NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue ct a warrant for the coilec- I lion of the Bums of money asaeaaod . upon and expended for the Improve­ ment of the hereinafter described lot or parcel of ground, together with the coats and expenses of the proceedings for the enforcement of the collection ! thereof, for the Improvement of all that part of Hayter Street In the City j of Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, In I front of and abutting upon the said lot or parcel of ground, such Improve­ ment being provided for In Ordinance No. 175 of the City of Dallas, Polk County, Oregou. passed by the City Council of the said City of Dallas, Oregon, on January 22, 1912, and ap­ proved by the Mayor therof on Janu­ ary 23, 1912, togta’ier with the Inter­ est on such sums from th . date of such assessments, issued by the Audi­ tor and Police Judge of the City ot Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, on the Sth day of October, 1913, under his hand and name of olllce and with the seal of said City affixed thereto, and *o me, the City Marshal of said City, directed, requiring me to forwlth levy upon the said lot or parcel of ground hereinafter described, upon which the said assessment and cost of improve­ ment is unpaid, and sell the same in the manner required by law, I have duly levied upon and will, on Satur­ day, November 1st, 1913, at the hour of 2 o’clock P. M, of said day, at the front door of the County Court House In the- City of Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand on day of sale, the said lot or parcel of ground, which Is described as follows, to-wlt: Dot No. 3 in Block No. 3, in bevel!»' First Addition to the Town, now City, of Dallas, Polk County, Ore­ gon, and owned by the Samuel Coad Estate. That the sums of money assessed upon the said lot or parcel of ground and expended by said City for said Improvements and heretofore declared delinquent and now due and unpaid, are as follows, to-wlt: The sum of $16 23 with Interest on said sum at the rate of six (6) per cent, per annum from the 13th day of May, 1913. until paid, and that said lot or parcel of ground will be sold to satisfy the above amount with Interest, together with the costs and accruing costs of and upon said warrant and said sale, subject to redemption as provided by law. Dated this 8th day of October, A. D., 1(13. r. a. GREENWOOD, City Marshal of the City of Dallas, In Polk County, State of Oregon. That it takes a good Hour to make loaves of bread like these— white, light and so delicious. Are you using Drifted Snow Flour and'getting perfect baking results? Try it next time and see what a difference it makes in your baking, A Guaranteed Flour And remember— Drifted Snow Flour is absolutely guaranteed to give good results. Your money will be cheerfully re­ funded by the grocer if you are not entirely satisfied. All gro­ cers sell “ DRIFTED SNOW” SPERRY FLOUR CO. . ; • i lupciumvf/^d f r ivhitc / jp V » m W/axoriou* vj ■0 /$NKIW fl(W»C« A M im i Show General Repair Work If y o u h a v e a b ic y c le , a m o t o r c y c le , g a s e n g in e , lo c k g u n o r o th e r m e c h a n ic a l d e v ic e , o r fir e a r m th at r e q u ir e s th e w o r k o f a n e x p e r t re p a ir ­ m a n . le a v e it to L. B. H IX S O N , Jr. (S u c c e s s o r to L E E S M IT H ) 3 1 5 M a in S tr e e t ■ D a lla s, O r e g o n PHONE 1 0 7 2 L A D IE S t jk , . . r I S u H K for C m -C H ES T E k '« D I A M O N D B R A N D P IL 1 .S in k * D * n d G o l d m e t a llic b o x e s , s e a le d w it h Bin ' R ib b on . T a g s B o O T i t ia . B a e e f s . n o DrneeUI sad Bek IW c n i-C I g S -T C B S D IA M O N D BU IN o p i l l s , for tw e n ty -« * « years regarded as Be l.S a fest. Alw ays R rllsbla. S O L D BY A L L D RU G G ISTS T IM E EVERYW HERE T R IE D Notice To Creditors. V O T lC E is hereby given, that I. the undersigned administrator, have been appointed tulmiim- trator of t he estate of Lucy E. Rowell, deceased, by the county court of I'o k County, Oregon. All persons having claims ag linst said estate are re­ quired to present the sa n e to the undersigned at the law office o f Ed. F. Coad in Dallas. Oregon, on or before six months from the date of this no­ tice. itemized and verified as required by law. FRANK ROWELL. Administrator of the estate of Lucy E. Rowell, deceased Ed. F Coad Attorney for estate. DALLAS PROOF Should Convince Every Dallas Reade. The frank statement of a neighbor telling the merits of a remedy. Bids you pause and believe. The same endorsement By some stranger far away Commands no belief at all. Here's a Dallas Case. A Dallas citizen testifies. Read and be convinced. Mrs. C. E. Graves, 121 Washington St., Dallas, Oregon, says: "Kidney trouble and rheumatism came on me and gradually got worse, until 1 coul-1 hardly endure the suffering. Dull pain- settled In my back across my kid neys and sharp, shooting twinges seemed to go all through my body. I tried a great deal of medicine, hut nothing gave mo much relief until 1 began using Doan’s Kidney Pills. They helped me from the first mid soon had me feeling like a different beueiited me In every way. They have Improved my appetite and my weight has Increased.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United Stales. Remomber the name— Doan's—and take no other. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice 1» hereby given that Mary E. Brown, administratrix of tile estate of Henry M. Brown, deceased, has filed her dual account with the Clerk of the County Court of the County of Polk, State of Oregon, and that Sat­ urday, the 8th day of November, 1913, at 10 o’clock a. m., at the county court room of the court house at Dallas, Oregon, has been tixed as the time and plao* n r hearing objections to said eri final account, and the settlement thereof. Dated this October 9, 1913, MARY E. BROWN, Administratrix of the Estate of Henry M. Brown, deceased. Brown & Sibley, Attorneys for the Estate. The World Moves Itself We Move Anything Else P a tr o n iz e th e I t e m iz e r -R e t u r n s su re . THE American Adding Machine G u a r d ia n ’s The Latest Adder COSTS BUT $35 CITY TRANSFER CO. Sec our Exhibit—Ask 10 days’ trial Here 1» a new price on a compe­ tent .! dder On n machine that Is rapid, full-sized and Infalible. The very latest machine, built by men who know. In one of the largest metal-working chops. It Is an individual Adder, to be placed on one’s desk, close to one’s books and papers. To take the place of the central machine re- quring skilled operators. It Is also Intended for offices and stores where costly machines are a luxury. W . R. C o u lte r Now we make this offer so that offices everywhere may learn what this machine means to them. We will gladly place In any office one Ameican Adder for a ten days' test. There will be no obligation, and and charges will be prepaid. Compare It with" any non-lister— even the costlest, Det anyone use it. See If any machlno can serve better than this. The price Is due to utter simpli­ Just send us this coupon and city. and to our enormous output. Seven keys do all the work. we’ll send the machine, Each copied number Please send us an American Add­ is shown up for check­ ing Machine for ten days' free trial. ing before the addition s made. Name ............... The machine will add, substract and mul­ Street Address tiply. With very slight practice anyone can City ............. compute a hundred fig­ ures a minute. And State ................. the machine never makes mistakes. Count 1 e 8 s offices, Manufactured and Guaranteed by chines t h e higheest class of service, AMERICAN CAN CO., CHICAGO class of sercvlce. The Largest Industry in Polk County is the Exfcptqr’s Final Notice. Notice Is herby given that the un­ dersigned, executor of the estate of Ballard P. Tarter, deceased, has filed his final account in said estate with the County Court of Polk County, Oregon, and the same has been set for hearing on Saturday, November 22nd, 1913, at the hour of 1 o’clock p. m. of said day, at which time all per­ sons having objections thereto, If any there be, are hereby required to ap­ pear and present the same at the County Court room in Dallas, Polk County, Oregon. Dated this 16th day of October, 1913. BEAUREGARD TARTER, Executor of said Estate. Sibley & Eakin, Attorneys for said Estate. Bankruptcy Notice. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Justin Hunter, Bankrupt. No. 2549. In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of Justin Hunter, of Falls City, In the County of Polk, and District aforesaid. Bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day of October, 1913, the said Justin Hunter was duly adjudicated Bankrupt upon his own petition; and that the first meeting of hi» creditors will be held at my office, No. 341 State Street, Salem, Oregon, on tile 27th day of October, 1913, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, at which time the said Creditors may attend, prove their r; claims, appoint a Trustee, examine the Bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated at Salem, Oregon, October 15th, 1913. JOHN BAYNE, Referee In Bankruptcy. Itemizer for artistic job work DALLAS LUMBER AND LOGGING CO, Buy your Lumber of them and help the Community Grow. Subscribe for ihe Itemizer. Better Than Spanking I W W i W W W W PANCER \ J IN WOMAN’S BREAST ^ ^ A L W A Y S BEGINS a SMALL LUMP LIKE THIS and ALWAYS P O I S O N S DEEP GLANDS IH THE ARMPIT AHD K I L L S Q U I C K L Y I WILL GIVE $1000 IF I FAIL TO CURE any CANCER or TUMOR I TREAT BEFORE ¡1 Poisons Boo« orDeep Glands No KNIFE or PAIN lo Pay Until Co N o X Ray or other awindlo. An island plant makes the euro absolute guarantee A n y TUMOR, LUMP or Boro on the lip„faco or body long is Cancer It N m r Pahs until last •tag«. 120-PAGE BOOK sent free; teatirnoniaia of tbouaamii cured at homo , YVKITE T O H O M E — \ W I U V V V \ I U U V U U \ U H U \ U U U U \ U W H i^ | Dallas, Oregon C . MRS. OLIVE SMITH-BiCKNELL instructor on R. C a n fie ld - ANY LUMP IN WOMAN’S BREAST C iv il E n g in e e r an d S u r v e y o r Is C A N C E R . W e refuse thousands D y in g . Came Too Lati. W e have cured 10,000 in 20 yrs. Land Surveying. Subdividing:. Plan estimator. All kinds of Engineering Work. Office over Dallas City Hank. Phone. A 436 YALENCIA ST.. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL Address DR. I MRS. DR. CHAMLEY & CO. KINDLY MAIL this to tame one with CANCER PIANO and ORGAN £ Studio: 712 Oak St. Dallas, Oregon N . L. B U T L E R L Mi D. BUTLER BUTLER & BUTLER L A W Y E R S IN D E PE N D E N C E - O R E G O N HowMuchHasDroughiCostYou? ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 9 * * * * * — ■ WOOD FOR SALE I Do you need wood? In pre- paring to place your orilo-s rem em ber that I am able lo furnish you all kinds of slab wood from either of the Dai- las sawmills, at the best pos- Bible rates. Send In your orders’ by either phone, 1562. * j <3 S 4 v , J AUGUST BOMAN j ******** ******** * 9**9**** ! Patronize the Itemizer adver­ Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the un­ tising columns if you want to dersigned, Matilda J. Ridgway, ad­ get results. ministratrix of the estate of William Ridgway, deceased, has filed her Final Account in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County and that Saturday, the 15th day of Novem­ ber. 1913„ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. at the County Court Roonf at Dal­ las, Polk County, Oregon, have been set as the time and place of hearing and settling the said Final Account and closing the said estate. Now, all persons interested are hereby notified to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why said final account should not be allowed, the administratrix discharged and her bond exonerated. Dated this 14th dav of October, 1913. MATILDA j RIDGWAY, Adm lnDfr-'-fr r f the e : ‘ 3‘ '! of Wllli-m Ridgway, deceased. W. O. Sims, Attorney. PACIFIC STUMP PULLER it is not a habit but a dangerous disease. The C. H. Rowan Drug Itemizer for artistic job work. Co., Dept. 1459, Chicago, III.,have discoveredastrictly harmless rem­ edy for this distressing disease and to make known its merits W W H H W m W W W W V M W W W W W W W tV H W M W V W * they will send a 50c package se­ curely wrapped and'prepaid abso­ P re tty as a P ic tu r e lutely Free to any reader of The is the wheat that goes into Oregon’s Itemizer. This remedy also cures Best flour. Every kernel fully ripe, frequent desire to urinate and in­ every one sound as a dollar. The choice wheat and the perfect milling ability to control urine duringthe are what makes "Oregon’s Best’ ’ night or day in old or young. The flour one of the very finest in the C. H. Rowan Drug Co. is an Old world. Order a sack from your Reliable House, write’them today grocer, if he don’t keep it let us for the free medicine. Cure the know.. We'll tell you a good grocer afflicted members o f your family who does. then tell your neighbors and SWEENEY BROS. friends about this remedy. Fl-14 N o tic e . Notice Is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Polk County, Oregon, Guardian of the estate of James M. Carlisle, an insane person. All persons owfng said estate are notified to settle the same with the undersigned at once and all persons holding clttims against said estate are notified to present the same to the undersigned for adjustment, within six months from the date hereof, Dated at Dallas, Polk County, Ore­ gon, this 9th day of October, A. D. 1913. J. C. SYRON, Guardian. Phone 1061 Sibley & Eakin, Attorneys for Estate. To the Honorable John U. Teal. County Judge for Polk Coun­ ty, Oregon. Referring to your verbal in­ quiry of recent date as to the legality of a petition of voters of Falla City, Oregon, in which it is asked that your Honorable Court call an election for Nov­ ember 4, 1913, to determine whether the sale of intoxicating liquors shall be allowed within the corporate precincts of that city, 1 beg leave to advise that, alter an examination of the law, I consider it mandatory upon you as County Judge to order that such an election be held. In 1910 the people of the state passed the so-called “ Home Rule Amendment,” which, among other things, gives, to cities and towns the exclusive power to regulate, supress and in general control tne sale of intoxicating liquors within the corporate limits of such munici­ palities. Tliis power, vested by the constitutional amendment, is, however, subject to the pro­ visions of the local option law. it Is, therefore, necessary to turn to the local option law to determine the machinery of such elections as would be re­ quired to carry out what is in­ tended in the “ Home Rule Amendment.” Here we find that after a pe­ tition has been filed containing the requisite number of legal signatures that it is mandatory upon the County Court to order the election to be held. This, I take it, is all that the County Court desires to know in this re­ gard. It is the only matter that can be pertinent at this time: Must the County Court call such an election? To answer this query it must be determined what constitutes that which is known under the local option law as the County Court. Does the law refer to the County Judge and the two Commissioners, or merely to the County Judge? In State vs. McElrath, 49 Or., 294, this very question is decided by the Oregon Supreme Court. It was upon this point that the case went to the higher tribunal and it was this point that was settled in the controversy. “ In ordering an election un­ i. LOST der the local option law, and in declaring the result of such One brown mare, weight election, the County Court is 750 Tb, with V upside down not exercising any of its ordi­ on left shoulder. Last nary duties,” says the Supreme seen on W. H. Mack’s place Court. “ It is not transacting in Cooper Hollow. Any­ probate business because that one seeing or hearing of contemplates matters dea'ing said mare, please notify B. with the settlement of the es­ E. Gilliam, Dallas, Ore., R. tates of deceased persons, F. D. No. 2., phone 14x1. is not exercising criminal or Reward given. 023 civil jurisdiction, because that assumes adverse parties and the determination of issues between them. It is not transacting county business because the FOR SALE. duties imposed on It do not come within the provisions of the 56 head of young nanny statutes defining what shall con goats, with registered billy stitute county business. The exquisite flavor. at $1.50 per head. county, as such, has no interest The c h o ic e o f a ll men in the question whether an elec­ Also 30 sacks of reclean­ who know good whiskey. tion under the local option law ed cheat seed at $1.25 per FOR SALE B Y shall be held, nor is it in any sack. way affected by the result. In Inquire of T he Shultz the performance of the duty J. E. HOUK, imposed on it by the local option imiiiuminiiiiinniffi'i«ji!flittMwiiin!ii)i^ Perrydale, 030 Oregon. law the county court is acting in a special capacity in the ‘dis­ charge of other powers and t V . V . V ’ . V . V . V . V . V f i V . V . V . V . V duties prescribed by law.’ i [ Post Cards Five Cents Each. “ And it is of no importance, SIX PER CENT LOANS as far as we can see, whether I l From your own negatives. Six per cent loans on farms, the duties thus imposed, which Have your films developed by an orchard lands, city resident or are largely, if not entirely min­ expert photographer. Prices as business property, to buy. build, isterial, be discharged by the low as is consistent with good improve, extend or refund mort­ gages or other securities; terms county court when presided work. Postage paid on mail or­ reasonable; special privileges; over by the county judge alone ders. —C. B. Stone, photograph­ correspondence Invited. Dept. er, Dallas. or when the county commis­ L, 618 Commonwealth Bldg., sioners are sitting with him.” Denver, Colo., or Dept. I. 749 Henry Bldg., Seattle, Wash. In the light of this decision M IS S LURA W ILSON 030 and the constition and the local of Salem, is coming to Dallas to or­ option law, 1 can see wherein ganize a class in vocal. Miss Wilson lias much experience in teaching. She the county judge can do no has studied in the east, and is now other than to order this special under the Instruction of Prof. Walsh, election to be held. What may who has studied many years in Eu­ be contained in the charter o rope. Miss Wilson Is the soprano soloist in the Presbyterian church at Falls City can in no manner im­ Salem. For further inquiry call Miss "B u ilt for N orthwest S tu m p s" pose any duty upon the County Wilson at Main 1727, or write 277 A simple, powerful and inexpen­ Judge or take any duty from North Liberty, Salem. sive machine, which can be operated him. He must follow the stat­ by one man and one horse. utes of the state. If there are Write for free BUI.LETIN No. 34. other considerations of munici­ It tells how to clear stump land at a tower cost per acre than has ever pal law they do not affect him. R. L. CHAPMAN...... They are to be decided in a oeen possible heretofore. FU N ER A L DIRECTOR A A C I c I C M A N U F A C T U R I N G C O . court of competent jurisdiction. and 1112 Western A v e ., Seattle, W ash. All the County Court can do is EMBALMER O F F IC E : C hap el am i Parlors, N. M ain st. to abide by the statute as it ap­ D A L L A 5 , OREGON: plies to his particular and speci­ B oth Phont’S 1183 fic duties. Calls P rom p tly A nsw ered D ay or N igh t. Very respectfully yours, Spanking will not cure child­ D. J. UPJOHN, ren o f wetting the bed, because District Attorney. •S YEARS’ E X P E R IE N C E T rade M a r k s Demons C o p y r ig h t s A i :. Anyone »«wi'llnf a *ke4»*h and deeeii'ttlnn m»T quick if »»certain our optatimi fro« whether an P»rent»r*n io probably nalentabl«. Communtev t Rina atrlctlf ronftdeuttal. HAM COO* on l’ ntr-ni« •ont freo. Oldest agency for eecnrmirpoterna, Patenti taken through Munn A < .o. roce! tptruü not*«, wi* hoot «barre, tn the V* 7 ? *** 4»«X » A i t ' J • - * J ssalkl \ hands > 7ïcly |lbts#T»l«d SMeMy. I-crfeot e»r i?*on '.f any V I*¡ I It»-- J ¡al. Term*. 93 A • tr four *v nttiS, 9 L -leid L>y all r •»•dealer*. 1,¡LíNN&Co.M,3'~d" f' wYcrk tF you had never suffered from drought, how much fatter would your bank account be now? Think of the dry weeks when, the soil hard-baked and cracking, you watch­ ed the grain wilt and die when a little water would have saved it. Why be satisfied with half harvests and Stunted crops when you can make yourself in­ dependent of natural conditions, and practi­ cally certain of best-growing cropsand full har­ vests, by putting in an irrigating plant of your own? Run it with an I H C Oil and Gas Engine and you will have positive assurance of steady power, dependable and sure for many years to come and at the lowest possible cost. I H C engines are correctly built, of finest material, thoroughly tested and capable always of de­ livering more than their rated horse power. Then your engine will serve you in a variety of other uses. It will saw wood, grind feed, run separator, repair shop machines, hay press, etc. In fact it will free you from farm yard drudgery. You will find them in every style and size— 1 to 50-horse power; horizontal, vertical; air, water, and hopper-cooled; sta­ tionary, portable, and mounted on skids; to run on gas, gasoline, kerosene, naphtha or alcohol. III C oil tractors range from 6-12 to 30-60-horse power, for plowing, threshing, etc. You can take no wiser step than to examine the I H C line of engines and tractors at the local dealer's place of business. Get cat*- logues from him, or from the Ialcrnation&l Harvester Company of America (In c o rp o ra te d ) P o rt la n d O re . ■ B Great Combination Offer The Itemizer has made arrangements wnth the Portland Evening Telegram whereby we can give subscribers the advantage of a gigantic combina­ tion offer for a limited period. You can get a Metropolitan evening paper with all the latest news from all over the world and all the news of Polk county in the Itemizer at a remarkably low price. The Evening Telegram is the best paper inthe state, market reports unexcelled, Saturday edi­ tion contains a magazine and comic section in colors. The Portland Evening Telegram • $5.00 per year The Itemizer . Total, . . . - . - Both papers through this cftice if paid in advance for one year, on or before Decem­ ber 31st, 1913. . . 1.50 per year -$6 50 (m