Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, April 24, 1913, Image 2

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MiSJ Rose Pratt bf Salem, Was
a Dallas visitor Tuesday.
Lost in Dallas, three keys on Last Thursday and Friday the
a ring. Finder please return to regular monthly exams wore
Chauncey Crider has a new \ this office.
held. There v\ ill be two more
Studebaker car.
exams this year.
The Perrydale band and the
Thursday night Miss Lucile
C. B. Sundberg now sports a school will give a picnic at that
entertained a crowd of
$1300 Studebaker.
place Saturday, June 7th. A Hamilton
the girls of the Presbyterian
Seven room house, 2 lots, City
church. The girls played games
View add. to Dallas. Price$750. to make arrangements for it.
most of the evening and a
Installments if desired.
delightful time was had. Late
ed the verdict of the lower court in the evening a luncheon was
Meet me at the New Scott.
Buy your boiled hams at the in the case of Martin & Blodgett
Those present were:
. . N E W T O - D A Y ..
Dallas Meat Market. No flies, no vs, the National Livestock Insur­ served.
Misses Alice Miles, Louise Miles,
M. Hayter, dentist. Bank Blk. dust, strictly sanitary.
ance association.
Gladys Lougnary, Ruth Little-
N otices under this head only
Rugs cleaned
by power.
a word each insertion, cash in nd-
Helen Lucile, the 6-months page, Muriel Grant Helen Casey,
\an ce. No phone order» accepted.
fifteen old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marjorie Bonnet, Lucile Hamil­
Lisk $2.00 Bailers are the best. utensils,
Roscoe Mode, was laid to rest ton, Mrs. E. A. Hamilton.
years. Craven Bros, agents.
Craven Bros.
the Smith cemetery near Lew- Tuesday aftermxm the gram­
Arthur Johnson, of Idaho, has
I. C. Emerson and family ex­ been here visiting at the Finseth . isville yesterday. The cause of mar and high school grades were
death was infantile paralysis.
given a vacation on account of
pect to leave about May 1st for home.
the circus.
a trip through California by auto
Barham Bros, have invented a
For Sale—Regiitered Jersey Bull
Monday afternoon F r a n k
The celebrated Ford car. 5 pas­ machine for casting cement visiting relatives in Portland,
returned Monday evening from Campbell got one of his fingers
Calf, six months old. Good breed­ senger, for $675. For sale by 1. I bricks.
Portland, bringing with her her jammed by a flyball and will not
E. E. Hewitt, Monmouth, V. Lynch.
Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Morris cousin, Miss Clara Poppleton, for be able to play for two or three
For Sale 8-room house, well spent Sunday and Monday in the a period of recreation at Three weeks. One of the infielders
furnished. 906 Shelton, near metropolis.
Oaks Farm.
will take his place in right field.
Virgil Clapp, recently of Col­ I Miss Rioth, head trimmer in The team that will start the
Clarence Kelly has gone to lege, Mo., has taken a position Miss McCallon’s millinery par­ game with Mac will probably be
For Sale or Trade
lors, has been in Portland study­ us follows; Barham, pitcher;
•OR SA L E -On** good 3-4 B ain w ag o n , c h e a p ,— Walla Walla to work in a rail­ in the Holman dairy.
Ju s . Boyds to n , D allas.
Herzng, catcher; Woods, short­
road office.
The Golden Rule store install­ ing the latest ideas in summer stop; Boydston, first base; Lock-
hats, of which they will have
Mrs. E. C. Straver is up from
on display, and invite the ladies man. third base; Matheney, left
F OR P h S o A n e L E 9x7. —H ousehold goods to m ove a t once. Portland
on a visit with her par­ cases yesterday.
field; Cadle. center field; Heis-
to call and inspect them.
tnnd, right field. This will be
COR S A L E - fre s h m ilch cow, fre s h in J a n u a r y .
Hon. J. C. Muerman, of the
" A. W. B row n. 91« B row n s t. P h o n e 801.
Mrs. Wm. Ullrey has bough* j first iron and glass awning in U. S. Bureau of Education, in­ the first game of the season for
the Ed. Richmond place on the town fronting his place of busi­ spected the Faitview school a the high school boys, and will
be a fast one, so the people are
OR S A L E —A y o u n g m are. 3 y e a rs old. w e:g h t corner of Oak and Levens streets ness.
F 1450, also a g e ld in g . 7 y e a rs old, w e ig h t
few days ago and was well pleas­ assured of an interesting game.
y oun g cow s. 16 head o f fine sh eep , a n d a brood and has moved there.
Collections given prompt at­ ed with all the school work, es­ Everybody come out and see the
sow . a m ow er, ra k e a n d b in d er.
If you want seme nice class tention by J. S. Ashbaugh, con­ pecially the work in penmanship game. They need the money
Dallas National bank and repid calculation. The latter, and you need the amusement.
DR S A L E —2 good y e a rlin g colts, $10U. P h o n e programmes, you had better see stable,
64 Oak. W. P. Me Bee.
tf he stated, was the best he had Don't forget, Saturday after­
the Itemizer’s samples before building, room 22.
seen in any rural school in the noon at 2.30 on the college cam­
IO R S A L E Good team y o u n g horse«. E w in g
United States.
B ros.. D allas.
Corneil Hughes has Himilaya Meat Co. Latest thing out in
Thos. Thomason met with a Corvallis High called the game
blackberry plants for sale in any
du ck e g g s. $2.50 i>er s e ttin g J. quantity desired.
serious accident last week when there off on account of the drown­
Call and see 25 cents for 30 bags.
F OR M. S A B L e n E n e -Decoy
tt. K ickreall. P h o n e th ro u g h Mon­
piece of steel flew from a wedge ing of an 0. A. C. girl. The
m o u th 278.
The Dallas Iron works is still a and
entered the eye ball. The Dallas boys will probably play
Cooking bags, 30 for 25 cents. selling their stump pullers at $60 eye was
badly bruised, and is Perrydale High Friday afternoon.
OR S A L E W h ite W y a n d o tte e g g fo r h a tc h in g . Instructions how to use them in each.
F P rize w in n in g D u sta n s tr a in , $1.50 p e r s e ttin g .
necessary to keep him
tf in town, where
each package, for sale by Dallas | teed against breakage.
J . S. P a rk er. D allas. No. 1.
he could receive
Meat Co.
Ford two passenger automobile the daily care of the doctor. He
U O R S A L E Sow . p ig s a n d a h o rse a t a b a rg a in .
Take your prescriptions to the I in first class condition. Will sell is now slowly recovering from Methodist People Gather in Business
* P h o n e o r a d d re s s !.. I. B u rsell, M onm outh.
Ellis Drug store, and they will cheap. C. M. Walker, 1002 Main the accident, and it is thought
and Social Session.
be tilled just as the Dr. wants street.
the sight will not be effected.
OR S A L E B u g g y in first class co n d itio n , will them with pure drugs.
Friday evening at 6:30
F go ch e ap if ta k e n a t once. P h o n e 9x7. tf
Rodney Coulter and Charley The following delegates have the wives of the board of trus­
For trade, 5 room modern Black went to Amity Sunday gone from here to attend the tees of the Methodist church
fo r h a tc h in g from p u re b red W h ite Indian house located in Portland Oregon, and moved up John Durant, who State Sunday school convention
gave a banquet to the men who
ru n n e r «luck« $2 for 12. Prolific layer» of
at Oregon City, which convenes were members of the church and
w h ite e g g s tra in . H. O pp. K ickreall, O r.
A^4 I want land near Dallas, Oregon. will work in the car shops.
Address box 265, Dallas, Oregon.
All day Thursday, May 1, Dr. today arid ends Saturday: Evan- those whose wives were mem­
V 'O R S A L E Seed p o tato e s. B ea u ty o f H eborn.
Circus day brought a large Freeze, the eve specialist, will be 'gelical, Mrs. Rolla Holman and bers and they were not. Forty-
* E a rlie st anti b e st o f all $1 p e r 100 pounds.
| Prof. H. H. Dunkleberger; Meth­ two men responded to the invi­
C. D. N a irn . S h u d eiu n d F a rm s, n earb y B allston. crowd to town and we heard no at Stafrin’s drugstore in Dallas.
odist, Mrs, W. G. Black and Mrs. tation and were welcomed by the
A d d re ss A m ity No. 2.
kick about the character of the
A24 ID.
L. Fields; Christian, Hugh
Call up phone 1581 to have j Black, Rev. C. C. Curtis; Pres- trustees in a receiving line. In
OR S A L E In d ian R u n n e r d u c k eg g s. Irvin
F H olm an. p h o n e A n tio ch 625.
Brown & Sibley, attorneys and your garbage hauled off. The Ibyterian. Mrs. S, Essig and Mrs. the dining room they were wel-
abstracters, notary public. Ab­ iadies will not give prizes this | H. M. Lawrence; W, W. Miller, I corned by the ladies who directed
for the neatest looking | president of the county conven­ the seating.
S. C. Black Min«»rcu e g g s $1 p e r s e t­ stracts made promptly at a rea­ year
F O R tin S g A o L f E 15.—C
After dinner, W. P. Miller,
e p h a s N elson, p h o n e A ntiocl^54.
sonable charge. 616 Mill street, home.
tion and delegate elect.
! chairman of the board of trus­
Dallas. Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Harris,
tees, acted as toastmaster, and
T W E N T Y to n s o f need o a ts f«»r sale. Thom axe’s
Adine, Wis., are here on a
the following responded to toasts:
* th re e g rain v a rie 'y , clean , c le a r o f s m u t and
th re s h e d b efo re th e rain . P r ce 45 c e n ts u b ushel, St. Vincent hospital for an a t­ visit to their former neighbor’s,
In re estate of Rosa E. Fidler, G. L. Hawkins, “The Financial
y t.ii. ... G e ». f lo w Mover. Or. H om e phone.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Farring­ deceased; administrator author­ Budget;” Dan P. Stouffer,
A irlie 1025. o r C orvallis 8225.
A24 tack of tonsilitis, is recuperat­
ing while on a visit with his par­ ton.
ized to sell certain personal prop- “ Members, their Duty to the
Church;” Dr. A. M. McNicol,
L O R S A L E Baby c h ic k s a n d e g g s, from p u re ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ayres.
County Clerk Robinson yester­ | erty.
* bred w h ite leg h o rn h ens, e g g s guarante*«!
fe rtile und p u lle ts guuriinte«*d to lay. F . C. M ey­
Dallas still has an ordinance in day recorded a deed that was ac­ In re guardianship of Orange j “ We be Brethren;” Dr. L. A.
e r. ph o n e S m ith lie ld 562 lin e 3.
force locatng the city pound at knowledged before Steve Staats |E. Osburn.an insane person; peti- I Bollman, “The Sunday School;”
the old Nat Holman feed shed, in 1860. and was not recorded i tion for appointment of guardian ! Dr. McCallon, “ The Church as
S A L E F or $600. A 10 H . P. A d v a n c e en
Viewed by an Outsider;” Mr.
which the I. O. 0. F. brick until now.
F OR gine.
I set for May 22nd.
lu test mod«*l a n d w a te r ta n k , b o th in
Flagg, “ Hard Surfacing of the
g«.«od condition. A b a rg a in .
In q u ire o f J . E has stood for many years.
Mrs. Sarah Collins, a Polk
In re estate of James Chapin, Streets;” Mr. Taylor, “The
H ouch, P e rry d a le. O reg o n .
At a meeting of the Women of county pioneer, died at Portland ¡deceased; final account approved. Church and the Increasing Popu­
was buried at
OR S A L E —V a lu ab le neaside p ro p e rty in O y ste r- Woodcraft last night the follow­ Saturday,
In re guardianship of Bertha lation.” A toast to the ladies
F ville. W n„ In q u ire o f M rs. E. K. B u lla rd , box ing ladies were elected delegates Goldendale, and
where she had lived and William Sexton, minors; sale by W. P. Miller. All the toasts
327. ph o n e 1291. I >allas.
to the convention which meets in since 1883.
of real estate confirmed.
were good and well received.
Salem next month: Mrs. Emma
fOR S A L E B a rre d Rock egg». $1 s e ttin g o f 16.
You may gay more money for
In re estateof John Taylor, de­ A rising vote of thanks was
L. A. G u th rie , p h o n e 526 a . D.
.lost, Mrs. C. P. Mitchell, Mrs. your glasses to others but you ceased; final account filed and set extended to the ladies by the
Nella Tatom, Mrs. Nellie Grant, cannot get better service than for hearing May 21st.
men. Many of the men have ex­
u re b m l B ro w n le g h o r n eg g s. Mrs. Alt« Miller,
Mrs. Helen Dr. Freeze, the Eye Specialist,
P >R $1.00 S A p L e E r n e P ttin
g o f 15. C. W . S te w a rt. S u v e r
In re estate of Bertie M. Ba­ pressed a desire for another
O reg o n . P h o n e M onm outh 12x5.
gives to all who consult him. He ker, deceased; petition for sale such meeting in the near future.
W. F. Hassell, one of the gov­ will be at Stafrin’s all day Thurs­ of real estate filed, citation to is­ These meetings will became a
C a rlto n n u rse ry p m n e triv s . ernor’s honor men. gave an ex­ day, May 1.
permanent part of the work of
A 24 sue; set for hearing May 26th.
F OR will S A ru L n E fro - 1500
m 5 t o 7 fe e t. I h av e sol«l m y p lace
a n d m u st disp o se of th e s e tre e s a t o n ce. P hone celled picture and lecture enter­
The required number of tick­ In re estate of Martha Con­ the Methodist church.
A n tio ch 61. W. B. R am sey .
tainment at the Star theatre on ets having been disposed of, Dal­ ner,
deceased; inventory and ap­
The Institute at Ballston.
Monday evening, depicting the las is now assured of a Chautau­ praisement
OR S A L E a n o rg a n . In q u ire o f Mr». R H.
F Dim ick. 314 O rc h a rd a v e n u e. P h o n e 381. tf difference between old time and qua session during the week in In re estate of Geo. W. Whit- On May 3d, at Ballston, the
present prison systems. He was which falls the 4th of July. It
last of the county institutes will
formerly an attorney of Eastern has been six months since the eaker, deceased; final discharge be held. From a fairly arrived
filed and approved.
at conclusion I think the same a
Itemizer took up this proposition
In re estate of J. M. Mitchell, most opportune occasion since
A commercial club has been meeting with the Chicago people deceased;
final account set for not only nature with all her
Som e ho p tra in e r s in th e G ra n t yard.
organized at Kickreall with the who furnish such events.
w A N A T r th E D u r Dim
hearing May 4th.
splendors but man too will grace
following officers: President, W.
Mrs. Sarah Dodson was in
the day and so assure that profit­
U 'A N T E I) R an ch w om an, 45. w ish es co rresp o n
town Tuesday from Ballston, to deceased; final account allowed. able, enjoyable and social time.
d en ce e d u c ate d , p ro g re s s iv e m an. P ra ctica l
m a rria g e c o n tra c t ; no alim ony g rab b e r. M iss ( . ver Beeler; secretary, J. 0. Price;
have a cancer removed hy Dr.
P re h m . K la m a th F alls. O regon.
The very willingness of the com­
treasurer, C. A. Stenson. The Toel, and went away well pleas­
munity to help along I trust will
proposition now before the club ed with the entire success of the
W A N T E D A d vance «team en g in e, 16 to 20 h orse
be so appreciated that Ballston
pow er. M ust b e ch e ap and in Rood c«»ndi-
operation. Being a lady of 80 The Climbers entertained about may again be chosen. Then
tion. AilreHS P. O. box 38. D allas. O reg o n .
A24 which $1000 was subscribed on
years of age, she is certaiidy to one hundred invited guests a t the again our neighboring friends
the club’s first meeting night. be congratulated.
Oak Grove hall Saturday evening. Old and fellow workers can so fur­
A N T E D Second han d b u g g y in e x c h a n g e on Shares are piaced at $10 each.
fashioned gam es were played between
W new b u g g y . —C rid e r’» G em rral S to re .
Don H. Upjohn, the Oregon­ num bers of an excellent musical pro­ ther our common cause that
Sheriff Grant and deputies ian’s
correspondent at Salem, gram , a fte r which a delicious lunch work for the coming year may
O R S A L E —N ew W h ite se w in g m ach in e. I n ­ were called to Ballston Sunday
begin with renewed energies.
to take in the circus was served.
q u ire o f E d. B iddle a t th e New S c o tt hotel.
evening to capture a holdup mau, Tuesday, and
to arrange for op­ Miss Klva Boone, of Monmouth, To insure a receptive mind, pro­
but were unsuccessful. The ening law offices
in a suite of spent the week end with Gladys W aite. vide an opportune moment, satis­
holdup was perpetrated on Hen­ rooms upstairs in the Itemizer Rev. M attoon.of McMinnville, visited fy any midday cravings, a spread
ry Byerley at his home. Hear-
Both he and better a t the home of S. K. Crowley last week. has been abundantly provided.
that someone was prowling building.
at law.
Hon. Thomas Brunk and wife drove In short this noonday hour, I
OR RK N ’F T h re e
furninh#**! hou(a*keeping
around his place, he anticipated
F room s. In q u ire N ew S c o tt hotel.
out from Salem to attend the social trust, will prove a doubly advan-
that it was a person guilty of On last Sunday evening the Saturday evening
1 tageous one.
choir rendered a special selection
R E N T - P len ty «*f g»ssl p a s tu r e fo r h o rses anil cutting wire fences, and went
I 'O cow
s a t $1 a m o n th by H. L. F e n to n .
out to th*1 barn lot to investigate. and Mr. Frank Snyder, of Winne- dence, was visiting in this neighborhood
He found a man in a thicket and peg. Canada, sang “The Holy j Sunday.
DR R E N T F u rn is h « ! h o u se k ee p in g rooms. promptly had a gun shoved un­ City’’ to a crowded house at the
Osteopathy For Children.
F In q u ire M rs. W . Griffin. 610 I .evens s tr e e t, t f
Mrs. Pegroot, who has been visiting
der his nose and his money de­ Methodist church. Mrs. A. M. Mrs. H erbert Fawk for some time, re ­ Children thrive under osteo­
manded. Henry told the holdup McNicol was the accompanist of turned to her home in California the pathic attention as under no oth­
he had nothing with him. and the evening. Special music will first of the week.
treatment. They like it. Lit­
despite the stranger's orders to be a part of the services next Mrs. W arren and son, Charles, were er
tle ones by nature detest the bit­
CA a c re s o f clover p a s tu r e fre e o f c h a rg e to son e the contrary, went off and left ¡Sunday both morning and even- Salem visitors Friday.
o n e w ith :>»»• h«*ad o f »hoep. J o h n O rr. Rick-
Miss Mella W hite came up from Port­ ter dose. They are right about
i ¡ng.
rea ll.
land to spend Saturday and Sunday it. There is a better way to
Dr and Mrs. V. C. Staats left Joseph B. Shepherd, son of , with her m other, Mrs. Ycxella W hite. health. The day has come when
OST - Ladies 15-Jew el E lg in w a tc h . No. 22%714. Tuesday for Rochester, N. Y., iour jeweler, graduates from the
Miss Dieoh, of Stay ton, is a guest a t prudent mothers have the family
■* R e tu rn to lte m ia e r.
where he will spend sometime in state university at Lincoln, Neb., the Zielesch home.
osteopathic physican go over the
listening to lectures and watch­ Agricultural department, on Fri­ Mr. and Mrs. Roland Holman, of spines of their children quite as
i F T K R th is day a n d d a te 1 w ill no t be liable fo r
operations at Mayo Bros’ day, and then goes to Adams, Pallas, attended the party Saturday regularly and as often as the
» a n y d e b ts in c u rre d by my w ife, A da S im m ons. ing
surgery. This is a surgery of Minn . to take charge of twenty- evening and spent Sunday a t the Lewis dentist examines their teeth.
international reputation, and the six different herds of dairy cat­ home.
Many troubles liable to develop
Mecca of all surgeons who desire tle in that county for a dairy as­ Seth Fawk was in Portland Thursday in after life are thus corrected.
h a v e g iv en my d a u g h te r . H e n rie tta Bin!, h er to get acquainted with all that is sociation, testing for tuberculos­ ami Friday.
Osteopathy is good treatment
tim e a n d will n o t b e resp o n sib le for any d eb t« con­
latest in that line. Hundreds of is. butter fat and judging for Henry Vandervost, a prominent stock- for all of childhood’s ills, from
t r a c te d by her.
operations are performed daily, milking qualities, etc. Mr. Shep­ man, of Salem, was in this neighbor - 1 cholera morbus, diarrhoea and
and one can go from one operat­ herd’s services have been engag­ hood last week.
croup, to scarlet fever, measles
The Sunday school will send two del­ and diphtheria. Reprint from
w ill t r a d e p o ta to e s , a n y kin d , fo r wood.- Jo h n ing room to another anil get the ed for one year to improve these
W e b ste r.
best in any branch of the work. herds and he will spend one day
Osteopathic Health.
The doctor and wife will go over each month with every herd. He egon City April 24, 25, 26th.
The Dallas Lumber & Logging
the N. P., and after visiting the was one of the best judges of The P atrons’ and T eachers’ club will
m eet a t the ttcnoolhnuse Friday a fter- , Co. are establishing a camp one
principal cities and her relatives dairy cattle during his two noon.
A program will be given and re­
mile this side of Black Rock.
at San Antonio. Texas, return years work at Lincoln, and just freshm ents served
K w n Special lot »ml s p in a l A djuator. PfcnM hy the S. P.
He will also see before going there was a gradu­ It is whispered th a t the T. E. C. Operations will start immediate­
1414. » ». m.
il P. nr O th er hour« by | Friedman and get next the con­
ate of the Medford. Oregon.high club will give a play on the evening of ly after the completion of the
appointm ent. 114 C o u rt S treet
sumption cure, if such it is.
May 10th.
• spur being built by the S. P.
school class of 1911.
P alla» üiCK«n
Comings and Goings of Citizens of Dal­
las and their Friends.
3 .
-■ ■ — —
— - - -
The following jurors have been
drawn for the May term of court,
which convenes on the 12th:
George Heck, Monmouth.
A. M. Tillery, Ballston.
F. M. Smith, Dallas.
P. R. Alexander, Independence
A. P. Graham, Monmouth.
I). P. Stapleton, Independence.
John Middleton, Dallas.
C. S. Graves, Sheridan.
C. E. Sawtelle, Willamina.
Frank Windsor, Salem.
Ezra Hart. Dallas.
C. C. Gardner, Dallas.
M. N. Prather, Buena Vista.
A. B. Gibson, Salem.
A. J. Hall, Buena Vista.
I. M. Simpson, Suver.
J. W. Yost, Airlie.
Ira Mehrling, Falls City.
Van B. Sears, Ballston.
W. T. Foster, Dallas.
Cass Riggs. Kickreall
Carl Stewart, McCoy,
Percy Hadley, Airlie.
G. B. Gates, Dallas.
R. C. DeArmond, Indepen’ce
G. A. Shields, McCoy.
S. B. Walker, Independence.
Frank Kerslake, Suver.
Allen T. Clark, Monmouth.
M. F. White, Kickreall.
W. II. Murphy, Buena Vista.
Ruth Miller ........................ 50
Carson O d o m ............... ........50
C a rso n O d o m .
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hinahaw, of Cor­
vallis, visited in Dallar. Saturday and
Miss Eva Trent, of McMinnville, who
has been visiting a t the home of Mrs.
Odom returned home Sunday.
Mr. Davia and Mr. Bowser, of Sum-
m itt, was in town Monday.
Wiley C arpenter visited in Eola Sun­
Mrs. W. J. T ren t and son, Harvey,
have been visiting a t the home of Mrs«
.Miss Dovie Odom visited friends in
Airlie the last of the week,
S tarlen ('rook, of Airlie, was a busi­
ness visitor here Thursday.
M. M S tew art, of this city, visited
in Eola Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Blessing, who have
been visiting in Albany, returned home
Earl Oxford, of Brownsville, visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Ox­
ford Thursday.
Mrs. E dgar Brown, of Eola, left Sun­
day for Tillamook.
A. N. Arnold, of Silverton, visited
relatives here Sunday.
Earl Hill, who spent Sunday a t Dal­
las, has returned to Pennsylvania.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Holman spent
| Saturday . and Sunday in Oak Grove
with Mrs. Holm an’s sister.
Amy Hibbard has come to town to
board with Mrs. Anna Coad.
Mrs. Koser, of Rickreall, was in Dal­
las last week.
E dgar Collins, of Portland, is here
Misses Edna Clifford and Blanche
Penman came over from Salem last
Mr. and Mrs. L u te ’s baby was badly
scalded Sunday.
Merle and Glen Holman w ent to
Falls City Sunday.
C L. Crider was a Falls City visitor
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. P eter Ediger have re ­
turned from an extended visit in P o rt­
Earl ( ’rook w ent to Portland Sunday.
Mr. L ute has gone to Portland to
George K urre, of Portland, visited
in E ast Dallas this week.
The Bishop preached a t the E vangel­
ical church Sunday.
Mr. Kapps and family have arrived
from Missouri to m ake their home in
E ast Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G ates have gone
to F orest Grove to visit his m other,
who is very sick.
The W. ( \ T. U. m et w ith Mrs. Cur­
tis Tuesday.
Lela Clifford visited in Crowley over
Guy Schrader, of Calif., is visiting
his brother, Gus. Schrader.
Dr. Bollman and family w ent to
| Geo. Baun is now able to sit up.
Contest at Falls City.
Monmouth Sunday.
A silver medal contest was Ord Baun, who has been working in Mrs. W arren Quick returned Sunday
held at Falls City to a packed Monmouth, visited a t home Sunday.
from Portland, where she has been ta ­
house Monday night. Edith Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baun, of Mon­ king treatm en t.
Hayes was the winner. Mrs. I. mouth, are visiting in this city.
Mrs. Miles and son, of Silverton, are
G. Singleton, G. W. Brent and A. Monday evening the Endeavor of the visiting a t Hugh Black’s.
Vick were the judges. Unusual Christian church gave Hom er Dashiel Leota Lewis, of Lewisville, visited
ft ¡ends here Sunday.
talent is being displayed by some and bride a reception.
of the contestants and we may Billie Snow, of Portland, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Palm er w ere in Salem
reasonably expect a literary friends in Dallas.
treat in the succeeding gold med- W ayne Greenwood is working in Mrs. Dom sife visited in Portland
al|contests. Theoffering was gen­ E llis’ confectionery.
erous, amounting to $4.85. This Mrs. Leon Myers, of Silverton, is Austin Titus, of Falls City, was in
will be used to purchase the gold visiting friends in Dallas.
Dallas Sunday.
medal for the next contest which Mr. and Mrs. George G ates, of Dal­ Maggie H ayter returned Sunday from
will be held in the M. E. church las, visited his sick m other a t Hillsboro Oregon City.
there Monday evening, April 28. over Sunday.
Sam Ray has sold his place on the
A good program, both literary The B aptist Sunday school will have hill and has bought Ike L ynch’s house
on Oak street.
and musical, is being prepared. day of May.
Mrs. I. G. Singleton will present
Mr. Shepherd and fam ily w ent to
Mr. Ashbaugh is working on his new Jefferson Sunday.
the medal. Admission 15 cents. house.
Children under 10 free.
Mr. and Mrs. McNulty were in from
Mrs. Lee Scruggs, of Dallas, was vis­ Polk Station th e first of the week.
iting Mr and Mrs. M. B. Scruggs, of
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson have returned
from a two weeks visit in Forest Grove.
Oscar Holme«, of Dallas, was visiting
‘ That it took the Prysbyterian friends
Mrs. Nancy Fowler was called to
in Falls City.
minister to land Dr. Staats.
Portland Sunday by the illness of her
Mrs. W. A. Ayres was in Salem Sun­ sisterinlaw , Mrs. Lewis.
That Ed Cochrane did not in­ day.
tend to obligate himself to pay Mrs. H enry M usott was visiting her Miss Minnie Clow was in Dallas Mon­
for two feet of paving, but only daughter in Salem last week.
Al Churchill, of Forest Grove, was
two inches.
Mr. and Mrs. W alter Baker have gone here on business the first of the week.
That the new council will en­ to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones were Portland
force the ordinance against boxes Pearl McBee is able to be out a fte r a visitors
in restaurants.
Mr K night’s brother, of Portland, is
Mrs. Maggie M uscott has returned visiting him.
That an ordinance is to be pass­ from
Portland w here she has been vis­
ed closing saloons on circus and iting her daughter.
celebration days.
Mrs. Morris and her m other, Mrs.
That the Beavers seem to have Siefarth spent a few days in Salem last
found that toboggan cellarward week.
The following letters remained
Mr. and Mrs. Geo C utler *were in uncalled for in the Dallas post-
pretty well greased.
Portland last week.
office Tuesday:
That if any paving is done in
R u th M ille r.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G Hedg-
Dallas this year. Mill street will
Mr. and Mrs H arry Long have gone 6 S .
be included.
to Portland to five.
F. H. Martin,
That Nevin Palmer now knows Dr. Foster, of Albany, visited in
D. M. Miller.
how a motor cycle can buck. He Dallas Sunday.
was ascending the reservoir hill Mr. and Mrs. Hom er Dashiell spent James Pate.
John Sanborn.
Sunday in Portland.
That if the Beavers are no good Mrs. M cPherson has gone to W ash­
the colts may prove interesting. ington, w here her daughter is sick.
The Ladies’ Aid Society of the
That Gold Hill has succeeded C urtis Houser, of Newberg, was in
Baptist church, will hold a bake
in acquiring the cement plant Dallas over Sunday.
Mrs. M artin and her daughter, Mrs. sale at Laughary’s grocery store
Dallas was trying to get about a Peery,
are spending a couple of weeks next Saturday all day, April 26.
year ago.
in Newp >rt.
That the new city prosecutor M rs. McCann and Mrs. Will Collins
Mrs. McDougal Dead.
will lake up his residence here were in Salem la s t week.
Laura McDougal, wife of
about May 1st.
Mrs. W. H. Black and Mrs. D. L.
E. H. McDougal, of Dallas, died
That if women now desire to \\ E. S. S. to the 3 tate Sunday School Monday after an extended illness
fish for suckers or other fish they convention
to be held a t Oregon City of cancer at the home of her
must take out a license same as the la st of this week.
sisterinlaw, Mrs. Wm. Chappell,
a mere man.
Mrs. Tom Burch, of Rickreall, was a at Vancouver. The body was
shipped to Dallas for interment
That it is time to put up your Dallas visitor last week.
I Thursday with services conduct­
fire screens.
e d from the Methodist church by
That many in our residence
| Rev. D. Lester Fields. Deceas­
sections are howling for oiled
ed is survived by her husband,
two sons, Frank and George, in
That the circus men had a re­
Wisconsin, and a daughter, Mrs.
gular picnic, as it was their first |
Elizabeth Day, of Vancouver.
wet town for some days.
The family came west from Iowa
a year ago. Deceased was 59
years old, having been born in
Resolution* of Condolence.
At the regular meeting of the ! You can fill an ordinary fount­ Wisconsin in 1853.
Ballston Sunday school and Ep- ain pen in one or two minutes, if
worth League April 13, 1913, the ink dropper is where you can
C. R. Canfield
the following resolution was find it easily and you don’t fret
Civil Engineer and Surveyor
one of those pesky air-bubbles in
j Land Surveying. Subdividing. Plan
Resolved that as it has pleased the pen barrel.
j E stim ator.
All kinds of Engineering
Almighty God to remove from
| W ork. Office over Dallas City Bank.
our midst our dear sister, Phoebe itself in about the time it takes , i Phone.
F. Peavy, the members of Ball-! dip a steel pen in an ink bot- j
ston Sunday school and Epworth to
League wish to express their tie.
great appreciation of the many
This saving of time is worth a
endeavoring virtues and the frood deal to the busy man or j
many noble and loving traits of woman.
character which she demonstra­
Besides, the Conklin way is j
ted in her religious work at this
place. -Jesse Butler, Mrs, I. F. cleaner and more satisfactory
Tatom, Mrs. J. W. Sarver, Mrs. from every viewpoint.
H. S. Fudge, committee.
The Conklin pen doesn’t leak.
It doesn’t clog.
McLaughlin Barn Burned.
It doesn’t sweat.
From 9 to 10 last evening many
Dallasites were witnessing a
It doesn’t soil the fingers.
large fire over towards Indepen­
It doesn’t require shaking or
dence that illumined the clouds
over a large area. Inquiry this jerking -you don’t have toj
morning proved it to be the C. scratch, scratch, scratch to start
A. McLaughlin barn on the the ink flowing.
Hirschberg place some two miles
Conklin’s Self-Filling Pens
north of Independence. Besides range in price from $2.50 to $5,
some hay burned and other and every pen is sold under a
things, the great loss was 16 positive guarantee.
head of horses. The origin of
the fire is unknown. Mr. Mc-
Laughlin is the renter of the,
Hirschberg yard, and the horses
were all large and valuable.
Your Pen Troubles
Cease When You
Buy a Conklin
The World Moves Itself
We Move Anything Else
The jury could not agree on
the John Belt case at McMinn­
ville Saturday.
W . R . C o u lt e r
Bookseller and Stationer
428 Main Street
phone ioei
Dallai, OregM