Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, October 17, 1912, Image 8

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i ning last week, when the members o f
Misses Lizzie and Emma Herman, o f
I that church gave their new pastor a
Carleton, visited at the Eishba k home , _
reception anil donation party.
j ». , . o
Saturday and Sunday.
I ft
M. G. Ellis made a business trio t o 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Remington have re-
The Dallas last week to which place he t“ r“ « 1 fr’" “ » three months trip to N ew
M ba Leatha
0°/ hi r“ ^ d
,u „
York, where they visited relatives all
via.ted .ct trie Iio m e o f hei grand- i
P 1 removing in the near fu ] over the g U te
They were glad to g e t P »reiu at Mr. and Mrs. Bosley Sunday.
back to Oregon as they like It much
Mr. and M n . Orval Ssv'.er, o f R ic k - 1
Farmers can now g e t their feed better here,
reail, visited Sunday with hiS aunt,
chopped in Falls City, as G. I>. T rea t is .
working up this business and has
a 1 Jhe Social Hour Reading Club
was Mrs. C. E. Me Caleb.
stock o f feed on hand now.
entertained Wednesday afternoon bv
Misses M aggie and Alice Butler, A
O. A. Spinney was at home for a few j very delightful time was enjoyed by all
days last week. His daughter, Daisy, attending.
, u
Advent school. Her sister, Lillian, ac­ who has been sick with a fever, is some
Mr. and Mrs. Cass Lorence returned
Messrs. J. O. Price, John Koser,
companied her and will study in the better.
Sunday from Bend, Oregon, where they Hobt. Lc v and Paul Smith le ft Satur­
ninth grade at the same school.
R. R. Bettis, who has been very sick, I went to visit and see the country. Too day fo r the mountains fo r a hunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crawford enter­ was removed to the hospital at Dallas i rough and too much frost to be a desire-
Clay F'ox c a m 1 up from Portland 1
able place to stay all the time, although
tained a small company at dinner , Monday.
Thursday, their third wedding anniver­
Mr. and Mrs M. L. Thompson and I ^
a.very P ^ » » » n t trip.
O F F I C E : C h a p e l a n d P a rlo r# , N . M a in st.
Frank Law, Forest Craven, G ro v er !
Mrs. T ravis were Salem visitors one I Normal Lodge No. 204, l . O . O . F .,
| entertained A g a te Hebekah Lodge, No! | Beeler and V r. Sherwood returned |
The Spring Valley boys who were day last week,
B e ll P h o n e 103. • M u tu al P h o n e 180«.
Monday evening from the Siletz ' Z j
hunting in the mountains above Gates,
John Grant was in Falls City on busi-
Monday evening 14th, when Grand
C a ll* P r o m p t ly A n s w e r e d D a y o r N ig h t.
ness last week.
j Master tv heeler honored the lodge with and brought a quantity o f fish but | 1#;
have returned.
! his official visit
He was accompanied no venison.
Samuel Barker was out from Salem
Mrs. L. It. Stinson made the Pythian by his w ife
A fte r an interesting lec-1
H arry Cookingham visited his parents
Monday and bought a cow o f Harvey Sisters, o f Falls C ity,.a visit on W ed-; ture the lodges and visiting members in Salem >un!lay.
nesday o f last week.
marched to Murdock A P rim e’s building
. . . . . .
Mr »nd Mrs W H Robertson of where » “ excellent banquet was spread!
.'*r- Davidson is confined to the house
Rev. Mr. Miller, o f Salem, occupied
Beginning August 1 the Item izer be­
whip laid for Kill and all Hiri ins
Monmouth, were visiting their daugh- t.overs were laid lor luu and all am jus-
gan a four months correspondents* con­ the Baptist pulpit here Sunday.
Mrs J II Flower last Friday
tiee to the occasion. Rev. h. K. Sica-
The ice cream social at the school
Mr. Stratton and i i. H. and H arvey ter
test on the same tines as heretofore, e x ­
ter sirs j . ii Flower, laat Frioay.
| fooge thanked the committee on ar- house was well attended and a short
cept the prizes will be in cash, instead Crawford were in Dallas Saturday.
Mrs. J. D Moyer ha» charge o f the rangementa in behalf of the order.
program was rendered.
Oakhurat school again this year, and as I
, ...
. „
. . . .
of other articles, that method seeming
she with her pupils ma.ie all the eleven I . M,'“
Stump and Miaa Gather-
Vlr. Sampson, o f T en n essee,« visiting
to suit best ail concerned. The most
| points last year, necessary to a stand- |lne Campbell visited a week in Portland ; Wm. Cadie and fam ily,
regular and most newsy correspondent
ard school, the state and county super- tecently.
Mrs. D. T. H.aige and daughter, Mrs. '
during that tim e will receive $10, the
N ew apparatus has arrived at the intendants will have to find them “ new
P, O. Black and brother sawed wood Fred Auer, were in Portland shopping
second $6. the third #2.50 and the next
last week.
north part o f town last week.
tw o $1 each. The contest will close class.
A governm ent agent
was here
Mr. and Mrs. Ik e Dempsey have gone
a fte r homestead
The school population o f this district M onai
Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Butler made re l­ to Harr.aburg fo r a short slay.
Novem ber 30and be immediately follow­
atives a v isit and returned to Portland
ed by another of four months duration numbers about 400.
A. H ill and son, W alter, came h o m e ’
The new residence o f J. B. Ktaats is
Frank Chamberlain, o f Canyon City, Sunday.
commencing on that date.
from Portland Saturday, .Mrs. H ill re­
is visiting relatives here and is talking
nearly completed.
W. It. Coulter moved to his new home m a n in g in Dallas at her son, H arry
o f buying the W urtberger blacksmith on East Main street Saturday.
H . il’s.
Monmouth has it water system but
no w ater to run in it.
Lyman Parker moCed to the Butler
Park Calkins is back in the poatoffi- place Monday.
P. E. Chase is closing out his N o r­
Mr. and M r». N. L. Freer returned
ce. Mamie F u gitt is also working
Thursday from Alsea with a nice lot o f
tral Oregon to locate.
It certainly sounds good to hear the
Mr. Parker and Lee are both busy
W illie Bush and fam ily visited at Ned
business-like noises going on at the
apples. Tney are
[ To late for last w eek]
laying cement walks from early spring
F r e e r '» last Sunday.
planer, and as there is a large crew o f
Hom er Alleman. o f Woodburn, W ill turning out b etter both as to quality
to the present time.
both teams and men, there is something Sayre, o f Salem, and F'rank and Don­ and quantity than expected.
School started last Monday with 26 j
A ll houses in Monmouth are occupied doing sure.
na. d Craw ford le ft hers last week for a
Mrs. Sargoant and daughter, Irene,
and many more are in demand.
Grand Master W heeler, o f the I. O. two weeks hunt in the mountains above from Uellview, have been visiting his
Uncle Ace Burbank is v ery low.
o f maun-
moun- brolher'„ f amiiy> ölen ¿umwall.
The Oregon normal school building is O F., with his w ife visited the subor­ Gates. The horses go t tired
ireu or
M r. Love went to A irlie last week.
receiving a new coat o f paint.
dinate lodge here on Tuesday evening tain life and got loose Sunday night |
and were bacK in their accustom ed’ Dwight Miller, o f McMinnville, was a
The Uebekahs met with them.
Ira Hooker and fam ily have moved to
A lyceum course o f entertainments
quarters Monday night, their instict 1 Sunday caiier »a this vicinity,
Independence to live.
L B. Murray is home afte r spending
has been secured by the faculty o f the
having brought them straight home.
Mo3t ^ w e,u are g e ttin g low aml
a few weeks with h.s daughter in p rank Crawford went to M ill 'City Mon-
Hex W om er has been digging pota­ normal school.
w ater is gettin g to be a scarce article.
More new street lights are planned
Countv Judge Coad was a Falls C ity j ing place, and phoned home fo r them
Frank Shythe has sold his team to by the city council.
visitor Tuesday to see his friend, J. H. , to be on the lookout for the horses and
John Dyer.
Mrs. Ernest Riddell, who has been Flower, who ia very sick.
not be worried at their appearance.
Miss Bernice Pow ell has returned visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ( ’.
Now the hunter bunch is 30
A t the residence o f Mr. and'
E. Herren, has returned to her home in
from nowhere with an outfit and wagon Mrs. Carl Cerlintrer last Satur­
from Salem.
Modesto, Cal.
and now is is up to someone to take to
Clifford Burbank is working for
day evening .«lias Caroline liank-
tall tim ber with the horses.
Frank Gilliam.
houser and Mr. Joseph Clath
Mrs Zella Baker, o f Portland, spent
Sam O'Brien, w ife and children visit­
were united in marriage by Kev.
Mr. A . J. K ru ger’s relatives return­ Sunday at the home o f her parents.
ed at F re e r’» last Sunday.
Edgar N. Miles, i'ne unde wore
ed home to Io w a last week a fte r spend,
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Craw ford and
Leonard Shively visited Burnie Freer
ing a pleasont tim e here.
Mr. and Mrs. lla r ry Craw ford attended a gown o f white serge trimmed
Sunday evening.
with blue, and was pretty as a
Mrs. F. Page, o f Kingwood Park, is the fa ir in Dallas Friday.
nett in honor o f the birthdays o f Miss
Billie McGee, o f Kings Valley, ia Maude, Fredrick Stinnett and John Co- quite ill we are sorry to say.
Vatious festivities, in­
Mr. and Mrs. H. Crawford spent the picture.
moving on the John W aters place.
ville. About 10 guests were present
Mr. Edwards, o f Oklahoma, arrived week end at the .Sam’ l Phillips home in cluding a royal feed, music from
Frank K em p has moved to Philomath. enjoying a pleasant evening.
Gus Homan on his bootlegger,
here last week to make his home in O r­ Salem.
Spud digging is the order o f the day. egon, as his brother and fam ily have
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Marsh, o f Salem and dancing, occupied the time
Bert Baker died at his home near
been here for some years.
came out Mondar to visit relatives.
until the small hours o f the
Peedee Thursday and was buried Satur­ A bumper crop is expected,
All the County News Graphically Writ­
ten up by Our Brainy Rustlers.
i 'i **1
Warm Underwear, Wool and Cotton
Union Suits—All Sizes
v -r
M ;i
Correspondents’ Contest.
ÎL ttT U N D E R W E A R .
c fiatid ofinitfad
Don’t wait too long before you buy that
Sweater. They are going fast, and no more
GOOD Sweaters to be had from the factor­
ies for several weeks.
Our Rough Neck
Sweater at
Dallas Couple Wed.
$ 3 .5 0
Mrs. U. J. Rempel ia busy drying ap­
A fte r teaching two terms o f school,
o f six months each, with less than a
Mr. Stonehocker will rent the W ilcox
w eek ’s vacation between terms, Miss house for the winter,
M. L. Hampton, had a vacation at
Several o f the farmers have tried to
home for just one month, and has be­
gun an eight month term at Siletz, plow but find the ground too dry.
where she taught last.
Ed Douglas is helping H arry Douglas
Henry Luth-.o, o f Steer Creek, spent with the farm work on the Kim sey
twenty days in Hampton’ s, building place.
and repairing fences and cutting wood.
Some o f our young folks attended the
Wm. Ilinshaw ia moving from Falls lecture given by Rev. C. P. Gates in
the Evangelical church at Dallas Sun­
C ity to Siletz.
day. The topic was “ The American
Oscar V ayes made a business trip to
Eagle and the W easel”
Nortons on Thursday.
Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Rempel and little
Arthur W igle drove Mrs. Southwell
son, Gehard, Mr. I*». Friefen, P eter ffrd
to Falls City to visit her mother, who
ilenry and Alisa Elizabeth, o f D»llus,
is in poor health.
viaited with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Friesen
G eorge Cox and Brinton Bryant start­ Sunday.
ed for t alls City on business Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. W alker were over Sun­
day visitors in the Kola neighborhood,
Mr. H orsfall and fam ily sand R. W.
Plank went to Dallas Thursday.
Mr, and Mrs. M. H.
Station, will move on
G. H. Hampton has a touch o f pleur - o f here this fall. Mr.
busy building a house
Mrs. Hampton is just over a spell o f
Mr. Scott finished surveying here F ri­
day and returned to Portland.
Mr and Mra. J. T. Miller and fam ily
visited with Mr. and Mrs. lla r ry C raw ­
ford at Zena Sunday.
Mrs. B. I. Ferguson, o f Eo!\, attend­
ed the school m eeting Friday here.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. Hunt and Mrs.
Grenville were the guests o f Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Hunt at Zena Sunday, whose
baby is quite ill with whooping cough.
Mrs. R. J. Taylor is visiting at the
Wilson, o f Polk
Bert W inslow has bought a lot on 4th home o f her daughter, Mrs. Loran
their farm north street and is going to build a house Wann in Hooper, Wash.
Wilson has been | sojn.
Harry Mix has returned from a visit
and barn.
Mr. Douglas has a basement finished I with hia sister in Aberdeen, Wn.
for another new bungalow in Kingwood I
and ^
c „ P e rc iv .lw e re Sa-
! le.n visitors last Wednesday.
One o f the Henry boys, in an adjoin­
Mrs. W . D. G renville and Mrs, J, T,
ing district, was drowned at Newport
Clarenc W hite and w ife returned to Hunt intend going to N ew p ort this week
by the caps zing o f a launch.
their home in Portland Friday.
for a few uays.
F. H . Brock ia building an addition
Misses Elsie k e y t and Marion Fox
to hia barn.
were visitors in Dallas .Saturday.
Dr. Carey has treated himself to a
new pony.
Our band reorgan zed Saturday night.
Otella Friar, o f Kola, has been here
R. J. l ’ obinaon traded his mare for a few days visiting friends.
T. D. McClain wears the " W r ig h t ”
tw o bronchos, anti sold the latter to his
Wanda Elliott has been quite sick the sm le nowadays.
son-in-law. Sold hia black colt to ti,
Mrs. Belle Pegankoff and children, o f
E. \\ ilson, o f Nortons, and bought a past week but is better now,
Oregon City, are guests this week o f
horse from John Hamar, o f Steer Creek
Mrs. Chas, Enes le ft Friday
J. K reutz and fam ily.
Spokane for a visit with her parents.
Mias M. L. Hampton bought a flue
She will join her husband in California
Roy and w ife have purchased
three-year-o ' horse, well broken, from
as soon as he finds a suitable location. the hop yard form erly owned by Ed
M. D. \\ elt.
o f Kddyville, for 1125
■ ' ' ■
♦ • ♦ ...... ...... —
11. McKee, II. Jones and Frank Lynn Bowles.
have been tilling their silos the past
M. N. Prather and w ife and T . D.
McClain and Miss W righ t were Sunday
visitors to Corvallis.
Rev. Jesse Kellems preached his
Mrs. Sherwood is quite ill at this
Mrs. B. W . Ila rritt and aon, Karl, f i re well sermon Sunday evening, lie
business visitors to Portland r.signed his p ace here and will have writing.
Monday, driving down in the auto.
cnaige o f the work at Sheridan. Rev.
Grandpa Cole »ml daughter, Mrs.
»IcHatton, o f Eugene, will preach here Maud Porter, o f Chehalis, are visiting
Helling hops was the order last week.
t le fourth Sunday o f this month.
at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Ed Prath­
J o h n schindler sold to J. A. Livesly &
Co., B W. H arritt to .las. Harris and
A. D. Olson to Wm. Brown.
iting at E. L. Rowland’s Sunday.
Apple packing started on the Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boyer and Lee
i i'onner attended Elmer Bobbin's Bale
ranch Monday.
near A m ity Saturday.
Karl H arritt has begin work on h a
new nouse on the old H arritt plate.
Mrs, Chas. Bratcher gave her little
Mr. Petit, o f Salem, la do'ng the con­ daughter, Laverne, a birthday party
Tuesday afternoon, it being her fourth
crete work.
I birthday. A fte r the little folks enjoy­
B. R 01 ver ard John Olson attended
th mselves a
the dancing partj in Sale it given by
they were given a nice lunch. She re­
Mica Croruae.
c e iv e d some nice presents, the most
Wm. Hmullin »nd family, o f Hood valuable one being $50 given her by
River, «r e - sit ng this week wi h Mr. her uncle, J. E. Yoakum. Those pres­
ent were LaVerne Bratcher, A lice W il­
Burt Carver.
son, Wanda and L e >ne Elliott, Dorothy
Born to E. Kruger and w ife, October
jv,*ldwell, May Gilliam, Ethel R oviand,
12th. a daughter.
l.oraine Foster, Della Warthen, Ruby
Fred K wing ia building on an addition ! Flannery, Jessie K eyt and Viola Wol-
i ford.
on the upper side o f hia house.
The new room to the swhoolhouse ia
nearly complete and we hope that
school can open next Monday with two
teachers in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. I G. Singleton are
Mr. P elk ers’ are aU cking their c over home from a month’ s trip in California
aa they could not secure a clover seed reporting a very pleasant time.
It is reported that C. J. Pugh has
sold his stock o f jew elry to a gen tle­
man from Salem.
H. C. Seymour, o f Dallas, was in this
city last Thursday.
Mrs. H ewitt, o f Aberdeen, W n., is
visiting her mother, Mrs. M. E Stans­
Mr and Mrs Cyrus Purvine visited
friends in Salem last week.
M ss Jean 8h; rman, o f Toledo, was
the guest o f M: s. Willard Craven last
w e e i.
Miss Grace Wallace came down from
Corvallis to spend r-unday with her
Henry Patterson, o f Portland, is
spending this week with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Dole Pomeroy, o f Grays
R iver, Wn., are visiting at the home o f
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Owen.
C. W. Butler returned Sunday
a month’s visit in the Hast.
Miss Pauline VanOrsdel, o f Dallas,
was the guest o fr ends in this c ity
this week
Presiding El ler Munsing, o f the
Evan gelical church, held quarterly con­
ference here Saturday and preached a
good sermon here Sunday morning.
can’t be equaled at any store, when these
are gone. Buy your Sweater now.
W IL L R. HOWE, Mgr.
D a lla s ,
S usceptibility t o colds, sore
throats, tonsilitis and such, in di­
cate im poverished vitality— lack
o f reserve strength to w eather
chan gin g seasons.
A spoonful o f S C O T T ’S E M U L ­
S IO N a f t e r e a c h m e a l starts
healthy body-action like a small
match kindles a great tire— and
m ore: ft m a k e * r ic h , healthy,
active blooJ fortifie r the tiseues
and stimulatee the a p p e t i t e —it
makes sound body-strength.
S C O T T ’S E M U L S I O N is the
purest cod liv er oil, m ade cream-
iik e and palatable without alco­
hol o r d rug— the quintessence
o f purity.
Make Anoth tr Record.
Several weeks apro the Item izer
published a record fo - our large
sawmill, which we thought was
about up to their capacity, but
the boys got an extra spurt on
iggt Week, and raised it consid-1
erable, probably because the item 1
spurred them to larger effort,
Last w#ek thev mads an average
cut 0 f 98,000 feet a dav. running i
T heje
R e f l e x E dces
P ro tect Y ou * |
W a t e r
C a n n o t
R vn I n A t
T h e F ront
The wadding o f Je?ac V. Johnson
j ami Miss Lettie Fnhback was solemni-
$3.00 Everywhere
The farmers are harvesting their po­ j zed at the home o f the biide at Mon-
tato crop this week. The yield prom­ I mouth Heights on Oct.il er
A. J. T O W E R CO.
ises a good one.
three o'clock by Rev
W tod, o f Mon­
Tow er Canadian Limited.
Mr. ami Mrs. El ner Nash, o f S dem, mouth. M arjorie Holman sang “ Gold
are spending a few days with hia par­ cn Hearted D a s ic »’ ’ ïïïas Emma H ar-
man played the wedding march. The
e n t , Mr. and Mra. J. Nash
hride was charmingly dressed in Mar-
Born. October 3rd, at the Good Sa­ selliea lace and whs attended by her ___ n v u m i
Equalization Board Meeting
maritan hospital in Portland, to Mr sister, Miss Ina Fishback. Len. Fish- l,P
100,000 feet a dav on the
and Mrs. l i s t e r Murphy, a ten pound back was beat man. Miss Emma H er- last three days o f the Week. The
girl. L ester has returned home and man caught the bride’s boouet. They proper Output o f the mill is real- |
I C E is her* by jriven that on Monday, the
hope i are entertained for hia recovery. received some very useful presents. ¡v about 20 per cent larger than V O T 21st
day o f October. 1912. the Board o f Equal
iy.n*ion w ill m eet in the county -ourt house at the
Nets Anderson returned to his home Th^y Will m o v e ^ T t e e ir T . m e 'T m T h e this- as measurement will always c ity o f D alla«, in the county o f Polk, state o f O re­
gon. to exam ine an<l correct ib e assessment rolls,
in McMinnville Tuesday a fte r a few
H ew itt place in l.uckiamute V alley exceed the mill measurements to j to correct all errors in valuation, dusenptions or
days spent with his brother, R. Pater-
o f land, lots or other p roperty or incor­
, »»»».
that extent.
ton .
rectly assessed as to description or qu an tity, or
w h ere in the name o f a person or er persons not
Mr and Mrs. V. Fishback, o f Lewis-1
■ ■
m »ew------——
Herman L. Prather, o f this place,
the o w n er thereon, or assessed under or beyond
ville, attended the wedding o f his si#-
. ..
m ,
the actual cash value thereof, and to assess all
was married to Mias V evs Marie " d i f f ­ ter
lands, hits or oth er property appearin g to have
e r in Seattle, Wn., October 4th. A fte r
been om itted o r that w a s not assessed.
December 1st their home will be in San
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bogynski, o f 1 Christian Science services held i P etttion s or applications fo r the reduction o f a
Francisco, Cal.
Mistletoe, visite i St the home o ta * l.t - | „ AdvVnti'st church ' SundVy Oc- Í
« Ä
it h the board d u rin g thf* first
Mr. Irvine, o f Eastern 1 >regon, was tor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Olin,
through here laat week buying a carload
W . R. Ilinshaw and family have m ov­
M r and M r». J. I. Miller and child- ed to their claim in the Siletz baain.
o f rattle.
rm, o f w< at Salem, visited Surday at
R. Paul has received the patent to
H a rv e y C ra w fo rd ’s.
Donald Bolter ami sister, Miss Rilla,
his claim in the basin which pleases
Mrs. P. F. Clarke spent several day» everyone as we all hope to see each o f o f 9alem, visited Sunday with their eie-
Mra. ( leva Prather.
in Salem laat week, being tailed there
worked so hard for.
by the death o f her niece, Miss May*.
Past Grand Master W heeler gave a
d talk to member» o f the I. 0. O,
The Methodist Parsonage was the
M ia s
L ovica Holland has gone to
lodge here Friday .evening.
H opaw all, where »he will teach in tl a •Cine o f a vary enioyahle time one eva-
tober 20 at 11 a m
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Fishback, o f
Carlton, attended his sister’s wedding.
There is now an enrollment o f twen-
ty-nine pupils and expect more soon.
r v . r..
k Met
m r.i
k and
.„ j r Geo. Sw
« earingen
went to
the mountains Sunday a fte r
10:30 a. m.
Dr. Starbuck
* and * Walter
hunting for deer in Cow
, Creek canyon.
a . f . a . a .
Jennings Ledge, No. 9
Attorneys for the plaintiff
Meets Second and Fourth Fridays of each
month in Masonic hall on Main street. Vis­
iting brethren welcome.
W. L. SOEHHKN, W . M .
Su notions.
In the circuit court o f the state o f
Oregon, for Polk county. Departm ent
No. 2.
Stella M axwell, plaintiff
Frank M axwell, defendant.
Can’ t look well, eat w ell or feel well
axwell, the above ni>med
with impure blood feeding your body.
Keep the blood pure with Burdock
Blood Bitters. Eat simply, take exer­ In the name o f tha state o f Oregon;
cise, keep clean and you w ill have long You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint tiled against you
in the above entitled court and suit,
within six weeks from the date o f ihe
date o f the first publication o f this sum­
to-wit, on or before Novem ber
15, 1912, and i f you fail to answer for
want thereof, the plaintiff w ill apply
fo r the relief demanded in said com­
In the circu it court o f the stste o f Oregon fo r
plaint, tow it: For a decree dissolving
county o f Polk. D epartm ent N o. 2.
annulling the m arriage contract
i Dietrich G. R em pel and Sarah R e m p e l
now and h eretofore existing between
1 the plaintiff and defendant; also that
M. W . W ilkins, 'uiixa E. W ilk in s and
| plaintiff be awarded the future care cus-
E. R. O velm ; n. defendants.
T o E. B. O el :mn. one o f th e above named de­ tody and control o f John A lb e rt Max-
' w ell and Lee Archie M axwell, minor
! t N the name o f the state o f Oregon: You are
hereby required to appear and answer t!he com- children o f said marriage, and fo r such
, plaint tiled ayainat you in th e above entitled suit oth er and further r e l i e f as to the court
w ithin six w eeks from the d a te o f the fir ft publi­ seems equitable.
cation o f this summons, to-w it: On or b efore the
Tbis summons by an order o f the
2?th day o f Septem ber. 1912. and i f you fa il so to
anav. er fot w i.n t th ereof, the p la in tiff w ill apply Honorable Ed. F. Coad, county
to the cou rt fo r a judgm ent and decree aa prayed o f Polk county, Oregon, made at cham­
, fo r in said com plaint, to-w it. T h a t the said mort-
bers at Dallas, Oregon, on Septem ber
1 ga ge given by the defendants. M. W . W ilkins and
j M ixa E. W ilk irs . his w ife , to G eorge M. Gooch 30, 1912, is served upon you by publ.ca­
and Atnena Gooch and d u ly assigned to plaintiffs. tion thereof, not less than once a week
I w hich Raid m ortgage bears d ate the first o f July.
fo r six
consecut.ve and succeasiver
! 1909. recorded on page 298 o f Volum e 28 o f the :
prior to Novem e
o f m ortgages
fo r Polk County.
__ Oregon. , weeks immediately
iy pru
on the fo llo w in g described premises to-wit: A il 15 1912, in the Polk County Item izer, a
■___I__ .r Noa.
.___ u 8-15
1 C _____
A ll
ll o f U
m t tr k
. .
. ..
o . . e f r>
B lock«
and 1 16:
N ',.
o. t 7 e x ­ I
general circulation
cep t lots 5-S-7-8. A lso lots 1. 2. 3, 5. 6. block 1. all J
i in C ity V ie w Addition to c ity o f Dallaa in Polk | in said Polk county, Oregon.
i County. Oregon, be foreclosed, the prem ise* there- j
Firmt published October 3, 1912.
, in described by sold as required by law. ttnd the I
B R O W N A S ÎB L E Y ,
| proceeds o f such sale be applied in satisfaction o f j
Attorneys fo r P la in tiff
I the amount du aon said m ortgage, togeth er w ith
W alter S. M uih , Secretary
the sum o f $75 attorney 's fee. and the costs and
disbursem ents o f this suit; that the d e fen d a n ts'
1 and all persons claim ing under them since th e '
date o f said m ortgage, be barrvd and foreclosed o f
\ all righ t, claim and interest in the m ortgaged
premises and every part thereof, and that the O R E G O N a n d
plaintilTs m ay have such oth er and fu rth er re lie f
as to th e court may seem equitable..
This summons i« served upon you by pubHca-
any oetition or applicant not so m ad«, vw iftad tisn th ereof in the Polk C ountv Item ixer. a new s­
an<! nhrd. shall not be considered or acted upon by paper o f general circulation published w eek ly at
A D ir e c to r y o f ' e h C ity . Tor
Dallas, in said county fo r a period o f stg con sec u- j j
the board.
V illa g e , g iv in g d e s c r ip tiv e sk e tc h o f
t*ve and successive weeks, by order o f the Honor- 4
Dated Septem ber 2«. A . P.. 1912.
each p la ce, lo c a tio n , p o p u la tio n , ta la -
ab’e Ed F. Coad. ju d ge o f th e coen ty cou rt o f
C. S. G R A V E S .
g ra p h , sh ip p in g an d h a n k in g p o in t;
o f Polk County. O regon j the state o f Oregon fo r P olk County.
a lso C la ssified D ire c to ry , c o m p ile d Wf
— I O rder made at chambers a t Dallas. O regon on
the 15th day o f Au gu st 1912. T h e d ate o f the first
a n d profession.
publication o f thvs summons is August IS. 1912.
R. L . P O L K A CO.. B I A T O J
B R O W N A S IB L E Y .
Curca Calda, C roup and W h S o p ia g Cough.
Subj • zt |
Lesson-sermon, _ Doctrine of
Sunday school at
Meets on the First nod Third Wednesdays
In the Circuit Court o f the state o f
of each »««nth in the Odd Fellows Hall.
Oregon for Polk County, Department No.
A i . t a S a v a g e , Noble Grand
O k a C o h p k r , Secretary
Richard A. Grant, plaintiff
Bertha C. Grant, defendant.
T o llertha C. Grant, the above named
Mistletoe Circle, Ne. 23,
Women of Woodcraft
In the name o f the state o f O re g o n :
Meet« on the Second and Fourth Wed net You are hereby required to appear and
day8 of each mouth at the Woodman Hall.
answer the complaint filed against you
E mma J omt , Guardian Neighbor
in the above entitled Court and suit
within six weeks from the date o f the
S a d ie L y n n , C le r k
first publication o f this summons upon
you, to-wit, odlor before N ovem ber 15,
1912, and if you fail to.-.nswer; fo r want
Dallas Assembly, No. 46
thereof, the plaintff will upply fo r the
United Artisans
re lie f demanded in said complaint, to-
Meets First and Third Monday Evening« of w it: For a decree dissolving and an-
each mouth in Woodman Hall.
Visiting nuling the m arriage contract now and
h eretofore existing between the plain­
members cordially invited.
tiff and defendant, and for such other
Mrs. J. K. M i u . es , Master Artisan
and furtner re lie f as to the courtaeems
W i l l i h S i m o n i o n , Secretary
This summons, by an order o f the
Honorable Kd F Coad, County Judge
Dallas Camp, No. 209
o f Polk County, Oregon, made at
chambers at Dallas, Oregsn, on October
Woodmen of the World
Meets every Tuesday at Woodman Hall, 1, 1912, is served upon you by publi-
catioa thereof not less than once a wet k
coiner of Washington and Jefferson Streets.
fo r six consecutive and successive
Visiting NeighUirs welcomed.
weeks immediately prior to N ovem ber
T ract S taath , Consul Commander
15, 1912, in the Polk County Item izer,
W. A. A t k b s , Clerk
a w eekly newspapers o f general circula-
fion in said Polk County, Oregon
First published October 3, 1912.
Dallas Boy Gone.
Christian Science Services.
O re g o n
Almira Rebekah Lodge, No. 26
Dearl, son o f Mr. and Mrs. I. |
Schneider, was born, Nov., 4, i
1892 and died October 10, 1912,
age 19 years, 11 months, 25 days. ;
He leaves a father and mother, \
tw o brothers and two sisters to |
mourn his loss, Mrs. Grace Lynn,
who was his twin, Reatha#jand
Johnnie, o f Dallas, and Loya, o f
He was a bright
R eject im itation* they a r e im ­
and energetic young man and
postors fo r profit.
was loved by all who knew him
S c o t t & B o w n k . Bloom field. N . J. I
and his demise was a deplorable
loss to his parents and friends.
The funeral last Monday was
at the M. E. church.
Rev. Fields officiating. The pall
bearers consisted o f six o f his
most ihtimate boy chums, James
Mitchell, Jr., George Brandt,
Roy Plummer, Ralph McDonald,
Will Beaver and Clyde Gibbs.
Gods messenger called him.
Now he is at rest.
H e ’ s laid down life ’ s burdens
And with the Angels he’s
Ed Cochrane was a Salem visitor Sun'
John Donaldson took to Corvallis last
Mrs. E day.
Friday, Mrs. E. Emmons,
Prather and Mrs. Maud Porter.
can’t be equaled in Dallas.
$ 5 .0 0
morning. Mrs. Glam is a sister
o f Mrs. Gerlinger. Mr. Glatn is
one o f the machinists employed
by the Falls City road, botn be­
ing out from the old country on­
ly a few years. It was a most
enjoyablt occasion from start to
timsh, and the many friends o f
the young couple wish them all
the happiness obtainable in this
life. They will be at home to
uieir Inends hereafter in the
Fritz Gerlinger residence on
Washington street. Those pres-
je n tw e re : Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Hennett, Mr. and Mrs. James
[ Fiester,
Miss Iva Cooper has returned from a James Hunter, Mr. and Mrs.
visit with friends in Portland.
Fritz Gerlinger, :»ir. and Mrs.
Miss Leola Dunham has returned to W. Cerny, Mr. and Mrs. Keiny
her home in Tillamook a fte r a visit Fritz, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fritz;
with fr ends here.
Alessrs. L. Houser, n Houser,
Ross Nelson, Chester Henkle, Miss Jr., Carl Williams, C. Scnmittel,
Florence Burton and Miss Flora .\lc('al­
ien were Albany visitors one day last John Cerny, Am y Domes, Hed-
wick Cerny and Eddie Cerny,
Our “ High Top” shoes are jusl the shoes to wear to
Our Men’s High Top Farm Shoe at
Mrs. J. T. Hunt entertained the W .
Miss Marion Groves, o f Salem, is
C. T. U. in honor o f her daughter and boarding at W. II. Craw ford's while
cousin who were visiting her last Thurs­ engaged as teacher in the school here,
Mrs. Homer Alleman, o f Woodburn.
Mrs. W alker, o f Jefferson, was the
has been the guest o f her aunt, Mrs.
guest o f Mrs. Nichols last week, and
K ate Coyle.
visited with old friends here.
Mrs Clyde French and children, o f
Leo Spitzbart is staying with his
Solem, arc* visiting with Enos French
cousin, Arnold Kruger, and both are a t­
and family.
tending business college in Salem.
Miss Eulalia Davis is taking her third
Leslie Cade, who kept store here, has
year high school work at Bethel, riding
gone to Carbulas on a f . rm.
on her pony.
Superintendent Seymour and P rofes­
John Ramey, o f Salem,, is visiting at
sor Ackerm an addressed the school R. Holland’s,
children and parents Iasi Friday and
gave a very interesting talk on the
school work.
day at the W om er cemetery. He was
John E diger and fam ily, o f Dallas,
about 38 years old. He leaves a w ife and Miss Elizabeth Peters, o f Polk Sta­
and tw o children, father and mother, tion, were guests o f Rev. and Mrs. S.
besides other relatives.
He was a Ediger Sunday.
brother-in-law o f Henry Powell.
Miss Mildred and E lbert Hayes at­
tended the funeral o f the late Mr. Poe
at Dallas.
* w
Chamberlain’s Coirli Remedy
Business Directory