OUR ASSOCIATE EDITORS. All the County News Graphically Writ­ ten up by Our Brainy Rustlers. A camp of Portugese are camped at Mrs. l.acey’s place and working on the railroad. They buy moat of their sup­ plies at the Peedee store. Sam O’ Brien is working on the rail­ road near Airlie. Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Elkins and Grandj ma Hastings are picking hope in Mrs. Lacey’s yard. Their home is at Mon-1 mouth. All but a few got all their grain threshed before the rain. L. C Koser is improving slowly, He GILLIAM. has sold his property in Pi errydale we understand. Beginning August 1 the Ite m ize d * Mrs Johnnie Rhodes has r e t u r n e d gait a four months corre»pondente’ con­ Wm. Hill and w ife spent Sunday in home from Salem where she has been I test on the same lines as heretofore, ex­ Independence. V is it in g r e la t iv e s a n d friends. cept the prises will he in cash, instead Mrs. W. R. Black, who was hurt H. W. Pickett and family have mov­ of other articles, that method seeming quite badly by a fall, is able to be ed to the river to pick hops. around again. to suit best all concerned. The most Verl Yeater and his clover hulling! C, Kennedy spent a few days in Sa­ crew are working in Sm.tnlield. regular and most newsy correspondent during that time will receive »10, the lem last week. Frank Hasbrook has gone to Port- j second »ft, the third »2.ft0 ami the next laud to visit his father. ROCCA. two »1 each. The contest will close W. D. Gilliam went to Falls City i November 31 and be immediately follow­ Messrs Louders A Agnes, who has Sunday, ed by another of four months duration been cruising up in the woods, finished I Our road supervisor, E. U. Palmer, I commencing on that date. their job just the day before the rain has a large force o f teams hauling g r a - ; and started for Portland Tuesday morn- i el from the creek to the grade near R. | R. Riggs. ing. CROWLEY. Jude Palmer and family, o f Dallas, Mr. Schmidt and his team went to visited in the neighborhood Sunday. Falls City one day this week. Children Cry for Fletcher’s Mr. Vincent and family, who have been living in the i’ewtherer house at Crowley moved to their home at Oak Grove last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Edgarspent Sun day at R. J. Williamson’s. Mrs. M. F. White and Mrs. Homer White are picking hops for Frank Laws at Rickreall. Pierce Riggs was a caller at (leorge Smith's place. PERRYDALE. Fred Hebding spent several days of last week in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Roberts, of Hanks were Perrydale visitors the middle of the week. Mrs. L. Conner and Mrs. J. P. Cald­ well and children were McMinnville visitors Saturday. Mrs. Kurtz and daughter, Frances, Frank and Ada Farmer, who have been away with a clover huller near were visitors in Dallas the latter part Briedwell, spent a few days at home o f the week. last week on account of the rain. A new clover huller came up on the R. J. Williamson started plowing for freight Friday for Carey Gilson. Hugh Farmer last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fudge, o f Ball- Tom Canfield has been hauling grain ston, were Perrydale callers Sunday. to Crowley for several days. llavila Hinshaw came up from Mc­ Charley Knower made a business trip Minnville Sunday. He and D. L. Keyt motored to Salem Sunday afternoon. to Salem last Saturday. A fter several days delay by the re­ cent rains the threshing machines re­ BUENA VISTA. sumed operations again Monday. MONMOUTH. Miss Agnes Clarke returned Thurs­ day from a three month's stay at Pen­ dleton. Four-hundred chairs were received Wednesday for normal class rooms. Mrs. Nettle Besche returned Monday from a three day's business trip to Portland. Mias Catherine Campbell went to Nashville Thursday to teach school. Mrs. Kessi and children arrived Tuesday. Two of her daughters will at­ tend the normal school. SCPTEMSCR IS. 1913. DEGREE C O U R S E S in many phasesof I A G R IC U L TU R E . E N G IN E E R IN G , HOME E C O N O M IC S M IN IN G . F O R E S T R Y . C O M ­ M ERC E P H AR M ACY. T W O -Y E AR C O U R S E S »» agricul ­ . home E c o n o m ic s m e c h a n ic A R T S FO R E S T R Y . C O M M E R C E . PH AR M ACY tu r e T h e K in d Y o u H a v e A lw a y s B o u g h t , a n d w h ic h h as b een In use fo r o v e r BO yeurs, h as b o rn e th e s ig n a tu re o f am i lias fccen uiad e u n d e r his p e r­ so n al sup ervision since Its In fan cy . A ll o w no o n e to d eceiv e yo u in tills. A11 C o u n te rfeits, Im itatio n s a n d “ J u s t -a s -g o o d ” a r e b u t e x p e rim e n ts th a t tr ifle w ith a n d e n d a n g e r th e h ea lth o f In fa n ts a n d C h ild re n —E x p e rie n ce a g a in s t E x p e rim e n t. What is CASTOR IA C a s to rla Is a h a rm le ss substitute fo r C a s to r O il, P a r e ­ g o ric , l>ropa a u d Sooth ing S y ru p s. I t is p leasan t. It contains u e ith e r O p iu m , M o rp h in e n o r o th e r N a rc o tic substan ce. Its a g e is its g u a ra n te e . I t d estro y s Sv'oruis a n d a lla y s F ev e ris h n e s s . F o r m o re th u n th irty y ears it h as b een in co n sta n t use fo r the re lie f o f C on stip atio n , I'lu tu le n c y , W i n d C o lie , a ll T e e th in g T r o u b le s a n d D iarrh o ea. I t re g u la te s th e Stom ach a n d B o w e ls , assim ilates th e F o o d , g iv in g health y a u d nutuitel sleep. T h e C h ild r e n ’s P a n a c e a —T h e m o th e r’s F r ie n d . GENUINE C A S T O R I A l Bears the Signature ALWAYS In Use For Over 3 0 Years • T H I CINTAUW COMPANY T E A C H E R ’ S C O U R S E S in manual training, agriculture, domestic science and art. * M U S IC , including piano, string, band instruments and voice culture. A B EAU TIFU L B O O K L E T entitled “ T llK N(V* VO UK CITV. EN R IC H M E N T of k t’K A t L if k " and a C a t a l o g u e will be mailed free on application. Address H. M. T e n n a n t , Registrar, (tw-7-15 to 9-9) Corvallis, Oregon. Himes Engineering Company- S u r v e y in g and P l a t t i n g Estimates furnished on all kinds of Engineering Work P hone 502 D a llas , O re . of The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Guthrie returned Tuesday from a three days’ visit with their son and daughter at Corvallis. Mr. Ilolem and Will Smith and lady friends autoed to Corvallis Sunday. YEAR ’ROUND COMFORT B E G I N S it» forty-fifth school yesi Correspondents’ Contest. The new schoolhouae at Bridgeport is Mrs Horsfall is deep in the myster­ Hugh Farmer and R. J. Williamson well underway. went to McCoy the first of last week. ies of house cleaning. Henry Fern started his thresher Miss Hampton went to Nortons Wade Palmer went to Salem last for supplies. Monday. week. i O R EG O N A G R IC U L T U R A L CO LLEG E Ironing is a pleasure any time, if tiie iron is Electric. An Electric Iron is m ost a p p re c ia te d in sum­ mer. The energy that heats the iron comes thro a flexible cord which permits the laund­ ress or housewife to do the work in the coolest place. Electric flatiron handles stay c o o l -th e bot­ tom of the iron stays hot. Only o n e Electric flatiron is necessary no matter how big the wash. An Electric costs less than fiv e cents an hour to operate. A guaranteed iron can be purchased for as low as $3.50. See them at your dealers or telephone 24 and will have one sent for your ap­ proval. Oregon Power Co. DALLAS CITY BANK Dullas, Oregon. R.E. WILLIAM S, President W. G. V A S S A L L Vice President F. J. C R A V E N , Cashier DIKKCTOKS : R. C. Craven, I. N. Wood» W. G. Vassall, R. K. Williams, B. H. McCallon, F. J. Craven. J. W. Crider. This bank is pleased to place .t el d disposal of its customers the fan 'll it* gained during many years of contiuuor* service and growth. P r e tty a s a P ictu re is the wheat that goes into Oregon’s Best flour. Every kernel fully ripe, every one sound as a dollar.. The choice wheat and the perfect milling are what makes “ Oregon’s Best” flour one of the very finest in the world. Order a sack from your grocer. I f he don’t keep it let us know. W e’ll tell you a good grocer who does. PACIFIC STUMP PULLER September 13, Oakdale, 9; Oak- “ Built for Northwest Stumps” hurst, 11; Falls City. 1:30. A simple, powerful and inexpen- September 15. Orchards, 8:30; Says She Was Drugged. Salt Creek, Upper Salt Creek, J sive machine, which can be operated Charging that she was drugged Dallas. Ore, Sept. 2. 1913 Concord, at Salt Creek, 9; Butler by one man and one hurst*. A new section foreman with his fam­ Mrs. Judas Hanzen and son came up for free B U L L E T IN No. 34. at her marriage and that she did To the Boys and Girls o f Polk 11; Valley Junction, 12:30; Rogue It Write from Salem Monday to spend a few ily arrived here Monday. They will oc­ not regain the full possession of tells how to clear stump land at a county: days with her sister, Mrs. N. Ander­ cupy the house recently vacated by the lower cost per acre than has ever River, 2:30. her mind until several days fol­ Warthen’s. son. My Dear Friends:—The Polk September 16, Elkins, 9:30; been possible heretofore. lowing the ceremony. Violet E. County Fair will be held on Sep­ Misses Ola and Elsie K eyt were visit­ Mrs. Jim Reynolds, who was operat­ Monmouth, 11; Independence, PACIFIC M A N U F A C T U R IN G CO., Stone, of Monmouth, has filed tember 23-24-25, and we want to JJJ2 Western Ave., Seattle, Wash. ed on at the >alem hospital last week, ing in Portland last week. 1:30. suit for divorce from Lester E. make it a number one fair. This is getting along nicely and will soon be September 17, Bethel, 1;30, able to come home. Stone. Mrs. Stone alleges in her cannot be without the aid o f ev­ FALLS CITY. complaint that she was married ery boy and girl in this county, Perrydale, 3; Ballston, 4:30. Doc Smith, of Lewisville, was report­ September 18, Cochran, £! ed as being worse Sunday and his son when less than 16 years of age, and we hope that you will see Mrs. C. M. Travis, Mrs. M. L. Ward, Airlie, at Airlie, 4.30. W. W. Smith, and his family went to and without the knowledge or Thompson and Miss Mildred returned that you will have something at spend a few days with him. Anyone having any questio last week from a few weeks outing at consent of her parents, and that the fair. in regard to the School Child ens Mrs. Heath was called to Colorado Nye beach. since her marriage her husband last week by the serious illness of her Mr, Mackin. the rural super-1 Department os rhe county fa i M. L. Thompson were Portland visit- had repeatedly threatened to kill visor, or myself, will visit the brother there. write to us and we will try and , ,, , „ , . ... ors for a few days last week with the her. With the filing of the suit Mr. and Mrs. Aden Johnson o f Mon- buyers, gathered there for a good time, for divorce another chapter is dilferent school districts as giv­ explain all to you. mouth, and Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pillar, en below, and we hope at that • Yours for a great fair. o f Dallas, were Sunday guests o f Mr. i John Urant, o f Dallas, was a business adned to an interesting story time to meet many o f you and H. C. SEYMOUR, and Mrs. J. R. I.oy. , visitor here last Saturday. surrounding the courtship and will explain the manner of mak­ School Supt. Ed Harman, wife and daughter spent1 M r and Mrs. \\. H. Robertson, of marriage of Mrs. Stone, former­ ing the entries and will have en­ Sunday with E B. Gooat and family, Monmouth, were week-end visitors at ly Miss Violet Conkey. Last try blaiiKS with us. o f Suver. | Bridgeport and Palis City. week, Stone, the husband, was WELL K NO W N 0LDTIM ER. All the articles at the county P r o f * }'. I. Reynolds has the lumber M s. G. C. Mahr waa called to I’ort- convicted at Independence, of as­ fair will be entered at tha state on the ground l-1 1 last Saturday by the serious illness rr ound for his new dwe'h"| dwelling. b r father, G. Sowers, who is in the sault on the p.»reon of Mr. Con- fair as a county exhibit, and ai- Dick Dunn Kills Himself With 22- key, the girl’s father, and cruel­ su you wili have the chance for v.« I Samaritan hospital there. INDEPENDENCE. Calibre Lille. Hoppicking goes merrily on, with ty and threats o f the husband to­ the individual prices offered at little or no damage done to the hops by ward the wife were revealed. the slate fair. Mr. anti Mrs. Win. Staiger, of Tort the rain. His arrest followed an alleged Eacn child making an exhibit Shot through the neck with a land, are visiting at the home uf her threat to kill Conkey, and as a at the state fair will be given a 22-calibre bullet, Dick Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Moyer returned sister, Mrs. E. E. Haddock o i Tuesday from Clackamas and Ore­ result of the hearing he was ticket admitting them to the fair wealthy rancher o f Kings Valley, Cleve Robinson and Ear! Sears, of gon City, where they had been visiting placed under $1000 bonds to for any one day. and known as one of the “ besi Lebanon, were visitors in this city over relatives for some time. keep the peace. The young cou­ 8unday. Before the close o f school last hearted” men in Benlon county, ple were married in Salem a few spring you reported to us many died at his home there last nig t Mrs. Frank Wetherbee visited friends months ago, a friend of the articles for the fair. Be sure about 11 o’clock. He was sh t WEST SALEM. and relatives in Eugene last week. groom swearing that to his and have them here and do about 4 o'clock by accident oi Miss Marie Byers visited at the home Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hailes returned knowledge the bride was o f legal not forget the bird house, be­ with suicidal intent. Complica­ o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dyers» la«t week after spending two months age. A fter a shoi t and tempes­ cause we are going to have a tions resulting from a paralytu in Buena Vista last week. w.th their sons in Tacoma and Seattle. tuous married life, the father of stroke last April, which left the great exhibit of bird houses. Wesley Ferry, o f Salem, is spending Mrs Ella Hragdon and daughter re Mrs. Stone took a hand and was this week here. I f your district is going to muscles o f his throat in bad con­ turned last week after a month’s stay arrested for kidnaping his daugh­ make a district exhibit, have dition, brought strangulation at Mrs (». G. Walker and the Misses with friends in Seattle. ter, and Sloan, the witness to the your articles in that exhibit and the hour named, and ended in Katheryn and Grace Jones attended the Mrs. Georgie Spangle, o f Newport marriage, was accused of per­ you will have a chance for all in­ his death. wedding hf Miss Minnie Chamber* and arrived here Thursday on account of jury.—Telegram. Austin Flegel in Eugene last briday. Mr. Dunn, unconscious, was dividual prizes, but if your dis­ the illness of her grandfather, George Miss Myrtle Parker, of Oregon City Nichols. trict is not going to make a dis­ found on the road near his home is visiting relatives in this city. CHILDRENS’ CONTEST. trict exhibit, send in your arti­ about one miie from Kings Val­ Effie Baker was brought home from Miss Virginia Mesher has returned to th.‘ sanitorium last Tuesday and is some cles any way and you will have ley, on the Luckiamute river. her home in Silv^rton after a visit at better. He was removed to the house, the home o f Miss Grace Wallace. 35. Alma Mitchall . .&r> the same chance. J. T. Talent is still confined to the Be sure and have your entry and an examination revealed Ffank and Cyril Richardson, o f Port­ house on account o f the fail he received A l m a M it c h e ll blanks filled out; also at the same that a bullet had entered either land, are visiting their parents here. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gleason and sons, time you fill out a blank for the the front or back of the right Mrs. J. K. Johnson and son, Harold, Thomas Nichols, o f Marshville, came o f Salem, visited relatives Saturday county fair, fill one out for the side.of his neck and had come returned this week from a months va­ home on account of the serious illness and Sunday. • state fair and hand or send both oqt at the opposite paint. cation spent at Newport. of his aged father. Alta Savage returned home from S a lt. . Mr, Dunn had extensive hold­ Creek where she was visiting her sister ^ .Mr. and Mrs. Austin F legel,‘of Port­ Waiter Fralces family moved to Sa­ Mrs. Frank l awk. Remember the School Chil-' ings irr Kings Valley, a thousand land, visited at the home of her grand lem Thursday. mother, Mrs. Susan Jones, this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Boyer and son, drens' Department of the county acres, perhaps, o f as fine land as Edward Beckon moved in the house Mervin, of Hear Camp, came in to look fair is your fair, and its success there-in Benton county. And he Mrs. M. W. Wallace and diUighter, hist vacated by J. T. Hunt, as he after their property Sunday. Grace, left Monday for a years .•visit in boi will depend upon you. See that had if well stocked. Some years light it. Edgar Williams, who is working at you do your part to have some­ ago he was divorced from his the East. Amity, was in town Monday. There are about four vacant houses Mrs. Wells Oviatt and son, o f Los thing at the fair and try and be wife, a former Mrs. Allen, and to rent in West Salem now. Henry Friesen and Fred Stinnett Angeles are visiting her parents, Mr. he left i nly two stepsons, Tom present your self, went to Cortland Thursday. and Mrs. R. H. Knox, here. G. C Garfield and family returned to and Link Allen. Two sisters live Following are the dates and Mrs. Mark has been visiting friends Roy McFadden, o f Portland, is visit­ their home in Oakland, Gal., last week. and relatives at Corvallis. hour upon which Mr. Mackin or in Portland. Dick Dunn was a ing at the home of his mother, Mrs. Gharley Wilson visited Mr and Mrs. Hank Boyer and Tom Galore, o f Wil- or myself will visit your school brother of Henry Dunn, who Sherman Hayes. Garfield at the home o f his parents, lamina, motored over to Toy Sing’s hop house to meet with you in regard died very suddenly of heart fail­ Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson. Oscar Dickoon and family, of Toledo, yard Sunday. to this work, and if possible try ure, between here and Philo­ Mrs. 1«. T. Frazure left Thursday for are spending the hoppicking season in Mr. and Mrs. Pert Robinson, o f Falls and be present at that time: math, several years ago; also a this city. Indiana to visit with her mother and City, was in town Saturday. old friends. brother Jimmie Dunn, shot here Clarence Morrison, of Seattle, is v Dates for Mr. Mackin: Ella Mehrling, of Falls City, was in many years ago. The remains iting his father, J. A. Morrison. Geo. Nichols pasted away Sunday town Saturday. September 8, McCoy, 9 o'clock were brought to Corvallis Sun- morning after a short illness. He was lam -« and Glen Mitchell and George Harvey Copeland has returned from only confined to his bed ten days. He Brandt tarn home Wednesday from a. m.; Crowley, 11: Oak Grove, 2; day, and interred in tho Newton Montana where he has spent the last was born in Ontario, Ganada, Nov., 19, Albany ana returned Saturday. Greenwood, 4:30. cemetery.—Corvallis G-T. three months. 1N27 and was married til years ago last September 9, Polk Station 9, Arthur Dimlck went to Portland Fri­ Dr. and Mrs. R. T. McIntyre were April to the wife he leaves; also two Smithfield, 11; Enterprise, 2; Red | * sons, Andrew, o f Dayton,and Thomas, day. guests o f friends in Salem last week. of Marshf)ald, and Mrs. Edward Frock, Mrs. Grier, o f Falls City, was in Prairie, 4:30, Miss L oib Hewitt was a Portland vis­ of this place. town Saturday. September 10, Harmon Will Join in Prayer. 9; itor last week. M r Lee Her, who died in North Sa­ Evan Viers. o f Chicago, is here visit­ Buell. 11; Gooseneck, 2; ft ern. There will be held in your city I Min* Edith West has returned from lem, had many friends in West Salem. ing relativer. 4:30. on September 14 one of the most her home in Tacoma and will teach in Lew Ritner, of Peedee, was in town Everything is very quiet here as so September 11, Pioneer, 6: Lib­ unique and interesting services; the public school this year. this week. many are away hop picking erty , 1:30: Oak Point, 4:50. incident to the opening of the Miss Hazel Bohannon has returned Mrs. Jud Mitchell and children and Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Young have trad­ September 13, Mistletoe, 9: public schools. from i v nt tt thi home of her sister. Rev, D. L. Mrs. Henry Wright and son visited the ed their King wood property for land in Mrs. J. King, in The Dalle*. Antioch, 11: Sunnyslope, 3. («rant hopyard up the creek. Fields and Rev. Edgar W. Miles, Gilliam. September 15, Bridgeport, 9; both of . Dallas, Or., will join Mr. and Mrs. l ewis, o f Salem, visit­ Dr. L. Horn, o f Dallas, spent Sunday Rev and Mrs. Liemen and the latter’s ed Mr and Mrs. Taylor Jones. visiting friends in this city. McTimmonds, 11. with clergymen in ail parts of j parents, who are here from ' akota. Horatio Morrison is building Mr. Dates for Supt. Seymour: were week end guests o f .Mr. Rex and the world in a prayer for all free Claunch a new house. family. RICKREALL. September 8. Suver, 1, Valley schools. These prayers will be T E R M S : A l l u n d e r $ 1 5 cash. *— — • —.... uttered in all the tongues of men View, 2:80; Fair V iew ’ 4. PEtuEL. Harry Dempsey and bride came in a t 8 p e r cen t, p e r ann u m . 3 September 0, Highland, 9; Par- almost simultaneously. Special Friday and were received by their many ker. 11; Buena Vista 1; Hopville. sermons on the subject of religi- friends. 2:30. ous an‘i moral education will also Elmer Hastings, of Gottage Grove is DENOTES Mrs. Jis. Nesmith, of Portland spent September 10. Guthrie. 8:30;’ ,H* pieached. .The aim is to have visiting relatives nt i’eeilee and pick­ a faw days here this week. ing hops at Lacey's yard. Lewisville, 9:30; Montgomery, 11; Ih* bible made a text book in all Ernest Stenson lost a horse with colic Pedee and Cherry Grove at Pe- schools. This world-wide ser- " e had quite a rain last week but this week. Dr. Horn, of Dallas, was bat is promptly relieved ■Vice has been arranged by the dee, 1; Fir Grove 3:30. called too late to render any assistance. not much damage done. National ’Reform Association tbe medical nourishment in Cliff Burbank is chief cook while his September 11, Rickreall, 8:20; The hop pickers are a ll m a k in g g o o d folks are at the hop yard. Eola, 10:30: Mountain View, 1; which has its headquarters in S c o f f ’« E m u l s i o n which money this year. Pittsburg, Pa. It is part o f the West Salem. 2 30. There was dance hall here P .I» . I 1 > .,1 _ _ _J i l J I n e re w u » a (la n c e at t the he h ill h e re is not a nerre-quieter, hot nature’s onbu«n¿M k PorU,nd MmM,* y ! N«tufd«.y night with > good attendance September 12, Popcorn, 9; nrogram mapped out at the great g r e a t e s t «erre-builder, without Brush College, 10:30; Lincoln 12: Seiund Worlds Christian Citizen­ The tl re* irr» have «t.rte.1 1 Mr* Kv* Ritn* r w*ll te»rh our alcohol or opiate. Spring Valley and Lone Star at ship conference held at Portland Mur (ta v b î t t i L «r im « « hîtUP â î™ , *rh'“ ’1 thl" w in ,er «nd Mr«. E v. W orner Monday, but the grain la a little damp w ,„ , „ ch the Ktr ( ;rüV, wh(M,, Scott tk B ow ««, B kxw A fM . !t J. this summer. Spring Valley, 1:30: Zena. 3. yet. AN OPEN LETTER. 605 Court Street SW E E N E Y BROS. I will sell at Public Auction on THURSDAY BER 25th P on the Cass Gibson place 1 mile south of Rickreall and 5 miles east of Dallas, THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY 1 bay mare, weight, 1600 1 brown mare, weight, 1550 1 grey “ u 1000 1 two yr. filly I 2 yr. gelding 2 good milk cows, one soon to be fresh. 1 heifer calf 2 sows, 12 pigs, wt. 40 lbs. 1 double disc VanBrunt drill good as new. 1 McCormick binder, 6 ft. 1 “ mower, 5 ft. 1 Moline 12 in, 2 bottom gang plow. WEAKNESS 1 Deering rake, 10V£ ft. 1 walking plow, 14 in. 1 disc harrow, 1 drag harrow 4 sections, I go-devil. 1 springtooth harrow, 15 t ’th 1 three section roller 1 broad cast seeder 1 fanning mill with sacker 1 Moline wagon, 3Vi in. 2 buggies and a carriage 2 sets single harness 3 sets work harness 1 Sharpies Separator No. 4. I Facile, 8 bottle milk tester A ll o v e r p er cen t, $15, b a n k a b le n o te disco jn t fo r cash. Sale to Commence at 10 a. m., SepL 25th FREE M. F. WHITE Auctioneer LUNCH W. A. SLOAN Owner