Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, March 13, 1913, Image 3

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The Land of
Sunshine and Flowers
In Prizes
via the
Your Soil Is Alive
i O all intents and purposes, soil is
alive. It breathes, works, rests; it
drinks, and, most important o{ all,
it feeds. It responds to good or bad
treatment. It pays its debts with
interest many times compounded. Being alive,
to work it must be fed. During the non-grow­
ing seasons certain chemical changes take place
which make the fertility in the soil available
for next season’s crop. But this process adds
no plant food to the soil. Unless plant food is
added to soil on which crops are grown, in
time it starves. There is one best way to feed
your soil. Stable manure, which contains all
the essentials of plant life, should be spread
evenly and in the proper quantity with an
Y o u C a n S e e In C a lifo r n ia :
Round trip tickets to Los Angeles on sale daily with long return limit and stop­
overs at will. If you wish to go still farther south or east, tickets via all rail,
or rail and steamer through New Orleans can be secured at reasonable rates.
I H C Manure Spreader
Further particulars on application to any Agent. Ask for descriptive literature
Qn California, or Wayside Notes,” describing trip San Francisco to New Orleans.
I H C manure spreaders are made in all styles
and sizes. There are low machines which are
not too low, but can be used in mud and deep
snow, or in sloppy barnyards. They are made
with either endless or reverse aprons. Frames
are made of steel, braced and trussed like a steel
bridge. Sizes run from small, narrow machines
to machines of large capacity. The rear axle
is placed well under the box, where it carries
over 70 per cent of the load, insuring plenty of
tractive power. Beaters are of large diameter
to prevent winding. The teeth are square and
chisel-pointed. The apron drive controls the
load, insuring even spreading whether the ma­
chine is working up or down hill, or on the
level. I H C spreaders have a rear axle differ­
ential, enabling them to spread evenly when
turning corners.
I H C local dealers handling these machines
will show you all their good points. Get litera­
ture and full information from them, or write
J o h n M . S c o tt, G e n e r a l P a sse n g e r A g e n t , P o r t la n d , O r e .
S Y N O P S IS O F T H E A N N U A L 8 T A T E M B M I
Frankfort General Insurance Co.
o f F r a n k fo r t -o u -t h e - M a ln , In th e E m p ir e o f
Q e r m a n y , on th e 31st d a y o f D e c e m b e r , 1912,
¿nu de to the I n su r a n c e C o m m is s io n e r o f th e
Jita je
O regon, p u rsu a n t tq }a>y:
t'SP ltsi,
A m o u n t o f, c a p it a l s t o c k p a id u p )
In c o m e .
P r e m iu m s r e c e iv e d d u r in g th e
y ea r ....................................................... $1,207,881.01
In t e r e s t , d iv id e n d s a n d ren ts r e ­
c e iv e d d u rin g
th e y e a r ............
I n c o m e fr o m o t h e r s o u r c e s re-
p e ly e d d u r in g
th e y e a r ............
S Y N O P S IS O F T H E A N N U A L S I A T E M E N 'l
Reserve Loan Life Insurance
Comp ny
o f In d ia n a p o lis , in th e S ta te o f I n d ia n a , on
t h e 3 ls t d a y o f D e c e m b e r . 1912, m a d e t o th e
I n s u r a n c e C o m m is s io n e r o f th e S ta te o f
: O re g o n , p u rsu a n t to la w :
C a p ita l.
A m o u n t o f c a p it a l p a id u p ..........$
In co m e.
P r e m iu m s r e c e iv e d d u r in g th e
758.344. IQ
I n te r e s t, d iv id e n d s a n d
ren }*
y«ita| In cp ip c , .
. . . f 1,288,204-34
ISS,8 48 .)k
r e c e iv e d d l ir ir g th e S ea} . . .
D is b u r s e m e n ts .
i I n c o m e fr o m o t h e r so u ry es ye*
o e iv e d d u r in g th e y e a r ............
L o s s e s p a id d u r in g th e year, In ­
c lu d in g a d ju s t m e n t ex p e n s e s,
T o t a l in c o m e ................................. $
$ 762,101.09
C o m m is s io n s a n d s a la rie s p a id
D is b u r s e m e n ts .
d u r in g the y e a r .................................
P a id
fo r
e n d o w m e n ts ,
T uxes,
lice n s e s a n d fe e s p a id
a n n u itie s a n d s u r r e n d e r v a l­
d u r in g th e y e a r ...............................
A m o u n t o f a ll o t h e r e x p e n d it u r e s
D iv id e n d s p a id to p o l i c y - h o l d ­
ers d u r in g th e y e a r ...................
tj\»tq) e x p e n d it u r e s . . .....................$1,275,197.20
C q m m is s le n s a n d s a la r ie s p $ !d
,111 lu g lilt. > •*!
V a lu e
stock s
T a x e s , lice n s e s a n d fe e s p a id
ow ned
d u r in g th e y e a r ..........................
W o r k m e n 's c o m p e n s a t io n ,
r e in ­
».m ount c f a ll o t h e r e x p e n d i­
s u r a n c e a n d In sp ection b u re a u
tu r e s
C a sh ¡n b a n k s a n d on h a n d .........
P r e m iu m s in co u r s e o f c o lle c t io n
T o t a l e x p e n d it u r e s .............
a iu l in t r a n sm issio n ......................
A sseta .
I n t e r e s t a n d re n ts d u e a n d a c ­
c r u e d ........................................
M a rk et
v a lu e
o f s t o c k s and
b o n d s o w n e d ............................... • S
•Total assetu
................................... $1,480,256.5»
L o a n s im j r jo p lK W # ^ n q c o l ­
‘T o ta l a sse ts a d m it t e d in O r e g o n $ L $ 8 0 ,,43(J.58
1 .6 1 2,7 5« 35
la te ra l,
e » c ......................................
P r e m iu m n o te s a n d p o lic y loa n s
C a sh in b a n k s a n d on h a n d . .
G ro ss c la im s f o r lo s se s u n p a id .$ 509,473.00
N e t u n c o lle c t e d a n d d e fe r r e d
A m o u n t o f u n ea rn ed p r e m iu m s
42 844 88
on all o u t s t a n d in g r i s k s ..............
O t h e r a s je t s ( n e t ) . . . . ..............
D u e fo r co m m is s io n a n d b r o k e r -
era ge
T o t a l a sse ts ........................ ____$ 2 ,760,927.3-t
A ll o t h e r li a b i li t ie s .............................
T o t a l a s s e ts a d m it t e d in O re -
T o t a l lia b ilit ie s e x c lu s iv e o f c a p ­
........................................... . . . . 2.760.927.34
ita l s t o c k
........................................$l,0 21 .62 o.57
& o } i f p r e m iu m s In f o r c e D e c e m -
* per S i . 19 1*2 ■ ■
| 8 92 .41 0.7<J
> 2.462,547.32
We| re s e rv e
ttUHtuest |n O r e g o u f*»r »h e Y e g r .
ToMC p o liy y c l a i m s .............. ..
63,171 55
A ll o t h e r lia b ilit ie s ......................
T o t a l r is k s w ritte n d u r in g th e
y ,-a r
. . . .$ 861,950.00
T o t a l lia b ilit ie s ..................... . $ 2.555.557.10
G r o s s p r e m iu m s r e c e iv e d d u rin g
th e y e a r
T o t a l in s u r a n c e In fo r c e D e c e m ­
b e r 31, 1 0 1 2 ................................. $21,735,447.00
P r e m iu m s re tu r n e d d u r in g th e
1 .2 5 7.»6
B usiness In Oregon for tire Year.
L o sse s pa id d u r in g th e y e a r . . . .
498. 700.00
L o s s e s In cu r re d d u r in g th e y e a r
T o t a l r is k s w r it te n fo r th e y e a r $
p r e m iu m s r e c e iv e d d u r ­
B y <\ H F R A N K L I N ,
in g th e y e a r .................................
««u iie d
M a n a g e r a n d A tto r n e y .
a ia t u t 'M ' g e n e ra l a g e n t a n d a t to r n e y fo r
P fitf d u l i W J h e y « M
s e r v ic e , L . if . H ou th , 1*16 U h s m b e i o f C o m ­
L tcp e a ‘ Infrurrert
y e a r .....................................................
m e r c e b ld g . P o r t la n d . O reg on .
T o t a l a m o u n t o f r isk s o u t s t a n d ­
N ote— S p e c ia l d e p o s it s not h eld f o r th e
in g In O re g o n D e c e m b e r 31,
p r o t e c t io n o f a ll th e p o l ic y -h o ld e r s o f th e
617. 2 00.0
c o m p a n y c a n n o t b e a d m it t e d ns an a s s 1*’
ai <1 In clu d e d in th e p u b lis h e d s ta te m e n t.
LOAN M i l ' IN »I R \ \ (K
M e ssia h and the Ju b ile e at H a n d .
At last Israel’s Ptar o f H ope is ris­
ing! At last the prophecies tell tlw t
her m orning o f joy is a built to dpw uj
and that "th e fiesifu o f nH nation« shall
com e " Not merely are Jew * claim ing
that M essiah's Day Is nigh; but Chris­
tian Bible students see the same. Mo­
ham m edans also see
Free Masons
claim the same. All men are in ex p ec­
tation o f som ething w onderful.
T he m ultiplied blessings in the IIP
ventions o f the Inst ha|f <euu>fy he-
8,teak the .Mew Dispensation
If the
preparations are so grand, whut will
tie the Inauguration and Kelgn Itself!
In a u g u ra tio n Scene of O u r T o x t.
Leading In the grand procession pic­
ture is the Son o f Man. follow in g
whom are all the holy m essengers; btyf
with Him upqn Hjs T brop e will be HU
Bride class -a saintly few . Thus it I»
w ritten: "W h en Christ • • • shall ap­
pear, then shall ye also appear with
Him In g lory.” —Col. 3:4; Rev. 3:21.
Grand as have l>een the inaugural
cerem onies o f the past week, they
were as nothing, contrasted wUh thg
plqrjpus cfq w n jn g P g y fo r w hich earth
has waited six thousand years. H ap­
py as were tlie faces which greeted the
President, the picture wns tame, com ­
pared with the Joy o f mankind when
they realize what God has wrought!
6.200. OO
P resid en t.
S ta tu to r y re s id e n t g e n e ra l a g en t a n d a t-
« g fiU y l o f fé f V lc e , 6. J. C l*rt< lg»( F o r t la n d ,
Inauguration of Messiah’s King­
dom Will Eclipsa All others.
The Bread Eating Boy
js <1 Healthy Boy
Feed your chiJdre i all the w hole­
som e bread they will eat. It builds
m uscle. Makes the n itr o n g j. hysi-
caHy and m entally.
You can alw ays bake the right
Vi mi o f bread fo r them i f you insist
on using
Drifted Snow Flour
Make* the moat daMc’ oua bread
you ever taated and bread that is
w holesom e, fo r D rifted Snow pass­
es an unusually high gluten test. It a
the gluten in flour that builds the
m uscle.
Tell your g ro ce r to bring
you a sack in the m orn in g—y o u ’ ll
fi id it the m ost satisfa ctory flour
you ever m ed.
Sperry Flour Co.
Tacom a.
The 1O00 free vote offer now open on nominations will be withdrawn
after Wednesday, March 19th.
Get your nominations in at once.
now is the time.
Every day lost in starting hurts your chances.
Get in
early while you get the biggest votes.
Start in now while you have an even
chance with every other one in the race.
slialt (lie.M he w as east out o f M e n .
that in the unprepared earth he might
pay the dent It penalty. Kven then, in
the deelnration that the Seed o f the
We have for sale in and near
w om an would eventually bruise the
serp en ts head, God Implied an ulti­ Dallas:
5 acres for $450.
m ate victor.\ for humanity ov e r Satan,
sin and death
5 acres for $500,
Later. G od ’s Covenant with Abra
5 acres in fruit 4 years old for
ham told that victory w ould com e $650.
through his posterity, but did not ex
5 acres, house and bearing
plain how.
C enturies later. A bra­
fruit for $800.
ham ’s favored posterity. Israel, cam©
5 acres, all in cultivation for
into Covenant relationship with G od
through Mose*.
Their hope wu* to $ 1000 ,
Other cultivated tracts for
keep G od’s Law so thoroughly as to
merit everlasting life, and be com p e­ $3,500.
tent to d eliver humanity from sin and
10 acres for $850.
H ow ever, centuries o f efTort
10 acres for $1000.
proved that none could keep the Di­
10 acres, all in cultivation,
vine Law satisfa ctorily
house and barn, for $2.500.
T he next Divine lesson was one o f
15 acres, good buildings, all
Israel could not keep the Law
4 years old, for "“»TOO.
satisfactorily - cou ld
not. therefore,
15 acres in bearinf fr it $4,500.
have everlasting life could not leach
others to do what they could not do
15 acres, buildings and 9 acres
T he lesson o f faith was that they prunes, $2,500.
should look forw ard to a com in g Mes­
17 acres, half in cultivation for
siah “ a I Tine* and a Savior."
Various were their hopes respecting $1500.
Messiah. T he prom ise« were scanned
20 and 30 acre tracts for from
to note som ething concerning Him. $70 to $300 per acre: larger pla­
Through the prophets God foretold that ces at from $35 per acre and up.
Messiah was to lie the antitype o f both
In city property we have
David and Solom on, of Aaron and
• hizedek very great
He was to rplgu homes at $800, $900. $1000 to
$4000: one at $1800 with 2 acres,
from sea to sea (Psalm T 2 :H .)
Israel looked forw ard with pride to one at $1400 with oi;e acre; both
the day when Messiah w ould exalt these places in fruit.
them very highly in the earth, and as­
A 6-room house and small lot
sociate them with H im self In blessing
all people. T hese good hopes have held at $800. on good to: ma,
them together as no other people have
17 acres, 2 miles o f Dallas at
ever been held They are still W«Ul0P. 90 per acre, on good ! erms, one-
though disconcerted by the evidences
half in cultivation. Would make
that others are in som e respect more
a nice home lor some one.
favored than they.
International Harvester Company of America
'T 'H E S E are the beautiful and valuable prizes that are going to be distribut-
± ed by the Polk County Itemizer on the 5th of next month to the three most
popular girls and ladies in the County.
Attractive seaside resorts, famous hotels, hot sprinars and outdoor sports. At
Pasadena the world famed ostrich farms and magnificent homes. At San Berna-
dina and Riverside the Orange Groves. At Catalina, the wonde-ful submarine
vranlens, and at various other points attractions that delight the eye and inform
the mind.
L o w O n e W a y o r R o u n d T r ip F a re s:
It W ill Be a M a rria g e Feaat and a n In*
a u g u ra l C e re m o n y C o m b in e d — Jaaua’
V ic t o r y T h ro u g h D eath Co n stitu te d
H ie D iv in e E le c tio n to Be K in g of
K in g s and L o rd of Lo rd a— Im m e d i­
a te ly H a B e tro the d f g r id e -^ C .n t n
ris e af W e d d in g S a r m a n i P re p a ra tio n ,
WunliliiKton. O.
U , M a rc h I».—C a n ­
to r llu n e ll arriv ­
ed here tills tunrn-
lng on bia retnrn
I* a n a ui a ,
Iviugatoit. Uaviiuip
K ey Wttst. Tapipg
and Cenaacola. lie
tuoli fur bln text
J e a n a’ w o r d a,
“ W hen the Hon o f
____ Man ahHil com e In
1 PASTOR g if t S E L L J H I» glory, and a ll
■- ..
^ the holy
frith Him. then shall He sit upon the
T h ron e o f
H is g lory .”
(M atthew
25:31.) He tm U l
W hen s i i thousand years ago man
transgressed the Uivlne com m and and
cam e under the aentence- i m u g thou
W h e re in D*d the J e w s F a i l ?
T he Jew s did not fall.
All G od ’s
j prom ises to them are still theirs. He
never offered them spiritual fa yore, qr
suggested fill; jpg them 10 H eaven The
strong«»©! prom ise, even to Abraham,
was that all the land which cou ld be
| <een would lie given to him and his
i <eed
Israel’s blessings wen* fft cum©
through .Messiah
G od foretold through the prophets
1 that M essiah would suffer
T he Jews
| merely fulfilled a part o f tin* IMvine
Had Messiah gone to a noth
! er nation, doubtless there would have
been sim ilar results
At the First Ad
vent of Jesus God did more for the
I Jew s Ilian He ha(J promised
fie gave
them opfNirtunlty o f becom ing mem
! ¡*?r» o f Spiritual Israel.
Then Divine fa vor turned to the Gen
I tiles, and gave them n sim ilar opportu
nity. This work has required nearly
| nineteen centuries, and we Itelieve is
about com pleted
T he Messiah class
Is about made up
Jesus th f f|ead
long ag o entered iptd HI« glory. Foot»
rhe last m embers o f His Body will
' pass beyond the veil
Forthw ith the
work o f b less.*g the nations w ill Itegio.
E. N. Hall was here from Dal­
las yesterd-iy and disposed o f his
interest in the Hall & Shaw fur­
niture business to his partner,
Mr. Shaw, who will continue the
business at the old place.—Sheri­
dan Sun.
A large lot with 6-room house
and good barn, Ht $1000, on good
A dandy stock ranch at $75
per acre. There are two set of
buildings, of which one is a good
7-room house in good repair, the
other house has three room. The
water supply is excellent, having
two wells, a fine spring o f water
near by, which can be piped to
either house, also a creek through
the place. There are 7 1-2 acres
1 o f hops and 15 acres more can lie
put in. There are 35 acres in
cultivation, some more can be
easily cleared. There are two
acres o f o! ohard, the balance of
land is open pasture* and timber.
Location, 6 mile, o f Dallas, 3
miles to Fails City. 1 mile o f
Bridgeport. Price $75, on good
terms at 6 per cent interest.
After next Wednesday a 12y2 per cent cut will be made in the number
of votes allowed on subscriptions.
Candidates should get their subscrip­
tions in as fast as possible.
The following schedule shows the votes to be allowed on all
payments for subscriptions to the Polk County Itemizer:
One Year
Two Years
Three Years
Five Years
Ten Years
Polk County Itemizer
Please enter the name of M ........................
................................. , Address ................................ .
as a candidate in the Itemizer Popularity
Name ......................................................
Address .......................
Address all communications to Contest Depart­
Good for 1000 votes. Only one counted for any candidate
ment, The Polk County Itemizer, Dallas, Ore.
160 acres, 50 acres in cultiva­
list tion, 50 cleared and in pasture,
the. balance in timber. Good 8-room
can i house, barn and outbuildings.
6 acres o f orchard, mostly prunes,
some apples. 3 miles o f Dallas.
Sloan's Liniment gives instant relief from neuralgia or
167 acres 1 1-2 miles from Dal­ Price $10,000. Terms, half cash.
It goes straight to the painful part — soothes the
las; all under cultivation; on Co.
nerves and stops the pain. Don’t rub— it penetrates.
road and rail road; well improved
House and lot in Dallas—$3000
and 7 miles o f tiling on place. $150
Mas. R udolph N isck « , Oconto,W is., writes:— " I have used Sloan's
183 acres well improved; good
per acre. Good terms.
Liniment for toothache and neuralgia in the head where nothing else would
laud; 2 miles from Dallas, all un­
help me and I would not be without the Liniment in the house.”
One o f the best business loca­ der cultivation, on main county
tions in town, 50 foot frontage road, and on railroad. $150 per
on Main street. $5000.
acre. Good terms.
201 acres, 2 miles from Perry-
51 acres, 4 miles from. Dallas, |
dale on county road; 175 acres in
cultivation; 8 acre orchard; creek | 1-4 mile from school. 3-4 mile to
crosses place; some improvments, R. R. station, some fruit; g oo!
will sell all or in small tracts or ' improvments; 38 acres under cul­
tivation; in a fast developing com­
' will trade for small place near
munity, price $120 per acre. 7-
Two splendid homes In heart I Dallas or Falls City.
room house, barn 40x60, 8 acres
o f city {tt $2400 each.
48 acres near town for $1000. in A. P. cherries in bearing.
is also good for rheumatism, sore throat, chest pains and sprains.
House and lot. 2 blocks from All cleared and under fence, but
Pains A l l G o n e
public school: price $1100.
M rs . C. M. D o w k er , o f Johannesburg. Mich.,
miles from Dallas, 3-4 mile from
5 1-2 acre bearing fruit tract,
writes:— ‘ ‘ I wish to say your liniment is the best
Good business lot for sale, best
medit ine in the world. It has cured me of
four varieties of 12 year old trees, school and R .R. station. 18 acres
location in Dallas.
neuralgia; those pains have all gone and I
1-2 mile from Perrydale.on coun-
can truly say your liniment did cure me.”
House and lot in Dallas to ty road; good 3 room house, barn 12 acres walnuts 7 years old, 25
Pain A ll G one
trade fur an out o f town tract 4 and a sawdust, lined apple house, acres of young pears and apples,
M l J. R. S w inger , of 547 So. 12th St.,
3 years old, 30 acres grain land,
to 10 acres,
also some smallfruit. price -$2000.
Louisville, Ky., writes:— I suffered with
all farm implements and stock go
quite a severe neuralgic headache for four
50 acres hill land half under
For $4000 we have a well im­ with the place, bargain price and
months without any relief.
I used your
cultivation, all good fruit land, proved 6-acre tract within the good terms.
Liniment for two or three nights and I
haven’t suffered with my head since. I have
1 mile from station $60 per acre, city limits. Over 3 acre3 o f largo
found many quick reliefs from pain by the
640 acres, 400 o f it cleared and
fruit and considerable small
. use o # f c Sloan’s
i ____1 . v Liniment
_____ . ____1
l . i L . . . .
» a be
and believe
it to
2.27 acre» In Dallas. 6 room ones. Five-room house and barn. in cultivation, 100 slashed, 160
the best Liniment on the market to-day. I
plastered house, woodshed and
in pasture. Fine soil, good
can recommend it for what it did for me,"
A bargain at the price.
small barn, 3 hen houses, about
springs, rolling land and well
Price 26c., 60c., and $1.00 at All Deals«.
300 fruit trees. $3200, all but
fenced. A mode! farm and nev­
Seiul for Sloan's Fro« Book on Horses. Ad.Irese
acres each, on R. R. and Co. road er offered for sale before. Clov­
$1,450 cash.
DR. E A R L S. S L O A N ,
from Dallas to Monmouth. 1 mile
40 acres, all fenced three miles from Dallas, bearing next year; er land, hop land, anything you
Boston, Mass.
of town; 15 acres in prchald and great opportunity to get orchard
cultivation, 400 0-yuar old prunes. tracts for a little cash.
Good garage site on principal
Good buildings. $100 an acre,
One 6-room modern house close
205 acres, 8 1-2 south o f Dal­ street of Dallas, 50x100 feet, price
Forty acres of fruit land, well
1132 acres in Lincoln county, las. There are 70 acres o f bot­ $1900, terms reasonable.
in; small payment down; balance located, for $75 per acre.
200 acres cleared, plenty o f pas­ tom land, 50 acres slashed, 40
Have 5 1-4 acres, 4 1-2 acres easy monthly payments.
ture, 80 under cultivation, lit acres o f good second growth tim­
We have five acres of well im­
Within 6 miles o f Dallas we proved hill land close to town for
acaes in fruit, fine soil. $35,000. ber, and 45 acres o f small fir and set to apples, 14-vear-old trees.
Baldwin, Rome Beauty, New­ have a tract o f 98 acres, all un­
Fine dairy ranch.
oak timber. There are two acres tons and Ben Davis varities. der cultivation, without other sale at a reasonable price.
We have for sale one mile west o f young bearing orchard, three Place has good comfortable, 3- improvements,
that can
20 acres, well improved with
o f Falls City, 80 acres of timber good barns, a new house o f five room and good barn, well saw- j bought for $90 an acre. All orchard and strawberries, good
that cruises one and one half mil­ rooms and large woodshed and dust lined apple house, and other good black soil, and is rolling house and barn close to Dallas
lion feet down to 16 inches, has a I milk house. The price is $60 an improvements.
Is 1 1-2 miles land, close to school and postof­ , for 3ale at $300 an acre.
down hill shoot all the way to ' acre in trade or $50 in cash, and from good town, school and fice.
Falls City lumber Co’ s mill; has a I the buyer can assume a mortgage church.
32 acres all cleared and nearly i
good house, barn and out build­ )o f $3,200, which can run almost
$2(KX) 7-room house on Wash- all in cultivation, 17 acres s e t'
ings; has bearing orchard, will sell three years at 6 per cent, paya­
ble on or before or can pay $100 ngton street. Corner lot, 170x to trees and small f-uits. F iv e1—
or trade.
300,' and all modern improve­ room house, barn and woodshed. K p a l t v I r t T K ' i * 4 * 6
30 acres on city limit line o f or more on any interest day.
Dryer on place and ware house. X V C d l i y
Dallas, on Co. and R. R. no im-
provments. all under cultivation, irrigated, all in city limits, planted
$12, oik ).
Dallas, Oregon
fenced, fine logan berry land. n fruit trees, for $250 per acre. Realty Concern,
We have calls every hour
houses for rent.
Why not
your vacant
house with
itemizer Realty Concern —we
rent it.