Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, December 25, 1913, Image 5

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Itam t of Interest From Dalles
and Polk County.
M. Hayter, dentist, Bank Bid
There is no substitute
f of R oyal Baking Pow­
der for m aking the
best cake, biscuit and
pastry* R oyal Is A b ­
solutely Pure and the
only baking powder
m ade from R o y a l
grape cream of tartar*
O, C. Smith for Page fence, tf
Veason wishes you all a merry
Charles R. Bennett, signs,
phone 1071.
Pauline VanOrsdell is home
from the U. of O.
The library will be closed all
day Christmas.
White Kid Gloves cleaned for
10c.— Phil. Begin’s.
Glen O. Holman, attorney at
law. Wilson Bldg.
Special Christmas dinner at
the Gail.
Jack Sibley was a business
visitor in Salem Monday.
Veason sells candy from 12
cents a pound and up.
Fred. Collins and I. W. Lewis
were Salem visitors Sunday.
Clifford Smith is now an
employe of the Dallas National
Eat your Christmas dinner at
Meet me at the New Scott.
Dr. McNichol, Osteopathic the Gail.
Box gods at Veason’s are sell­ physician.
Second-hand magazines at
ing fast. Why? Because the
office, 5 cents each.
Many come miles to dine at
price is right.
The greatest thing in Dallas
the Gail.
Make reservations for the
Mrs. Hugh Black has been I — a meal at the Gail.
special Christmas dinner at the
Watch repairing a specialty.
in Portland.
Gail. 12 M. to 2 P. M.
Ralph Bennett, at Shepherd’s.
Ed. Inman, of Independence,
through excellency of Gail from the Luckiamute Saturday.
Clark VanOrsdell is down was a visitor here the first of the
The Semi-Weekly Portland from Grays Harbor for Christ­
Dr. W. B. Officer and Carrol
Journal and the Itemizer one
year for only $1.75.
F. E. Davis and lady are Davis were down from Falls City
| Monday.
Mrs. Nellie Tatom has a very spending the holidays in Port­
Lewis Pewtherer desires us to
creditable exhibit of her hand-
change his itemizer from Endi-
painted China work in the Ore­
Ezra Hart and wife are back
gon Power Company’s window. from their several * weeks’ stay cott to St. John, Washington.
| Walter L. Tooze, Jr., Lawyer,
Born, December 22d, to Mr. in California.
I Rooms 8-9, National Bank Bldg.,
and Mrs. Ralph Morrison, a
Born, December 23rd, to Mr.
son and heir— nearly a Christ­ and Mrs. J. Fred Purvine, of ' Dallas. Oregon.
mas present.
Mrs. Lewis Keyser has been
near Zena, a son.
up from Portland for a visit with
Jack Klauck Is enjoying his
Sample those pigs’ feet at the Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Stockwell.
vacation from his work in the
S. P. yards by a 20 day visit with Gohrke commission house if
you want something nice for
John R. Mills and lady were
his relatives in Willamina.
over from Salem Monday for a
See the 1914 prices for Ford
visit with Mr. and Vfrs. John
cars. Touring cars $625; road­
S. A. Ball was up from Sheri­ Sweeney.
sters $550 f.o.b. Dallas.— I. V. dan Tuesday, presumably laying
Lynch, Dallas.
Remember that for quality
in a stock of Christmas pres­
and for price Shepherd’s jewelry
Collections given prompt at­ ents.
store is tthe place to get Chist-
tention by J. S. Ashbaugh, con­
Mrs. E. V. Dalton is still in a jmas gifts. Open evenings until
stable, Dallas National Bank serious condition of health,
j 9 o ’clock.
building, room 22.
trained nurses being in constant
It was a credit to the reputa­
Diamonds, rings, pendants, attendance upon her.
» tion of our local jeweler when a
ear screws, brooches, at Shep­
W. A. Ayres has been attend­ Portland man came here last
herd’s. They make Christmas
ing a convention of the moving week and purchased a watch of
gifts of remembrances.
picture men of the state at Port­ Morris, the Dallas jeweler.
The Tavern hotel building at land this week.
Just to remind you. the Ham­
rails City is for sale at a bar­
Marguerite Woods came up ilton. Waltham and Howard
gain. Inquire at this office.
Will trade for Portland property. from Portland to spend Cnrist- watches are sold at Shepherd’s
Open every
mas with her parents, Mr. and Jewelry store.
Do not forget to attend the Mrs. Charles Woods.
evening until 9 o ’clock.
Moose Christmas tree on Christ­
mas evening. It will be the big
A. J. Hill, chief boss under
event for the children of the Contractor Wesley Vaughn on Capital City Nursey Co., Salem.
This is to certify that J. E.
the steam heating plant, is tak­
I have a remedy for rheuma­ ing his vacation at Hoquiam, Miller is duly authorized to act
as agent for the sale of our Su­
tism, cramps, etc., that has shooting ducks.
perior Fruit and Ornamental
proved efficacious in many
Prosecutor Upjohn has taken
cases. It costs but little to try up with the corporation com­ Nursery Stock. To all purchas­
It.—Geo. Medley, Dallas.
t.l missioners the status of the Ad­ ing through him we guarantee
to furnish genuine, reliable high
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Woods have justable Electric Socket com­ grade stock. J. E. MILLER.
returned from their trip to the pany, of Dallas, complaint hav­ Phone 1633,
Box 63.
sunny southland, the former ing been *made that its affairs tf
Dallas, Ore.
much improved from his rheu­ have been grossly mismanaged.
Judge and Mrs. L. D. Brown
have gone to Baker City, where
they will spend the gladsome
time with Mrs.
Brown’s parents.
If you want insurance in a
company that will pay if you
have a loss, see A. V. R. Snyder,
o f the Oregon Fire Relief Asso­
ciation of McMinnville, who has
moved his office to the court
Christian Science services
held Sunday at 11 a. m„ at 10
National Bank Bldg. Subject
of lesson-sermon, "Christian
Science.” Sunday school at 10
a. m. Reading room same ad­
dress. The public is cordially
The Moose lodge wishes tc
tender their thanks to Rev. C. P.
Gates for the loan of the Evan­
gelical Christmas tree, with all
the fixings. The Evangelical
people held their tree exercises
Tuesday evening and the tree is
now up in the Moose hall for the
doings Thursday night. A fine
program has been arranged and
every child attending will be
given something.
«'B ir fu*Tr ** o :,r nmbltfoffiiTand pros­
O. C. Smith for Page fence, tf
Sheriff Grant is a Portland veek.
Misses Evelyn and Clara I-ettiken pects. however honorable and good,
Meet me at the New Scott.
give place to new «»lies This is what
were McMinnville visitors Monday
new suit of clothes.
Roy Houk, who is attending O. A. C., the Apostle had In mind In oar text
Oscar llayter has been made
Ross Winslow is down from 1 h at home on a vacation.
What Winning Christ Means.
a member of the state legal ex­
The revival meeting hero at the
Gray's Harbor for a visit with Chrictlan church will continue over The Pastor then briefly outlined the
amining board.
his mother, Mrs. Farrington, and next Sunday.
G<»sp«*i an appreciation o f which Is Notices under this head only >/a cent
it word each insertion, caon iri x a -
Mias Hazel Rowland is at present 1 in*-» -s <rv r.» the understanding of out
Dr. and Mrs. Bollman are his many other friends In Dallas.
vsiivt. iso pi.one oroore acoCpuML
it-\t The Divine Plan for burnun re­
spending Christmas in Halsey,
Win. Nesmith was greeting
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wise, o t Boise, covery from sin and death God first ------------------------------a_____ L-
with her parents.
his many old time friends in are spending a few days here. They declared to Abraham: “ In thy Seed COR SALK— White and gray oats for
wore called home by the serious ¡lines ,
* seed or toed. Phone Pink line 16.—
O. C. Jones and wife and Tom town Wednesday. He left the of
her mother, Mrs. Amanda Keyt, '•baii all tin* families o f the earth be G. W. Starr, Dallas, No. 1.
: Casey were Dallas visitors from Blue River Country Monday and who passed away here Friday after­ blessed.” Galatians 3:8.
says they had three feet of snow noon.
Sheridan Monday.
Later on. God revealed the fact that
j Abraham’s Seed would constitute a BALED HAY, straw and oata for aale
Mrs. Simon Grindheim and there then.
by Everett Gwlnn.
Kingdom class to rule all uations for
Mrs. Elma Strayer were up from S T IL L -H IL D R E T H OSTEO­
their uplift
When Israel, by failing
Portland last week.
to keep the l.aw. failed to prove itself COR SALE—A few Cotswold yearl­
ing and early lamb rams— W. D. Gil­
the holy nation. God declared that He
Born, Thursday, December 18,
would send a special Messenger o f the liam, Dallas, Phone 14x1
to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, a At Macon, Mo., Just Purchased.
through whom the holy nu-
— Paid Up Capital, $600,000.
girl, Dr. Bollman attending.
puit BALE— One work team, weigh-
j tiou would be established.
ing about 2400 pounds, cheap. In­
At His First Advent, our I^ord laid
The LougharySimpson case
Dr. A. T. Still may justly feel
the foundation for tills work by dying quire fo J. H. Minty, at the Boise farm
was heard by Judge Holmes Fri­
for the sin of the whole world. Then
day and taken under advisement. proud that now, in his eighty-
sixth year, as a continuation of
j lie began to select the Kingdom class. pOR RENT— One nicely furnished
Is Now Offering.
room at 712 Levens, near Clay.—
For Sale— A 2-story, 8-room the great advancement made by
! This election has been the work o f the
house, modern, bath, basement Osteopathy,he witnesses the ful­
| entire Gospel Age. everything else be­ Mrs. Brassard.
ing secondary. Soon the work will be
lot 60x120. Address box 148, fillment of that which has been
W h a t W in n in g C h ris t M ean»— It Sig
Small potatoes.— W. D.
his greatest desire since the nifiea M o re T h a n a R efo rm a tio n of i tiuished. and the overcomers will share UUANTED—
"C a lk in s, phone 1291.
in the First Resurrection—Rev. 20:6.
Have you tried the new
L ifo and a P u rs u it o f R ighteousness.
“ Abraham’s Seed, and Heirs.”
"Prune City Flour”— Sweeney establishment of its school,
pOR SALE— 100 bushels o f Early Dent
M o re T h a n M e re ly B elieving In Jesus
Next the Pastor demonstrated that
corn at 90 cents a bushel.— Isaac
Brother’s latest triumph in hard namely the founding of a great
as O u r S a v io r— It la Preceded by a ; rhis Kingdom class will be the foretold
sanatorium, especially prepared
Phillips, Dallas.
wheat milling?
D ev o tio n or C onsecration of O u r A lt j Seed of Abraham. Jesus was of Ab-
and equipped, where suffering
Several choice lots on which humanity may come and receive to God— A n d God’s A cceptance of
After I!is resurrection He be­ j have changed my residence to the
O u r C onsecratio n— T h e n th e Race j birth
we will erect houses to suit and the treatment as practiced
corner of Ash and Falrvlew avenue.
anie Abraham's Se4*d on the spirit
B egins— Its O u tco m e W ill D e te rm in e
sell on the installment plan.— through the practice of the sci­
All desirous of good dressmaking wlli
plane—u New Creature. His Church
well to see Mrs. E. A. Griffith.
Address box 98, Dallas.
•re to he on the same plane.
ence of Osteopathy.
Work guaranteed.
E x e m p la r— S a in ts
Dr. Still is enthusiastic over
To Abraham’s earthly seed belong
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patterson
E v e ry
N a tio n
D en o m in a tio n
•ertain earthly promises: but those
came down from Grays Harbor the proposition and says it has W in n e rs — T h e ir M atch le s s R ew ard .
pOR BALE or trade for a good cow, a
•Hiinot go into effect until the Spiritual
to attend the Coad-Viers wed­ been badly needed for years. It
colt, 2 years old next April. Phone
‘^eed have been perfected in tile First 535 Black.
ding last Friday.
Brooklyn, N. Y.. Resurrection
St. Paul tells us that
him and to the profession he haf
November l).—Pas­ rhis Seed of Abraham. Jesus and the
Drs. Lowe & Turner will given the world. He believes
tor Russell g a v e Church, are unitedly The Christ, MOUSE for rent at $5 a month.—J. F.
1 Holman.
be in Dallas again Mon that with a clinical record foi
two addresses here ’sing the hitman Iwdv as an lllustra-
today. We report ion. he points out that Jesus is the
day and Tuesday, Jan. 5th and ten years, based upon results
one, from the text. lead and the Church rile Body of pOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— A Va­
ibtained through Osteopathic
6th, at Hotel Gail.
riety stock in the Willamette Val­
“ Yea. doubtless. I Christ. Thus we see that St. Paul was
treatment, we will revolutionize
The ideal bread is made from he handling of chronic nervous
count a 11 things •nxioiis to win membership In the ley; invoice about $1500. Would take
the "Prune City” brand of hard diseases, including insanity.
but loss for the ex Body of Christ, not t! • probationary in some property to about the same
wheat flour. Made in Dallas.
celleney o f t h e •me of the present, but the actual value, dealing with owner. Address
Itemizer, Dallas.
kno wl e dge of Body of the future.
Ask your grocer.
Christ J e s u s my
No wonder St Paul «-minted all he
Mrs. C. M. Hastings, of Vern-
Lord. • • * that l bad saci Riced as unworthy o f mention, pOR SALE— 50 acres, 114 miles from
dale, Minn., and Mrs. Minnie Pioneer of Polk Passes Away at
town, southeast, all under cultiva­
may win Christ.” when ontrasted with the hleKfdnga
Frogley, of Salem, are visiting
Periydale Last Friday.
—“ Phlllppians 3:8 which had come to the Gospel Church! tion; no waste land; 15 acres In or­
chard; $150 an acre; $3000 cash;
The Pastor said that even saintly
Mrs. Theo. Farrington.
time.— Isaac
Christians seem but imperfectly to
Carl Fenton, Miss Pauline Van
grasp the New Testament teachings re \v\y'.v*.v*.v\v*,v*.v'.v%v'4vv
Orsdel, Leone Williams and
specting membership in the Body nl
Hazel Knight are home from U.
Christ. Some assume that it Is to lie
tion of ailments incident to old had on a basis o f favoritism, and trust
* is at 500 Court street, In Ash's Music
of O. for the holidays.
ige. Mrs. Keyt was of one o ’. to be o f the Elect. Others vaguely hope
Store, where we will sell you a late
Patronize home industry and ">ur eariy day families, her maic that they belong to the right Church
improved Singer, the best in the world,
use the new “ Prune City” hard en name being Amanda Daly, and will attain whatever the others y W e sh ow n o p ro p e rty —just put
on easy terms, or a big discoun| -for
cash. So com e in and Bee our ma-
wheat flour, just put on the mar­ qhe married .E C. Keyt in 1863, get- Errors o f the Dark Ages absorbed ^ y o u i n co m m u n ica tio n w ith th e
Sewing Machine Co.
ket by Sweeney Brothers. D25 tnd eight children were the re­ in childhood have been responsible for / ow n er, a n d y o u a n d him m a k e
these vagaries and for our general % th e dea l.
Newton Zumwalt, of Colfax,
pOR SALE— A second-hand piano in
ueglect o f proper Bible study.
has been down on a business )avid L., Nellie, Hattie, Henry,
good condition. Address E. M. Bred-
well, McMinnville, Ore.
visit to his old boyhood home, Edward, Lena and William. She
What is ordinarily termed conversion
was a lady greatly respected by
which he left 30 years ago.
A house and lot in Dallas near school
ill who knew her. and her death is not what St. Paul refers to ua “ win­ ouse for $1100.
pOR SALE— At $50, a piano. Inquire
Mrs. B. E. Felton is back from :s greatly mourned by Perrydale ning Christ.” Conversion sign!ties “ a
A 12-acre tract near Dallas for $2200
a visit with Corvallis relatives.
esidents, who have long known
For $3000, $2000 cash you can get a
Christmas festivities occurred her for a true and noble woman from a wrong course to the right one.
The wrong course is the sinful one. 10-acre tract within a mile o f Dallas, Q. C. Smith for Page fence.
at all the Dallas churches a*
which brings injury and injustice on j well improved and set to fruit, with
good house and barn.
others. Conversion is merely the oper­
WE guarantee our milk to be pure and
Tw o lots and a house in the Ellis ad­ "c le a n . We use the enclosed sani­
Lester Griffin and Carey Gra­ Ruth Miller.
. >30 ation o f a sane mind in turning about dition for $1260.
ham, who have been attending
tary milk palls and everything is kept
from things recognized to be injurious.
32 acres, within a mile o f the city ntrictly sanitary that is in any way
Many are converted without real
school at Laurelwood, near Gas­
h th Miller.
ton, are home for the Christmas J. V. Butler of Willamina, is visit- knowledge of Christ's Gospel. They acres in logan berries, 5 in slashing. connected with our milk and cream.
Our milk te3ts about.05.— W. D. Calk
'n in e s in town,
merely knew that they were going in
vacation, at Falls City.
7 .
i. Km
s colt was badly cut the wrong direction, and turned about AH under fence, on good road, in fruit Ins, phone 1291, Miller avenue.
district. No bnilding. All or part.
Mrs. Hallie Fulton, after a i
to take tile proper course. Only strong Price $165 an acre.
pleasant visit with her uncle and
piVE dozen White Leghorn yearling
characters can successfully pursue a
uade a business trip to Sheridan la it
For $2000 you can get a well improved 1 hens for sale by Jay Stingley, phono
right course, and these are in the mi­
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Minnich. veelc.
acre o f land in the Howe addition.
But whether strong or weak
has returned to her Missouri
Miss Frances Harrington has b e e i nority
40 acres of fruit land, well located, 33 Pallas.
characters, great aid will be experi­ for $7-» au aero.
home, going by way of Califor­ irk.
WANTED— 50 to 300 sheep on shares.
Miss Ruth Campbell is home froi.i enced from a knowledge of Christ’s
acres, 4> . acres set to np " — B. F. Wells, box 366, Willamina.
her school at McTimmon’s Valley t . work and teachings
J. W. Butler was a caller Mon­ ipend the vacation.
“ P resent Y o u r B odies”— Sacrifices.
Beauty, Newtowns and Ben Davis va­
The packing company shipped the
day. He has been on a business 'argest
car of the season last week to
The Pastor then showed how one rieties. Place lias pood coiufortal.le 3 UAMMOUTH Bronze turkey tomB for
t .l to the metropolis and other New York, comprising 2134 25 pound might reform his life, have knowledge room house and good barn, well saw
m for sale by Mrs. H. A. Bly, Rlck-
places in the interests of his saw boxes.
of the future life secured by Jesus' dust-liued apple-house, and other im­ reall.
Is l L miles from good
S. H. Tethcrow. of Falls City, was death, and of the fact that we reap provements.
mill near Willamina.
town, school amt church.
in Dallas last week.
Dr. Freeze, the well knowr.
Elbert Peterson was taken from the
tian. in the Bible sense. Reformatory
20- and 30-acre tracts for from $70 to pOR SALE— 6-year-old English Shire
eye specialist of Portland, will hospital to Mr. Mack's Tuosday.
1 mare, bay, well broke. Will weigh
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Clark, o f Al­ step* are necessary, however, before $300 per acre: larger places at from $35
be in Dallas again Thursday, bany, are here visiting.
about 1500.— C. W. Boyle, Dallas. J1
per acre ana up.
anything further can be attained.
Jan. 8th. At Stafrin’s drug
Mr. Jost and family will spend
Next the speaker discussed Christian
1H3 acres well improved; good land;
store, as usual. Expert eye ex­ Christmas in Portland.
ity from the Bible standpoint. The 2 miles from Dallas on main county UUELL IMPROVED 5-acre tract fbr sale
aminations and glasses fur­ Wm. Howe and family will spend Scriptures assure us that a Christian road and railroad; all under eultiva " by Henry Robbins, Dallas,
hristmas with his mother and broth­
is a New Creature—not merely a civ­ tion; $l.-i0 per acre. Good terms.
er in Portland.
Special Engagement
The Musical Wizard
And his famous Orchestra,
a number o f High-Class
An eve­
ning in Music Land
Admission 35c and 50c
At the Armory
Chris. Domaschofsky is here
to spend the holidays with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Dom­
aschofsky. He has been agent
for the S. P. at Buxton, Oregon,
but has just been transferred to
the Jefferson street station of
that road in Portland, where he
will act as telegraph operator.
Attention, Soldiers!
All Union soldiers who served
over 90 days in the army or navy
and have an honorable dis­
charge. who made homestead
entry of less than 160 acres prior
to June 22, 1874, are entitled to
an addition of enough more to
make In all 160 acres. If soldier
is dead, bis widow or heirs can
sell same. I will pay market
price for such claims.
Dallas. Ore.
D. D. D. In Hospitals;
Standard Skin Cure
How m a n y h o sp ita l p atients, sufPer-
!n * the frl* ,h tiu l Itch, the ra w s co rch -
in * pain o f skin disease, have been
eoothed to sleep b y a s o o th in g fluid
w ashed in b y th e n u rse’ s hands?
T h a t fluid Is th e fa m o u s D. D. D.
p rescrip tio n f o r eczem a.
»17X712 o f one
o f ou r prom in en t C a th o lic in s titu tio n s
(n a m e o f r.ui se and in stitu te on ap p li­
ca tio n ). w rite s rerrardin* a patient.
•‘T h e d isea se had eaten her e ye b ro w s
aw ay
H er n ose and lip s had become
disfigured. S in ce th e u se o f D. D. D.
her eyeb ro w s a re p row in e. her nose
and face h a ve a ssu m ed th eir natu ra l
exp ression .”
How m an y e cze m a su fferers a re p a y -
ln e their d o cto rs fo r re g u la r tre a t­
ment and s r e bein '- treated w ith this
sam e s ooth in g, h ea lin g fluid?
D X . O I O . T . I I C I A I P I O I frankly
w r ite s **D. D. D. Is s u p e rio r to any­
th in ? I h a ve e ve r fou n d.
S o ft and
so o th in g , y e t a p o w e rfu l a gen t.”
T o do th e w ork. D. D. D. P re scrip ­
tion m ust be applied a cco rd in g to
d ire ctio n s
th e
pam phlet
around e v e ry bottle. F o llo w th ese d i­
re ctio n s— and sec!
And it ce r ta in ly takes away the Itch
a t once— the m om ent th e liqu id is ap­
plied. T h e skin Is sooth ed — ca lm ed —
s o th o ro u g h ly re fre sh e d — d e lig h tfu lly
cooled .
A ll d r u g g is ts o f sta n d in g h s v e the
fa m o u s specific as w ell as th e efficient
D. D. D. Skin Soap.
B ut w e a re s o confident o f the m er­
its o f th is p re scrip tio n that w e will
refu nd the purchase p rice o f the first
fu ll si re b o ttle i f It f a lls to r ick
y o u r case. You a lo n e a re to judge.
W ife's
just as trying
important as your own
and perhapj more tedious— but
is her strength as great?
Women who are nervous and
fretful and easily fatigued prom pt­
ly gain strength and natural en-
ergy by taking Scett’s Emulsion
a fterm ca bb cc.iu se it is essentially
nourishm ent— not a drug that
stUjiefies nr alcohol that stimulates
— there is pure, rich medical
nourishment in every drop which
nature appropriates to enrich the
b l o o d and upbuild the latent
forces o f the body.
Probably nothin,- is more popular
with physicians tor just such con­
ditions than Scott's Emuliion.
Avoid substitutes called “ wines” ,
“ extracts'' or “ active principles” —
they are not cod liver oil.
In s is t o n t h e g e n u i n e S c o t t 's
Notice of Stockholders Meeting.
The annual meeting of the
stockholders of the Dallas City
Bank will be held on Tuesday,
January 13, 1914, for the pur­
pose of electing directors for the
ensuing year, and for the trans­
action of such other business as
'may properly come before the
December 18, 1913.
Mrs. Carey went to Oregon City ilized person. To such, “ old tilings
have passed* a way; all things have be-
Mr. and Mrs. Patterson are here to
pend the holidays with her parents,
Ar. and Mrs. E. Hayter.
Mrs. Iva Skinner, of Washington,
s visiting her mother, Mrs. Ullery.
Rev. C. C. Curtis had a severe at-
'ack of neuralgia Sunday.
iH oth rrs
Rev. and Mrs Leon Myers have a
baby boy.
George Peterson went to Portland
Sunday to spend ChristmaB with his
h e r e is #i
dster, Mrs. Anna Johnson.
Jennie Muscott went to Salem Tues-
ways a charm
iay morning to spend several days
wit her sister.
abo ut the ole
Several of the late weddings have
been a rich harvest for the jewelers.
spoons w hich th
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Muscott spent
early makers fori»
Christmas in Salem with the family
ed and wrough
if L. J. Chapin.
by hand.
Mr and Mrs. Lot Ilrower are spend­
ing the holiday vacation in Baker with
lutely plain, brigh
ber parents.
p o l i s h e d silver
Jim Sweeney lias been sick, but is
ware is alwa', s
better now.
rich and impri
The Misses Clow, o f Monmouth,
were in Dallas Saturday.
sive and ir <
Mr and Mrs. Taylor Jones will
M others Patti n
spend Christmas In Salem with her
w e have given th
look o f chasten 'ss
Tlios. Catherwood and his daughter
went to Portland Tuesday morning to
and dignity which
spend the vacation.
the hand wroughi
Mrs. Frank Coad Is sick.
spoon had. D e ­
Mrs. Dalton Is slightly improved.
signed from a very
Arthur Bennett and Ray Bowles, of
Corvallis, are spending tile vacation
old pattern it is a
at home.
perfect reproduc­
Frank Campbell, Leon Williams and
tion o f the style
Hazel Knight, o f the U. of O., are
our forefather:
«pending the holidays at home.
Holman ft Boydston sent a box of
used and loviri
Northern Spy apples to Chester Sie-
so w ell, and
birth at San Francisco for a Christmas
meets the de
»resent. Apples of a small size bring
mand in every
>0 cents a dozen there.
Sam Burk’s are spending the holi-
way fo ra plain,
lays at Santa Anna, California.
bright finished
C olonial pst-
Mr Winter, the former section fore-
nan here, now has employment on the
Tillamook road.
Mr and Mrs. George W ood returned Marie in Sterling Silver only, and Me—ped wit'
home Sunday from a visit with reia the Trade Mark: Lion, Anchor and letter (
Ives at Waltsburg.
Prof. Caldwell, o f Dallas, came down
lunday for a few days’ vacation.
Miss Verda Cadwell visited In Dal
’.as Sunday.
Mrs ('has. Snelllng returned home
from Dallas the latter part of the
Which in fares quality and parity of dea.pn
Brown & Sibley, attorneys
and abstractors, notary public. 712 Levens, Near Washington
Absracts made promptly at a Children’# Clothes a Specialty.
reasonable charge. 616 Mill
street, Dallas, Ore.
MORRIS, The Jeweler
S O S C o u rt S treet
205 acres. 3 1 j miles south of Dalias. pi)R SALE— One Jersey cow that will
There are 70 acres o f bottom land, 50 1 give 5 gallons o f milk a day. Fresh
acres slashed, 40 acres of good second- in January. Also 100 prune trees.
growwi timber, und 45 acres of small 225 good oak posts and 50 rods of
lir and oak timber. There are two American wire fence only used five
a-res of young bearing orchard, three
good barns, a new house of five rooms | months Phone 4x6.— Fred R. El
i nd large woodshed and milk house. The {llcitt.
price is $60 an acre in trade or $50 in
cash, and the buyer can assume a inort 11 want quotations on a mixed lot of 250
cage of $.3,200, which can run almost
' or moro goats, f. o. b. Dallas.— C. L.
three years at 6 per cent, payable on or
before, or can pay $100 or more oa any Upton Ephrata, Washington.
interest day.
Within 6 miles o f Dallas we have n pOR SALE— Barred Rock cockerels
tract of 0k acres, all under cultivation, ' and pullets; also a McClanahan In­
without other improvements, that can cubator.— Mrs. W. P. Miller, Dallas J1
be bought for $90 an acre. All good
black soil, rolling, and is close to school
COR SALE— Vetch and oat hay, loose,
and postoffice.
17 acres, 2 miles from Dallas, at $90 * by L. I. Burseil. phone Antioch 155. 1
per aero, on good terms; one-half in
cultivation. Will make a nice home for
Subscribe for the Itemizer.
some one.
N ow Ready for Y o u !
With one of the best equipped houses in Western
O egon. We now invite your patronage.
Sugar-cured Hams and Bacons, delicious in flavor
and fresh in quality.
Fa rm e rs
We want your Poultry and Eggs. If you have any­
thing in Farm Produce to sell or trade, call on us.
T r y O u r B r e a k fa s t B a c o n
It will prove a Delicous Morsel for
Your Christmas Breakfast.
616 Mill Street
P h o n *1254