DOINGS IN THE TOWN. Miss Pauline Snyder was up from McMinnville over Sunday, i Read Fruit Inspector Parker’s i ¡letter elsewhere. It contains i some timely advice. Comings and Goings of Citizens of Dal­ Judge L. I). Brown is attend- | ing the legislature in Salem to­ day. las and their Friends. Judge Galloway win will probably Prooao.y hold a session of circuit court I here tomorrow or next day. Independence Gaim* Title. THE PASSING OF THE OLD. IT IS WHISPERED This week the Independence That the rabid Suffragettes Enterprise published a piece Siletz, Jan. 20, 1D13. _ have pursuaded a lone bachelor about the Independence high Editor Itemizer: There is Solon to introduce a bill making school basketball team claiming a misdemeanor for the fair sex I the championship o f the state. something in the nature o f man Wear skirts, They also claim that Dallas high that compels a reverence for ’ . . . , : had refused to play them. Last things that have passed away. That commercial club club r now wee k Inde pend enee asked n X iThis WM b<™Kht forcibly to my 1 ha* the commercial * _ a? ked P alla8 mind a few week« the e !sees sees the Itemizer weeks since on th itemizer was right rignt in. to play them at Independence, occasion o f a visit to my old not advocating the city park as a but Manajfer Cadle would not home. During this visit it was place for holding our county fair. | play aecount o f the team not being in condition. my privilege to visit the site oL That Gus Bowman and Doc J Dallas is willing and ready to the old school house, which has Patterson are authorities on the meet all high school teams of this past season been replaced origin o f potatoes, building. the state, but cannot be blamed by *„ a i new . and , . uptodate •., . „ -- i | Thgt Doctor Cherrington has! BEAD A DAILY M. Hayter, dentist, Bank Blk. , Mr. and Mrs Tommy Holman For fancy stationery go to Ellis have been ovtr f rorn Salem visit- tf ' relatives here. N otices under this head only S, cent drugstore. a w ord each insertion, cash in ad­ Born, to Mr. and Mrs Fred for refusing to play Indepen- a 9 and admfred1ks beautv"»nd been duly elected as sPeaker ° { I van ce . No phone ord ers accepted. Mr and Mrs. J. E. Goetz were dence when out o f practice. The Draciiee Th« ■ admi™!d 118 beauty and .. the third house: house; that he auDoint- appoint- Elliott, a girl. visitors in the metropolis last Dallas boys TeertiTaTTndepen- co" ven‘ cnce, I could not but feel ed F. H. Morrison as mail agent, Glen O. Holman, attorney at week. and that said Morrison went ov- dence has a good team and do fu* at paS#ln?u°^ FOR SALE law. Wilson Bldg. er to qualify, but his friends are Hugh Black is back from a two not want to go over there and „ i f buildmL house was built! ¡J “ ™ '" * “ {l™ 91* w orried -too Try Marvel flour at Holman & weeks trip through the sound get beat. Dallas high has only | SALE—Some land. 10 acre» ffruboed. 1-2 F OR mile south o f the city limits. Fine well ar.d country, looking after timber in­ lost one game this season and during the summer o f 1866, and , many lady clerks, large new la m . Finest land for prunes or fruit. Boydston’ s giocery. feel that they have a good right Price only $ 1600 . Phone 4x6. F6 terests. during all these years has been J That Humpyty Dumpty, of th e i to claim the championship o f the the seat o f learning in that part pipe organ, is rather changeable j Post cards at the Dallas Va­ Mayor J. Riley Craven, of state. As to being afraid o f In­ L'OR SA LE—Lots 6 and ' in block 17. Bilia addi- riety store, 10 cents a dozen. a re fa r from o f P" lk county’8 educational sys- j in his opinions of how to run a * tion. For particulars call here. The two lots Dallas, was yesterday re-elected dependence - they2 are Two week» weeks norn ago he Iar Irom tern known as District No. 36. 1 and house for $1250. * Flä I »»«warum»** newspaper. Twn Born, January 20, to Mr. and vice president of the Oregon Re - 1 uepenuente, it, and will do their utmost to | It was 18x24 feet in size, a n d 1 commended the Enterprise for Mrs. W. R. Ellis, a girl. tail Hardware association. arrange to meet them at their SALE—Pure bred R. C. R. I. R. cockerels was built by popular subscrip-! having a miscellaneous section; F )R from $1.50 to $5.00. Phone Buena Vista 6652. , earliest convenience. If Inde- tions. Davis Gibson, Wm. Ru-1 this week he condemns the Item Buy your boiled hams at the F13 i Mrs. Gus Shultz was operated pendence should defeat Dallas Dallas Meat Market. No flies, no on at the hospital Tuesday by the |atter will acknowledge her ble and Elisha Starbuck were izer for having a like one. dust, strictly sanitary. Fox terrier pupa, $2.50 to $5 each. or sale That John Lynn would have ja F Dr. Nevel. sore \ rearce was district clerk, l remained in California but for Ed. F. Goad’ s law office, pro­ is now improving. ... ,, I think there has never been a day one thing—ask him. bate matters a specialty, room 20 John I ichter will return Mon-: : since the district was organized SALE—Pure bred S. C. White Leghorn»; National Bank Bldg. F20 F OR cocks $2. cockerel» <1.60. Egg» $1 per 15. <5 That Mayor Craven in his ad­ day from his vacation o f 10 days Normal Five Beaten but tbat some o f these men or per 10U- G. W. Starr, phone Pink 15. M2U normal rive oeaien. their children have been on the dress before the hardware people We are selling a good silk mes­ spent in the Los Angeles coun- ; saline waist for $2.50 Dallas try- i ^he o* . vt team o f the L chool board in some capacity or at Portland yesterday particu­ LO R SALE—A few S. C. White Leghorn», prize larly impressed on the body that • winning cockerel» for sale at <1 to $2.50 each. Variety Store. Mrs. Jane Hedgepeth is wel> 1 •'emember —F. C. Meyer, phone Smithfieid 562 line 3. tf defeat at the hands o f the fast i °,ther-, the day How on which the school he was from Dallas and not Mc­ Take your prescriptions that ing her home this winter with ! Pacific College team, o f N ew -! opened N. F. Nelson, common- Minnville or The Dalles, as the you are most particular about to her daughter. C. A, Ander-1 iberg, "’ here herein the"normarVvmn”i SALE—Italian prune tree» by n „ Mrs. , ------ in the normal gymna- ‘ ®penf,a*. r^', *'• ^ e.lson’ was the j papers had been placing him. F O ' Daniel, Ellis’ drugstore. tf son. in Portland. I I ly called Poley Nelson, Dalla». son, in I ortland. sium Saturday night by the score first teacher. We had no regu­ That our Hill line committee Do you know o f a track o f land Frank Morrison yesterday re- of 46 to 10. The game was fast lar system o f text books at th a t! were introduced to Mr. Young pO R 8A LE OR T R A D E -C ow . Ewing Bros. J80 for a five-year lease, suitable for ceived by parcels post a fine box and exciting throughout and sev- time and the school board and j as from The Dalles. ’ Tis ever — * from ----- 1 eral good Fink throws goat raising? o * f raisins Arthur, who attn e basket patrons adopted a system to su it1 thus. is now in California. were made. The normal school themselves. We had no desks Dr. Morris’ 20 years experience L O R SALE—Cow», F. L. Guthrie. Dalla» Phone That West will have some fun J30 in optical work * Blue 661. At the Woodman lodge Tues­ players failed by having a poor and we sat around on benches with the legislators before it is will assure you system, especially in passing the and boxes as bgst we could. To­ day evening one application was correct fitting glasses. over—or they with him. SALE—Brown Leghorn eggs, $1.60 per sett- received and 11 transfers. An ball, and the Newberg fellows day there is but one o f those who F OR The Itemizer will print you ___ ing o f 16. Henry Voth. Dalian. ___ __K27 were skilled in basket throwing. attended that first school left in entertainment was scheduled for 500 butter wrappers for $2.25 or Resolutions of Respect. LE—1600 Carlton nursery prune tree». next Tuesday night, but the na­ The tall center o f Newberg the old neighborhood. Dorr Gib­ F OR will SA run from 5 to 7 feet. I have «old my place 1000 for $3.25. measured six feet and six inches, son. Several have passed to the ture o f it is not given out. Polk County Soldiers’ and and must di»po»e o f these trees at once. Phone. but in spite of his great height great beyond, and the rest are Antioch 51. W. B. Ramsey. tf Bill White is taking treatment Sailors’ association met at the Mrs. V. P. Fiske and daugh­ and several years continuous at Shepherd’s hot springs in scattered over this and surround­ ter, Miss Georgiana, went to practice, 0. D. Byers, center of ing states. Among those who court house on January 15, at SALE—Nice one-year-old Oregon Champion Washington. F OR Gooseberry hushes in large or small lots. For Portland Friday afternoon for a the 0 . N. S. team, held him down attended all or part o f the time which time the following resolu­ 'iV,,V%V%V^V,V.V'.Vointed administrator, under building, room 22. Moon in 1867, she passing away Editor Itemizer:—In a few This popular company will he bond of $1,560. Eugene Hayter, bond Brown & Sibley have a few ot- a few weeks ago. He was a From In fa n c y to O ld Age a R e lia b le heard at the high school audi- moi e weeks fruit growers will C. G. Coad and A. V. R. Snyder their handsome calendars left fa m ily -la x a tiv e ie most needed— T ry thie. war veteran and leaves four ¡torium this evening, beginning be giving their orchards their made appraisers. Inasmuch as the rough bark which may be had by calling at sons and four daughters. It is inconceivable in this day o f gen­ annual spring cleaning. At this forms one of the chief wintering eral at 8:30. In re estate o f J. F. Leach, their office on Mill street. intelligence that any family would A cigar stand has been install­ time there will be a general cut­ deceased; sale of real estate con­ places o f the codling moth larva, be without a simple remedy for the Cooking bags o f the Dallas ed in LaCreole Club and a full ting out o f useless wood, re­ you will be benefiting yourself as minor ills o f life, for often by (jiving firmed. Final account filed and Meat Co. Latest thing out in stock o f cigars, tobaccos and eig- i planting o f dead or diseased trees well as improving the appear­ such a remedy in time a serious disease set for hearing February 21st. can be frusttated and a life saved. cooking o f all kinds of meat. arettes put in. The counter is I and burning o f brush and rub­ ance o f your trees. For example, if at the first sign o f a In re estate o f C. N. Tharp, ! 25 cents for 30 bags. quite an ornament to the club bish about the orchard. Do not feel discouraged if af­ cold a simple laxative-tonic like Dr. deceased; final account heard rooms, being made o f selected While I realize that nearly ev­ Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin were given the Mrs. Warren Quick is reported and approved. We have for sale in and near ery commercial fruit grower un­ ter cleaning up your own place beginning o f a serious lung affection or native woods, the handiwork of your neighbor declines to clean o. a typhoid fever might be avoided. In re estate of John Taylor, j as improving at a Portland hos Holmes & Grant, and will be Dallas: derstands thoroughly what pre­ up his and so leaves you but lit­ And also in headaches, ner"ousnc»' 5 acres for $4)0. deceased; inventory and apprais- pi cal, and .sue may soon bs abln quite an accommodation for all cautions are necesst ry for the tle better off than you were be­ elc., a small dose o f this remedy would to submit lo an operation. 5 acres for $500, ment filed and approved. Ad­ habitues. Lloyd Rice will he the j prevention o f pests and diseases relieve the co gestion and replace dis­ 5 acres in fruit 4 years old for in the orchard, there are some fore. ministrator licensed to sell pe Brown & Sibley, attorneys and club custodian after February 1st. tress with comfort. Mothers give it to Start in to clean things up and $650. tiny infants ind little children, and sonal estate at public sale. j abstracters, notary public. Ab~ who either through lack of time then keep “ everlastingly at it” grown people take it with equally good While it took the assistance of 5 acres, house and bearing or knowledge fail to remove from i »tracts made promptly at a rea­ e Sooner or later others will ap­ feet. sonable charge. 016 Mill street, several engines to bring in some fruit for$80i). their orchards some o f the worst Thousands o f good American homes Pay Visit To Portland. o f our trains during the late 5 acres, all in cultivation for sources o f disease with which we preciate the improvement and are never without it, among them the Dallas, Ore. by drug store for fifty cents or one dol­ follow your example. A little snow, they got in nearly on time. ■ $ 1000 . homes o f Mrs. V. M. Hull, Wyacena, lar. The latter site is more economical Yesterday morning 14 resi­ have to contend. A fence row Mr. and Mrs. John Lynn have A number of telephones were Other cultivated tracts for overgrown with wild rose briars, work upon the part o f each and Wia., and Mrs. Ivory Lumbert, Manka­ and is bought by those who have al­ dents of Dallas, representing the ! returned from their trip to Cali­ out o f service for a few days, $3.500. a whole lot o f co-operation will to, Minn., who say they would as soon ready convinced themselves o f its mer­ city council ahd the commercial seedling apple trees, and rasp­ accomplish wonders in a short be without the necessities as without its. Syrup Pepsin users learn to dis­ 10 acres for $250. club, met with G. P. A. Young, fornia. where they expected to and our mail carriers had a bad the necessities as without Syrup Pepsin. card pills, salts, cathartics and purga­ berry bushes offers the best con­ time. X •of the Hill lines to impress upon spend the winter. It got too time o f it, but not much cessation j 10 acres for $1000. It saves the health o f the family, and tives generally as they are too great a ceivable brdeding place for an- i edd to suit them. it saves doctor's bills. It is a guaran­ shock to any average system. o f business was noticeable in any 10 acres, all in cultivation, thracnose and San Jose scale. .him the desirability of extending teed cure for any form o f stomach, I f no member o f your family has ever house and barn, for $2,5.H). If you desire to dispose o f your line. their electric line on from Mc­ Both raspberry and blackberries liver and bowel trouble, constipation, used Syrup Pepsin and you would like 15 acres, good buildings, all Minnville through Polk county. 'butter you must now have but­ Summons. indigestion, , biliousness, on . the to make a personal trial o f it before Carrier Milt Grant reports the are subject to anthracnose and if , . , - - gas . 1 The advantages of doing so were ter wrappers. At no place breaking down o f the Luckia- fruit 4 years old, for $2700. headaches, drowsiness after t buying it in the regular way o f a drug- grown in or about an orchard In the Circuit Court o f the state o f Oregron for stomach, eating, 15 acres in bearing fruit $4,500. should be thoroughly sprayed Polk . . - - etc, Have no hesitancy about giat, send your address—a postal will iully explained to Mr. Young by can you secure them cheaper or mute bridge this side o f Falls county. Department No. 2. giving it to any member o f the family, , do to Dr. W. D. Caldwell. 415 Wash- 15 acres, buildings and 9 acres with lime, sulphur. With wild Dora A. Chase, plaintiff A some of our best speakers- As better than at the Itemizer office. City. Several patrons o f his however young or old, for it contains ington St., Monticello, 111,, and a free v» >• prunes, $2,500. is usual in railroad matters the nothing injurious to the youngest per- sample bottle will be mailed you. Re- „ „ . Mrs. George T. Gerlinger, an route will have to be missed for rose bushes, it is also a case of Lena E. Davis. E. Davis, j 17 acres, half in cultivation for spraying or grubbing them out, I Augustus Pearson. Sarah ! G. P. A. was very reticent as to aluminus o f Stanford Chapter ot­ a time until a way of getting v v v. • j . ! sults are «'ways guaranteed or money M. Davidson. William M. ' A bottle can be obtained at any near- ! will be refunded. $1500. the company, hot but tho Kappa Kappa Sorority, lately across is elfected. This bridge was to « plans nian. o O f f the onmrmnv Davidson. Rosette Davidson as I do not think anyone will at- \ Theodore B. Davidson. Mar- I 20 and 30 acre tracts for from the result o f the trip is believed assisted in the installation cere­ rebuilt last fall and has a 72-foot tempt to spray a thicket o f them, j srrette Davidaon. Mary Cun­ $70 to $.300 per acre; larger pla- or preserve them for their beau - 1 ningham. R. R. Cunning- 1 to have been seed sown on good monies o f the Eugene chapter. span. ham. K. L. Murphy, Hen- I Polk Takes the Bakery. ■ces at from $35 per acre and up. Baptist Church. ground, and that the result de­ W. Murphy. Claud ! : ty or attractiveness. I believe derson “ What’ s the difference be­ H. Davidson. Lora David- ! Dr. McNicol. osteopath, li­ In city property we h »ve sired will he forth coming. Mrs. Winnie Braden, secretary »on. and Addie B. Davidson. I you will all heartily agree with ) Those forming the invitation par­ censed by state examining hoard tween a republican legislator homes at $800, $9()0. $1000 to me that the best and most sensi­ defendants. of our poultry association, is Sunday services: Pearson, one o f said defendants: winning an enviable reputation i ty were A. B. Muir, H. G. Camp­ of Illinois and Oregon. The on­ voting for a democrat for United $4000; one at $1800 with 2 acres, ble way is to dig them out and : IN To the Augustus Sunday school lo a. m. name o f the state o f Oregon: You are States senator and a man sit­ one at $14(K) with one acre; both be done with them. bell, Tracy Staats, J. R. Craven. ly licensed noil-drug physician in 1 hereby required to appear ami answer the as a prize winner. Mrs. Braden Morning worship at 11 a. m. complaint filed against you in the above entitled W. A. Ayres, John McBeq, N. L. Dallas. Office corner o f Court ting on a fence watching anoth- these places in fruit. Another place which offers an court and suit within six weeks from the date of won the grand prize at Dallas, “ The Sinners’ Hope.” t f er fellow taking his best girl to and Levens Sts. the first publication o f this summons, to-wit. on Guy, W. L. Soehren, Chas. Min- 2:30 p. m., Junior Meeting. excellent refuge for insect life is 9 T before the 24th day of January. 1913, and if went to Newberg and won sev- nich. F. J. Coad, C. L. Crider, j If you have money to loan we a picnic?” was the conundrum „ „ . ^ 1 you fail «0 to answer, for want thereof, the plain eral special prizes and first on Young People’s Meeting 7:00. the rough, scaly bark which which Glen Holman handed to tiff w ill a p p ly t o th r co u r t fo r * d eer— •• |,r«y«rt h e r W h i t e R fW ’ l f « and hoa n « ,.- E. C. Kirkpatrick, W. V. Fuller will find you a borrower; if you , l l l C IV .C K K S, an d naS HOW “ Evangelism” forms on fruit trees of m a t u r e fo r in |“ W com p la in t, t o -w it T hat th r d . f e n - Representative Holland. “I I d a n u horoin m ay bo rm u irw l to art forth th e na- I d U p l I C B t c d t h e P e r f o r m a n c e a t and W . L. Tooze. want to borrow money we can Evening 7:30 p. m. age. It is doubtless true that ture of their claim» in and to that certain parcel — • - - - - - - - think the feeling is about the f land described as follows, to-wit: lx>ts One (1) Salem against a field o f 600 com­ find you a lender. Plenty o f m on -; tiie bark o f trees would remain I : o and same," was the answer Belland Four (4) in block Fourteen (14) in the town Ike Lynch now has the agency ey on improved farm property. smooth and bright throughout ; of Monmouth, iu the county o f Polk and state of petitors. Hurrah for old Polk passed back. Oregonian. Rrgistratio i of Farm Names. Oregon, a» platted and o f record in »aid county for the Ford automobile. BROWN & SIBLEY. the life o f the tree if given the and state, and that all adverse claims o f the de­ and Mrs. Braden. A game law has been intro­ fendant» may he determined by a decree of said No. 116 Rosalie. G. G. Thomp­ proper kind o f care and enough court. All white help at the Dallas D allas, O reg o n That by said decree it be declared and ad­ Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Chitty and duced in the house which will son, Buell. judged that the said defendants and each o f them o f it Also it is true that prop­ Chop House. Best of meals, \ have no estate nor interest whatever in or to said son, Ansel, of Dodge City, Kan­ work a hardship on our local ■...... ------- er spraying and care will restore parcel o f land, and that the title o f plaintiff oysters in any style. Home duck shooters. It is the making thereto is good and valid; and that the said defen­ sas, arrived in Dallas yesterday the roughest bark to smoothness dants M. F. White and W. H. Mc­ cooking. Jas. Hubbard proprie­ o f the open season the same as and each of them he forever enjoin «! and fo ra visit with his sister. Mrs. The commercial club committee if given sufficient time. debarred from asserting any claim whatever in or . The only positive painless cancer cure F8 Daniel have gone to Enterprise, tor. to said land adverse to plaintiff: and that plaintiff Kate Muscott. and his brother, in existence. Don't waste time on un- obtains lower down the river, consisting; of R. L. Chapman, N. You can materially aid the may have such other relief as may seem meet where they may bring down a Mr. J. V. Chitty. Dr. Higdon. Panthesepist and where the game is fed and kept L. Guy and W. L. Tooze have spray in its work by making a with «iu ity- | certain methods. No knife used. Anv carload o f horses. This summon» by an order o f Hon. Ed. F. Coad. lump in breast is cancer. Any sore not m ignetic Healer, is prepared to for shooting during the season been out with a petition this Blanche Noel, now o — f . ] healing in six months is cancer. Thous- habit o f scraping off this rough county judge o f Polk county. Oregon, made at n Miss , . to give treatment, also Turkish to the entire exclusion o f hunt­ week interviewing our property hark by hand whenever you find Chambers in Dallas. Oregon, on the 11th day of rasadena, IS receiving consider- »nds o f testimonies from cured patients December. 1912. is served upon you by the publi­ baths, at 908 Main street. Dis­ ers up the valley. Our season owners as regards hard surfac­ DR. D. 6. REMPEL thereof for a period o f six consecutive able press mention on account o f !rea^ . ^ urinK i>a,t 'hirty years. Send a tree afflicted in that manner. cation weeks immediately prior to the 24th day of Janu­ eases of all nature successfully should be as it , giving ing, but with no definite results ( h iro k t k e t' tiorne in and see us before ary. 1913 in the Polk County Itemiser. a weekly the proficiency o f her modeling If the bark be wet and loose you JÇ *• Ulti Spinal AHjuitkr. l’hnaa tteated; has cured hundreds o f our hunters a chance after the as yet, although sentiment is newspaper of general circulation, printed at Del­ — ------ your cancer gets beyond cure. All UH. V a. in. K, 6 p, in. Othki hnnra by hopeless cases o f rheumatism Portland nimrods are out o f the found to be considerably more in can do it easily with your gloved ia» in said county. The date o f the first publica­ work. She will be remembered treated under guarantee. Drs. Rus is December 12. 1912. appi’intuii nt. litt, urt Suret for the excellence of her paint­ A Billington, White Salmon, W n „ P. hand, but if it be dry and hard tion o f thia summons BROWN A 8IBLEY 'and various diseases. its favor than heretofore. game. I alita ha«uu Attorneys for the Plaintiff. ings while a resident o f Dallas. O. Box HR. some steel tool will be necessary. AND GET THE NEWS FRESH Itemizer Clubbing Offer: Daily Oregonian and 0 C Itemizer, one year__vU .üU Daily Oregon Journal and Itemizer, year__ $ 5.00 TAKE YOUR CHOICE I The World Moves Itself \ W e Move Anything Else I CITY TRANSFER CO. I S I I I i i A Staple Medicine For All Families REAL ESTATE SNAPS Itemizer Realty Concern CANCER.