Srjpr carle oÑ c/ W u A*T >6/02 'JC/ST~/ >T W'/uey- v ie . 11/Ò ?rrc*i£t- 'f ill* 3ZT ^-p L ir2 e 1íV / V /5 w o o K fe p \{( Ilf/ rivet's i Tde 9 e v y S ö 'le T w y .'isg j.. ~Wrs A H- Cedep' ^ -ta d ó -o ~ r 7öoN£^ *1 i L/wp 0 d 7 "T *10 W Mñ> 1 2 - L00&P /J aw áoT Tirhfxkp v im /-, Hfto