L 6ÜD OF THE BIBLE VS. GOD OF CREEDS Meet me at the New Scott. Mrs. John Riggs and daughter, Ware Ever Aluminums at Cra­ o f Portland, are here visiting their aunt, Mrs. S. P. Riggs. N otices u n d -r this head only cen t ven Bros. a w o rd each insertion, cash In ad­ At the Gail- food for new i Ralph Williams was taken to a vance. No phone ord ers accepted. ; Portland hospital yesterday, and thought. was operated on for appendicitis Holman’s Dairy Cream, 20 , last night. FOR SALE cents a pint. I Elmer Erickson arrived from Mrs. Lou Fisher came up from i Silverlake yesterday. C O R SA L E —Span ox litfht driving ponies, good He has • workers. Only $126.—Q. N. Cohn. South 52. Portland today. proved up on his claim and rent­ Dallas. ¿2 He will make his Not a single marriage license ed it out. COR SALE—Buffalo Pitts separator, size 28-48, was issued during the last week. home here. r good condition.— Ritner A Co.. Airlier Ore. Phone Luckiamute 2. Jy24 Alex VanOrsdel and bride are Call on Craven Bros, for right prices on Team and Buggy Har­ here for a long visit with home The only Baking Powder made from SALE -Good 6-honte gasoline traction wood ness folks, and to secure a recreation ( F OR saw. nearly new. $300. Part down, balance that he needs from h:s arduous i on time. Write H. Hockett. box 251. Dallas. The Bible Opposed to All Idol»— God Royal Grape Cream o f Tartar Bulls for Sale—One 3-year old x Jyl7 Must Be Known to Be Appreciated and one yearling—Phone 4x25, duties as a successful attorney inj that city. end Truly W o rsh ip ed — M isunder­ Dallas. Makes delicious home-baked foods COR SALE—Popcorn wagon cheap.—New Scott standings of the Divine Plan Have Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Brown, r hotel. tf Tents. Hammock's and Camp Confused Ignorance the M other the well known attorney o f San of maximum quality aft m in im u m Stoves at Craven Bros. Stock of Superstition— The M orning Dawns. Jose, is up for a visit with his i COR RE^T—House. TOAjefferaon stneet. Inquire * of W. A. Ayres. Phone Oak 3., 918 Washing- complete. cost Makes home baking The Shadows Flea— True Knowledge brothers, Ti !e and Joe. at their j of God Will Soon Fill the Earth and Miss Edith Catherwood is up farm home in the Salt Creek re­ pleasant and profitable Carry Blessings to All. from Portland for a visit with gion. SALE—My whole dairy outfit at a bargain F OR — Frank Holman. Dallas. tf her father, Thomas. The Masonic building is prog­ Muaison, Wis.. Mrs. J. L. Blackwell, o f Jeffer­ ressing nicely, being about ready i July G. - T h* I pt .S A L E -ID loads cow manure. TKKNATIONAL Bl- son, is here for a visit with her to begin the interior work. What j FOR Holman. h Dallas. blk S tudents A s ­ particularly strikes our idea of i brother, J. J. Fidler. sociation have comfort is the fire place in the COR SALE—Indian Runner duck eggs.—Irvin Buy your boiled hams at \he b e e n holding a 1 Holman, phone Antioch 525. tf reception room. Dallas Meat market. No flies, convention h e r e for eight days, no dust; strictly sanitary, Miss Jessiline Disbrow, the! SALE—High grade Belgian mares. Geo. elosiug today. It F ° Medley. m Da las. Or. if Allan Cadle has gone to Walla goodnatured and efficient little I has a lurge at­ Walla and Clyde Kibbs has taken typesetter in the Press office, has ■. March The Blazing S p e ctr e .,................... ................Blanie tendance o f Bible gone to The Dalles country for a ;, COR SALE-Registered Jersey bull. O. I. C. his place at Boots Lersays. Students from all Waltz Happy R o s e s ..................................... Evans week’s visit with relatives, For-1! * sows bred to farrow in August and Septem­ parts. Fastor Rus­ 3. Novellett T e te a te te............... .................... ...... ..... Crosby ber.—C. 1. Ballard. Rickreall, Or. Phone 19x1 G. E. Corson left Tuesday ev­ est Grove Press. Dallas. J y lu sell spoke today 4. March Glen E ch o ________ Evans ening for The Dalles, where he He took for his Dr. B. E. Nevel left for East-!; 5. Vocal Solo—Down by the Old Mill Stream.........................Taylor will enjoy a week’s visit with his text the word*. “ T h e Father o f mer­ Hock eggs. $1 setting of 15.— ern Washington today, where he| Miss Hazel Duignan F OR L. SALE—Barred brother. A. Guthrie, phone 525 a . D. cies, and the God o f all c o m f o r t " — will travel for a drug firm forj 6. Serenade Twlight Echoes........... ........... ....M iller i C orinthian* 1:3. Miss Pearl Horner, o f Corval­ awhile to regain his health. 7. Spirit o f Independence^................ Holzman T he Fastor stated that when in In­ COR SALE—1500 Carlton nursery prune trees. lis, one of our teachers to be,has Mrs. Nevel will remain here un­ 8. Caprice—Love Enchantment......................... ..L osey dia. Cliiua aud Japan lust year he was * will run from 5 to 7 feet. I have sold my place and must dispose of these trees at once. Phone, been visiting at the J. G. VanOrs- til the doctor finds a location. 9. Medley March—Moonlight B ay.............. Gumbert im pressed with the intelligence o f Antioch 51. W. B. Ramsey. tf del home. Selected many am ongst those peoples. H e vis­ At the Rowell bafeball park 10. Cornet S olo........ ............... ited their temples to ascertain the sta­ J. P. Caldwell Old Mr. Hoag had a serious next Sunday at 2:20 the Dallas SALE—an organ. Inquire of Mr*. R H. F°n Dimick. 314 Orchard avenue. Phone 381. tf attack o f some ailment Tuesday nine will engage in a match 11. March - 6oy Scouts o f A m e rica ______ ___________ Beyer tus o f tlie worshipers. Many seemed sincere, absolutely unm indful o f an y­ J. P. C aldwell , Director. morning, not as yet thorftughly game o f baseball with a nine, thing except their ow n worship. He diagnosed. W ANTED from the Pacific Hardware ana m ade inquiry us to whether the idol Steel Company o f Portland. was regarded as the god, or merely for t he country, small family. Lloyd Rice, having passed first aumala. W 'ANTED—Girl Address Mrs. C. E. Cooper, Dallas. A24 .is a reminder o f their god. He was on the list of male civil service E. W. Hinshaw has them all Miss Carrie Stone celebrated assured that the Idol was known to examinees, is now clerk in the skinned in the tomato line, he I k * metal, stone, etc., and was used in any size up to 100 pounds. W. postoffice. VY ,’ANTEO—Pigs, having on July 4th on his vines her 16th birthday. H. Kraber, Rickreall, Phe ne East 3. tf much the sam e way that Catholics use Mrs. Lydia Kuhn, sister of N. in town a fully developed and Collections given prompt at­ the crucifix —not as w orshiping the If any L. Butler, had her leg amputated. image, but merely to assist in fixing Second hand buggy in exchange on tention by J. S. Ashbaugh, con­ perfectly ripe tomato. WA NTED— new buggy.—Crider’s General Store, tf reverence and the spirit o f worship. stable, Dallas 'National bank one can do as well, let us know. Leander Bilyeu had a lively Our Creed idols W orse. building, room 22. tf Our new circuit court will con­ runaway in town. FOR RENT Fastor Russell said that at first he L»r. L. W. Horn, veterinary vene on the second day o f Au­ Uncle Jesse Applegate was felt disposed to chide the heathen for RENT—Plenty of good pasture for horses and surgeon, successor to Dr. B. E. gust and be in session thereafter discharged from the insane asy­ the hideous feature* w hich they give T° cows at $1 a month by H. L. Fenton, tf whenever Judge Holmes sees fit. Nevel. Office at McCann & Col­ lum. tlielr idols But a little reflection lins’ s livery barn. Phone 551. There will be but one depart­ brought him sham e ami confusion. He J. H. Wann was just back ment, which will handle all cases. perceived that the creeds o f Christen MISCELLANEOUS from a trip to Tennessee. Cooking bags of the Dallas doin are Idols, set before our mental Lute Chapin, agricultural ex­ Meat Co. Latest thing out in pert, will meet with the commer­ A band of some 40 men enter­ Unintentionally W e Read E rror» Into eyes, with exactly the sam e hideous PEOPLE having stock to sell, call phone 13 or features as tlie tangible idol before cooking o f all kinds o f meat. cial club this evening in special ed Dallas about 1:30 on the 8th, • or write A. A. Flesher. Dallas. tf Our Bibles— Our Eyes W ere Dimmed the natural eyes o f the her.then. Each 25 cents for 30 bags. posted guards all over town, session to render a proposition by “ Dark Ages” Smoke— The Fog creed show s a slightly different im age The! went to the county jail, took Lilts— God’s Glory Begins to Appear. of God. but all picture Him ns a most The Dallas Iron works is still for further development. Meet me at the New Scott suitable tools from their rigs, Tne Bible Shines— Its Truth Is the m o rio n s character, m ore hideous by selling their 9tump pullers at $60 presence o f all members is re- broke into the lower story, moun­ Balm of Gilead— Poor Discouraged far than are the idols o f heathendom Fidler carries the largest stock _ each. ’ They are strictly guaran­ quested. ted the steps, and called to Har­ o f post cards. IIow could anybody m ake an idol Humanity Needs Just Such a God. teed against breakage. tf In the matter of tho George ry Depew, who was guarding Shortly He Will Wipe Away All that would speak such horrible things Miss McCallon, milliner, oppo­ R. E. Nichols and G. E. Ers- Ball county road the commission­ Oscar Kelty, to surrender his iis all o f our creeds portray by descrip Tears. site the postoffice. Hun? What artist could picture a God kine have been granted by the ers have confirmed the report of prisoner. Depew did not an­ deliberating upon the creation o f the Glen 0 . Holman, attorney at county clerk the proper authority the viewers and granted the swer, and they went to work on Pasadena, Cal.. prayer o f the petitioners, Her­ the bolts of the door, it taking law Wilson Bldg. to solemnize marriages. June 15. — I’UHtor human family with p rocreative pow Kussell spoke here ers. and before beginning H is work Amos Holman is now a resi­ Lost, between Dallas and Rick­ mann Debrick was also granted them half an hour to effect an Ibis afternoon ami planning and arranging a great place a gateway. entrance. Covering Depew, who dent o f Buena Vista. reall. two auto chains, Finder evening H is e v en ­ culled Hell (and som e say another call was unarmed, they made him A low electric light wire at the At Stafrins—Ladies’ baking will please leave same at Dallas ing sermon we re­ cd P urgatory), creatin g fire-proof dev open the cell door in which Kelty meat market. Reward. camp ground yesterday afternoon port. 11 is text was, lls to innn these, laying up fuel to la*t sales, July 8th and 9th. was confined, having been laid "God so loved the throughout eternity, and then starting Miss Miner, prominent in our ripped off the top o f C. B. Sund- up with a self inflicted wound at Popcorn wagon for sale cheap. world that He humanity, with the foreknow ledge berg’s auto, and demolished a Chautauqua, was a student un­ that thousand* o f m illions would spend Inquire at New Scott hotel. the time he killed hu> wife and gave His only be* der Miss Nellie Collins at the confectionery stand, several per­ dragged him to the corridor, cov­ eternity In those horror cham bers? gotteu *Son. that sons narrowly escaping injury in Patronize the Itemizer adver­ South Dakota state normal. No heathen was ever cap able o f such ered with blood, he having vain­ w hosoever bellev- the mixup. tising columns and get results. etb In Hlui should Im agination, and hence none ever pic ly tried to kill himself when Vern Compton had his hand hired such a God. either lu clay, met not perish. but Dr. Lowe’ s glasses wear out badly hurt at the mill Sunday by A petition will again be pre­ hearing the noise make by the nls. stone or with pen. It remained h a v e everlasting A noose was placed but they take their time about it. the slipping of a wrench, sever­ sented to the council this even­ mob. for the most cultured and civilized (John 3:10.1 He said: ing, asking for the paving o f one around his neck and his hands life." peoples, w ho had most enjoyed G od's This text by som e lias been styled Dr. Lowe’ s glasses are death al stitches being necessary. block on Oak. one on Jefferson, tied, and he taken across the “ tile most precious text In the B ible." favors, to m isrepresent Him most, and to headaches. Ask your neigh­ P. A. Riemer. a hardware man and two on Mill, those blocks street to the large oak adjoining T o read it is to l>e tilled with the then to carry those m isrepresentation* from San Diego, is here with his bors. most needed to accommoeate our the one now in the court house thought o f the slu which has marred to tlie heathen. T he Heathen Know It, Too. G. N. Pugh orders his Itemizer family to locate, providing he local industries yet unserved. yard. This had a large limf) ex­ G od's fair creation. Tlieu com es the M issionaries have Indeed reached a changed from Black Rock to A l­ can find something to suit him. tending over the fence that then reviving announcem ent o f mercy, bany. Chief Bevens has had the li­ TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS AGO. ran around the courthouse. The through the Son o f God. our Savior, few . said the Fastor. hut their number rope was taken over the limb, through a work which He alon e could Is sm all: so also tlielr intelligence. The Fisher Boise was transacting brary lawn nicely graded and Kelty drawn about five feet in accomplish for us. a race o f sinners m ore Intelligent are agnostic. Chris business at the capital city last rolled, and it will present a fine tin ii it.v lias led them to doubt their condemned to death. appearance when the grass is up. Taken from the Itemizer Filet of the air, and the other end tied to Forcefully the Fastor pointed out ow n religions, hut ha* given them week. the fence, and he slowly strang­ Berry growers o f the vicinity that once Christian people, even Bible nothing Instead Saturday, July 9, 1887. led to death, his drawers coming students, m isunderstood this text, und Tom Trent is out from Clover- o f Dallas will learn something of W hen som e high caste native* learn off in his contortions, and leav­ read it as though it said that G od so ed that the P astor'* preaching differed dale for a visit with relatives and interest by calling at G. 0 . Hol­ friends. man’s office over Stafrin’ s Drug Quite a row was had with a ing him nearly naked. The mob loved the world as to keep them from from that o f the m issionaries, they a com m ittee asking him to remain Portland resident who persisted hung around until certain of his perishing, in order that the elect few sent The celebrated Ford car, 5 pas­ store. longer and assuring him o f audiences might look over the battlem ents o f death, and then picked up their senger, for $675. For sale by I. The Shepherd meat market in displaying in her window a tools and guards and rode out of Heaven and see the non-elect writhing of the higher caste native*. They «ex­ V. Lynch. that they could not receive the now occupies the restaurant Confederate flag. town. Depew had watched the in torture unable to perish—forced to plained white m an's religion because It lectu r­ stand in the Uglow block, and live, ttint by their sufferings , they A stranger entered Bob Ford’s proceedings from the jail door, Quick Meal gasoline and kero- entertain the more fortunate, ed a God so terrible mid so unjust ns sine oil stoves at Craven Bros. the old building is being demol­ residence, and persisted in going and immediately went and noti­ might who were guaranteed bliss to the full. to be repugnant to their minds Their ished. to bed, until the boss o f the fied Sheriff John Groves, who Hardware. What right did we ever have, said ow n religion taught them to be kind, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Warren and house used physical pursuasion. notified Coroner Kirkpatrick, and the Fastor. thus to put Into the mouth even to dum b brutes. Patronize the Itemizer adver­ children, o f McMinnville, spent T he Fastor felt obliged to apologize A rich p # d find wai re^oted the body was cut down and an o f om Savior, as our creeds have done, tising columns if you want to the Fourth with Mrs. Warren’s for all Christendom . H e explained that inquest held. Harry Gosper on the Calipooia. words which Ho never u tte re d -w o r d * get results. parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. R. watched the proceeding from his which are very untrue -indeed, a blas­ eertaiir parables and sym bolic pas­ Adam Forepaugh’ s circus was sages have been m isunderstood; and Mrs. N. L. Butler was over Snyder. front porch, but armed guards phemy against our Maker! reported as on the road to Ore­ while we bad the best intentions. Sa­ from Independence visiting rela­ made him go inside. Kelty beg­ Light Shines Through the Fog. L. G. Miller is having a resi­ gon. tan lias kept Christendom In darkness, tives the 4th. ged his guard for a knife, but it We are not faulting our forefathers, and led ti* to picture in our (Teed* a dence built on a tract purchased They had a big celebration at was not given him, and he cut said the Fastor Had w e been In their God w ho was unjust, unloving, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tooze out on the Oakdale road. He places, we would have bc»cti as co n ­ have gone to Prineville for a few and wife are recent arrivals from Dallas on the 4th. Nat Holman himself up before the mob got in fused as tit y. and we might have in­ using f!# Pow er contrary to every was marshal o f the parade, and by breaking the howl o f the principle o f righteousness Kansas. days recreation. the Buena Vista band furnished glass lamp and attempting to use dulged in lieretlr-lniriilng. etc. And H e told them, further, that the dawn Lost—either in Dallas meat the music. The choir consisting it. Kelty was buried at Bethel hml tliei lived in our w onderful Real brain and nerve ease o f the New Age Is upon us. the thou ./, AE.r-, 1 * iig hi . Knowledge.’ education. sand years o f Christ's Reign G od ’s comes to those who wear Dr. market or bakery a silk, gold and o f Carrie Stone, Carrie Conkey, 1 the same day. Billies, etc., doubt less they would have pearl handled umbrella, The_ Essie Tatom, Mrs. Warren Truitt, ' faith ful people are gradually com ing Low e’s glasses. had as noble Ideas ns ourselves re- to a better understanding o f the Bl person taking same will please Mrs. J. H. Townsend, Cassiej «pet ting Hie proprieties o f Christian W. A. Schoel orders his Item­ return to this office. Not Yet Too Late. hie He urged them to d in g ti» the Bl Vaughn, Dr. Loughar.v, Ralph i and Divine conduct, and Love and izer changed from Chehalis to hie. and assured them that he was It is not yet too late to spray Justice T he Bible tells us that Satan Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Jefferson Williams. George Townsend and; Camas, Washington. Use two and Ills fallen angels are res|Maisible endeavoring to arrange so that they Carey Hayter, rendered some for Codlin moth. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Yates (Miss (Miss Angie Southwick) and sweet music, Rev. H. M. Waller pounds o f Arsenate o f lead to for those terrible “ doctrine* o f de- may get a better understanding o f what the Bible really teaches Ella Butler) o f Independence, child, o f Portland, were guests made the invocation. S. E. Not- fifty gallons o f water. inona.’’ which huve given thinking peo­ at the Dr. McCallon home dur­ Good Tidings to Every Nation. ple such horror and driven so many spent the Fturth here. J. S. PARKER. son read the declaration, Hon. L. ! ing Chautauqua week. Pastor Russell'* visit to foreign lands away from God Into unbelief. Fruit Inspector. L. McArthur was theora.or, and Seven room house, £ lots. City wns strictly In the Interests o f the true Let us rejoice In the light o f this E. C. Hayes. Elizabeth W. M. M. Ellis president o f the day. | Gospel “ G ood tiding* o f great Joy " View add. to Dallas. Price$750. iwtter Day Let us I w o n ie Bible stu Brer nan, Mildred A. Moore and Mis3 Freda Launer was last T he Association has had sermon* The pluguglies were out arid Installments if desired. In the highest sense o f the term Don A. Stark have fijed on O. & raised Edward generally, Dallas wek married atWaucenda, Wash, dents translated Into Japanese. Korean. Chi Never before has there been such an C. V. Averill, who used to run ^C. R. R. claims during the week. defeated Amity at baseball with to Mr. Dallas Crasty, a wealthy opfiortunity for know ing the real teach­ nese anti the six principal language* o f In*’ !*» and m illion* o f copies are In the Falls City News, has pur­ They hail from Michigan. ing o f G od's rk*>k W e have Bible*, a score of 49 to 13. and there was rancher at that place. • chased the S;gnal at Newport. •■«ncordniice*. Iieljw. and general edu­ the hands **f the people Considerable 7he militia boys camped Mon­ a dance at night. fresh Interest has l»eeii aroused Peo , oven 65 YtAnS- cation which permits us to study these pie Iti those lands have begun to study Have a few choice five and ten day night at the city park, and Lafe Scoggins was shot in Our forefathers laiiored against lack EXPERIENCE acre tracts for sale. In city lim­ were off Tuesday morning for a Eastern Oregon. 'h eir Bible* , >f education, time. Bibles and good ar its. Price reasonable. Terms. week’ s vacation at Tillamook, un­ 'fflrlnl light Surely the w onders o f Little Louise Collins got lost der command o f Captain Stafrin. L. D. BROWN. *ur day Indicate that the flew Day I* H o w ’s T h is ? on the 4th, the only name for ipon us. tfi ti tlie sunlight o f M essiah's Owing to their soon leaving for All country butter without W e o ffe r One Hundred D ollars R e­ herself she could remember be­ kingdom will soon break forth through w ard fo r any ca so o f Catarrh that printed labels will hereafter be California. Mr. and Mrs. Hood ing ‘ ‘ Papa’s darling.” flVtrj cloud! can n ot be cured by H all'a Catarrh ’ T race M arks refused at my grocery—C. L. Craven will disposeof their house­ A band o f sheep which Hen­ D e s ig n s hold furniture, all nearly new and C uie . Crider. Miss Lillian okeiton, o f Jeff.;r CONYÎCGMTS AC. Murphy was driving F. J. CTIENET A C O , Toledo, O. in good condition. Call at 321 derson AnT'#n* a sndine a sk etrii «ntl d<**erl'>tian m sy son, if here on a visit with h ’ r We, tl.o undersigned, have known F. J. ueertiln otir opinS-n freo whpth*r an Cooking bags, 30 for 25 cents. Washington. tf through Salem, got scared and «fnlekif i iviNHiMi w pfohat.ly Patentable Comuiunir*- Cheney the last 15 years, and believe sister, Miss Emma • him P'-rf for tly went through a clothing store, r ..r .* * t fic t if r».na«1e«iflal. HAlMfcOOK < n honorable In all business Instructions how to use them in • • * Skelton. O M c M m a o n rj {< * m » u r m g p a te n ta . Raymond Thorndyke is now doing considerable damage and s«*nt i*ws. tr«nSH^tlons and financially «bl* to carry ¡.ta tiéMon tbrough jlann A Co. recel r» each package, for sale by Dallas Mr. and Andrew Holrrai and out cny obligations made bv his firm. awaitwig the action o f the next frightened the proprietor half to apr stl no’ tet. wtthoat charge, in Ibe children, o f Portland, spent the NATIONAL BANK OP COMMERCE, Meat Co. grand jury in Hotel de Grant, he death. Toledo. O. 1th with relatives here. • • • Simmon’ s kid gloves are guar­ having last Saturday before Jus­ K hantfeor.nlf lllnir» r*t*â wrofctr. Jjtrwrmt et», n a il's Catarrh Cure Is tak*»n Internally, •tuation of eny • iet HOc UmnmL Terni*. $3 e acting directly upon the blood and mu­ Alice Hatch o f McCoy and Is­ tice Holman pleaded guilty to a Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Grovts anteed against bursting or rip­ • « tr : fonr mnfths, f L riokl by ail p«w »dealer«. cous siirfaci-s o f the *v«tem. Testimonials were over from their farm f r **nt Troo Prl • ”5 cents por bottle. Sold ping and sold at $1 a pair at the statutory crime with which he aac Manning, o f Salem were nil T»ru«gists. "*«’ New York married. They now live in Gut - 1 ¡flüÉ£Co.w the 4th. 1 by Take i was charged. Braoeft tsOee. « F ,B EU Waflfeu*»' »'•. D. C. Dallas Variety store. 11*11’* Family Pills for coMtlMlioa. .. N E W T O - D A Y .. A bsolutely P ure SATAN TOMORROW EVENING Greed Idols oi Christendom More Horrible Than Idols of STAR THEATRE. Heathendom, Says Pas­ tor Russell. DONT FAIL TO SEE THIS FIVE REEL FEATURE. b i. Band Concert Saturday Night An added pleasure fo r smokers of THE MOST PRECIOUS TEXT IN THE BIBLE H ere is a sm oke with the real, genuine to­ bacco taste — thut beats ail artificial tastes. E very grain ot it. is pure, clean tobacco. I ncked into u pipe, or rolled into a cigarette, it makes u delightful smoke. How Differently It Reads From What We 0r.ee Supposed! Says Fastor Russell. 0 8Sv Scicaüfic flmcrican. 1 I* you Imve nut ftinnkrd D uke’ , Mixture, nindc by hegrtl Cf Myrr’ ut Durham, N. try it now. In Hihlition tf> one (Tfld O h alf nuncrx of fine Virffinn N'orflt