Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, August 28, 1913, Image 3

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    Mrs. G. P Going, o f Toledo, it viaiV
ing friends in Daltaa.
one Cyrus Noble
h ig h -b a ll w ill
qu ench yo u r
thirst o n the
h ottest d a y
bottled at drinking strength
W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agenta
Portland, Oregon
Mrs. J. W Mitchell and daughtetg
will move to the T oy Sing hop yard
Kidney ills seize young and Oui.
Often come with little warning.
Children suffer in their early years—
Can't control the kidney secretions,
j Girls are languid, nervous, suffer
• pain.
W^>men worry, can’t do daily work.
Men have lame and aching backs.
I f you have any form o f kidney ills.
You must reach the cause th< kid­
Doan’s Kidney Tills are for weak kid­
Have brought relief to Dallas people.
Dallas testimony proves it.
Mrs. Ralph Adams, 312 Maple st.,
| Dallas, Oregon, savs: “ i*ne of my
j family complained for quite awhile of
i pain and lameness in his back. A fter
taking one box of Doan’s Kidney Pills,
he was greaoly relieved. He believes
that Doan’s Kidney Tills are all they
| are claimed to be.”
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
Foster-Mil burn t o., Buffalo
! N. Y., sole agents for the United
J States.
I Remember the name—Doan’s—ar.d
take no other.
L D. B U T L E R
N. L. B U T L E R
****** ** # ***** **w *****^4A<
Get away from the heat and dust of the valley.
Newport is now at its best, and the beaeh season
is in full swing. Recreation and sport for all.
Deep-sea fishing, surf bathing, drives to Otter
R ock , the I’unchbowi, Lighthouse, etc., with
boating and fishing on Yaquina Bay.
Do you need wood? In pre­
paring to place your or­
ders remember that 1 am
able to furnish you all kinds
of slab wood from either of
the Dallas sawmills, at the
best possible rates, Send in
your orders by either phone.
15» *3.
L o w Season, W e e k -e n d a n d S u n d a y
Leave Albany 7:30 a. m. and 1:00 p. m., con­
nections with north and south bound S. P. trains.
The Heavenly Father, His Son,
and His Holy Spirit Made
One In Person.
.* * ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ a * * # * * « * •
Here Is a Succession of Facts
tO eliminate drought you must have
an irrigating plant; every farmer
knows that’s true. But to run an
iirigating plant with success and
give the fields water when they thirst
for it, you must have an engine that you can
depend upon alwa; s to pump the water. Th e
engine that will satisfy you completely is an
I H C Oil and Gas Engine
Every I H C engine that leaves the factory has
been proved reliable. It would not have the
I H C mark if it were not. It has passed
thorough tests, is made dependable by correct
building at the hands of skilled men, and dur­
able by the use of only the best materials.
Then, to back it, I H C responsibility goes with
it as long as the engine runs. It is by far your
best buy in the long run.
You can use the same engine for various
power work about the farm. It is easily porta­
ble. No matter what your needs in an engine
for irrigating or general work you will find that
some engine in the I H C line meets them. The
line includes all styles— horizontal or vertical;
air, water, or hopper cooled; stationary, porta­
ble, or skidded; built to operate on gas, gaso­
line, naphtha, kerosene, distillate, or alcohol.
Sizes range from 1 to 50-horse power.
oil tractors, ranging from 6-12 to 30-60-horse
power, for plowing, hauling, shredding, thresh­
ing, road making, and other uses.
There is profit for you in a visit to the
I H C local dealer’s. Get catalogues from hitn
or write to the
International Harvester Company of America
Tents, Hammock’ s and Camp
Stoves at Craven Bros. Stock
Call on our Agent for copy of “ New port"
booklet, or “ Vacation Days,”
they are free
for the asking.
G e n e ra l P assen ger A gen t
Light Running
( Studio: 7
1 Oak St., Dallaa, Oregon
W ill Cut in A ll Kinds of Grass
The World Moves Itself
We Move Anything Else
Lu mb
Trin ity Not In th . Bible— Raster Rue-
..II S .y . Roman Emptrar Put It
In «, th . N ic u n Cra.d, A. D. 325.
Confusion Follow .d — Sam. Claim
T h r «« God. In O n. Person—Oth.ro
Claim On. In T hrM P m o n a — All
S .y I ncom pr.h .n .ibi. Mystery— Can-
a t.n tin .’. Trin ity F i.t Enforced by
Cru.l P .ra .c u ti.n .— Book t . th . Bi­
b l. and Aw ay From C ra .d . Ur gad.
London, August
17. — I’ ustor Rus­
sell addressed the
L o n d o n Taber
nacle congregation
tw ice today. W e
report one o f hla
discourses, f r o m
the text, " T o us
there la one Ood.
the Father, • • •
und one Lord Je-
Bua C h r 1 a t.“ —1
Cortnthlana 8:rt.
The Pastor de­
clared that the confusion which baa
rent the Christian Church Into hun-
I drods o f sects haa come through neg­
lect o f the Bible—a cause not generally
recognized. Creed clnshlnga are ftie di­
rect result o f the serloua errors con-
tulued in all creeds.
R u th M illa r .
Mrs. Leonard S tair, o f Salem, it here
Mrs. Fields le ft Mond iv fo r a visit
with her sister at Pnilomath.
Mrs. Eckerson, M
and Mrs. H. S. i.utz
last week.
Mrs. Glass and son, o f Portland, are
visiting Mrs. Clare.
Mrs. Della Campbell and son, o f
Portland, are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Curt Hubbard.
Mr and Mra. Jay Brown, o f Buell,
were I »alias callers Saturday.
Mr. and Mra. Hart, o f Saltcreek, vis­
ited Mr. and Mrs. George Brown Sun­
Mra. L. R. Adams and daughter,
Mrs. Nelson and children, went to Sa­
lem Tuesday.
Word was received from Mra. D. A.
Critchlow that H arry, who had typhoid
fe v e r is up and around while Mr,
Critchlow is not much better.
Ernest Hanson received word from
his brother, Charley, that he is in Hon­
Mra. Hatton and Mrs. Seveir spent olulu.
Saturday in Independence.
Hal. Alsip is working in a confection­
Mr. und Mrs. llelashman and Jim ery store in Tacoma.
Smith have returned from the coast.
Mrs. F. M. Stow and A lfred Stowe
Pearl Phillips has returned from a visited at Chester Gardner's at Bridge­
visit in Portland
Mra. John Remington, o f Monmouth,
Holman returned to Black
visited her son, George.
Rock Saturday.
Miss Ada and Lillian Jones, o f Okla­
homa, are visiting their aunt, Mrs.
James McDonald.
Air Manock visited in Perrydale over
Mrs J. A. Remington and children
visited at Forest Guthrie’ s Sunday.
Mr. and Mra. W ill Collins and Mr.
and Mrs. J. N. Stow motored over to
Salem Saturday night.
Mrs. W . I. Hibbard, o f Gilliam, via-
i t e i at Mra. J. N. stow 'a Saturday.
Hal. McDonald has gone to Poitland.
Mias Alm a Stow returned to McMinn­
ville a fte r visiting here.
Rufus Ferguson, o f Falls City,
Sunday in Llallas.
C a raon O d o m .
Mrs. Sandy F ry er visited
last week.
The W . C. T. C . convention waa
Salem 1 he'd a t the Ghristiah church Tuesday
Mrs. Martha Stew art returned to her
Mr. and Mrs. Coover visited in Mc­
home in Seattle afte r a tw o w eek's vis­
Minnville Sunday.
it with her father.
Mrs. Barker visited in 'Salem last
Misses Kerla and Riila Lane have
been here visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Brown visited in
Frank Shriver, o f Centralia, is visit­
Salem Saturday.
ing his father, 11. 1’ . Shriver.
Mrs. Quiring and fam ily, o f Hickre-
Clarence and Hume Getche.l, o f He-
all, have moved back to Dallas.
bo, is working on Jim .Middleton’s
No heathen Idol Is so horrible as that
A fam ily from Oklahoma have moved thresher.
which the most Intelligent Christian into a house on Brown street.
Miss I'esrl Burk and her Sunday
people have portrayed with the pen,
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Jolly, school class had a picnic in the park
purporting to represent the Alm ighty
Thursday, a son.
Tuesday afternoon.
and Ills attitude toward men.
M rs. N . D ec k e y and son M erle, o f
have misrepresented our Creator aa
worse lu His purposes than the vilest Sheridan a re v is itin g a t B a rb e r’ s.
o f humanity. I f Jehovah be Ood, let
Sam Rickard, o f Buell, vis ite d frien d s
us worship Him. W hy delay? If the in D a llas F rid a y,
horrible Baal o f the Dark Ages be no
C laren ce
G e o rg e W a lk e r, o f Melvin M Duncan e t ux to W H
longer our Ood. let us destroy his creed Buell, w e r e in D allas Sa tu rda y.
McDaniel land in Dallas
D W Sears e t ux to L R L iv er­
Images aud forget them.
M r. a rd M rs. Chas. G uy w e n t to Sa­
more, 30 acres in 7-6 ........
Emparor Constantine's N ic u n Creed. lem S atu rday.
Mrs M I. Cook ,et ux to J C and
A fte r the Church had forgotten the
B orn, to M r. and M rs. E a rl B arham ,
in blk 2 Mill s Independence
Master’s deelaratlon thnt His T w e lv e a d a u gh ter, A u g u s t 24.
Anna and Thomas Strain to L evi
Apostles would constitute the founda-
M arshal S te w a r t, o f E ola, v is ite d in
e t ux, 65-100 o f an acre in
tlou stones o f the N ew Jerusalem, they D allas Sunday.
.. ....................... 1060
began to recognize their bishops as
Misses D o v ie and B ird ie Odom r e ­ Allen A McLean et ux to D E
They overlooked the fact
Ernest, 33 acres in 6-7..............
that Cod’ s statement thnt Judas' place turned fr o m A lb a n y last w eek .
D K Emmett to Allen A McLean
G e o rg e S te w a r t, o f B allston, vis ite d
would lie filled by another Intimated
e t ux, 119 A in 6 - 6 , .................
Ann E Krewson to Clarissa Lance
particularly that there would be no in D allas la st w eek .
sm-eesKora to The T w e lve . Judaa' real
T oy sing will b e g in p ic k in g hops | lots 1 and 2, blk 13 in McCoy
successor was St. Paul.
Bible Stu­ Tuesday.
dents now see that the eleven Apostles,
F’rank and Vera Fryer, o f Eola, vis-
before being confirmed lu Apostleshlp ited in Dallas Sunday.
Patronize the Item izer -adver­
at Pentecost, erred In choosing Mat­
Mr. H ea rtw ig went to Salem Friday. tising columns if you want to
thias. whom Cod merely Ignored.
Gradually the bishops rose to power
Mr. Blessing is building a new porch Ret results,
as God's Inspires! oracles. Proportion on his house.
atel.v. The T w e lv e lost their Influence
Merle M eyer was a Salem visitor last ™ “ 1— '“ "“ —
It was easier to take the word o f the week.
bishops than to search the Scriptures
W . A . A yres visited in Salem last
In their anxiety to overwhelm the
Greek skeptics, theso Christian teach
Tom Hayes returned home from S t ­
ers unwittingly Involved themselves In
Gradually the trinitarian em Tuesday night.
George Smith was an Albany visitor
mystery was advanced; and the mystt
ast week.
flcutlon o f suylng that God was His
I own Son, the Lord Jesus His own Fa
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hutchins were
tlier. and the Holy 8plrit another per
n Salem the last o f the week.
son and yet the same person, appeal­
ed to people who delight to reverence
A l m a M i t c h e ll
most what they do not understand
Mrs. John Teal, o f Faila City, was
Thus tixlay. when questions are asked
i Dallas caller Friday
respecting the trinity—how one could
Mr. and Airs. J. C. Shultz motored
be three, and three one. the answer .ver to Salem to the circus Saturday.
given which satisfies the Ignorant 1*
Maudie Fierce, o f Monmouth, visited
Fifty years ago L W .
er fath er and relatives in Dallas Sat-
But the Bible makes no mystery of
H A R PER was but
rday and Sunday.
the matter
It never mentions the
little known outside
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Getchell, o f
! trinity
The one text l l John 5:7)
the O ld Kentucky
, seeming faintly to support the thought vmithfield spent Sunday with her par-
Is now admitted by all scholars to be
S ta t e . T o d a y its
Ed Cadweli was a Salem caller Sat-
an Interpolation, dntlng from about
fam e is world-wide.
the seventh century. The Revised Ver
You find it everywhere.
slon shows quite distinctly the reading
Miss L e ta Dodge, o f Salem, is visit-
o f earlier manuscripts.
ng friends in Dallas.
“Tal Oaks Fnm
Littfc Aetna Grow"
A ll yard stock at
Hunter Lumber Co.’s
Mill at $6 a Thousand.
On mile south Falls City
on Teal Creek
“ T . Us There Is One God."
CRAVEN BROS., Agents for
W . R. C o u lt e r
Patronize the Itemizer-Returns sure.
Phone 1061
Dallas, Oregon
The Largest Industry
in Polk County is the
Dee ring and McCormick Harvest­
ing Machinery a n d Reapers
Itemizer Ads Bring Quick Results
W alla W alla, Wash., U. S. A.
SEPTEMBER 25,26, 27, ’13
Frontier Days at W a lla W a lla will, un­
doubtedly, be the biggest and best a t ­
traction of the kind ever promoted by
any city o f the United States. Every
feature of western life will be re-enacted
in a truly amazing manner by the most
skillful and daring performers living.
Champion rider« of world fame will, each day, rom-
te with each other in wonderful and thrilling feats of
rsernanship; raring wild horses by dare devil riders
will hold the crowds spell-bound j the “ drunken-ride"
is a top-notch feature; Indian races and feats w ill truly
depict the character and cunning of the Red man,
while the 150-mile p*>ny expresg relay rare w ill require
a wonderful endurance test of man and bea*t. Champion lady riders w ill perform in
wondrous manner and remarkable is their skill as honewomen. T h e squaw races,
Indian dances, Indian village and a R eal I ndian W edding w ill portray in vivid
manner Indian life. Bulldogging cattle, roping and branding, throwing by the horns
and a general stampede are but a few of the features o f life among the cattle. N ot
the least of the events planned is the monster street parade which will show every
phase c f eirly western life, cowboys, trappers, miners, express riders, stage conches,
Jorth High
rack trains end early settlers will participate. T h e world famous 72d Seaioi
land L«nd o f 70 pieces will be one of the musical treats.
Buy Your Lumber of them
and help the Community grow.
Y/nRn Y/aHn County Fair-Sept. 22-27-$25,000 Pnrsns nnd Pi
Don't Fail to Attend the Big Fair and the One Only Big W
For ctkor Wu’wiiiw
n. H. JOHNSON, Secretory, W a ll. Welle, W u h n i lM , U. S. A.
The Pastor then explulned fully ev
ery text in both Old and New Testa
j meats used ns a proof text supporting
i the trlnltariau mystery, and convinced
his heart rs that these texts are mis­
He quoted the explicit state
meat from the Old Testament. "H ear.
O Israel, the Lord thy God Is ooe
G od." nnd that from the New Testa
meat, used us text for this discourse.
Pustor Russell then showed th a t ac­
cording to our (.»rd 's own teaching, the
oneness, or harmony, between the Fa­
ther and H im self resulted from our
Lord's Ignoring His own will, to do
the Father's will
Our Iswd exhorted
His dlsclplos to have the aame will,
aplrtt -th e Holy Spirit—the disposi­
tion to do the Father's will.
Our Redeemer, formerly known aa
the Logos, was the Beginning and the
End o f the Divine direct creation.
; (R evelation I :S; 3:14.1 Through Him
Jehovah operated In all the stupen-
j dons work o f creation. So the Greek
! reads. "In the beginning was the
' Logos, nnd the Logos was with the
Ood. and the ls>gos wan a God. The
same wns In the Istglnnlng with the
By Him were all things made
that were made, nnd without Him was
not one thing m ade."—John 1:1-3.
The Pastor then related the history
o f rile Council o f Nice
'called a council o f nil the blnhope—
nlsmi one thousand—to settle certain
doctrinal differences, o f which onr sub­
ject o f discussion wns one. Only 384
lilshoim mine.
A fte r discussing the
subject for months, they submitted It
to the F,m|ieror. who decided thst the
Nlcenn Creed wss the Christian faith.
Thus the triidtnrlnn mystery was en­
shrined hr a heathen emperor. unba(P
fixed—not even sprinkled.
Surveying and Subdividing.
Prompt service, work guaran
teed —Himes Eng. Co. Dallas, Or
Phone 502.
Quick Meal gasoline and kero
sine oil stoves at Craven Bros
Haro ware.
Ernest and E m m ett Pierce, o f Von-
nouth, visited friends in Dallas Sdn-
The Schultz
Cornelius Stineyard, o f Kansas, is
visiting at the Friesen home at Polk
Which Will
You Have~
The Large, White Creamy
Loaf or the Small Soggy
You esn bake bread o f the
delicious sort i f you insist on using
The ingredients that go to make up the delicious
loaf o f bread are always found in “ D rifted Snow” . It
passes a high gluten test because o f the choice wheat
used in the m illing and the particular pains our millers
take in the selection, cleaning and grinding.
D rifted Snow Flour is a guaranteed flour.
I f you
don’ t have satisfactory results with “ Drifted Snow”
you only need to tell your grocer and the flour you
ave used won’ t cost you a cent.
This Hour s made to satisfy the successful housewife
and it has never failed to do so. Use it yourself and
see how much more delicious your baking will be. For
■ale by leading grocers all over the Pacific Coast.