LO CA L AND PERSONAL. Items of Interest From Dallas and Polk County. V e u o o for box candy. M. Hayter, dentist, Bank Bid O, C. Smith for Page fence. Tf Charles R. Bennett, phone 1071. signs, White Kid Gloves cleaned for 10c.— Phil. Begin’s. tf Christmas cards, 10c per doz. — Fidler’s. Glen O. Holman, attorney at law. Wilson Bldg. Special Christmas dinner at the Gail. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Muir were week-end visitors in Portland. Make reservations for the special Christmas dinner at the Gail. 12 M. to 2 P. M. Fidler has the largest stock of goods in the county retailing from lc to 25c. Dallas through meals. becomes excellency famous of Gail The Semi-Weekly Portland Journal and the Itemizer one year for only $1.75. Mrs. John Turk and family have arrived from Montana to make their home in Dallas. County Surveyor Fred Suver is at work running lines on a large tract of Luckiamute land for Wm. Barnes. See the 1914 prices for Ford cars. Touring cars $625; road­ sters $550 f.o.b. Dallas.— I. V. Lynch, Dallas. royal B K 6 P a in owder Is the Housew ife*s Greatest Help . H A T so tempting to the laggard appetite as a light, flaky, fruit short cake or a delicate hot biscuit? R o y al makes th e perfect short cake, biscuit and muffin, and improves the flavor and healthfulness of all risen flour- foods. It renders the biscuit, hot- bread and short cake more di­ gestible and nutritious, at the same time making them more attractive and appetizing. Royal Baking Powder is in­ dispensable for the preparation all the year round of perfect foods. W Meet me at the New Scott. The academy trustees held Get the best candy money can buy their annual business meeting and that’s at Veason's. Monday, but nothing other than Christmas booklets, 5c to 15c. routine business was transacted. — Fidler’s. Collections given prompt at­ Dr. McNichol, Osteopathic tention by J. S. Ashbaugh, con­ stable, Dallas National Bank physician. building, rooln 22. Many come miles to dine at Dr. Starbuck operated ’upon he Gail. Mrs. Joseph Majestie, of Rose Tracy Savery is up from Port­ Lodge last week, and she is now land for a visit with the home greatly improved in health. iolks. George Harth is down from Fidler’s stock of holiday goods The Dalles for a visit with his is now complete. Come in and old friend, Landlord Corson, of ,ook us over. Welcome. the New Scott. Frank Lynn suffered a relapse Diamonds, rings, pendants, last week and had to return to ear screws, brooches, at Shep­ the hospital, but is now much herd’s. They make Christmas better. gifts o f remembrances. Miss Clara Swain arrived from The Tavern hotel building at Burns Tuesday for a visit with Falls City is for sale at a bar­ her aunts, Mrs. F. J. Coad and gain. Inquire at this office. Mrs. D. C. Crider. Will trade for Portland property. Mrs. T. J. Warren and daugh­ A number of our high school ter, Dorothy, are visiting her lands went to Independence Fri­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Van day evening to attend the first Ransaeler Snyder. basket ball game of the season, Clarence Reynolds and lady between fives of that town and are down from Eugene for a the capital city. visit, with relatives and friends I have a remedy for rheuma­ throughout the county. tism, cramps, etc., that has Owing to the prevalence of proved efficacious in many Christmas festivities, there will cases. It costs but little to try be no meeting of the Woodmen It.— Geo. Medley, Dallas. tf next Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Culp There was no commercial have returned to their Illinois club meeting last night, owing home, after a pleasant visit with to the band concert, which all her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. the members desired to attend. Greenwood. Just to remind you, the Ham­ Eat your Christmas dinner at the Gail. Second-hand magazines at this office, 5 cents each. The greatest thing in Dallas — a meal at the Gail. Burnt wood boxes, 15c, 20c and 25c.— Fidler’s. Watch repairing a specialty. Ralph Bennett, at Shepherd’s. See our window of fine o r anges.— Holman & Boydston. Front lace corsets at the Dal­ las Variety Store. Complete line of Holiday goous ui the uallas Variety Store. George Wood and family have gone to Walla Walla, where both uis parents are quite ill. Miss Jennie Muscott spent several days in Portland last week. Best quality mince meat in bulk, at 15 cents per pound.— Hoinian & Boydston. With next Sunday the short­ est day oi the year, we are yet to see tne first snowflake. Get our prices on Xmas can­ dies and mixed nuts.— Holman & Boydston. Complete line of leather and silver mesn bags, all prices, in tne latest styles, at tne Dallas V ariety Store. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Laurence nave gone to Willamina to spend me noi.days with G. E. Laurence and lanuly. We have an astonishing price on oranges and grape fruit and the stock is the best.— Holman & Boydston. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kirkpatrick ie.t for Portland Sunday and will reside at the Imperial hotel for the next few months. The Presbyterian Sunday school will have home-baking on sale at Stafrin’s drug store next Saturday, December 20th. Remember that when you pur chase a piece of jewelry of Mor­ ris, he is here to stay and if it is not as represented, you know where to find him. Meet me at the New Scott. O. C. Smith for Page fence. L Veason has pipes, tobacco and soil drinks. Ladies shoes and the latest in pumps at the Dallas Variety Store. doubt the creeds was* to Dë damned, feared to think for themselvea. Satan FATAL AMBITION, NOBLE AMBITION Ambition a Prime Hecasslj lo a Successful Ufo. Sam. Smithson is back from a iew weeks’ visit with a nephew in Seattle. Harry Thompson instructs us to change his itemizer from Two Notable Example» In the Bible, of Right and Wrong Ambitions— A Mis­ Mold, Washington, to Mon­ translated Text— Its True Import—A mouth. Glorious Life and Prospect Ruined b> The steam heat is now on Wrong Ambitions— In Contrast, An­ from the central plant in the other Glorious Life Enhanced In Eter­ postoffice and Dallas Bank build­ nal Glory by Following Right Ambi­ ing and is giving entire satisfac­ tions—The Lesion to the Church of tion. Christ— Incidental Lessona to All and Get you a new Singer Sewing Ma­ chine at Aah'g Music House D18 to Angela. W. H. Totten and family will leave the first of January for Los Angeles, where they will spend the winter and may decide to lo­ cate. Washington. D. C.. November 2.— A phonograph would be a nice Xmas present. At the Ash Music Store. one. Of Pastor sell’s t w o corses R ub d i s here to helped. m»t only to make our creeds, but to manacle us to them by direful threats We'l may we praise God for the dawning -light of the New Duy. Freedom to think transcends all physical liberties, said the Pastor. “Tlie liberty wherewith Ghrlst makes free“ is God's great boon to man In proportion as it lias been received there is Joy: otherwise discontent. |Miin. God’s curse, according to the creeds. consigns all mankind to eteruul tor­ ture. exeept as any should In* so fortu­ nate as to hear of the Savior and be favorably environed for salutsblp. In Irrational dread we questioned not the authority of those who made the creeds. It was asserted that the creeds were a condensed statement of Bible teaching, prepared by very holy and learned men: a**? that for any to at­ tempt to understand the Bible without the aid of the especially ordained and apostolic bishops would la* dangerous. But education has become general. Contradiction amongst the trpostollc bishops has demonstrated that they are fallible-that none of them were Inspired, as were the twelve “ Apostles COR R E N T — R o o m furnished or ua 1 furnished.— C. A. Ramsey. D it W A N T E D —A dressed hog of about 160 pounds at this office. D ll COR B A LE — A few Cotiwotd yearl- 1 ing and early lamb rains— W. D. Gil­ liam. Dallas, Phono 14x1 tf COR S A L E — 100 bushels of Early Dent corn at 00 cents a bushel.— Isaac Phillips, Dallas. D26 COR S A L E OR T R A D E — 700 acres of 1 gra.*s land. Three good wells and wind mills on said tracts. Good stock country, and 8 to 12 miles o* the railroad.— C. A. Ramsey. D18 I have changed my residence to the 1 corner of Ash and Fairvlew aveuue. All desirou* of good dressmaking will do well to see Mrs. E. A. Griffith. Work guaranteed. COR S A L E or trade for a good cow, a colt, years old next April. Phone 535 Black. tf 2 dffir. we report of the Lamb.” UO USE for rent at $6 a month.— J. F. lie took for Back to the Bible. Holman. tf his text Philip- The Pastor asserted that Satan, per­ plans 2 id. 7. but ceiving the tendency to return to the The smallest number of teach­ c o r r e c t e d the Bible, has luvaded our institutions of COR S A L E OR E X CH AN G E — A va­ ers ever before applying for cer­ riety stock in the Willamette Val­ translation, declar­ learning. Having captured nearly all tificates are now being examined ing that he had the professors, be has poisoned their ley; invoice about 11600. Would take in the circuit court room— about the support of minds with Higher Criticism and Evo­ in some property to about the same 35 of them. scholarship iu ren­ lution. By this master stroke he baa value, dealing with owner. Address D25 dering it thus: accomplished In these last thirty years Itemizer, Dallas. Call at the Ash Music Store for all kinds of holiday goods. Prices right. “ Who. being in the form of God. did ton thousand times more than Voltaire COR S A L E — 60 acres, % miles from not meditate a usurpation to be on uu and Ingersoll ever hoped. 1 town, southeast, all under cultiva­ There will be a special session equality with God. but [coutrariwfaie] Nevertheless, the Divine arrange­ tion; no waste land; 15 acres In or­ of circuit court tomorrow. made Himself of no reputation, and ment will not be frustrated, although Judge Holmes on the bench, to took upon Him the form of a servant.” worldly wisdom has captured the chard; $150 an acre; $3000 cash; balance on time.— Isaac Phillips, The Pastor declared that whoever worldly-wise, as foretold. inquire in the merits of the (Isaiah D25 has uo ambition has not properly be­ 20:14.» Liberty of mind has brought Dallas. Loughary vs. Simpson case. gun to live. Ambition Implies appre­ opportunity for Scripture study with­ Why buy cheap candy? Get the ciation of life's value—a fixed determi­ COR S A L E — Two young Jersey cows, real candy taste at Veason's confec­ nation to reach the goal decided upon. out creed spectacle«. And light from one fresh in September, the other God's Word Is going forth to the ends tionery. He urged parents and teachers to assist of the earth as never before. soon, and one registered Jersey bull, 15 months old, for $200. Also Empire Vern Smith is up from Port­ young people in forming noble ideals The Cura# of God. cream separator, used 40 days, for land to look after farm matters. and in determining which goal they The Pastor then demonstrated from He has sold his hop crop of 108 will bend life's energies to reuch. He the Scriptures that God’s curse la not $50. Insuire of J. E. Houk, Perrydale, bales to McNeff, making a clean­ also reminded them that many of those eternal torture, from which only a Oregon, or mall Amity No. 2. D18 successful in life ofteu declare how up of nearly all of the hops in much they owe to noble instructors. handful would be rescued by the this section. Savior: but that “ the wages of sin is CINGER S E W IN G M A C H IN E Office Many Woe-Begone Face«. death ’* Capital punishment with the 0 is at 500 Court street, in Ash’s Music You must not get the Singer ma­ Then the Pastor commented on the Almighty Is precisely whut It Is with Store, where we will sell you a late chine mixed up with the cheap, trashy improved Singer, the best in the world, fact that in a crowd of a thousand poo His most intelligent creatures. machines . D18 pie less than a hundred show by their Under the heavy curse of deuth our on easy terms, or a big discoun|-for The Model store certainly saw faces and energy that they are pursu­ race has gone down for six thousand cash. So come In and see our ma- that advertising in the Itemizer ing an ideal, an ambition In othei years. Our mental, moral and physical Sewing Machine Co. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McCargar and little son, of Mosier, Ore., where they have a fruit ranch, have taken apartments at the Multnomah, in Portland, for the was a paying proposition, as last words, nine tenths of poor, fallen hu­ powers have grown weuker until now winter. Saturday afternoon even the manity lack the very mainspring of the average length of life is only thir­ COR S A L E — A second-hand piano in Morris, the jeweler, has been street in front of that place of life. ty-six years: whereas Adam lived nina ■ good condition. Address E. M. Bred- D25 This lack of proper ambition, said he. hundred and thirty years. All of life’s well, McMinnville, Ore. in Dallas a long time and he has business was jammed with peo­ made a reputation of selling ple to accept an offer made in makes life a drudgery and also is a experiences demonstrate that the curse menace to our social fabric. According is severe, although just COR S A L E — At $50, a piano. Inquire good articles. When he sells our columns. to the Bible, it is this nine-tenths of here. If fallen, luqierfect men realize that you solid gold, it is that, and no Surprise your wife and daughter humanity that will pull down our civil- cruelty Is unjust und improper, and Walter L. Tooze, Jr., Lawyer, plated article. with a new piano. Prices right at the lzatlou in a kind of blind fury—tl»e! that death should be the capital pun­ Smith (or Page (enee. Rooms 8-9, National Bank Bldg., awakening of an ambition which, not ' ishment of crime, can our great Crea­ Mrs. A. D. Braun and son re­ Ash Music Store. Dallas, Oregon. tf turned Friday night from their A new line of sheet music, musical knowing how to exercise itself, will tor be less merciful? To punish crea­ UUE guarantee our milk to be pure and tures depraved from birth with ever­ "cle an . W e use the enclosed sani­ Remember that for quality lengthy visit with Wisconsin instruments and a good assortment of bring trouble upon all. The Pastor then showed that the am­ lasting torture. 1 »ecuuse they hud not tary milk palls and everything Is kept and for price Shepherd’s jewelry relatives. She says that up to records at the Ash Music Store. bitious tenth of humanity turn the mastered their Inborn evil tendencies, strictly sanitary that Is In any way store is tthe place to get Chist- the time they left they had en­ wheels of progress by not only keep­ would be a worse crime than theirs. connected with our milk and cream. T H E BAND C O N C E R T . mas gifts. Open evenings until joyed an unusually mild winter, ing their own minds occupied, but by To any judicial mind It must be evi­ Our milk tests about.06.— W. D. Calk having no sleighing or very cold 9 o’clock. giving employment to others Men oi dent that God could not Justly punish Ins, phone 1291, Miller avenue. tt weather, and that the farmers Armory Crowded to Listen to ambition leading on to genius have His creatures with any severer puu Vice President W. G. Vassall were still able to plow. helped mankind to larger conception* (aliment than uuuibllntion. Entrancing Program Put up CIVE dozen White Leghorn yearling of the Dallas City Bank was a of life and wider possibilities. Grant i The Pastor asserted that his text ' hens (or sale by Jay Stlngley, phono Allan Leabo, a brother of Mrs. by Local Artists. Portland visitor this week, o n 1 ing tlie necessity for legislation in re­ contradicts eternal torment theories, 333. Dallas. D25 straining combinations of brains and and mentioned a similar contradiction business connected with that in­ G. W. McBee and Mrs. Rachael Todd, is here from Wenatchee, The armory was crowded last money, let us never forget how much stitution. W A N T E D — 50 to 300 sheep on shares. Wash., for a visit with them over night to listen to the program we owe to the ambitious men whom in Hosea l.’t:14. where the Lord de­ n — B. F. Wells, box 366, Willamina. Fred Elliott has just finished the holidays. This is the first the band boys put up lor their we seek to restrain from crushing clares that Sheol shall be destroyed. Oregon. J1 The Context Wesloy’a Favorite. planting 27Q0 prune trees. This visit of Mr. Leabo to Dallas for first concert of the season, and those of leas ambition and capacity. Pastor Russell then contrasted the makes Mr. Elliott’s orchard total twenty years, and he is greatly all who attended expressed U A M M O U T H Bronze turkey toms (or The Lesson of the Text. teachings of Wesley and Calvin. Wes up to 70 acres of prunes and five surprised at the growth of the themselves as very well pleased The Pastor said that while the Apos­ le y 's loving heart rebelled against the m (or sale by Mrs. H. A. Bly, Rick­ acres of apples and pears. J1 town and the substantial build­ with the class of entertainment tle does not specify Satan in contrast thought that the nou-elect should have reall. put before them. From the with Jesus, yet between the lines of been predestined to eternal torment It was a credit to the reputa­ ings erected. opening march by the band to our text we may lead that be had this He felt It an aspersion against the Dl COR 3A L E — 6-year-old English Shlra tion of our local jeweler when a 1 mare, bay, well broke. W ill weigh For Miss Coad. the exit march and the evening thought in mind. Then the speaker vine character. Portland man came here last about 1500.— C. W. Boyle, Dallas. J1 traced Satan’s career as set forth In The blessed declaration. “Whoso­ Miss Hallie Coad has been the was one supreme round of pleas­ the Scriptures. Lucifer, one of the week and purchased a watch of motif for much entertaining the ure to every music lover. The most glorious spirit beings, becume ever will, let him take the water of W E L L IM PRO VED 5-acre tract tor sale Morris, the Dallas jeweler. band music was up to its usual possessed of a sinful ambition. In­ life freely.” appealed strougly to Wes­ n by Henry Robbins, Dallas, t( . Dr. Starbuck and wife, Mr. past few weeks. Her cousin, ley. He trusted that the time would a ___ Miss Nola Coad, who will be high form and very commend-! stead of the righteous ambition to come when the Church would conquer and Mrs. J. W. Edgar, Sr., and maid of honor at the Coad-Viers able. A reading by Mrs. F. G. serve and honor Ids Creator, bethought the world with the Goapol Message, COR SALE!— One Jersey cow that will Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Williamson ' give 5 gallons ot milk a day. Fresh Simonton, a song by Miss Alice to have an empire of Ills own and Im­ when our context would be fulfilled. visited Sunday with J. W. Edgar. wedding tomorrow, entertained in January. Also 100 prune trees. Grant, also one by J. Norval prove upon the Divine order of things. We |M*na*lvf» now that both Calvin Jr., and family, who reside on for the bride-elect last Wednes­ 225 good oak posts and 50 rods o( Lir ifer’s ambition led him to attempt Gates and Mrs. Jennie Warren and Wesley were right Only the Elect American wire (ence only used live Dr. Starbuck’s farm, near Salem. day, inviting in a few of her to curry out bis program in connection were heartily encored and most with mankind. Thenceforth he was are to I m * saved during this Gospel months Phone 4x6.— Fred R. El friends. Last week we told of J. E. T h e known as Satan. God’s adversary. He Age. but eventually Free Grace will liott. Tuesday evening Mrs. C. G. delightfully rendered. J1 Jasper E. Rhodes is down ilton, Waltham and Howard Coetz having brought in $100 Coad was hostess in her honor, Prune City Quartette gave a has been permitted to show the evil prevail The connecting links are fur­ J want quotations on a mixed lot o( 254 nished In the Scripture telling us that worth of turkeys. This week watches are sold at Shepherd’s The rooms were gay with Chirst- pleasing selection and the Moose results of Ids chosen course. But soon from Drewsey for a holiday visit Open every they are on their way to Alaska, mas decorations, festoons of fir orchestra played a very nice he is to be restrained a thousand years, before Messiah’s Kingdom can be es­ • more goats, (. o. b. Dallas.— C. L. with his mother, Mrs. John Jewelry store. D26. the Dallas Meat Company hav­ hung from the ceiling, from piece. Taken all together the while Messiah's Kingdom gives all an ta bllshed. the Church muat be glorified. Upton Ephrata, Washington. Rhodes. He reports fine weath­ evening until 9 o’clock. opportunity to return to harmony with Tlie Election of the Church ing sent them to that far-off land . affair was a decided success and which little red hearts dangled, COR 8 A L E — Barred Rock cockerels er in the Eastern Oregon coun­ Our old friend, Frank Cald­ Free Grace will begin. * and pullets; also a McClanahan In­ and cotton, which looked like Dallas will await the next con­ God and to attain everlasting life Ulti­ try so far and a great immigra­ well, was in town Tuesday. He to fill an order. mately Satan will be destroyed, to­ cubator.—-Mrs. W . P. Miller, Dallaa J1 tion continually coming in. E. A. Baker, attorney for the great drifts of snow, covered the cert with supreme anticipation. gether with all having his spirit. is secretary of the state phar­ COR S ALE — Vetch and oat hay, looae, macy board and was interview­ Anti-Saloon League of Oregon, decorations in abundance, giv­ The Logos Humbled Himself. N E W T O -D A Y ■ by L. I. Uursell, phone Antioch 155. 1 Lebanon Lads Pilfer. ing our druggists. and special attorney for Gover ing a cold, wintry appearance to Then the Pastor contrasted the O. E. S., Notice. the rooms and carrying out the Sheriff Grant is at Lebanon course of the Logos, the Only Begot­ There will be no meeting of Mr. and Mrs. McNichol left nor West, will speak at the Pres­ idea of a December storm to per­ Extremely Elusive. ten Son of God He was the very per­ Naomi Chapter No. 22 Order Tuesday for their home at North byterian church Sunday morn­ fection. One novel feature of today to bring to Dallas three sonification of obedience and self-ab­ Notices undar thia hsad only / M cant The Polk County Itemizer ing at 11 o’clock. Come and lads of that city who are ac­ Eastern Star Tuesday evening. Platte, Neb., after a visit of a a word each inaartion, cash In ad­ Instead of meditating a the evening’s entertainment was cused by the proprietor of Iiay- negation suggests a new game, "search vance. No phono orders accepted. December 23d, on account of month with their two sons, D. hear him. the giving of the gifts in the ter’s book store with having usurpation of Divine authority. He de­ for the penny,” and says enough the Christmas festivities. McNichol, o f Seattle, and Dr. As our next press day will fall shape of snowballs, which fell lifted some small articles from clared. “ My Father is greater than I.” I amusement will be found In it to COR S A L E — White and gray oats (or Man’s fall brought opportunity to By order of the Worthy Ma­ McNichol, of Dallas. on Christmas, and our force in abundance from a large red his store about a month ago. occupy an evening. We know 1 seed or (eed. Phone Pink line 15.— manifest loving obedience. As a per­ tron. wants to observe the day with bell overhead. Tiny flakes oi The alleged offense is said to a better game than that, and we Q. W. Starr, Dallas, No. 1. D25 Samuel Orr was up from Port­ fect mail was condemned to death, so W INNIE M. CHAPMAN, all the trimmings, the Itemizer snow fell in showers, completely have been committed at the time man’s redemption must be accomplish- ; guarantee that It will furnish land Saturday and came to see Secretary. us. Mrs. Orr accompanied him, will go to press next Wednesday. covering the honored, guest and the Lebanon high school team ed by the death of a perfect man. ALED HAY, straw and oats (or sale amusement for a lifetime. It is Advertisers and correspondents her gifts found in the snowballs. called ‘search for the dollar.” — D26 Hence the Divine proposal that th e, by Everett Owinn. One of the most novel attrac­ their business being the transfer will please govern themselves The whole affair was quite sug played foot ball with our team, Logos become a man. taking the sin Carlton Tribune. and the persons arrested were of their 115 acres near Rickreall tions and treats ever offered ini. T . . , , accordingly. tier’s nature, but noi the sinner's gestive of the holiday season. members of the team. Dallas wil be presented at the | to John M.ddleton and sons, who Weaknesses and sin. that He might he During the evening Mrs. T. J. There are so many different armory Thursday, December 26iwl enSaSe extensively in hop come the Redeemer. Warren, of McMinnville, sang a meanings to cut class that you number of songs, which were Advertised Letters. Attached to this proposal was the by Webber and his famous or- culture< have to ba very careful in buy­ greatly enjoyed. Covers were Letters remaining unclaimed | promise of a. great reward exaltation chestra and his clever enter tainers. Eleven people are ir Capital City Nursey Co., Salem. ing it, if you don’t know the gen­ laid for 20. Six young girls as­ in Dallas postoffice December to the Divine nature, glory, honor and Immortality Jesus declared that by uine, better trust the honor of a this orchestra, six attractive This is to certify that J. E. reliable dealer. Morris, the jew­ sisted Mrs. Coad in serving, Miss 15, 1913: His faithfulness He hail been reward Aschenbremer, Mr. J. young ladies and four young Millef is duly authorized to act Maud Robertson, Miss Helen ed with a place'’ In the Father's Throne. Brown, T. K. men. This treat will be unde’ ^ agent for the sale of our Su- eler. has a fine assortment of cut Swain, Miss Marjorie Hayes, The Lesson of Humility. A fw in n n l ,f L it* . . ° glass. the n personal direction r of Mr.1 lerior Curtiss, Charels. Miss Roxana Fiske and Miss Fruit and Ornamental Pastor Russell showed that the Apos­ Webber, introducing for the first Nursery Stock. To all purchas- Foster, VV. A. With one of the best equipped houses in Western tle was seeking to Impress the lesson A. V. Snyder, the new county Claudia Coad. time the largest banjo chorus ,ng through him we guarantee weigher, has received all his Hallsted, Mrs. Ema. of humility Our Lord Jesus exempli­ Those present were: Mrs. C. Oregon. We now invite your patronage. Harrington, Miss Elizabeth. ever staged. A rare treat is in to furnish genuine, reliable, high paraphanalia and has been at G. Coad, Misses Hallie Coad, fied this in Ills course, not meditating Sugar-cured Hams and Bacons, delicious in flavor for an Instant to grasp Divine honor Keep, Mr. Charles. Btore for you. Seats selling for grade stock. J. E. MILLER. work for the last week testing Maude Robertson, Nora Robert­ and fresh in quality. mid association In Ills Father's Throne. Matthews, Mr. Floyd. 35c and 50c. the scales of the merchants lo­ son.Marjorie Hayes, Dora Hayes. Phone 1633, Box 63. And heboid God's wonderful grace In Martin, Miss M. M. Buena Fiske, Roxana Fiske, tf Dallas, Ore. cally. He will get in touch with exalting Him to His own right hand. Nelson, Cadet E. Methodist Church Notes. the rest of the business just as Gcorgana Fiske, Nola Coad, Ava Tlie Father has made a similar Neomison, Mrs. A. Coad, Clara Swain, Claudia PLAIN SOW ING. C H E A P Carl Countryman, the well fast a possible. proposition to the Ghurch. If we be­ Postmater. Coad, Genevieve Coad, Pauline known entertainer from Chica­ 712 Levens, Near Washington come dead to the world, laying down Mr. J. L. Blodgette wants to f ’oad, Vera Burns, Alta Savage, C. G. Coad, our lives In obediefire to the Father’! go, will appear at the church We want your Poultry and Eggs. If you have any­ will, we shall share our Redeemer’! Monday evening. If you enjoy Children's Clothes a Specialty. thank the many customers of his Deilla Viers, Roberta McCallon. thing in Farm Produce to sell or trade, call on us. Christian Science services Throne. a first class impersonator and MRS. C H A R L E S BR ASSARD . shooting matches on the Kirk­ Flora McCallon, Pauline Snyder, patrick grounds, and to an- Mrs. Harry Woods and Mrs. T. j held Sunday at 11 a. m.. at 10 story teller, this Is your chance. I nounce that the same will be J. Warren. | National Bank Bldg. Subject Admission, 25 cents; children State of Ohio, city of Toledo. continued for the next two Sat- Brooklyn. N. Y. of lesson-sermon, "Is the Uni­ 15 cents. Lucas County. I Oct 2& - W e re­ Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is ; urdays. All sportsmen will have Notice of Stockholders Meeting. verse, Including Man, Enrolled Rev. John Lewtas. of Tacoma senior partner o f the firm o f F. J. Cheney | a chance to show their ability to port one of Pustor ____ _____ o __ _ special k _______ ________ ^ ________ i t Co., doing bu3ine3s In the City o f To- will begin evangelistic The annual meeting of the by Atomic Force?” Sunday Russell's sermons | secure turkeys, ducks, geese,etc. stockholders of the Dallas City school at 10 a. m. Wednesday services In the latter part of Jan-1 m °a n m V.u V.e r!“ ac; one of today from the uary. He is known as a finej ^ It is always advisable when Bank will be held on Tuesday, evening at 8 p. m. Reading text. “There shall preacher and singer. brimowat halt .- s cAT.umtr cl ue purchasing jewelry to know that January 13, 1914, for the pur­ room same address. The pub­ l>e no more curse.” r F R A N K J. C !in X C T. — Revelation 22:3. Services of special interest ! sworn to b «fo ro n - » n